Start to alter print output so it correctly simulates the MS 'route print'
[reactos.git] / reactos / ntoskrnl / ntoskrnl.txt
1 Name: Ntoskrnl.exe
3 Description: Windows NT Executive
6 Ordinal Exported
7 Value: Name:
8 1 ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe
9 2 ExInterlockedAddLargeStatistic
10 3 ExInterlockedCompareExchange64
11 4 ExInterlockedPopEntrySList
12 5 ExInterlockedPushEntrySList
13 6 ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe
14 7 ExReleaseResourceLite
15 8 ExfInterlockedAddUlong
16 9 ExfInterlockedInsertHeadList
17 10 ExfInterlockedInsertTailList
18 11 ExfInterlockedPopEntryList
19 12 ExfInterlockedPushEntryList
20 13 ExfInterlockedRemoveHeadList
21 14 Exfi386InterlockedDecrementLong
22 15 Exfi386InterlockedExchangeUlong
23 16 Exfi386InterlockedIncrementLong
24 17 InterlockedCompareExchange
25 18 InterlockedDecrement
26 19 InterlockedExchange
27 20 InterlockedExchangeAdd
28 21 InterlockedIncrement
29 22 IofCallDriver
30 23 IofCompleteRequest
31 24 KeSetSwapContextNotifyRoutine
32 25 KeSetThreadSelectNotifyRoutine
33 26 KeSetTimeUpdateNotifyRoutine
34 27 KefAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel
35 28 KefReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel
36 29 KiAcquireSpinLock
37 30 KiReleaseSpinLock
38 31 ObfDereferenceObject
39 32 ObfReferenceObject
40 33 Kei386EoiHelper
41 34 Kii386SpinOnSpinLock
42 35 CcCanIWrite
43 36 CcCopyRead
44 37 CcCopyWrite
45 38 CcDeferWrite
46 39 CcFastCopyRead
47 40 CcFastCopyWrite
48 41 CcFastMdlReadWait
49 42 CcFastReadNotPossible
50 43 CcFastReadWait
51 44 CcFlushCache
52 45 CcGetDirtyPages
53 46 CcGetFileObjectFromBcb
54 47 CcGetFileObjectFromSectionPtrs
55 48 CcGetLsnForFileObject
56 49 CcInitializeCacheMap
57 50 CcIsThereDirtyData
58 51 CcMapData
59 52 CcMdlRead
60 53 CcMdlReadComplete
61 54 CcMdlWriteComplete
62 55 CcPinMappedData
63 56 CcPinRead
64 57 CcPrepareMdlWrite
65 58 CcPreparePinWrite
66 59 CcPurgeCacheSection
67 60 CcRepinBcb
68 61 CcScheduleReadAhead
69 62 CcSetAdditionalCacheAttributes
70 63 CcSetBcbOwnerPointer
71 64 CcSetDirtyPageThreshold
72 65 CcSetDirtyPinnedData
73 66 CcSetFileSizes
74 67 CcSetLogHandleForFile
75 68 CcSetReadAheadGranularity
76 69 CcUninitializeCacheMap
77 70 CcUnpinData
78 71 CcUnpinDataForThread
79 72 CcUnpinRepinnedBcb
80 73 CcZeroData
81 74 DbgBreakPoint
82 75 DbgBreakPointWithStatus
83 76 DbgLoadImageSymbols
84 77 DbgPrint
85 78 DbgPrompt
86 79 ExAcquireResourceExclusive
87 80 ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite
88 81 ExAcquireResourceSharedLite
89 82 ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive
90 83 ExAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive
91 84 ExAllocateFromPagedLookasideList
92 85 ExAllocatePool
93 86 ExAllocatePoolWithQuota
94 87 ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag
95 88 ExAllocatePoolWithTag
96 89 ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite
97 90 ExCreateCallback
98 91 ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList
99 92 ExDeletePagedLookasideList
100 93 ExDeleteResource
101 94 ExDeleteResourceLite
102 95 ExDesktopObjectType
103 96 ExDisableResourceBoostLite
104 97 ExEnumHandleTable
105 98 ExEventObjectType
106 99 ExExtendZone
107 100 ExFreePool
108 101 ExFreeToPagedLookasideList
109 102 ExGetExclusiveWaiterCount
110 103 ExGetPreviousMode
111 104 ExGetSharedWaiterCount
112 105 ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList
113 106 ExInitializePagedLookasideList
114 107 ExInitializeResource
115 108 ExInitializeResourceLite
116 109 ExInitializeZone
117 110 ExInterlockedAddLargeInteger
118 111 ExInterlockedAddUlong
119 112 ExInterlockedDecrementLong
120 113 ExInterlockedExchangeUlong
121 114 ExInterlockedExtendZone
122 115 ExInterlockedIncrementLong
123 116 ExInterlockedInsertHeadList
124 117 ExInterlockedInsertTailList
125 118 ExInterlockedPopEntryList
126 119 ExInterlockedPushEntryList
127 120 ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList
128 121 ExIsProcessorFeaturePresent
129 122 ExIsResourceAcquiredExclusiveLite
130 123 ExIsResourceAcquiredSharedLite
131 124 ExLocalTimeToSystemTime
