/* * FILE: base/applications/network/ping/lang/fr-FR.rc * PURPOSE: French translations for ReactOS Ping Command * TRANSLATORS: */ LANGUAGE LANG_FRENCH, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE "\n\ Utilisation : ping [-t] [-a] [-n nombre] [-l taille] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS]\n\ [-w délai] [-4] [-6] hôte-destination\n\ \n\ Options :\n\ -t Ping the specified host until stopped.\n\ To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break;\n\ To stop - type Control-C.\n\ -a Resolve addresses to hostnames.\n\ -n nombre Nombre de requêtes echo à envoyer.\n\ -l taille Taille du tampon d'envoi.\n\ -f Set Don't Fragment flag in packet (IPv4-only).\n\ -i TTL Time To Live.\n\ -v TOS Type Of Service (IPv4-only. This setting has been deprecated\n\ and has no effect on the type of service field in the IP\n\ Header).\n\ -w délai Délai d'attente en millisecondes pour chaque réponse.\n\ -4 Force using IPv4.\n\ -6 Force using IPv6.\n\ \n" IDS_CTRL_BREAK "Control-Break\n" IDS_CTRL_C "Control-C\n" IDS_NO_RESOURCES "Ressources libres disponibles insuffisantes.\n" IDS_MISSING_ADDRESS "IP address must be specified.\n" IDS_MISSING_VALUE "Value must be supplied for option %s.\n" IDS_BAD_OPTION "Option incorrecte %s.\n" IDS_BAD_PARAMETER "Paramètre incorrect %s.\n" IDS_BAD_VALUE "Valeur incorrecte pour l'option %s, elle doit être entre %u et %u.\n" IDS_WRONG_FAMILY "The option %s is only supported for %s.\n" IDS_UNKNOWN_HOST "Ping could not find host %s. Please check the name and try again.\n" IDS_PINGING_ADDRESS "\nPing de %s " IDS_PINGING_HOSTNAME "\nPing de %s [%s] " IDS_SOURCE_ADDRESS "from %s %s" IDS_PING_SIZE "avec %lu octets de données :\n\n" IDS_REPLY_FROM "Réponse de %s : " IDS_REPLY_BYTES "octets=%d " IDS_REPLY_TIME_MS "durée=%lums " IDS_REPLY_TIME_0MS "durée<1ms " IDS_REPLY_TTL "TTL=%d\n" IDS_REPLY_STATUS "Echo reply returned %lu.\n" IDS_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE "Destination host unreachable.\n" IDS_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE "Destination net unreachable.\n" IDS_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT "Expiration du délai d'attente.\n" IDS_TTL_EXPIRED "TTL expired in transit.\n" IDS_TRANSMIT_FAILED "PING: transmit failed. (Error %u)\n" IDS_STATISTICS "\n\ Statistiques du ping de %s :\n\ Paquets : Envoyés = %d, Reçus = %d, Perdus %d (%d%% de perte),\n" IDS_APPROXIMATE_RTT "Délai approximatif de réponse en millisecondes :\n\ Minimum = %lums, Maximum = %lums, Moyenne = %lums\n" IDS_WINSOCK_FAIL "Failed to initialize WinSock: %i\n" END