NDK FIXMES ----------- Order: * Priority 1 = Easiest to fix. * Priority 5 = Hardest to fix. Format: - FIXME Description (Assigned Fixer) [FIXME location(s)] List: Priority 1: - LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY has a ROSSYM Hack (GvG) [ldrtypes.h] - FIXED: LDR_FLAGS are not correct (Alex) [ldrtypes.h] - FIXED: Remove extra Process Info classes from ddk (Alex) [zwtypes.h] - FIXED: PsEstablishWin32Callouts + Parameters don't match NT (Alex) [obtypes.h] - FIXED: PROCESS_SET_PORT was removed, ThomasW did a patch about this? (Thomas) [pstypes.h] - FIXED: Some files need cleanup (Alex + Eric) [zwfuncs.h, rtlfuncs.h, rtltypes.h] Priority 2: - DEVICE_NODE has 2 fields not part of NT's defintion [iotypes.h] - Object Callbacks don't match NT's (Alex) [obtypes.h] - Remove Create Callback Hack (Alex) [obtypes.h] - Object header doesn't match NT (Alex) [obtypes.h] blocks on -> - Object Directory + implementation doesn't match NT (Alex) [obtypes.h] Priority 3: - Pushlock support is needed to fix EPROCESS (Alex) [pstypes.h] - MADDRESS_SPACE must be converted into the NT Type (Alex) [pstypes.h, mmtypes.h] Priority 4: - Kernel and Memory Types are not architecture-specific [ketypes.h, mmtypes.h] - Win32K Builds with windows.h [extypes.h, ketypes.h] Priority 5: - LPC Types are totally wrong. [lpctypes.h] - Missing System Info Classes [zwtypes.h] - Process Priority Classes are messed up [pstypes.h]