minor corrections by M.Taguchi
[reactos.git] / reactos / drivers / dd / bootvid / pixelsup_i386.S
1 /* $Id: pixelsup_i386.S,v 1.1 2003/08/24 12:11:13 dwelch Exp $
2 *
3 * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory
4 * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel
5 * FILE: ntoskrnl/inbv/i386/pixelsup.S
6 * PURPOSE: Boot video support
7 * PROGRAMMER: Casper S. Hornstrup (chorns@users.sourceforge.net)
8 */
10 /*
11 * VOID
12 * InbvPutPixels(int x, int y, unsigned long c);
13 *
14 * Will put 4 pixels on the screen at
15 * (x+0*8,y), (x+1*8,y), (x+2*8,y), and (x+3*8,y)
16 * c will contain:
17 * bits 0- 3: Palette index for pixel at (x+0*8,y)
18 * bits 8-11: Palette index for pixel at (x+1*8,y)
19 * bits 16-19: Palette index for pixel at (x+2*8,y)
20 * bits 24-27: Palette index for pixel at (x+3*8,y)
21 *
22 * Parameters:
23 * [EBP+08h] - x X-coordinate of first pixel
24 * [ESP+0Ch] - y Y-coordinate of first pixel
25 * [ESP+10h] - c 4*4-bit color indices
26 */
27 .globl _InbvPutPixels
28 _InbvPutPixels:
29 pushl %ebp
30 movl %esp, %ebp
32 /* Compute mask and put it in EBX
33 mask = maskbit[x] */
34 movl 0x8(%ebp), %esi
35 movl _maskbit(,%esi, 4), %ebx
37 /* Don't set bit mask if it is already set */
38 cmpl (inbv_last_mask),%ebx
39 je .nomask
41 /* Set Mask Bit Register
42 WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)0x3ce,0x08);
43 WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)0x3cf,mask); */
44 movl %ebx,(inbv_last_mask)
45 movw $0x3ce,%dx
46 movb $0x08,%al
47 outb %al,%dx
48 movw $0x3cf,%dx
49 movb %bl,%al
50 outb %al,%dx
52 .nomask:
54 /* Compute offset in video memory and put it in EBX
55 offset = (x >> 3) + y80[y]; */
56 movl 0xC(%ebp), %esi /* y */
57 movl _y80(,%esi, 4), %ebx
58 movl 0x8(%ebp), %eax /* x */
59 shrl $0x3, %eax
60 addl %eax, %ebx
62 /* Latch first byte
63 (UCHAR) READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(vidmem + offset+0); */
64 movl (_vidmem), %esi
65 addl %ebx, %esi
66 movb 0x0(%esi), %bl
67 /* Write color index for first pixel
68 *((PUCHAR)(vidmem + offset+0)) = (c >> 0*8) & 0xff; */
69 movl 0x10(%ebp), %eax
70 movb %al, 0x0(%esi)
72 /* Latch second byte
73 (UCHAR) READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(vidmem + offset+1); */
74 movb 0x1(%esi), %bl
75 /* Write color index for second pixel
76 *((PUCHAR)(vidmem + offset+1)) = (c >> 1*8) & 0xff; */
77 shrl $0x8, %eax
78 movb %al, 0x1(%esi)
80 /* Latch third byte
81 (UCHAR) READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(vidmem + offset+2); */
82 movb 0x2(%esi), %bl
83 /* Write color index for third pixel
84 *((PUCHAR)(vidmem + offset+2)) = (c >> 2*8) & 0xff; */
85 shrl $0x8, %eax
86 movb %al, 0x2(%esi)
88 /* Latch fourth byte
89 (UCHAR) READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(vidmem + offset+3); */
90 movb 0x3(%esi), %bl
91 /* Write color index for fourth pixel
92 *((PUCHAR)(vidmem + offset+3)) = (c >> 3*8) & 0xff; */
93 shrl $0x8, %eax
94 movb %al, 0x3(%esi)
96 popl %ebp
97 ret
99 .bss
100 inbv_last_mask:
101 .short 0