; ; netmsg_msg.mc MESSAGE resources for netmsg.dll ; ; ; IMPORTANT: When a new language is added, all messages in this file need to be ; either translated or at least duplicated for the new language. ; This is a new requirement by MS mc.exe ; To do this, start with a regex replace: ; - In VS IDE: "Language=English\r\n(?(?:[^\.].*\r\n)*\.\r\n)" -> "Language=English\r\n${String}Language=MyLanguage\r\n${String}" ; MessageIdTypedef=DWORD SeverityNames=(Success=0x0:STATUS_SEVERITY_SUCCESS Informational=0x1:STATUS_SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL Warning=0x2:STATUS_SEVERITY_WARNING Error=0x3:STATUS_SEVERITY_ERROR ) FacilityNames=(System=0x0:FACILITY_SYSTEM ) LanguageNames=(English=0x409:MSG00409 Russian=0x419:MSG00419) ; ; lmerr.h message definitions (2100 - 2999 NERR_BASE) ; MessageId=2102 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NetNotStarted Language=English The workstation driver is not installed. . Language=Russian The workstation driver is not installed. . MessageId=2103 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UnknownServer Language=English The server could not be located. . Language=Russian The server could not be located. . MessageId=2104 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ShareMem Language=English An internal error occurred. The network cannot access a shared memory segment. . Language=Russian An internal error occurred. The network cannot access a shared memory segment. . MessageId=2105 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoNetworkResource Language=English A network resource shortage occurred. . Language=Russian A network resource shortage occurred. . MessageId=2106 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RemoteOnly Language=English This operation is not supported on workstations. . Language=Russian This operation is not supported on workstations. . MessageId=2107 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DevNotRedirected Language=English The device is not connected. . Language=Russian The device is not connected. . MessageId=2114 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServerNotStarted Language=English The Server service is not started. . Language=Russian The Server service is not started. . MessageId=2115 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ItemNotFound Language=English The queue is empty. . Language=Russian The queue is empty. . MessageId=2116 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UnknownDevDir Language=English The device or directory does not exist. . Language=Russian The device or directory does not exist. . MessageId=2117 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RedirectedPath Language=English The operation is invalid on a redirected resource. . Language=Russian The operation is invalid on a redirected resource. . MessageId=2118 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DuplicateShare Language=English The name has already been shared. . Language=Russian The name has already been shared. . MessageId=2119 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoRoom Language=English The server is currently out of the requested resource. . Language=Russian The server is currently out of the requested resource. . MessageId=2121 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManyItems Language=English Requested addition of items exceeds the maximum allowed. . Language=Russian Requested addition of items exceeds the maximum allowed. . MessageId=2122 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidMaxUsers Language=English The Peer service supports only two simultaneous users. . Language=Russian The Peer service supports only two simultaneous users. . MessageId=2123 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BufTooSmall Language=English The API return buffer is too small. . Language=Russian The API return buffer is too small. . MessageId=2127 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RemoteErr Language=English A remote API error occurred. . Language=Russian A remote API error occurred. . MessageId=2131 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LanmanIniError Language=English An error occurred when opening or reading the configuration file. . Language=Russian An error occurred when opening or reading the configuration file. . MessageId=2136 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NetworkError Language=English A general network error occurred. . Language=Russian A general network error occurred. . MessageId=2137 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_WkstaInconsistentState Language=English The Workstation service is in an inconsistent state. Restart the computer before restarting the Workstation service. . Language=Russian The Workstation service is in an inconsistent state. Restart the computer before restarting the Workstation service. . MessageId=2138 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_WkstaNotStarted Language=English The Workstation service has not been started. . Language=Russian The Workstation service has not been started. . MessageId=2139 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BrowserNotStarted Language=English The requested information is not available. . Language=Russian The requested information is not available. . MessageId=2140 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InternalError Language=English An internal error occurred. . Language=Russian An internal error occurred. . MessageId=2141 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadTransactConfig Language=English The server is not configured for transactions. . Language=Russian The server is not configured for transactions. . MessageId=2142 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidAPI Language=English The requested API is not supported on the remote server. . Language=Russian The requested API is not supported on the remote server. . MessageId=2143 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadEventName Language=English The event name is invalid. . Language=Russian The event name is invalid. . MessageId=2144 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DupNameReboot Language=English The computer name already exists on the network. Change it and restart the computer. . Language=Russian The computer name already exists on the network. Change it and restart the computer. . MessageId=2146 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CfgCompNotFound Language=English The specified component could not be found in the configuration information. . Language=Russian The specified component could not be found in the configuration information. . MessageId=2147 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CfgParamNotFound Language=English The specified parameter could not be found in the configuration information. . Language=Russian The specified parameter could not be found in the configuration information. . MessageId=2149 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LineTooLong Language=English A line in the configuration file is too long. . Language=Russian A line in the configuration file is too long. . MessageId=2150 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_QNotFound Language=English The printer does not exist. . Language=Russian The printer does not exist. . MessageId=2151 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_JobNotFound Language=English The print job does not exist. . Language=Russian The print job does not exist. . MessageId=2152 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DestNotFound Language=English The printer destination cannot be found. . Language=Russian The printer destination cannot be found. . MessageId=2153 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DestExists Language=English The printer destination already exists. . Language=Russian The printer destination already exists. . MessageId=2154 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_QExists Language=English The printer queue already exists. . Language=Russian The printer queue already exists. . MessageId=2155 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_QNoRoom Language=English No more printers can be added. . Language=Russian No more printers can be added. . MessageId=2156 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_JobNoRoom Language=English No more print jobs can be added. . Language=Russian No more print jobs can be added. . MessageId=2157 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DestNoRoom Language=English No more printer destinations can be added. . Language=Russian No more printer destinations can be added. . MessageId=2158 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DestIdle Language=English This printer destination is idle and cannot accept control operations. . Language=Russian This printer destination is idle and cannot accept control operations. . MessageId=2159 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DestInvalidOp Language=English This printer destination request contains an invalid control function. . Language=Russian This printer destination request contains an invalid control function. . MessageId=2160 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProcNoRespond Language=English The print processor is not responding. . Language=Russian The print processor is not responding. . MessageId=2161 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_SpoolerNotLoaded Language=English The spooler is not running. . Language=Russian The spooler is not running. . MessageId=2162 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DestInvalidState Language=English This operation cannot be performed on the print destination in its current state. . Language=Russian This operation cannot be performed on the print destination in its current state. . MessageId=2163 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_QInvalidState Language=English This operation cannot be performed on the printer queue in its current state. . Language=Russian This operation cannot be performed on the printer queue in its current state. . MessageId=2164 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_JobInvalidState Language=English This operation cannot be performed on the print job in its current state. . Language=Russian This operation cannot be performed on the print job in its current state. . MessageId=2165 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_SpoolNoMemory Language=English A spooler memory allocation failure occurred. . Language=Russian A spooler memory allocation failure occurred. . MessageId=2166 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DriverNotFound Language=English The device driver does not exist. . Language=Russian The device driver does not exist. . MessageId=2167 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DataTypeInvalid Language=English The data type is not supported by the print processor. . Language=Russian The data type is not supported by the print processor. . MessageId=2168 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProcNotFound Language=English The print processor is not installed. . Language=Russian The print processor is not installed. . MessageId=2180 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceTableLocked Language=English The service database is locked. . Language=Russian The service database is locked. . MessageId=2181 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceTableFull Language=English The service table is full. . Language=Russian The service table is full. . MessageId=2182 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceInstalled Language=English The requested service has already been started. . Language=Russian The requested service has already been started. . MessageId=2183 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceEntryLocked Language=English The service does not respond to control actions. . Language=Russian The service does not respond to control actions. . MessageId=2184 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceNotInstalled Language=English The service has not been started. . Language=Russian The service has not been started. . MessageId=2185 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadServiceName Language=English The service name is invalid. . Language=Russian The service name is invalid. . MessageId=2186 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceCtlTimeout Language=English The service is not responding to the control function. . Language=Russian The service is not responding to the control function. . MessageId=2187 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceCtlBusy Language=English The service control is busy. . Language=Russian The service control is busy. . MessageId=2188 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadServiceProgName Language=English The configuration file contains an invalid service program name. . Language=Russian The configuration file contains an invalid service program name. . MessageId=2189 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceNotCtrl Language=English The service could not be controlled in its present state. . Language=Russian The service could not be controlled in its present state. . MessageId=2190 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceKillProc Language=English The service ended abnormally. . Language=Russian The service ended abnormally. . MessageId=2191 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceCtlNotValid Language=English The requested pause, continue, or stop is not valid for this service. . Language=Russian The requested pause, continue, or stop is not valid for this service. . MessageId=2192 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NotInDispatchTbl Language=English The service control dispatcher could not find the service name in the dispatch table. . Language=Russian The service control dispatcher could not find the service name in the dispatch table. . MessageId=2193 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadControlRecv Language=English The service control dispatcher pipe read failed. . Language=Russian The service control dispatcher pipe read failed. . MessageId=2194 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ServiceNotStarting Language=English A thread for the new service could not be created. . Language=Russian A thread for the new service could not be created. . MessageId=2200 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AlreadyLoggedOn Language=English This workstation is already logged on to the local-area network. . Language=Russian This workstation is already logged on to the local-area network. . MessageId=2201 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NotLoggedOn Language=English The workstation is not logged on to the local-area network. . Language=Russian The workstation is not logged on to the local-area network. . MessageId=2202 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadUsername Language=English The user name or group name parameter is invalid. . Language=Russian The user name or group name parameter is invalid. . MessageId=2203 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadPassword Language=English The password parameter is invalid. . Language=Russian The password parameter is invalid. . MessageId=2204 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UnableToAddName_W Language=English The logon processor did not add the message alias. . Language=Russian The logon processor did not add the message alias. . MessageId=2205 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UnableToAddName_F Language=English The logon processor did not add the message alias. . Language=Russian The logon processor did not add the message alias. . MessageId=2206 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UnableToDelName_W Language=English The logoff processor did not delete the message alias. . Language=Russian The logoff processor did not delete the message alias. . MessageId=2207 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UnableToDelName_F Language=English The logoff processor did not delete the message alias. . Language=Russian The logoff processor did not delete the message alias. . MessageId=2209 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogonsPaused Language=English Network logons are paused. . Language=Russian Network logons are paused. . MessageId=2210 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogonServerConflict Language=English A centralized logon-server conflict occurred. . Language=Russian A centralized logon-server conflict occurred. . MessageId=2211 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogonNoUserPath Language=English The server is configured without a valid user path. . Language=Russian The server is configured without a valid user path. . MessageId=2212 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogonScriptError Language=English An error occurred while loading or running the logon script. . Language=Russian An error occurred while loading or running the logon script. . MessageId=2214 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_StandaloneLogon Language=English The logon server was not specified. Your computer will be logged on as STANDALONE. . Language=Russian The logon server was not specified. Your computer will be logged on as STANDALONE. . MessageId=2215 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogonServerNotFound Language=English The logon server could not be found. . Language=Russian The logon server could not be found. . MessageId=2216 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogonDomainExists Language=English There is already a logon domain for this computer. . Language=Russian There is already a logon domain for this computer. . MessageId=2217 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NonValidatedLogon Language=English The logon server could not validate the logon. . Language=Russian The logon server could not validate the logon. . MessageId=2219 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ACFNotFound Language=English The security database could not be found. . Language=Russian The security database could not be found. . MessageId=2220 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_GroupNotFound Language=English The group name could not be found. . Language=Russian The group name could not be found. . MessageId=2221 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UserNotFound Language=English The user name could not be found. . Language=Russian The user name could not be found. . MessageId=2222 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ResourceNotFound Language=English The resource name could not be found. . Language=Russian The resource name could not be found. . MessageId=2223 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_GroupExists Language=English The group already exists. . Language=Russian The group already exists. . MessageId=2224 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UserExists Language=English The account already exists. . Language=Russian The account already exists. . MessageId=2225 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ResourceExists Language=English The resource permission list already exists. . Language=Russian The resource permission list already exists. . MessageId=2226 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NotPrimary Language=English This operation is only allowed on the primary domain controller of the domain. . Language=Russian This operation is only allowed on the primary domain controller of the domain. . MessageId=2227 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ACFNotLoaded Language=English The security database has not been started. . Language=Russian The security database has not been started. . MessageId=2228 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ACFNoRoom Language=English There are too many names in the user accounts database. . Language=Russian There are too many names in the user accounts database. . MessageId=2229 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ACFFileIOFail Language=English A disk I/O failure occurred. . Language=Russian A disk I/O failure occurred. . MessageId=2230 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ACFTooManyLists Language=English The limit of 64 entries per resource was exceeded. . Language=Russian The limit of 64 entries per resource was exceeded. . MessageId=2231 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UserLogon Language=English Deleting a user with a session is not allowed. . Language=Russian Deleting a user with a session is not allowed. . MessageId=2232 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ACFNoParent Language=English The parent directory could not be located. . Language=Russian The parent directory could not be located. . MessageId=2233 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CanNotGrowSegment Language=English Unable to add to the security database session cache segment. . Language=Russian Unable to add to the security database session cache segment. . MessageId=2234 