dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. dnl AC_INIT(SWrite.c) AC_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) no_signals=yes AC_ARG_ENABLE(signals,[ --enable-signals allow use of signal handling],[no_signals=no]) wi_OS_VAR SFLAG='-s' case "$OS" in macosx*) SFLAG='-Wl,-x' ;; esac AC_PROG_CC wi_CFLAGS AC_PROG_RANLIB dnl Needed to build the samples. wi_NET_LIBS AC_SUBST(CC) AC_SUBST(CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(CPPFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LIBS) AC_SUBST(DEFS) AC_SUBST(SFLAG) AC_C_CONST AC_HEADER_STDC AC_CHECK_HEADERS(unistd.h sys/un.h) wi_HEADER_SYS_SELECT_H AC_FUNC_SELECT_ARGTYPES wi_STRUCT_CMSGHDR wi_MSGHDR_CONTROL wi_MSGHDR_ACCRIGHTS wi_SOCKADDR_UN_SUN_LEN AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_CHECK_FUNCS(sigaction) wi_FUNC_SIGSETJMP changequote(<<, >>)dnl if test "$no_signals" = no ; then dv1='# if 0' dv2='#if 0' else dv1='# if 1' dv2='#if 1' fi if sed "s!^.*/. %config1!${dv1} /* %config1!;s!^.*/. %config2!${dv2} /* %config2!" sio.h > temp.h ; then mv temp.h sio.h chmod a+r sio.h fi if sed "s!^.*/. %config1!${dv1} /* %config1!;s!^.*/. %config2!${dv2} /* %config2!" usio.h > temp.h ; then mv temp.h usio.h chmod a+r usio.h fi patterns1="" if [ "$SYS" = solaris ] ; then patterns1='s!/. %configure%.*!#define SAccept SAcceptS!' patterns2='s!/. %configure%.*!#define UAccept UAcceptS!' fi if [ "$patterns1" != "" ] ; then sed "$patterns1" < sio.h > tmpfile if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then mv tmpfile sio.h chmod 644 sio.h else /bin/rm tmpfile fi fi if [ "$patterns2" != "" ] ; then sed "$patterns2" < usio.h > tmpfile if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then mv tmpfile usio.h chmod 644 usio.h else /bin/rm tmpfile fi fi changequote([, ])dnl LIBS=`echo "$LIBS" | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//;s/ */ /g'` LDFLAGS=`echo "$LDFLAGS" | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//;s/ */ /g'` CPPFLAGS=`echo "$CPPFLAGS" | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//;s/ */ /g'` CFLAGS=`echo "$CFLAGS" | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//;s/ */ /g'` DEFS=`echo "$DEFS" | sed 's/^ *//;s/ *$//;s/ */ /g'` AC_OUTPUT([Makefile ucase_c/Makefile ucase_s/Makefile time_c/Makefile time_s/Makefile srltest/Makefile sendmessage/Makefile])