132 125 ExNotifyCallback
133 126 ExPostSystemEvent
134 127 ExQueryPoolBlockSize
135 128 ExQueueWorkItem
136 129 ExRaiseAccessViolation
137 130 ExRaiseDatatypeMisalignment
138 131 ExRaiseException
139 132 ExRaiseHardError
140 133 ExRaiseStatus
141 134 ExRegisterCallback
142 135 ExReinitializeResourceLite
143 136 ExReleaseResourceForThread
144 137 ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite
145 138 ExSetResourceOwnerPointer
146 139 ExSystemExceptionFilter
147 140 ExSystemTimeToLocalTime
148 141 ExUnregisterCallback
149 142 ExWindowStationObjectType
150 143 Exi386InterlockedDecrementLong
151 144 Exi386InterlockedExchangeUlong
152 145 Exi386InterlockedIncrementLong
153 146 FsRtlAddLargeMcbEntry
154 147 FsRtlAddMcbEntry
155 148 FsRtlAddToTunnelCache
156 149 FsRtlAllocatePool
157 150 FsRtlAllocatePoolWithQuota
158 151 FsRtlAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag
159 152 FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag
160 153 FsRtlAllocateResource
161 154 FsRtlAreNamesEqual
162 155 FsRtlBalanceReads
163 156 FsRtlCheckLockForReadAccess
164 157 FsRtlCheckLockForWriteAccess
165 158 FsRtlCheckOplock
166 159 FsRtlCopyRead
167 160 FsRtlCopyWrite
168 161 FsRtlCurrentBatchOplock
169 162 FsRtlDeleteKeyFromTunnelCache
170 163 FsRtlDeleteTunnelCache
171 164 FsRtlDeregisterUncProvider
172 165 FsRtlDissectDbcs
173 166 FsRtlDissectName
174 167 FsRtlDoesDbcsContainWildCards
175 168 FsRtlDoesNameContainWildCards
176 169 FsRtlFastCheckLockForRead
177 170 FsRtlFastCheckLockForWrite
178 171 FsRtlFastUnlockAll
179 172 FsRtlFastUnlockAllByKey
180 173 FsRtlFastUnlockSingle
181 174 FsRtlFindInTunnelCache
182 175 FsRtlGetFileSize
183 176 FsRtlGetNextFileLock
184 177 FsRtlGetNextLargeMcbEntry
185 178 FsRtlGetNextMcbEntry
186 179 FsRtlInitializeFileLock
187 180 FsRtlInitializeLargeMcb
188 181 FsRtlInitializeMcb
189 182 FsRtlInitializeOplock
190 183 FsRtlInitializeTunnelCache
191 184 FsRtlIsDbcsInExpression
192 185 FsRtlIsFatDbcsLegal
193 186 FsRtlIsHpfsDbcsLegal
194 187 FsRtlIsNameInExpression
195 188 FsRtlIsNtstatusExpected
196 189 FsRtlIsTotalDeviceFailure
197 190 FsRtlLegalAnsiCharacterArray
198 191 FsRtlLookupLargeMcbEntry
199 192 FsRtlLookupLastLargeMcbEntry
200 193 FsRtlLookupLastMcbEntry
201 194 FsRtlLookupMcbEntry
202 195 FsRtlMdlRead
203 196 FsRtlMdlReadComplete
204 197 FsRtlMdlReadCompleteDev
205 198 FsRtlMdlReadDev
206 199 FsRtlMdlWriteComplete
207 200 FsRtlMdlWriteCompleteDev
208 201 FsRtlNormalizeNtstatus
209 202 FsRtlNotifyChangeDirectory
210 203 FsRtlNotifyCleanup
211 204 FsRtlNotifyFullChangeDirectory
212 205 FsRtlNotifyFullReportChange
213 206 FsRtlNotifyInitializeSync
214 207 FsRtlNotifyReportChange
215 208 FsRtlNotifyUninitializeSync
216 209 FsRtlNumberOfRunsInLargeMcb
217 210 FsRtlNumberOfRunsInMcb
218 211 FsRtlOplockFsctrl
219 212 FsRtlOplockIsFastIoPossible
220 213 FsRtlPostPagingFileStackOverflow
221 214 FsRtlPostStackOverflow
222 215 FsRtlPrepareMdlWrite
223 216 FsRtlPrepareMdlWriteDev
224 217 FsRtlPrivateLock
225 218 FsRtlProcessFileLock
226 219 FsRtlRegisterUncProvider
227 220 FsRtlRemoveLargeMcbEntry
228 221 FsRtlRemoveMcbEntry
229 222 FsRtlSplitLargeMcb
230 223 FsRtlSyncVolumes
231 224 FsRtlTruncateLargeMcb
232 225 FsRtlTruncateMcb
233 226 FsRtlUninitializeFileLock
234 227 FsRtlUninitializeLargeMcb
235 228 FsRtlUninitializeMcb
236 229 FsRtlUninitializeOplock
237 230 HalDispatchTable
238 231 HalPrivateDispatchTable
239 232 IoAcquireCancelSpinLock
240 233 IoAcquireVpbSpinLock
241 234 IoAdapterObjectType
242 235 IoAllocateAdapterChannel
243 236 IoAllocateController
244 237 IoAllocateErrorLogEntry
245 238 IoAllocateIrp
246 239 IoAllocateMdl
247 240 IoAssignResources
248 241 IoAttachDevice
249 242 IoAttachDeviceByPointer
250 243 IoAttachDeviceToDeviceStack
251 244 IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest
252 245 IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest
253 246 IoBuildPartialMdl
254 247 IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequest
255 248 IoCallDriver
256 249 IoCancelIrp
257 250 IoCheckDesiredAccess
258 251 IoCheckEaBufferValidity
