[reactos.git] / reactos / lib / crt / io / read.c
1 /* $Id$
2 *
3 * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory
4 * PROJECT: ReactOS system libraries
5 * FILE: lib/msvcrt/io/read.c
6 * PURPOSE: Reads a file
7 * PROGRAMER: Ariadne
9 * 28/12/1998: Created
10 * 03/05/2002: made _read() non-greedy - it now returns as soon as
11 * any amount of data has been read. It's the expected
12 * behavior for line-buffered streams (KJK::Hyperion)
13 */
15 #include <precomp.h>
17 #define NDEBUG
18 #include <internal/debug.h>
20 /*
21 * @implemented
22 */
23 int _read(int _fd, void *_buf, unsigned int _nbyte)
24 {
25 DWORD _rbyte = 0, nbyte = _nbyte;
26 char *bufp = (char*)_buf;
27 HANDLE hfile;
28 int istext, error;
30 DPRINT("_read(fd %d, buf %x, nbyte %d)\n", _fd, _buf, _nbyte);
32 /* null read */
33 if(_nbyte == 0)
34 return 0;
36 hfile = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(_fd);
37 istext = __fileno_getmode(_fd) & O_TEXT;
39 /* read data */
40 if (!ReadFile(hfile, bufp, nbyte, &_rbyte, NULL))
41 {
42 /* failure */
43 error = GetLastError();
44 if (error == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
45 {
46 return 0;
47 }
48 _dosmaperr(error);
49 return -1;
50 }
52 /* text mode */
53 if (_rbyte && istext)
54 {
55 int found_cr = 0;
56 int cr = 0;
57 DWORD count = _rbyte;
59 /* repeat for all bytes in the buffer */
60 for(; count; bufp++, count--)
61 {
62 #if 1
63 /* carriage return */
64 if (*bufp == '\r') {
65 found_cr = 1;
66 if (cr != 0) {
67 *(bufp - cr) = *bufp;
68 }
69 continue;
70 }
71 if (found_cr) {
72 found_cr = 0;
73 if (*bufp == '\n') {
74 cr++;
75 *(bufp - cr) = *bufp;
76 } else {
77 }
78 } else if (cr != 0) {
79 *(bufp - cr) = *bufp;
80 }
81 #else
82 /* carriage return */
83 if (*bufp == '\r') {
84 cr++;
85 }
86 /* shift characters back, to ignore carriage returns */
87 else if (cr != 0) {
88 *(bufp - cr) = *bufp;
89 }
90 #endif
91 }
92 if (found_cr) {
93 cr++;
94 }
95 /* ignore the carriage returns */
96 _rbyte -= cr;
97 }
98 DPRINT("%d\n", _rbyte);
99 return _rbyte;
100 }