[LWIP] Fix src/core/init.c a bit (#1620)
[reactos.git] / sdk / lib / 3rdparty / libmpg123 / stringbuf.c
1 /*
2 stringbuf: mimicking a bit of C++ to more safely handle strings
4 copyright 2006-17 by the mpg123 project
5 - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1
6 see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or http://mpg123.org
7 initially written by Thomas Orgis
8 */
10 #include "mpg123lib_intern.h"
11 #include "config.h"
12 #include "mpg123.h"
13 #include "compat.h"
14 #include <string.h>
15 #include "debug.h"
17 void attribute_align_arg mpg123_init_string(mpg123_string* sb)
18 {
19 /* Handing in NULL here is a fatal mistake and rightfully so. */
20 sb->p = NULL;
21 sb->size = 0;
22 sb->fill = 0;
23 }
25 void attribute_align_arg mpg123_free_string(mpg123_string* sb)
26 {
27 if(!sb)
28 return;
29 if(sb->p != NULL) free(sb->p);
30 mpg123_init_string(sb);
31 }
33 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_grow_string(mpg123_string* sb, size_t new)
34 {
35 if(!sb)
36 return 0;
37 if(sb->size < new) return mpg123_resize_string(sb, new);
38 else return 1;
39 }
41 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_resize_string(mpg123_string* sb, size_t new)
42 {
43 if(!sb)
44 return 0;
45 debug3("resizing string pointer %p from %lu to %lu", (void*) sb->p, (unsigned long)sb->size, (unsigned long)new);
46 if(new == 0)
47 {
48 if(sb->size && sb->p != NULL) free(sb->p);
49 mpg123_init_string(sb);
50 return 1;
51 }
52 if(sb->size != new)
53 {
54 char* t;
55 debug("really!");
56 t = (char*) safe_realloc(sb->p, new*sizeof(char));
57 debug1("safe_realloc returned %p", (void*) t);
58 if(t != NULL)
59 {
60 sb->p = t;
61 sb->size = new;
62 return 1;
63 }
64 else return 0;
65 }
66 else return 1; /* success */
67 }
69 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_copy_string(mpg123_string* from, mpg123_string* to)
70 {
71 size_t fill;
72 char *text;
74 debug2("called copy_string with %p -> %p", (void*)from, (void*)to);
75 if(to == NULL)
76 return 0;
77 if(from == NULL)
78 {
79 fill = 0;
80 text = NULL;
81 }
82 else
83 {
84 fill = from->fill;
85 text = from->p;
86 }
88 if(mpg123_resize_string(to, fill))
89 {
90 if(fill) /* Avoid memcpy(NULL, NULL, 0) */
91 memcpy(to->p, text, fill);
92 to->fill = fill;
93 return 1;
94 }
95 else return 0;
96 }
98 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_add_string(mpg123_string* sb, const char* stuff)
99 {
100 debug1("adding %s", stuff);
101 return mpg123_add_substring(sb, stuff, 0, stuff ? strlen(stuff) : 0);
102 }
104 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_add_substring(mpg123_string *sb, const char *stuff, size_t from, size_t count)
105 {
106 debug("adding a substring");
107 if(!sb || !stuff)
108 return 0;
109 if(sb->fill) /* includes zero byte... */
110 {
111 if( (SIZE_MAX - sb->fill >= count) /* Avoid overflow. */
112 && (sb->size >= sb->fill+count || mpg123_grow_string(sb, sb->fill+count)) )
113 {
114 memcpy(sb->p+sb->fill-1, stuff+from, count);
115 sb->fill += count;
116 sb->p[sb->fill-1] = 0; /* Terminate! */
117 }
118 else return 0;
119 }
120 else
121 {
122 if( count < SIZE_MAX && mpg123_grow_string(sb, count+1) )
123 {
124 memcpy(sb->p, stuff+from, count);
125 sb->fill = count+1;
126 sb->p[sb->fill-1] = 0; /* Terminate! */
127 }
128 else return 0;
129 }
130 return 1;
131 }
133 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_set_substring(mpg123_string* sb, const char* stuff, size_t from, size_t count)
134 {
135 if(!sb)
136 return 0;
137 sb->fill = 0;
138 return mpg123_add_substring(sb, stuff, from, count);
139 }
141 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_set_string(mpg123_string* sb, const char* stuff)
142 {
143 if(!sb)
144 return 0;
145 sb->fill = 0;
146 return mpg123_add_string(sb, stuff);
147 }
149 size_t attribute_align_arg mpg123_strlen(mpg123_string *sb, int utf8)
150 {
151 size_t i;
152 size_t bytelen;
154 /* Notions of empty string. If there's only a single character, it has to be the trailing zero, and if the first is the trailing zero anyway, we got empty. */
155 if(!sb || sb->fill < 2 || sb->p[0] == 0) return 0;
157 /* Find the first non-null character from the back.
158 We already established that the first character is non-null
159 That at fill-2 has to be null, though. */
160 for(i=sb->fill-2; i>0; --i)
161 if(sb->p[i] != 0) break;
163 /* For simple byte strings, we are done now. */
164 bytelen = i+1;
166 if(!utf8) return bytelen;
167 else
168 {
169 /* Work out the actual count of UTF8 bytes.
170 This employs no particular encoding error checking. */
171 size_t len = 0;
172 for(i=0; i<bytelen; ++i)
173 {
174 /* Every byte that is not a continuation byte ( 0xc0 == 10xx xxxx ) stands for a character. */
175 if((sb->p[i] & 0xc0) != 0x80) len++;
176 }
177 return len;
178 }
179 }
181 int attribute_align_arg mpg123_chomp_string(mpg123_string *sb)
182 {
183 ssize_t i;
184 if(!sb || !sb->fill) return 0;
186 /* Ensure that it is zero-terminated. */
187 sb->p[sb->fill-1] = 0;
188 for(i=sb->fill-2; i>=0; --i)
189 {
190 char *c = sb->p+i;
191 /* Stop at the first proper character. */
192 if(*c && *c != '\r' && *c != '\n') break;
193 else *c = 0;
194 }
195 /* initial fill at least 1, so i at least -1,
196 +2 means nothing happened for fill=1 .
197 With i=0, we got one non-null character, fill shall be 2
198 to accomodate the trailing zero. */
199 sb->fill = (size_t)i+2;
201 return 1;
202 }