259 252 IoCheckFunctionAccess
260 253 IoCheckShareAccess
261 254 IoCompleteRequest
262 255 IoConnectInterrupt
263 256 IoCreateController
264 257 IoCreateDevice
265 258 IoCreateFile
266 259 IoCreateNotificationEvent
267 260 IoCreateStreamFileObject
268 261 IoCreateSymbolicLink
269 262 IoCreateSynchronizationEvent
270 263 IoCreateUnprotectedSymbolicLink
271 264 IoDeleteController
272 265 IoDeleteDevice
273 266 IoDeleteSymbolicLink
274 267 IoDetachDevice
275 268 IoDeviceHandlerObjectSize
276 269 IoDeviceHandlerObjectType
277 270 IoDeviceObjectType
278 271 IoDisconnectInterrupt
279 272 IoDriverObjectType
280 273 IoEnqueueIrp
281 274 IoFastQueryNetworkAttributes
282 275 IoFileObjectType
283 276 IoFreeController
284 277 IoFreeIrp
285 278 IoFreeMdl
286 279 IoGetAttachedDevice
287 280 IoGetBaseFileSystemDeviceObject
288 281 IoGetConfigurationInformation
289 282 IoGetCurrentProcess
290 283 IoGetDeviceObjectPointer
291 284 IoGetDeviceToVerify
292 285 IoGetFileObjectGenericMapping
293 286 IoGetInitialStack
294 287 IoGetRelatedDeviceObject
295 288 IoGetRequestorProcess
296 289 IoGetStackLimits
297 290 IoGetTopLevelIrp
298 291 IoInitializeIrp
299 292 IoInitializeTimer
300 293 IoIsOperationSynchronous
301 294 IoIsSystemThread
302 295 IoMakeAssociatedIrp
303 296 IoOpenDeviceInstanceKey
304 297 IoPageRead
305 298 IoQueryDeviceDescription
306 299 IoQueryDeviceEnumInfo
307 300 IoQueryFileInformation
308 301 IoQueryVolumeInformation
309 302 IoQueueThreadIrp
310 303 IoRaiseHardError
311 304 IoRaiseInformationalHardError
312 305 IoReadOperationCount
313 306 IoReadTransferCount
314 307 IoRegisterDriverReinitialization
315 308 IoRegisterFileSystem
316 309 IoRegisterFsRegistrationChange
317 310 IoRegisterShutdownNotification
318 311 IoReleaseCancelSpinLock
319 312 IoReleaseVpbSpinLock
320 313 IoRemoveShareAccess
321 314 IoReportHalResourceUsage
322 315 IoReportResourceUsage
323 316 IoSetDeviceToVerify
324 317 IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice
325 318 IoSetInformation
326 319 IoSetShareAccess
327 320 IoSetThreadHardErrorMode
328 321 IoSetTopLevelIrp
329 322 IoStartNextPacket
330 323 IoStartNextPacketByKey
331 324 IoStartPacket
332 325 IoStartTimer
333 326 IoStatisticsLock
334 327 IoStopTimer
335 328 IoSynchronousPageWrite
336 329 IoThreadToProcess
337 330 IoUnregisterFileSystem
338 331 IoUnregisterFsRegistrationChange
339 332 IoUnregisterShutdownNotification
340 333 IoUpdateShareAccess
341 334 IoVerifyVolume
342 335 IoWriteErrorLogEntry
343 336 IoWriteOperationCount
344 337 IoWriteTransferCount
345 338 KdDebuggerEnabled
346 339 KdDebuggerNotPresent
347 340 KdPollBreakIn
348 341 Ke386CallBios
349 342 Ke386IoSetAccessProcess
350 343 Ke386QueryIoAccessMap
351 344 Ke386SetIoAccessMap
352 345 KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel
353 346 KeAddSystemServiceTable
354 347 KeAttachProcess
355 348 KeBoostCurrentThread
356 349 KeBugCheck
357 350 KeBugCheckEx
358 351 KeCancelTimer
359 352 KeClearEvent
360 353 KeConnectInterrupt
361 354 KeDcacheFlushCount
362 355 KeDelayExecutionThread
363 356 KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback
364 357 KeDetachProcess
365 358 KeDisconnectInterrupt
366 359 KeEnterCriticalRegion
367 360 KeEnterKernelDebugger
368 361 KeFindConfigurationEntry
369 362 KeFindConfigurationNextEntry
370 363 KeFlushEntireTb
371 364 KeGetCurrentThread
372 365 KeGetPreviousMode
373 366 KeI386AbiosCall
374 367 KeI386AllocateGdtSelectors
375 368 KeI386Call16BitCStyleFunction
376 369 KeI386Call16BitFunction
377 370 KeI386FlatToGdtSelector
378 371 KeI386GetLid
379 372 KeI386MachineType
380 373 KeI386ReleaseGdtSelectors
381 374 KeI386ReleaseLid
382 375 KeI386SetGdtSelector
383 376 KeIcacheFlushCount
384 377 KeInitializeApc
385 378 KeInitializeDeviceQueue
386 379 KeInitializeDpc
387 380 KeInitializeEvent
388 381 KeInitializeInterrupt
389 382 KeInitializeMutant
390 383 KeInitializeMutex
391 384 KeInitializeQueue
392 385 KeInitializeSemaphore
393 386 KeInitializeSpinLock
394 387 KeInitializeTimer
395 388 KeInitializeTimerEx
396 389 KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue
397 390 KeInsertDeviceQueue
