remove test cases. sorry I ment to do this before the first commit
[reactos.git] / reactos / lib / libxml2 / result / DocBook / example.example.1.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE example PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "">
3 <example><title>A DSSSL Function</title><programlisting>
4 (define (node-list-filter-by-gi nodelist gilist)
5 ;; Returns the node-list that contains every element of the original
6 ;; nodelist whose gi is in gilist
7 (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist))
8 (if (node-list-empty? nl)
9 result
10 (if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) gilist)
11 (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl))
12 (node-list-rest nl))
13 (loop result (node-list-rest nl))))))
14 </programlisting></example>