[Section] Name = Revo Uninstaller Version = 1.95 License = Freeware Description = Helps to uninstall software and remove unwanted programs installed easily. Size = 2.5 MiB Category = 12 URLSite = http://www.revouninstaller.com/ URLDownload = http://9d4da85dff3fdd198886-459beec849893df302ec58f8a71b3ad1.r61.cf1.rackcdn.com/revosetup.exe SHA1 = 7fc81fb6cee0ba858b3801162c231a5f43c94a02 CDPath = none [Section.0407] Description = Hilft Software zu deinstallieren und einfach ungewollte Programme loszuwerden. Size = 2,5 MiB [Section.041f] Name = Revo Kaldırıcı License = Bilinmiyor Description = Yazılımları kaldırmak ve istenmeyen kurulu izlenceleri kolayca silmek için yardım eder. Size = 2,5 MiB [Section.0418] License = Gratuită Description = Program de dezinstalare a programelor și de eliminare a programelor nedorite. Size = 2,5 Mio [Section.0419] License = Бесплатно Description = Помогает удалить софт и нежелательные программы, легко установить. Size = 2,5 МиБ [Section.0804] Description = 可以帮助卸载软件并删除有害的程序,安装方便。