[reactos.git] / sdk / include / reactos / mc / net_msg.mc
1 MessageIdTypedef=DWORD
3 SeverityNames=(Success=0x0:STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS
7 )
9 FacilityNames=(System=0x0:FACILITY_SYSTEM
10 )
12 LanguageNames=(English=0x409:MSG00409
13 Polish=0x415:MSG00415
14 Romanian=0x418:MSG00418
15 Russian=0x419:MSG00419
16 Spanish=0x40A:MSG0040A
17 Turkish=0x41F:MSG0041F
18 Chinese=0x804:MSG00804
19 Taiwanese=0x404:MSG00404
20 )
23 MessageId=10000
25 Severity=Success
26 Facility=System
27 Language=English
30 [/UNIQUEPW:Count] [/DOMAIN]
31 .
32 Language=Polish
35 [/UNIQUEPW:liczba] [/DOMAIN]
36 .
37 Language=Romanian
40 [/UNIQUEPW:Număr] [/DOMAIN]
41 .
42 Language=Russian
45 [/UNIQUEPW:число] [/DOMAIN]
46 .
47 Language=Spanish
48 NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{minutos | NO}] [/MINPWLEN:longitud]
49 [/MAXPWAGE:{días | UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:días]
50 [/UNIQUEPW:número] [/DOMAIN]
51 .
52 Language=Turkish
56 .
57 Language=Chinese
60 [/UNIQUEPW:Count] [/DOMAIN]
61 .
62 Language=Taiwanese
66 .
69 MessageId=10001
71 Severity=Success
72 Facility=System
73 Language=English
74 NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password
75 and logon requirements for all accounts.
76 When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for
77 passwords, logon limitations, and domain information.
79 Two conditions are required in order for options used with
80 NET ACCOUNTS to take effect.
82 - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user
83 accounts have been set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command).
85 - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain
86 that verify logon. Net Logon is started automatically when the
87 operating system starts.
89 /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before
90 being forced to log off when the
91 account expires or valid logon hours expire.
92 NO, the default, prevents forced logoff.
93 /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for
94 a password. The range is 0-14 characters;
95 the default is 6 characters.
96 /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a
97 password is valid. No limit is specified
98 by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less
99 than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the
100 default is to leave the value unchanged.
101 /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must
102 pass before a user can change a password.
103 A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range
104 is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE
105 cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE.
106 /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique
107 through the specified number of password
108 changes. The maximum value is 24.
109 /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain
110 controller of the current domain. Otherwise,
111 the operation is performed on the local
112 computer.
113 .
114 Language=Polish
115 NET ACCOUNTS uaktualnia bazę kont użytkowników i zmienia hasło oraz wymagania
116 logowania dla wszystkich kont.
117 Użyte bez opcji, NET ACCOUNTS wyświetla bieżące ustawienia
118 hasła i ograniczeń logowania oraz informacje o domenie.
120 Aby opcje użyte z NET ACCOUNTS odniosły skutek, muszą być
121 spełnione dwa warunki.
123 - Wymagania hasła i logowania odnoszą skutek tylko wtedy, gdy
124 zostało utworzone konto użytkownika (w tym celu użyj
125 Menedżera użytkowników lub polecenia NET USER).
127 - Usługa logowania (Net Logon) musi być uruchomiona na wszystkich
128 serwerach w domenie, które weryfikują logowanie. Usługa logowania
129 jest uruchamiana automatycznie podczas uruchamiania systemu.
131 /FORECELOGOFF:{minuty | NO} Ustawia liczbę minut, przez które użytkownik
132 może być zalogowany przed wymuszeniem wylogowania
133 wskutek wygaśnięcia lub ważności godzin logowania.
134 NO, wartość domyślna, zapobiega wymuszaniu
135 wylogowania.
136 /MINPWLEN:długość Ustawia minimalną liczbę znaków w haśle.
137 Zakres długości hasła wynosi od 0 do 14 znaków;
138 wartość domyślna to 6 znaków.
139 /MAXPWAGE:{dni | UNLIMITED} Ustawia maksymalną liczbę dni ważności
140 hasła. UNLIMITED ustala nieograniczony
141 czas ważności hasła. Wartość /MAXPWAGE nie
142 może być mniejsza od /MINPWAGE. Zakres wynosi
143 od 1 do 999; domyślnie wartość się nie zmienia.
144 /MINPWAGE:dni Ustawia minimalną liczbę dni, które muszą
145 minąć, zanim użytkownik może zmienić hasło.
146 Wartość 0 ustawia brak tego ograniczenia.
147 Zakres wynosi od 0 do 999; wartość domyślna
148 to 0 dni. Wartość /MINPWAGE nie może być
149 większa od wartości /MAXPWAGE.
150 /UNIQUEPW:liczba Wymaga, aby hasło użytkownika było unikatowe,
151 poprzez określoną liczbę zmian hasła.
152 Największa wartość to 24.
153 /DOMAIN Wykonuje operacje na kontrolerze domeny
154 w bieżącej domenie. W innym wypadku,
155 operacje te są dokonywane na komputerze
156 lokalnym.
157 .
158 Language=Romanian
159 NET ACCOUNTS actualizează baza de utilizatori și modifică parola și
160 cerințele de autentificare pentru toate conturile.
161 Utilizat fără parametri, NET ACCOUNTS afișează configurația curentă pentru
162 parole, limitări de autentificare, și informații de domeniu.
164 Sunt necesare două condiții pentru ca opțiunile utilizate cu
165 NET ACCOUNTS să aibă efect.
167 - Cerințele de autentificare și parolele au sens doar când conturile
168 sunt instituite (cu Gestionarul de Utilizatori sau comanda NET USER).