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_SpeGroupOp Language=English This operation is not allowed on this special group. . Language=Russian This operation is not allowed on this special group. . MessageId=2235 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NotInCache Language=English This user is not cached in user accounts database session cache. . Language=Russian This user is not cached in user accounts database session cache. . MessageId=2236 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UserInGroup Language=English The user already belongs to this group. . Language=Russian The user already belongs to this group. . MessageId=2237 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UserNotInGroup Language=English The user does not belong to this group. . Language=Russian The user does not belong to this group. . MessageId=2238 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AccountUndefined Language=English This user account is undefined. . Language=Russian This user account is undefined. . MessageId=2239 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AccountExpired Language=English This user account has expired. . Language=Russian This user account has expired. . MessageId=2240 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidWorkstation Language=English The user is not allowed to log on from this workstation. . Language=Russian The user is not allowed to log on from this workstation. . MessageId=2241 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidLogonHours Language=English The user is not allowed to log on at this time. . Language=Russian The user is not allowed to log on at this time. . MessageId=2242 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordExpired Language=English The password of this user has expired. . Language=Russian The password of this user has expired. . MessageId=2243 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordCantChange Language=English The password of this user cannot change. . Language=Russian The password of this user cannot change. . MessageId=2244 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordHistConflict Language=English This password cannot be used now. . Language=Russian This password cannot be used now. . MessageId=2245 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordTooShort Language=English The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements. . Language=Russian The password does not meet the password policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, password complexity and password history requirements. . MessageId=2246 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordTooRecent Language=English The password of this user is too recent to change. . Language=Russian The password of this user is too recent to change. . MessageId=2247 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidDatabase Language=English The security database is corrupted. . Language=Russian The security database is corrupted. . MessageId=2248 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DatabaseUpToDate Language=English No updates are necessary to this replicant network/local security database. . Language=Russian No updates are necessary to this replicant network/local security database. . MessageId=2249 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_SyncRequired Language=English This replicant database is outdated; synchronization is required. . Language=Russian This replicant database is outdated; synchronization is required. . MessageId=2250 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UseNotFound Language=English The network connection could not be found. . Language=Russian The network connection could not be found. . MessageId=2251 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadAsgType Language=English This asg_type is invalid. . Language=Russian This asg_type is invalid. . MessageId=2252 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DeviceIsShared Language=English This device is currently being shared. . Language=Russian This device is currently being shared. . MessageId=2270 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoComputerName Language=English The computer name could not be added as a message alias. The name may already exist on the network. . Language=Russian The computer name could not be added as a message alias. The name may already exist on the network. . MessageId=2271 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_MsgAlreadyStarted Language=English The Messenger service is already started. . Language=Russian The Messenger service is already started. . MessageId=2272 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_MsgInitFailed Language=English The Messenger service failed to start. . Language=Russian The Messenger service failed to start. . MessageId=2273 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NameNotFound Language=English The message alias could not be found on the network. . Language=Russian The message alias could not be found on the network. . MessageId=2274 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AlreadyForwarded Language=English This message alias has already been forwarded. . Language=Russian This message alias has already been forwarded. . MessageId=2275 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AddForwarded Language=English This message alias has been added but is still forwarded. . Language=Russian This message alias has been added but is still forwarded. . MessageId=2276 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AlreadyExists Language=English This message alias already exists locally. . Language=Russian This message alias already exists locally. . MessageId=2277 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManyNames Language=English The maximum number of added message aliases has been exceeded. . Language=Russian The maximum number of added message aliases has been exceeded. . MessageId=2278 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DelComputerName Language=English The computer name could not be deleted. . Language=Russian The computer name could not be deleted. . MessageId=2279 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LocalForward Language=English Messages cannot be forwarded back to the same workstation. . Language=Russian Messages cannot be forwarded back to the same workstation. . MessageId=2280 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_GrpMsgProcessor Language=English An error occurred in the domain message processor. . Language=Russian An error occurred in the domain message processor. . MessageId=2281 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PausedRemote Language=English The message was sent, but the recipient has paused the Messenger service. . Language=Russian The message was sent, but the recipient has paused the Messenger service. . MessageId=2282 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadReceive Language=English The message was sent but not received. . Language=Russian The message was sent but not received. . MessageId=2283 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NameInUse Language=English The message alias is currently in use. Try again later. . Language=Russian The message alias is currently in use. Try again later. . MessageId=2284 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_MsgNotStarted Language=English The Messenger service has not been started. . Language=Russian The Messenger service has not been started. . MessageId=2285 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NotLocalName Language=English The name is not on the local computer. . Language=Russian The name is not on the local computer. . MessageId=2286 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoForwardName Language=English The forwarded message alias could not be found on the network. . Language=Russian The forwarded message alias could not be found on the network. . MessageId=2287 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RemoteFull Language=English The message alias table on the remote station is full. . Language=Russian The message alias table on the remote station is full. . MessageId=2288 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NameNotForwarded Language=English Messages for this alias are not currently being forwarded. . Language=Russian Messages for this alias are not currently being forwarded. . MessageId=2289 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TruncatedBroadcast Language=English The broadcast message was truncated. . Language=Russian The broadcast message was truncated. . MessageId=2294 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidDevice Language=English This is an invalid device name. . Language=Russian This is an invalid device name. . MessageId=2295 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_WriteFault Language=English A write fault occurred. . Language=Russian A write fault occurred. . MessageId=2297 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DuplicateName Language=English A duplicate message alias exists on the network. . Language=Russian A duplicate message alias exists on the network. . MessageId=2298 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DeleteLater Language=English This message alias will be deleted later. . Language=Russian This message alias will be deleted later. . MessageId=2299 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_IncompleteDel Language=English The message alias was not successfully deleted from all networks. . Language=Russian The message alias was not successfully deleted from all networks. . MessageId=2300 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_MultipleNets Language=English This operation is not supported on computers with multiple networks. . Language=Russian This operation is not supported on computers with multiple networks. . MessageId=2310 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NetNameNotFound Language=English This shared resource does not exist. . Language=Russian This shared resource does not exist. . MessageId=2311 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DeviceNotShared Language=English This device is not shared. . Language=Russian This device is not shared. . MessageId=2312 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ClientNameNotFound Language=English A session does not exist with that computer name. . Language=Russian A session does not exist with that computer name. . MessageId=2314 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_FileIdNotFound Language=English There is not an open file with that identification number. . Language=Russian There is not an open file with that identification number. . MessageId=2315 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ExecFailure Language=English A failure occurred when executing a remote administration command. . Language=Russian A failure occurred when executing a remote administration command. . MessageId=2316 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TmpFile Language=English A failure occurred when opening a remote temporary file. . Language=Russian A failure occurred when opening a remote temporary file. . MessageId=2317 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooMuchData Language=English The data returned from a remote administration command has been truncated to 64K. . Language=Russian The data returned from a remote administration command has been truncated to 64K. . MessageId=2318 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DeviceShareConflict Language=English This device cannot be shared as both a spooled and a non-spooled resource. . Language=Russian This device cannot be shared as both a spooled and a non-spooled resource. . MessageId=2319 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BrowserTableIncomplete Language=English The information in the list of servers may be incorrect. . Language=Russian The information in the list of servers may be incorrect. . MessageId=2320 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NotLocalDomain Language=English The computer is not active in this domain. . Language=Russian The computer is not active in this domain. . MessageId=2321 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_IsDfsShare Language=English The share must be removed from the Distributed File System before it can be deleted. . Language=Russian The share must be removed from the Distributed File System before it can be deleted. . MessageId=2331 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DevInvalidOpCode Language=English The operation is invalid for this device. . Language=Russian The operation is invalid for this device. . MessageId=2332 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DevNotFound Language=English This device cannot be shared. . Language=Russian This device cannot be shared. . MessageId=2333 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DevNotOpen Language=English This device was not open. . Language=Russian This device was not open. . MessageId=2334 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadQueueDevString Language=English This device name list is invalid. . Language=Russian This device name list is invalid. . MessageId=2335 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadQueuePriority Language=English The queue priority is invalid. . Language=Russian The queue priority is invalid. . MessageId=2337 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoCommDevs Language=English There are no shared communication devices. . Language=Russian There are no shared communication devices. . MessageId=2338 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_QueueNotFound Language=English The queue you specified does not exist. . Language=Russian The queue you specified does not exist. . MessageId=2340 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadDevString Language=English This list of devices is invalid. . Language=Russian This list of devices is invalid. . MessageId=2341 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadDev Language=English The requested device is invalid. . Language=Russian The requested device is invalid. . MessageId=2342 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InUseBySpooler Language=English This device is already in use by the spooler. . Language=Russian This device is already in use by the spooler. . MessageId=2343 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CommDevInUse Language=English This device is already in use as a communication device. . Language=Russian This device is already in use as a communication device. . MessageId=2351 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidComputer Language=English This computer name is invalid. . Language=Russian This computer name is invalid. . MessageId=2354 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_MaxLenExceeded Language=English The string and prefix specified are too long. . Language=Russian The string and prefix specified are too long. . MessageId=2356 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadComponent Language=English This path component is invalid. . Language=Russian This path component is invalid. . MessageId=2357 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CantType Language=English Could not determine the type of input. . Language=Russian Could not determine the type of input. . MessageId=2362 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManyEntries Language=English The buffer for types is not big enough. . Language=Russian The buffer for types is not big enough. . MessageId=2370 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProfileFileTooBig Language=English Profile files cannot exceed 64K. . Language=Russian Profile files cannot exceed 64K. . MessageId=2371 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProfileOffset Language=English The start offset is out of range. . Language=Russian The start offset is out of range. . MessageId=2372 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProfileCleanup Language=English The system cannot delete current connections to network resources. . Language=Russian The system cannot delete current connections to network resources. . MessageId=2373 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProfileUnknownCmd Language=English The system was unable to parse the command line in this file. . Language=Russian The system was unable to parse the command line in this file. . MessageId=2374 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProfileLoadErr Language=English An error occurred while loading the profile file. . Language=Russian An error occurred while loading the profile file. . MessageId=2375 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProfileSaveErr Language=English Errors occurred while saving the profile file. The profile was partially saved. . Language=Russian Errors occurred while saving the profile file. The profile was partially saved. . MessageId=2377 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogOverflow Language=English Log file %1 is full. . Language=Russian Log file %1 is full. . MessageId=2378 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogFileChanged Language=English This log file has changed between reads. . Language=Russian This log file has changed between reads. . MessageId=2379 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogFileCorrupt Language=English Log file %1 is corrupt. . Language=Russian Log file %1 is corrupt. . MessageId=2380 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_SourceIsDir Language=English The source path cannot be a directory. . Language=Russian The source path cannot be a directory. . MessageId=2381 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadSource Language=English The source path is illegal. . Language=Russian The source path is illegal. . MessageId=2382 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadDest Language=English The destination path is illegal. . Language=Russian The destination path is illegal. . MessageId=2383 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DifferentServers Language=English The source and destination paths are on different servers. . Language=Russian The source and destination paths are on different servers. . MessageId=2385 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RunSrvPaused Language=English The Run server you requested is paused. . Language=Russian The Run server you requested is paused. . MessageId=2389 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ErrCommRunSrv Language=English An error occurred when communicating with a Run server. . Language=Russian An error occurred when communicating with a Run server. . MessageId=2391 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ErrorExecingGhost Language=English An error occurred when starting a background process. . Language=Russian An error occurred when starting a background process. . MessageId=2392 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ShareNotFound Language=English The shared resource you are connected to could not be found. . Language=Russian The shared resource you are connected to could not be found. . MessageId=2400 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidLana Language=English The LAN adapter number is invalid. . Language=Russian The LAN adapter number is invalid. . MessageId=2401 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_OpenFiles Language=English There are open files on the connection. . Language=Russian There are open files on the connection. . MessageId=2402 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ActiveConns Language=English Active connections still exist. . Language=Russian Active connections still exist. . MessageId=2403 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadPasswordCore Language=English This share name or password is invalid. . Language=Russian This share name or password is invalid. . MessageId=2404 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DevInUse Language=English The device is being accessed by an active process. . Language=Russian The device is being accessed by an active process. . MessageId=2405 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LocalDrive Language=English The drive letter is in use locally. . Language=Russian The drive letter is in use locally. . MessageId=2430 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AlertExists Language=English The specified client is already registered for the specified event. . Language=Russian The specified client is already registered for the specified event. . MessageId=2431 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManyAlerts Language=English The alert table is full. . Language=Russian The alert table is full. . MessageId=2432 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoSuchAlert Language=English An invalid or nonexistent alert name was raised. . Language=Russian An invalid or nonexistent alert name was raised. . MessageId=2433 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadRecipient Language=English The alert recipient is