BIOS Int 13h Extensions Support
[reactos.git] / freeldr / bootsect / fat.asm
2 ; FAT12/16 Boot Sector
3 ; Copyright (c) 1998, 2001 Brian Palmer
7 ; This is a FAT12/16 file system boot sector
8 ; that searches the entire root directory
9 ; for the file freeldr.sys and loads it into
10 ; memory.
11 ;
12 ; The stack is set to 0000:7C00 so that the first
13 ; DWORD pushed will be placed at 0000:7BFC
14 ;
15 ; When it locates freeldr.sys on the disk it will
16 ; load the first sector of the file to 0000:7E00
17 ; With the help of this sector we should be able
18 ; to load the entire file off the disk, no matter
19 ; how fragmented it is.
20 ;
21 ; We load the entire FAT table into memory at
22 ; 7000:0000. This improves the speed of floppy disk
23 ; boots dramatically.
27 org 7c00h
29 segment .text
31 bits 16
33 start:
34 jmp short main
35 nop
37 OEMName db 'FrLdr1.0'
38 BytesPerSector dw 512
39 SectsPerCluster db 1
40 ReservedSectors dw 1
41 NumberOfFats db 2
42 MaxRootEntries dw 224
43 TotalSectors dw 2880
44 MediaDescriptor db 0f0h
45 SectorsPerFat dw 9
46 SectorsPerTrack dw 18
47 NumberOfHeads dw 2
48 HiddenSectors dd 0
49 TotalSectorsBig dd 0
50 BootDrive db 0
51 Reserved db 0
52 ExtendSig db 29h
53 SerialNumber dd 00000000h
54 VolumeLabel db 'NO NAME '
55 FileSystem db 'FAT12 '
57 main:
58 cli
59 cld
60 xor ax,ax
61 mov ss,ax
62 mov bp,7c00h
63 mov sp,bp ; Setup a stack
64 mov ax,cs ; Setup segment registers
65 mov ds,ax ; Make DS correct
66 mov es,ax ; Make ES correct
69 sti ; Enable ints now
70 mov [BYTE bp+BootDrive],dl ; Save the boot drive
71 xor ax,ax ; Zero out AX
73 ; Reset disk controller
74 int 13h
75 jnc Continue1
76 jmp BadBoot ; Reset failed...
78 Continue1:
79 ; Now we must find our way to the first sector of the root directory
80 xor ax,ax
81 xor dx,dx
82 mov al,[BYTE bp+NumberOfFats] ; Number of fats
83 mul WORD [BYTE bp+SectorsPerFat] ; Times sectors per fat
84 add ax,WORD [BYTE bp+HiddenSectors]
85 adc dx,WORD [BYTE bp+HiddenSectors+2] ; Add the number of hidden sectors
86 add ax,WORD [BYTE bp+ReservedSectors] ; Add the number of reserved sectors
87 adc dx,byte 0 ; Add carry bit
88 push ax ; Store it on the stack
89 push dx ; Save 32-bit logical start sector
90 push ax
91 push dx ; Save it for later use also
92 ; DX:AX now has the number of the starting sector of the root directory
94 ; Now calculate the size of the root directory
95 mov ax,0020h ; Size of dir entry
96 mul WORD [BYTE bp+MaxRootEntries] ; Times the number of entries
97 mov bx,[BYTE bp+BytesPerSector]
98 add ax,bx
99 dec ax
100 div bx ; Divided by the size of a sector
101 ; AX now has the number of root directory sectors
103 xchg ax,cx ; Now CX has number of sectors
104 pop dx
105 pop ax ; Restore logical sector start
106 push cx ; Save number of root dir sectors for later use
107 mov bx,7c0h ; We will load the root directory
108 add bx,byte 20h ; Right after the boot sector in memory
109 mov es,bx
110 xor bx,bx ; We will load it to [0000:7e00h]
111 call ReadSectors ; Read the sectors
114 ; Now we have to find our way through the root directory to
115 ; The OSLOADER.SYS file
116 mov bx,[BYTE bp+MaxRootEntries]; Search entire root directory
117 mov ax,7e0h ; We loaded at 07e0:0000
118 mov es,ax
119 xor di,di
120 mov si,filename
121 mov cx,11
122 rep cmpsb ; Compare filenames
123 jz FoundFile ; If same we found it
124 dec bx
125 jnz FindFile
126 jmp ErrBoot
128 FindFile:
129 mov ax,es ; We didn't find it in the previous dir entry
130 add ax,byte 2 ; So lets move to the next one
131 mov es,ax ; And search again
132 xor di,di
133 mov si,filename
134 mov cx,11
135 rep cmpsb ; Compare filenames
136 jz FoundFile ; If same we found it
137 dec bx ; Keep searching till we run out of dir entries
138 jnz FindFile ; Last entry?
