Switch from time to time_new 2/2:
[reactos.git] / reactos / lib / sdk / crt / time / asctime.c
1 /*
2 * COPYRIGHT: LGPL, See LGPL.txt in the top level directory
3 * PROJECT: ReactOS CRT library
4 * FILE: lib/sdk/crt/time/ftime.c
5 * PURPOSE: Implementation of asctime(), _asctime_s()
6 * PROGRAMERS: Timo Kreuzer
7 */
8 #include <precomp.h>
9 #include <tchar.h>
10 #include <time.h>
11 #include "bitsfixup.h"
13 #define DAYSPERWEEK 7
14 #define MONSPERYEAR 12
17 static const _TCHAR wday_name[DAYSPERWEEK][4] =
18 {
19 _T("Sun "), _T("Mon "), _T("Tue "), _T("Wed "),
20 _T("Thu "), _T("Fri "), _T("Sat ")
21 };
23 static const _TCHAR mon_name[MONSPERYEAR][4] =
24 {
25 _T("Jan "), _T("Feb "), _T("Mar "), _T("Apr "), _T("May "), _T("Jun "),
26 _T("Jul "), _T("Aug "), _T("Sep "), _T("Oct "), _T("Nov "), _T("Dec ")
27 };
29 #ifdef _UNICODE
30 typedef unsigned long long _TCHAR4;
31 typedef unsigned long _TCHAR2;
32 #else
33 typedef unsigned long _TCHAR4;
34 typedef unsigned short _TCHAR2;
35 #endif
37 #pragma pack(push,1)
38 typedef union
39 {
40 _TCHAR text[26];
41 struct
42 {
43 _TCHAR4 WeekDay;
44 _TCHAR4 Month;
45 _TCHAR2 Day;
46 _TCHAR Space1;
47 _TCHAR2 Hour;
48 _TCHAR Sep1;
49 _TCHAR2 Minute;
50 _TCHAR Sep2;
51 _TCHAR2 Second;
52 _TCHAR Space2;
53 _TCHAR2 Year[2];
54 _TCHAR lb;
55 _TCHAR zt;
56 };
57 } timebuf_t;
58 #pragma pack(pop)
60 _TCHAR2
61 static __inline__
62 IntToChar2(int x)
63 {
64 union
65 {
66 _TCHAR2 char2;
67 _TCHAR array[2];
68 } u;
70 u.array[0] = '0' + (x / 10);
71 u.array[1] = '0' + (x % 10);
73 return u.char2;
74 }
76 void
77 static __inline__
78 FillBuf(timebuf_t *buf, const struct tm *ptm)
79 {
80 /* Format looks like this:
81 * "Sun Mar 01 12:34:56 1902\n\0" */
82 buf->WeekDay = *(_TCHAR4*)wday_name[ptm->tm_wday];
83 buf->Month = *(_TCHAR4*)mon_name[ptm->tm_mon];
84 buf->Day = IntToChar2(ptm->tm_mday);
85 buf->Space1 = ' ';
86 buf->Hour = IntToChar2(ptm->tm_hour);
87 buf->Sep1 = ':';
88 buf->Minute = IntToChar2(ptm->tm_min);
89 buf->Sep2 = ':';
90 buf->Second = IntToChar2(ptm->tm_sec);
91 buf->Space2 = ' ';
92 buf->Year[0] = IntToChar2(ptm->tm_year / 100 + HUNDREDYEAROFFSET);
93 buf->Year[1] = IntToChar2(ptm->tm_year % 100);
94 buf->lb = '\n';
95 buf->zt = '\0';
96 }
98 /******************************************************************************
99 * \name _tasctime_s
100 * \brief Converts a local time into a string and returns a pointer to it.
101 * \param buffer Buffer that receives the string (26 characters).
102 * \param numberOfElements Size of the buffer in characters.
103 * \param time Pointer to the UTC time.
104 */
105 errno_t
106 _tasctime_s(
107 _TCHAR* buffer,
108 size_t numberOfElements,
109 const struct tm *ptm)
110 {
111 /* Validate parameters */
112 if (!buffer || numberOfElements < 26 || !ptm ||
113 (unsigned int)ptm->tm_sec > 59 ||
114 (unsigned int)ptm->tm_min > 59 ||
115 (unsigned int)ptm->tm_hour > 23 ||
116 (unsigned int)ptm->tm_mday > 31 ||
117 (unsigned int)ptm->tm_mon > 11 ||
118 (unsigned int)ptm->tm_year > 2038 ||
119 (unsigned int)ptm->tm_wday > 6 ||
120 (unsigned int)ptm->tm_yday > 365)
121 {
122 #if 0
123 _invalid_parameter(NULL,
124 #ifdef UNICODE
125 L"_wasctime",
126 #else
127 L"asctime",
128 #endif
129 _CRT_WIDE(__FILE__),
130 __LINE__,
131 0);
132 #endif
133 return EINVAL;
134 }
136 /* Fill the buffer */
137 FillBuf((timebuf_t*)buffer, ptm);
139 return 0;
140 }
142 /******************************************************************************
143 * \name _tasctime
144 * \brief Converts a UTC time into a string and returns a pointer to it.
145 * \param ptm Pointer to the UTC time.
146 * \remarks The string is stored in thread local buffer, shared between
147 * ctime, gmtime and localtime (32 and 64 bit versions).
148 */
149 _TCHAR *
150 _tasctime(const struct tm *ptm)
151 {
152 PTHREADDATA pThreadData;
153 _TCHAR *pstr;
155 /* Get pointer to TLS buffer */
156 pThreadData = GetThreadData();
157 #ifndef _UNICODE
158 pstr = pThreadData->asctimebuf;
159 #else
160 pstr = pThreadData->wasctimebuf;
161 #endif
163 /* Fill the buffer */
164 FillBuf((timebuf_t*)pstr, ptm);
166 return pstr;
167 }