change _T((LPTSTR)szMsg)) to (LPTSTR)szMsg)
[reactos.git] / reactos / subsys / system / cmd / En.rc
1 #include "resource.h"
2 /* Start move all hard code string to En.rc
3 * By Magnus Olsen 2005
4 */
8 {
10 STRING_ATTRIB_HELP, "Displays or changes file attributes.\n\n \
11 ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] file ...\n \
12 [/S [/D]]\n\n \
13 + Sets an attribute\n \
14 - Clears an attribute\n \
15 R Read-only file attribute\n \
16 A Archive file attribute\n \
17 S System file attribute\n \
18 H Hidden file attribute\n \
19 /S Processes matching files in the current directory\n \
20 and all subdirectories\n \
21 /D Processes direcories as well\n\n \
22 Type ATTRIB without a parameter to display the attributes of all files."
24 STRING_ALIAS_HELP, "Sets, removes or shows aliases.\n\n \
25 ALIAS [alias=[command]]\n\n \
26 alias Name for an alias.\n \
27 command Text to be substituted for an alias.\n\n \
28 To list all aliases:\n \
29 ALIAS\n\n \
30 To set a new or replace an existing alias:\n \
31 ALIAS da=dir a:\n\n \
32 To remove an alias from the alias list:\n \
33 ALIAS da="
35 STRING_BEEP_HELP, "Beep the speaker.\n\nBEEP"
37 STRING_CALL_HELP, "Calls one batch program from another.\n\n \
38 CALL [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameter]\n\n \
39 batch-parameter Specifies any command-line information required by the\n \
40 batch program."
42 STRING_CD_HELP, "Changes the current directory or displays it's name\n\n \
43 CHDIR [drive:][path]\n \
44 CHDIR[..|-]\n \
45 CD [drive:][path]\n \
46 CD[..|-]\n\n \
47 .. parent directory\n \
48 - previous directory\n\n \
49 Type CD drive: to display the current directory on the specified drive.\n \
50 Type CD without a parameter to display the current drive and directory. "
52 STRING_CHCP_HELP, "Displays or sets the active code page number.\n\n \
53 CHCP [nnn]\n\n \
54 nnn Specifies the active code page number.\n\n \
55 Type CHCP without a parameter to display the active code page number."
57 STRING_CHOICE_HELP, "Waits for the user to choose one of a set of choices.\n\n \
58 CHOICE [/C[:]choices][/N][/S][/T[:]c,nn][text]\n\n \
59 /C[:]choices Specifies allowable keys. Default is YN.\n \
60 /N Do not display choices and ? at the end of the prompt string.\n \
61 /S Treat choice keys as case sensitive.\n \
62 /T[:]c,nn Default choice to c after nn seconds.\n \
63 text Prompt string to display.\n\n \
64 ERRORLEVEL is set to offset of key user presses in choices."
66 STRING_CLS_HELP, "Clears the screen.\n\nCLS"
68 STRING_CMD_HELP1, "\nInternal commands available:\n"
70 STRING_CMD_HELP2, "\nFeatures available:"
72 STRING_CMD_HELP3," [aliases]"
74 STRING_CMD_HELP4," [history]"
76 STRING_CMD_HELP5," [unix filename completion]"
78 STRING_CMD_HELP6," [directory stack]"
80 STRING_CMD_HELP7," [redirections and piping]"
82 STRING_CMD_HELP8, "Starts a new instance of the ReactOS command line interpreter.\n\n \
83 CMD [/[C|K] command][/P][/Q][/T:bf]\n\n \
84 /C command Runs the specified command and terminates.\n \
85 /K command Runs the specified command and remains.\n \
86 /P CMD becomes permanent and runs autoexec.bat\n \
87 (cannot be terminated).\n \
88 /T:bf Sets the background/foreground color (see COLOR command)."
90 STRING_COLOR_HELP1, "Sets the default foreground and background colors.\n\n \
91 COLOR [attr [/F]] \n\n \
92 attr Specifies color attribute of console output\n \
93 /F fill the console with color attribute\n\n \
94 There are three ways to specify the colors:\n \
95 1) [bright] name on [bright] name (only the first three letters are required)\n \
96 2) decimal on decimal\n \
97 3) two hex digits\n\n \
98 Colors are:\n \
99 dec hex name dec hex name\n \
100 0 0 Black 8 8 Gray(Bright black)\n \
101 1 1 Blue 9 9 Bright Blue\n \
102 2 2 Green 10 A Bright Green\n \
103 3 3 Cyan 11 B Bright Cyan\n \
104 4 4 Red 12 C Bright Red\n \
105 5 5 Magenta 13 D Bright Magenta\n \
106 6 6 Yellow 14 E Bright Yellow\n \
107 7 7 White 15 F Bright White"
109 STRING_COPY_HELP1, "Overwrite %s (Yes/No/All)? "
111 STRING_COPY_HELP2, "Copies one or more files to another location.\n\n \
112 COPY [/V][/Y|/-Y][/A|/B] source [/A|/B]\n \
113 [+ source [/A|/B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A|/B]]\n\n \
114 source Specifies the file or files to be copied.\n \
115 /A Indicates an ASCII text file.\n \
116 /B Indicates a binary file.\n \
117 destination Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).\n \
118 /V Verifies that new files are written correctly.\n \
119 /Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an\n \
120 existing destination file.\n \
121 /-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an\n \
122 existing destination file.\n\n \
123 The switch /Y may be present in the COPYCMD environment variable.\n \
124 ..."
126 STRING_DATE_HELP1, "\nEnter new date (mm%cdd%cyyyy): "
128 STRING_DATE_HELP2, "\nEnter new date (dd%cmm%cyyyy): "
130 STRING_DATE_HELP3, "\nEnter new date (yyyy%cmm%cdd): "
132 STRING_DATE_HELP4, "Displays or sets the date.\n\n \
133 DATE [/T][date]\n\n \
134 /T display only\n\n \
135 Type DATE without parameters to display the current date setting and\n \
136 a prompt for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same date."
138 STRING_DEL_HELP1, "Deletes one or more files.\n\n \
139 DEL [/%c /%c /%c /%c /%c /%c /%c] file ...\n \
140 DELETE [/%c /%c /%c /%c /%c /%c /%c] file ...\n \
141 ERASE [/%c /%c /%c /%c /%c /%c /%c] file ...\n\n \
142 file Specifies the file(s) to delete.\n\n \
143 /%c Nothing.\n \
144 /%c Prompt. Ask before deleting each file.\n \
145 /%c Total. Display total number of deleted files and freed disk space.\n \
146 /%c Quiet.\n \
147 /%c Wipe. Overwrite the file with random numbers before deleting it.\n \
148 /%c Yes. Kill even *.* without asking.\n \
149 /%c Zap. Delete hidden, read-only and system files).\n"
151 STRING_DEL_HELP2, "All files in the directory will be deleted!\nAre you sure (Y/N)?"
152 STRING_DEL_HELP3, " %lu file deleted\n"
153 STRING_DEL_HELP4, " %lu files deleted\n"
155 STRING_DELAY_HELP, "pause for n seconds or milliseconds\n \
156 DELAY [/m]n\n\n \
157 /m specifiy than n are milliseconds\n \
158 otherwise n are seconds"
160 STRING_DIR_HELP1, "DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/A[[:]attributes]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N]\n \
161 [/O[[:]sortorder]] [/P] [/Q] [/S] [/T[[:]timefield]] [/W] [/X] [/4]\n\n \
162 [drive:][path][filename]\n \
163 Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.\n\n \
164 /A Displays files with specified attributes.\n \
165 attributes D Directories R Read-only files\n \
166 H Hidden files A Files ready for archiving\n \
167 S System files - Prefix meaning not\n \
168 /B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).\n \
169 /C Display the thousand separator in file sizes. This is the\n \
170 default. Use /-C to disable display of separator.\n \
171 /D Same as wide but files are list sorted by column.\n \
172 /L Uses lowercase.\n \
173 /N New long list format where filenames are on the far right.\n \
174 /O List by files in sorted order.\n \
175 sortorder N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first)\n \
176 E By extension (alphabetic) D By date/time (oldest first)\n \
177 G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order\n \
178 /P Pauses after each screenful of information.\n \
179 /Q Display the owner of the file.\n \
180 /S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.\n \
181 /T Controls which time field displayed or used for sorting\n \
182 timefield C Creation\n \
183 A Last Access\n \
184 W Last Written\n \
185 /W Uses wide list format.\n \
186 /X This displays the short names generated for non-8dot3 file\n \
187 names. The format is that of /N with the short name inserted\n \
188 before the long name. If no short name is present, blanks are\n \
189 displayed in its place.\n \
190 /4 Displays four-digit years\n\n \
191 Switches may be preset in the DIRCMD environment variable. Override\n \
192 preset switches by prefixing any switch with - (hyphen)--for example, /-W.\n "
194 STRING_DIR_HELP2, " Volume in drive %c is %s"
195 STRING_DIR_HELP3, " Volume in drive %c has no label"
196 STRING_DIR_HELP4, " Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n"
197 STRING_DIR_HELP5, "\n Total Files Listed:\n%16i File(s)% 14s bytes\n"
198 STRING_DIR_HELP6, "%16i Dir(s)% 15s bytes\n"
199 STRING_DIR_HELP7, "\n Directory of %s\n\n"
200 STRING_DIR_HELP8, "%16i Dir(s)% 14s bytes\n"
202 STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP1, "Stores the current directory for use by the POPD command, then\n \
203 changes to the specified directory.\n\n \
204 PUSHD [path | ..]\n\n \
205 path Specifies the directory to make the current directory"
207 STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP2, "Changes to the directory stored by the PUSHD command.\n\nPOPD"
209 STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP3, "Prints the contents of the directory stack.\n\nDIRS"
211 STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP4, "Directory stack empty"
213 STRING_ECHO_HELP1, "Display a messages without trailing carridge return and line feed.\n\n \
214 ECHOS message"
216 STRING_ECHO_HELP2, "Displays a message to the standard error.\n\n \
217 ECHOERR message\n \
218 ECHOERR. prints an empty line"
220 STRING_ECHO_HELP3, "Prints a messages to standard error output without trailing carridge return and line feed.\n\n \
221 ECHOSERR message"
223 STRING_ECHO_HELP4, "Displays a message or switches command echoing on or off.\n\n \
224 ECHO [ON | OFF]\n \
225 ECHO [message]\n \
226 ECHO. prints an empty line\n\n \
227 Type ECHO without a parameter to display the current ECHO setting."
229 STRING_ECHO_HELP5, "ECHO is %s\n"
231 STRING_EXIT_HELP, "Exits the command line interpreter.\n\nEXIT"
233 STRING_FOR_HELP1, "Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files\n\n \
234 FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [parameters]\n\n \
235 %variable Specifies a replaceable parameter.\n \
236 (set) Specifies a set of one or more files. Wildcards may be used.\n \
237 command Specifies the command to carry out for each file.\n \
238 parameters Specifies parameters or switches for the specified command.\n\n \
239 To user the FOR comamnd in a batch program, specify %%variable instead of\n \
240 %variable."
243 STRING_MKDIR_HELP, "Creates a directory.\n\n \
244 MKDIR [drive:]path\nMD [drive:]path"
246 STRING_RMDIR_HELP, "Removes a directory.\n\n \
247 RMDIR [drive:]path\nRD [drive:]path"
249 STRING_REM_HELP, "Starts a comment line in a batch file.\n\nREM [Comment]"
262 STRING_ALIAS_ERROR, "Command line too long after alias expansion!\n"
263 STRING_BATCH_ERROR, "Error opening batch file\n"
264 STRING_CHCP_ERROR1, "Active code page: %u\n"
265 STRING_CHCP_ERROR2, "Invalid parameter format - %s\n"
266 STRING_CHCP_ERROR3, "Parameter format incorrect - %s\n"
267 STRING_CHCP_ERROR4, "Invalid code page\n"
268 STRING_CHOICE_ERROR, "Invalid option. Expected format: /C[:]options"
269 STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_TXT, "Invalid option. Expected format: /T[:]c,nn"
270 STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_OPTION, "Illegal Option: %s"
271 STRING_CMD_ERROR1, "Can't redirect input from file %s\n"
272 STRING_CMD_ERROR2, "Error creating temporary file for pipe data\n"
273 STRING_CMD_ERROR3, "Can't redirect to file %s\n"
274 STRING_CMD_ERROR4, "Running %s...\n"
275 STRING_CMD_ERROR5, "Running cmdexit.bat...\n"
276 STRING_COLOR_ERROR1, "Same colors error! (Background and foreground can't be the same color)"
277 STRING_COLOR_ERROR2, "error in color specification"
278 STRING_COLOR_ERROR3, "Color %x\n"
279 STRING_COLOR_ERROR4, "same colors error!"
280 STRING_CONSOLE_ERROR, "Unknown error: %d\n"
281 STRING_COPY_ERROR1, "Error: Cannot open source - %s!\n"
282 STRING_COPY_ERROR2, "Error: Can't copy onto itself!\n"
283 STRING_COPY_ERROR3, "Error writing destination!\n"
284 STRING_COPY_ERROR4, "Error: Not implemented yet!\n"
285 STRING_DATE_ERROR, "Invalid date."
286 STRING_DEL_ERROR1, "Wildcards!\n\n"
287 STRING_DEL_ERROR2, "Full path: %s\n"
288 STRING_DEL_ERROR3, "File part: %s\n"
289 STRING_DEL_ERROR4, "Full filename: %s\n"
290 STRING_DEL_ERROR5, "The file %s will be deleted! "
291 STRING_DEL_ERROR6, "Are you sure (Y/N)?"
292 STRING_DEL_ERROR7, "Deleting: %s\n"
293 STRING_DEL_ERROR8, "No Wildcards!\n"
294 STRING_ERROR_ERROR1, "Unknown error! Error code: 0x%lx\n"
295 STRING_ERROR_ERROR2, "Syntax error"
296 STRING_FOR_ERROR1, "'in' missing in for statement."
297 STRING_FOR_ERROR2, "no brackets found."
298 STRING_FOR_ERROR3, "'do' missing."
299 STRING_FOR_ERROR4, "no command after 'do'."
300 STRING_FREE_ERROR1, "Invalid drive"
301 STRING_FREE_ERROR2, "unlabeled"
303 STRING_PARAM_ERROR, "Required parameter missing\n"
306 STRING_ERROR_PARAMETERF_ERROR, "Parameter format not correct - %c\n"
307 STRING_ERROR_INVALID_SWITCH, "Invalid switch - /%c\n"
308 STRING_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS, "Too many parameters - %s\n"
309 STRING_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, "Path not found\n"
310 STRING_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "File not found\n"
311 STRING_ERROR_REQ_PARAM_MISSING, "Required parameter missing\n"
312 STRING_ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE, "Invalid drive specification\n"
313 STRING_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FORMAT, "Invalid parameter format - %s\n"
314 STRING_ERROR_BADCOMMAND, "Bad command or filename\n"
315 STRING_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Out of memory error.\n"
316 STRING_ERROR_CANNOTPIPE, "Error! Cannot pipe! Cannot open temporary file!\n"
317 STRING_ERROR_D_PAUSEMSG, "Press any key to continue . . ."
320 }