Hopefully fail to break anything in the process of syncing with trunk (r47786)
[reactos.git] / include / crt / msc / intrin.h
1 #ifndef KJK_INTRIN_H_
2 #define KJK_INTRIN_H_
4 #ifdef __cplusplus
5 extern "C" {
6 #endif
8 /*** Stack frame juggling ***/
9 void * _ReturnAddress(void);
10 void * _AddressOfReturnAddress(void);
11 unsigned int __getcallerseflags(void);
13 /*** Atomic operations ***/
14 void _ReadWriteBarrier(void);
15 void _ReadBarrier(void);
16 void _WriteBarrier(void);
18 char _InterlockedCompareExchange8(volatile char * const Destination, const char Exchange, const char Comperand);
19 short _InterlockedCompareExchange16(volatile short * const Destination, const short Exchange, const short Comperand);
20 long _InterlockedCompareExchange(volatile long * const Destination, const long Exchange, const long Comperand);
21 void * _InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(void * volatile * const Destination, void * const Exchange, void * const Comperand);
22 long _InterlockedExchange(volatile long * const Target, const long Value);
23 void * _InterlockedExchangePointer(void * volatile * const Target, void * const Value);
24 long _InterlockedExchangeAdd16(volatile short * const Addend, const short Value);
25 long _InterlockedExchangeAdd(volatile long * const Addend, const long Value);
26 char _InterlockedAnd8(volatile char * const value, const char mask);
27 short _InterlockedAnd16(volatile short * const value, const short mask);
28 long _InterlockedAnd(volatile long * const value, const long mask);
29 char _InterlockedOr8(volatile char * const value, const char mask);
30 short _InterlockedOr16(volatile short * const value, const short mask);
31 long _InterlockedOr(volatile long * const value, const long mask);
32 char _InterlockedXor8(volatile char * const value, const char mask);
33 short _InterlockedXor16(volatile short * const value, const short mask);
34 long _InterlockedXor(volatile long * const value, const long mask);
35 long _InterlockedAddLargeStatistic(volatile __int64 * const Addend, const long Value);
36 long _InterlockedDecrement(volatile long * const lpAddend);
37 long _InterlockedIncrement(volatile long * const lpAddend);
38 short _InterlockedDecrement16(volatile short * const lpAddend);
39 short _InterlockedIncrement16(volatile short * const lpAddend);
40 unsigned char _interlockedbittestandreset(volatile long * a, const long b);
41 unsigned char _interlockedbittestandset(volatile long * a, const long b);
43 #if defined(_M_AMD64)
44 __int64 _InterlockedExchange64(volatile __int64 * const Target, const __int64 Value);
45 __int64 _InterlockedExchangeAdd64(volatile __int64 * const Addend, const __int64 Value);
46 long _InterlockedAnd64(volatile __int64 * const value, const __int64 mask);
47 long _InterlockedOr64(volatile __int64 * const value, const __int64 mask);
48 __int64 _InterlockedCompareExchange64(volatile __int64 * const Destination, const __int64 Exchange, const __int64 Comperand);
49 __int64 _InterlockedDecrement64(volatile __int64 * const lpAddend);
50 __int64 _InterlockedIncrement64(volatile __int64 * const lpAddend);
51 unsigned char _interlockedbittestandreset64(volatile __int64 * a, const __int64 b);
52 unsigned char _interlockedbittestandset64(volatile __int64 * a, const __int64 b);
53 #endif
55 /*** String operations ***/
56 void __stosb(unsigned char * Dest, const unsigned char Data, size_t Count);
57 void __stosw(unsigned short * Dest, const unsigned short Data, size_t Count);
58 void __stosd(unsigned long * Dest, const unsigned long Data, size_t Count);
59 void __movsb(unsigned char * Destination, const unsigned char * Source, size_t Count);
60 void __movsw(unsigned short * Destination, const unsigned short * Source, size_t Count);
61 void __movsd(unsigned long * Destination, const unsigned long * Source, size_t Count);
63 #if defined(_M_AMD64)
64 /*** GS segment addressing ***/
65 void __writegsbyte(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned char Data);
66 void __writegsword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned short Data);
67 void __writegsdword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned long Data);
68 void __writegsqword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned __int64 Data);
69 unsigned char __readgsbyte(const unsigned long Offset);
70 unsigned short __readgsword(const unsigned long Offset);
71 unsigned long __readgsdword(const unsigned long Offset);
72 unsigned __int64 __readgsqword(const unsigned long Offset);
73 void __incgsbyte(const unsigned long Offset);
74 void __incgsword(const unsigned long Offset);
75 void __incgsdword(const unsigned long Offset);
76 void __addgsbyte(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned char Data);
77 void __addgsword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned short Data);
78 void __addgsdword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned int Data);
79 void __addgsqword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned __int64 Data);
80 #endif
