Updated with latest version changes to original source.
[reactos.git] / reactos / drivers / net / packet / packet.h
1 /*
2 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000
3 * Politecnico di Torino. All rights reserved.
4 *
5 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
6 * modification, are permitted provided that: (1) source code distributions
7 * retain the above copyright notice and this paragraph in its entirety, (2)
8 * distributions including binary code include the above copyright notice and
9 * this paragraph in its entirety in the documentation or other materials
10 * provided with the distribution, and (3) all advertising materials mentioning
11 * features or use of this software display the following acknowledgement:
12 * ``This product includes software developed by the Politecnico
13 * di Torino, and its contributors.'' Neither the name of
14 * the University nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse
15 * or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
16 * written permission.
20 */
22 /** @ingroup NPF
23 * @{
24 */
26 /** @defgroup NPF_include NPF structures and definitions
27 * @{
28 */
30 #ifndef __PACKET_INCLUDE______
31 #define __PACKET_INCLUDE______
33 #define NTKERNEL ///< Forces the compilation of the jitter with kernel calls
35 #define UNICODE_NULL ((WCHAR)0) // winnt
37 #include "win_bpf.h"
39 #include "jitter.h"
40 #include "tme.h"
42 #define MAX_REQUESTS 32 ///< Maximum number of simultaneous IOCTL requests.
44 #define Packet_ALIGNMENT sizeof(int) ///< Alignment macro. Defines the alignment size.
45 #define Packet_WORDALIGN(x) (((x)+(Packet_ALIGNMENT-1))&~(Packet_ALIGNMENT-1)) ///< Alignment macro. Rounds up to the next
46 ///< even multiple of Packet_ALIGNMENT.
47 /***************************/
48 /* IOCTLs */
49 /***************************/
51 /*!
52 \brief IOCTL code: set kernel buffer size.
54 This IOCTL is used to set a new size of the circular buffer associated with an instance of NPF.
55 When a BIOCSETBUFFERSIZE command is received, the driver frees the old buffer, allocates the new one
56 and resets all the parameters associated with the buffer in the OPEN_INSTANCE structure. The currently
57 buffered packets are lost.
58 */
61 /*!
62 \brief IOCTL code: set packet filtering program.
64 This IOCTL sets a new packet filter in the driver. Before allocating any memory for the new filter, the
65 bpf_validate() function is called to check the correctness of the filter. If this function returns TRUE,
66 the filter is copied to the driver's memory, its address is stored in the bpfprogram field of the
67 OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with current instance of the driver, and the filter will be applied to
68 every incoming packet. This command also empties the circular buffer used by current instance
69 to store packets. This is done to avoid the presence in the buffer of packets that do not match the filter.
70 */
71 #define BIOCSETF 9030
73 /*!
74 \brief IOCTL code: get the capture stats
76 This command returns to the application the number of packets received and the number of packets dropped by
77 an instance of the driver.
78 */
79 #define BIOCGSTATS 9031
81 /*!
82 \brief IOCTL code: set the read timeout
84 This command sets the maximum timeout after which a read is released, also if no data packets were received.
85 */
86 #define BIOCSRTIMEOUT 7416
88 /*!
89 \brief IOCTL code: set working mode
91 This IOCTL can be used to set the working mode of a NPF instance. The new mode, received by the driver in the
92 buffer associated with the IOCTL command, can be #MODE_CAPT for capture mode (the default), #MODE_STAT for
93 statistical mode or #MODE_DUMP for dump mode.
94 */
95 #define BIOCSMODE 7412
97 /*!
98 \brief IOCTL code: set number of physical repetions of every packet written by the app
100 Sets the number of times a single write call must be repeated. This command sets the OPEN_INSTANCE::Nwrites
101 member, and is used to implement the 'multiple write' feature of the driver.
102 */
103 #define BIOCSWRITEREP 7413
105 /*!
106 \brief IOCTL code: set minimum amount of data in the kernel buffer that unlocks a read call
108 This command sets the OPEN_INSTANCE::MinToCopy member.
109 */
110 #define BIOCSMINTOCOPY 7414
112 /*!
113 \brief IOCTL code: set an OID value
115 This IOCTL is used to perform an OID set operation on the NIC driver.
116 */
117 #define BIOCSETOID 2147483648
119 /*!
120 \brief IOCTL code: get an OID value
122 This IOCTL is used to perform an OID get operation on the NIC driver.
123 */
124 #define BIOCQUERYOID 2147483652
126 /*!
127 \brief IOCTL code: set the name of a the file used by kernel dump mode
129 This command opens a file whose name is contained in the IOCTL buffer and associates it with current NPf instance.
130 The dump thread uses it to copy the content of the circular buffer to file.
131 If a file was already opened, the driver closes it before opening the new one.
132 */
135 /*!