invalid. . Language=Russian The alert recipient is invalid. . MessageId=2434 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AcctLimitExceeded Language=English A user's session with this server has been deleted\nbecause the user's logon hours are no longer valid. . Language=Russian A user's session with this server has been deleted\nbecause the user's logon hours are no longer valid. . MessageId=2440 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidLogSeek Language=English The log file does not contain the requested record number. . Language=Russian The log file does not contain the requested record number. . MessageId=2450 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadUasConfig Language=English The user accounts database is not configured correctly. . Language=Russian The user accounts database is not configured correctly. . MessageId=2451 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidUASOp Language=English This operation is not permitted when the Netlogon service is running. . Language=Russian This operation is not permitted when the Netlogon service is running. . MessageId=2452 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LastAdmin Language=English This operation is not allowed on the last administrative account. . Language=Russian This operation is not allowed on the last administrative account. . MessageId=2453 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DCNotFound Language=English Could not find domain controller for this domain. . Language=Russian Could not find domain controller for this domain. . MessageId=2454 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_LogonTrackingError Language=English Could not set logon information for this user. . Language=Russian Could not set logon information for this user. . MessageId=2455 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NetlogonNotStarted Language=English The Netlogon service has not been started. . Language=Russian The Netlogon service has not been started. . MessageId=2456 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CanNotGrowUASFile Language=English Unable to add to the user accounts database. . Language=Russian Unable to add to the user accounts database. . MessageId=2457 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TimeDiffAtDC Language=English This server's clock is not synchronized with the primary domain controller's clock. . Language=Russian This server's clock is not synchronized with the primary domain controller's clock. . MessageId=2458 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordMismatch Language=English A password mismatch has been detected. . Language=Russian A password mismatch has been detected. . MessageId=2460 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoSuchServer Language=English The server identification does not specify a valid server. . Language=Russian The server identification does not specify a valid server. . MessageId=2461 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoSuchSession Language=English The session identification does not specify a valid session. . Language=Russian The session identification does not specify a valid session. . MessageId=2462 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoSuchConnection Language=English The connection identification does not specify a valid connection. . Language=Russian The connection identification does not specify a valid connection. . MessageId=2463 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManyServers Language=English There is no space for another entry in the table of available servers. . Language=Russian There is no space for another entry in the table of available servers. . MessageId=2464 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManySessions Language=English The server has reached the maximum number of sessions it supports. . Language=Russian The server has reached the maximum number of sessions it supports. . MessageId=2465 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManyConnections Language=English The server has reached the maximum number of connections it supports. . Language=Russian The server has reached the maximum number of connections it supports. . MessageId=2466 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManyFiles Language=English The server cannot open more files because it has reached its maximum number. . Language=Russian The server cannot open more files because it has reached its maximum number. . MessageId=2467 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoAlternateServers Language=English There are no alternate servers registered on this server. . Language=Russian There are no alternate servers registered on this server. . MessageId=2470 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TryDownLevel Language=English Try down-level (remote admin protocol) version of API instead. . Language=Russian Try down-level (remote admin protocol) version of API instead. . MessageId=2480 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UPSDriverNotStarted Language=English The UPS driver could not be accessed by the UPS service. . Language=Russian The UPS driver could not be accessed by the UPS service. . MessageId=2481 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UPSInvalidConfig Language=English The UPS service is not configured correctly. . Language=Russian The UPS service is not configured correctly. . MessageId=2482 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UPSInvalidCommPort Language=English The UPS service could not access the specified Comm Port. . Language=Russian The UPS service could not access the specified Comm Port. . MessageId=2483 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UPSSignalAsserted Language=English The UPS indicated a line fail or low battery situation. Service not started. . Language=Russian The UPS indicated a line fail or low battery situation. Service not started. . MessageId=2484 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_UPSShutdownFailed Language=English The UPS service failed to perform a system shut down. . Language=Russian The UPS service failed to perform a system shut down. . MessageId=2500 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadDosRetCode Language=English The program below returned a DOS error code: . Language=Russian The program below returned a DOS error code: . MessageId=2501 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ProgNeedsExtraMem Language=English The program below needs more memory: . Language=Russian The program below needs more memory: . MessageId=2502 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadDosFunction Language=English The program below called an unsupported DOS function: . Language=Russian The program below called an unsupported DOS function: . MessageId=2503 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RemoteBootFailed Language=English The workstation failed to boot. . Language=Russian The workstation failed to boot. . MessageId=2504 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BadFileCheckSum Language=English The file below is corrupt. . Language=Russian The file below is corrupt. . MessageId=2505 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NoRplBootSystem Language=English No loader is specified in the boot-block definition file. . Language=Russian No loader is specified in the boot-block definition file. . MessageId=2506 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplLoadrNetBiosErr Language=English NetBIOS returned an error: The NCB and SMB are dumped above. . Language=Russian NetBIOS returned an error: The NCB and SMB are dumped above. . MessageId=2507 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplLoadrDiskErr Language=English A disk I/O error occurred. . Language=Russian A disk I/O error occurred. . MessageId=2508 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ImageParamErr Language=English Image parameter substitution failed. . Language=Russian Image parameter substitution failed. . MessageId=2509 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_TooManyImageParams Language=English Too many image parameters cross disk sector boundaries. . Language=Russian Too many image parameters cross disk sector boundaries. . MessageId=2510 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NonDosFloppyUsed Language=English The image was not generated from a DOS diskette formatted with /S. . Language=Russian The image was not generated from a DOS diskette formatted with /S. . MessageId=2511 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBootRestart Language=English Remote boot will be restarted later. . Language=Russian Remote boot will be restarted later. . MessageId=2512 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplSrvrCallFailed Language=English The call to the Remoteboot server failed. . Language=Russian The call to the Remoteboot server failed. . MessageId=2513 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CantConnectRplSrvr Language=English Cannot connect to the Remoteboot server. . Language=Russian Cannot connect to the Remoteboot server. . MessageId=2514 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CantOpenImageFile Language=English Cannot open image file on the Remoteboot server. . Language=Russian Cannot open image file on the Remoteboot server. . MessageId=2515 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_CallingRplSrvr Language=English Connecting to the Remoteboot server... . Language=Russian Connecting to the Remoteboot server... . MessageId=2516 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_StartingRplBoot Language=English Connecting to the Remoteboot server... . Language=Russian Connecting to the Remoteboot server... . MessageId=2517 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBootServiceTerm Language=English Remote boot service was stopped; check the error log for the cause of the problem. . Language=Russian Remote boot service was stopped; check the error log for the cause of the problem. . MessageId=2518 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBootStartFailed Language=English Remote boot startup failed; check the error log for the cause of the problem. . Language=Russian Remote boot startup failed; check the error log for the cause of the problem. . MessageId=2519 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RPL_CONNECTED Language=English A second connection to a Remoteboot resource is not allowed. . Language=Russian A second connection to a Remoteboot resource is not allowed. . MessageId=2550 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_BrowserConfiguredToNotRun Language=English The browser service was configured with MaintainServerList=No. . Language=Russian The browser service was configured with MaintainServerList=No. . MessageId=2610 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplNoAdaptersStarted Language=English Service failed to start since none of the network adapters started with this service. . Language=Russian Service failed to start since none of the network adapters started with this service. . MessageId=2611 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBadRegistry Language=English Service failed to start due to bad startup information in the registry. . Language=Russian Service failed to start due to bad startup information in the registry. . MessageId=2612 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBadDatabase Language=English Service failed to start because its database is absent or corrupt. . Language=Russian Service failed to start because its database is absent or corrupt. . MessageId=2613 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplRplfilesShare Language=English Service failed to start because RPLFILES share is absent. . Language=Russian Service failed to start because RPLFILES share is absent. . MessageId=2614 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplNotRplServer Language=English Service failed to start because RPLUSER group is absent. . Language=Russian Service failed to start because RPLUSER group is absent. . MessageId=2615 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplCannotEnum Language=English Cannot enumerate service records. . Language=Russian Cannot enumerate service records. . MessageId=2616 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplWkstaInfoCorrupted Language=English Workstation record information has been corrupted. . Language=Russian Workstation record information has been corrupted. . MessageId=2617 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplWkstaNotFound Language=English Workstation record was not found. . Language=Russian Workstation record was not found. . MessageId=2618 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplWkstaNameUnavailable Language=English Workstation name is in use by some other workstation. . Language=Russian Workstation name is in use by some other workstation. . MessageId=2619 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplProfileInfoCorrupted Language=English Profile record information has been corrupted. . Language=Russian Profile record information has been corrupted. . MessageId=2620 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplProfileNotFound Language=English Profile record was not found. . Language=Russian Profile record was not found. . MessageId=2621 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplProfileNameUnavailable Language=English Profile name is in use by some other profile. . Language=Russian Profile name is in use by some other profile. . MessageId=2622 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplProfileNotEmpty Language=English There are workstations using this profile. . Language=Russian There are workstations using this profile. . MessageId=2623 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplConfigInfoCorrupted Language=English Configuration record information has been corrupted. . Language=Russian Configuration record information has been corrupted. . MessageId=2624 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplConfigNotFound Language=English Configuration record was not found. . Language=Russian Configuration record was not found. . MessageId=2625 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplAdapterInfoCorrupted Language=English Adapter id record information has been corrupted. . Language=Russian Adapter id record information has been corrupted. . MessageId=2626 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplInternal Language=English An internal service error has occurred. . Language=Russian An internal service error has occurred. . MessageId=2627 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplVendorInfoCorrupted Language=English Vendor id record information has been corrupted. . Language=Russian Vendor id record information has been corrupted. . MessageId=2628 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBootInfoCorrupted Language=English Boot block record information has been corrupted. . Language=Russian Boot block record information has been corrupted. . MessageId=2629 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplWkstaNeedsUserAcct Language=English The user account for this workstation record is missing. . Language=Russian The user account for this workstation record is missing. . MessageId=2630 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplNeedsRPLUSERAcct Language=English The RPLUSER local group could not be found. . Language=Russian The RPLUSER local group could not be found. . MessageId=2631 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBootNotFound Language=English Boot block record was not found. . Language=Russian Boot block record was not found. . MessageId=2632 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplIncompatibleProfile Language=English Chosen profile is incompatible with this workstation. . Language=Russian Chosen profile is incompatible with this workstation. . MessageId=2633 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplAdapterNameUnavailable Language=English Chosen network adapter id is in use by some other workstation. . Language=Russian Chosen network adapter id is in use by some other workstation. . MessageId=2634 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplConfigNotEmpty Language=English There are profiles using this configuration. . Language=Russian There are profiles using this configuration. . MessageId=2635 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBootInUse Language=English There are workstations, profiles or configurations using this boot block. . Language=Russian There are workstations, profiles or configurations using this boot block. . MessageId=2636 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBackupDatabase Language=English Service failed to backup Remoteboot database. . Language=Russian Service failed to backup Remoteboot database. . MessageId=2637 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplAdapterNotFound Language=English Adapter record was not found. . Language=Russian Adapter record was not found. . MessageId=2638 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplVendorNotFound Language=English Vendor record was not found. . Language=Russian Vendor record was not found. . MessageId=2639 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplVendorNameUnavailable Language=English Vendor name is in use by some other vendor record. . Language=Russian Vendor name is in use by some other vendor record. . MessageId=2640 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplBootNameUnavailable Language=English (boot name, vendor id) is in use by some other boot block record. . Language=Russian (boot name, vendor id) is in use by some other boot block record. . MessageId=2641 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_RplConfigNameUnavailable Language=English Configuration name is in use by some other configuration. . Language=Russian Configuration name is in use by some other configuration. . MessageId=2660 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsInternalCorruption Language=English The internal database maintained by the DFS service is corrupt . Language=Russian The internal database maintained by the DFS service is corrupt . MessageId=2661 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsVolumeDataCorrupt Language=English One of the records in the internal DFS database is corrupt . Language=Russian One of the records in the internal DFS database is corrupt . MessageId=2662 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsNoSuchVolume Language=English There is no DFS name whose entry path matches the input Entry Path . Language=Russian There is no DFS name whose entry path matches the input Entry Path . MessageId=2663 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsVolumeAlreadyExists Language=English A root or link with the given name already exists . Language=Russian A root or link with the given name already exists . MessageId=2664 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsAlreadyShared Language=English The server share specified is already shared in the DFS . Language=Russian The server share specified is already shared in the DFS . MessageId=2665 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsNoSuchShare Language=English The indicated server share does not support the indicated DFS namespace . Language=Russian The indicated server share does not support the indicated DFS namespace . MessageId=2666 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsNotALeafVolume Language=English The operation is not valid on this portion of the namespace . Language=Russian The operation is not valid on this portion of the namespace . MessageId=2667 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsLeafVolume Language=English The operation is not valid on this portion of the namespace . Language=Russian The operation is not valid on this portion of the namespace . MessageId=2668 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsVolumeHasMultipleServers Language=English The operation is ambiguous because the link has multiple servers . Language=Russian The operation is ambiguous because the link has multiple servers . MessageId=2669 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsCantCreateJunctionPoint Language=English Unable to create a link . Language=Russian Unable to create a link . MessageId=2670 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsServerNotDfsAware Language=English The server is not DFS Aware . Language=Russian The server is not DFS Aware . MessageId=2671 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsBadRenamePath Language=English The specified rename target path is invalid . Language=Russian The specified rename target path is invalid . MessageId=2672 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsVolumeIsOffline Language=English The specified DFS link is offline . Language=Russian The specified DFS link is offline . MessageId=2673 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsNoSuchServer Language=English The specified server is not a server for this link . Language=Russian