82 #if defined(_M_IX86)
83 /*** FS segment addressing ***/
84 void __writefsbyte(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned char Data);
85 void __writefsword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned short Data);
86 void __writefsdword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned long Data);
87 unsigned char __readfsbyte(const unsigned long Offset);
88 unsigned short __readfsword(const unsigned long Offset);
89 unsigned long __readfsdword(const unsigned long Offset);
90 void __incfsbyte(const unsigned long Offset);
91 void __incfsword(const unsigned long Offset);
92 void __incfsdword(const unsigned long Offset);
93 void __addfsbyte(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned char Data);
94 void __addfsword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned short Data);
95 void __addfsdword(const unsigned long Offset, const unsigned int Data);
96 #endif
99 /*** Bit manipulation ***/
100 unsigned char _BitScanForward(unsigned long * const Index, const unsigned long Mask);
101 unsigned char _BitScanReverse(unsigned long * const Index, const unsigned long Mask);
102 unsigned char _bittest(const long * const a, const long b);
103 unsigned char _bittestandcomplement(long * const a, const long b);
104 unsigned char _bittestandreset(long * const a, const long b);
105 unsigned char _bittestandset(long * const a, const long b);
106 unsigned char _rotl8(unsigned char value, unsigned char shift);
107 unsigned short _rotl16(unsigned short value, unsigned char shift);
108 unsigned int _rotl(unsigned int value, int shift);
109 unsigned int _rotr(unsigned int value, int shift);
110 unsigned char _rotr8(unsigned char value, unsigned char shift);
111 unsigned short _rotr16(unsigned short value, unsigned char shift);
112 unsigned __int64 __ll_lshift(const unsigned __int64 Mask, const int Bit);
113 __int64 __ll_rshift(const __int64 Mask, const int Bit);
114 unsigned __int64 __ull_rshift(const unsigned __int64 Mask, int Bit);
115 unsigned short _byteswap_ushort(unsigned short value);
116 unsigned long _byteswap_ulong(unsigned long value);
117 unsigned __int64 _byteswap_uint64(unsigned __int64 value);
119 /*** 64-bit math ***/
120 __int64 __emul(const int a, const int b);
121 unsigned __int64 __emulu(const unsigned int a, const unsigned int b);
123 /*** Port I/O ***/
124 unsigned char __inbyte(const unsigned short Port);
125 unsigned short __inword(const unsigned short Port);
126 unsigned long __indword(const unsigned short Port);
127 void __inbytestring(unsigned short Port, unsigned char * Buffer, unsigned long Count);
128 void __inwordstring(unsigned short Port, unsigned short * Buffer, unsigned long Count);
129 void __indwordstring(unsigned short Port, unsigned long * Buffer, unsigned long Count);
130 void __outbyte(unsigned short const Port, const unsigned char Data);
131 void __outword(unsigned short const Port, const unsigned short Data);
132 void __outdword(unsigned short const Port, const unsigned long Data);
133 void __outbytestring(unsigned short const Port, const unsigned char * const Buffer, const unsigned long Count);
134 void __outwordstring(unsigned short const Port, const unsigned short * const Buffer, const unsigned long Count);
135 void __outdwordstring(unsigned short const Port, const unsigned long * const Buffer, const unsigned long Count);
137 /*** System information ***/
138 void __cpuid(int CPUInfo[], const int InfoType);
139 unsigned __int64 __rdtsc(void);
140 void __writeeflags(uintptr_t Value);
141 uintptr_t __readeflags(void);
143 /*** Interrupts ***/
144 void __debugbreak(void);
145 void __int2c(void);
146 void _disable(void);
147 void _enable(void);
148 void __halt(void);
150 /*** Protected memory management ***/
151 void __writecr0(const unsigned __int64 Data);
152 void __writecr3(const unsigned __int64 Data);
153 void __writecr4(const unsigned __int64 Data);
155 #ifdef _M_AMD64
156 void __writecr8(const unsigned __int64 Data);
157 unsigned __int64 __readcr0(void);
158 unsigned __int64 __readcr2(void);
159 unsigned __int64 __readcr3(void);
160 unsigned __int64 __readcr4(void);
161 unsigned __int64 __readcr8(void);
162 unsigned __int64 __readdr(unsigned int reg);
163 void __writedr(unsigned reg, unsigned __int64 value);
164 #else
165 unsigned long __readcr0(void);
166 unsigned long __readcr2(void);
167 unsigned long __readcr3(void);
168 unsigned long __readcr4(void);
169 unsigned int __readdr(unsigned int reg);
170 void __writedr(unsigned reg, unsigned int value);
171 #endif
173 void __invlpg(void * const Address);
175 /*** System operations ***/
176 unsigned __int64 __readmsr(const int reg);
177 void __writemsr(const unsigned long Register, const unsigned __int64 Value);
178 unsigned __int64 __readpmc(const int counter);
179 unsigned long __segmentlimit(const unsigned long a);
180 void __wbinvd(void);
181 void __lidt(void *Source);
182 void __sidt(void *Destination);
183 void _mm_pause(void);
185 #ifdef __cplusplus
186 }
187 #endif
189 #endif /* KJK_INTRIN_H_ */
191 /* EOF */