136 \brief IOCTL code: get the name of the event that the driver signals when some data is present in the buffer
138 Command used by the application to retrieve the name of the global event associated with a NPF instance.
139 The event is signaled by the driver when the kernel buffer contains enough data for a transfer.
140 */
141 #define BIOCGEVNAME 7415
143 /*!
144 \brief IOCTL code: Send a buffer containing multiple packets to the network, ignoring the timestamps.
146 Command used to send a buffer of packets in a single system call. Every packet in the buffer is preceded by
147 a sf_pkthdr structure. The timestamps of the packets are ignored, i.e. the packets are sent as fast as
148 possible. The NPF_BufferedWrite() function is invoked to send the packets.
149 */
152 /*!
153 \brief IOCTL code: Send a buffer containing multiple packets to the network, considering the timestamps.
155 Command used to send a buffer of packets in a single system call. Every packet in the buffer is preceded by
156 a sf_pkthdr structure. The timestamps of the packets are used to synchronize the write, i.e. the packets
157 are sent to the network respecting the intervals specified in the sf_pkthdr structure assiciated with each
158 packet. NPF_BufferedWrite() function is invoked to send the packets.
159 */
162 /*!
163 \brief IOCTL code: Set the dump file limits.
165 This IOCTL sets the limits (maximum size and maximum number of packets) of the dump file created when the
166 driver works in dump mode.
167 */
168 #define BIOCSETDUMPLIMITS 9034
170 /*!
171 \brief IOCTL code: Get the status of the kernel dump process.
173 This command returns TRUE if the kernel dump is ended, i.e if one of the limits set with BIOCSETDUMPLIMITS
174 (amount of bytes or number of packets) has been reached.
175 */
176 #define BIOCISDUMPENDED 7411
178 // Working modes
179 #define MODE_CAPT 0x0 ///< Capture working mode
180 #define MODE_STAT 0x1 ///< Statistical working mode
181 #define MODE_MON 0x2 ///< Kernel monitoring mode
182 #define MODE_DUMP 0x10 ///< Kernel dump working mode
185 #define IMMEDIATE 1 ///< Immediate timeout. Forces a read call to return immediately.
188 // The following definitions are used to provide compatibility
189 // of the dump files with the ones of libpcap
190 #define TCPDUMP_MAGIC 0xa1b2c3d4 ///< Libpcap magic number. Used by programs like tcpdump to recognize a driver's generated dump file.
191 #define PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR 2 ///< Major libpcap version of the dump file. Used by programs like tcpdump to recognize a driver's generated dump file.
192 #define PCAP_VERSION_MINOR 4 ///< Minor libpcap version of the dump file. Used by programs like tcpdump to recognize a driver's generated dump file.
194 /*!
195 \brief Header of a libpcap dump file.
197 Used when a driver instance is set in dump mode to create a libpcap-compatible file.
198 */
199 struct packet_file_header
200 {
201 UINT magic; ///< Libpcap magic number
202 USHORT version_major; ///< Libpcap major version
203 USHORT version_minor; ///< Libpcap minor version
204 UINT thiszone; ///< Gmt to local correction
205 UINT sigfigs; ///< Accuracy of timestamps
206 UINT snaplen; ///< Length of the max saved portion of each packet
207 UINT linktype; ///< Data link type (DLT_*). See win_bpf.h for details.
208 };
210 /*!
211 \brief Header associated to a packet in the driver's buffer when the driver is in dump mode.
212 Similar to the bpf_hdr structure, but simpler.
213 */
214 struct sf_pkthdr {
215 struct timeval ts; ///< time stamp
216 UINT caplen; ///< Length of captured portion. The captured portion can be different from
217 ///< the original packet, because it is possible (with a proper filter) to
218 ///< instruct the driver to capture only a portion of the packets.
219 UINT len; ///< Length of the original packet (off wire).
220 };
222 /*!
223 \brief Stores an OID request.
225 This structure is used by the driver to perform OID query or set operations on the underlying NIC driver.
226 The OID operations be performed usually only by network drivers, but NPF exports this mechanism to user-level
227 applications through an IOCTL interface. The driver uses this structure to wrap a NDIS_REQUEST structure.
228 This allows to handle correctly the callback structure of NdisRequest(), handling multiple requests and
229 maintaining information about the IRPs to complete.
230 */
231 typedef struct _INTERNAL_REQUEST {
232 LIST_ENTRY ListElement; ///< Used to handle lists of requests.
233 PIRP Irp; ///< Irp that performed the request
234 NDIS_REQUEST Request; ///< The structure with the actual request, that will be passed to NdisRequest().
237 /*!
238 \brief Contains a NDIS packet.
240 The driver uses this structure to wrap a NDIS_PACKET structure.
241 This allows to handle correctly the callback structure of NdisTransferData(), handling multiple requests and
242 maintaining information about the IRPs to complete.
243 */
244 typedef struct _PACKET_RESERVED {
245 LIST_ENTRY ListElement; ///< Used to handle lists of packets.
246 PIRP Irp; ///< Irp that performed the request
247 PMDL pMdl; ///< MDL mapping the buffer of the packet.
248 BOOLEAN FreeBufAfterWrite; ///< True if the memory buffer associated with the packet must be freed
249 ///< after a call to NdisSend().
