[reactos.git] / reactos / sdk / lib / 3rdparty / atlex / README.md
1 # atlex
2 Provides additional templates and function helpers for Microsoft Active Template Library
4 ## Building
5 - The _.h_ files can be used individually. However, we do encourage you to include the entire library project and reference it in dependant projects of your solution, as atlex might develop some non-inline code over time.
6 - The _libatl.vcxproj_ requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 and _..\\..\\include_ folder with _common.props_, _Debug.props_, _Release.props_, _Win32.props_, and _x64.props_ files to customize building process for individual applications.
8 ## Usage
9 1. Clone the repository into your solution folder.
10 2. Add the _libatl.vcxproj_ to your solution.
11 3. Add atlex's _include_ folder to _Additional Include Directories_ in your project's C/C++ settings.
12 4. Add a new reference to atlex project from your project's common properties.
13 5. Include _.h_ files from atlex as needed:
14 ```C
15 #include <atlstr.h>
16 #include <atlshlwapi.h>
17 #include <iostream>
19 void main()
20 {
21 ATL::CAtlString sPath;
22 PathCanonicalize(sPath, _T("C:\\Windows\\Temp\\test\\.."));
23 std::cout << (LPCTSTR)sPath << std::endl;
24 }
25 ```