398 391 KeInsertHeadQueue
399 392 KeInsertQueue
400 393 KeInsertQueueApc
401 394 KeInsertQueueDpc
402 395 KeIsExecutingDpc
403 396 KeLeaveCriticalRegion
404 397 KeLoaderBlock
405 398 KeNumberProcessors
406 399 KeProfileInterrupt
407 400 KeProfileInterruptWithSource
408 401 KePulseEvent
409 402 KeQuerySystemTime
410 403 KeQueryTickCount
411 404 KeQueryTimeIncrement
412 405 KeRaiseUserException
413 406 KeReadStateEvent
414 407 KeReadStateMutant
415 408 KeReadStateMutex
416 409 KeReadStateQueue
417 410 KeReadStateSemaphore
418 411 KeReadStateTimer
419 412 KeRegisterBugCheckCallback
420 413 KeReleaseMutant
421 414 KeReleaseMutex
422 415 KeReleaseSemaphore
423 416 KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel
424 417 KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue
425 418 KeRemoveDeviceQueue
426 419 KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue
427 420 KeRemoveQueue
428 421 KeRemoveQueueDpc
429 422 KeResetEvent
430 423 KeRestoreFloatingPointState
431 424 KeRundownQueue
432 425 KeSaveFloatingPointState
433 426 KeServiceDescriptorTable
434 427 KeSetAffinityThread
435 428 KeSetBasePriorityThread
436 429 KeSetDmaIoCoherency
437 430 KeSetEvent
438 431 KeSetEventBoostPriority
439 432 KeSetIdealProcessorThread
440 433 KeSetImportanceDpc
441 434 KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable
442 435 KeSetPriorityThread
443 436 KeSetProfileIrql
444 437 KeSetTargetProcessorDpc
445 438 KeSetTimeIncrement
446 439 KeSetTimer
447 440 KeSetTimerEx
448 441 KeSynchronizeExecution
449 442 KeTerminateThread
450 443 KeTickCount
451 444 KeUpdateRunTime
452 445 KeUpdateSystemTime
453 446 KeUserModeCallback
454 447 KeWaitForMultipleObjects
455 448 KeWaitForMutexObject
456 449 KeWaitForSingleObject
457 450 KiBugCheckData
458 451 KiCoprocessorError
459 452 KiDeliverApc
460 453 KiDispatchInterrupt
461 454 KiIpiServiceRoutine
462 455 KiUnexpectedInterrupt
463 456 LdrAccessResource
464 457 LdrEnumResources
465 458 LdrFindResourceDirectory_U
466 459 LdrFindResource_U
467 460 LpcRequestPort
468 461 LsaCallAuthenticationPackage
469 462 LsaDeregisterLogonProcess
470 463 LsaFreeReturnBuffer
471 464 LsaLogonUser
472 465 LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage
473 466 LsaRegisterLogonProcess
474 467 MmAdjustWorkingSetSize
475 468 MmAllocateContiguousMemory
476 469 MmAllocateNonCachedMemory
477 470 MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool
478 471 MmCanFileBeTruncated
479 472 MmCreateMdl
480 473 MmCreateSection
481 474 MmDbgTranslatePhysicalAddress
482 475 MmDisableModifiedWriteOfSection
483 476 MmFlushImageSection
484 477 MmForceSectionClosed
485 478 MmFreeContiguousMemory
486 479 MmFreeNonCachedMemory
487 480 MmGetPhysicalAddress
488 481 MmGrowKernelStack
489 482 MmIsAddressValid
490 483 MmIsNonPagedSystemAddressValid
491 484 MmIsRecursiveIoFault
492 485 MmIsThisAnNtAsSystem
493 486 MmLockPagableDataSection
494 487 MmLockPagableImageSection
495 488 MmLockPagableSectionByHandle
496 489 MmMapIoSpace
497 490 MmMapLockedPages
498 491 MmMapMemoryDumpMdl
499 492 MmMapVideoDisplay
500 493 MmMapViewInSystemSpace
501 494 MmMapViewOfSection
502 495 MmPageEntireDriver
503 496 MmProbeAndLockPages
504 497 MmQuerySystemSize
505 498 MmResetDriverPaging
506 499 MmSectionObjectType
507 500 MmSecureVirtualMemory
508 501 MmSetAddressRangeModified
509 502 MmSetBankedSection
510 503 MmSizeOfMdl
511 504 MmUnlockPagableImageSection
512 505 MmUnlockPages
513 506 MmUnmapIoSpace
514 507 MmUnmapLockedPages
515 508 MmUnmapVideoDisplay
516 509 MmUnmapViewInSystemSpace
517 510 MmUnmapViewOfSection
518 511 MmUnsecureVirtualMemory
519 512 NlsAnsiCodePage
520 513 NlsLeadByteInfo
521 514 NlsMbCodePageTag
522 515 NlsMbOemCodePageTag
523 516 NlsOemLeadByteInfo
524 517 NtAddAtom
525 518 NtAdjustPrivilegesToken
526 519 NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId
527 520 NtAllocateUuids
528 521 NtAllocateVirtualMemory
529 522 NtBuildNumber
530 523 NtClose
531 524 NtConnectPort
532 525 NtCreateEvent
533 526 NtCreateFile
534 527 NtCreateSection
535 528 NtDeleteAtom
536 529 NtDeleteFile
537 530 NtDeviceIoControlFile
538 531 NtDuplicateObject