252 #define RESERVED(_p) ((PPACKET_RESERVED)((_p)->ProtocolReserved)) ///< Macro to obtain a NDIS_PACKET from a PACKET_RESERVED
254 /*!
255 \brief Port device extension.
257 Structure containing some data relative to every adapter on which NPF is bound.
258 */
259 typedef struct _DEVICE_EXTENSION {
260 PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; ///< Adapter's device.
261 NDIS_HANDLE NdisProtocolHandle; ///< NDIS handle of NPF.
262 NDIS_STRING AdapterName; ///< Name of the adapter.
263 PWSTR BindString; ///< Original device name of the adapter.
264 PWSTR ExportString; ///< Name of the exported device, i.e. name that the applications will use
265 ///< to open this adapter through WinPcap.
268 /*!
269 \brief Contains the state of a running instance of the NPF driver.
271 This is the most important structure of NPF: it is used by almost all the functions of the driver. An
272 _OPEN_INSTANCE structure is associated with every user-level session, allowing concurrent access
273 to the driver.
274 */
275 typedef struct _OPEN_INSTANCE
276 {
277 PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension; ///< Pointer to the _DEVICE_EXTENSION structure of the device on which
278 ///< the instance is bound.
279 NDIS_HANDLE AdapterHandle; ///< NDIS idetifier of the adapter used by this instance.
280 UINT Medium; ///< Type of physical medium the underlying NDIS driver uses. See the
281 ///< documentation of NdisOpenAdapter in the MS DDK for details.
282 NDIS_HANDLE PacketPool; ///< Pool of NDIS_PACKET structures used to transfer the packets from and to the NIC driver.
283 PIRP OpenCloseIrp; ///< Pointer used to store the open/close IRP requests and provide them to the
284 ///< callbacks of NDIS.
285 KSPIN_LOCK RequestSpinLock; ///< SpinLock used to synchronize the OID requests.
286 LIST_ENTRY RequestList; ///< List of pending OID requests.
287 LIST_ENTRY ResetIrpList; ///< List of pending adapter reset requests.
288 INTERNAL_REQUEST Requests[MAX_REQUESTS]; ///< Array of structures that wrap every single OID request.
289 PMDL BufferMdl; ///< Pointer to a Memory descriptor list (MDL) that maps the circular buffer's memory.
290 PKEVENT ReadEvent; ///< Pointer to the event on which the read calls on this instance must wait.
291 HANDLE ReadEventHandle; ///< Handle of the event on which the read calls on this instance must wait.
292 UNICODE_STRING ReadEventName; ///< Name of the event on which the read calls on this instance must wait.
293 ///< The event is created with a name, so it can be used at user level to know when it
294 ///< is possible to access the driver without being blocked. This fiels stores the name
295 ///< that and is used by the BIOCGEVNAME IOCTL call.
296 INT Received; ///< Number of packets received by current instance from its opening, i.e. number of
297 ///< packet received by the network adapter since the beginning of the
298 ///< capture/monitoring/dump session.
299 INT Dropped; ///< Number of packet that current instance had to drop, from its opening. A packet
300 ///< is dropped if there is no more space to store it in the circular buffer that the
301 ///< driver associates to current instance.
302 INT Accepted; ///< Number of packet that current capture instance acepted, from its opening. A packet
303 ///< is accepted if it passes the filter and fits in the buffer. Accepted packets are the
304 ///< ones that reach the application.
305 PUCHAR bpfprogram; ///< Pointer to the filtering pseudo-code associated with current instance of the driver.
306 ///< This code is used only in particular situations (for example when the packet received
307 ///< from the NIC driver is stored in two non-consecutive buffers. In normal situations
308 ///< the filtering routine created by the JIT compiler and pointed by the next field
309 ///< is used. See \ref NPF for details on the filtering process.
310 JIT_BPF_Filter *Filter; ///< Pointer to the native filtering function created by the jitter.
311 ///< See BPF_jitter() for details.
312 PUCHAR Buffer; ///< Pointer to the circular buffer associated with every driver instance. It contains the
313 ///< data that will be passed to the application. See \ref NPF for details.
314 UINT Bhead; ///< Head of the circular buffer.
315 UINT Btail; ///< Tail of the circular buffer.
316 UINT BufSize; ///< Size of the circular buffer.
317 UINT BLastByte; ///< Position of the last valid byte in the circular buffer.
318 PMDL TransferMdl; ///< MDL used to map the portion of the buffer that will contain an incoming packet.
319 ///< Used by NdisTransferData().
320 NDIS_SPIN_LOCK BufLock; ///< SpinLock that protects the access tho the circular buffer variables.
321 UINT MinToCopy; ///< Minimum amount of data in the circular buffer that unlocks a read. Set with the
323 LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut; ///< Timeout after which a read is released, also if the amount of data in the buffer is
324 ///< less than MinToCopy. Set with the BIOCSRTIMEOUT IOCTL.
