@echo off REM This is needed so as to avoid static expansion of environment variables REM inside if (...) conditionals. REM See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/305605/weird-scope-issue-in-bat-file REM for more explanation. REM Precisely needed for configuring Visual Studio Environment. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion REM Does the user need help? if /I "%1" == "help" goto help if /I "%1" == "/?" ( :help echo Help for configure script echo Syntax: path\to\source\configure.cmd [script-options] [Cmake-options] echo Available script-options: Codeblocks, Eclipse, Makefiles, clang, VSSolution, RTC echo Cmake-options: -DVARIABLE:TYPE=VALUE goto quit ) REM Special case %1 = arm_hosttools %2 = vcvarsall.bat %3 = %CMAKE_GENERATOR% if /I "%1" == "arm_hosttools" ( echo Configuring x86 host tools for ARM cross build REM This launches %VSINSTALLDIR%VS\vcvarsall.bat call %2 x86 REM Configure host tools for x86. cmake -G %3 -DARCH:STRING=i386 %~dp0 exit ) REM Get the source root directory set REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR=%~dp0 REM Ensure there's no spaces in the source path echo %REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%| find " " > NUL if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( echo. && echo Your source path contains at least one space. echo This will cause problems with building. echo Please rename your folders so there are no spaces in the source path, echo or move your source to a different folder. goto quit ) REM Set default generator set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Ninja" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST=!CMAKE_GENERATOR! REM Detect presence of cmake cmd /c cmake --version 2>&1 | find "cmake version" > NUL || goto cmake_notfound REM Detect build environment (MinGW, VS, WDK, ...) if defined ROS_ARCH ( echo Detected RosBE for %ROS_ARCH% set BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=MinGW set ARCH=%ROS_ARCH% set MINGW_TOOCHAIN_FILE=toolchain-gcc.cmake ) else if defined VCINSTALLDIR ( REM VS command prompt does not put this in environment vars cl 2>&1 | find "x86" > NUL && set ARCH=i386 cl 2>&1 | find "x64" > NUL && set ARCH=amd64 cl 2>&1 | find "ARM" > NUL && set ARCH=arm cl 2>&1 | find "15.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=9 cl 2>&1 | find "16.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=10 cl 2>&1 | find "17.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=11 cl 2>&1 | find "18.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=12 cl 2>&1 | find "19.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=14 cl 2>&1 | find "19.10." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=15 cl 2>&1 | find "19.11." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=15 cl 2>&1 | find "19.12." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=15 if not defined VS_VERSION ( echo Error: Visual Studio version too old or version detection failed. goto quit ) set BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=VS set VS_SOLUTION=0 set VS_RUNTIME_CHECKS=0 echo Detected Visual Studio Environment !BUILD_ENVIRONMENT!!VS_VERSION!-!ARCH! ) else ( echo Error: Unable to detect build environment. Configure script failure. goto quit ) REM Checkpoint if not defined ARCH ( echo Unknown build architecture goto quit ) set NEW_STYLE_BUILD=1 set USE_CLANG_CL=0 REM Parse command line parameters :repeat if /I "%1" == "-DNEW_STYLE_BUILD" ( set NEW_STYLE_BUILD=%2 ) else if "%BUILD_ENVIRONMENT%" == "MinGW" ( if /I "%1" == "Codeblocks" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "Eclipse" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Eclipse CDT4 - MinGW Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "Makefiles" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="MinGW Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "VSSolution" ( echo. && echo Error: Creation of VS Solution files is not supported in a MinGW environment. echo Please run this command in a [Developer] Command Prompt for Visual Studio. goto quit ) else if /I "%1" == "RTC" ( echo. && echo Warning: RTC switch is ignored outside of a Visual Studio environment. && echo. ) else if /I "%1" NEQ "" ( echo %1| find /I "-D" > NUL if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( REM User is passing a switch to CMake REM Ignore it, and ignore the next parameter that follows Shift ) else ( echo. && echo Warning: Unrecognized switch "%1" && echo. ) ) else ( goto continue ) ) else ( if /I "%1" == "CodeBlocks" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "Eclipse" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Eclipse CDT4 - NMake Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "Makefiles" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="NMake Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "clang" ( set USE_CLANG_CL=1 ) else if /I "%1" == "VSSolution" ( set VS_SOLUTION=1 REM explicitly set VS version for project generator if /I "%2" == "-VS_VER" ( set VS_VERSION=%3 echo Visual Studio Environment set to !BUILD_ENVIRONMENT!!VS_VERSION!