539 532 NtDuplicateToken
540 533 NtFindAtom
541 534 NtFreeVirtualMemory
542 535 NtFsControlFile
543 536 NtGlobalFlag
544 537 NtLockFile
545 538 NtMapViewOfSection
546 539 NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile
547 540 NtOpenFile
548 541 NtOpenProcess
549 542 NtOpenProcessToken
550 543 NtQueryDirectoryFile
551 544 NtQueryEaFile
552 545 NtQueryInformationAtom
553 546 NtQueryInformationFile
554 547 NtQueryInformationProcess
555 548 NtQueryInformationToken
556 549 NtQueryOleDirectoryFile
557 550 NtQuerySecurityObject
558 551 NtQueryVolumeInformationFile
559 552 NtReadFile
560 553 NtRequestPort
561 554 NtRequestWaitReplyPort
562 555 NtSetEvent
563 556 NtSetInformationFile
564 557 NtSetInformationProcess
565 558 NtSetInformationThread
566 559 NtSetSecurityObject
567 560 NtUnlockFile
568 561 NtVdmControl
569 562 NtWaitForSingleObject
570 563 NtWriteFile
571 564 ObAssignSecurity
572 565 ObCheckCreateObjectAccess
573 566 ObCheckObjectAccess
574 567 ObCreateObject
575 568 ObDereferenceObject
576 569 ObFindHandleForObject
577 570 ObGetObjectPointerCount
578 571 ObGetObjectSecurity
579 572 ObInsertObject
580 573 ObMakeTemporaryObject
581 574 ObOpenObjectByName
582 575 ObOpenObjectByPointer
583 576 ObQueryNameString
584 577 ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle
585 578 ObReferenceObjectByHandle
586 579 ObReferenceObjectByName
587 580 ObReferenceObjectByPointer
588 581 ObReleaseObjectSecurity
589 582 ObSetSecurityDescriptorInfo
590 583 PfxFindPrefix
591 584 PfxInitialize
592 585 PfxInsertPrefix
593 586 PfxRemovePrefix
594 587 PoQueryPowerSequence
595 588 PoRequestPowerChange
596 589 PoSetDeviceIdleDetection
597 590 ProbeForWrite
598 591 PsAssignImpersonationToken
599 592 PsChargePoolQuota
600 593 PsCreateSystemProcess
601 594 PsCreateSystemThread
602 595 PsCreateWin32Process
603 596 PsEstablishWin32Callouts
604 597 PsGetCurrentProcessId
605 598 PsGetCurrentThreadId
606 599 PsGetProcessExitTime
607 600 PsGetVersion
608 601 PsImpersonateClient
609 602 PsInitialSystemProcess
610 603 PsIsThreadTerminating
611 604 PsLookupProcessByProcessId
612 605 PsLookupProcessThreadByCid
613 606 PsLookupThreadByThreadId
614 607 PsProcessType
615 608 PsReferenceImpersonationToken
616 609 PsReferencePrimaryToken
617 610 PsReturnPoolQuota
618 611 PsRevertToSelf
619 612 PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine
620 613 PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine
621 614 PsSetLegoNotifyRoutine
622 615 PsSetProcessPriorityByClass
623 616 PsTerminateSystemThread
624 617 PsThreadType
631 624 RtlAbsoluteToSelfRelativeSD
632 625 RtlAddAccessAllowedAce
633 626 RtlAddAce
634 627 RtlAddAtomToAtomTable
635 628 RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid
636 629 RtlAllocateHeap
637 630 RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar
638 631 RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize
639 632 RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString
640 633 RtlAppendAsciizToString
641 634 RtlAppendStringToString
642 635 RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString
643 636 RtlAppendUnicodeToString
644 637 RtlAreAllAccessesGranted
645 638 RtlAreAnyAccessesGranted
646 639 RtlAreBitsClear
647 640 RtlAreBitsSet
648 641 RtlAssert
649 642 RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
650 643 RtlCharToInteger
651 644 RtlCheckRegistryKey
652 645 RtlClearAllBits
653 646 RtlClearBits
654 647 RtlCompareMemory
655 648 RtlCompareMemoryUlong
656 649 RtlCompareString
657 650 RtlCompareUnicodeString
658 651 RtlCompressBuffer
659 652 RtlCompressChunks
660 653 RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger
661 654 RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString
662 655 RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger
663 656 RtlCopyLuid
664 657 RtlCopySid
665 658 RtlCopyString
666 659 RtlCopyUnicodeString
667 660 RtlCreateAcl
668 661 RtlCreateAtomTable
669 662 RtlCreateHeap
670 663 RtlCreateRegistryKey
671 664 RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor
672 665 RtlCreateUnicodeString
673 666 RtlCustomCPToUnicodeN