326 int mode; ///< Working mode of the driver. See PacketSetMode() for details.
327 LARGE_INTEGER Nbytes; ///< Amount of bytes accepted by the filter when this instance is in statistical mode.
328 LARGE_INTEGER Npackets; ///< Number of packets accepted by the filter when this instance is in statistical mode.
329 NDIS_SPIN_LOCK CountersLock; ///< SpinLock that protects the statistical mode counters.
330 UINT Nwrites; ///< Number of times a single write must be physically repeated. See \ref NPF for an
331 ///< explanation
332 UINT Multiple_Write_Counter; ///< Counts the number of times a single write has already physically repeated.
333 NDIS_EVENT WriteEvent; ///< Event used to synchronize the multiple write process.
334 NDIS_EVENT IOEvent; ///< Event used to synchronize I/O requests with the callback structure of NDIS.
335 NDIS_STATUS IOStatus; ///< Maintains the status of and OID request call, that will be passed to the application.
336 BOOLEAN Bound; ///< Specifies if NPF is still bound to the adapter used by this instance. Bound can be
337 ///< FALSE if a Plug and Play adapter has been removed or disabled by the user.
338 HANDLE DumpFileHandle; ///< Handle of the file used in dump mode.
339 PFILE_OBJECT DumpFileObject; ///< Pointer to the object of the file used in dump mode.
340 // PKTHREAD DumpThreadObject; ///< Pointer to the object of the thread used in dump mode.
341 HANDLE DumpThreadHandle; ///< Handle of the thread created by dump mode to asynchronously move the buffer to disk.
342 NDIS_EVENT DumpEvent; ///< Event used to synchronize the dump thread with the tap when the instance is in dump mode.
343 LARGE_INTEGER DumpOffset; ///< Current offset in the dump file.
344 UNICODE_STRING DumpFileName; ///< String containing the name of the dump file.
345 UINT MaxDumpBytes; ///< Maximum dimension in bytes of the dump file. If the dump file reaches this size it
346 ///< will be closed. A value of 0 means unlimited size.
347 UINT MaxDumpPacks; ///< Maximum number of packets that will be saved in the dump file. If this number of
348 ///< packets is reached the dump will be closed. A value of 0 means unlimited number of
349 ///< packets.
350 BOOLEAN DumpLimitReached; ///< TRUE if the maximum dimension of the dump file (MaxDumpBytes or MaxDumpPacks) is
351 ///< reached.
352 MEM_TYPE mem_ex; ///< Memory used by the TME virtual co-processor
353 TME_CORE tme; ///< Data structure containing the virtualization of the TME co-processor
354 NDIS_SPIN_LOCK machine_lock; ///< SpinLock that protects the mem_ex buffer
358 #define TRANSMIT_PACKETS 256 ///< Maximum number of packets in the transmit packet pool. This value is an upper bound to the number
359 ///< of packets that can be transmitted at the same time or with a single call to NdisSendPackets.
361 #ifdef __GNUC__
362 #undef EXIT_SUCCESS
363 #undef EXIT_FAILURE
364 #endif
366 /// Macro used in the I/O routines to return the control to user-mode with a success status.
367 #define EXIT_SUCCESS(quantity) Irp->IoStatus.Information=quantity;\
368 Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;\
369 IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);\
370 return STATUS_SUCCESS;\
372 /// Macro used in the I/O routines to return the control to user-mode with a failure status.
373 #define EXIT_FAILURE(quantity) Irp->IoStatus.Information=quantity;\
374 Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;\
375 IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);\
378 /**
379 * @}
380 */
383 /***************************/
384 /* Prototypes */
385 /***************************/
387 /** @defgroup NPF_code NPF functions
388 * @{
389 */
392 /*!
393 \brief The initialization routine of the driver.
394 \param DriverObject The driver object of NPF created by the system.
395 \param RegistryPath The registry path containing the keys related to the driver.
396 \return A string containing a list of network adapters.
398 DriverEntry is a mandatory function in a device driver. Like the main() of a user level program, it is called
399 by the system when the driver is loaded in memory and started. Its purpose is to initialize the driver,
400 performing all the allocations and the setup. In particular, DriverEntry registers all the driver's I/O
401 callbacks, creates the devices, defines NPF as a protocol inside NDIS.
402 */
404 DriverEntry(
405 IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,
407 );
409 /*!
410 \brief Returns the list of the MACs available on the system.
411 \return A string containing a list of network adapters.
413 The list of adapters is retrieved from the
414 SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} registry key.
415 NPF tries to create its bindings from this list. In this way it is possible to be loaded
416 and unloaded dynamically without passing from the control panel.
417 */
418 PWCHAR getAdaptersList(VOID);
420 /*!
421 \brief Returns the MACs that bind to TCP/IP.
