LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE "\nUsage: ping [-t] [-n count] [-l size] [-w timeout] destination-host\n\n\ Options:\n\ -t Ping the specified host until stopped.\n\ To stop - type Control-C.\n\ -n count Number of echo requests to send.\n\ -l size Send buffer size.\n\ -w timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply.\n\n\0" IDS_PING_WITH_BYTES "\nPinging %1 [%2] with %3!d! bytes of data:\n\n\0" IDS_PING_STATISTICS "\nPing statistics for %1:\n\0" IDS_PACKETS_SENT_RECEIVED_LOST " Packets: Sent = %1!d!, Received = %2!d!, Lost = %3!d! (%4!d!%% loss),\n\0" IDS_APPROXIMATE_ROUND_TRIP "Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:\n\0" IDS_MIN_MAX_AVERAGE " Minimum = %1, Maximum = %2, Average = %3\n\0" IDS_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES "Not enough free resources available.\n\0" IDS_UNKNOWN_HOST "Unknown host %1.\n\0" IDS_SETSOCKOPT_FAILED "setsockopt failed (%1!d!).\n\0" IDS_COULD_NOT_CREATE_SOCKET "Could not create socket (#%1!d!).\n\0" IDS_COULD_NOT_INIT_WINSOCK "Could not initialize winsock dll.\n\0" IDS_DEST_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED "Name or IP address of destination host must be specified.\n\0" IDS_BAD_PARAMETER "Bad parameter %1.\n\0" IDS_BAD_OPTION_FORMAT "Bad option format %1.\n\0" IDS_BAD_OPTION "Bad option %1.\n\0" IDS_BAD_VALUE_OPTION_L "Bad value for option -l, valid range is from 0 to %1!d!.\n\0" IDS_REPLY_FROM "Reply from %1: bytes=%2!d! time%3%4 TTL=%5!d!\n\0" IDS_DEST_UNREACHABLE "Destination host unreachable.\n\0" IDS_COULD_NOT_TRANSMIT "Could not transmit data (%1!d!).\n\0" IDS_COULD_NOT_RECV "Could not receive data (%1!d!).\n\0" IDS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT "Request timed out.\n\0" IDS_MS "ms\0" IDS_1MS "1ms\0" END