674 667 RtlDecompressBuffer
675 668 RtlDecompressChunks
676 669 RtlDecompressFragment
677 670 RtlDelete
678 671 RtlDeleteAtomFromAtomTable
679 672 RtlDeleteElementGenericTable
680 673 RtlDeleteNoSplay
681 674 RtlDeleteRegistryValue
682 675 RtlDescribeChunk
683 676 RtlDestroyAtomTable
684 677 RtlDestroyHeap
685 678 RtlDowncaseUnicodeString
686 679 RtlEmptyAtomTable
687 680 RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply
688 681 RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide
689 682 RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply
690 683 RtlEnumerateGenericTable
691 684 RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying
692 685 RtlEqualLuid
693 686 RtlEqualSid
694 687 RtlEqualString
695 688 RtlEqualUnicodeString
696 689 RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply
697 690 RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide
698 691 RtlExtendedMagicDivide
699 692 RtlFillMemory
700 693 RtlFillMemoryUlong
701 694 RtlFindClearBits
702 695 RtlFindClearBitsAndSet
703 696 RtlFindFirstRunClear
704 697 RtlFindFirstRunSet
705 698 RtlFindLongestRunClear
706 699 RtlFindLongestRunSet
707 700 RtlFindMessage
708 701 RtlFindSetBits
709 702 RtlFindSetBitsAndClear
710 703 RtlFindUnicodePrefix
711 704 RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath
712 705 RtlFreeAnsiString
713 706 RtlFreeHeap
714 707 RtlFreeOemString
715 708 RtlFreeUnicodeString
716 709 RtlGenerate8dot3Name
717 710 RtlGetCallersAddress
718 711 RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize
719 712 RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor
720 713 RtlGetDefaultCodePage
721 714 RtlGetElementGenericTable
722 715 RtlGetGroupSecurityDescriptor
723 716 RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor
724 717 RtlImageNtHeader
725 718 RtlInitAnsiString
726 719 RtlInitCodePageTable
727 720 RtlInitString
728 721 RtlInitUnicodeString
729 722 RtlInitializeBitMap
730 723 RtlInitializeGenericTable
731 724 RtlInitializeSid
732 725 RtlInitializeUnicodePrefix
733 726 RtlInsertElementGenericTable
734 727 RtlInsertUnicodePrefix
735 728 RtlIntegerToChar
736 729 RtlIntegerToUnicodeString
737 730 RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3
738 731 RtlLargeIntegerAdd
739 732 RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift
740 733 RtlLargeIntegerDivide
741 734 RtlLargeIntegerNegate
742 735 RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft
743 736 RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight
744 737 RtlLargeIntegerSubtract
745 738 RtlLengthRequiredSid
746 739 RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor
747 740 RtlLengthSid
748 741 RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable
749 742 RtlLookupElementGenericTable
750 743 RtlMapGenericMask
751 744 RtlMoveMemory
752 745 RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN
753 746 RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize
754 747 RtlNextUnicodePrefix
755 748 RtlNtStatusToDosError
756 749 RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb
757 750 RtlNumberGenericTableElements
758 751 RtlNumberOfClearBits
759 752 RtlNumberOfSetBits
760 753 RtlOemStringToCountedUnicodeString
761 754 RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize
762 755 RtlOemStringToUnicodeString
763 756 RtlOemToUnicodeN
764 757 RtlPinAtomInAtomTable
765 758 RtlPrefixString
766 759 RtlPrefixUnicodeString
767 760 RtlQueryAtomInAtomTable
768 761 RtlQueryRegistryValues
769 762 RtlQueryTimeZoneInformation
770 763 RtlRaiseException
771 764 RtlRandom
772 765 RtlRemoveUnicodePrefix
773 766 RtlReserveChunk
774 767 RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime
775 768 RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime
776 769 RtlSetAllBits
777 770 RtlSetBits
778 771 RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor
779 772 RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor
780 773 RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor
781 774 RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor
782 775 RtlSetTimeZoneInformation
783 776 RtlSplay
784 777 RtlSubAuthorityCountSid
