#include #include #include #include "resource.h" #define REACTOS_VERSION_DLL #define REACTOS_STR_FILE_DESCRIPTION "System Setup DLL" #define REACTOS_STR_INTERNAL_NAME "syssetup" #define REACTOS_STR_ORIGINAL_FILENAME "syssetup.dll" #include /* Ask for common controls v6 (BCM_SETIMAGELIST) */ #include LANGUAGE LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL /* Bitmaps */ IDB_WATERMARK BITMAP "resources/watermark.bmp" IDB_HEADER BITMAP "resources/header.bmp" IDB_CLASSIC BITMAP "resources/thmclassic.bmp" IDB_LAUTUS BITMAP "resources/thmlautus.bmp" IDB_LUNAR BITMAP "resources/thmlunar.bmp" IDB_MIZU BITMAP "resources/thmmizu.bmp" IDB_REACTOS BITMAP "resources/reactos.bmp" IDB_LINE BITMAP "resources/line.bmp" IDI_ICON1 ICON "resources/1.ico" IDI_ICON2 ICON "resources/2.ico" IDI_ICON3 ICON "resources/3.ico" IDI_ICON4 ICON "resources/4.ico" IDI_ICON5 ICON "resources/5.ico" STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_ACKPROJECTS "Wine - http://winehq.org\ \nFreeType - http://freetype.org\ \nSYSLINUX - http://syslinux.zytor.com\ \nMinGW - http://mingw.org\ \nBochs - http://bochs.sourceforge.net\ \nMesa3D - http://mesa3d.org\ \nadns - http://gnu.org/software/adns\ \nICU - http://icu.unicode.org\ \nGraphApp - http://enchantia.com/software/graphapp\ \nExt2 - http://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2fsd\ \nGNU FreeFont - http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/freefont\ \nDejaVu Fonts - http://dejavu.sourceforge.net\ \nLiberation(tm) Fonts - http://pagure.io/liberation-fonts\ \nBtrfs - https://github.com/maharmstone/btrfs\ \nTango Desktop Project - http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project\ " END IDR_GPL RT_TEXT "COPYING" /* * Everything specific to any language goes in one of the specific * files. Note that you can and may override resources which also have * a neutral version. This is to get localized bitmaps for example. */ /* UTF-8 */ #pragma code_page(65001) #ifdef LANGUAGE_BG_BG #include "lang/bg-BG.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_CS_CZ #include "lang/cs-CZ.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_DA_DK #include "lang/da-DK.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_DE_DE #include "lang/de-DE.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_EL_GR #include "lang/el-GR.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_EN_GB #include "lang/en-GB.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_EN_US #include "lang/en-US.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_ES_ES #include "lang/es-ES.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_ET_EE #include "lang/et-EE.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_EU_ES #include "lang/eu-ES.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_FR_FR #include "lang/fr-FR.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_HE_IL #include "lang/he-IL.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_HI_IN #include "lang/hi-IN.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_HR_HR #include "lang/hr-HR.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_HU_HU #include "lang/hu-HU.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_ID_ID #include "lang/id-ID.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_IT_IT #include "lang/it-IT.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_JA_JP #include "lang/ja-JP.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_NB_NO #include "lang/no-NO.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_NL_NL #include "lang/nl-NL.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_PL_PL #include "lang/pl-PL.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_PT_BR #include "lang/pt-BR.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_PT_PT #include "lang/pt-PT.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_RO_RO #include "lang/ro-RO.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_RU_RU #include "lang/ru-RU.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_SK_SK #include "lang/sk-SK.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_SQ_AL #include "lang/sq-AL.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_SV_SE #include "lang/sv-SE.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_TH_TH #include "lang/th-TH.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_TR_TR #include "lang/tr-TR.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_UK_UA #include "lang/uk-UA.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_ZH_CN #include "lang/zh-CN.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_ZH_HK #include "lang/zh-HK.rc" #endif #ifdef LANGUAGE_ZH_TW #include "lang/zh-TW.rc" #endif