[reactos.git] / reactos / media / rapps / sambatng.txt
1 ; UTF-8
2 ; Turkish translation by Erdem Ersoy (eersoy93) (erdemersoy@live.com)
4 [Section]
5 Name = Samba TNG
6 Version = 0.5-RC1
7 License = GPL
8 Description = Allows you to access Windows shared folders/printers with ReactOS.
9 Size = 2.13 MB
10 Category = 5
11 URLSite = http://samba-tng.org/
12 URLDownload = http://svn.reactos.org/packages/samba-tng.exe
13 CDPath = none
15 [Section.0407]
16 Description = Erlaubt den Zugriff auf Windows' gemeinsame Verzeichnisse und Drucker aus ReactOS heraus.
18 [Section.0a]
19 Description = Permite acceder a carpetas e impresoras compartidas en Windows con ReactOS.
21 [Section.040c]
22 Description = Cet outil vous permet d'accéder à vos répertoire/imprimantes partagés Windows avec ReactOS.
23 Size = 2,13 Mo
25 [Section.0410]
26 Description = Questo strumento consente di accedere alle cartelle/stampanti condivise di Windows con ReactOS.
28 [Section.0413]
29 Description = Maakt het mogelijk om Windows gedeelde printers te gebruiken met ReactOS.
31 [Section.0415]
32 Description = Narzędzie pozwalające na dostęp z poziomu ReactOSa do współdzielonych folderów/drukarek Windows.
34 [Section.0418]
35 Description = Instrument care permite accesarea în ReactOS a dosarelor și imprimantelor partajate din Windows.
36 Size = 2,13 Mo
38 [Section.041f]
39 Description = Bu araç, size, ReactOS'la Windows paylaşılan dizinlerinize ve paylaşılan yazıcılarınıza erişime olanak sağlar.
40 Size = 2,13 MB
42 [Section.0422]
43 Description = Цей інструмент дозволяє отримати доступ до спільних тек/принтерів Windows з ReactOSа.
45 [Section.0813]
46 Description = Maakt het mogelijk om Windows gedeelde printers te gebruiken met ReactOS.