785 778 RtlSubAuthoritySid
786 779 RtlTimeFieldsToTime
787 780 RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970
788 781 RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980
789 782 RtlTimeToTimeFields
790 783 RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize
791 784 RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString
792 785 RtlUnicodeStringToCountedOemString
793 786 RtlUnicodeStringToInteger
794 787 RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize
795 788 RtlUnicodeStringToOemString
796 789 RtlUnicodeToCustomCPN
797 790 RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN
798 791 RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize
799 792 RtlUnicodeToOemN
800 793 RtlUnwind
801 794 RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar
802 795 RtlUpcaseUnicodeString
803 796 RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToAnsiString
804 797 RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToCountedOemString
805 798 RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString
806 799 RtlUpcaseUnicodeToCustomCPN
807 800 RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN
808 801 RtlUpcaseUnicodeToOemN
809 802 RtlUpperChar
810 803 RtlUpperString
811 804 RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
812 805 RtlValidSid
813 806 RtlWriteRegistryValue
814 807 RtlZeroHeap
815 808 RtlZeroMemory
816 809 RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize
817 810 RtlxOemStringToUnicodeSize
818 811 RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize
819 812 RtlxUnicodeStringToOemSize
820 813 SeAccessCheck
821 814 SeAppendPrivileges
822 815 SeAssignSecurity
823 816 SeAuditingFileEvents
824 817 SeAuditingFileOrGlobalEvents
825 818 SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor
826 819 SeCaptureSubjectContext
827 820 SeCloseObjectAuditAlarm
828 821 SeCreateAccessState
829 822 SeCreateClientSecurity
830 823 SeDeassignSecurity
831 824 SeDeleteAccessState
832 825 SeDeleteObjectAuditAlarm
833 826 SeExports
834 827 SeFreePrivileges
835 828 SeImpersonateClient
836 829 SeLockSubjectContext
837 830 sionForTerminationNotification
838 831 SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm
839 832 SeOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm
840 833 SePrivilegeCheck
841 834 SePrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm
842 835 SePublicDefaultDacl
843 836 SeQueryAuthenticationIdToken
844 837 SeQuerySecurityDescriptorInfo
845 838 SeRegisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine
846 839 SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor
847 840 SeReleaseSubjectContext
848 841 SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping
849 842 SeSetSecurityDescriptorInfo
850 843 SeSinglePrivilegeCheck
851 844 SeSystemDefaultDacl
852 845 SeTokenImpersonationLevel
853 846 SeTokenType
854 847 SeUnlockSubjectContext
855 848 SeUnregisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine
856 849 SeValidSecurityDescriptor
863 856 ZwAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
864 857 ZwAlertThread
865 858 ZwAllocateVirtualMemory
866 859 ZwClearEvent
867 860 ZwClose
868 861 ZwCloseObjectAuditAlarm
869 862 ZwConnectPort
870 863 ZwCreateDirectoryObject
871 864 ZwCreateEvent
872 865 ZwCreateFile
873 866 ZwCreateKey
874 867 ZwCreateSection
875 868 ZwCreateSymbolicLinkObject
876 869 ZwDeleteFile
877 870 ZwDeleteKey
878 871 ZwDeleteValueKey
879 872 ZwDeviceIoControlFile
880 873 ZwDisplayString
881 874 ZwDuplicateObject
882 875 ZwDuplicateToken
883 876 ZwEnumerateKey
884 877 ZwEnumerateValueKey
885 878 ZwFlushInstructionCache
886 879 ZwFlushKey
887 880 ZwFreeVirtualMemory
888 881 ZwFsControlFile
889 882 ZwLoadDriver
890 883 ZwLoadKey
891 884 ZwMakeTemporaryObject
892 885 ZwMapViewOfSection
893 886 ZwNotifyChangeKey
894 887 ZwOpenDirectoryObject
895 888 ZwOpenEvent
896 889 ZwOpenFile
897 890 ZwOpenKey
898 891 ZwOpenProcess
899 892 ZwOpenProcessToken
900 893 ZwOpenSection
901 894 ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject
902 895 ZwOpenThread
903 896 ZwOpenThreadToken
904 897 ZwPulseEvent
905 898 ZwQueryDefaultLocale
