- Rearrange reactos.dff according to rosapps rearrange.
[reactos.git] / rosapps / applications / net / ncftp / libncftp / ncftp.h
1 /* ncftp.h
2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Mike Gleason, NCEMRSoft.
4 * All rights reserved.
5 *
6 */
8 #ifndef _ncftp_h_
9 #define _ncftp_h_ 1
11 #define kLibraryVersion "@(#) LibNcFTP 3.0.6 (April 14, 2001)"
13 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WINDOWS)
14 # define longest_int LONGLONG
15 # define longest_uint ULONGLONG
16 # ifndef HAVE_LONG_LONG
17 # define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1
18 # endif
19 # ifndef SCANF_LONG_LONG
20 # define SCANF_LONG_LONG "%I64d"
21 # endif
22 # ifndef PRINTF_LONG_LONG
23 # define PRINTF_LONG_LONG "%I64d"
24 # endif
25 # ifndef PRINTF_LONG_LONG_I64D
26 # define PRINTF_LONG_LONG_I64D 1
27 # endif
28 # ifndef SCANF_LONG_LONG_I64D
29 # define SCANF_LONG_LONG_I64D 1
30 # endif
31 # ifndef USE_SIO
32 # define USE_SIO 1
33 # endif
34 # ifndef NO_SIGNALS
35 # define NO_SIGNALS 1
36 # endif
37 #else
38 # include <stdio.h>
39 # include <sys/time.h>
40 # if !defined(__ultrix) || !defined(XTI)
41 # include <sys/socket.h>
42 # endif
43 # include <netinet/in.h>
44 # if 1 /* %config1% -- set by configure script -- do not modify */
45 # ifndef USE_SIO
46 # define USE_SIO 1
47 # endif
48 # ifndef NO_SIGNALS
49 # define NO_SIGNALS 1
50 # endif
51 # else
52 # ifndef USE_SIO
53 # define USE_SIO 0
54 # endif
55 /* #undef NO_SIGNALS */
56 # endif
57 #endif
59 #include "ncftp_errno.h"
61 /* This is used to verify validty of the data passed in.
62 * It also specifies the minimum version that is binary-compatibile with
63 * this version. (So this may not necessarily be kLibraryVersion.)
64 */
65 #define kLibraryMagic "LibNcFTP 3.0.6"
67 #ifndef longest_int
68 #define longest_int long long
69 #define longest_uint unsigned long long
70 #endif
72 #ifndef forever
73 # define forever for ( ; ; )
74 #endif
76 typedef void (*FTPSigProc)(int);
78 typedef struct Line *LinePtr;
79 typedef struct Line {
80 LinePtr prev, next;
81 char *line;
82 } Line;
84 typedef struct LineList {
85 LinePtr first, last;
86 int nLines;
87 } LineList, *LineListPtr;
89 typedef struct Response {
90 LineList msg;
91 int codeType;
92 int code;
93 int printMode;
94 int eofOkay;
95 int hadEof;
96 } Response, *ResponsePtr;
98 #if USE_SIO && !defined(_SReadlineInfo_)
99 #define _SReadlineInfo_ 1
100 typedef struct SReadlineInfo {
101 char *buf; /* Pointer to beginning of buffer. */
102 char *bufPtr; /* Pointer to current position in buffer. */
103 char *bufLim; /* Pointer to end of buffer. */
104 size_t bufSize; /* Current size of buffer block. */
105 size_t bufSizeMax; /* Maximum size available for buffer. */
106 int malloc; /* If non-zero, malloc() was used for buf. */
107 int fd; /* File descriptor to use for I/O. */
108 int timeoutLen; /* Timeout to use, in seconds. */
109 int requireEOLN; /* When buffer is full, continue reading and discarding until \n? */
110 } SReadlineInfo;
111 #endif
113 typedef struct FTPLibraryInfo {
114 char magic[16]; /* Don't modify this field. */
115 int init; /* Don't modify this field. */
116 int socksInit; /* Don't modify this field. */
117 unsigned int defaultPort; /* Don't modify this field. */
118 char ourHostName[64]; /* Don't modify this field. */
119 int hresult; /* Don't modify this field. */
120 int htried; /* Don't modify this field. */
121 char defaultAnonPassword[80]; /* You may set this after init. */
122 } FTPLibraryInfo, *FTPLIPtr;
124 typedef struct FTPConnectionInfo *FTPCIPtr;
125 typedef void (*FTPProgressMeterProc)(const FTPCIPtr, int);
126 typedef void (*FTPLogProc)(const FTPCIPtr, char *);
127 typedef void (*FTPConnectMessageProc)(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr);
128 typedef void (*FTPLoginMessageProc)(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr);
129 typedef void (*FTPRedialStatusProc)(const FTPCIPtr, int, int);
130 typedef void (*FTPPrintResponseProc)(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr);
131 typedef int (*FTPFtwProc)(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *fn, int flag);
