[PSAPI_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 2.16. CORE-13762
[reactos.git] / hal / halarm / generic / cache.S
1 /*
3 * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
4 * FILE: hal/halarm/generic/cache.S
5 * PURPOSE: Implements cache clean, invalidate routines for ARM machines
6 * PROGRAMMERS: Copyright (C) 2005 ARM Ltd.
7 */
9 .title "ARM HAL Cache Routines"
10 .include "ntoskrnl/include/internal/arm/kxarm.h"
11 .include "ntoskrnl/include/internal/arm/ksarm.h"
13 NESTED_ENTRY v7_flush_dcache_all
14 PROLOG_END v7_flush_dcache_all
16 mrc p15, 1, r0, c0, c0, 1 // read clidr
17 ands r3, r0, #0x7000000 // extract loc from clidr
18 mov r3, r3, lsr #23 // left align loc bit field
19 beq finished // if loc is 0, then no need to clean
20 mov r10, #0 // start clean at cache level 0
21 loop1:
22 add r2, r10, r10, lsr #1 // work out 3x current cache level
23 mov r1, r0, lsr r2 // extract cache type bits from clidr
24 and r1, r1, #7 // mask of the bits for current cache only
25 cmp r1, #2 // see what cache we have at this level
26 blt skip // skip if no cache, or just i-cache
27 mcr p15, 2, r10, c0, c0, 0 // select current cache level in cssr
28 isb // isb to sych the new cssr&csidr
29 mrc p15, 1, r1, c0, c0, 0 // read the new csidr
30 and r2, r1, #7 // extract the length of the cache lines
31 add r2, r2, #4 // add 4 (line length offset)
32 ldr r4, =0x3ff
33 ands r4, r4, r1, lsr #3 // find maximum number on the way size
34 clz r5, r4 // find bit position of way size increment
35 ldr r7, =0x7fff
36 ands r7, r7, r1, lsr #13 // extract max number of the index size
37 loop2:
38 mov r9, r4 // create working copy of max way size
39 loop3:
40 orr r11, r10, r9, lsl r5 // factor way and cache number into r11
41 orr r11, r11, r7, lsl r2 // factor index number into r11
42 mcr p15, 0, r11, c7, c14, 2 // clean & invalidate by set/way
43 subs r9, r9, #1 // decrement the way
44 bge loop3
45 subs r7, r7, #1 // decrement the index
46 bge loop2
47 skip:
48 add r10, r10, #2 // increment cache number
49 cmp r3, r10
50 bgt loop1
51 finished:
52 mov r10, #0 // swith back to cache level 0
53 mcr p15, 2, r10, c0, c0, 0 // select current cache level in cssr
54 isb
55 mov pc, lr
57 ENTRY_END v7_flush_dcache_all