906 899 ZwQueryDirectoryFile
907 900 ZwQueryInformationFile
908 901 ZwQueryInformationProcess
909 902 ZwQueryInformationToken
910 903 ZwQueryKey
911 904 ZwQueryObject
912 905 ZwQuerySection
913 906 ZwQuerySecurityObject
914 907 ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject
915 908 ZwQuerySystemInformation
916 909 ZwQueryValueKey
917 910 ZwQueryVolumeInformationFile
918 911 ZwReadFile
919 912 ZwReplaceKey
920 913 ZwRequestWaitReplyPort
921 914 ZwResetEvent
922 915 ZwSaveKey
923 916 ZwSetDefaultLocale
924 917 ZwSetEvent
925 918 ZwSetInformationFile
926 919 ZwSetInformationObject
927 920 ZwSetInformationProcess
928 921 ZwSetInformationThread
929 922 ZwSetSystemInformation
930 923 ZwSetSystemTime
931 924 ZwSetValueKey
932 925 ZwTerminateProcess
933 926 ZwUnloadDriver
934 927 ZwUnloadKey
935 928 ZwUnmapViewOfSection
936 929 ZwWaitForMultipleObjects
937 930 ZwWaitForSingleObject
938 931 ZwWriteFile
939 932 ZwYieldExecution
940 933 _abnormal_termination
941 934 _alldiv
942 935 _allmul
943 936 _allrem
944 937 _allshl
945 938 _allshr
946 939 _aulldiv
947 940 _aullrem
948 941 _aullshr
949 942 _except_handler2
950 943 _global_unwind2
951 944 _itoa
952 945 _local_unwind2
953 946 _purecall
954 947 _snprintf
955 948 _snwprintf
956 949 _stricmp
957 950 _strlwr
958 951 _strnicmp
959 952 _strnset
960 953 _strrev
961 954 _strset
962 955 _strupr
963 956 _vsnprintf
964 957 _wcsicmp
965 958 _wcslwr
966 959 _wcsnicmp
967 960 _wcsnset
968 961 _wcsrev
969 962 _wcsupr
970 963 atoi
971 964 atol
972 965 isdigit
973 966 islower
974 967 isprint
975 968 isspace
976 969 isupper
977 970 isxdigit
978 971 mbstowcs
979 972 mbtowc
980 973 memchr
981 974 memcpy
982 975 memmove
983 976 memset
984 977 qsort
985 978 rand
986 979 sprintf
987 980 srand
988 981 strcat
989 982 strchr
990 983 strcmp
991 984 strcpy
992 985 strlen
993 986 strncat
994 987 strncmp
995 988 strncpy
996 989 strrchr
997 990 strspn
998 991 strstr
999 992 swprintf
1000 993 tolower
1001 994 toupper
1002 995 towlower
1003 996 towupper
1004 997 vsprintf
1005 998 wcscat
1006 999 wcschr
1007 1000 wcscmp
1008 1001 wcscpy
1009 1002 wcscspn
1010 1003 wcslen
1011 1004 wcsncat
1012 1005 wcsncmp
1013 1006 wcsncpy
1014 1007 wcsrchr
1015 1008 wcsspn
1016 1009 wcsstr
1017 1010 wcstombs
1018 1011 wctomb
1021 Import Name: hal.dll
1023 Hint Exported
1024 Value: Name:
1025 003E KdPortSave
1026 0046 KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel
1027 0001 ExReleaseFastMutex
1028 0000 ExAcquireFastMutex
1029 0002 ExTryToAcquireFastMutex
1030 0022 HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt
1031 0023 HalReturnToFirmware
1032 000E HalDisplayString
1033 001E HalQueryRealTimeClock
1034 0029 HalSetRealTimeClock
1035 002A HalSetTimeIncrement
1036 0042 KeGetCurrentIrql
1037 0044 KeQueryPerformanceCounter
1038 0016 HalGetEnvironmentVariable
1039 0027 HalSetEnvironmentVariable
1040 004C KfRaiseIrql
1041 0019 HalInitSystem
1042 0020 HalReportResourceUsage
1043 0005 HalAllProcessorsStarted
1044 0006 HalAllocateAdapterChannel
1045 0017 HalGetInterruptVector
1046 002F HalTranslateBusAddress
1047 0004 HalAdjustResourceList
1048 0030 IoAssignDriveLetters
1049 0035 IoReadPartitionTable
1050 0007 HalAllocateCommonBuffer
1051 003A KdPortInitialize
1052 0039 KdPortGetByte
1053 003C KdPortPutByte
1054 003B KdPortPollByte
1055 004B KfLowerIrql
1056 003D KdPortRestore
1063 001A HalInitializeProcessor
1064 001C HalProcessorIdle
1065 000C HalClearSoftwareInterrupt
1066 0047 KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel
1067 0018 HalHandleNMI
1068 000A HalBeginSystemInterrupt
1069 0010 HalEndSystemInterrupt
1070 000F HalEnableSystemInterrupt
1071 000D HalDisableSystemInterrupt
1072 002E HalSystemVectorDispatchEntry
1073 0045 KeRaiseIrql
1074 0043 KeLowerIrql
1075 0028 HalSetProfileInterval
1076 002C HalStartProfileInterrupt
1077 002D HalStopProfileInterrupt
1078 001D HalQueryDisplayParameters
1079 004D KfReleaseSpinLock
1080 004A KfAcquireSpinLock
1081 0041 KeFlushWriteBuffer
1082 0049 KeStallExecutionProcessor
1084 These exported and imported functions might only correspond to Windows NT 4.0