Sync with trunk r63174.
[reactos.git] / win32ss / gdi / gdi32 / good api.def
1 ; gdi32.def
2 ;
3 ; ReactOS Operating System
4 ; Api List that have been verify it works same as windows XP
5 ; and no bugs have been found in gdi32.dll, but bugs
6 ; can still exists, for it have not been checked in win32k.sys
7 ; if bugs exists their or verify
8 ;
10 AddFontResourceA@4
11 AddFontResourceExA@12
12 AddFontResourceExW@12
13 AddFontResourceW@4
14 AnyLinkedFonts@0
15 BRUSHOBJ_hGetColorTransform@4
16 BRUSHOBJ_pvAllocRbrush@8
17 BRUSHOBJ_pvGetRbrush@4
18 BRUSHOBJ_ulGetBrushColor@4
19 ChoosePixelFormat@8
20 CLIPOBJ_bEnum@12
21 CLIPOBJ_cEnumStart@20
22 CLIPOBJ_ppoGetPath@4
23 CombineTransform@12
24 CreateDiscardableBitmap@12
25 CreateEllipticRgn@16
26 CreateEllipticRgnIndirect@4
27 CreateHalftonePalette@4
28 CreatePalette@4
29 CreatePenIndirect@4
30 CreatePolygonRgn@12
31 CreatePolyPolygonRgn@16
32 CreateRectRgnIndirect@4
33 CreateRoundRectRgn@24
34 DeleteColorSpace@4
35 DescribePixelFormat@16
36 DeviceCapabilitiesExA@20
37 DeviceCapabilitiesExW@20
38 EnableEUDC@4
39 EngAcquireSemaphore@4
40 EngAlphaBlend@28
41 EngAssociateSurface@12
42 EngBitBlt@44
43 EngCheckAbort@4
44 EngCopyBits@24
45 EngCreateBitmap@24
46 EngCreateClip@0
47 EngCreateDeviceBitmap@16
48 EngCreateDeviceSurface@16
49 EngCreatePalette@24
50 EngCreateSemaphore@0
51 EngDeleteClip@4
52 EngDeletePalette@4
53 EngDeletePath@4
54 EngDeleteSemaphore@4
55 EngDeleteSurface@4
56 EngEraseSurface@12
57 EngFillPath@28
58 EngFindResource@16
59 EngFreeModule@4
60 EngGetCurrentCodePage@8
61 EngGetPrinterDataFileName@4
62 EngGradientFill@40
63 EngLineTo@36
64 EngLoadModule@4
65 EngLockSurface@4
66 EngMarkBandingSurface@4
67 EngMultiByteToUnicodeN@20
68 EngMultiByteToWideChar@20
69 EngPaint@20
70 EngPlgBlt@44
71 EngQueryLocalTime@4
72 EngReleaseSemaphore@4
73 EngStretchBlt@44
74 EngStretchBltROP@52
75 EngStrokeAndFillPath@40
76 EngStrokePath@32
77 EngTextOut@40
78 EngTransparentBlt@32
79 EngUnicodeToMultiByteN@20
80 EngUnlockSurface@4
81 EqualRgn@8
82 FixBrushOrgEx@16
83 FloodFill@16
84 FontIsLinked@4
85 FONTOBJ_cGetAllGlyphHandles@8
86 FONTOBJ_cGetGlyphs@20
87 FONTOBJ_pfdg@4
88 FONTOBJ_pifi@4
89 FONTOBJ_pQueryGlyphAttrs@8
90 FONTOBJ_pvTrueTypeFontFile@8
91 FONTOBJ_pxoGetXform@4
92 FONTOBJ_vGetInfo@12
93 GdiConsoleTextOut@16
94 GdiConvertBitmap@4
95 GdiConvertBrush@4
96 GdiConvertDC@4
97 GdiConvertFont@4
98 GdiConvertPalette@4
99 GdiConvertRegion@4
100 GdiDeleteLocalDC@4
101 GdiDescribePixelFormat@16
102 GdiEntry16@12=DdSwapTextureHandles@12
103 GdiFlush@0
104 GdiFullscreenControl@20
105 GdiGetSpoolMessage@16
106 GdiInitSpool@0
107 GdiPlayDCScript@24
108 GdiPlayJournal@20
109 GdiPlayScript@28
110 GdiQueryFonts@12
111 GdiReleaseLocalDC@4
112 GdiSetAttrs@4
113 GdiSetLastError@4
114 GdiSetPixelFormat@8
115 GdiSetServerAttr@8
116 GdiSwapBuffers@4
117 GetAspectRatioFilterEx@8
118 GetBitmapBits@12
119 GetBitmapDimensionEx@8
120 GetBoundsRect@12
121 GetCharWidthInfo@8
122 GetColorAdjustment@8
123 GetDCOrgEx@8
124 GetDeviceGammaRamp@8
125 GetEUDCTimeStamp@0
126 GetEUDCTimeStampExW@4
127 GetFontAssocStatus@4
128 GetFontData@20
129 GetFontUnicodeRanges@8
130 GetGlyphIndicesW@20
131 GetGlyphOutline@28
132 GetKerningPairs@12
133 GetKerningPairsW@12
134 GetMetaRgn@8
135 GetMiterLimit@8
136 GetNearestColor@8
137 GetNearestPaletteIndex@8
138 GetPaletteEntries@16
139 GetPath@16
140 GetPixelFormat@4
141 GetRandomRgn@12
142 GetRasterizerCaps@8
143 GetRegionData@12
144 GetStringBitmapA@20
145 GetStringBitmapW@20
146 GetSystemPaletteUse@4
147 GetTextCharset@4
148 GetTextCharsetInfo@12
149 GetTextExtentExPointI@28
150 GetTextExtentExPointWPri@28
151 GetTextExtentPointI@16
152 GetTextFaceAliasW@12
153 GetTextFaceW@12
154 GetTransform@12
155 GetWorldTransform@8
156 HT_Get8BPPFormatPalette@16
157 HT_Get8BPPMaskPalette@24
158 PATHOBJ_bEnum@8
159 PATHOBJ_bEnumClipLines@12
160 PATHOBJ_vEnumStart@4
161 PATHOBJ_vEnumStartClipLines@16
162 PATHOBJ_vGetBounds@8