[MSPAINT] Add const to SelectionModel::SetSrcAndDestRectFromPoints parameters
[reactos.git] / base / applications / mspaint / selectionmodel.cpp
1 /*
2 * PROJECT: PAINT for ReactOS
4 * FILE: base/applications/mspaint/selectionmodel.cpp
5 * PURPOSE: Keep track of selection parameters, notify listeners
6 * PROGRAMMERS: Benedikt Freisen
7 */
9 /* INCLUDES *********************************************************/
11 #include "precomp.h"
13 /* FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/
15 SelectionModel::SelectionModel()
16 {
17 m_ptStack = NULL;
18 m_iPtSP = 0;
20 m_hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
21 }
23 void SelectionModel::ResetPtStack()
24 {
25 if (m_ptStack != NULL)
26 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_ptStack);
27 m_ptStack = NULL;
28 m_iPtSP = 0;
29 }
31 void SelectionModel::PushToPtStack(LONG x, LONG y)
32 {
33 if (m_iPtSP % 1024 == 0)
34 {
35 if (m_ptStack)
36 m_ptStack = (POINT*) HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, m_ptStack, sizeof(POINT) * (m_iPtSP + 1024));
37 else
38 m_ptStack = (POINT*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, sizeof(POINT) * 1024);
39 }
40 m_ptStack[m_iPtSP].x = x;
41 m_ptStack[m_iPtSP].y = y;
42 m_iPtSP++;
43 }
45 void SelectionModel::CalculateBoundingBoxAndContents(HDC hDCImage)
46 {
47 int i;
48 m_rcSrc.left = m_rcSrc.top = MAXLONG;
49 m_rcSrc.right = m_rcSrc.bottom = 0;
50 for (i = 0; i < m_iPtSP; i++)
51 {
52 if (m_ptStack[i].x < m_rcSrc.left)
53 m_rcSrc.left = m_ptStack[i].x;
54 if (m_ptStack[i].y < m_rcSrc.top)
55 m_rcSrc.top = m_ptStack[i].y;
56 if (m_ptStack[i].x > m_rcSrc.right)
57 m_rcSrc.right = m_ptStack[i].x;
58 if (m_ptStack[i].y > m_rcSrc.bottom)
59 m_rcSrc.bottom = m_ptStack[i].y;
60 }
61 m_rcSrc.right += 1;
62 m_rcSrc.bottom += 1;
63 m_rcDest.left = m_rcSrc.left;
64 m_rcDest.top = m_rcSrc.top;
65 m_rcDest.right = m_rcSrc.right;
66 m_rcDest.bottom = m_rcSrc.bottom;
68 if (m_iPtSP > 1)
69 {
70 DeleteObject(m_hMask);
71 m_hMask = CreateBitmap(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), 1, 1, NULL);
72 DeleteObject(SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask));
73 POINT *m_ptStackCopy = (POINT*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS, sizeof(POINT) * m_iPtSP);
74 for (i = 0; i < m_iPtSP; i++)
75 {
76 m_ptStackCopy[i].x = m_ptStack[i].x - m_rcSrc.left;
77 m_ptStackCopy[i].y = m_ptStack[i].y - m_rcSrc.top;
78 }
79 Poly(m_hDC, m_ptStackCopy, m_iPtSP, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 1, 2, TRUE, FALSE);
80 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_ptStackCopy);
81 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm = CreateDIBWithProperties(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc)));
82 imageModel.ResetToPrevious();
83 MaskBlt(m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), hDCImage, m_rcSrc.left,
84 m_rcSrc.top, m_hMask, 0, 0, MAKEROP4(SRCCOPY, WHITENESS));
85 }
86 }
88 void SelectionModel::CalculateContents(HDC hDCImage)
89 {
90 DeleteObject(m_hMask);
91 m_hMask = CreateBitmap(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), 1, 1, NULL);
92 DeleteObject(SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask));
93 Rect(m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 1, 2);
94 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm = CreateDIBWithProperties(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc)));
95 BitBlt(m_hDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc), hDCImage, m_rcSrc.left,
96 m_rcSrc.top, SRCCOPY);
97 }
99 void SelectionModel::DrawBackgroundPoly(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg)
100 {
101 Poly(hDCImage, m_ptStack, m_iPtSP, crBg, crBg, 1, 2, TRUE, FALSE);
102 }
104 void SelectionModel::DrawBackgroundRect(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg)
105 {
106 Rect(hDCImage, m_rcSrc.left, m_rcSrc.top, m_rcSrc.right, m_rcSrc.bottom, crBg, crBg, 0, 1);
107 }
109 extern BOOL
110 ColorKeyedMaskBlt(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, HDC hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, HBITMAP hbmMask, int xMask, int yMask, DWORD dwRop, COLORREF keyColor);
112 void SelectionModel::DrawSelection(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crBg, BOOL bBgTransparent)
113 {
114 if (!bBgTransparent)
