;// Romanian translation by Ștefan Fulea (stefan dot fulea at mail dot com) ;// Russian translation by Kudratov Olimjon (olim98@bk.ru) ;// Spanish translation by Ismael Ferreras Morezuelas <2014-11-07> ;// Turkish translation by 2015 Erdem Ersoy (eersoy93) (erdemersoy [at] erdemersoy [dot] net) ;// Simplified Chinese translation by Henry Tang Ih 2016 (henrytang2@hotmail.com) ;// Traditional Chinese translation by Henry Tang Ih 2016 (henrytang2@hotmail.com) MessageIdTypedef=DWORD SeverityNames=(Success=0x0:STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational=0x1:STATUS_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning=0x2:STATUS_SEVERITY_WARNING Error=0x3:STATUS_SEVERITY_ERROR ) FacilityNames=(System=0x0:FACILITY_SYSTEM ) LanguageNames=(English=0x409:MSG00409 Polish=0x415:MSG00415 Romanian=0x418:MSG00418 Russian=0x419:MSG00419 Spanish=0x40A:MSG0040A Turkish=0x41F:MSG0041F Chinese=0x804:MSG00804 Taiwanese=0x404:MSG00404 ) MessageId=10000 SymbolicName=MSG_ACCOUNTS_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{Minutes|NO}] [/MINPWLEN:Length] [/MAXPWAGE:{Days|UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:Days] [/UNIQUEPW:Count] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Polish NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{minuty|NO}] [/MINPWLEN:długość] [/MAXPWAGE:{dni|UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:dni] [/UNIQUEPW:liczba] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Romanian NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{Minute|NO}] [/MINPWLEN:Lungime] [/MAXPWAGE:{Zile|UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:Zile] [/UNIQUEPW:Număr] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Russian NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{минуты | NO}] [/MINPWLEN:длина] [/MAXPWAGE:{дни | UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:дни] [/UNIQUEPW:число] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Spanish NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{minutos | NO}] [/MINPWLEN:longitud] [/MAXPWAGE:{días | UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:días] [/UNIQUEPW:número] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Turkish NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{Dakîka|NO}] [/MINPWLEN:Uzunluk] [/MAXPWAGE:{Gün|UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:Gün] [/UNIQUEPW:Sayı] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Chinese NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{Minutes|NO}] [/MINPWLEN:Length] [/MAXPWAGE:{Days|UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:Days] [/UNIQUEPW:Count] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Taiwanese NET ACCOUNTS [/FORCELOGOFF:{分鐘|NO}] [/MINPWLEN:長度] [/MAXPWAGE:{天|UNLIMITED}] [/MINPWAGE:天] [/UNIQUEPW:計數] [/DOMAIN] . MessageId=10001 SymbolicName=MSG_ACCOUNTS_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password and logon requirements for all accounts. When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for passwords, logon limitations, and domain information. Two conditions are required in order for options used with NET ACCOUNTS to take effect. - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user accounts have been set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command). - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain that verify logon. Net Logon is started automatically when the operating system starts. /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before being forced to log off when the account expires or valid logon hours expire. NO, the default, prevents forced logoff. /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for a password. The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a password is valid. No limit is specified by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the default is to leave the value unchanged. /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password. A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique through the specified number of password changes. The maximum value is 24. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. . Language=Polish NET ACCOUNTS uaktualnia bazę kont użytkowników i zmienia hasło oraz wymagania logowania dla wszystkich kont. Użyte bez opcji, NET ACCOUNTS wyświetla bieżące ustawienia hasła i ograniczeń logowania oraz informacje o domenie. Aby opcje użyte z NET ACCOUNTS odniosły skutek, muszą być spełnione dwa warunki. - Wymagania hasła i logowania odnoszą skutek tylko wtedy, gdy zostało utworzone konto użytkownika (w tym celu użyj Menedżera użytkowników lub polecenia NET USER). - Usługa logowania (Net Logon) musi być uruchomiona na wszystkich serwerach w domenie, które weryfikują logowanie. Usługa logowania jest uruchamiana automatycznie podczas uruchamiania systemu. /FORECELOGOFF:{minuty | NO} Ustawia liczbę minut, przez które użytkownik może być zalogowany przed wymuszeniem wylogowania wskutek wygaśnięcia lub ważności godzin logowania. NO, wartość domyślna, zapobiega wymuszaniu wylogowania. /MINPWLEN:długość Ustawia minimalną liczbę znaków w haśle. Zakres długości hasła wynosi od 0 do 14 znaków; wartość domyślna to 6 znaków. /MAXPWAGE:{dni | UNLIMITED} Ustawia maksymalną liczbę dni ważności hasła. UNLIMITED ustala nieograniczony czas ważności hasła. Wartość /MAXPWAGE nie może być mniejsza od /MINPWAGE. Zakres wynosi od 1 do 999; domyślnie wartość się nie zmienia. /MINPWAGE:dni Ustawia minimalną liczbę dni, które muszą minąć, zanim użytkownik może zmienić hasło. Wartość 0 ustawia brak tego ograniczenia. Zakres wynosi od 0 do 999; wartość domyślna to 0 dni. Wartość /MINPWAGE nie może być większa od wartości /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:liczba Wymaga, aby hasło użytkownika było unikatowe, poprzez określoną liczbę zmian hasła. Największa wartość to 24. /DOMAIN Wykonuje operacje na kontrolerze domeny w bieżącej domenie. W innym wypadku, operacje te są dokonywane na komputerze lokalnym. . Language=Romanian NET ACCOUNTS actualizează baza de utilizatori și modifică parola și cerințele de autentificare pentru toate conturile. Utilizat fără parametri, NET ACCOUNTS afișează configurația curentă pentru parole, limitări de autentificare, și informații de domeniu. Sunt necesare două condiții pentru ca opțiunile utilizate cu NET ACCOUNTS să aibă efect. - Cerințele de autentificare și parolele au sens doar când conturile sunt instituite (cu Gestionarul de Utilizatori sau comanda NET USER). - Este necesar ca serviciul Net Logon să fie activ în toate servele din domeniul de autentificare. Serviciul Net Logon este lansat automat la pornirea sistemului de operare. /FORECELOGOFF:{minute | NO} Definește numărul minutelor precursoare unei deautentificări forțate la expirarea contului sau a numărului valid de ore de autentificare. NO (implicit) previne deautentificarea forțată. /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for a password. The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a password is valid. No limit is specified by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the default is to leave the value unchanged. /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password. A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique through the specified number of password changes. The maximum value is 24. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. . Language=Russian NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password and logon requirements for all accounts. When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for passwords, logon limitations, and domain information. Two conditions are required in order for options used with NET ACCOUNTS to take effect. - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command). - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain that verify logon. Net Logon is started automatically when the operating system starts. /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before being forced to log off when the account expires or valid logon hours expire. NO, the default, prevents forced logoff. /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for a password. The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a password is valid. No limit is specified by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the default is to leave the value unchanged. /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password. A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique through the specified number of password changes. The maximum value is 24. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. . Language=Spanish NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password and logon requirements for all accounts. When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for passwords, logon limitations, and domain information. Two conditions are required in order for options used with NET ACCOUNTS to take effect. - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user accounts have been set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command). - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain that verify logon. Net Logon is started automatically when the operating system starts. /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before being forced to log off when the account expires or valid logon hours expire. NO, the default, prevents forced logoff. /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for a password. The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a password is valid. No limit is specified by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the default is to leave the value unchanged. /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password. A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique through the specified number of password changes. The maximum value is 24. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. . Language=Turkish NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password and logon requirements for all accounts. When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for passwords, logon limitations, and domain information. Two conditions are required in order for options used with NET ACCOUNTS to take effect. - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command). - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain that verify logon. Net Logon is started autmatically when the operating system starts. /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before being forced to log off when the account expires or valid logon hours expire. NO, the default, prevents forced logoff. /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for a password. The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a password is valid. No limit is specified by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the default is to leave the value unchanged. /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password. A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique through the specified number of password changes. The maximum value is 24. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. . Language=Chinese NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password and logon requirements for all accounts. When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for passwords, logon limitations, and domain information. Two conditions are required in order for options used with NET ACCOUNTS to take effect. - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command). - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain that verify logon. Net Logon is started automatically when the operating system starts. /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before being forced to log off when the account expires or valid logon hours expire. NO, the default, prevents forced logoff. /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for a password. The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a password is valid. No limit is specified by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the default is to leave the value unchanged. /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password. A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique through the specified number of password changes. The maximum value is 24. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. . Language=Taiwanese NET ACCOUNTS updates the user accounts database and modifies password and logon requirements for all accounts. When used without parameters, NET ACCOUNTS displays the current settings for passwords, logon limitations, and domain information. Two conditions are required in order for options used with NET ACCOUNTS to take effect. - The password and logon requirements are only effective if user accounts havebeen set up (user User Manager or the NET USER command). - The Net Logon service must be running on all servers in the domain that verify logon. Net Logon is started automatically when the operating system starts. /FORECELOGOFF:{minutes | NO} Sets the number of minutes a user has before being forced to log off when the account expires or valid logon hours expire. NO, the default, prevents forced logoff. /MINPWLEN:length Sets the minimum number of characters for a password. The range is 0-14 characters; the default is 6 characters. /MAXPWAGE:{days | UNLIMITED} Sets the maximum numer of days that a password is valid. No limit is specified by using UNLIMITED. /MAXPWAGE cannot be less than /MINPWAGE. The range is 1-999; the default is to leave the value unchanged. /MINPWAGE:days Sets the minimum number of days that must pass before a user can change a password. A value of 0 sets no minimum time. The range is 0-999; the default is 0 days. /MINPWAGE cannot be more than /MAXPWAGE. /UNIQUEPW:number Requires that a users passwords be unique through the specified number of password changes. The maximum value is 24. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. . MessageId=10002 SymbolicName=MSG_COMPUTER_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL} . Language=Polish NET COMPUTER \\nazwa_komputera {/ADD | /DEL} . Language=Romanian NET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL} . Language=Russian NET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL} . Language=Spanish NET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL} . Language=Turkish NET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL} . Language=Chinese NET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL} . Language=Taiwanese NET COMPUTER \\computername {/ADD | /DEL} . MessageId=10003 SymbolicName=MSG_COMPUTER_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This command is available only on server operating systems. \\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from the domain. /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain. /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain. . Language=Polish NET COMPUTER dodaje lub usuwa komputer z bazy danych domeny. To polecenie jest dostępne tylko na serwerowych systemach opoeracyjnych. \\nazwa_komputera Określa komputer dodawany lub usuwany z domeny. /ADD Dodaje określony komputer do domeny. /DEL Usuwa określony komputer z domeny. . Language=Romanian NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This command is available only on server operating systems. \\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from the domain. /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain. /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain. . Language=Russian NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This command is available only on server operating systems. \\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from the domain. /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain. /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain. . Language=Spanish NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This command is available only on server operating systems. \\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from the domain. /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain. /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain. . Language=Turkish NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This command is available only on server operating systems. \\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from the domain. /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain. /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain. . Language=Chinese NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This command is available only on server operating systems. \\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from the domain. /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain. /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain. . Language=Taiwanese NET COMPUTER adds or deletes computers from a domain database. This command is available only on server operating systems. \\computername Specifies the computer to add or delete from the domain. /ADD Adds the specified computer to the domain. /DEL Removes the specified computer from the domain. . MessageId=10004 SymbolicName=MSG_CONFIG_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Polish NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Romanian NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Russian NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Spanish NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Turkish NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Chinese NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Taiwanese NET CONFIG [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . MessageId=10005 SymbolicName=MSG_CONFIG_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET CONFIG displays coniguration information of the Workstation or Server service. When used without the WORKSTATION or SERVER switch, it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service. SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the Server service. WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the Workstation service. . Language=Polish NET CONFIG wyświetla informacje o konfiguracji usług Stacja robocza lub Serwer. Polecenie użyte bez przełącznika SERVER lub WORKSTATION wyświetla, listę usług dostępnych do konfiguracji. Aby uzyskać pomoc na temat konfigurowania usługi, wpisz polecenie NET HELP CONFIG usługa. SERVER Wyświetla informacje o konfiguracji usługi Serwer WORKSTATION Wyświetla informacje o konfiguracji usługi Stacja robocza. . Language=Romanian NET CONFIG displays coniguration information of the Workstation or Server service. When used without the WORKSTATION or SERVER switch, it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service. SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the Server service. WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the Workstation service. . Language=Russian NET CONFIG displays coniguration information of the Workstation or Server service. When used without the WORKSTATION or SERVER switch, it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service. SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the Server service. WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the Workstation service. . Language=Spanish NET CONFIG displays coniguration information of the Workstation or Server service. When used without the WORKSTATION or SERVER switch, it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service. SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the Server service. WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the Workstation service. . Language=Turkish NET CONFIG displays coniguration information of the Workstation or Server service. When used without the WORKSTATION or SERVER switch, it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service. SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the Server service. WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the Workstation service. . Language=Chinese NET CONFIG displays coniguration information of the Workstation or Server service. When used without the WORKSTATION or SERVER switch, it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service. SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the Server service. WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the Workstation service. . Language=Taiwanese NET CONFIG displays coniguration information of the Workstation or Server service. When used without the WORKSTATION or SERVER switch, it displays a list of configurable services. To get help with configuring a service, type NET HELP CONFIG service. SERVER Displays information about the configuration of the Server service. WORKSTATION Displays information about the configuration of the Workstation service. . MessageId=10006 SymbolicName=MSG_CONFIG_SERVER_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:"text"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] . Language=Polish NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:czas] [/SRVCOMMENT:"tekst"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] . Language=Romanian NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:"text"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] . Language=Russian NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:"text"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] . Language=Spanish NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:"text"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] . Language=Turkish NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:"text"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] . Language=Chinese NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:"text"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] . Language=Taiwanese NET CONFIG SERVER [/AUTODISCONNECT:time] [/SRVCOMMENT:"text"] [/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}] . MessageId=10007 SymbolicName=MSG_CONFIG_SERVER_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's session can be inactive before it is disconected. You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed on screen and with the NET VIEW command. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computer name appears on displays listings of servers. Note that hiding a serverdoes not alter the permissions on that server. The default is NO. To display the current configuration for the Server service, type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters. . Language=Polish NET CONFIG SERVER wyświetla lub zmienia ustawienia usługi Serwer. /AUTODISCONNECT:czas Ustawia maksymalną liczbę minut, przez które sesja użytkownika może być nieaktywna, zanim nastąpi jej rozłączenie. Użyj wartości -1, aby zapobiec rozłączaniu. Zakres wynosi od -1 do 65535 minut, domyślnie 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"tekst" Dodaje komentarz dla serwera wyświetlany na ekranie komputera i przez polecenie NET VIEW. Tekst musi być ujęty w cudzysłów. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Określa, czy nazwa serwera pojawia się podczas wyświetlania listy serwerów. Należy pamiętać, że ukrycie serwera nie zmienia uprawnień na tym serwerze. Wartość domyślna: NO (nie ukrywaj). Aby wyświetlić bieżącą konfigurację usługi Serwer, wpisz NET CONFIG SERVER bez parametrów. . Language=Romanian NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's session can be inactive before it is disconected. You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed on screen and with the NET VIEW command. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computer name appears on displays listings of servers. Note that hiding a serverdoes not alter the permissions on that server. The default is NO. To display the current configuration for the Server service, type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters. . Language=Russian NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's session can be inactive before it is disconected. You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed on screen and with the NET VIEW command. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computer name appears on displays listings of servers. Note that hiding a serverdoes not alter the permissions on that server. The default is NO. To display the current configuration for the Server service, type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters. . Language=Spanish NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's session can be inactive before it is disconected. You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed on screen and with the NET VIEW command. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computer name appears on displays listings of servers. Note that hiding a serverdoes not alter the permissions on that server. The default is NO. To display the current configuration for the Server service, type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters. . Language=Turkish NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's session can be inactive before it is disconected. You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed on screen and with the NET VIEW command. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computer name appears on displays listings of servers. Note that hiding a serverdoes not alter the permissions on that server. The default is NO. To display the current configuration for the Server service, type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters. . Language=Chinese NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's session can be inactive before it is disconected. You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed on screen and with the NET VIEW command. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computer name appears on displays listings of servers. Note that hiding a serverdoes not alter the permissions on that server. The default is NO. To display the current configuration for the Server service, type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters. . Language=Taiwanese NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's session can be inactive before it is disconected. You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15. /SRVCOMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for the server that is displayed on screen and with the NET VIEW command. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /HIDDEN:{YES | NO} Specifies whether the server's computer name appears on displays listings of servers. Note that hiding a serverdoes not alter the permissions on that server. The default is NO. To display the current configuration for the Server service, type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters. . MessageId=10008 SymbolicName=MSG_CONTINUE_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET CONTINUE service . Language=Polish NET CONTINUE usługa . Language=Romanian NET CONTINUE . Language=Russian NET CONTINUE <имя_службы> . Language=Spanish NET CONTINUE . Language=Turkish NET CONTINUE . Language=Chinese NET CONTINUE . Language=Taiwanese NET CONTINUE <服務名稱> . MessageId=10009 SymbolicName=MSG_CONTINUE_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET CONTINUE reactivates a service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE. service Is the paused service For example, one of the following: NET LOGON NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION . Language=Polish NET CONTINUE wznawia działanie usługi, która została. wstrzymana poleceniem NET PAUSE. usługa Wstrzymana usługa Może to być jedna z następujących usług: NET LOGON NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION . Language=Romanian NET CONTINUE reactivates a service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE. service Is the paused service For example, one of the following: NET LOGON NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION . Language=Russian NET CONTINUE reactivates a service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE. service Is the paused service For example, one of the following: NET LOGON NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION . Language=Spanish NET CONTINUE reactivates a service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE. service Is the paused service For example, one of the following: NET LOGON NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION . Language=Turkish NET CONTINUE reactivates a service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE. service Is the paused service For example, one of the following: NET LOGON NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION . Language=Chinese NET CONTINUE reactivates a service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE. service Is the paused service For example, one of the following: NET LOGON NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION . Language=Taiwanese NET CONTINUE reactivates a service that has been suspended by NET PAUSE. service Is the paused service For example, one of the following: NET LOGON NT LM SECURITY SUPPORT PROVIDER SCHEDULE SERVER WORKSTATION . MessageId=10010 SymbolicName=MSG_FILE_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]] . Language=Polish NET FILE [identyfikator [/CLOSE]] . Language=Romanian NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]] . Language=Russian NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]] . Language=Spanish NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]] . Language=Turkish NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]] . Language=Chinese NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]] . Language=Taiwanese NET FILE [id [/CLOSE]] . MessageId=10011 SymbolicName=MSG_FILE_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET FILE ... . Language=Polish NET FILE ... . Language=Romanian NET FILE ... . Language=Russian NET FILE ... . Language=Spanish NET FILE ... . Language=Turkish NET FILE ... . Language=Chinese NET FILE ... . Language=Taiwanese NET FILE ... . MessageId=10012 SymbolicName=MSG_GROUP_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Polish NET GROUP [nazwa_grupy [/COMMENT:"tekst"]] [/DOMAIN] nazwa_grupy {/ADD [/COMMENT:"tekst"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] nazwa_grupy nazwa_użytkownika [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Romanian NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Russian NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Spanish NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Turkish NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Chinese NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Taiwanese NET GROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname username [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . MessageId=10013 SymbolicName=MSG_GROUP_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET GROUP adds, displays or modifies global groups on servers. When used without parameters, it displays the groupnames on the server. groupname Is the name of the group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users in a group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. username[ ...] List one or more usernames to add to or remove from a group. Separate multiple username entries with a space. /ADD Adds a group, or adds a username to a group. /DELETE Removes a group, or removes a username from a group. . Language=Polish NET GROUP dodaje, wyświetla lub modyfikuje grupy globalne na serwerach. Użyte bez parametrów wyświetla nazwy grup na serwerze. nazwa_grupy Nazwa grupy dodawanej, rozszerzanej lub usuwanej. Aby zobaczyć listę użytkowników w grupie, podaj tylko nazwę grupy. /COMMENT:"tekst" Dodaje komentarz dla nowej lub istniejącej grupy. Tekst musi być ujęty w cudzysłów. /DOMAIN Wykonuje operację na kontrolerze domeny. Bez tego przełącznika operacje są wykonywane na komputerze lokalnym. nazwa_użytkownika[ ...] Lista zawierająca nazwy jednego lub kilku użytkowników dodawanych lub usuwanych z grupy. Rozdziel kolejne nazwy znakiem spacji. /ADD Dodaje grupę lub dodaje nazwę użytkownika do grupy. /DELETE Usuwa grupę lub usuwa nazwę użytkownika z grupy. . Language=Romanian NET GROUP adds, displays or modifies global groups on servers. When used without parameters, it displays the groupnames on the server. groupname Is the name of the group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users in a group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. username[ ...] List one or more usernames to add to or remove from a group. Separate multiple username entries with a space. /ADD Adds a group, or adds a username to a group. /DELETE Removes a group, or removes a username from a group. . Language=Russian NET GROUP adds, displays or modifies global groups on servers. When used without parameters, it displays the groupnames on the server. groupname Is the name of the group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users in a group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. username[ ...] List one or more usernames to add to or remove from a group. Separate multiple username entries with a space. /ADD Adds a group, or adds a username to a group. /DELETE Removes a group, or removes a username from a group. . Language=Spanish NET GROUP adds, displays or modifies global groups on servers. When used without parameters, it displays the groupnames on the server. groupname Is the name of the group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users in a group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. username[ ...] List one or more usernames to add to or remove from a group. Separate multiple username entries with a space. /ADD Adds a group, or adds a username to a group. /DELETE Removes a group, or removes a username from a group. . Language=Turkish NET GROUP adds, displays or modifies global groups on servers. When used without parameters, it displays the groupnames on the server. groupname Is the name of the group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users in a group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. username[ ...] List one or more usernames to add to or remove from a group. Separate multiple username entries with a space. /ADD Adds a group, or adds a username to a group. /DELETE Removes a group, or removes a username from a group. . Language=Chinese NET GROUP adds, displays or modifies global groups on servers. When used without parameters, it displays the groupnames on the server. groupname Is the name