132 typedef void (*FTPGetPassphraseProc)(const FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr pwPrompt, char *pass, size_t dsize);
134 typedef struct FTPConnectionInfo {
135 char magic[16]; /* Don't modify this field. */
136 char host[64]; /* REQUIRED input parameter. */
137 char user[64]; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
138 char pass[64]; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
139 char acct[64]; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
140 unsigned int port; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
141 unsigned int xferTimeout; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
142 unsigned int connTimeout; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
143 unsigned int ctrlTimeout; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
144 unsigned int abortTimeout; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
145 FILE *debugLog; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
146 FILE *errLog; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
147 FTPLogProc debugLogProc; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
148 FTPLogProc errLogProc; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
149 FTPLIPtr lip; /* Do not modify this field. */
150 int maxDials; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
151 int redialDelay; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
152 int dataPortMode; /* OPTIONAL input parameter. */
153 char actualHost[64]; /* Do not modify this field. */
154 char ip[32]; /* Do not modify this field. */
155 int connected; /* Do not modify this field. */
156 int loggedIn; /* Do not modify this field. */
157 int curTransferType; /* Do not modify this field. */
158 char *startingWorkingDirectory; /* Use, but do not modify. */
159 longest_int startPoint; /* Do not modify this field. */
160 int hasPASV; /* Do not modify this field. */
161 int hasSIZE; /* Do not modify this field. */
162 int hasMDTM; /* Do not modify this field. */
163 int hasREST; /* Do not modify this field. */
164 int hasNLST_d; /* Do not modify this field. */
165 int hasUTIME; /* Do not modify this field. */
166 int hasFEAT; /* Do not modify this field. */
167 int hasMLSD; /* Do not modify this field. */
168 int hasMLST; /* Do not modify this field. */
169 int usedMLS; /* Do not modify this field. */
170 int hasCLNT; /* Do not modify this field. */
171 int hasRETRBUFSIZE; /* Do not modify this field. */
172 int hasRBUFSIZ; /* Do not modify this field. */
173 int hasRBUFSZ; /* Do not modify this field. */
174 int hasSTORBUFSIZE; /* Do not modify this field. */
175 int hasSBUFSIZ; /* Do not modify this field. */
176 int hasSBUFSZ; /* Do not modify this field. */
177 int hasBUFSIZE; /* Do not modify this field. */
178 int mlsFeatures; /* Do not modify this field. */
179 int STATfileParamWorks; /* Do not modify this field. */
180 int NLSTfileParamWorks; /* Do not modify this field. */
181 struct sockaddr_in servCtlAddr; /* Do not modify this field. */
182 struct sockaddr_in servDataAddr; /* Do not modify this field. */
183 struct sockaddr_in ourCtlAddr; /* Do not modify this field. */
184 struct sockaddr_in ourDataAddr; /* Do not modify this field. */
185 int netMode; /* Do not use or modify. */
186 char *buf; /* Do not modify this field. */
187 size_t bufSize; /* Do not modify this field. */
188 FILE *cin; /* Do not use or modify. */
189 FILE *cout; /* Do not use or modify. */
190 int ctrlSocketR; /* You may use but not modify/close. */
191 int ctrlSocketW; /* You may use but not modify/close. */
192 int dataSocket; /* You may use but not modify/close. */
193 int errNo; /* You may modify this if you want. */
194 unsigned short ephemLo; /* You may modify this if you want. */
195 unsigned short ephemHi; /* You may modify this if you want. */
196 int cancelXfer; /* You may modify this. */
197 longest_int bytesTransferred; /* Do not modify this field. */
198 FTPProgressMeterProc progress; /* You may modify this if you want. */
199 int useProgressMeter; /* Used internally. */
200 int leavePass; /* You may modify this. */