139 jmp ErrBoot
141 FoundFile:
142 ; We found freeldr.sys on the disk
143 ; so we need to load the first 512
144 ; bytes of it to 0000:7E00
145 xor di,di ; ES:DI has dir entry
146 xor dx,dx
147 mov ax,WORD [es:di+1ah]; Get start cluster
148 dec ax ; Adjust start cluster by 2
149 dec ax ; Because the data area starts on cluster 2
150 xor ch,ch
151 mov cl,BYTE [BYTE bp+SectsPerCluster] ; Times sectors per cluster
152 mul cx
153 pop cx ; Get number of sectors for root dir
154 add ax,cx ; Add it to the start sector of freeldr.sys
155 adc dx,byte 0
156 pop cx ; Get logical start sector of
157 pop bx ; Root directory
158 add ax,bx ; Now we have DX:AX with the logical start
159 adc dx,cx ; Sector of OSLOADER.SYS
160 mov cx,1 ; We will load 1 sector
161 push WORD [es:di+1ah] ; Save start cluster
162 mov bx,7e0h
163 mov es,bx
164 xor bx,bx
165 call ReadSectors ; Load it
166 pop ax ; Restore start cluster
167 jmp LoadFile
171 ; Reads logical sectors into [ES:BX]
172 ; DX:AX has logical sector number to read
173 ; CX has number of sectors to read
174 ; CarryFlag set on error
175 ReadSectors:
176 push ax
177 push dx
178 push cx
179 xchg ax,cx
180 xchg ax,dx
181 xor dx,dx
182 div WORD [BYTE bp+SectorsPerTrack]
183 xchg ax,cx
184 div WORD [BYTE bp+SectorsPerTrack] ; Divide logical by SectorsPerTrack
185 inc dx ; Sectors numbering starts at 1 not 0
186 xchg cx,dx
187 div WORD [BYTE bp+NumberOfHeads] ; Number of heads
188 mov dh,dl ; Head to DH, drive to DL
189 mov dl,[BYTE bp+BootDrive] ; Drive number
190 mov ch,al ; Cylinder in CX
191 ror ah,1 ; Low 8 bits of cylinder in CH, high 2 bits
192 ror ah,1 ; in CL shifted to bits 6 & 7
193 or cl,ah ; Or with sector number
194 mov ax,0201h
196 ; AL = number of sectors to read, CH = track, CL = sector
197 ; DH = head, DL = drive, ES:BX -> buffer to fill
198 ; Return: CF set on error, AH = status (see AH=01h), AL = number of sectors read
200 jc BadBoot
202 pop cx
203 pop dx
204 pop ax
205 inc ax ;Increment Sector to Read
206 jnz NoCarry
207 inc dx
210 NoCarry:
211 push bx
212 mov bx,es
213 add bx,byte 20h
214 mov es,bx
215 pop bx
216 ; Increment read buffer for next sector
217 loop ReadSectors ; Read next sector
219 ret
223 ; Displays a bad boot message
224 ; And reboots
225 BadBoot:
226 mov si,msgDiskError ; Bad boot disk message
227 call PutChars ; Display it
228 mov si,msgAnyKey ; Press any key message
229 call PutChars ; Display it
231 jmp Reboot
233 ; Displays an error message
234 ; And reboots
235 ErrBoot:
236 mov si,msgFreeLdr ; FreeLdr not found message
237 call PutChars ; Display it
238 mov si,msgAnyKey ; Press any key message
239 call PutChars ; Display it
241 Reboot:
242 xor ax,ax
243 int 16h ; Wait for a keypress
244 int 19h ; Reboot
246 PutChars:
247 lodsb
248 or al,al
249 jz short Done
250 mov ah,0eh
251 mov bx,07h
252 int 10h
253 jmp short PutChars
254 Done:
255 retn
257 msgDiskError db 'Disk error',0dh,0ah,0
258 msgFreeLdr db 'FREELDR.SYS not found',0dh,0ah,0
259 msgAnyKey db 'Press any key to restart',0dh,0ah,0
260 filename db 'FREELDR SYS'
262 times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad to 510 bytes
