// English language resource file (Sebastian Gasiorek, 2005-11-13) LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_NAME "Name" IDS_TYPE "Type" IDS_MANUFACTURER "Manufacturer: %1" IDS_LOCATION "Location: %1" IDS_STATUS "Device Status: %1" IDS_UNKNOWN "Unknown" IDS_LOCATIONSTR "Location %1!u! (%2)" IDS_DEVCODE " (Code %1!u!)" IDS_DEVCODE2 " (Code %2!u!)" IDS_ENABLEDEVICE "Use this device (enable)" IDS_DISABLEDEVICE "Do not use this device (disable)" IDS_UNKNOWNDEVICE "Unknown device" IDS_NODRIVERLOADED "No drivers are installed for this device." IDS_DEVONPARENT "on %1" IDS_TROUBLESHOOTDEV "&Troubleshoot..." IDS_ENABLEDEV "E&nable Device" IDS_REINSTALLDRV "Re&install Driver" IDS_PROPERTIES "P&roperties" IDS_UPDATEDRV "U&pdate Driver..." IDS_REBOOT "Restart &Computer..." IDS_NOTAVAILABLE "Not available" IDS_NOTDIGITALLYSIGNED "Not digitally signed" IDS_NODRIVERS "No driver files are required or have been loaded for this device." END /* error messages, source: http://www.z123.org/techsupport/medm.htm */ STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_DEV_NO_PROBLEM "This device is working properly." IDS_DEV_NOT_CONFIGURED "This device is not configured correctly." IDS_DEV_DEVLOADER_FAILED "ReactOS could not load the driver for this device because the computer is reporting two $1 bus types." IDS_DEV_DEVLOADER_FAILED2 "The $1 device loader(s) for this device could not load the device driver." IDS_DEV_OUT_OF_MEMORY "The driver for this device may be bad, or your system may be running low on memory or other resources." IDS_DEV_ENTRY_IS_WRONG_TYPE "This device is not working properly because one of its drivers may be bad, or your registry may be bad." IDS_DEV_LACKED_ARBITRATOR "The driver for this device requested a resource that ReactOS does not know how to handle." IDS_DEV_BOOT_CONFIG_CONFLICT "Another device is using the resources this device needs." IDS_DEV_FAILED_FILTER "The drivers for this device need to be reinstalled." IDS_DEV_DEVLOADER_NOT_FOUND "This device is not working properly because ReactOS cannot load the file $1 that loads the drivers for the device." IDS_DEV_DEVLOADER_NOT_FOUND2 "This device is not working properly because the file $1 that loads the drivers for this device is bad." IDS_DEV_DEVLOADER_NOT_FOUND3 "Device failure: Try changing the driver for this device. If that doesn\'t work, see your hardware documentation." IDS_DEV_INVALID_DATA "This device is not working properly because the BIOS in your computer is reporting the resources for the device incorrectly." IDS_DEV_INVALID_DATA2 "This device is not working properly because the BIOS in the device is reporting the resources for the device incorrectly. " IDS_DEV_FAILED_START "This device is either not present, not working properly, or does not have all the drivers installed." IDS_DEV_LIAR "ReactOS stopped responding while attempting to start this device, and therefore will never attempt to start this device again." IDS_DEV_NORMAL_CONFLICT "This device cannot find any free $1 resources to use." IDS_DEV_NOT_VERIFIED "This device is either not present, not working properly, or does not have all the drivers installed." IDS_DEV_NEED_RESTART "This device cannot work properly until you restart your computer." IDS_DEV_REENUMERATION "This device is causing a resource conflict." IDS_DEV_PARTIAL_LOG_CONF "ReactOS could not identify all the resources this device uses." IDS_DEV_UNKNOWN_RESOURCE "The driver information file $1 is telling this child device to use a resource that the parent device does not have or recognize." IDS_DEV_REINSTALL "The drivers for this device need to be reinstalled." IDS_DEV_REGISTRY "Your registry may be bad." IDS_DEV_WILL_BE_REMOVED "ReactOS is removing this device." IDS_DEV_DISABLED "This device is not started." IDS_DEV_DISABLED2 "This device is disabled." IDS_DEV_DEVLOADER_NOT_READY "The loaders for this device cannot load the required drivers." IDS_DEV_DEVLOADER_NOT_READY2 "This display