The specified server is not a server for this link . MessageId=2674 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsCyclicalName Language=English A cycle in the DFS name was detected . Language=Russian A cycle in the DFS name was detected . MessageId=2675 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsNotSupportedInServerDfs Language=English The operation is not supported on a server-based DFS . Language=Russian The operation is not supported on a server-based DFS . MessageId=2676 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsDuplicateService Language=English This link is already supported by the specified server-share . Language=Russian This link is already supported by the specified server-share . MessageId=2677 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsCantRemoveLastServerShare Language=English Can't remove the last server-share supporting this root or link . Language=Russian Can't remove the last server-share supporting this root or link . MessageId=2678 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsVolumeIsInterDfs Language=English The operation is not supported for an Inter-DFS link . Language=Russian The operation is not supported for an Inter-DFS link . MessageId=2679 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsInconsistent Language=English The internal state of the DFS Service has become inconsistent . Language=Russian The internal state of the DFS Service has become inconsistent . MessageId=2680 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsServerUpgraded Language=English The DFS Service has been installed on the specified server . Language=Russian The DFS Service has been installed on the specified server . MessageId=2681 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsDataIsIdentical Language=English The DFS data being reconciled is identical . Language=Russian The DFS data being reconciled is identical . MessageId=2682 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsCantRemoveDfsRoot Language=English The DFS root cannot be deleted - Uninstall DFS if required . Language=Russian The DFS root cannot be deleted - Uninstall DFS if required . MessageId=2683 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsChildOrParentInDfs Language=English A child or parent directory of the share is already in a DFS . Language=Russian A child or parent directory of the share is already in a DFS . MessageId=2690 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DfsInternalError Language=English DFS internal error . Language=Russian DFS internal error . MessageId=2691 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_SetupAlreadyJoined Language=English This machine is already joined to a domain. . Language=Russian This machine is already joined to a domain. . MessageId=2692 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_SetupNotJoined Language=English This machine is not currently joined to a domain. . Language=Russian This machine is not currently joined to a domain. . MessageId=2693 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_SetupDomainController Language=English This machine is a domain controller and cannot be unjoined from a domain. . Language=Russian This machine is a domain controller and cannot be unjoined from a domain. . MessageId=2694 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_DefaultJoinRequired Language=English The destination domain controller does not support creating machine accounts in OUs. . Language=Russian The destination domain controller does not support creating machine accounts in OUs. . MessageId=2695 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_InvalidWorkgroupName Language=English The specified workgroup name is invalid. . Language=Russian The specified workgroup name is invalid. . MessageId=2696 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_NameUsesIncompatibleCodePage Language=English The specified computer name is incompatible with the default language used on the domain controller. . Language=Russian The specified computer name is incompatible with the default language used on the domain controller. . MessageId=2697 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_ComputerAccountNotFound Language=English The specified computer account could not be found. . Language=Russian The specified computer account could not be found. . MessageId=2698 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PersonalSku Language=English This version of the operating system cannot be joined to a domain. . Language=Russian This version of the operating system cannot be joined to a domain. . MessageId=2701 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordMustChange Language=English Password must change at next logon . Language=Russian Password must change at next logon . MessageId=2702 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_AccountLockedOut Language=English Account is locked out . Language=Russian Account is locked out . MessageId=2703 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordTooLong Language=English Password is too long . Language=Russian Password is too long . MessageId=2704 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordNotComplexEnough Language=English Password doesn't meet the complexity policy . Language=Russian Password doesn't meet the complexity policy . MessageId=2705 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NERR_PasswordFilterError Language=English Password doesn't meet the requirements of the filter dll's . Language=Russian Password doesn't meet the requirements of the filter dll's . MessageId=2999 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MAX_NERR Language=English This is the last error in NERR range. . Language=Russian This is the last error in NERR range. . ; ; alertmsg.h (non-public) message definitions (3000 - 3049 ALERT_BASE) ; MessageId=3000 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3000 Language=English Drive %1 is nearly full. %2 bytes are available.\n Please warn users and delete unneeded files. . Language=Russian Drive %1 is nearly full. %2 bytes are available.\n Please warn users and delete unneeded files. . MessageId=3001 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3001 Language=English %1 errors were logged in the last %2 minutes.\n Please review the server's error log. . Language=Russian %1 errors were logged in the last %2 minutes.\n Please review the server's error log. . MessageId=3002 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3002 Language=English %1 network errors occurred in the last %2 minutes.\n Please review the server's error log. The server and/or\n network hardware may need service. . Language=Russian %1 network errors occurred in the last %2 minutes.\n Please review the server's error log. The server and/or\n network hardware may need service. . MessageId=3003 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3003 Language=English There were %1 bad password attempts in the last %2 minutes.\n Please review the server's audit trail. . Language=Russian There were %1 bad password attempts in the last %2 minutes.\n Please review the server's audit trail. . MessageId=3004 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3004 Language=English There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes.\n Please review the server's audit trail. . Language=Russian There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes.\n Please review the server's audit trail. . MessageId=3006 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3006 Language=English The error log is full. No errors will be logged until\n the file is cleared or the limit is raised. . Language=Russian The error log is full. No errors will be logged until\n the file is cleared or the limit is raised. . MessageId=3007 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3007 Language=English The error log is 80%% full. . Language=Russian The error log is 80%% full. . MessageId=3008 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3008 Language=English The audit log is full. No audit entries will be logged\n until the file is cleared or the limit is raised. . Language=Russian The audit log is full. No audit entries will be logged\n until the file is cleared or the limit is raised. . MessageId=3009 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3009 Language=English The audit log is 80%% full. . Language=Russian The audit log is 80%% full. . MessageId=3010 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3010 Language=English An error occurred closing file %1.\n Please check the file to make sure it is not corrupted. . Language=Russian An error occurred closing file %1.\n Please check the file to make sure it is not corrupted. . MessageId=3011 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3011 Language=English The administrator has closed %1. . Language=Russian The administrator has closed %1. . MessageId=3012 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3012 Language=English There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes. . Language=Russian There were %1 access-denied errors in the last %2 minutes. . MessageId=3020 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3020 Language=English A power failure was detected at %1. The server has been paused. . Language=Russian A power failure was detected at %1. The server has been paused. . MessageId=3021 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3021 Language=English Power has been restored at %1. The server is no longer paused. . Language=Russian Power has been restored at %1. The server is no longer paused. . MessageId=3022 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3022 Language=English The UPS service is starting shut down at %1 due to low battery. . Language=Russian The UPS service is starting shut down at %1 due to low battery. . MessageId=3023 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3023 Language=English There is a problem with a configuration of user specified\n shut down command file. The UPS service started anyway. . Language=Russian There is a problem with a configuration of user specified\n shut down command file. The UPS service started anyway. . MessageId=3025 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3025 Language=English A defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed).\n No data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full\n performance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool.\n\n The hotfix occurred while processing a remote request. . Language=Russian A defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed).\n No data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full\n performance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool.\n\n The hotfix occurred while processing a remote request. . MessageId=3026 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3026 Language=English A disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1.\n The error occurred while processing a remote request. . Language=Russian A disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1.\n The error occurred while processing a remote request. . MessageId=3027 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3027 Language=English The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is corrupted. The local security\n system is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup\n made on %1 at %2.\n Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.\n" . Language=Russian The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is corrupted. The local security\n system is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup\n made on %1 at %2.\n Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.\n" . MessageId=3028 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3028 Language=English The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local\n security system is restoring the backup database\n made on %1 at %2.\n Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.\n" . Language=Russian The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local\n security system is restoring the backup database\n made on %1 at %2.\n Any updates made to the database after this time are lost.\n" . MessageId=3029 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3029 Language=English Local security could not be started because the user accounts database\n (NET.ACC) was missing or corrupted, and no usable backup\n database was present.\n\n THE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE.\n" . Language=Russian Local security could not be started because the user accounts database\n (NET.ACC) was missing or corrupted, and no usable backup\n database was present.\n\n THE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE.\n" . MessageId=3030 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3030 Language=English The server cannot export directory %1, to client %2.\n It is exported from another server." . Language=Russian The server cannot export directory %1, to client %2.\n It is exported from another server." . MessageId=3031 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3031 Language=English The replication server could not update directory %2 from the source\n on %3 due to error %1. . Language=Russian The replication server could not update directory %2 from the source\n on %3 due to error %1. . MessageId=3032 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3032 Language=English Master %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected\n time. . Language=Russian Master %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected\n time. . MessageId=3033 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3033 Language=English User %1 has exceeded account limitation %2 on server %3. . Language=Russian User %1 has exceeded account limitation %2 on server %3. . MessageId=3034 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3034 Language=English The primary domain controller for domain %1 failed. . Language=Russian The primary domain controller for domain %1 failed. . MessageId=3035 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3035 Language=English Failed to authenticate with %2, a Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller for\n domain %1. . Language=Russian Failed to authenticate with %2, a Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller for\n domain %1. . MessageId=3036 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3036 Language=English The replicator attempted to log on at %2 as %1 and failed. . Language=Russian The replicator attempted to log on at %2 as %1 and failed. . MessageId=3037 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3037 Language=English @I *LOGON HOURS %0 . Language=Russian @I *LOGON HOURS %0 . MessageId=3038 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3038 Language=English Replicator could not access %2\n on %3 due to system error %1. . Language=Russian Replicator could not access %2\n on %3 due to system error %1. . MessageId=3039 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3039 Language=English Replicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded. . Language=Russian Replicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded. . MessageId=3040 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3040 Language=English Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded. . Language=Russian Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded. . MessageId=3041 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3041 Language=English The replicator cannot update directory %1. It has tree integrity\n and is the current directory for some process. . Language=Russian The replicator cannot update directory %1. It has tree integrity\n and is the current directory for some process. . MessageId=3042 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3042 Language=English Network error %1 occurred. . Language=Russian Network error %1 occurred. . MessageId=3045 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3045 Language=English System error %1 occurred. . Language=Russian System error %1 occurred. . MessageId=3046 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3046 Language=English Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER\n is set to NO. . Language=Russian Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER\n is set to NO. . MessageId=3047 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3047 Language=English IMPORT path %1 cannot be found. . Language=Russian IMPORT path %1 cannot be found. . MessageId=3048 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3048 Language=English EXPORT path %1 cannot be found. . Language=Russian EXPORT path %1 cannot be found. . MessageId=3049 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3049 Language=English Replicated data has changed in directory %1. . Language=Russian Replicated data has changed in directory %1. . MessageId=3050 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT_3050 Language=English Replicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to\n %1 system error. . Language=Russian Replicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to\n %1 system error. . ; ; lmsvc.h message definitions (3050 - 3099 SERVICE_BASE) ; MessageId=3051 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_BADPARMVAL Language=English The Registry or the information you just typed includes an illegal\n value for \"%1\". . Language=Russian The Registry or the information you just typed includes an illegal\n value for \"%1\". . MessageId=3052 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_MISSPARM Language=English The required parameter was not provided on the command\nline or in the configuration file. . Language=Russian The required parameter was not provided on the command\nline or in the configuration file. . MessageId=3053 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_UNKPARM Language=English LAN Manager does not recognize \"%1\" as a valid option. . Language=Russian LAN Manager does not recognize \"%1\" as a valid option. . MessageId=3054 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_RESOURCE Language=English A request for resource could not be satisfied. . Language=Russian A request for resource could not be satisfied. . MessageId=3055 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_CONFIG Language=English A problem exists with the system configuration. . Language=Russian A problem exists with the system configuration. . MessageId=3056 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_SYSTEM Language=English A system error has occurred. . Language=Russian A system error has occurred. . MessageId=3057 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_INTERNAL Language=English An internal consistency error has occurred. . Language=Russian An internal consistency error has occurred. . MessageId=3058 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_AMBIGPARM Language=English The configuration file or the command line has an ambiguous option. . Language=Russian The configuration file or the command line has an ambiguous option. . MessageId=3059 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_DUPPARM Language=English The configuration file or the command line has a duplicate parameter. . Language=Russian The configuration file or the command line has a duplicate parameter. . MessageId=3060 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_KILL Language=English The service did not respond to control and was stopped with\nthe DosKillProc function. . Language=Russian The service did not respond to control and was stopped with\nthe DosKillProc function. . MessageId=3061 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_EXEC Language=English An error occurred when attempting to run the service program. . Language=Russian An error occurred when attempting to run the service program. . MessageId=3062 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_SUBSERV Language=English The sub-service failed to start. . Language=Russian The sub-service failed to start. . MessageId=3063 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_CONFLPARM Language=English There is a conflict in the value or use of these options: %1. . Language=Russian There is a conflict in the value or use of these options: %1. . MessageId=3064 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_FILE Language=English There is a problem with the file. . Language=Russian There is a problem with the file. . MessageId=3070 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_MEMORY Language=English memory . Language=Russian memory . MessageId=3071 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_DISK Language=English disk space . Language=Russian disk space . MessageId=3072 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_THREADS Language=English thread . Language=Russian thread . MessageId=3073 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_PROCESSES Language=English process . Language=Russian process . MessageId=3074 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_SECURITY