170 - Este necesar ca serviciul Net Logon să fie activ în toate servele din
171 domeniul de autentificare. Serviciul Net Logon este lansat automat la
172 pornirea sistemului de operare.
174 /FORECELOGOFF:{minute | NO} Definește numărul minutelor precursoare unei
175 deautentificări forțate la expirarea contului
176 sau a numărului valid de ore de autentificare.
177 NO (implicit) previne deautentificarea forțată.
178 /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for
179 a password. The range is 0-14 characters;
180 the default is 6 characters.
181 /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a
182 password is valid. No limit is specified
183 by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less
184 than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the
185 default is to leave the value unchanged.
186 /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must
187 pass before a user can change a password.
188 A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range
189 is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE
190 cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE.
191 /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique
192 through the specified number of password
193 changes. The maximum value is 24.
194 /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain
195 controller of the current domain. Otherwise,
196 the operation is performed on the local
197 computer.
198 .
199 Language=Russian
200 NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password
201 and logon requirements for all accounts.
202 When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for
203 passwords, logon limitations, and domain information.
205 Two conditions are required in order for options used with
206 NET ACCOUNTS to take effect.
208 - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user
209 accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command).
211 - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain
212 that verify logon. Net Logon is started autmatically when the
213 operating system starts.
215 /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before
216 being forced to log off when the
217 account expires or valid logon hours expire.
218 NO, the default, prevents forced logoff.
219 /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for
220 a password. The range is 0-14 characters;
221 the default is 6 characters.
222 /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a
223 password is valid. No limit is specified
224 by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less
225 than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the
226 default is to leave the value unchanged.
227 /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must
228 pass before a user can change a password.
229 A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range
230 is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE
231 cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE.
232 /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique
233 through the specified number of password
234 changes. The maximum value is 24.
235 /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain
236 controller of the current domain. Otherwise,
237 the operation is performed on the local
238 computer.
239 .
240 Language=Spanish
241 NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password
242 and logon requirements for all accounts.
243 When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for
244 passwords, logon limitations, and domain information.
246 Two conditions are required in order for options used with
247 NET ACCOUNTS to take effect.
249 - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user
250 accounts have been set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command).
252 - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain
253 that verify logon. Net Logon is started automatically when the
254 operating system starts.
256 /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before
257 being forced to log off when the
258 account expires or valid logon hours expire.
259 NO, the default, prevents forced logoff.
260 /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for
261 a password. The range is 0-14 characters;
262 the default is 6 characters.
263 /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a
264 password is valid. No limit is specified
265 by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less
266 than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the
267 default is to leave the value unchanged.
268 /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must
269 pass before a user can change a password.
270 A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range
271 is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE
272 cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE.
273 /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique
274 through the specified number of password
275 changes. The maximum value is 24.
276 /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain
277 controller of the current domain. Otherwise,
278 the operation is performed on the local
279 computer.
280 .
281 Language=Turkish
282 NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password
283 and logon requirements for all accounts.
284 When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for
285 passwords, logon limitations, and domain information.
287 Two conditions are required in order for options used with
288 NET ACCOUNTS to take effect.
290 - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user
291 accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command).
293 - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain
294 that verify logon. Net Logon is started autmatically when the
295 operating system starts.
297 /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before
298 being forced to log off when the
299 account expires or valid logon hours expire.
300 NO, the default, prevents forced logoff.
301 /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for
302 a password. The range is 0-14 characters;
303 the default is 6 characters.
304 /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a
305 password is valid. No limit is specified
306 by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less
307 than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the
308 default is to leave the value unchanged.
309 /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must
310 pass before a user can change a password.
311 A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range
312 is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE
313 cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE.
314 /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique
315 through the specified number of password
316 changes. The maximum value is 24.
317 /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain
318 controller of the current domain. Otherwise,
319 the operation is performed on the local
320 computer.
321 .
322 Language=Chinese
323 NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password
324 and logon requirements for all accounts.
325 When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for
326 passwords, logon limitations, and domain information.
328 Two conditions are required in order for options used with
329 NET ACCOUNTS to take effect.
331 - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user
332 accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command).
334 - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain
335 that verify logon. Net Logon is started autmatically when the
336 operating system starts.
338 /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before
339 being forced to log off when the
340 account expires or valid logon hours expire.
341 NO, the default, prevents forced logoff.
342 /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for
343 a password. The range is 0-14 characters;
344 the default is 6 characters.
345 /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a
346 password is valid. No limit is specified
347 by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less
348 than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the
349 default is to leave the value unchanged.
350 /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must
351 pass before a user can change a password.
352 A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range
353 is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE
354 cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE.
355 /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique
356 through the specified number of password
357 changes. The maximum value is 24.
358 /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain
359 controller of the current domain. Otherwise,
360 the operation is performed on the local
361 computer.
362 .
363 Language=Taiwanese
364 NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password
365 and logon requirements for all accounts.
366 When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for
367 passwords, logon limitations, and domain information.
369 Two conditions are required in order for options used with
370 NET ACCOUNTS to take effect.
372 - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user
373 accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command).
375 - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain
376 that verify logon. Net Logon is started autmatically when the
377 operating system starts.
379 /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before
380 being forced to log off when the
381 account expires or valid logon hours expire.
382 NO, the default, prevents forced logoff.
383 /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for
384 a password. The range is 0-14 characters;
385 the default is 6 characters.
386 /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a
387 password is valid. No limit is specified
388 by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less
389 than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the
390 default is to leave the value unchanged.
391 /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must
392 pass before a user can change a password.
393 A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range
394 is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE
395 cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE.
396 /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique
397 through the specified number of password
398 changes. The maximum value is 24.
399 /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain
400 controller of the current domain. Otherwise,
401 the operation is performed on the local
402 computer.
403 .