Sync with trunk (r48545)
[reactos.git] / base / applications / network / telnet / src / keytrans.h
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // //
3 // //
4 // Key translations - I.Ioannou ( //
5 // Athens - Greece December 18, 1996 02:56am //
6 // Reads a .cfg file and keeps the key definitions //
7 // for the WIN32 console telnet //
8 // modified for alternate keymap swiching //
9 // by Andrey V. Smilianets ( //
10 // Kiev - Ukraine, December 1997. //
11 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 // //
13 // class KeyTranslator //
14 // //
15 // Load : loads or replaces the keymap //
16 // TranslateKey : returns a char * to the key def //
17 // AddKeyDef : Changes or adds the key translation //
18 // DeleteKeyDef : Deletes a key def from the list //
19 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 #pragma once
23 #include "tkeydef.h"
24 #include "tkeymap.h"
26 #define TOKEN_DELIMITERS " +\t" // The word's delimiters
28 // Ioannou 2 June 98: Borland needs them - quick hack
29 #ifdef __BORLANDC__
30 #define bool BOOL
31 #define true TRUE
32 #define false FALSE
33 #endif // __BORLANDC__
35 // Maybe not portable, but this is for application cursor mode
36 // (Paul Brannan 5/27/98)
37 // Updated for correct precedence in tncon.cpp (Paul Brannan 12/9/98)
38 #define APP4_KEY 0x8000
39 #define APP3_KEY 0x4000
40 #define APP2_KEY 0x2000
41 #define APP_KEY 0x1000
43 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
44 // class KeyTranslator //
45 // Load : loads or replaces the keymap //
46 // TranslateKey : returns a sz to the key def //
47 // AddKeyDef : Changes or adds the key translation //
48 // DeleteKeyDef : Deletes a key def from the list //
49 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
51 class KeyTranslator {
52 friend class TMapLoader; // FIX ME!! This isn't the best solution
53 public:
54 KeyTranslator();
55 ~KeyTranslator() { DeleteAllDefs(); }
57 int SwitchTo(int); // switch to selected keymap
58 int switchMap(TKeyDef& tk);
60 // Returns a pointer to the string that should be printed.
61 // Should return NULL if there is no translation for the key.
62 const char *TranslateKey(WORD wVirtualKeyCode, DWORD dwControlKeyState);
64 // Changes or adds the key translation associated with
65 // wVirtualScanCode and dwControlKeyState.
66 // Return 1 on success.
67 int AddKeyDef(WORD wVirtualKeyCode, DWORD dwControlKeyState, char *lpzKeyDef);
68 int AddKeyDef(WORD wVirtualKeyCode, DWORD dwControlKeyState, tn_ops op);
70 // Delete a key translation
71 int DeleteKeyDef(WORD wVirtualKeyCode, DWORD dwControlKeyState);
73 // Paul Brannan 8/28/98
74 void set_ext_mode(DWORD mode) {ext_mode |= mode;}
75 void unset_ext_mode(DWORD mode) {ext_mode &= ~mode;}
76 void clear_ext_mode() {ext_mode = 0;}
77 DWORD get_ext_mode() {return ext_mode;}
79 private:
80 DWORD Fix_ControlKeyState(char *);
81 char* Fix_Tok(char *);
82 DWORD ext_mode; // Paul Brannan 8/28/98
84 TArrayAsVector<KeyMap> mapArray;
85 TArrayAsVector<TKeyDef> globals;
87 void DeleteAllDefs(void);
88 int AddGlobalDef(WORD wVirtualKeyCode, char*lpzKeyDef);
89 int LookOnGlobal(char* vkey);
90 DWORD GetGlobalCode(int i) {return globals[i].GetCodeKey();}
92 int currentKeyMap, mainKeyMap; // AVS
94 };