1. Build environment To build the system you need either mingw32 installed on Windows or a mingw32 cross compiler running on unix. 2. Building To build from Windows run make. To build from unix, edit rules.mak and change the PREFIX variable to the correct value for your cross-compiler, then run 'make'. 3. Installation Installation isn't yet automated, sorry. The system can only be installed on the first partition which must be formatted for DOS. Set up a directory structure like the following make directories C:\reactos,C:\reactos\system32,C:\reactos\system32\drivers Copy apps/system/shell/shell.exe to C:\reactos\system32 Copy subsys/smss/smss.exe to C:\reactos\system32 Copy apps/system/winlogon/winlogon.exe to C:\reactos\system32 Copy apps/system/services/services.exe to C:\reactos\system32 Copy services/input/keyboard/keyboard.sys to C:\reactos\system32\drivers Copy services/dd/blue/blue.sys to C:\reactos\system32\drivers Copy lib/ntdll/ntdll.dll to C:\reactos\system32 Copy lib/kernel32/kernel32.dll to C:\reactos\system32 Copy lib/crtdll/crtdll.dll to C:\reactos\system32 The system can only be started from DOS. Copy the following files, services/dd/ide/ide.sys, services/fs/vfat/vfatfsd.sys ntoskrnl/ntoskrnl.exe and loaders/dos/loadros.com, to a suitable directory, such as C:\. The system can then be booted with the command 'loadros.com ntoskrnl.exe ide.sys vfatfs.sys'. You may also want to try running the enhanced shell, cmd.exe, found in the rosapps CVS module. For more information see the doc directory