Language=English Security Failure. %0 . Language=Russian Security Failure. %0 . MessageId=3075 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_LANROOT Language=English Bad or missing LAN Manager root directory. . Language=Russian Bad or missing LAN Manager root directory. . MessageId=3076 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_REDIR Language=English The network software is not installed. . Language=Russian The network software is not installed. . MessageId=3077 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_SERVER Language=English The server is not started. . Language=Russian The server is not started. . MessageId=3078 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_SEC_FILE_ERR Language=English The server cannot access the user accounts database (NET.ACC). . Language=Russian The server cannot access the user accounts database (NET.ACC). . MessageId=3079 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_FILES Language=English Incompatible files are installed in the LANMAN tree. . Language=Russian Incompatible files are installed in the LANMAN tree. . MessageId=3080 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_LOGS Language=English The LANMAN\\LOGS directory is invalid. . Language=Russian The LANMAN\\LOGS directory is invalid. . MessageId=3081 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_LANGROUP Language=English The domain specified could not be used. . Language=Russian The domain specified could not be used. . MessageId=3082 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_MSGNAME Language=English The computer name is being used as a message alias on another computer. . Language=Russian The computer name is being used as a message alias on another computer. . MessageId=3083 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_ANNOUNCE Language=English The announcement of the server name failed. . Language=Russian The announcement of the server name failed. . MessageId=3084 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_UAS Language=English The user accounts database is not configured correctly. . Language=Russian The user accounts database is not configured correctly. . MessageId=3085 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_SERVER_SEC_ERR Language=English The server is not running with user-level security. . Language=Russian The server is not running with user-level security. . MessageId=3087 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_WKSTA Language=English The workstation is not configured properly. . Language=Russian The workstation is not configured properly. . MessageId=3088 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_ERRLOG Language=English View your error log for details. . Language=Russian View your error log for details. . MessageId=3089 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_FILE_UW Language=English Unable to write to this file. . Language=Russian Unable to write to this file. . MessageId=3090 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_ADDPAK Language=English ADDPAK file is corrupted. Delete LANMAN\\NETPROG\\ADDPAK.SER\n and reapply all ADDPAKs. . Language=Russian ADDPAK file is corrupted. Delete LANMAN\\NETPROG\\ADDPAK.SER\n and reapply all ADDPAKs. . MessageId=3091 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_LAZY Language=English The LM386 server cannot be started because CACHE.EXE is not running. . Language=Russian The LM386 server cannot be started because CACHE.EXE is not running. . MessageId=3092 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_UAS_MACHINE_ACCT Language=English There is no account for this computer in the security database. . Language=Russian There is no account for this computer in the security database. . MessageId=3093 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_UAS_SERVERS_NMEMB Language=English This computer is not a member of the group SERVERS. . Language=Russian This computer is not a member of the group SERVERS. . MessageId=3094 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_UAS_SERVERS_NOGRP Language=English The group SERVERS is not present in the local security database. . Language=Russian The group SERVERS is not present in the local security database. . MessageId=3095 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_UAS_INVALID_ROLE Language=English This computer is configured as a member of a workgroup, not as\n a member of a domain. The Netlogon service does not need to run in this\n configuration. . Language=Russian This computer is configured as a member of a workgroup, not as\n a member of a domain. The Netlogon service does not need to run in this\n configuration. . MessageId=3096 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_NETLOGON_NO_DC Language=English The primary Domain Controller for this domain could not be located. . Language=Russian The primary Domain Controller for this domain could not be located. . MessageId=3097 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_NETLOGON_DC_CFLCT Language=English This computer is configured to be the primary domain controller of its domain.\n However, the computer %1 is currently claiming to be the primary domain controller\n of the domain. . Language=Russian This computer is configured to be the primary domain controller of its domain.\n However, the computer %1 is currently claiming to be the primary domain controller\n of the domain. . MessageId=3098 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_NETLOGON_AUTH Language=English The service failed to authenticate with the primary domain controller. . Language=Russian The service failed to authenticate with the primary domain controller. . MessageId=3099 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_UAS_PROLOG Language=English There is a problem with the security database creation date or serial number. . Language=Russian There is a problem with the security database creation date or serial number. . ; ; lmerrlog.h messages definitions (3100 - 3299 ERRLOG_BASE) ; MessageId=3100 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Internal_Error Language=English The operation failed because a network software error occurred. . Language=Russian The operation failed because a network software error occurred. . MessageId=3101 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Resource_Shortage Language=English The system ran out of a resource controlled by the %1 option. . Language=Russian The system ran out of a resource controlled by the %1 option. . MessageId=3102 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Unable_To_Lock_Segment Language=English The service failed to obtain a long-term lock on the\nsegment for network control blocks (NCBs). The error code is the data. . Language=Russian The service failed to obtain a long-term lock on the\nsegment for network control blocks (NCBs). The error code is the data. . MessageId=3103 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Unable_To_Unlock_Segment Language=English The service failed to release the long-term lock on the\nsegment for network control blocks (NCBs). The error code is the data. . Language=Russian The service failed to release the long-term lock on the\nsegment for network control blocks (NCBs). The error code is the data. . MessageId=3104 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Uninstall_Service Language=English There was an error stopping service %1.\nThe error code from NetServiceControl is the data. . Language=Russian There was an error stopping service %1.\nThe error code from NetServiceControl is the data. . MessageId=3105 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Init_Exec_Fail Language=English Initialization failed because of a system execution failure on\npath %1. The system error code is the data. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because of a system execution failure on\npath %1. The system error code is the data. . MessageId=3106 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Ncb_Error Language=English An unexpected network control block (NCB) was received. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian An unexpected network control block (NCB) was received. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=3107 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Net_Not_Started Language=English The network is not started. . Language=Russian The network is not started. . MessageId=3108 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Ioctl_Error Language=English A DosDevIoctl or DosFsCtl to NETWKSTA.SYS failed.\nThe data shown is in this format:\nDWORD approx CS:IP of call to ioctl or fsctl\nWORD error code\nWORD ioctl or fsctl number . Language=Russian A DosDevIoctl or DosFsCtl to NETWKSTA.SYS failed.\nThe data shown is in this format:\nDWORD approx CS:IP of call to ioctl or fsctl\nWORD error code\nWORD ioctl or fsctl number . MessageId=3109 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_System_Semaphore Language=English Unable to create or open system semaphore %1.\nThe error code is the data. . Language=Russian Unable to create or open system semaphore %1.\nThe error code is the data. . MessageId=3110 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Init_OpenCreate_Err Language=English Initialization failed because of an open/create error on the\nfile %1. The system error code is the data. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because of an open/create error on the\nfile %1. The system error code is the data. . MessageId=3111 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetBios Language=English An unexpected NetBIOS error occurred.\nThe error code is the data. . Language=Russian An unexpected NetBIOS error occurred.\nThe error code is the data. . MessageId=3112 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_SMB_Illegal Language=English An illegal server message block (SMB) was received.\nThe SMB is the data. . Language=Russian An illegal server message block (SMB) was received.\nThe SMB is the data. . MessageId=3113 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Service_Fail Language=English Initialization failed because the requested service %1\ncould not be started. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because the requested service %1\ncould not be started. . MessageId=3114 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Entries_Lost Language=English Some entries in the error log were lost because of a buffer\noverflow. . Language=Russian Some entries in the error log were lost because of a buffer\noverflow. . MessageId=3120 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Init_Seg_Overflow Language=English Initialization parameters controlling resource usage other\nthan net buffers are sized so that too much memory is needed. . Language=Russian Initialization parameters controlling resource usage other\nthan net buffers are sized so that too much memory is needed. . MessageId=3121 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Srv_No_Mem_Grow Language=English The server cannot increase the size of a memory segment. . Language=Russian The server cannot increase the size of a memory segment. . MessageId=3122 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Access_File_Bad Language=English Initialization failed because account file %1 is either incorrect\nor not present. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because account file %1 is either incorrect\nor not present. . MessageId=3123 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Srvnet_Not_Started Language=English Initialization failed because network %1 was not started. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because network %1 was not started. . MessageId=3124 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Init_Chardev_Err Language=English The server failed to start. Either all three chdev\nparameters must be zero or all three must be nonzero. . Language=Russian The server failed to start. Either all three chdev\nparameters must be zero or all three must be nonzero. . MessageId=3125 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Remote_API Language=English A remote API request was halted due to the following\ninvalid description string: %1. . Language=Russian A remote API request was halted due to the following\ninvalid description string: %1. . MessageId=3126 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Ncb_TooManyErr Language=English The network %1 ran out of network control blocks (NCBs). You may need to increase NCBs\nfor this network. The following information includes the\nnumber of NCBs submitted by the server when this error occurred: . Language=Russian The network %1 ran out of network control blocks (NCBs). You may need to increase NCBs\nfor this network. The following information includes the\nnumber of NCBs submitted by the server when this error occurred: . MessageId=3127 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Mailslot_err Language=English The server cannot create the %1 mailslot needed to send\nthe ReleaseMemory alert message. The error received is: . Language=Russian The server cannot create the %1 mailslot needed to send\nthe ReleaseMemory alert message. The error received is: . MessageId=3128 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReleaseMem_Alert Language=English The server failed to register for the ReleaseMemory alert,\nwith recipient %1. The error code from\nNetAlertStart is the data. . Language=Russian The server failed to register for the ReleaseMemory alert,\nwith recipient %1. The error code from\nNetAlertStart is the data. . MessageId=3129 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_AT_cannot_write Language=English The server cannot update the AT schedule file. The file\nis corrupted. . Language=Russian The server cannot update the AT schedule file. The file\nis corrupted. . MessageId=3130 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Cant_Make_Msg_File Language=English The server encountered an error when calling\nNetIMakeLMFileName. The error code is the data. . Language=Russian The server encountered an error when calling\nNetIMakeLMFileName. The error code is the data. . MessageId=3131 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Exec_Netservr_NoMem Language=English Initialization failed because of a system execution failure on\npath %1. There is not enough memory to start the process.\nThe system error code is the data. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because of a system execution failure on\npath %1. There is not enough memory to start the process.\nThe system error code is the data. . MessageId=3132 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Server_Lock_Failure Language=English Longterm lock of the server buffers failed.\nCheck swap disk's free space and restart the system to start the server. . Language=Russian Longterm lock of the server buffers failed.\nCheck swap disk's free space and restart the system to start the server. . MessageId=3140 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Msg_Shutdown Language=English The service has stopped due to repeated consecutive\noccurrences of a network control block (NCB) error. The last bad NCB follows\nin raw data. . Language=Russian The service has stopped due to repeated consecutive\noccurrences of a network control block (NCB) error. The last bad NCB follows\nin raw data. . MessageId=3141 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Msg_Sem_Shutdown Language=English The Message server has stopped due to a lock on the\nMessage server shared data segment. . Language=Russian The Message server has stopped due to a lock on the\nMessage server shared data segment. . MessageId=3150 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Msg_Log_Err Language=English A file system error occurred while opening or writing to the\nsystem message log file %1. Message logging has been\nswitched off due to the error. The error code is the data. . Language=Russian A file system error occurred while opening or writing to the\nsystem message log file %1. Message logging has been\nswitched off due to the error. The error code is the data. . MessageId=3151 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_VIO_POPUP_ERR Language=English Unable to display message POPUP due to system VIO call error.\nThe error code is the data. . Language=Russian Unable to display message POPUP due to system VIO call error.\nThe error code is the data. . MessageId=3152 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Msg_Unexpected_SMB_Type Language=English An illegal server message block (SMB) was received. The SMB is the data. . Language=Russian An illegal server message block (SMB) was received. The SMB is the data. . MessageId=3160 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wksta_Infoseg Language=English The workstation information segment is bigger than 64K.\nThe size follows, in DWORD format: . Language=Russian The workstation information segment is bigger than 64K.\nThe size follows, in DWORD format: . MessageId=3161 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wksta_Compname Language=English The workstation was unable to get the name-number of the computer. . Language=Russian The workstation was unable to get the name-number of the computer. . MessageId=3162 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wksta_BiosThreadFailure Language=English The workstation could not initialize the Async NetBIOS Thread.\nThe error code is the data. . Language=Russian The workstation could not initialize the Async NetBIOS Thread.\nThe error code is the data. . MessageId=3163 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wksta_IniSeg Language=English The workstation could not open the initial shared segment.\nThe error code is the data. . Language=Russian The workstation could not open the initial shared segment.\nThe error code is the data. . MessageId=3164 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wksta_HostTab_Full Language=English The workstation host table is full. . Language=Russian The workstation host table is full. . MessageId=3165 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wksta_Bad_Mailslot_SMB Language=English A bad mailslot server message block (SMB) was received. The SMB is the data. . Language=Russian A bad mailslot server message block (SMB) was received. The SMB is the data. . MessageId=3166 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wksta_UASInit Language=English The workstation encountered an error while trying to start the user accounts database.\nThe error code is the data. . Language=Russian The workstation encountered an error while trying to start the user accounts database.\nThe error code is the data. . MessageId=3167 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wksta_SSIRelogon Language=English The workstation encountered an error while responding to an SSI revalidation request.\nThe function code and the error codes are the data. . Language=Russian The workstation encountered an error while responding to an SSI revalidation request.\nThe function code and the error codes are the data. . MessageId=3170 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Build_Name Language=English The Alerter service had a problem creating the list of\nalert recipients. The error code is %1. . Language=Russian The Alerter service had a problem creating the list of\nalert recipients. The error code is %1. . MessageId=3171 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Name_Expansion Language=English There was an error expanding %1 as a group name. Try\nsplitting the group into two or more smaller groups. . Language=Russian There was an error expanding %1 as a group name. Try\nsplitting the group into two or more smaller groups. . MessageId=3172 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Message_Send Language=English There was an error sending %2 the alert message -\n(\n%3 )\nThe error code is %1. . Language=Russian There was an error sending %2 the alert message -\n(\n%3 )\nThe error code is %1. . MessageId=3173 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Mail_Slt_Err Language=English There was an error in creating or reading the alerter mailslot.\nThe error code is %1. . Language=Russian There was an error in creating or reading the alerter mailslot.