422 \return Pointer to the registry key containing the list of adapters on which TCP/IP is bound.
424 If getAdaptersList() fails, NPF tries to obtain the TCP/IP bindings through this function.
425 */
428 /*!
429 \brief Creates a device for a given MAC.
430 \param adriverObjectP The driver object that will be associated with the device, i.e. the one of NPF.
431 \param amacNameP The name of the network interface that the device will point.
432 \param aProtoHandle NDIS protocol handle of NPF.
433 \return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
435 NPF creates a device for every valid network adapter. The new device points to the NPF driver, but contains
436 information about the original device. In this way, when the user opens the new device, NPF will be able to
437 determine the correct adapter to use.
438 */
439 BOOLEAN createDevice(
440 IN OUT PDRIVER_OBJECT adriverObjectP,
442 NDIS_HANDLE aProtoHandle);
444 /*!
445 \brief Opens a new instance of the driver.
446 \param DeviceObject Pointer to the device object utilized by the user.
447 \param Irp Pointer to the IRP containing the user request.
448 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
450 This function is called by the OS when a new instance of the driver is opened, i.e. when a user application
451 performs a CreateFile on a device created by NPF. NPF_Open allocates and initializes variables, objects
452 and buffers needed by the new instance, fills the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with it and opens the
453 adapter with a call to NdisOpenAdapter.
454 */
456 NPF_Open(
457 IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
458 IN PIRP Irp
459 );
461 /*!
462 \brief Ends the opening of an adapter.
463 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Contains a pointer to the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with the current instance.
464 \param Status Status of the opening operation performed by NDIS.
465 \param OpenErrorStatus not used by NPF.
467 Callback function associated with the NdisOpenAdapter() NDIS function. It is invoked by NDIS when the NIC
468 driver has finished an open operation that was previously started by NPF_Open().
469 */
470 VOID
471 NPF_OpenAdapterComplete(
472 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
473 IN NDIS_STATUS Status,
474 IN NDIS_STATUS OpenErrorStatus
475 );
477 /*!
478 \brief Closes an instance of the driver.
479 \param DeviceObject Pointer to the device object utilized by the user.
480 \param Irp Pointer to the IRP containing the user request.
481 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
483 This function is called when a running instance of the driver is closed by the user with a CloseHandle().
484 It stops the capture/monitoring/dump process, deallocates the memory and the objects associated with the
485 instance and closing the files. The network adapter is then closed with a call to NdisCloseAdapter.
486 */
488 NPF_Close(
489 IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
490 IN PIRP Irp
491 );
493 /*!
494 \brief Ends the closing of an adapter.
495 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Contains a pointer to the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with the current instance.
496 \param Status Status of the close operation performed by NDIS.
498 Callback function associated with the NdisCloseAdapter() NDIS function. It is invoked by NDIS when the NIC
499 driver has finished a close operation that was previously started by NPF_Close().
500 */
501 VOID
502 NPF_CloseAdapterComplete(
503 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
505 );
507 /*!
508 \brief Callback invoked by NDIS when a packet arrives from the network.
509 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Points to a OPEN_INSTANCE structure that identifies
510 the NPF instance to which the packets are destined.
511 \param MacReceiveContext Handle that identifies the underlying NIC driver that generated the request.
512 This value must be used when the packet is transferred from the NIC driver with NdisTransferData().
513 \param HeaderBuffer Pointer to the buffer in the NIC driver memory that contains the header of the packet.
514 \param HeaderBufferSize Size in bytes of the header.
515 \param LookAheadBuffer Pointer to the buffer in the NIC driver's memory that contains the incoming packet's
516 data <b>available to NPF</b>. This value does not necessarily coincide with the actual size of the packet,
517 since only a portion can be available at this time. The remaining portion can be obtained with the
518 NdisTransferData() NDIS function.
519 \param LookaheadBufferSize Size in bytes of the lookahead buffer.
520 \param PacketSize Total size of the incoming packet, excluded the header.
521 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
523 NPF_tap() is called by the underlying NIC for every incoming packet. It is the most important and one of
524 the most complex functions of NPF: it executes the filter, runs the statistical engine (if the instance is in
525 statistical mode), gathers the timestamp, moves the packet in the buffer. NPF_tap() is the only function,
526 along with the filtering ones, that is executed for every incoming packet, therefore it is carefully
527 optimized.
528 */
530 NPF_tap(
531 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
532 IN NDIS_HANDLE MacReceiveContext,
533 IN PVOID HeaderBuffer,
534 IN UINT HeaderBufferSize,
535 IN PVOID LookAheadBuffer,
536 IN UINT LookaheadBufferSize,
537 IN UINT PacketSize
538 );
540 /*!
541 \brief Ends the transfer of a packet.
542 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Contains a pointer to the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with the current instance.
543 \param Packet Pointer to the NDIS_PACKET structure that received the packet data.
544 \param Status Status of the transfer operation.
