/* Traditional Chinese translation by Henry Tang Ih 2016 (henrytang2@hotmail.com) */ LANGUAGE LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_ACCOUNTS_SYNTAX "NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{分鐘|NO}] [/MINPWLEN:長度]\n\ [/MAXPWAGE:{天|UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:天]\n\ [/UNIQUEPW:計數] [/DOMAIN]\n\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_1 "NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password\n\ and logon requirements for all accounts.\n\ When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for\n\ passwords, logon limitations, and domain information.\n\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_2 "Two conditions are required in order for options used with\n\ NET ACCOUNTS to take effect.\n\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_3 "- The password and logon requirements are only effective if user\n\ accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command).\n\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_4 "- The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain\n\ that verify logon. Net Logon is started autmatically when the\n\ operating system starts.\n\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_5 "/FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before\n\ being forced to log off when the\n\ account expires or valid logon hours expire.\n\ NO, the default, prevents forced logoff.\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_6 "/MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for\n\ a password. The range is 0-14 characters;\n\ the default is 6 characters.\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_7 "/MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a\n\ password is valid. No limit is specified\n\ by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less\n\ than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the\n\ default is to leave the value unchanged.\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_8 "/MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must\n\ pass before a user can change a password.\n\ A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range\n\ is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE\n\ cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE.\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_9 "/UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique\n\ through the specified number of password\n\ changes. The maximum value is 24.\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_HELP_10 "/DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain\n\ controller of the current domain. Otherwise,\n\ the operation is performed on the local\n\ computer.\n\n" IDS_COMPUTER_SYNTAX "NET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL}\n\n" IDS_COMPUTER_HELP_1 "NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This\n\ command is available only on server operating systems.\n\n" IDS_COMPUTER_HELP_2 "\\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from\n\ the domain.\n\ /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain.\n\ /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain.\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_SYNTAX "NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION]\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_HELP_1 "NET CONFIG displays coniguration information of the Workstation or\n\ Server service. When used without the WORKSTATION or SERVER switch,\n\ it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with\n\ configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service.\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_HELP_2 "SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the\n\ Server service.\n\ WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the\n\ Workstation service.\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_SYNTAX "NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:""text""]\n\ [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}]\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_HELP_1 "NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service.\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_HELP_2 "/AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's\n\ session can be inactive before it is disconected.