of the group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users in a group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. username[ ...] List one or more usernames to add to or remove from a group. Separate multiple username entries with a space. /ADD Adds a group, or adds a username to a group. /DELETE Removes a group, or removes a username from a group. . Language=Taiwanese NET GROUP adds, displays or modifies global groups on servers. When used without parameters, it displays the groupnames on the server. groupname Is the name of the group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users in a group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. username[ ...] List one or more usernames to add to or remove from a group. Separate multiple username entries with a space. /ADD Adds a group, or adds a username to a group. /DELETE Removes a group, or removes a username from a group. . MessageId=10014 SymbolicName=MSG_HELP_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET HELP command - or - NET command /HELP . Language=Polish NET HELP polecenie - lub - NET polecenie /HELP . Language=Romanian NET HELP - sau - NET /HELP . Language=Russian NET HELP <Команда> - или - NET <Команда> /HELP . Language=Spanish NET HELP - o - NET /HELP . Language=Turkish NET HELP - ya da - NET /HELP . Language=Chinese NET HELP - or - NET /HELP . Language=Taiwanese NET HELP <命令> - 或 - NET <命令> /HELP . MessageId=10015 SymbolicName=MSG_HELP_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English The following commands are available: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE NET FILE NET SEND NET USER NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. . Language=Polish Dostępne polecenia to: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE NET FILE NET SEND NET USER NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. . Language=Romanian Sunt disponibile următoarele comenzi: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE NET FILE NET SEND NET USER NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. . Language=Russian Доступны следующие команды: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE NET FILE NET SEND NET USER NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. . Language=Spanish Éstos son los argumentos de línea de comandos disponibles: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE NET FILE NET SEND NET USER NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. . Language=Turkish Aşağıdaki komutlar kullanılabilir: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE NET FILE NET SEND NET USER NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. . Language=Chinese 以下命令可用: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE NET FILE NET SEND NET USER NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. . Language=Taiwanese 以下命令是可用的: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELP NET SHARE NET COMPUTER NET HELPMSG NET START NET CONFIG NET LOCALGROUP NET STATISTICS NET CONFIG SERVER NET NAME NET STOP NET CONFIG WORKSTATION NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET PRINT NET USE NET FILE NET SEND NET USER NET GROUP NET SESSION NET VIEW NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. . MessageId=10016 SymbolicName=MSG_HELPMSG_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET HELPMSG message# . Language=Polish NET HELPMSG komunikat# . Language=Romanian NET HELPMSG . Language=Russian NET HELPMSG <Код ошибки> . Language=Spanish NET HELPMSG . Language=Turkish NET HELPMSG . Language=Chinese NET HELPMSG message# . Language=Taiwanese NET HELPMSG <錯誤程式碼> . MessageId=10017 SymbolicName=MSG_HELPMSG_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET HELPMSG displays information about network messages (such as error, warning and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numeric error (for example, "net helpmsg 2182"), you will get information about the message and suggested actions you can take to solve the problem. message# Is the numerical error with which you need help. . Language=Polish NET HELPMSG wyświetla informacje o komunikatach sieci (takich jak błąd, ostrzeżenie lub alarm). Gdy wpiszesz NET HELPMSG i błąd numeryczny (na przykład "net helpmsg 2182"), system objaśni komunikat i zasugeruje rozwiązanie problemu. komunikat# Numeryczny błąd systemu, o którym chcesz uzyskać informacje. . Language=Romanian NET HELPMSG displays information about network messages (such as error, warning and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numeric error (for example, "net helpmsg 2182"), you will get information about the message and suggested actions you can take to solve the problem. message# Is the numerical error with which you need help. . Language=Russian NET HELPMSG displays information about network messages (such as error, warning and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numeric error (for example, "net helpmsg 2182"), you will get information about the message and suggested actions you can take to solve the problem. message# Is the numerical error with which you need help. . Language=Spanish NET HELPMSG displays information about network messages (such as error, warning and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numeric error (for example, "net helpmsg 2182"), you will get information about the message and suggested actions you can take to solve the problem. message# Is the numerical error with which you need help. . Language=Turkish NET HELPMSG displays information about network messages (such as error, warning and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numeric error (for example, "net helpmsg 2182"), you will get information about the message and suggested actions you can take to solve the problem. message# Is the numerical error with which you need help. . Language=Chinese NET HELPMSG displays information about network messages (such as error, warning and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numeric error (for example, "net helpmsg 2182"), you will get information about the message and suggested actions you can take to solve the problem. message# Is the numerical error with which you need help. . Language=Taiwanese NET HELPMSG displays information about network messages (such as error, warning and alert messages). When you type NET HELPMSG and the numeric error (for example, "net helpmsg 2182"), you will get information about the message and suggested actions you can take to solve the problem. message# Is the numerical error with which you need help. . MessageId=10018 SymbolicName=MSG_LOCALGROUP_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET LOCALGROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname name [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Polish NET LOCALGROUP [nazwa_grupy [/COMMENT:"tekst"]] [/DOMAIN] nazwa_grupy {/ADD [/COMMENT:"tekst"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] nazwa_grupy nazwa [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Romanian NET LOCALGROUP [nume-de-grup [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] nume-de-grup {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] nume-de-grup nume [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Russian NET LOCALGROUP [имя_группы [/COMMENT:"текст"]] [/DOMAIN] имя_группы {/ADD [/COMMENT:"текст"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] имя_группы имя [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Spanish NET LOCALGROUP [grupo [/COMMENT:"texto"]] [/DOMAIN] grupo {/ADD [/COMMENT:"texto"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] grupo nombre [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Turkish NET LOCALGROUP [takım adı [/COMMENT:"metin"]] [/DOMAIN] takım adı {/ADD [/COMMENT:"metin"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] takım adı ad [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Chinese NET LOCALGROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname {/ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] groupname name [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . Language=Taiwanese NET LOCALGROUP [組名 [/COMMENT:"文字"]] [/DOMAIN] 組名 {/ADD [/COMMENT:"文字"] | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] 組名稱 [...] {/ADD | /DELETE} [/DOMAIN] . MessageId=10019 SymbolicName=MSG_LOCALGROUP_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET LOCALGROUP adds, displays or modifies local groups on computers. When used without parameters, it displays the local groups on the computer. groupname Is the name of the local group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users or global groups in a local