Update the root "readme.txt" of the CD and the "welcome.exe" app to show more options.
[reactos.git] / reactos / hybridcd_step2.cmd
1 :: Script to create a Hybrid-CD (Boot-CD + Live-CD) for demo purposes.
2 :: Only run it from the root "reactos" dir (where you would also call "make").
3 ::
4 :: Written by Colin Finck (2010-03-10)
5 ::
6 :: STEP 2 - Create the ISO
7 ::
9 @echo off
11 :: Ensure that "mkisofs" exists
12 if exist "mkisofs.exe" (
13 goto NEXT
14 )
16 echo mkisofs.exe was not found in the current directory.
17 echo Please get a correct version for it. (e.g. from "PE Builder" at http://nu2.nu)
18 echo.
19 echo Our cdmake doesn't support creating an ISO9660:1999 filesystem, which is
20 echo important for a universally usable disc.
21 goto :EOF
23 :: Use it
24 :NEXT
25 mkisofs -iso-level 4 -volid "ReactOS-HybridCD" -b "loader/isoboot.bin" -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -hide "boot.catalog" -o "hybridcd.iso" "hybridcd"