@echo off REM This is needed so as to avoid static expansion of environment variables REM inside if (...) conditionals. REM See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/305605/weird-scope-issue-in-bat-file REM for more explanation. REM Precisely needed for configuring Visual Studio Environment. setlocal enabledelayedexpansion REM Does the user need help? if /I "%1" == "help" goto help if /I "%1" == "/?" ( :help echo Help for configure script echo Syntax: path\to\source\configure.cmd [script-options] [Cmake-options] echo Available script-options: Codeblocks, Eclipse, Makefiles, clang, VSSolution, RTC echo Cmake-options: -DVARIABLE:TYPE=VALUE endlocal exit /b ) REM Special case %1 = arm_hosttools %2 = vcvarsall.bat %3 = %CMAKE_GENERATOR% if /I "%1" == "arm_hosttools" ( echo Configuring x86 host tools for ARM cross build REM This launches %VSINSTALLDIR%VS\vcvarsall.bat call %2 x86 REM Configure host tools for x86 cmake -G %3 -DARCH:STRING=i386 %~dp0 exit ) REM Get the source root directory set REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR=%~dp0 REM Set default generator set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Ninja" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST=!CMAKE_GENERATOR! REM Detect presence of cmake cmd /c cmake --version 2>&1 | find "cmake version" > NUL || goto cmake_notfound REM Detect build environment (MinGW, VS, WDK, ...) if defined ROS_ARCH ( echo Detected RosBE for %ROS_ARCH% set BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=MinGW set ARCH=%ROS_ARCH% set MINGW_TOOCHAIN_FILE=toolchain-gcc.cmake ) else if defined VCINSTALLDIR ( REM VS command prompt does not put this in environment vars cl 2>&1 | find "x86" > NUL && set ARCH=i386 cl 2>&1 | find "x64" > NUL && set ARCH=amd64 cl 2>&1 | find "ARM" > NUL && set ARCH=arm cl 2>&1 | find "15.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=9 cl 2>&1 | find "16.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=10 cl 2>&1 | find "17.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=11 cl 2>&1 | find "18.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=12 cl 2>&1 | find "19.00." > NUL && set VS_VERSION=14 if not defined VS_VERSION ( echo Error: Visual Studio version too old or version detection failed. endlocal exit /b ) set BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=VS set VS_SOLUTION=0 set VS_RUNTIME_CHECKS=0 echo Detected Visual Studio Environment !BUILD_ENVIRONMENT!!VS_VERSION!-!ARCH! ) else ( echo Error: Unable to detect build environment. Configure script failure. endlocal exit /b ) REM Checkpoint if not defined ARCH ( echo Unknown build architecture endlocal exit /b ) set NEW_STYLE_BUILD=1 REM Parse command line parameters :repeat if /I "%1%" == "-DNEW_STYLE_BUILD" ( set NEW_STYLE_BUILD=%2 ) else if "%BUILD_ENVIRONMENT%" == "MinGW" ( if /I "%1" == "Codeblocks" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "Eclipse" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Eclipse CDT4 - MinGW Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "Makefiles" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="MinGW Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "clang" ( set MINGW_TOOCHAIN_FILE=toolchain-clang.cmake ) else ( goto continue ) ) else ( if /I "%1" == "CodeBlocks" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="CodeBlocks - NMake Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "Eclipse" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Eclipse CDT4 - NMake Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "Makefiles" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="NMake Makefiles" ) else if /I "%1" == "VSSolution" ( set VS_SOLUTION=1 if "!VS_VERSION!" == "9" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 9 2008" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "10" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 10 Win64" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 10" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "11" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 11 Win64" ) else if "!ARCH!" == "arm" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 11 ARM" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST="Visual Studio 11" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 11" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "12" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 12 Win64" ) else if "!ARCH!" == "arm" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 12 ARM" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST="Visual Studio 12" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 12" ) ) else if "!VS_VERSION!" == "14" ( if "!ARCH!" == "amd64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14 Win64" ) else if "!ARCH!" == "arm" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14 ARM" set CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST="Visual Studio 14" ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 14" ) ) ) else if /I "%1" == "RTC" ( echo Runtime checks enabled set VS_RUNTIME_CHECKS=1 ) else ( goto continue ) ) REM Go to next parameter SHIFT goto repeat :continue REM Inform the user about the default build if "!CMAKE_GENERATOR!" == "Ninja" ( echo This script defaults to Ninja. Type "configure help" for alternative options. ) REM Create directories set REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH=output-%BUILD_ENVIRONMENT%-%ARCH% if "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" == "%CD%\" ( echo Creating directories in %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% if not exist %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% ( mkdir %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% ) cd %REACTOS_OUTPUT_PATH% ) if "%NEW_STYLE_BUILD%"=="0" ( if not exist host-tools ( mkdir host-tools ) if not exist reactos ( mkdir reactos ) echo Preparing host tools... cd host-tools if EXIST CMakeCache.txt ( del CMakeCache.txt /q ) set REACTOS_BUILD_TOOLS_DIR=!CD! REM Use x86 for ARM host tools if "%ARCH%" == "arm" ( REM Launch new script instance for x86 host tools configuration start "Preparing host tools for ARM cross build..." /I /B /WAIT %~dp0configure.cmd arm_hosttools "%VSINSTALLDIR%VC\vcvarsall.bat" %CMAKE_GENERATOR_HOST% ) else ( cmake -G %CMAKE_GENERATOR% -DARCH:STRING=%ARCH% "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" ) cd.. ) echo Preparing reactos... if "%NEW_STYLE_BUILD%"=="0" ( cd reactos ) if EXIST CMakeCache.txt ( del CMakeCache.txt /q del host-tools\CMakeCache.txt /q ) if "%NEW_STYLE_BUILD%"=="0" ( set BUILD_TOOLS_FLAG=-DREACTOS_BUILD_TOOLS_DIR:PATH="%REACTOS_BUILD_TOOLS_DIR%" ) if "%BUILD_ENVIRONMENT%" == "MinGW" ( cmake -G %CMAKE_GENERATOR% -DENABLE_CCACHE:BOOL=0 -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=%MINGW_TOOCHAIN_FILE% -DARCH:STRING=%ARCH% %BUILD_TOOLS_FLAG% %* "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" ) else ( cmake -G %CMAKE_GENERATOR% -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH=toolchain-msvc.cmake -DARCH:STRING=%ARCH% %BUILD_TOOLS_FLAG% -DRUNTIME_CHECKS:BOOL=%VS_RUNTIME_CHECKS% %* "%REACTOS_SOURCE_DIR%" ) if "%NEW_STYLE_BUILD%"=="0" ( cd.. ) echo Configure script complete^^! Execute appropriate build commands (ex: ninja, make, nmake, etc...). endlocal exit /b :cmake_notfound echo Unable to find cmake, if it is installed, check your PATH variable. endlocal exit /b