/* Spanish Language resource file. * Translated by: Ismael Ferreras Morezuelas <2014-11-07> */ LANGUAGE LANG_SPANISH, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_ACCOUNTS_FORCE_LOGOFF "Forzar cierre de sesión tras" IDS_ACCOUNTS_LOGOFF_SECONDS "%lu segundos" IDS_ACCOUNTS_PRIMARY_SERVER "Servidor primario" IDS_ACCOUNTS_BACKUP_SERVER "Servidor de respaldo" IDS_ACCOUNTS_STANDALONE_SERVER "Servidor independiente" IDS_ACCOUNTS_WORKSTATION "Estación de trabajo" IDS_USE_NOW_CONNECTED "%s is now connected to %s\n" IDS_GENERIC_YES "Sí" IDS_GENERIC_NO "No" IDS_GENERIC_NEVER "Nunca" IDS_GENERIC_NONE "Ninguno" IDS_GENERIC_ALL "Todos" IDS_GENERIC_LOCKED "Bloqueado" IDS_GENERIC_UNLIMITED "Unlimited" IDS_GENERIC_SYNTAX "The syntax of this command is:\n\n" IDS_ERROR_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED "La opción %s todavía no está disponible.\n" IDS_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE "El valor para la opción %s no es válido.\n" IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR "The system error %d happened.\n" IDS_ERROR_NO_ERROR "The command completed successfully.\n\n" END