545 \param BytesTransferred Amount of bytes transferred.
547 Callback function associated with the NdisTransferData() NDIS function. It is invoked by NDIS when the NIC
548 driver has finished the transfer of a packet from the NIC driver memory to the NPF circular buffer.
549 */
550 VOID
551 NPF_TransferDataComplete(
552 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
554 IN NDIS_STATUS Status,
555 IN UINT BytesTransferred
556 );
558 /*!
559 \brief Callback function that signals the end of a packet reception.
560 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Contains a pointer to the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with the current instance.
562 does nothing in NPF
563 */
564 VOID
565 NPF_ReceiveComplete(IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext);
567 /*!
568 \brief Handles the IOCTL calls.
569 \param DeviceObject Pointer to the device object utilized by the user.
570 \param Irp Pointer to the IRP containing the user request.
571 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
573 Once the packet capture driver is opened it can be configured from user-level applications with IOCTL commands
574 using the DeviceIoControl() system call. NPF_IoControl receives and serves all the IOCTL calls directed to NPF.
575 The following commands are recognized:
589 */
591 NPF_IoControl(
592 IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
593 IN PIRP Irp
594 );
597 /*!
598 \brief Ends an OID request.
599 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Contains a pointer to the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with the current instance.
600 \param pRequest Pointer to the completed OID request.
601 \param Status Status of the operation.
603 Callback function associated with the NdisRequest() NDIS function. It is invoked by NDIS when the NIC
604 driver has finished an OID request operation that was previously started by NPF_IoControl().
605 */
606 VOID
607 NPF_RequestComplete(
608 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
609 IN PNDIS_REQUEST pRequest,
611 );
613 /*!
614 \brief Writes a raw packet to the network.
615 \param DeviceObject Pointer to the device object on which the user wrote the packet.
616 \param Irp Pointer to the IRP containing the user request.
617 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
619 This function is called by the OS in consequence of user WriteFile() call, with the data of the packet that must
620 be sent on the net. The data is contained in the buffer associated with Irp, NPF_Write takes it and
621 delivers it to the NIC driver via the NdisSend() function. The Nwrites field of the OPEN_INSTANCE structure
622 associated with Irp indicates the number of copies of the packet that will be sent: more than one copy of the
623 packet can be sent for performance reasons.
624 */
626 NPF_Write(
627 IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
628 IN PIRP Irp
629 );
632 /*!
633 \brief Writes a buffer of raw packets to the network.
634 \param Irp Pointer to the IRP containing the user request.
635 \param UserBuff Pointer to the buffer containing the packets to send.
636 \param UserBuffSize Size of the buffer with the packets.
637 \return The amount of bytes actually sent. If the return value is smaller than the Size parameter, an
638 error occurred during the send. The error can be caused by an adapter problem or by an
639 inconsistent/bogus user buffer.
641 This function is called by the OS in consequence of a BIOCSENDPACKETSNOSYNC or a BIOCSENDPACKETSSYNC IOCTL.
642 The buffer received as input parameter contains an arbitrary number of packets, each of which preceded by a
643 sf_pkthdr structure. NPF_BufferedWrite() scans the buffer and sends every packet via the NdisSend() function.
644 When Sync is set to TRUE, the packets are synchronized with the KeQueryPerformanceCounter() function.
645 This requires a remarkable amount of CPU, but allows to respect the timestamps associated with packets with a precision
646 of some microseconds (depending on the precision of the performance counter of the machine).
647 If Sync is false, the timestamps are ignored and the packets are sent as fat as possible.
648 */
650 INT NPF_BufferedWrite(IN PIRP Irp,
651 IN PCHAR UserBuff,
652 IN ULONG UserBuffSize,
653 BOOLEAN sync);
655 /*!
656 \brief Ends a send operation.
657 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Contains a pointer to the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with the current instance.
658 \param pRequest Pointer to the NDIS PACKET structure used by NPF_Write() to send the packet.
659 \param Status Status of the operation.
661 Callback function associated with the NdisSend() NDIS function. It is invoked by NDIS when the NIC
662 driver has finished an OID request operation that was previously started by NPF_Write().
663 */
664 VOID
665 NPF_SendComplete(
666 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
667 IN PNDIS_PACKET pPacket,
669 );
671 /*!
672 \brief Ends a reset of the adapter.
673 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Contains a pointer to the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with the current instance.
674 \param Status Status of the operation.
676 Callback function associated with the NdisReset() NDIS function. It is invoked by NDIS when the NIC
677 driver has finished an OID request operation that was previously started by NPF_IoControl(), in an IOCTL_PROTOCOL_RESET
678 command.
679 */
680 VOID
681 NPF_ResetComplete(
682 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
684 );
686 /*!
687 \brief Callback for NDIS StatusHandler. Not used by NPF
688 */
689 VOID
690 NPF_Status(
691 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
692 IN NDIS_STATUS Status,
693 IN PVOID StatusBuffer,
694 IN UINT StatusBufferSize
695 );
698 /*!