-!ARCH! ) if "!VS_VERSION!" == "9" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 9 2008" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "10" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 10 Win64" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 10" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "11" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 11 Win64" ) else if "!ARCH!" == "arm" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 11 ARM" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST="Visual Studio 11" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 11" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "12" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 12 Win64" ) else if "!ARCH!" == "arm" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 12 ARM" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST="Visual Studio 12" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 12" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "14" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14 Win64" ) else if "!ARCH!" == "arm" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14 ARM" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST="Visual Studio 14" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "15" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15 Win64" ) else if "!ARCH!" == "arm" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15 ARM" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST="Visual Studio 15" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 15" ) ) ) else if /I "%1" == "RTC" ( echo Runtime checks enabled set VS_RUNTIME_CHECKS=1 ) else if /I "%1" NEQ "" ( echo %1| find /I "-D" > NUL if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( REM User is passing a switch to CMake REM Ignore it, and ignore the next parameter that follows Shift ) else ( echo. && echo Warning: Unrecognized switch "%1" && echo. ) ) else ( goto continue ) ) REM Go to next parameter SHIFT goto repeat :continue REM Inform the user about the default build if "!CMAKE_GENERATOR!" == "Ninja" ( echo This script defaults to Ninja. Type "configure help" for alternative options. ) REM Create directories set REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH=output-%BUILD_ENVIRONMENT%-%ARCH% if "%VS_SOLUTION%" == "1" ( set REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH=%REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH%-sln ) if "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" == "%CD%\" ( set CD_SAME_AS_SOURCE=1 echo Creating directories in %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% if not exist %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% ( mkdir %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% ) cd %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% ) if "%VS_SOLUTION%" == "1" ( if exist build.ninja ( echo. && echo Error: This directory has already been configured for ninja. echo An output folder configured for ninja can't be reconfigured for VSSolution. echo Use an empty folder or delete the contents of this folder, then try again. goto quit ) ) else if exist REACTOS.sln ( echo. && echo Error: This directory has already been configured for Visual Studio. echo An output folder configured for VSSolution can't be reconfigured for ninja. echo Use an empty folder or delete the contents of this folder, then try again. && echo. goto quit ) if "%NEW_STYLE_BUILD%"=="0" ( if not exist host-tools ( mkdir host-tools ) if not exist reactos ( mkdir reactos ) echo Preparing host tools... cd host-tools if EXIST CMakeCache.txt ( del CMakeCache.txt /q ) set REACTOS_BUILD_TOOLS_DIR=!CD! REM Use x86 for ARM host tools if "%ARCH%" == "arm" ( REM Launch new script instance for x86 host tools configuration start "Preparing host tools for ARM cross build..." /I /B /WAIT %~dp0configure.cmd arm_hosttools "%VSINSTALLDIR%VC\vcvarsall.bat" %CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST% ) else ( cmake -G %CMAKE_GENERATOR% -DARCH:STRING=%ARCH% "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" ) cd.. ) echo Preparing reactos... if "%NEW_STYLE_BUILD%"=="0" ( cd reactos ) if EXIST CMakeCache.txt ( del CMakeCache.txt /q del host-tools\CMakeCache.txt /q ) if "%NEW_STYLE_BUILD%"=="0" ( set BUILD_TOOLS_FLAG=-DREACTOS_BUILD_TOOLS_DIR:PATH="%REACTOS_BUILD_TOOLS_DIR%" ) if "%BUILD_ENVIRONMENT%" == "MinGW" ( cmake -G %CMAKE_GENERATOR% -DENABLE_CCACHE:BOOL=0 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=%MINGW_TOOCHAIN_FILE% -DARCH:STRING=%ARCH% %BUILD_TOOLS_FLAG% %* "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" ) else if %USE_CLANG_CL% == 1 ( cmake -G %CMAKE_GENERATOR% -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=toolchain-msvc.cmake -DARCH:STRING=%ARCH% %BUILD_TOOLS_FLAG% -DUSE_CLANG_CL:BOOL=1 -DRUNTIME_CHECKS:BOOL=%VS_RUNTIME_CHECKS% %* "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" ) else ( cmake -G %CMAKE_GENERATOR% -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=toolchain-msvc.cmake -DARCH:STRING=%ARCH% %BUILD_TOOLS_FLAG% -DRUNTIME_CHECKS:BOOL=%VS_RUNTIME_CHECKS% %* "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" ) if "%NEW_STYLE_BUILD%"=="0" ( cd.. ) if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( goto quit ) if "%CD_SAME_AS_SOURCE%" == "1" ( set ENDV= from %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% ) if "%VS_SOLUTION%" == "1" ( set ENDV= You can now use msbuild or open REACTOS.sln%ENDV%. ) else ( set ENDV= Execute appropriate build commands ^(ex: ninja, make, nmake, etc...^)%ENDV% ) echo. && echo Configure script complete^^!%ENDV% goto quit :cmake_notfound echo Unable to find cmake, if it is installed, check your PATH variable. :quit endlocal exit /b