201 double sec; /* Do not modify this field. */
202 double secLeft; /* Do not modify this field. */
203 double kBytesPerSec; /* Do not modify this field. */
204 double percentCompleted; /* Do not modify this field. */
205 longest_int expectedSize; /* Do not modify this field. */
206 time_t mdtm; /* Do not modify this field. */
207 time_t nextProgressUpdate; /* Do not modify this field. */
208 const char *rname; /* Do not modify this field. */
209 const char *lname; /* Do not modify this field. */
210 struct timeval t0; /* Do not modify this field. */
211 int stalled; /* Do not modify this field. */
212 int dataTimedOut; /* Do not modify this field. */
213 int eofOkay; /* Do not use or modify. */
214 char lastFTPCmdResultStr[128]; /* You may modify this if you want. */
215 LineList lastFTPCmdResultLL; /* Use, but do not modify. */
216 int lastFTPCmdResultNum; /* You may modify this if you want. */
217 char firewallHost[64]; /* You may modify this. */
218 char firewallUser[64]; /* You may modify this. */
219 char firewallPass[64]; /* You may modify this. */
220 unsigned int firewallPort; /* You may modify this. */
221 int firewallType; /* You may modify this. */
222 int require20; /* You may modify this. */
223 int usingTAR; /* Use, but do not modify. */
224 FTPConnectMessageProc onConnectMsgProc; /* You may modify this. */
225 FTPRedialStatusProc redialStatusProc; /* You may modify this. */
226 FTPPrintResponseProc printResponseProc; /* You may modify this. */
227 FTPLoginMessageProc onLoginMsgProc; /* You may modify this. */
228 size_t ctrlSocketRBufSize; /* You may modify this. */
229 size_t ctrlSocketSBufSize; /* You may modify this. */
230 size_t dataSocketRBufSize; /* You may modify this. */
231 size_t dataSocketSBufSize; /* You may modify this. */
232 int serverType; /* Do not use or modify. */
233 int ietfCompatLevel; /* Do not use or modify. */
234 int numDownloads; /* Do not use or modify. */
235 int numUploads; /* Do not use or modify. */
236 int numListings; /* Do not use or modify. */
237 int doNotGetStartingWorkingDirectory; /* You may modify this. */
238 #if USE_SIO
239 char srlBuf[768];
240 SReadlineInfo ctrlSrl; /* Do not use or modify. */
241 #endif
242 FTPGetPassphraseProc passphraseProc; /* You may modify this. */
243 int iUser; /* Scratch integer field you can use. */
244 void *pUser; /* Scratch pointer field you can use. */
245 longest_int llUser; /* Scratch long long field you can use. */
246 const char *asciiFilenameExtensions; /* You may assign this. */
247 int reserved[32]; /* Do not use or modify. */
248 } FTPConnectionInfo;
250 typedef struct FileInfo *FileInfoPtr, **FileInfoVec;
251 typedef struct FileInfo {
252 FileInfoPtr prev, next;
253 char *relname;
254 char *rname;
255 char *rlinkto;
256 char *lname;
257 char *plug; /* permissions, links, user, group */
258 int type;
259 time_t mdtm;
260 longest_int size;
261 size_t relnameLen;
262 } FileInfo;
264 typedef struct FileInfoList {
265 FileInfoPtr first, last;
266 FileInfoVec vec;
267 size_t maxFileLen;
268 size_t maxPlugLen;
269 int nFileInfos;
270 int sortKey;
271 int sortOrder;
272 } FileInfoList, *FileInfoListPtr;
274 /* Used with UnMlsT() */
275 typedef struct MLstItem{
276 char fname[512];
277 char linkto[512];
278 int ftype;
279 longest_int fsize;
280 time_t ftime;
281 int mode; /* "UNIX.mode" fact */
282 int uid; /* "UNIX.uid" fact */
283 int gid; /* "UNIX.gid" fact */
284 char perm[16]; /* "perm" fact */
285 char owner[16]; /* "UNIX.owner" fact */
286 char group[16]; /* "UNIX.group" fact */
287 } MLstItem, *MLstItemPtr;
289 /* Messages we pass to the current progress meter function. */
290 #define kPrInitMsg 1
291 #define kPrUpdateMsg 2
292 #define kPrEndMsg 3
294 /* Parameter for OpenDataConnection() */
295 #define kSendPortMode 0
296 #define kPassiveMode 1
297 #define kFallBackToSendPortMode 2
299 /* Parameter for AcceptDataConnection() */
300 #define kAcceptForWriting 00100
301 #define kAcceptForReading 00101
302 #define kNetWriting kAcceptForWriting
303 #define kNetReading kAcceptForReading
305 /* Value for printMode field of Response structure.
