#include "resource.h" /* Start move all hard code string to En.rc * By Magnus Olsen 2005 */ LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE { STRING_ATTRIB_HELP, "Displays or changes file attributes.\n\n \ ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] file ...\n \ [/S [/D]]\n\n \ + Sets an attribute\n \ - Clears an attribute\n \ R Read-only file attribute\n \ A Archive file attribute\n \ S System file attribute\n \ H Hidden file attribute\n \ /S Processes matching files in the current directory\n \ and all subdirectories\n \ /D Processes direcories as well\n\n \ Type ATTRIB without a parameter to display the attributes of all files." STRING_ALIAS_HELP, "Sets, removes or shows aliases.\n\n \ ALIAS [alias=[command]]\n\n \ alias Name for an alias.\n \ command Text to be substituted for an alias.\n\n \ To list all aliases:\n \ ALIAS\n\n \ To set a new or replace an existing alias:\n \ ALIAS da=dir a:\n\n \ To remove an alias from the alias list:\n \ ALIAS da=" STRING_BEEP_HELP, "Beep the speaker.\n\nBEEP" STRING_CALL_HELP, "Calls one batch program from another.\n\n \ CALL [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameter]\n\n \ batch-parameter Specifies any command-line information required by the\n \ batch program." STRING_CD_HELP, "Changes the current directory or displays it's name\n\n \ CHDIR [drive:][path]\n \ CHDIR[..|-]\n \ CD [drive:][path]\n \ CD[..|-]\n\n \ .. parent directory\n \ - previous directory\n\n \ Type CD drive: to display the current directory on the specified drive.\n \ Type CD without a parameter to display the current drive and directory. " STRING_CHCP_HELP, "Displays or sets the active code page number.\n\n \ CHCP [nnn]\n\n \ nnn Specifies the active code page number.\n\n \ Type CHCP without a parameter to display the active code page number." STRING_CHOICE_HELP, "Waits for the user to choose one of a set of choices.\n\n \ CHOICE [/C[:]choices][/N][/S][/T[:]c,nn][text]\n\n \ /C[:]choices Specifies allowable keys. Default is YN.\n \ /N Do not display choices and ? at the end of the prompt string.\n \ /S Treat choice keys as case sensitive.\n \ /T[:]c,nn Default choice to c after nn seconds.\n \ text Prompt string to display.\n\n \ ERRORLEVEL is set to offset of key user presses in choices." STRING_CLS_HELP, "Clears the screen.\n\nCLS" STRING_CMD_HELP1, "\nInternal commands available:\n" STRING_CMD_HELP2, "\nFeatures available:" STRING_CMD_HELP3," [aliases]" STRING_CMD_HELP4," [history]" STRING_CMD_HELP5," [unix filename completion]" STRING_CMD_HELP6," [directory stack]" STRING_CMD_HELP7," [redirections and piping]" STRING_CMD_HELP8, "Starts a new instance of the ReactOS command line interpreter.\n\n \ CMD [/[C|K] command][/P][/Q][/T:bf]\n\n \ /C command Runs the specified command and terminates.\n \ /K command Runs the specified command and remains.\n \ /P CMD becomes permanent and runs autoexec.bat\n \ (cannot be terminated).\n \ /T:bf Sets the background/foreground color (see COLOR command)." STRING_COLOR_HELP1, "Sets the default foreground and background colors.\n\n \ COLOR [attr [/F]] \n\n \ attr Specifies color attribute of console output\n \ /F fill the console with color attribute\n\n \ There are three ways to specify the colors:\n \ 1) [bright] name on [bright] name (only the first three letters are required)\n \ 2) decimal on decimal\n \ 3) two hex digits\n\n \ Colors are:\n \ dec hex name dec hex name\n \ 0 0 Black 8 8 Gray(Bright black)\n \ 1 1 Blue 9 9 Bright Blue\n \ 2 2 Green 10 A Bright Green\n \ 3 3 Cyan 11 B Bright Cyan\n \ 4 4 Red 12 C Bright Red\n \ 5 5 Magenta 13 D Bright Magenta\n \ 6 6 Yellow 14 E Bright Yellow\n \ 7 7 White 15 F Bright White" STRING_COPY_HELP1, "Overwrite %s (Yes/No/All)? " STRING_COPY_HELP2, "Copies one or more files to another location.\n\n \ COPY [/V][/Y|/-Y][/A|/B] source [/A|/B]\n \ [+ source [/A|/B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A|/B]]\n\n \ source Specifies the file or files to be copied.\n \ /A Indicates an ASCII text file.\n \ /B Indicates a binary file.\n \ destination Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).\n \ /V Verifies that new files are written correctly.\n \ /Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an\n \ existing destination file.\n \ /-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an\n \ existing destination file.\n\n \ The switch /Y may be present in the COPYCMD environment variable.\n \ ..." STRING_DATE_HELP1, "\nEnter new date (mm%cdd%cyyyy): " STRING_DATE_HELP2, "\nEnter new date (dd%cmm%cyyyy): " STRING_DATE_HELP3, "\nEnter new date (yyyy%cmm%cdd): " STRING_DATE_HELP4, "Displays or sets the date.\n\n \ DATE [/T][date]\n\n \ /T display only\n\n \ Type DATE without parameters to display the current date setting and\n \ a prompt for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same date." STRING_EXIT_HELP, "Exits the command line interpreter.\n\nEXIT" STRING_MKDIR_HELP, "Creates a directory.\n\n \ MKDIR [drive:]path\nMD [drive:]path" STRING_RMDIR_HELP, "Removes a directory.\n\n \ RMDIR [drive:]path\nRD [drive:]path" STRING_REM_HELP, "Starts a comment line in a batch file.\n\nREM [Comment]" STRING_CHOICE_OPTION, "YN" STRING_COPY_OPTION, "YNA" STRING_ALIAS_ERROR, "Command line too long after alias expansion!\n" STRING_BATCH_ERROR, "Error opening batch file\n" STRING_CHCP_ERROR1, "Active code page: %u\n" STRING_CHCP_ERROR2, "Invalid parameter format - %s\n" STRING_CHCP_ERROR3, "Parameter format incorrect - %s\n" STRING_CHCP_ERROR4, "Invalid code page\n" STRING_CHOICE_ERROR, "Invalid option. Expected format: /C[:]options" STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_TXT, "Invalid option. Expected format: /T[:]c,nn" STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_OPTION, "Illegal Option: %s" STRING_CMD_ERROR1, "Can't redirect input from file %s\n" STRING_CMD_ERROR2, "Error creating temporary file for pipe data\n" STRING_CMD_ERROR3, "Can't redirect to file %s\n" STRING_CMD_ERROR4, "Running %s...\n" STRING_CMD_ERROR5, "Running cmdexit.bat...\n" STRING_CONSOLE_ERROR, "Unknown error: %d\n" STRING_COPY_ERROR1, "Error: Cannot open source - %s!\n" STRING_COPY_ERROR2, "Error: Can't copy onto itself!\n" STRING_COPY_ERROR3, "Error writing destination!\n" STRING_COPY_ERROR4, "Error: Not implemented yet!\n" STRING_DATE_ERROR, "Invalid date." STRING_PARAM_ERROR, "Required parameter missing\n" }