- Revert 49927 "Update to trunk" as it breaks KsStudio (again)
[reactos.git] / lib / rtl / i386 / res_asm.s
1 #include <ndk/asm.h>
2 .intel_syntax noprefix
4 /*
5 * On x86, Shrinker, an executable compressor, depends on the
6 * "call access_resource" instruction being there.
7 */
8 .globl _LdrAccessResource@16
9 _LdrAccessResource@16:
10 push ebp
11 mov ebp, esp
12 sub esp, 4
13 push [ebp + 24]
14 push [ebp + 20]
15 push [ebp + 16]
16 push [ebp + 12]
17 push [ebp + 8]
18 call _LdrpAccessResource@16
19 leave
20 ret 16