306 * Generally, don't worry about this.
307 */
308 #define kResponseNoPrint 00001
309 #define kResponseNoSave 00002
310 #define kResponseNoProc 00002
312 #define kDefaultFTPPort 21
314 #define kDefaultFTPBufSize 32768
316 #ifdef USE_SIO
317 /* This version of the library can handle timeouts without
318 * a user-installed signal handler.
319 */
320 #define kDefaultXferTimeout 600
321 #define kDefaultConnTimeout 30
322 #define kDefaultCtrlTimeout 135
323 #define kDefaultAbortTimeout 10
324 #else
325 /* The library doesn't use timeouts by default because it would
326 * break apps that don't have a SIGALRM handler.
327 */
328 #define kDefaultXferTimeout (0) /* No timeout. */
329 #define kDefaultConnTimeout (0) /* No timeout. */
330 #define kDefaultCtrlTimeout (0) /* No timeout. */
331 #define kDefaultAbortTimeout 10
332 #endif
335 /* Suggested timeout values, in seconds, if you use timeouts. */
336 #define kSuggestedDefaultXferTimeout (0) /* No timeout on data blocks. */
337 #define kSuggestedDefaultConnTimeout 30
338 #define kSuggestedDefaultCtrlTimeout 135 /* 2*MSL, + slop */
339 #define kSuggestedAbortTimeout 10
341 #define kDefaultMaxDials 3
342 #define kDefaultRedialDelay 20 /* seconds */
344 #define kDefaultDataPortMode kSendPortMode
346 #define kRedialStatusDialing 0
347 #define kRedialStatusSleeping 1
349 #ifndef INADDR_NONE
350 # define INADDR_NONE (0xffffffff) /* <netinet/in.h> should have it. */
351 #endif
353 #define kTypeAscii 'A'
354 #define kTypeBinary 'I'
355 #define kTypeEbcdic 'E'
357 #define kGlobChars "[*?"
358 #define GLOBCHARSINSTR(a) (strpbrk(a, kGlobChars) != NULL)
360 #define kGlobYes 1
361 #define kGlobNo 0
362 #define kRecursiveYes 1
363 #define kRecursiveNo 0
364 #define kAppendYes 1
365 #define kAppendNo 0
366 #define kResumeYes 1
367 #define kResumeNo 0
368 #define kDeleteYes 1
369 #define kDeleteNo 0
370 #define kTarYes 1
371 #define kTarNo 0
373 #define UNIMPLEMENTED_CMD(a) ((a == 500) || (a == 502) || (a == 504))
375 /* Possible values returned by GetDateAndTime. */
376 #define kSizeUnknown ((longest_int) (-1))
377 #define kModTimeUnknown ((time_t) (-1))
379 #define kCommandAvailabilityUnknown (-1)
380 #define kCommandAvailable 1
381 #define kCommandNotAvailable 0
383 /* Values returned by FTPDecodeURL. */
384 #define kNotURL (-1)
385 #define kMalformedURL (-2)
387 /* Values for the firewall/proxy open. */
388 #define kFirewallNotInUse 0
389 #define kFirewallUserAtSite 1