699 \brief Callback for NDIS StatusCompleteHandler. Not used by NPF
700 */
701 VOID
702 NPF_StatusComplete(IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext);
704 /*!
705 \brief Function called by the OS when NPF is unloaded.
706 \param DriverObject The driver object of NPF created by the system.
708 This is the last function executed when the driver is unloaded from the system. It frees global resources,
709 delete the devices and deregisters the protocol. The driver can be unloaded by the user stopping the NPF
710 service (from control panel or with a console 'net stop npf').
711 */
712 VOID
713 NPF_Unload(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject);
716 /*!
717 \brief Function that serves the user's reads.
718 \param DeviceObject Pointer to the device used by the user.
719 \param Irp Pointer to the IRP containing the user request.
720 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
722 This function is called by the OS in consequence of user ReadFile() call. It moves the data present in the
723 kernel buffer to the user buffer associated with Irp.
724 First of all, NPF_Read checks the amount of data in kernel buffer associated with current NPF instance.
725 - If the instance is in capture mode and the buffer contains more than OPEN_INSTANCE::MinToCopy bytes,
726 NPF_Read moves the data in the user buffer and returns immediatly. In this way, the read performed by the
727 user is not blocking.
728 - If the buffer contains less than MinToCopy bytes, the application's request isn't
729 satisfied immediately, but it's blocked until at least MinToCopy bytes arrive from the net
730 or the timeout on this read expires. The timeout is kept in the OPEN_INSTANCE::TimeOut field.
731 - If the instance is in statistical mode or in dump mode, the application's request is blocked until the
732 timeout kept in OPEN_INSTANCE::TimeOut expires.
733 */
735 NPF_Read(
736 IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
737 IN PIRP Irp
738 );
740 /*!
741 \brief Reads the registry keys associated woth NPF if the driver is manually installed via the control panel.
743 Normally not used in recent versions of NPF.
744 */
746 NPF_ReadRegistry(
747 IN PWSTR *MacDriverName,
748 IN PWSTR *PacketDriverName,
750 );
752 /*!
753 \brief Function used by NPF_ReadRegistry() to quesry the registry keys associated woth NPF if the driver
754 is manually installed via the control panel.
756 Normally not used in recent versions of NPF.
757 */
759 NPF_QueryRegistryRoutine(
760 IN PWSTR ValueName,
761 IN ULONG ValueType,
762 IN PVOID ValueData,
763 IN ULONG ValueLength,
764 IN PVOID Context,
765 IN PVOID EntryContext
766 );
768 /*!
769 \brief Callback for NDIS BindAdapterHandler. Not used by NPF.
771 Function called by NDIS when a new adapter is installed on the machine With Plug and Play.
772 */
773 VOID NPF_BindAdapter(
775 IN NDIS_HANDLE BindContext,
776 IN PNDIS_STRING DeviceName,
777 IN PVOID SystemSpecific1,
778 IN PVOID SystemSpecific2
779 );
781 /*!
782 \brief Callback for NDIS UnbindAdapterHandler.
783 \param Status out variable filled by NPF_UnbindAdapter with the status of the unbind operation.
784 \param ProtocolBindingContext Context of the function. Contains a pointer to the OPEN_INSTANCE structure associated with current instance.
785 \param UnbindContext Specifies a handle, supplied by NDIS, that NPF can use to complete the opration.
787 Function called by NDIS when a new adapter is removed from the machine without shutting it down.
788 NPF_UnbindAdapter closes the adapter calling NdisCloseAdapter() and frees the memory and the structures
789 associated with it. It also releases the waiting user-level app and closes the dump thread if the instance
790 is in dump mode.
791 */
792 VOID
793 NPF_UnbindAdapter(
795 IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext,
796 IN NDIS_HANDLE UnbindContext
797 );
799 /*!
800 \brief Validates a filtering program arriving from the user-level app.
801 \param f The filter.
802 \param len Its length, in pseudo instructions.
803 \param mem_ex_size The length of the extended memory, used to validate LD/ST to that memory
804 \return true if f is a valid filter program..
806 The kernel needs to be able to verify an application's filter code. Otherwise, a bogus program could easily
807 crash the system.
808 This function returns true if f is a valid filter program. The constraints are that each jump be forward and
809 to a valid code. The code must terminate with either an accept or reject.
810 */
811 int bpf_validate(struct bpf_insn *f,int len, uint32 mem_ex_size);
813 /*!
814 \brief The filtering pseudo-machine interpreter.
815 \param pc The filter.
816 \param p Pointer to a memory buffer containing the packet on which the filter will be executed.
817 \param wirelen Original length of the packet.
818 \param buflen Current length of the packet. In some cases (for example when the transfer of the packet to the RAM
819 has not yet finished), bpf_filter can be executed on a portion of the packet.
820 \param mem_ex The extended memory.