group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. name[ ...] List one or more usernames or groupnams to add to or remove from a local group. Separate multiple entries with a space. Names may be users or global groups, but not other local groups. If a user is from another doamin, preface the username with the domain name (for example, SALES\RALPHR). /ADD Adds a groupname or username to a local group. An account must be established for users or global groups added to a local group with this command. /DELETE Removes a groupname or username from a local group. . Language=Polish NET LOCALGROUP dodaje, wyświetla, lub modyfikuje grupy lokalne na komputerach Polecenie użyte bez parametrów wyświetla grupy lokalne na komputerze. nazwa_grupy Nazwa grupy dodawanej, rozszerzanej lub usuwanej. Aby zobaczyć listę użytkowników lub grup globalnych w grupie lokalnej, podaj tylko nazwę grupy. /COMMENT:"tekst" Dodaje komentarz dla nowej lub istniejącej grupy. Tekst musi być ujęty w cudzysłów. /DOMAIN Wykonuje operację na kontrolerze bieżącej domeny. Bez tego przełącznika operacje są wykonywane na komputerze lokalnym. nazwa[ ...] Lista zawierająca nazwy jednego lub kilku użytkowników lub grup, dodawanych lub usuwanych z grupy lokalnej. Rozdziel kolejne wpisy znakiem spacji. Lista może zawierać nazwy użytkowników lub grup globalnych, lecz nie może zawierać nazw innych grup lokalnych. Podając nazwę użytkownika z innej domeny poprzedź ją nazwą domeny (na przykład: WARSZAWA\PIOTRS). /ADD Dodaje nazwę grupy lub użytkownika do grupy lokalnej. Dla użytkowników lub grup globalnych dodawanych tym poleceniem do grupy lokalnej należy wcześniej utworzyć odpowiednie konto. /DELETE Usuwa nazwę grupy lub użytkownika z grupy lokalnej. . Language=Romanian NET LOCALGROUP adds, displays or modifies local groups on computers. When used without parameters, it displays the local groups on the computer. groupname Is the name of the local group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users or global groups in a local group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. name[ ...] List one or more usernames or groupnams to add to or remove from a local group. Separate multiple entries with a space. Names may be users or global groups, but not other local groups. If a user is from another doamin, preface the username with the domain name (for example, SALES\RALPHR). /ADD Adds a groupname or username to a local group. An account must be established for users or global groups added to a local group with this command. /DELETE Removes a groupname or username from a local group. . Language=Russian NET LOCALGROUP adds, displays or modifies local groups on computers. When used without parameters, it displays the local groups on the computer. groupname Is the name of the local group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users or global groups in a local group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. name[ ...] List one or more usernames or groupnams to add to or remove from a local group. Separate multiple entries with a space. Names may be users or global groups, but not other local groups. If a user is from another doamin, preface the username with the domain name (for example, SALES\RALPHR). /ADD Adds a groupname or username to a local group. An account must be established for users or global groups added to a local group with this command. /DELETE Removes a groupname or username from a local group. . Language=Spanish NET LOCALGROUP adds, displays or modifies local groups on computers. When used without parameters, it displays the local groups on the computer. groupname Is the name of the local group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users or global groups in a local group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. name [ ...] List one or more usernames or groupnams to add to or remove from a local group. Separate multiple entries with a space. Names may be users or global groups, but not other local groups. If a user is from another doamin, preface the username with the domain name (for example, SALES\RALPHR). /ADD Adds a groupname or username to a local group. An account must be established for users or global groups added to a local group with this command. /DELETE Removes a groupname or username from a local group. . Language=Turkish NET LOCALGROUP adds, displays or modifies local groups on computers. When used without parameters, it displays the local groups on the computer. groupname Is the name of the local group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users or global groups in a local group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. name[ ...] List one or more usernames or groupnams to add to or remove from a local group. Separate multiple entries with a space. Names may be users or global groups, but not other local groups. If a user is from another doamin, preface the username with the domain name (for example, SALES\RALPHR). /ADD Adds a groupname or username to a local group. An account must be established for users or global groups added to a local group with this command. /DELETE Removes a groupname or username from a local group. . Language=Chinese NET LOCALGROUP adds, displays or modifies local groups on computers. When used without parameters, it displays the local groups on the computer. groupname Is the name of the local group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users or global groups in a local group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. name[ ...] List one or more usernames or groupnams to add to or remove from a local group. Separate multiple entries with a space. Names may be users or global groups, but not other local groups. If a user is from another doamin, preface the username with the domain name (for example, SALES\RALPHR). /ADD Adds a groupname or username to a local group. An account must be established for users or global groups added to a local group with this command. /DELETE Removes a groupname or username from a local group. . Language=Taiwanese NET LOCALGROUP adds, displays or modifies local groups on computers. When used without parameters, it displays the local groups on the computer. groupname Is the name of the local group to add, expand, or delete. Supply only a groupname to view a list of users or global groups in a local group. /COMMENT:"text" Adds a comment for a new or existing group. Enclose the text in quotation marks. /DOMAIN Performs the operation on a domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer. name[ ...] List one or more usernames or groupnams to add to or remove from a local group. Separate multiple entries with a space. Names may be users or global groups, but not other local groups. If a user is from another doamin, preface the username with the domain name (for example, SALES\RALPHR). /ADD Adds a groupname or username to a local group. An account must be established for users or global groups added to a local group with this command. /DELETE Removes a groupname or username from a local group. . MessageId=10020 SymbolicName=MSG_NAME_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET NAME ... . Language=Polish NET NAME ... . Language=Romanian NET NAME ... . Language=Russian NET NAME ... . Language=Spanish NET NAME ... . Language=Turkish NET NAME ... . Language=Chinese NET NAME ... . Language=Taiwanese NET NAME ... . MessageId=10021 SymbolicName=MSG_NAME_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NAME ... . Language=Polish NAME ... . Language=Romanian NAME ... . Language=Russian NAME ... . Language=Spanish NAME ... . Language=Turkish NAME ... . Language=Chinese NAME ... . Language=Taiwanese NAME ... . MessageId=10022 SymbolicName=MSG_PAUSE_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET PAUSE service . Language=Polish NET PAUSE usługa . Language=Romanian NET PAUSE . Language=Russian NET PAUSE <имя_службы> . Language=Spanish NET PAUSE . Language=Turkish NET PAUSE service . Language=Chinese NET PAUSE service . Language=Taiwanese NET PAUSE <服務名稱> . MessageId=10023 SymbolicName=MSG_PAUSE_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET PAUSE suspends a service. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service The name of the service to be paused. . Language=Polish NET PAUSE wstrzymuje usługę. usługa Nazwa wstrzymywanej usługi. . Language=Romanian NET PAUSE suspends a service. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service The name of the service to be paused. . Language=Russian NET PAUSE suspends a service. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service The name of the service to be paused. . Language=Spanish NET PAUSE suspends a service. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service The name of the service to be paused. . Language=Turkish NET PAUSE suspends a service. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service The name of the service to be paused. . Language=Chinese NET PAUSE suspends a service. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service The name of the service to be paused. . Language=Taiwanese NET PAUSE suspends a service. Pausing a service puts it on hold. service The name of the service to be paused. . MessageId=10024 SymbolicName=MSG_PRINT_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET PRINT ... . Language=Polish NET PRINT ... . Language=Romanian NET PRINT ... . Language=Russian NET PRINT ... . Language=Spanish NET PRINT ... . Language=Turkish NET PRINT ... . Language=Chinese NET PRINT ... . Language=Taiwanese NET PRINT ... . MessageId=10025 SymbolicName=MSG_PRINT_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English PRINT ... . Language=Polish PRINT ... . Language=Romanian PRINT ... . Language=Russian PRINT ... . Language=Spanish PRINT ... . Language=Turkish PRINT ... . Language=Chinese PRINT ... . Language=Taiwanese PRINT ... . MessageId=10026 SymbolicName=MSG_SEND_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET SEND ... . Language=Polish NET SEND ... . Language=Romanian NET SEND ... . Language=Russian NET SEND ... . Language=Spanish NET SEND ... . Language=Turkish NET SEND ... . Language=Chinese NET SEND ... . Language=Taiwanese NET SEND ... . MessageId=10027 SymbolicName=MSG_SEND_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English SEND ... . Language=Polish SEND ... . Language=Romanian SEND ... . Language=Russian SEND ... . Language=Spanish SEND ... . Language=Turkish SEND ... . Language=Chinese SEND ... . Language=Taiwanese SEND ... . MessageId=10028 SymbolicName=MSG_SESSION_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET SESSION ... . Language=Polish NET SESSION ... . Language=Romanian NET SESSION ... . Language=Russian NET SESSION ... . Language=Spanish NET SESSION ... . Language=Turkish NET SESSION ... . Language=Chinese NET SESSION ... . Language=Taiwanese NET SESSION ... . MessageId=10029 SymbolicName=MSG_SESSION_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English SESSION ... . Language=Polish SESSION ... . Language=Romanian SESSION ... . Language=Russian SESSION ... . Language=Spanish SESSION ... . Language=Turkish SESSION ... . Language=Chinese SESSION ... . Language=Taiwanese SESSION ... . MessageId=10030 SymbolicName=MSG_SHARE_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET SHARE ... . Language=Polish NET SHARE ... . Language=Romanian NET SHARE ... . Language=Russian NET SHARE ... . Language=Spanish NET SHARE ... . Language=Turkish NET SHARE ... . Language=Chinese NET SHARE ... . Language=Taiwanese NET SHARE ... . MessageId=10031 SymbolicName=MSG_SHARE_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English SHARE ... . Language=Polish SHARE ... . Language=Romanian SHARE ... . Language=Russian SHARE ... . Language=Spanish SHARE ... . Language=Turkish SHARE ... . Language=Chinese SHARE ... . Language=Taiwanese SHARE ... . MessageId=10032 SymbolicName=MSG_START_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET START [service] . Language=Polish NET START [usługa] . Language=Romanian NET START [service] . Language=Russian NET START [service] . Language=Spanish NET START [service] . Language=Turkish NET START [service] . Language=Chinese NET START [service] . Language=Taiwanese NET START [service] . MessageId=10033 SymbolicName=MSG_START_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET START starts services or lists running services. service The name of the service to be started. When typed at the command prompt, service name of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "NET LOGON" starts the net logon service. . Language=Polish NET START uruchamia usługi lub wyświetla uruchomione usługi. usługa Nazwa uruchamianej usługi. Nazwy usług mające dwa lub więcej słów wpisywane w. wierszu polecenia muszą być ujęte w cudzysłów. Przykładowo, NET START "NET LOGON" uruchamia usługę logowania w sieci. . Language=Romanian NET START starts services or lists running services. service The name of the service to be started. When typed at the command prompt, service name of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "NET LOGON" starts the net logon service. . Language=Russian NET START starts services or lists running services. service The name of the service to be started. When typed at the command prompt, service name of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "NET LOGON" starts the net logon service. . Language=Spanish NET START starts services or lists running services. service The name of the service to be started. When typed at the command prompt, service name of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "NET LOGON" starts the net logon service. . Language=Turkish NET START starts services or lists running services. service The name of the service to be started. When typed at the command prompt, service name of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "NET LOGON" starts the net logon service. . Language=Chinese NET START starts services or lists running services. service The name of the service to be started. When typed at the command prompt, service name of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "NET LOGON" starts the net logon service. . Language=Taiwanese NET START starts services or lists running services. service The name of the service to be started. When typed at the command prompt, service name of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "NET LOGON" starts the net logon service. . MessageId=10034 SymbolicName=MSG_STATISTICS_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Polish NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Romanian NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Russian NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Spanish NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Turkish NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Chinese NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . Language=Taiwanese NET STATISTICS [SERVER | WORKSTATION] . MessageId=10035 SymbolicName=MSG_STATISTICS_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET STATISTICS displays the statisticslog for the local Workstation or Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays the services for which statistics are available. SERVER Displays the Server service statistics. WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics. . Language=Polish NET STATISTICS wyświetla dziennik statystyki dla lokalnej usługi Stacja robocza lub Serwer. Użyte bez parametrów, NET STATISTICS wyświetla usługi dla których statystyka jest dostępna. SERVER Wyświetla statystykę usługi Serwer. WORKSTATION Wyświetla statystykę usługi Stacja robocza. . Language=Romanian NET STATISTICS displays the statisticslog for the local Workstation or Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays the services for which statistics are available. SERVER Displays the Server service statistics. WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics. . Language=Russian NET STATISTICS displays the statisticslog for the local Workstation or Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays the services for which statistics are available. SERVER Displays the Server service statistics. WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics. . Language=Spanish NET STATISTICS displays the statisticslog for the local Workstation or Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays the services for which statistics are available. SERVER Displays the Server service statistics. WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics. . Language=Turkish NET STATISTICS displays the statisticslog for the local Workstation or Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays the services for which statistics are available. SERVER Displays the Server service statistics. WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics. . Language=Chinese NET STATISTICS displays the statisticslog for the local Workstation or Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays the services for which statistics are available. SERVER Displays the Server service statistics. WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics. . Language=Taiwanese NET STATISTICS displays the statisticslog for the local Workstation or Server service. Used without parameters, NET STATISTICS displays the services for