390 #define kFirewallLoginThenUserAtSite 2
391 #define kFirewallSiteSite 3
392 #define kFirewallOpenSite 4
393 #define kFirewallUserAtUserPassAtPass 5
394 #define kFirewallFwuAtSiteFwpUserPass 6
395 #define kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp 7
396 #define kFirewallLastType kFirewallUserAtSiteFwuPassFwp
398 /* For MLSD, MLST, and STAT. */
399 #define kPreferredMlsOpts (kMlsOptType | kMlsOptSize | kMlsOptModify | kMlsOptUNIXmode | kMlsOptUNIXowner | kMlsOptUNIXgroup | kMlsOptUNIXuid | kMlsOptUNIXgid | kMlsOptPerm)
401 #define kMlsOptType 00001
402 #define kMlsOptSize 00002
403 #define kMlsOptModify 00004
404 #define kMlsOptUNIXmode 00010
405 #define kMlsOptUNIXowner 00020
406 #define kMlsOptUNIXgroup 00040
407 #define kMlsOptPerm 00100
408 #define kMlsOptUNIXuid 00200
409 #define kMlsOptUNIXgid 00400
410 #define kMlsOptUnique 01000
412 /* For FTPFtw(). */
413 #define kFtwFile 0
414 #define kFtwDir 1
416 /* For FTPChdir3(). */
417 #define kChdirOnly 00000
418 #define kChdirAndMkdir 00001
419 #define kChdirAndGetCWD 00002
420 #define kChdirOneSubdirAtATime 00004
422 /* Return codes for custom ConfirmResumeDownloadProcs. */
423 #define kConfirmResumeProcNotUsed 0
424 #define kConfirmResumeProcSaidSkip 1
425 #define kConfirmResumeProcSaidResume 2
426 #define kConfirmResumeProcSaidOverwrite 3
427 #define kConfirmResumeProcSaidAppend 4
428 #define kConfirmResumeProcSaidBestGuess 5
429 #define kConfirmResumeProcSaidCancel 6
431 typedef int (*ConfirmResumeDownloadProc)(
432 const char *volatile *localpath,
433 volatile longest_int localsize,
434 volatile time_t localmtime,
435 const char *volatile remotepath,
436 volatile longest_int remotesize,
437 volatile time_t remotetime,
438 volatile longest_int *volatile startPoint
439 );
441 typedef int (*ConfirmResumeUploadProc)(
442 const char *volatile localpath,
443 volatile longest_int localsize,
444 volatile time_t localmtime,
445 const char *volatile *remotepath,
446 volatile longest_int remotesize,
447 volatile time_t remotetime,
448 volatile longest_int *volatile startPoint
449 );
451 #define NoConfirmResumeDownloadProc ((ConfirmResumeDownloadProc) 0)
452 #define NoConfirmResumeUploadProc ((ConfirmResumeUploadProc) 0)
453 #define NoGetPassphraseProc ((FTPGetPassphraseProc) 0)
455 /* Types of FTP server software.
456 *
457 * We try to recognize a few of these, for information
458 * only, and occasional uses to determine some additional
459 * or broken functionality.