adapter is functioning correctly." IDS_DEV_DEVLOADER_NOT_READY3 "The loaders for this device cannot load the required drivers." IDS_DEV_DEVICE_NOT_THERE "This device is either not present, not working properly, or does not have all the drivers installed." IDS_DEV_MOVED "ReactOS is in the process of setting up this device." IDS_DEV_TOO_EARLY "ReactOS is in the process of setting up this device." IDS_DEV_NO_VALID_LOG_CONF "ReactOS can\'t specify the resources for this device." IDS_DEV_FAILED_INSTALL "The drivers for this device are not installed." IDS_DEV_HARDWARE_DISABLED "This device is disabled because the BIOS for the device did not give it any resources." IDS_DEV_CANT_SHARE_IRQ "This device is using an Interrupt Request (IRQ) resource that is in use by another device and cannot be shared. "\ "You must change the conflicting setting or remove the real-mode driver causing the conflict." IDS_DEV_FAILED_ADD "This device is not working properly because $1 is not working properly." IDS_DEV_DISABLED_SERVICE "ReactOS cannot install the drivers for this device because it cannot access the drive or network location that has the setup files on it." IDS_DEV_TRANSLATION_FAILED "This device isn\'t responding to its driver." IDS_DEV_NO_SOFTCONFIG "ReactOS cannot determine the settings for this device. Consult the documentation that came with this device and use the Resource tab to set the configuration." IDS_DEV_BIOS_TABLE "Your computer\'s system firmware does not include enough information to properly configure and use this device. "\ "To use this device, contact your computer manufacturer to obtain a firmware or BIOS update." IDS_DEV_IRQ_TRANSLATION_FAILED "This device is requesting a PCI interrupt but is configured for an ISA interrupt (or vice versa). "\ "Please use the computer\'s system setup program to reconfigure the interrupt for this device." IDS_DEV_FAILED_DRIVER_ENTRY "ReactOS cannot initialize the device driver for this hardware." IDS_DEV_DRIVER_FAILED_PRIOR_UNLOAD "ReactOS cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous instance of the device driver is still in memory." IDS_DEV_DRIVER_FAILED_LOAD "ReactOS cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing." IDS_DEV_DRIVER_SERVICE_KEY_INVALID "ReactOS cannot access this hardware because its service key information in the registry is missing or recorded incorrectly." IDS_DEV_LEGACY_SERVICE_NO_DEVICES "ReactOS successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device." IDS_DEV_DUPLICATE_DEVICE "ReactOS cannot load the device driver for this hardware because there is a duplicate device already running in the system." IDS_DEV_FAILED_POST_START "ReactOS has stopped this device because it has reported problems." IDS_DEV_HALTED "An application or service has shut down this hardware device." IDS_DEV_PHANTOM "Currently, this hardware device is not connected to the computer." IDS_DEV_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN "ReactOS cannot gain access to this hardware device because the operating system is in the process of shutting down." IDS_DEV_HELD_FOR_EJECT "ReactOS cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for \"safe removal\", but it has not been removed from the computer" IDS_DEV_DRIVER_BLOCKED "The software for this device has been blocked from starting because it is known to have problems with ReactOS. Contact the hardware vendor for a new driver." IDS_DEV_REGISTRY_TOO_LARGE "ReactOS cannot start new hardware devices because the system hive is too large (exceeds the Registry Size Limit)." IDS_DEV_SETPROPERTIES_FAILED "ReactOS wasn\'t able to change the settings of this device." END IDD_HARDWARE DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 300, 400 STYLE DS_3DLOOK | DS_CONTROL | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | DS_SHELLFONT FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "&Devices:",IDC_DEVICES,7,6,196,10 CONTROL "",IDC_LV_DEVICES,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS | LVS_NOSORTHEADER | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP,7,16,196,50 GROUPBOX "Device Properties",IDC_PROPERTIESGROUP,7,76,196,105 LTEXT "",IDC_MANUFACTURER,14,88,183,10,SS_ENDELLIPSIS LTEXT "",IDC_LOCATION,14,100,183,10,SS_ENDELLIPSIS LTEXT "",IDC_STATUS,14,112,183,30 PUSHBUTTON "&Troubleshoot...",IDC_TROUBLESHOOT,85,140,54,14, BS_PUSHBUTTON | WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_TABSTOP PUSHBUTTON "P&roperties",IDC_PROPERTIES,146,140,50,14 END IDD_DEVICEGENERAL DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 252, 218 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "General" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN ICON "", IDC_DEVICON, 7, 7, 20, 20 LTEXT "", IDC_DEVNAME, 37, 9, 174, 16, SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "Device type:", -1, 37, 39, 60, 8, SS_NOPREFIX EDITTEXT IDC_DEVTYPE, 100, 39, 146, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Manufacturer:", -1, 37, 53, 60, 8, SS_NOPREFIX EDITTEXT IDC_DEVMANUFACTURER, 100, 53, 145, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Location:", -1, 37, 67, 60, 8, SS_NOPREFIX EDITTEXT IDC_DEVLOCATION, 100, 67, 145, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY GROUPBOX "Device status", IDC_DEVSTATUSGROUP, 7, 83, 238, 100 EDITTEXT IDC_DEVSTATUS, 14, 96, 224, 61, NOT WS_TABSTOP | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_READONLY | WS_VSCROLL PUSHBUTTON "&Troubleshoot...", IDC_DEVPROBLEM, 148, 163, 90, 15 LTEXT "&Device usage:", IDC_DEVUSAGELABEL, 7, 188, 222, 8, WS_DISABLED COMBOBOX IDC_DEVUSAGE, 7, 198, 239, 40, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST | WS_VSCROLL | WS_DISABLED END IDD_DEVICEDRIVER DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 252, 218 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_DISABLED | WS_CAPTION CAPTION "Driver" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN ICON "", IDC_DEVICON, 7, 7, 20, 20 LTEXT "", IDC_DEVNAME, 37, 9, 174, 16, SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "Driver provider:", -1, 37, 39, 60, 8, SS_NOPREFIX EDITTEXT IDC_DRVPROVIDER, 100, 39, 146, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Driver date:", -1, 37, 53, 60, 8, SS_NOPREFIX EDITTEXT IDC_DRVDATE, 100, 53, 145, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Driver version:", -1, 37, 67, 60, 8, SS_NOPREFIX EDITTEXT IDC_DRVVERSION, 100, 67, 145, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY LTEXT "Digital Signer:", -1, 37, 81, 60, 8, SS_NOPREFIX EDITTEXT IDC_DIGITALSIGNER, 100, 81, 145, 12, NOT WS_TABSTOP | NOT WS_BORDER | ES_AUTOHSCROLL | ES_READONLY PUSHBUTTON "&Driver Details...", IDC_DRIVERDETAILS, 7, 106, 70, 15 LTEXT "To view details about the driver files.", -1, 91, 110, 154, 17, SS_NOPREFIX END IDD_DRIVERDETAILS DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 224, 250 STYLE DS_SETFONT | DS_MODALFRAME | DS_3DLOOK | DS_CONTEXTHELP | WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_DLGFRAME CAPTION "Driver File Details" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN ICON "", IDC_DEVICON, 7, 7, 20, 20 LTEXT "", IDC_DEVNAME, 37, 9, 174, 16, SS_NOPREFIX LTEXT "&Driver files:", -1, 7, 36, 204, 8 CONTROL "", IDC_DRIVERFILES, "SysListView32", LVS_REPORT | LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER | LVS_SINGLESEL | LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS | LVS_SORTASCENDING | LVS_NOSORTHEADER | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP, 7, 46, 209, 80 LTEXT "Provider:", -1, 14, 134, 50, 8 LTEXT "", IDC_FILEPROVIDER, 66, 134, 155, 8 LTEXT "File version:", -1, 14, 150, 50, 8 LTEXT "", IDC_FILEVERSION, 66, 150, 155, 8 LTEXT "Copyright:", -1, 14, 166, 50, 8 LTEXT "", IDC_FILECOPYRIGHT, 66, 166, 155, 8 LTEXT "Digital Signer:", -1, 14, 182, 50, 8 LTEXT "", IDC_DIGITALSIGNER, 66, 182, 155, 8 PUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 167, 228, 50, 14 END