\n\ You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range\n\ is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15.\n" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_HELP_3 "/SRVCOMMENT:""text"" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed on\n\ screen and with the NET VIEW command.\n\ Enclose the text in quotation marks.\n" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_HELP_4 "/HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computer name\n\ appears on displays listings of servers. Note that\n\ hiding a serverdoes not alter the permissions\n\ on that server. The default is NO.\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_HELP_5 "To display the current configuration for the Servr service,\n\ type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters.\n\n" IDS_CONTINUE_SYNTAX "NET CONTINUE <服務名稱>\n\n" IDS_CONTINUE_HELP_1 "NET CONTINUE reactivates a service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE.\n\n" IDS_CONTINUE_HELP_2 "service Is the paused service\n\ For example, one of the following:\n\ NET LOGON\n\ NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER\n\ SCHEDULE\n\ SERVER\n\ WORKSTATION\n\n" IDS_FILE_SYNTAX "NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]]\n\n" IDS_FILE_HELP "NET FILE\n...\n\n" IDS_GROUP_SYNTAX "NET GROUP ...\n\n" IDS_GROUP_HELP "GROUP\n...\n\n" IDS_HELP_SYNTAX "NET HELP <命令>\n - 或 -\nNET <命令> /HELP\n\n" IDS_HELP_HELP_1 " 以下命令是可用的:\n\n\ NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE\n\ NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START\n\ NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS\n\ NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP\n\ NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME\n\ NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE\n\ NET FILE NET SEND NET USER\n\ NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW\n\n" IDS_HELP_HELP_2 " ...\n\n" IDS_HELPMSG_SYNTAX "NET HELPMSG <錯誤程式碼>\n\n" IDS_HELPMSG_HELP_1 "NET HELPMSG displays information about network messages (such as\n\ error, warning and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numeric\n\ error (for example, ""net helpmsg 2182""), you will get information about the\n\ message and suggested actions you can take to solve the problem.\n\n" IDS_HELPMSG_HELP_2 "message# Is the numerical error with which you need help.\n\n" IDS_LOCALGROUP_SYNTAX "NET LOCALGROUP [組名 [/COMMENT:""文字""]] [/DOMAIN]\n\ 組名 {/ADD [/COMMENT:""文字""] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN]\n\ 組名稱 [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN]\n\n" IDS_LOCALGROUP_HELP "LOCALGROUP\n...\n\n" IDS_NAME_SYNTAX "NET NAME ...\n\n" IDS_NAME_HELP "NAME\n...\n\n" IDS_PRINT_SYNTAX "NET PRINT ...\n\n" IDS_PRINT_HELP "PRINT\n...\n\n" IDS_PAUSE_SYNTAX "NET PAUSE <服務名稱>\n\n" IDS_PAUSE_HELP_1 "NET PAUSE suspends a service. Pausing a service puts it on hold.\n\n" IDS_PAUSE_HELP_2 "service The name of the service to be paused.\n\n" IDS_SEND_SYNTAX "NET SEND ...\n\n" IDS_SEND_HELP "SEND\n...\n\n" IDS_SESSION_SYNTAX "NET SESSION ...\n\n" IDS_SESSION_HELP "SESSION\n...\n\n" IDS_SHARE_SYNTAX "NET SHARE ...\n\n" IDS_SHARE_HELP "SHARE\n...\n\n" IDS_START_SYNTAX "NET START [service]\n\n" IDS_START_HELP_1 "NET START starts services or lists running services.\n\n" IDS_START_HELP_2 "service The name of the service to be started.\n\n" IDS_START_HELP_3 "When typed at the command prompt, service name of two words or more must\n\ be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START ""NET LOGON""\n\ starts the net logon service.\n\n" IDS_STATISTICS_SYNTAX "NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION]\n\n" IDS_STATISTICS_HELP_1 "NET STATISTICS displays the statisticslog for the local Workstation or\n\ Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays\n\ the services for which statistics are available.\n\n" IDS_STATISTICS_HELP_2 "SERVER Displays the Server service statistics.\n\ WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics.\n\n" IDS_STOP_SYNTAX "NET STOP <服務名稱>\n\n" IDS_STOP_HELP_1 "NET STOP stops services.\n\n" IDS_STOP_HELP_2 "service The name of the service to be stopped.