\nThe error code is %1. . MessageId=3174 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_AT_cannot_read Language=English The server could not read the AT schedule file. . Language=Russian The server could not read the AT schedule file. . MessageId=3175 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_AT_sched_err Language=English The server found an invalid AT schedule record. . Language=Russian The server found an invalid AT schedule record. . MessageId=3176 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_AT_schedule_file_created Language=English The server could not find an AT schedule file so it created one. . Language=Russian The server could not find an AT schedule file so it created one. . MessageId=3177 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Srvnet_NB_Open Language=English The server could not access the %1 network with NetBiosOpen. . Language=Russian The server could not access the %1 network with NetBiosOpen. . MessageId=3178 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_AT_Exec_Err Language=English The AT command processor could not run %1. . Language=Russian The AT command processor could not run %1. . MessageId=3180 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Lazy_Write_Err Language=English WARNING: Because of a lazy-write error, drive %1 now\ncontains some corrupted data. The cache is stopped. . Language=Russian WARNING: Because of a lazy-write error, drive %1 now\ncontains some corrupted data. The cache is stopped. . MessageId=3181 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_HotFix Language=English A defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed).\nNo data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full\nperformance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool.\n\nThe hotfix occurred while processing a remote request. . Language=Russian A defective sector on drive %1 has been replaced (hotfixed).\nNo data was lost. You should run CHKDSK soon to restore full\nperformance and replenish the volume's spare sector pool.\n\nThe hotfix occurred while processing a remote request. . MessageId=3182 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_HardErr_From_Server Language=English A disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1.\nThe error occurred while processing a remote request. . Language=Russian A disk error occurred on the HPFS volume in drive %1.\nThe error occurred while processing a remote request. . MessageId=3183 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_LocalSecFail1 Language=English The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is corrupted. The local security\nsystem is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup\nmade at %1.\nAny updates made to the database after this time are lost.\n . Language=Russian The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is corrupted. The local security\nsystem is replacing the corrupted NET.ACC with the backup\nmade at %1.\nAny updates made to the database after this time are lost.\n . MessageId=3184 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_LocalSecFail2 Language=English The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local\nsecurity system is restoring the backup database\nmade at %1.\nAny updates made to the database made after this time are lost.\n . Language=Russian The user accounts database (NET.ACC) is missing. The local\nsecurity system is restoring the backup database\nmade at %1.\nAny updates made to the database made after this time are lost.\n . MessageId=3185 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_LocalSecFail3 Language=English Local security could not be started because the user accounts database\n(NET.ACC) was missing or corrupted, and no usable backup\ndatabase was present.\n\nTHE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE. . Language=Russian Local security could not be started because the user accounts database\n(NET.ACC) was missing or corrupted, and no usable backup\ndatabase was present.\n\nTHE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE. . MessageId=3186 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_LocalSecGeneralFail Language=English Local security could not be started because an error\noccurred during initialization. The error code returned is %1.\n\nTHE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE.\n . Language=Russian Local security could not be started because an error\noccurred during initialization. The error code returned is %1.\n\nTHE SYSTEM IS NOT SECURE.\n . MessageId=3190 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_Internal_Error Language=English A NetWksta internal error has occurred:\n%1 . Language=Russian A NetWksta internal error has occurred:\n%1 . MessageId=3191 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_No_Resource Language=English The redirector is out of a resource: %1. . Language=Russian The redirector is out of a resource: %1. . MessageId=3192 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_SMB_Err Language=English A server message block (SMB) error occurred on the connection to %1.\nThe SMB header is the data. . Language=Russian A server message block (SMB) error occurred on the connection to %1.\nThe SMB header is the data. . MessageId=3193 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_VC_Err Language=English A virtual circuit error occurred on the session to %1.\nThe network control block (NCB) command and return code is the data. . Language=Russian A virtual circuit error occurred on the session to %1.\nThe network control block (NCB) command and return code is the data. . MessageId=3194 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_Stuck_VC_Err Language=English Hanging up a stuck session to %1. . Language=Russian Hanging up a stuck session to %1. . MessageId=3195 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_NCB_Err Language=English A network control block (NCB) error occurred (%1).\nThe NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A network control block (NCB) error occurred (%1).\nThe NCB is the data. . MessageId=3196 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_Write_Behind_Err Language=English A write operation to %1 failed.\nData may have been lost. . Language=Russian A write operation to %1 failed.\nData may have been lost. . MessageId=3197 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_Reset_Err Language=English Reset of driver %1 failed to complete the network control block (NCB).\nThe NCB is the data. . Language=Russian Reset of driver %1 failed to complete the network control block (NCB).\nThe NCB is the data. . MessageId=3198 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetWkSta_Too_Many Language=English The amount of resource %1 requested was more\nthan the maximum. The maximum amount was allocated. . Language=Russian The amount of resource %1 requested was more\nthan the maximum. The maximum amount was allocated. . MessageId=3204 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Srv_Thread_Failure Language=English The server could not create a thread.\nThe THREADS parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file should be increased. . Language=Russian The server could not create a thread.\nThe THREADS parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file should be increased. . MessageId=3205 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Srv_Close_Failure Language=English The server could not close %1.\nThe file is probably corrupted. . Language=Russian The server could not close %1.\nThe file is probably corrupted. . MessageId=3206 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplUserCurDir Language=English The replicator cannot update directory %1. It has tree integrity\nand is the current directory for some process. . Language=Russian The replicator cannot update directory %1. It has tree integrity\nand is the current directory for some process. . MessageId=3207 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplCannotMasterDir Language=English The server cannot export directory %1 to client %2.\nIt is exported from another server. . Language=Russian The server cannot export directory %1 to client %2.\nIt is exported from another server. . MessageId=3208 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplUpdateError Language=English The replication server could not update directory %2 from the source\non %3 due to error %1. . Language=Russian The replication server could not update directory %2 from the source\non %3 due to error %1. . MessageId=3209 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplLostMaster Language=English Master %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected\ntime. . Language=Russian Master %1 did not send an update notice for directory %2 at the expected\ntime. . MessageId=3210 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonAuthDCFail Language=English This computer could not authenticate with %2, a domain controller\n for domain %1, and therefore this computer might deny logon requests.\n This inability to authenticate might be caused by another computer on the\n same network using the same name or the password for this computer account\n is not recognized. If this message appears again, contact your system\n administrator. . Language=Russian This computer could not authenticate with %2, a domain controller\n for domain %1, and therefore this computer might deny logon requests.\n This inability to authenticate might be caused by another computer on the\n same network using the same name or the password for this computer account\n is not recognized. If this message appears again, contact your system\n administrator. . MessageId=3211 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplLogonFailed Language=English The replicator attempted to log on at %2 as %1 and failed. . Language=Russian The replicator attempted to log on at %2 as %1 and failed. . MessageId=3212 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplNetErr Language=English Network error %1 occurred. . Language=Russian Network error %1 occurred. . MessageId=3213 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplMaxFiles Language=English Replicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded. . Language=Russian Replicator limit for files in a directory has been exceeded. . MessageId=3214 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplMaxTreeDepth Language=English Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded. . Language=Russian Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded. . MessageId=3215 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplBadMsg Language=English Unrecognized message received in mailslot. . Language=Russian Unrecognized message received in mailslot. . MessageId=3216 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplSysErr Language=English System error %1 occurred. . Language=Russian System error %1 occurred. . MessageId=3217 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplUserLoged Language=English Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER\nis set to NO. . Language=Russian Cannot log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSER\nis set to NO. . MessageId=3218 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplBadImport Language=English IMPORT path %1 cannot be found. . Language=Russian IMPORT path %1 cannot be found. . MessageId=3219 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplBadExport Language=English EXPORT path %1 cannot be found. . Language=Russian EXPORT path %1 cannot be found. . MessageId=3220 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplSignalFileErr Language=English Replicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to\n%1 system error. . Language=Russian Replicator failed to update signal file in directory %2 due to\n%1 system error. . MessageId=3221 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_DiskFT Language=English Disk Fault Tolerance Error\n\n%1 . Language=Russian Disk Fault Tolerance Error\n\n%1 . MessageId=3222 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_ReplAccessDenied Language=English Replicator could not access %2\non %3 due to system error %1. . Language=Russian Replicator could not access %2\non %3 due to system error %1. . MessageId=3223 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedPrimary Language=English The primary domain controller for domain %1 has apparently failed. . Language=Russian The primary domain controller for domain %1 has apparently failed. . MessageId=3224 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonPasswdSetFailed Language=English Changing machine account password for account %1 failed with\nthe following error: %n%2 . Language=Russian Changing machine account password for account %1 failed with\nthe following error: %n%2 . MessageId=3225 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonTrackingError Language=English An error occurred while updating the logon or logoff information for %1. . Language=Russian An error occurred while updating the logon or logoff information for %1. . MessageId=3226 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonSyncError Language=English An error occurred while synchronizing with primary domain controller %1 . Language=Russian An error occurred while synchronizing with primary domain controller %1 . MessageId=3227 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonRequireSignOrSealError Language=English The session setup to the Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2 failed\n because %1 does not support signing or sealing the Netlogon session.\n\n Either upgrade the Domain Controller or set the RequireSignOrSeal\n registry entry on this machine to 0. . Language=Russian The session setup to the Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2 failed\n because %1 does not support signing or sealing the Netlogon session.\n\n Either upgrade the Domain Controller or set the RequireSignOrSeal\n registry entry on this machine to 0. . MessageId=3230 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_UPS_PowerOut Language=English A power failure was detected at the server. . Language=Russian A power failure was detected at the server. . MessageId=3231 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_UPS_Shutdown Language=English The UPS service performed server shut down. . Language=Russian The UPS service performed server shut down. . MessageId=3232 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_UPS_CmdFileError Language=English The UPS service did not complete execution of the\nuser specified shut down command file. . Language=Russian The UPS service did not complete execution of the\nuser specified shut down command file. . MessageId=3233 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_UPS_CannotOpenDriver Language=English The UPS driver could not be opened. The error code is\nthe data. . Language=Russian The UPS driver could not be opened. The error code is\nthe data. . MessageId=3234 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_UPS_PowerBack Language=English Power has been restored. . Language=Russian Power has been restored. . MessageId=3235 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_UPS_CmdFileConfig Language=English There is a problem with a configuration of user specified\nshut down command file. . Language=Russian There is a problem with a configuration of user specified\nshut down command file. . MessageId=3236 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_UPS_CmdFileExec Language=English The UPS service failed to execute a user specified shutdown\ncommand file %1. The error code is the data. . Language=Russian The UPS service failed to execute a user specified shutdown\ncommand file %1. The error code is the data. . MessageId=3250 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Missing_Parameter Language=English Initialization failed because of an invalid or missing\nparameter in the configuration file %1. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because of an invalid or missing\nparameter in the configuration file %1. . MessageId=3251 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Invalid_Config_Line Language=English Initialization failed because of an invalid line in the\nconfiguration file %1. The invalid line is the data. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because of an invalid line in the\nconfiguration file %1. The invalid line is the data. . MessageId=3252 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Invalid_Config_File Language=English Initialization failed because of an error in the configuration\nfile %1. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because of an error in the configuration\nfile %1. . MessageId=3253 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_File_Changed Language=English The file %1 has been changed after initialization.\nThe boot-block loading was temporarily terminated. . Language=Russian The file %1 has been changed after initialization.\nThe boot-block loading was temporarily terminated. . MessageId=3254 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Files_Dont_Fit Language=English The files do not fit to the boot-block configuration\nfile %1. Change the BASE and ORG definitions or the order\nof the files. . Language=Russian The files do not fit to the boot-block configuration\nfile %1. Change the BASE and ORG definitions or the order\nof the files. . MessageId=3255 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Wrong_DLL_Version Language=English Initialization failed because the dynamic-link\nlibrary %1 returned an incorrect version number. . Language=Russian Initialization failed because the dynamic-link\nlibrary %1 returned an incorrect version number. . MessageId=3256 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Error_in_DLL Language=English There was an unrecoverable error in the dynamic-\nlink library of the service. . Language=Russian There was an unrecoverable error in the dynamic-\nlink library of the service. . MessageId=3257 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_System_Error Language=English The system returned an unexpected error code.\nThe error code is the data. . Language=Russian The system returned an unexpected error code.\nThe error code is the data. . MessageId=3258 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_FT_ErrLog_Too_Large Language=English The fault-tolerance error log file, LANROOT\\LOGS\\FT.LOG,\nis more than 64K. . Language=Russian The fault-tolerance error log file, LANROOT\\LOGS\\FT.LOG,\nis more than 64K. . MessageId=3259 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_FT_Update_In_Progress Language=English The fault-tolerance error-log file, LANROOT\\LOGS\\FT.LOG, had the\n update in progress bit set upon opening, which means that the\n system crashed while working on the error log. . Language=Russian The fault-tolerance error-log file, LANROOT\\LOGS\\FT.LOG, had the\n update in progress bit set upon opening, which means that the\n system crashed while working on the error log. . MessageId=3260 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Joined_Domain Language=English This computer has been successfully joined to domain '%1'. . Language=Russian This computer has been successfully joined to domain '%1'. . MessageId=3261 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_Joined_Workgroup Language=English This computer has been successfully joined to workgroup '%1'. . Language=Russian This computer has been successfully joined to workgroup '%1'. . MessageId=3299 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_OEM_Code Language=English %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9. . Language=Russian %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9. . ; ; msgtext.h (non-public) message definitions (3300 - 3499 MTXT_BASE) ; MessageId=3301 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3301 Language=English Remote IPC %0 . Language=Russian Remote IPC %0 . MessageId=3302 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3302 Language=English Remote Admin %0 . Language=Russian Remote Admin %0 . MessageId=3303 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3303 Language=English Logon server share %0 . Language=Russian Logon server share %0 . MessageId=3304 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3304 Language=English A network error occurred. %0 . Language=Russian A network error occurred. %0 . MessageId=3400 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3400 Language=English There is not enough memory to start the Workstation service. . Language=Russian There is not enough memory to start the Workstation service. . MessageId=3401 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3401 Language=English An error occurred when reading the NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file. . Language=Russian An error occurred when reading the NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file. . MessageId=3402 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3402 Language=English This is an invalid argument: %1. . Language=Russian This is an invalid argument: %1. . MessageId=3403 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3403 Language=English The %1 NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file has a\nsyntax error and will be ignored. . Language=Russian The %1 NETWORKS entry in the LANMAN.INI file has a\nsyntax error and will be ignored. . MessageId=3404 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3404 Language=English There are too many NETWORKS entries in the LANMAN.INI file. . Language=Russian There are too many NETWORKS entries in the LANMAN.INI file. . MessageId=3406 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3406 Language=English An error occurred when opening network\ndevice driver %1 = %2. . Language=Russian An error occurred when opening network\ndevice driver %1 = %2. . MessageId=3407 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3407 Language=English Device driver %1 sent a bad BiosLinkage response. . Language=Russian Device driver %1 sent a bad BiosLinkage response. . MessageId=3408 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3408 Language=English The program cannot be used with this operating system. . Language=Russian The program cannot be used with this operating system. . MessageId=3409 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3409 Language=English The redirector is already installed. . Language=Russian The redirector is already installed. . MessageId=3410 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3410 Language=English Installing NETWKSTA.SYS Version %1.