263 dw 0aa55h ; BootSector signature
267 ; End of bootsector
268 ;
269 ; Now starts the extra boot code that we will store
270 ; in the first 512 bytes of freeldr.sys
274 LoadFile:
276 push ax ; First save AX - the start cluster of freeldr.sys
279 ; Lets save the contents of the screen
280 ; from B800:0000 to 9000:8000
281 push ds
282 mov ax,0b800h
283 mov ds,ax
284 xor si,si
285 mov ax,9800h
286 mov es,ax
287 xor di,di
288 mov cx,2000 ; Copy 2000 characters [words] (screen is 80x25)
289 rep movsw ; 2 bytes a character (one is the attribute byte)
290 pop ds
292 mov ah,03h ; AH = 03h
293 xor bx,bx ; BH = video page
294 int 10h ; BIOS Int 10h Func 3 - Read Cursor Position and Size
295 mov [es:di],dx ; DH = row, DL = column
297 ; Display "Loading FreeLoader..." message
298 mov si,msgLoading ; Loading message
299 call PutChars ; Display it
302 pop ax ; Restore AX
304 ; AX has start cluster of freeldr.sys
305 push ax
306 call ReadFatIntoMemory
307 pop ax
309 mov bx,7e0h
310 mov es,bx
312 LoadFile2:
313 push ax
314 call IsFat12
315 pop ax
316 jnc LoadFile3
317 cmp ax,0ff8h ; Check to see if this is the last cluster in the chain
318 jmp LoadFile4
319 LoadFile3:
320 cmp ax,0fff8h
321 LoadFile4:
322 jae LoadFile_Done ; If so continue, if not then read then next one
323 push ax
324 xor bx,bx ; Load ROSLDR starting at 0000:8000h
325 push es
326 call ReadCluster
327 pop es
329 xor bx,bx
330 mov bl,BYTE [BYTE bp+SectsPerCluster]
331 shl bx,5 ; BX = BX * 512 / 16
332 mov ax,es ; Increment the load address by
333 add ax,bx ; The size of a cluster
334 mov es,ax
336 call IsFat12
337 pop ax
338 push es
339 jnc LoadFile5
340 call GetFatEntry12 ; Get the next entry
341 jmp LoadFile6
342 LoadFile5:
343 call GetFatEntry16
344 LoadFile6:
345 pop es
347 jmp LoadFile2 ; Load the next cluster (if any)
349 LoadFile_Done:
350 mov dl,BYTE [BYTE bp+BootDrive]
351 xor ax,ax
352 push ax
353 mov ax,8000h
354 push ax ; We will do a far return to 0000:8000h
355 retf ; Transfer control to ROSLDR
358 ; Reads the entire FAT into memory at 7000:0000
359 ReadFatIntoMemory:
360 mov ax,WORD [BYTE bp+HiddenSectors]
361 mov dx,WORD [BYTE bp+HiddenSectors+2]
362 add ax,WORD [BYTE bp+ReservedSectors]
363 adc dx,byte 0
364 mov cx,WORD [BYTE bp+SectorsPerFat]
365 mov bx,7000h
366 mov es,bx
367 xor bx,bx
368 call ReadSectors
369 ret
372 ; Returns the FAT entry for a given cluster number for 16-bit FAT
373 ; On entry AX has cluster number
374 ; On return AX has FAT entry for that cluster
375 GetFatEntry16:
377 xor dx,dx
378 mov cx,2 ; AX = AX * 2 (since FAT16 entries are 2 bytes)
379 mul cx
380 shl dx,0fh
382 mov bx,7000h
383 add bx,dx
384 mov es,bx
385 mov bx,ax ; Restore FAT entry offset
386 mov ax,WORD [es:bx] ; Get FAT entry
388 ret
391 ; Returns the FAT entry for a given cluster number for 12-bit FAT
392 ; On entry AX has cluster number
393 ; On return AX has FAT entry for that cluster
394 GetFatEntry12:
396 push ax
397 mov cx,ax
398 shr ax,1
399 add ax,cx ; AX = AX * 1.5 (AX = AX + (AX / 2)) (since FAT12 entries are 12 bits)
401 mov bx,7000h
402 mov es,bx
403 mov bx,ax ; Put FAT entry offset into BX