\n\n" IDS_STOP_HELP_3 "Stopping a service cancels any network connection the service is\n\ using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one\n\ service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped.\n\n" IDS_TIME_SYNTAX "NET TIME ...\n\n" IDS_TIME_HELP "TIME\n...\n\n" IDS_USE_SYNTAX "NET USE ...\n\n" IDS_USE_HELP "USE\n...\n\n" IDS_USER_SYNTAX "NET USER [使用者名 [密碼 | *] [選項]] [/DOMAIN]\n\ 使用者名 {密碼 | *} /ADD [選項] [/DOMAIN]\n\ 使用者名 [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN]\n\n" IDS_USER_HELP "USER\n...\n\n" IDS_VIEW_SYNTAX "NET VIEW ...\n\n" IDS_VIEW_HELP "VIEW\n...\n\n" IDS_NET_SYNTAX "NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP |\n\ HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION |\n\ SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ]\n" IDS_ACCOUNTS_FORCE_LOGOFF "強制登出後" IDS_ACCOUNTS_LOGOFF_SECONDS "%lu 秒" IDS_ACCOUNTS_MIN_PW_AGE "密碼最短使用期限 (以天)" IDS_ACCOUNTS_MAX_PW_AGE "密碼最長使用期限 (以天)" IDS_ACCOUNTS_MIN_PW_LENGTH "最小密碼長度" IDS_ACCOUNTS_PW_HIST_LENGTH "密碼歷史記錄長度" IDS_ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_THRESHOLD "鎖定閾值" IDS_ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_DURATION "鎖定時間 (以分鐘為單位)" IDS_ACCOUNTS_LOCKOUT_WINDOW "鎖定觀察視窗 (以分鐘為單位)" IDS_ACCOUNTS_COMPUTER_ROLE "計算機角色" IDS_ACCOUNTS_PRIMARY_SERVER "主伺服器" IDS_ACCOUNTS_BACKUP_SERVER "備份伺服器" IDS_ACCOUNTS_STANDALONE_SERVER "獨立伺服器" IDS_ACCOUNTS_WORKSTATION "工作站" IDS_CONFIG_TEXT "The following running services can be controlled:\n\n\ Server\n Workstation\n\n" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_NAME "Server Name" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_COMMENT "Server Comment" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_VERSION "Software version" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_ACTIVE "Server is active on" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_HIDDEN "Server hidden" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_USERS "Maximum Logged On Users" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_FILES "Maximum open files per session" IDS_CONFIG_SERVER_IDLE "Idle session time (min)" IDS_CONFIG_WORKSTATION_NAME "Computer name" IDS_CONFIG_WORKSTATION_FULLNAME "Full Computer name" IDS_CONFIG_WORKSTATION_USERNAME "User name" IDS_CONFIG_WORKSTATION_ACTIVE "Workstation is active on" IDS_CONFIG_WORKSTATION_VERSION "Software version" IDS_CONFIG_WORKSTATION_DOMAIN "Workstation domain" IDS_CONFIG_WORKSTATION_LOGON "Logon domain" IDS_LOCALGROUP_ALIASES "別名 \\\\%s" IDS_LOCALGROUP_ALIAS_NAME "別名名稱" IDS_LOCALGROUP_COMMENT "評論" IDS_LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS "成員" IDS_STATISTICS_TEXT "Statistics are available for the following services:\n\n\ Server\n Workstation\n\n" IDS_STATISTICS_SERVER_NAME "Server statistics for \\\\%s\n\n" IDS_STATISTICS_WORKSTATION_NAME "Workstation statistics for \\\\%s\n\n" IDS_USER_ACCOUNTS "使用者帳戶 \\\\%s" IDS_USER_NAME "使用者名稱" IDS_USER_FULL_NAME "全名" IDS_USER_COMMENT "評論" IDS_USER_USER_COMMENT "使用者註釋" IDS_USER_COUNTRY_CODE "國家/地區程式碼" IDS_USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE "帳戶活動" IDS_USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRES "帳戶過期" IDS_USER_PW_LAST_SET "上次設定的密碼" IDS_USER_PW_EXPIRES "密碼過期" IDS_USER_PW_CHANGEABLE "密碼多變" IDS_USER_PW_REQUIRED "需要密碼" IDS_USER_CHANGE_PW "使用者可以更改密碼" IDS_USER_WORKSTATIONS "允許的工作站" IDS_USER_LOGON_SCRIPT "登入指令碼" IDS_USER_PROFILE "使用者配置檔案" IDS_USER_HOME_DIR "主目錄" IDS_USER_LAST_LOGON "最後一次登入" IDS_USER_LOGON_HOURS "幾個小時允許的登入" IDS_USER_LOCAL_GROUPS "本地組成員身份" IDS_USER_GLOBAL_GROUPS "全局組成員身份" IDS_USER_ENTER_PASSWORD1 "為使用者輸入新的密碼: " IDS_USER_ENTER_PASSWORD2 "再次輸入密碼: " IDS_USER_NO_PASSWORD_MATCH "密碼不匹配!" IDS_USE_NOW_CONNECTED "%s is now connected to %s\n" IDS_GENERIC_YES "是" IDS_GENERIC_NO "否" IDS_GENERIC_NEVER "永不" IDS_GENERIC_NONE "無" IDS_GENERIC_ALL "所有" IDS_GENERIC_LOCKED "鎖定" IDS_GENERIC_UNLIMITED "Unlimited" IDS_GENERIC_SYNTAX "The syntax of this command is:\n\n" IDS_GENERIC_PAGE "NET HELP command | MORE displays one screen at a time.\n\n" IDS_ERROR_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED "尚不支援 %s 選項。\n" IDS_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION_VALUE "您輸入了無效的值為 %s 選項。\n" IDS_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR "The system error %d happened.\n" IDS_ERROR_NO_ERROR "The command completed successfully.\n\n" END