which statistics are available. SERVER Displays the Server service statistics. WORKSTATION Displays the Workstation service statistics. . MessageId=10036 SymbolicName=MSG_STOP_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET STOP service . Language=Polish NET STOP usługa . Language=Romanian NET STOP . Language=Russian NET STOP <имя_службы> . Language=Spanish NET STOP . Language=Turkish NET STOP . Language=Chinese NET STOP service . Language=Taiwanese NET STOP <服務名稱> . MessageId=10037 SymbolicName=MSG_STOP_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET STOP stops services. service The name of the service to be stopped. Stopping a service cancels any network connection the service is using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped. . Language=Polish NET STOP zatrzymuje usługi. usługa Nazwa zatrzymywanej usługi. Zatrzymanie usługi rozłącza wszystkie połączenia sieciowe używane przez usługę. Niektóre usługi zależą od innych. Zatrzymanie jednej może też zatrzymać inne. Niektóre usługi nie mogą być zatrzymane. . Language=Romanian NET STOP stops services. service The name of the service to be stopped. Stopping a service cancels any network connection the service is using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped. . Language=Russian NET STOP stops services. service The name of the service to be stopped. Stopping a service cancels any network connection the service is using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped. . Language=Spanish NET STOP stops services. service The name of the service to be stopped. Stopping a service cancels any network connection the service is using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped. . Language=Turkish NET STOP stops services. service The name of the service to be stopped. Stopping a service cancels any network connection the service is using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped. . Language=Chinese NET STOP stops services. service The name of the service to be stopped. Stopping a service cancels any network connection the service is using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped. . Language=Taiwanese NET STOP stops services. service The name of the service to be stopped. Stopping a service cancels any network connection the service is using. Also, some services are dependent on others. Stopping one service can stop others. Some services cannot be stopped. . MessageId=10038 SymbolicName=MSG_TIME_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET TIME ... . Language=Polish NET TIME ... . Language=Romanian NET TIME ... . Language=Russian NET TIME ... . Language=Spanish NET TIME ... . Language=Turkish NET TIME ... . Language=Chinese NET TIME ... . Language=Taiwanese NET TIME ... . MessageId=10039 SymbolicName=MSG_TIME_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English TIME ... . Language=Polish TIME ... . Language=Romanian TIME ... . Language=Russian TIME ... . Language=Spanish TIME ... . Language=Turkish TIME ... . Language=Chinese TIME ... . Language=Taiwanese TIME ... . MessageId=10040 SymbolicName=MSG_USE_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET USE ... . Language=Polish NET USE ... . Language=Romanian NET USE ... . Language=Russian NET USE ... . Language=Spanish NET USE ... . Language=Turkish NET USE ... . Language=Chinese NET USE ... . Language=Taiwanese NET USE ... . MessageId=10041 SymbolicName=MSG_USE_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English USE ... . Language=Polish USE ... . Language=Romanian USE ... . Language=Russian USE ... . Language=Spanish USE ... . Language=Turkish USE ... . Language=Chinese USE ... . Language=Taiwanese USE ... . MessageId=10042 SymbolicName=MSG_USER_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET USER [username [password | *] [options]] [/DOMAIN] username {password | *} /ADD [options] [/DOMAIN] username [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Polish NET USER [nazwa_użytkownika [hasło | *] [opcje]] [/DOMAIN] nazwa_użytkownika {hasło | *} /ADD [opcje] [/DOMAIN] nazwa_użytkownika [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Romanian NET USER [nume-utilizator [parolă | *] [opțiuni]] [/DOMAIN] nume-utilizator {parolă | *} /ADD [opțiuni] [/DOMAIN] nume-utilizator [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Russian NET USER [имя_пользователя [пароль | *] [параметры]] [/DOMAIN] имя_пользователя {пароль | *} /ADD [параметры] [/DOMAIN] имя_пользователя [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Spanish NET USER [usuario [contraseña | *] [opciones]] [/DOMAIN] usuario {contraseña | *} /ADD [opciones] [/DOMAIN] usuario [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Turkish NET USER [kullanıcı adı [şifre | *] [seçenekler]] [/DOMAIN] kullanıcı adı {şifre | *} /ADD [seçenekler] [/DOMAIN] kullanıcı adı [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Chinese NET USER [username [password | *] [options]] [/DOMAIN] username {password | *} /ADD [options] [/DOMAIN] username [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] . Language=Taiwanese NET USER [使用者名 [密碼 | *] [選項]] [/DOMAIN] 使用者名 {密碼 | *} /ADD [選項] [/DOMAIN] 使用者名 [/DELETE] [/DOMAIN] . MessageId=10043 SymbolicName=MSG_USER_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English USER ... . Language=Polish USER ... . Language=Romanian USER ... . Language=Russian USER ... . Language=Spanish USER ... . Language=Turkish USER ... . Language=Chinese USER ... . Language=Taiwanese USER ... . MessageId=10044 SymbolicName=MSG_VIEW_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET VIEW ... . Language=Polish NET VIEW ... . Language=Romanian NET VIEW ... . Language=Russian NET VIEW ... . Language=Spanish NET VIEW ... . Language=Turkish NET VIEW ... . Language=Chinese NET VIEW ... . Language=Taiwanese NET VIEW ... . MessageId=10045 SymbolicName=MSG_VIEW_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English VIEW ... . Language=Polish VIEW ... . Language=Romanian VIEW ... . Language=Russian VIEW ... . Language=Spanish VIEW ... . Language=Turkish VIEW ... . Language=Chinese VIEW ... . Language=Taiwanese VIEW ... . MessageId=10046 SymbolicName=MSG_NET_SYNTAX Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] . Language=Polish NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] . Language=Romanian NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] . Language=Russian NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] . Language=Spanish NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] . Language=Turkish NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] . Language=Chinese NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] . Language=Taiwanese NET [ ACCOUNTS | COMPUTER | CONFIG | CONTINUE | FILE | GROUP | HELP | HELPMSG | LOCALGROUP | NAME | PAUSE | PRINT | SEND | SESSION | SHARE | START | STATISTICS | STOP | TIME | USE | USER | VIEW ] . MessageId=10047 SymbolicName=MSG_SYNTAX_HELP Severity=Success Facility=System Language=English SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service. . Language=Polish SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service. . Language=Romanian SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service. . Language=Russian SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service. . Language=Spanish SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service. . Language=Turkish SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service. . Language=Chinese SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service. . Language=Taiwanese SYNTAX The following conventions are used to indicate command syntax: - Capital letters represent words that must be typed as shown. Lower- case letters represent names of items that may vary, such as filenames. - The [ and ] characters surround optional items that can be supplied with the command. - The { and } characters surround lists of items. You must supply one of the items with the command. - The | character separates items in a list. Only one of the items can be supplied with the command. For example, in the following syntax, you must type NET COMMAND and either SWITCH1 or SWITCH2. Supplying a name is optional. NET COMMAND [name] {SWITCH1 | SWITCH2} - The [...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item. Separate items with spaces. - The [,...] characters mean you can repeat the previous item, but you must separate items with commas or semicolons, not spaces. - When typed at the command prompt, service names of two words or more must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example, NET START "COMPUTER BROWSER" starts the computer browser service. .