%2.%3 (%4)\n . Language=Russian Installing NETWKSTA.SYS Version %1.%2.%3 (%4)\n . MessageId=3411 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3411 Language=English There was an error installing NETWKSTA.SYS.\n\n Press ENTER to continue. . Language=Russian There was an error installing NETWKSTA.SYS.\n\n Press ENTER to continue. . MessageId=3412 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3412 Language=English Resolver linkage problem. . Language=Russian Resolver linkage problem. . MessageId=3413 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3413 Language=English Your logon time at %1 ends at %2.\n Please clean up and log off. . Language=Russian Your logon time at %1 ends at %2.\n Please clean up and log off. . MessageId=3414 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3414 Language=English You will be automatically disconnected at %1. . Language=Russian You will be automatically disconnected at %1. . MessageId=3415 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3415 Language=English Your logon time at %1 has ended. . Language=Russian Your logon time at %1 has ended. . MessageId=3416 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3416 Language=English Your logon time at %1 ended at %2. . Language=Russian Your logon time at %1 ended at %2. . MessageId=3417 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3417 Language=English WARNING: You have until %1 to logoff. If you\n have not logged off at this time, your session will be\n disconnected, and any open files or devices you\n have open may lose data." . Language=Russian WARNING: You have until %1 to logoff. If you\n have not logged off at this time, your session will be\n disconnected, and any open files or devices you\n have open may lose data." . MessageId=3418 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3418 Language=English WARNING: You must log off at %1 now. You have\n two minutes to log off, or you will be disconnected. . Language=Russian WARNING: You must log off at %1 now. You have\n two minutes to log off, or you will be disconnected. . MessageId=3419 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3419 Language=English You have open files or devices, and a forced\n disconnection may cause you to lose data. . Language=Russian You have open files or devices, and a forced\n disconnection may cause you to lose data. . MessageId=3420 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3420 Language=English Default Share for Internal Use %0 . Language=Russian Default Share for Internal Use %0 . MessageId=3421 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=MTXT_3421 Language=English Messenger Service %0 . Language=Russian Messenger Service %0 . ; ; apperr.h (non-public) message definitions (3500 - 3999 APPERR_BASE) ; MessageId=3500 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3500 Language=English The command completed successfully. . Language=Russian The command completed successfully. . MessageId=3501 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3501 Language=English You used an invalid option. . Language=Russian You used an invalid option. . MessageId=3502 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3502 Language=English System error %1 has occurred. . Language=Russian System error %1 has occurred. . MessageId=3503 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3503 Language=English The command contains an invalid number of arguments. . Language=Russian The command contains an invalid number of arguments. . MessageId=3504 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3504 Language=English The command completed with one or more errors. . Language=Russian The command completed with one or more errors. . MessageId=3505 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3505 Language=English You used an option with an invalid value. . Language=Russian You used an option with an invalid value. . MessageId=3506 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3506 Language=English The option %1 is unknown. . Language=Russian The option %1 is unknown. . MessageId=3507 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3507 Language=English Option %1 is ambiguous. . Language=Russian Option %1 is ambiguous. . MessageId=3510 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3510 Language=English A command was used with conflicting switches. . Language=Russian A command was used with conflicting switches. . MessageId=3511 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3511 Language=English Could not find subprogram %1. . Language=Russian Could not find subprogram %1. . MessageId=3512 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3512 Language=English The software requires a newer version of the operating\nsystem. . Language=Russian The software requires a newer version of the operating\nsystem. . MessageId=3513 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3513 Language=English More data is available than can be returned by the operating\nsystem. . Language=Russian More data is available than can be returned by the operating\nsystem. . MessageId=3514 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3514 Language=English More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG %1. . Language=Russian More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG %1. . MessageId=3515 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3515 Language=English The command can be used only on a Domain Controller. . Language=Russian The command can be used only on a Domain Controller. . MessageId=3516 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3516 Language=English This command cannot be used on a Domain Controller. . Language=Russian This command cannot be used on a Domain Controller. . MessageId=3520 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3520 Language=English These services are started: . Language=Russian These services are started: . MessageId=3521 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3521 Language=English The %1 service is not started. . Language=Russian The %1 service is not started. . MessageId=3522 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3522 Language=English The %1 service is starting%0 . Language=Russian The %1 service is starting%0 . MessageId=3523 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3523 Language=English The %1 service could not be started. . Language=Russian The %1 service could not be started. . MessageId=3524 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3524 Language=English The %1 service was started successfully. . Language=Russian The %1 service was started successfully. . MessageId=3525 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3525 Language=English Stopping the Workstation service also stops the Server service. . Language=Russian Stopping the Workstation service also stops the Server service. . MessageId=3526 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3526 Language=English The workstation has open files. . Language=Russian The workstation has open files. . MessageId=3527 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3527 Language=English The %1 service is stopping%0 . Language=Russian The %1 service is stopping%0 . MessageId=3528 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3528 Language=English The %1 service could not be stopped. . Language=Russian The %1 service could not be stopped. . MessageId=3529 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3529 Language=English The %1 service was stopped successfully. . Language=Russian The %1 service was stopped successfully. . MessageId=3530 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3530 Language=English The following services are dependent on the %1 service.\nStopping the %1 service will also stop these services. . Language=Russian The following services are dependent on the %1 service.\nStopping the %1 service will also stop these services. . MessageId=3533 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3533 Language=English The service is starting or stopping. Please try again later. . Language=Russian The service is starting or stopping. Please try again later. . MessageId=3534 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3534 Language=English The service did not report an error. . Language=Russian The service did not report an error. . MessageId=3535 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3535 Language=English An error occurred controlling the device. . Language=Russian An error occurred controlling the device. . MessageId=3536 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3536 Language=English The %1 service was continued successfully. . Language=Russian The %1 service was continued successfully. . MessageId=3537 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3537 Language=English The %1 service was paused successfully. . Language=Russian The %1 service was paused successfully. . MessageId=3538 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3538 Language=English The %1 service failed to resume. . Language=Russian The %1 service failed to resume. . MessageId=3539 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3539 Language=English The %1 service failed to pause. . Language=Russian The %1 service failed to pause. . MessageId=3540 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3540 Language=English The %1 service continue is pending%0 . Language=Russian The %1 service continue is pending%0 . MessageId=3541 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3541 Language=English The %1 service pause is pending%0 . Language=Russian The %1 service pause is pending%0 . MessageId=3542 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3542 Language=English %1 was continued successfully. . Language=Russian %1 was continued successfully. . MessageId=3543 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3543 Language=English %1 was paused successfully. . Language=Russian %1 was paused successfully. . MessageId=3544 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3544 Language=English The %1 service has been started by another process and is pending.%0 . Language=Russian The %1 service has been started by another process and is pending.%0 . MessageId=3547 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3547 Language=English A service specific error occurred: %1. . Language=Russian A service specific error occurred: %1. . MessageId=3660 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3660 Language=English These workstations have sessions on this server: . Language=Russian These workstations have sessions on this server: . MessageId=3661 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3661 Language=English These workstations have sessions with open files on this server: . Language=Russian These workstations have sessions with open files on this server: . MessageId=3666 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3666 Language=English The message alias is forwarded. . Language=Russian The message alias is forwarded. . MessageId=3670 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3670 Language=English You have these remote connections: . Language=Russian You have these remote connections: . MessageId=3671 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3671 Language=English Continuing will cancel the connections. . Language=Russian Continuing will cancel the connections. . MessageId=3675 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3675 Language=English The session from %1 has open files. . Language=Russian The session from %1 has open files. . MessageId=3676 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3676 Language=English New connections will be remembered. . Language=Russian New connections will be remembered. . MessageId=3677 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3677 Language=English New connections will not be remembered. . Language=Russian New connections will not be remembered. . MessageId=3678 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3678 Language=English An error occurred while saving your profile. The state of your remembered connections has not changed. . Language=Russian An error occurred while saving your profile. The state of your remembered connections has not changed. . MessageId=3679 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3679 Language=English An error occurred while reading your profile. . Language=Russian An error occurred while reading your profile. . MessageId=3680 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3680 Language=English An error occurred while restoring the connection to %1. . Language=Russian An error occurred while restoring the connection to %1. . MessageId=3682 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3682 Language=English No network services are started. . Language=Russian No network services are started. . MessageId=3683 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3683 Language=English There are no entries in the list. . Language=Russian There are no entries in the list. . MessageId=3688 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3688 Language=English Users have open files on %1. Continuing the operation will force the files closed. . Language=Russian Users have open files on %1. Continuing the operation will force the files closed. . MessageId=3689 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3689 Language=English The Workstation service is already running. The operating system will ignore command options for the workstation. . Language=Russian The Workstation service is already running. The operating system will ignore command options for the workstation. . MessageId=3691 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3691 Language=English There are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connection to %1. . Language=Russian There are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connection to %1. . MessageId=3693 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3693 Language=English The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain %1. . Language=Russian The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain %1. . MessageId=3694 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3694 Language=English The shared queue cannot be deleted while a print job is being spooled to the queue. . Language=Russian The shared queue cannot be deleted while a print job is being spooled to the queue. . MessageId=3695 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3695 Language=English %1 has a remembered connection to %2. . Language=Russian %1 has a remembered connection to %2. . MessageId=3710 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3710 Language=English An error occurred while opening the Help file. . Language=Russian An error occurred while opening the Help file. . MessageId=3711 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3711 Language=English The Help file is empty. . Language=Russian The Help file is empty. . MessageId=3712 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3712 Language=English The Help file is corrupted. . Language=Russian The Help file is corrupted. . MessageId=3713 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3713 Language=English Could not find a domain controller for domain %1. . Language=Russian Could not find a domain controller for domain %1. . MessageId=3714 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3714 Language=English This operation is privileged on systems with earlier\nversions of the software. . Language=Russian This operation is privileged on systems with earlier\nversions of the software. . MessageId=3716 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3716 Language=English The device type is unknown. . Language=Russian The device type is unknown. . MessageId=3717 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3717 Language=English The log file has been corrupted. . Language=Russian The log file has been corrupted. . MessageId=3718 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3718 Language=English Program filenames must end with .EXE. . Language=Russian Program filenames must end with .EXE. . MessageId=3719 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3719 Language=English A matching share could not be found so nothing was deleted. . Language=Russian A matching share could not be found so nothing was deleted. . MessageId=3720 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3720 Language=English A bad value is in the units-per-week field of the user record. . Language=Russian A bad value is in the units-per-week field of the user record. . MessageId=3721 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3721 Language=English The password is invalid for %1. . Language=Russian The password is invalid for %1. . MessageId=3722 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3722 Language=English An error occurred while sending a message to %1. . Language=Russian An error occurred while sending a message to %1. . MessageId=3723 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3723 Language=English The password or user name is invalid for %1. . Language=Russian The password or user name is invalid for %1. . MessageId=3725 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3725 Language=English An error occurred when the share was deleted. . Language=Russian An error occurred when the share was deleted. . MessageId=3726 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3726 Language=English The user name is invalid. . Language=Russian The user name is invalid. . MessageId=3727 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3727 Language=English The password is invalid. . Language=Russian The password is invalid. . MessageId=3728 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3728 Language=English The passwords do not match. . Language=Russian The passwords do not match. . MessageId=3729 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3729 Language=English Your persistent connections were not all restored. . Language=Russian Your persistent connections were not all restored. . MessageId=3730 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3730 Language=English This is not a valid computer name or domain name. . Language=Russian This is not a valid computer name or domain name. . MessageId=3732 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3732 Language=English Default permissions cannot be set for that resource. . Language=Russian Default permissions cannot be set for that resource. . MessageId=3734 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3734 Language=English A valid password was not entered. . Language=Russian A valid password was not entered. . MessageId=3735 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3735 Language=English A valid name was not entered. . Language=Russian A valid name was not entered. . MessageId=3736 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3736 Language=English The resource named cannot be shared. . Language=Russian The resource named cannot be shared. . MessageId=3737 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3737 Language=English The permissions string contains invalid permissions. . Language=Russian The permissions string contains invalid permissions. . MessageId=3738 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3738 Language=English You can only perform this operation on printers and communication devices. . Language=Russian You can only perform this operation on printers and communication devices. . MessageId=3742 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3742 Language=English %1 is an invalid user or group name. . Language=Russian %1 is an invalid user or group name. . MessageId=3743 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3743 Language=English The server is not configured for remote administration. . Language=Russian The server is not configured for remote administration. . MessageId=3752 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3752 Language=English No users have sessions with this server. . Language=Russian No users have sessions with this server. . MessageId=3753 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3753 