460 */
461 #define kServerTypeUnknown 0
462 #define kServerTypeWuFTPd 1
463 #define kServerTypeNcFTPd 2
464 #define kServerTypeProFTPD 3
465 #define kServerTypeMicrosoftFTP 4
466 #define kServerTypeWarFTPd 5
467 #define kServerTypeServ_U 6
468 #define kServerTypeWFTPD 7
469 #define kServerTypeVFTPD 8
470 #define kServerTypeFTP_Max 9
471 #define kServerTypeRoxen 10
472 #define kServerTypeNetWareFTP 11
473 #define kServerTypeWS_FTP 12
476 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WINDOWS) && !defined(closesocket)
477 # define closesocket close
478 #endif
480 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(_WINDOWS) && !defined(ioctlsocket)
481 # define ioctlsocket ioctl
482 #endif
484 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WINDOWS)
485 # define LOCAL_PATH_DELIM '\\'
486 # define LOCAL_PATH_DELIM_STR "\\"
487 # define LOCAL_PATH_ALTDELIM '/'
488 # define IsLocalPathDelim(c) ((c == LOCAL_PATH_DELIM) || (c == LOCAL_PATH_ALTDELIM))
489 # define UNC_PATH_PREFIX "\\\\"
490 # define IsUNCPrefixed(s) (IsLocalPathDelim(s[0]) && IsLocalPathDelim(s[1]))
491 #else
492 # define LOCAL_PATH_DELIM '/'
493 # define LOCAL_PATH_DELIM_STR "/"
494 # define StrFindLocalPathDelim(a) strchr(a, LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)
495 # define StrRFindLocalPathDelim(a) strrchr(a, LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)
496 # define StrRemoveTrailingLocalPathDelim StrRemoveTrailingSlashes
497 # define IsLocalPathDelim(c) (c == LOCAL_PATH_DELIM)
498 # define TVFSPathToLocalPath(s)
499 # define LocalPathToTVFSPath(s)
500 #endif
502 #ifdef __cplusplus
503 extern "C"
504 {
505 #endif /* __cplusplus */
507 #ifndef _libncftp_ftp_c_
508 extern char gLibNcFTPVersion[64];
509 #endif
511 #ifndef _libncftp_errno_c_
512 extern int gLibNcFTP_Uses_Me_To_Quiet_Variable_Unused_Warnings;
513 #endif
515 #if (defined(__GNUC__)) && (__GNUC__ >= 2)
516 # ifndef UNUSED
517 # define UNUSED(a) a __attribute__ ((unused))
518 # endif
519 # define LIBNCFTP_USE_VAR(a)
520 #else
521 # define LIBNCFTP_USE_VAR(a) gLibNcFTP_Uses_Me_To_Quiet_Variable_Unused_Warnings = (a == 0)
522 # ifndef UNUSED
523 # define UNUSED(a) a
524 # endif
525 #endif
527 /* Public routines */
528 void FTPAbortDataTransfer(const FTPCIPtr cip);
529 int FTPChdir(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cdCwd);
530 int FTPChdirAndGetCWD(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cdCwd, char *const newCwd, const size_t newCwdSize);
531 int FTPChdir3(FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cdCwd, char *const newCwd, const size_t newCwdSize, int flags);
532 int FTPChmod(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const mode, const int doGlob);
533 int FTPCloseHost(const FTPCIPtr cip);
534 int FTPCmd(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const cmdspec, ...)
535 #if (defined(__GNUC__)) && (__GNUC__ >= 2)
536 __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)))
537 #endif
538 ;
539 int FTPDecodeURL(const FTPCIPtr cip, char *const url, LineListPtr cdlist, char *const fn, const size_t fnsize, int *const xtype, int *const wantnlst);
540 int FTPDelete(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const int recurse, const int doGlob);
541 int FTPFileExists(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file);
542 int FTPFileModificationTime(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, time_t *const mdtm);
543 int FTPFileSize(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, longest_int *const size, const int type);
544 int FTPFileSizeAndModificationTime(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, longest_int *const size, const int type, time_t *const mdtm);
545 int FTPFileType(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, int *const ftype);
546 int FTPGetCWD(const FTPCIPtr cip, char *const newCwd, const size_t newCwdSize);
547 int FTPGetFiles3(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, int doGlob, const int xtype, const int resumeflag, int appendflag, const int deleteflag, const int tarflag, const ConfirmResumeDownloadProc resumeProc, int reserved);
548 int FTPGetOneFile3(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int resumeflag, const int appendflag, const int deleteflag, const ConfirmResumeDownloadProc resumeProc, int reserved);
549 int FTPInitConnectionInfo(const FTPLIPtr lip, const FTPCIPtr cip, size_t bufsize);
550 int FTPInitLibrary(const FTPLIPtr lip);
551 int FTPIsDir(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const dir);
552 int FTPIsRegularFile(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file);
553 int FTPList(const FTPCIPtr cip, const int outfd, const int longMode, const char *const lsflag);
554 int FTPListToMemory(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const LineListPtr llines, const char *const lsflags);
555 int FTPLocalGlob(FTPCIPtr cip, LineListPtr fileList, const char *pattern, int doGlob);
556 int FTPLoginHost(const FTPCIPtr cip);
