/* $Id$ */ #include #include "vmwinst.h" #define REACTOS_STR_FILE_DESCRIPTION "ReactOS VMware(r) driver installation utility\0" #define REACTOS_STR_INTERNAL_NAME "vmwinst\0" #define REACTOS_STR_ORIGINAL_FILENAME "vmwinst.exe\0" #include LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US 1 24 DISCARDABLE "manifest.xml" /* Bitmaps */ IDB_WATERMARK BITMAP "resources/watermark.bmp" IDB_HEADER BITMAP "resources/header.bmp" /* * Everything specific to any language goes in one of the specific * files. Note that you can and may override resources which also have * a neutral version. This is to get localized bitmaps for example. */ #include "En.rc" #include "De.rc" #include "Es.rc"