Language=English User %1 is not a member of group %2. . Language=Russian User %1 is not a member of group %2. . MessageId=3754 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3754 Language=English User %1 is already a member of group %2. . Language=Russian User %1 is already a member of group %2. . MessageId=3755 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3755 Language=English There is no such user: %1. . Language=Russian There is no such user: %1. . MessageId=3756 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3756 Language=English This is an invalid response. . Language=Russian This is an invalid response. . MessageId=3757 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3757 Language=English No valid response was provided. . Language=Russian No valid response was provided. . MessageId=3758 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3758 Language=English The destination list provided does not match the destination list of the printer queue. . Language=Russian The destination list provided does not match the destination list of the printer queue. . MessageId=3759 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3759 Language=English Your password cannot be changed until %1. . Language=Russian Your password cannot be changed until %1. . MessageId=3760 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3760 Language=English %1 is not a recognized day of the week. . Language=Russian %1 is not a recognized day of the week. . MessageId=3761 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3761 Language=English The time range specified ends before it starts. . Language=Russian The time range specified ends before it starts. . MessageId=3762 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3762 Language=English %1 is not a recognized hour. . Language=Russian %1 is not a recognized hour. . MessageId=3763 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3763 Language=English %1 is not a valid specification for minutes. . Language=Russian %1 is not a valid specification for minutes. . MessageId=3764 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3764 Language=English Time supplied is not exactly on the hour. . Language=Russian Time supplied is not exactly on the hour. . MessageId=3765 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3765 Language=English 12 and 24 hour time formats may not be mixed. . Language=Russian 12 and 24 hour time formats may not be mixed. . MessageId=3766 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3766 Language=English %1 is not a valid 12-hour suffix. . Language=Russian %1 is not a valid 12-hour suffix. . MessageId=3767 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3767 Language=English An illegal date format has been supplied. . Language=Russian An illegal date format has been supplied. . MessageId=3768 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3768 Language=English An illegal day range has been supplied. . Language=Russian An illegal day range has been supplied. . MessageId=3769 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3769 Language=English An illegal time range has been supplied. . Language=Russian An illegal time range has been supplied. . MessageId=3770 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3770 Language=English Arguments to NET USER are invalid. Check the minimum password\n length and/or arguments supplied. . Language=Russian Arguments to NET USER are invalid. Check the minimum password\n length and/or arguments supplied. . MessageId=3771 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3771 Language=English The value for ENABLESCRIPT must be YES. . Language=Russian The value for ENABLESCRIPT must be YES. . MessageId=3773 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3773 Language=English An illegal country code has been supplied. . Language=Russian An illegal country code has been supplied. . MessageId=3774 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3774 Language=English The user was successfully created but could not be added\n to the USERS local group. . Language=Russian The user was successfully created but could not be added\n to the USERS local group. . MessageId=3775 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3775 Language=English The user context supplied is invalid. . Language=Russian The user context supplied is invalid. . MessageId=3776 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3776 Language=English The dynamic-link library %1 could not be loaded, or an error\n occurred while trying to use it. . Language=Russian The dynamic-link library %1 could not be loaded, or an error\n occurred while trying to use it. . MessageId=3777 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3777 Language=English Sending files is no longer supported. . Language=Russian Sending files is no longer supported. . MessageId=3778 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3778 Language=English You may not specify paths for ADMIN$ and IPC$ shares. . Language=Russian You may not specify paths for ADMIN$ and IPC$ shares. . MessageId=3779 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3779 Language=English User or group %1 is already a member of local group %2. . Language=Russian User or group %1 is already a member of local group %2. . MessageId=3780 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3780 Language=English There is no such user or group: %1. . Language=Russian There is no such user or group: %1. . MessageId=3781 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3781 Language=English There is no such computer: %1. . Language=Russian There is no such computer: %1. . MessageId=3782 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3782 Language=English The computer %1 already exists. . Language=Russian The computer %1 already exists. . MessageId=3783 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3783 Language=English There is no such global user or group: %1. . Language=Russian There is no such global user or group: %1. . MessageId=3784 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3784 Language=English Only disk shares can be marked as cacheable . Language=Russian Only disk shares can be marked as cacheable . MessageId=3790 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3790 Language=English The system could not find message: %1. . Language=Russian The system could not find message: %1. . MessageId=3802 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3802 Language=English This schedule date is invalid. . Language=Russian This schedule date is invalid. . MessageId=3803 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3803 Language=English The LANMAN root directory is unavailable. . Language=Russian The LANMAN root directory is unavailable. . MessageId=3804 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3804 Language=English The SCHED.LOG file could not be opened. . Language=Russian The SCHED.LOG file could not be opened. . MessageId=3805 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3805 Language=English The Server service has not been started. . Language=Russian The Server service has not been started. . MessageId=3806 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3806 Language=English The AT job ID does not exist. . Language=Russian The AT job ID does not exist. . MessageId=3807 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3807 Language=English The AT schedule file is corrupted. . Language=Russian The AT schedule file is corrupted. . MessageId=3808 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3808 Language=English The delete failed due to a problem with the AT schedule file. . Language=Russian The delete failed due to a problem with the AT schedule file. . MessageId=3809 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3809 Language=English The command line cannot exceed 259 characters. . Language=Russian The command line cannot exceed 259 characters. . MessageId=3810 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3810 Language=English The AT schedule file could not be updated because the disk is full. . Language=Russian The AT schedule file could not be updated because the disk is full. . MessageId=3812 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3812 Language=English The AT schedule file is invalid. Please delete the file and create a new one. . Language=Russian The AT schedule file is invalid. Please delete the file and create a new one. . MessageId=3813 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3813 Language=English The AT schedule file was deleted. . Language=Russian The AT schedule file was deleted. . MessageId=3814 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3814 Language=English The syntax of this command is:\n\n AT [id] [/DELETE]\n AT time [/EVERY:date | /NEXT:date] command\n\n The AT command schedules a program command to run at a\n later date and time on a server. It also displays the\n list of programs and commands scheduled to be run.\n\n You can specify the date as M,T,W,Th,F,Sa,Su or 1-31\n for the day of the month.\n\n You can specify the time in the 24 hour HH:MM format. . Language=Russian The syntax of this command is:\n\n AT [id] [/DELETE]\n AT time [/EVERY:date | /NEXT:date] command\n\n The AT command schedules a program command to run at a\n later date and time on a server. It also displays the\n list of programs and commands scheduled to be run.\n\n You can specify the date as M,T,W,Th,F,Sa,Su or 1-31\n for the day of the month.\n\n You can specify the time in the 24 hour HH:MM format. . MessageId=3815 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3815 Language=English The AT command has timed-out.\n Please try again later. . Language=Russian The AT command has timed-out.\n Please try again later. . MessageId=3816 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3816 Language=English The minimum password age for user accounts cannot be greater\n than the maximum password age. . Language=Russian The minimum password age for user accounts cannot be greater\n than the maximum password age. . MessageId=3817 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3817 Language=English You have specified a value that is incompatible\n with servers with down-level software. Please specify a lower value. . Language=Russian You have specified a value that is incompatible\n with servers with down-level software. Please specify a lower value. . MessageId=3870 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3870 Language=English %1 is not a valid computer name. . Language=Russian %1 is not a valid computer name. . MessageId=3871 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3871 Language=English %1 is not a valid Windows network message number. . Language=Russian %1 is not a valid Windows network message number. . MessageId=3900 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3900 Language=English Message from %1 to %2 on %3 . Language=Russian Message from %1 to %2 on %3 . MessageId=3901 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3901 Language=English **** . Language=Russian **** . MessageId=3902 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3902 Language=English **** unexpected end of message **** . Language=Russian **** unexpected end of message **** . MessageId=3905 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3905 Language=English Press ESC to exit . Language=Russian Press ESC to exit . MessageId=3906 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3906 Language=English ... . Language=Russian ... . MessageId=3910 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3910 Language=English Current time at %1 is %2 . Language=Russian Current time at %1 is %2 . MessageId=3911 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3911 Language=English The current local clock is %1\n Do you want to set the local computer's time to match the\n time at %2? %3: %0 . Language=Russian Do you want to set the local computer's time to match the\n time at %2? %3: %0 . MessageId=3912 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3912 Language=English Could not locate a time-server. . Language=Russian Could not locate a time-server. . MessageId=3913 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3913 Language=English Could not find the domain controller for domain %1. . Language=Russian Could not find the domain controller for domain %1. . MessageId=3914 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3914 Language=English Local time (GMT%3) at %1 is %2 . Language=Russian Local time (GMT%3) at %1 is %2 . MessageId=3915 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3915 Language=English The user's home directory could not be determined. . Language=Russian The user's home directory could not be determined. . MessageId=3916 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3916 Language=English The user's home directory has not been specified. . Language=Russian The user's home directory has not been specified. . MessageId=3917 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3917 Language=English The name specified for the user's home directory (%1) is not a universal naming convention (UNC) name. . Language=Russian The name specified for the user's home directory (%1) is not a universal naming convention (UNC) name. . MessageId=3918 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3918 Language=English Drive %1 is now connected to %2. Your home directory is %3\\%4. . Language=Russian Drive %1 is now connected to %2. Your home directory is %3\\%4. . MessageId=3919 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3919 Language=English Drive %1 is now connected to %2. . Language=Russian Drive %1 is now connected to %2. . MessageId=3920 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3920 Language=English There are no available drive letters left. . Language=Russian There are no available drive letters left. . MessageId=3932 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3932 Language=English %1 is not a valid domain or workgroup name. . Language=Russian %1 is not a valid domain or workgroup name. . MessageId=3935 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3935 Language=English The current SNTP value is: %1 . Language=Russian The current SNTP value is: %1 . MessageId=3936 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3936 Language=English This computer is not currently configured to use a specific SNTP server. . Language=Russian This computer is not currently configured to use a specific SNTP server. . MessageId=3937 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3937 Language=English This current autoconfigured SNTP value is: %1 . Language=Russian This current autoconfigured SNTP value is: %1 . MessageId=3951 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3951 Language=English You specified too many values for the %1 option. . Language=Russian You specified too many values for the %1 option. . MessageId=3952 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3952 Language=English You entered an invalid value for the %1 option. . Language=Russian You entered an invalid value for the %1 option. . MessageId=3953 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3953 Language=English The syntax is incorrect. . Language=Russian The syntax is incorrect. . MessageId=3960 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3960 Language=English You specified an invalid file number. . Language=Russian You specified an invalid file number. . MessageId=3961 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3961 Language=English You specified an invalid print job number. . Language=Russian You specified an invalid print job number. . MessageId=3963 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3963 Language=English The user or group account specified cannot be found. . Language=Russian The user or group account specified cannot be found. . MessageId=3965 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3965 Language=English The user was added but could not be enabled for File and Print\n Services for NetWare. . Language=Russian The user was added but could not be enabled for File and Print\n Services for NetWare. . MessageId=3966 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3966 Language=English File and Print Services for NetWare is not installed. . Language=Russian File and Print Services for NetWare is not installed. . MessageId=3967 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3967 Language=English Cannot set user properties for File and Print Services for NetWare. . Language=Russian Cannot set user properties for File and Print Services for NetWare. . MessageId=3968 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3968 Language=English Password for %1 is: %2 . Language=Russian Password for %1 is: %2 . MessageId=3969 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR_3969 Language=English NetWare compatible logon . Language=Russian NetWare compatible logon . ; ; apperr2.h (non-public) message difinitions (4300 - 5299 APPERR2_BASE) ; MessageId=4300 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4300 Language=English Yes%0 . Language=Russian Yes%0 . MessageId=4301 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4301 Language=English No%0 . Language=Russian No%0 . MessageId=4302 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4302 Language=English All%0 . Language=Russian All%0 . MessageId=4303 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4303 Language=English None%0 . Language=Russian None%0 . MessageId=4304 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4304 Language=English Always%0 . Language=Russian Always%0 . MessageId=4305 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4305 Language=English Never%0 . Language=Russian Never%0 . MessageId=4306 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4306 Language=English Unlimited%0 . Language=Russian Unlimited%0 . MessageId=4307 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4307 Language=English Sunday%0 . Language=Russian Sunday%0 . MessageId=4308 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4308 Language=English Monday%0 . Language=Russian Monday%0 . MessageId=4309 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4309 Language=English Tuesday%0 . Language=Russian Tuesday%0 . MessageId=4310 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4310 Language=English Wednesday%0 . Language=Russian Wednesday%0 . MessageId=4311 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4311 Language=English Thursday%0 . Language=Russian Thursday%0 . MessageId=4312 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4312 Language=English Friday%0 . Language=Russian Friday%0 . MessageId=4313 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4313 Language=English Saturday%0 . Language=Russian Saturday%0 . MessageId=4314 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4314 Language=English Su%0 . Language=Russian Su%0 . MessageId=4315 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4315 Language=English M%0 . Language=Russian M%0 . MessageId=4316 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4316 Language=English T%0 . Language=Russian T%0 . MessageId=4317 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4317 Language=English W%0 . Language=Russian W%0 . MessageId=4318 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4318 Language=English Th%0 . Language=Russian Th%0 . MessageId=4319 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4319 Language=English F%0 . Language=Russian F%0 . MessageId=4320 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4320 Language=English S%0 . Language=Russian S%0 . MessageId=4321 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4321 Language=English Unknown%0 . Language=Russian Unknown%0 . MessageId=4322 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4322 Language=English AM%0 . Language=Russian AM%0 . MessageId=4323 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4323 Language=English A.M.%0 . Language=Russian A.M.%0 . MessageId=4324 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4324 Language=English PM%0 . Language=Russian PM%0 . MessageId=4325 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4325 Language=English P.M.%0 . Language=Russian P.M.%0 . MessageId=4326 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4326 Language=English Server%0 . Language=Russian Server%0 . MessageId=4327 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4327 Language=English Redirector%0 . Language=Russian Redirector%0 . MessageId=4328 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4328 Language=English Application%0 . Language=Russian Application%0 . MessageId=4329 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4329 Language=English Total%0 . Language=Russian Total%0 . MessageId=4330 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4330 Language=English ? %1 %0 . Language=Russian ? %1 %0 . MessageId=4331 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4331 Language=English K%0 . