merge 37282 from amd64-branch:
[reactos.git] / reactos / subsystems / win32 / win32k / dib / dib.c
1 /*
2 * ReactOS W32 Subsystem
3 * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 ReactOS Team
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 */
19 /* $Id$ */
21 #include <w32k.h>
23 #define NDEBUG
24 #include <debug.h>
26 /* Static data */
28 unsigned char notmask[2] = { 0x0f, 0xf0 };
29 unsigned char altnotmask[2] = { 0xf0, 0x0f };
31 DIB_FUNCTIONS DibFunctionsForBitmapFormat[] =
32 {
33 /* 0 */
34 {
35 Dummy_PutPixel, Dummy_GetPixel, Dummy_HLine, Dummy_VLine,
36 Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_StretchBlt, Dummy_TransparentBlt,
37 Dummy_ColorFill, Dummy_AlphaBlend
38 },
39 /* BMF_1BPP */
40 {
41 DIB_1BPP_PutPixel, DIB_1BPP_GetPixel, DIB_1BPP_HLine, DIB_1BPP_VLine,
42 DIB_1BPP_BitBlt, DIB_1BPP_BitBltSrcCopy, DIB_XXBPP_StretchBlt,
43 DIB_1BPP_TransparentBlt, DIB_1BPP_ColorFill, DIB_1BPP_AlphaBlend
44 },
45 /* BMF_4BPP */
46 {
47 DIB_4BPP_PutPixel, DIB_4BPP_GetPixel, DIB_4BPP_HLine, DIB_4BPP_VLine,
48 DIB_4BPP_BitBlt, DIB_4BPP_BitBltSrcCopy, DIB_XXBPP_StretchBlt,
49 DIB_4BPP_TransparentBlt, DIB_4BPP_ColorFill, DIB_4BPP_AlphaBlend
50 },
51 /* BMF_8BPP */
52 {
53 DIB_8BPP_PutPixel, DIB_8BPP_GetPixel, DIB_8BPP_HLine, DIB_8BPP_VLine,
54 DIB_8BPP_BitBlt, DIB_8BPP_BitBltSrcCopy, DIB_XXBPP_StretchBlt,
55 DIB_8BPP_TransparentBlt, DIB_8BPP_ColorFill, DIB_8BPP_AlphaBlend
56 },
57 /* BMF_16BPP */
58 {
59 DIB_16BPP_PutPixel, DIB_16BPP_GetPixel, DIB_16BPP_HLine, DIB_16BPP_VLine,
60 DIB_16BPP_BitBlt, DIB_16BPP_BitBltSrcCopy, DIB_XXBPP_StretchBlt,
61 DIB_16BPP_TransparentBlt, DIB_16BPP_ColorFill, DIB_16BPP_AlphaBlend
62 },
63 /* BMF_24BPP */
64 {
65 DIB_24BPP_PutPixel, DIB_24BPP_GetPixel, DIB_24BPP_HLine, DIB_24BPP_VLine,
66 DIB_24BPP_BitBlt, DIB_24BPP_BitBltSrcCopy, DIB_XXBPP_StretchBlt,
67 DIB_24BPP_TransparentBlt, DIB_24BPP_ColorFill, DIB_24BPP_AlphaBlend
68 },
69 /* BMF_32BPP */
70 {
71 DIB_32BPP_PutPixel, DIB_32BPP_GetPixel, DIB_32BPP_HLine, DIB_32BPP_VLine,
72 DIB_32BPP_BitBlt, DIB_32BPP_BitBltSrcCopy, DIB_XXBPP_StretchBlt,
73 DIB_32BPP_TransparentBlt, DIB_32BPP_ColorFill, DIB_32BPP_AlphaBlend
74 },
75 /* BMF_4RLE */
76 {
77 Dummy_PutPixel, Dummy_GetPixel, Dummy_HLine, Dummy_VLine,
78 Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_StretchBlt, Dummy_TransparentBlt,
79 Dummy_ColorFill, Dummy_AlphaBlend
80 },
81 /* BMF_8RLE */
82 {
83 Dummy_PutPixel, Dummy_GetPixel, Dummy_HLine, Dummy_VLine,
84 Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_StretchBlt, Dummy_TransparentBlt,
85 Dummy_ColorFill, Dummy_AlphaBlend
86 },
87 /* BMF_JPEG */
88 {
89 Dummy_PutPixel, Dummy_GetPixel, Dummy_HLine, Dummy_VLine,
90 Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_StretchBlt, Dummy_TransparentBlt,
91 Dummy_ColorFill, Dummy_AlphaBlend
92 },
93 /* BMF_PNG */
94 {
95 Dummy_PutPixel, Dummy_GetPixel, Dummy_HLine, Dummy_VLine,
96 Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_BitBlt, Dummy_StretchBlt, Dummy_TransparentBlt,
97 Dummy_ColorFill, Dummy_AlphaBlend
98 }
99 };
102 DIB_DoRop(ULONG Rop, ULONG Dest, ULONG Source, ULONG Pattern)
103 {
104 ULONG ResultNibble;
105 ULONG Result;
106 ULONG i;
107 static const ULONG ExpandDest[16] =
108 {
109 0x55555555 /* 0000 */,
110 0x555555AA /* 0001 */,
111 0x5555AA55 /* 0010 */,
112 0x5555AAAA /* 0011 */,
113 0x55AA5555 /* 0100 */,
114 0x55AA55AA /* 0101 */,
115 0x55AAAA55 /* 0110 */,
116 0x55AAAAAA /* 0111 */,
117 0xAA555555 /* 1000 */,
118 0xAA5555AA /* 1001 */,
119 0xAA55AA55 /* 1010 */,
120 0xAA55AAAA /* 1011 */,
121 0xAAAA5555 /* 1100 */,
122 0xAAAA55AA /* 1101 */,
123 0xAAAAAA55 /* 1110 */,
124 0xAAAAAAAA /* 1111 */,
125 };
126 static const ULONG ExpandSource[16] =
127 {
128 0x33333333 /* 0000 */,
129 0x333333CC /* 0001 */,
130 0x3333CC33 /* 0010 */,
131 0x3333CCCC /* 0011 */,
132 0x33CC3333 /* 0100 */,
133 0x33CC33CC /* 0101 */,
134 0x33CCCC33 /* 0110 */,
135 0x33CCCCCC /* 0111 */,
136 0xCC333333 /* 1000 */,
137 0xCC3333CC /* 1001 */,
138 0xCC33CC33 /* 1010 */,
139 0xCC33CCCC /* 1011 */,
140 0xCCCC3333 /* 1100 */,
141 0xCCCC33CC /* 1101 */,
142 0xCCCCCC33 /* 1110 */,
143 0xCCCCCCCC /* 1111 */,
144 };
145 static const ULONG ExpandPattern[16] =
146 {
147 0x0F0F0F0F /* 0000 */,
148 0x0F0F0FF0 /* 0001 */,
149 0x0F0FF00F /* 0010 */,
150 0x0F0FF0F0 /* 0011 */,
151 0x0FF00F0F /* 0100 */,
152 0x0FF00FF0 /* 0101 */,
153 0x0FF0F00F /* 0110 */,
154 0x0FF0F0F0 /* 0111 */,
155 0xF00F0F0F /* 1000 */,
156 0xF00F0FF0 /* 1001 */,
157 0xF00FF00F /* 1010 */,
158 0xF00FF0F0 /* 1011 */,
159 0xF0F00F0F /* 1100 */,
160 0xF0F00FF0 /* 1101 */,
161 0xF0F0F00F /* 1110 */,
162 0xF0F0F0F0 /* 1111 */,
163 };
165 /* Optimized code for the various named rop codes. */
166 switch (Rop)
167 {
168 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(BLACKNESS): return(0);
169 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(NOTSRCERASE): return(~(Dest | Source));
170 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(NOTSRCCOPY): return(~Source);
171 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(SRCERASE): return((~Dest) & Source);
172 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(DSTINVERT): return(~Dest);
173 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(PATINVERT): return(Dest ^ Pattern);
174 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(SRCINVERT): return(Dest ^ Source);
175 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(SRCAND): return(Dest & Source);
176 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(MERGEPAINT): return(Dest | (~Source));
177 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(SRCPAINT): return(Dest | Source);
178 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(MERGECOPY): return(Source & Pattern);
179 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(SRCCOPY): return(Source);
180 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(PATCOPY): return(Pattern);
181 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(PATPAINT): return(Dest | (~Source) | Pattern);
182 case ROP3_TO_ROP4(WHITENESS): return(0xFFFFFFFF);
183 }
184 /* Expand the ROP operation to all four bytes */
185 Rop &= 0xFF;
186 Rop |= (Rop << 24) | (Rop << 16) | (Rop << 8);
187 /* Do the operation on four bits simultaneously. */
188 Result = 0;
189 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
190 {
191 ResultNibble = Rop & ExpandDest[Dest & 0xF] & ExpandSource[Source & 0xF] & ExpandPattern[Pattern & 0xF];
192 Result |= (((ResultNibble & 0xFF000000) ? 0x8 : 0x0) | ((ResultNibble & 0x00FF0000) ? 0x4 : 0x0) |
193 ((ResultNibble & 0x0000FF00) ? 0x2 : 0x0) | ((ResultNibble & 0x000000FF) ? 0x1 : 0x0)) << (i * 4);
194 Dest >>= 4;
195 Source >>= 4;
196 Pattern >>= 4;
197 }
198 return(Result);
199 }
201 VOID Dummy_PutPixel(SURFOBJ* SurfObj, LONG x, LONG y, ULONG c)
202 {
203 return;
204 }
206 ULONG Dummy_GetPixel(SURFOBJ* SurfObj, LONG x, LONG y)
207 {
208 return 0;
209 }
211 VOID Dummy_HLine(SURFOBJ* SurfObj, LONG x1, LONG x2, LONG y, ULONG c)
212 {
213 return;
214 }
216 VOID Dummy_VLine(SURFOBJ* SurfObj, LONG x, LONG y1, LONG y2, ULONG c)
217 {
218 return;
219 }
221 BOOLEAN Dummy_BitBlt(PBLTINFO BltInfo)
222 {
223 return FALSE;
224 }
226 BOOLEAN Dummy_StretchBlt(SURFOBJ *DestSurf, SURFOBJ *SourceSurf,
227 SURFOBJ *PatternSurface, SURFOBJ *MaskSurf,
228 RECTL* DestRect, RECTL *SourceRect,
229 POINTL* MaskOrigin, BRUSHOBJ* Brush,
230 POINTL* BrushOrign,
231 XLATEOBJ *ColorTranslation,
232 XLATEOBJ *XlatePatternToDest, ROP4 Rop)
233 {
234 return FALSE;
235 }
237 BOOLEAN Dummy_TransparentBlt(SURFOBJ *DestSurf, SURFOBJ *SourceSurf,
238 RECTL* DestRect, RECTL *SourceRect,
239 XLATEOBJ *ColorTranslation, ULONG iTransColor)
240 {
241 return FALSE;
242 }
244 BOOLEAN Dummy_ColorFill(SURFOBJ* Dest, RECTL* DestRect, ULONG Color)
245 {
246 return FALSE;
247 }
251 Dummy_AlphaBlend(SURFOBJ* Dest, SURFOBJ* Source, RECTL* DestRect,
252 RECTL* SourceRect, CLIPOBJ* ClipRegion,
253 XLATEOBJ* ColorTranslation, BLENDOBJ* BlendObj)
254 {
255 return FALSE;
256 }
258 /* EOF */