404 mov ax,WORD [es:bx] ; Get FAT entry
405 pop cx ; Get cluster number from stack
406 and cx,1
407 jz UseLow12Bits
408 and ax,0fff0h
409 shr ax,4
410 jmp GetFatEntry12_Done
412 UseLow12Bits:
413 and ax,0fffh
415 GetFatEntry12_Done:
417 ret
420 ; Reads cluster number in AX into [ES:0000]
421 ReadCluster:
422 ; StartSector = ((Cluster - 2) * SectorsPerCluster) + + ReservedSectors + HiddenSectors;
424 dec ax
425 dec ax
426 xor dx,dx
427 movzx bx,BYTE [BYTE bp+SectsPerCluster]
428 mul bx
429 push ax
430 push dx
431 ; Now calculate the size of the root directory
432 mov ax,0020h ; Size of dir entry
433 mul WORD [BYTE bp+MaxRootEntries] ; Times the number of entries
434 mov bx,WORD [BYTE bp+BytesPerSector]
435 add ax,bx
436 dec ax
437 div bx ; Divided by the size of a sector
438 mov cx,ax
439 ; CX now has the number of root directory sectors
440 xor dx,dx
441 movzx ax,BYTE [BYTE bp+NumberOfFats]
442 mul WORD [BYTE bp+SectorsPerFat]
443 add ax,WORD [BYTE bp+ReservedSectors]
444 adc dx,byte 0
445 add ax,WORD [BYTE bp+HiddenSectors]
446 adc dx,WORD [BYTE bp+HiddenSectors+2]
447 add ax,cx
448 adc dx,byte 0
449 pop cx
450 pop bx
451 add ax,bx
452 adc dx,cx
453 xor bx,bx ; We will load it to [ES:0000], ES loaded before function call
454 movzx cx,BYTE [BYTE bp+SectsPerCluster]
455 call ReadSectors
456 ret
458 ; Returns CF = 1 if this is a FAT12 file system
459 ; Otherwise CF = 0 for FAT16
460 IsFat12:
462 ; Now calculate the size of the root directory
463 mov ax,0020h ; Size of dir entry
464 mul WORD [BYTE bp+MaxRootEntries] ; Times the number of entries
465 mov bx,WORD [BYTE bp+BytesPerSector]
466 add ax,bx ; Plus (BytesPerSector - 1)
467 dec ax
468 div bx ; Divided by the size of a sector
469 ; AX now has the number of root directory sectors
471 mov bx,ax
472 ; Now we must find our way to the first sector of the root directory
473 xor ax,ax
474 xor dx,dx
475 mov al,BYTE [BYTE bp+NumberOfFats] ; Number of fats
476 mul WORD [BYTE bp+SectorsPerFat] ; Times sectors per fat
477 add ax,WORD [BYTE bp+HiddenSectors]
478 adc dx,WORD [BYTE bp+HiddenSectors+2] ; Add the number of hidden sectors
479 add ax,[BYTE bp+ReservedSectors] ; Add the number of reserved sectors
480 adc dx,byte 0 ; Add carry bit
481 add ax,bx
482 adc dx,byte 0 ; Add carry bit
483 ; DX:AX now has the number of the starting sector of the data area
485 xor cx,cx
486 mov bx,WORD [BYTE bp+TotalSectors]
487 cmp bx,byte 0
488 jnz IsFat12_2
489 mov bx,WORD [BYTE bp+TotalSectorsBig]
490 mov cx,WORD [BYTE bp+TotalSectorsBig+2]
492 ; CX:BX now contains the number of sectors on the volume
493 IsFat12_2:
494 sub bx,ax ; Subtract data area start sector
495 sub cx,dx ; from total sectors of volume
496 mov ax,bx
497 mov dx,cx
499 ; DX:AX now contains the number of data sectors on the volume
500 movzx bx,BYTE [BYTE bp+SectsPerCluster]
501 div bx
502 ; AX now has the number of clusters on the volume
503 stc
504 cmp ax,4085
505 jb IsFat12_Done
506 clc
508 IsFat12_Done:
509 ret
513 times 998-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad to 998 bytes
515 msgLoading db 'Loading FreeLoader...',0dh,0ah,0
517 dw 0aa55h ; BootSector signature