821 \param tme The virtualization of the TME co-processor
822 \param time_ref Data structure needed by the TME co-processor to timestamp data
823 \return The portion of the packet to keep, in bytes. 0 means that the packet must be rejected, -1 means that
824 the whole packet must be kept.
826 \note this function is not used in normal situations, because the jitter creates a native filtering function
827 that is faster than the interpreter.
828 */
829 UINT bpf_filter(register struct bpf_insn *pc,
830 register UCHAR *p,
831 UINT wirelen,
832 register UINT buflen,
833 PMEM_TYPE mem_ex,
834 PTME_CORE tme,
835 struct time_conv *time_ref);
837 /*!
838 \brief The filtering pseudo-machine interpreter with two buffers. This function is slower than bpf_filter(),
839 but works correctly also if the MAC header and the data of the packet are in two different buffers.
840 \param pc The filter.
841 \param p Pointer to a memory buffer containing the MAC header of the packet.
842 \param pd Pointer to a memory buffer containing the data of the packet.
843 \param wirelen Original length of the packet.
844 \param buflen Current length of the packet. In some cases (for example when the transfer of the packet to the RAM
845 has not yet finished), bpf_filter can be executed on a portion of the packet.
846 \param mem_ex The extended memory.
847 \param tme The virtualization of the TME co-processor
848 \param time_ref Data structure needed by the TME co-processor to timestamp data
849 \return The portion of the packet to keep, in bytes. 0 means that the packet must be rejected, -1 means that
850 the whole packet must be kept.
852 This function is used when NDIS passes the packet to NPF_tap() in two buffers instaed than in a single one.
853 */
854 UINT bpf_filter_with_2_buffers(register struct bpf_insn *pc,
855 register UCHAR *p,
856 register UCHAR *pd,
857 register int headersize,
858 UINT wirelen,
859 register UINT buflen,
860 PMEM_TYPE mem_ex,
861 PTME_CORE tme,
862 struct time_conv *time_ref);
864 /*!
865 \brief Creates the file that will receive the packets when the driver is in dump mode.
866 \param Open The NPF instance that opens the file.
867 \param fileName Pointer to a UNICODE string containing the name of the file.
868 \param append Boolean value that specifies if the data must be appended to the file.
869 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
870 */
873 /*!
874 \brief Starts dump to file.
875 \param Open The NPF instance that opens the file.
876 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
878 This function performs two operations. First, it writes the libpcap header at the beginning of the file.
879 Second, it starts the thread that asynchronously dumps the network data to the file.
880 */
883 /*!
884 \brief The dump thread.
885 \param Open The NPF instance that creates the thread.
887 This function moves the content of the NPF kernel buffer to file. It runs in the user context, so at lower
888 priority than the TAP.
889 */
892 /*!
893 \brief Saves the content of the packet buffer to the file associated with current instance.
894 \param Open The NPF instance that creates the thread.
896 Used by NPF_DumpThread() and NPF_CloseDumpFile().
897 */
898 NTSTATUS NPF_SaveCurrentBuffer(POPEN_INSTANCE Open);
900 /*!
901 \brief Writes a block of packets on the dump file.
902 \param FileObject The file object that will receive the packets.
903 \param Offset The offset in the file where the packets will be put.
904 \param Length The amount of bytes to write.
905 \param Mdl MDL mapping the memory buffer that will be written to disk.
906 \param IoStatusBlock Used by the function to return the status of the operation.
907 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
909 NPF_WriteDumpFile addresses directly the file system, creating a custom IRP and using it to send a portion
910 of the NPF circular buffer to disk. This function is used by NPF_DumpThread().
911 */
912 VOID NPF_WriteDumpFile(PFILE_OBJECT FileObject,
914 ULONG Length,
915 PMDL Mdl,
916 PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock);
920 /*!
921 \brief Closes the dump file associated with an instance of the driver.
922 \param Open The NPF instance that closes the file.
923 \return The status of the operation. See ntstatus.h in the DDK.
924 */
927 /*!
928 \brief Returns the amount of bytes present in the packet buffer.
929 \param Open The NPF instance that closes the file.
930 */
931 UINT GetBuffOccupation(POPEN_INSTANCE Open);
933 /*!
934 \brief Called by NDIS to notify us of a PNP event. The most significant one for us is power state change.
936 \param ProtocolBindingContext Pointer to open context structure. This is NULL for global reconfig
937 events.
938 \param pNetPnPEvent Pointer to the PnP event
940 If there is a power state change, the driver is forced to resynchronize the global timer.
941 This hopefully avoids the synchronization issues caused by hibernation or standby.
942 This function is excluded from the NT4 driver, where PnP is not supported
943 */
944 #ifdef NDIS50
945 NDIS_STATUS NPF_PowerChange(IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext, IN PNET_PNP_EVENT pNetPnPEvent);
946 #endif
948 /**
949 * @}
950 */
952 /**
953 * @}
954 */
956 #endif /*main ifndef/define*/