115 MaskBlt(hDCImage, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest),
116 m_hDC, 0, 0, m_hMask, 0, 0, MAKEROP4(SRCCOPY, SRCAND));
117 else
118 ColorKeyedMaskBlt(hDCImage, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest),
119 m_hDC, 0, 0, m_hMask, 0, 0, MAKEROP4(SRCCOPY, SRCAND), crBg);
120 }
122 void SelectionModel::DrawSelectionStretched(HDC hDCImage)
123 {
124 StretchBlt(hDCImage, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0, GetDIBWidth(m_hBm), GetDIBHeight(m_hBm), SRCCOPY);
125 }
127 void SelectionModel::ScaleContentsToFit()
128 {
129 HDC hTempDC;
130 HBITMAP hTempBm;
131 hTempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(m_hDC);
132 hTempBm = CreateDIBWithProperties(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest));
133 SelectObject(hTempDC, hTempBm);
134 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm);
135 StretchBlt(hTempDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0,
136 GetDIBWidth(m_hBm), GetDIBHeight(m_hBm), SRCCOPY);
137 DeleteObject(m_hBm);
138 m_hBm = hTempBm;
139 hTempBm = CreateBitmap(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), 1, 1, NULL);
140 SelectObject(hTempDC, hTempBm);
141 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask);
142 StretchBlt(hTempDC, 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC, 0, 0,
143 GetDIBWidth(m_hMask), GetDIBHeight(m_hMask), SRCCOPY);
144 DeleteObject(m_hMask);
145 m_hMask = hTempBm;
146 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm);
147 DeleteDC(hTempDC);
148 }
150 void SelectionModel::InsertFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP hBm)
151 {
152 HDC hTempDC;
153 HBITMAP hTempMask;
155 DeleteObject(SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm = (HBITMAP) CopyImage(hBm,
156 IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0,
159 SetRectEmpty(&m_rcSrc);
160 m_rcDest.left = m_rcDest.top = 0;
161 m_rcDest.right = m_rcDest.left + GetDIBWidth(m_hBm);
162 m_rcDest.bottom = m_rcDest.top + GetDIBHeight(m_hBm);
164 hTempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(m_hDC);
165 hTempMask = CreateBitmap(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), 1, 1, NULL);
166 SelectObject(hTempDC, hTempMask);
167 Rect(hTempDC, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top, m_rcDest.right, m_rcDest.bottom, 0x00ffffff, 0x00ffffff, 1, 1);
168 DeleteObject(m_hMask);
169 m_hMask = hTempMask;
170 DeleteDC(hTempDC);
171 }
173 void SelectionModel::FlipHorizontally()
174 {
175 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask);
176 StretchBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1, 0, -RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC,
177 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY);
178 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm);
179 StretchBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1, 0, -RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC,
180 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY);
181 NotifyRefreshNeeded();
182 }
184 void SelectionModel::FlipVertically()
185 {
186 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask);
187 StretchBlt(m_hDC, 0, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), -RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC,
188 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY);
189 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm);
190 StretchBlt(m_hDC, 0, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), -RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC,
191 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY);
192 NotifyRefreshNeeded();
193 }
195 void SelectionModel::RotateNTimes90Degrees(int iN)
196 {
197 if (iN == 2)
198 {
199 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hMask);
200 StretchBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1, -RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), -RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC,
201 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY);
202 SelectObject(m_hDC, m_hBm);
203 StretchBlt(m_hDC, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1, -RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), -RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), m_hDC,
204 0, 0, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest), RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest), SRCCOPY);
205 }
206 NotifyRefreshNeeded();
207 }
209 HBITMAP SelectionModel::GetBitmap()
210 {
211 return m_hBm;
212 }
214 int SelectionModel::PtStackSize()
215 {
216 return m_iPtSP;
217 }
219 void SelectionModel::DrawFramePoly(HDC hDCImage)
220 {
221 Poly(hDCImage, m_ptStack, m_iPtSP, 0, 0, 2, 0, FALSE, TRUE); /* draw the freehand selection inverted/xored */
222 }
224 void SelectionModel::SetSrcAndDestRectFromPoints(const POINT& ptFrom, const POINT& ptTo)
225 {
226 m_rcDest.left = m_rcSrc.left = min(ptFrom.x, ptTo.x);
227 m_rcDest.top = m_rcSrc.top = min(ptFrom.y, ptTo.y);
228 m_rcDest.right = m_rcSrc.right = max(ptFrom.x, ptTo.x);
229 m_rcDest.bottom = m_rcSrc.bottom = max(ptFrom.y, ptTo.y);
230 }
232 void SelectionModel::SetSrcRectSizeToZero()
233 {
234 m_rcSrc.right = m_rcSrc.left;
235 m_rcSrc.bottom = m_rcSrc.top;
236 }
238 BOOL SelectionModel::IsSrcRectSizeNonzero()
239 {
240 return (RECT_WIDTH(m_rcSrc) != 0) && (RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcSrc) != 0);
241 }
243 void SelectionModel::ModifyDestRect(POINT& ptDelta, int iAction)
244 {
245 POINT ptDeltaUsed;
247 switch (iAction)
248 {
249 case ACTION_MOVE: /* move selection */
250 ptDeltaUsed.x = ptDelta.x;
251 ptDeltaUsed.y = ptDelta.y;
252 OffsetRect(&m_rcDest, ptDeltaUsed.x, ptDeltaUsed.y);
253 break;
254 case ACTION_RESIZE_TOP_LEFT: /* resize at upper left corner */
255 ptDeltaUsed.x = min(ptDelta.x, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1);
256 ptDeltaUsed.y = min(ptDelta.y, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1);
257 m_rcDest.left += ptDeltaUsed.x;
258 m_rcDest.top += ptDeltaUsed.y;
259 break;
260 case ACTION_RESIZE_TOP: /* resize at top edge */
261 ptDeltaUsed.x = ptDelta.x;
262 ptDeltaUsed.y = min(ptDelta.y, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1);
263 m_rcDest.top += ptDeltaUsed.y;
264 break;
265 case ACTION_RESIZE_TOP_RIGHT: /* resize at upper right corner */
266 ptDeltaUsed.x = max(ptDelta.x, -(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1));
267 ptDeltaUsed.y = min(ptDelta.y, RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1);
268 m_rcDest.top += ptDeltaUsed.y;
269 m_rcDest.right += ptDeltaUsed.x;
270 break;
271 case ACTION_RESIZE_LEFT: /* resize at left edge */
272 ptDeltaUsed.x = min(ptDelta.x, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1);
273 ptDeltaUsed.y = ptDelta.y;
274 m_rcDest.left += ptDeltaUsed.x;
275 break;
276 case ACTION_RESIZE_RIGHT: /* resize at right edge */
277 ptDeltaUsed.x = max(ptDelta.x, -(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1));
278 ptDeltaUsed.y = ptDelta.y;
279 m_rcDest.right += ptDeltaUsed.x;
280 break;
281 case ACTION_RESIZE_BOTTOM_LEFT: /* resize at lower left corner */
282 ptDeltaUsed.x = min(ptDelta.x, RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1);
283 ptDeltaUsed.y = max(ptDelta.y, -(RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1));
284 m_rcDest.left += ptDeltaUsed.x;
285 m_rcDest.bottom += ptDeltaUsed.y;
286 break;
287 case ACTION_RESIZE_BOTTOM: /* resize at bottom edge */
288 ptDeltaUsed.x = ptDelta.x;
289 ptDeltaUsed.y = max(ptDelta.y, -(RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1));
290 m_rcDest.bottom += ptDeltaUsed.y;
291 break;
292 case ACTION_RESIZE_BOTTOM_RIGHT: /* resize at lower right corner */
293 ptDeltaUsed.x = max(ptDelta.x, -(RECT_WIDTH(m_rcDest) - 1));
294 ptDeltaUsed.y = max(ptDelta.y, -(RECT_HEIGHT(m_rcDest) - 1));
295 m_rcDest.right += ptDeltaUsed.x;
296 m_rcDest.bottom += ptDeltaUsed.y;
297 break;
298 }
299 ptDelta.x -= ptDeltaUsed.x;
300 ptDelta.y -= ptDeltaUsed.y;
301 }
303 LONG SelectionModel::GetDestRectWidth()
304 {
305 return m_rcDest.right - m_rcDest.left;
306 }
308 LONG SelectionModel::GetDestRectHeight()
309 {
310 return m_rcDest.bottom - m_rcDest.top;
311 }
313 LONG SelectionModel::GetDestRectLeft()
314 {
315 return m_rcDest.left;
316 }
318 LONG SelectionModel::GetDestRectTop()
319 {
320 return m_rcDest.top;
321 }
323 void SelectionModel::DrawTextToolText(HDC hDCImage, COLORREF crFg, COLORREF crBg, BOOL bBgTransparent)
324 {
325 Text(hDCImage, m_rcDest.left, m_rcDest.top, m_rcDest.right, m_rcDest.bottom, crFg, crBg, textToolText, hfontTextFont, bBgTransparent);
326 }
328 void SelectionModel::NotifyRefreshNeeded()
329 {
330 selectionWindow.SendMessage(WM_SELECTIONMODELREFRESHNEEDED);
331 }