557 int FTPMkdir(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const newDir, const int recurse);
558 int FTPMkdir2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const newDir, const int recurse, const char *const curDir);
559 int FTPOpenHost(const FTPCIPtr cip);
560 int FTPOpenHostNoLogin(const FTPCIPtr cip);
561 void FTPPerror(const FTPCIPtr cip, const int err, const int eerr, const char *const s1, const char *const s2);
562 int FTPPutOneFile3(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int appendflag, const char *const tmppfx, const char *const tmpsfx, const int resumeflag, const int deleteflag, const ConfirmResumeUploadProc resumeProc, int reserved);
563 int FTPPutFiles3(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob, const int xtype, int appendflag, const char *const tmppfx, const char *const tmpsfx, const int resumeflag, const int deleteflag, const ConfirmResumeUploadProc resumeProc, int reserved);
564 int FTPRemoteGlob(FTPCIPtr cip, LineListPtr fileList, const char *pattern, int doGlob);
565 int FTPRename(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const oldname, const char *const newname);
566 int FTPRmdir(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const int recurse, const int doGlob);
567 void FTPShutdownHost(const FTPCIPtr cip);
568 const char *FTPStrError(int e);
569 int FTPSymlink(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const lfrom, const char *const lto);
570 int FTPUmask(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const umsk);
571 int FTPUtime(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, time_t actime, time_t modtime, time_t crtime);
573 /* LineList routines */
574 int CopyLineList(LineListPtr, LineListPtr);
575 void DisposeLineListContents(LineListPtr);
576 void InitLineList(LineListPtr);
577 LinePtr RemoveLine(LineListPtr, LinePtr);
578 LinePtr AddLine(LineListPtr, const char *);
580 /* Other routines that might be useful. */
581 char *StrDup(const char *);
582 char *FGets(char *, size_t, FILE *);
583 void GetHomeDir(char *, size_t);
584 void GetUsrName(char *, size_t);
585 void Scramble(unsigned char *dst, size_t dsize, unsigned char *src, char *key);
586 time_t UnMDTMDate(char *);
587 int MkDirs(const char *const, int mode1);
588 char *GetPass(const char *const prompt);
589 int FilenameExtensionIndicatesASCII(const char *const pathName, const char *const extnList);
590 void StrRemoveTrailingSlashes(char *dst);
591 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WINDOWS)
592 char *StrFindLocalPathDelim(const char *src);
593 char *StrRFindLocalPathDelim(const char *src);
594 void StrRemoveTrailingLocalPathDelim(char *dst);
595 void TVFSPathToLocalPath(char *dst);
596 void LocalPathToTVFSPath(char *dst);
597 int gettimeofday(struct timeval *const tp, void *junk);
598 void WinSleep(unsigned int seconds);
599 #endif
602 void (*NcSignal(int signum, void (*handler)(int)))(int);
603 #elif !defined(NcSignal)
604 # define NcSignal signal
605 #endif
607 /* Obselete routines. */
608 int FTPGetOneFile(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile);
609 int FTPGetOneFile2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int resumeflag, const int appendflag);
610 int FTPGetFiles(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob);
611 int FTPGetFiles2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob, const int xtype, const int resumeflag, const int appendflag);
612 int FTPGetOneFileAscii(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile);
613 int FTPGetFilesAscii(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob);
614 int FTPPutOneFile(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile);
615 int FTPPutOneFile2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile, const int xtype, const int fdtouse, const int appendflag, const char *const tmppfx, const char *const tmpsfx);
616 int FTPPutFiles(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob);
617 int FTPPutFiles2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob, const int xtype, const int appendflag, const char *const tmppfx, const char *const tmpsfx);
618 int FTPPutOneFileAscii(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const char *const dstfile);
619 int FTPPutFilesAscii(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const char *const dstdir, const int recurse, const int doGlob);
621 /* Private routines, or stuff for testing */
622 char *FTPGetLocalCWD(char *buf, size_t size);
623 int FTPQueryFeatures(const FTPCIPtr);
624 int FTPMListOneFile(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const MLstItemPtr mlip);
625 void FTPInitializeOurHostName(const FTPLIPtr);
626 void FTPInitializeAnonPassword(const FTPLIPtr);
627 int FTPListToMemory2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const pattern, const LineListPtr llines, const char *const lsflags, const int blanklines, int *const tryMLSD);
628 void FTPInitIOTimer(const FTPCIPtr);
629 int FTPStartDataCmd(const FTPCIPtr, int, int, longest_int, const char *,...)
630 #if (defined(__GNUC__)) && (__GNUC__ >= 2)
631 __attribute__ ((format (printf, 5, 6)))
632 #endif
633 ;
634 void FTPStartIOTimer(const FTPCIPtr);
635 void FTPStopIOTimer(const FTPCIPtr);
636 void FTPUpdateIOTimer(const FTPCIPtr);
637 int FTPSetTransferType(const FTPCIPtr, int);
638 int FTPEndDataCmd(const FTPCIPtr, int);
639 int FTPRemoteHelp(const FTPCIPtr, const char *const, const LineListPtr);
640 int FTPCmdNoResponse(const FTPCIPtr, const char *const cmdspec,...)
641 #if (defined(__GNUC__)) && (__GNUC__ >= 2)
642 __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)))
643 #endif
644 ;
645 int WaitResponse(const FTPCIPtr, unsigned int);
646 int FTPLocalRecursiveFileList(FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr, FileInfoListPtr);
647 int FTPLocalRecursiveFileList2(FTPCIPtr cip, LineListPtr fileList, FileInfoListPtr files, int erelative);
648 int FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList(FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr, FileInfoListPtr);
649 int FTPRemoteRecursiveFileList1(FTPCIPtr, char *const, FileInfoListPtr);
650 int FTPRebuildConnectionInfo(const FTPLIPtr lip, const FTPCIPtr cip);
651 int FTPFileExistsStat(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file);
652 int FTPFileExistsNlst(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file);
653 int FTPFileExists2(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const file, const int tryMDTM, const int trySIZE, const int tryMLST, const int trySTAT, const int tryNLST);
654 int FTPFtw(const FTPCIPtr cip, const char *const dir, FTPFtwProc proc, int maxdepth);
655 int BufferGets(char *, size_t, int, char *, char **, char **, size_t);
656 void DisposeFileInfoListContents(FileInfoListPtr);
657 void InitFileInfoList(FileInfoListPtr);
658 void InitFileInfo(FileInfoPtr);
659 FileInfoPtr RemoveFileInfo(FileInfoListPtr, FileInfoPtr);
660 FileInfoPtr AddFileInfo(FileInfoListPtr, FileInfoPtr);
661 void SortFileInfoList(FileInfoListPtr, int, int);
662 void VectorizeFileInfoList(FileInfoListPtr);
663 void UnvectorizeFileInfoList(FileInfoListPtr);
664 int ComputeRNames(FileInfoListPtr, const char *, int, int);
665 int ComputeLNames(FileInfoListPtr, const char *, const char *, int);
666 int ConcatFileInfoList(FileInfoListPtr, FileInfoListPtr);
667 int ConcatFileToFileInfoList(FileInfoListPtr, char *);
668 int LineListToFileInfoList(LineListPtr, FileInfoListPtr);
669 int LineToFileInfoList(LinePtr, FileInfoListPtr);
670 void URLCopyToken(char *, size_t, const char *, size_t);
671 int UnMlsT(const char *const, const MLstItemPtr);
672 int UnMlsD(FileInfoListPtr, LineListPtr);
673 int UnLslR(FileInfoListPtr, LineListPtr, int);
674 void TraceResponse(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr);
675 void PrintResponse(const FTPCIPtr, LineListPtr);
676 void DoneWithResponse(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr);
677 ResponsePtr InitResponse(void);
678 void ReInitResponse(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr);
679 int GetTelnetString(const FTPCIPtr, char *, size_t, FILE *, FILE *);
680 int GetResponse(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr);
681 int RCmd(const FTPCIPtr, ResponsePtr, const char *, ...)
682 #if (defined(__GNUC__)) && (__GNUC__ >= 2)
683 __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)))
684 #endif
685 ;
687 #ifdef __cplusplus
688 }
689 #endif /* __cplusplus */
691 #endif /* _ncftp_h_ */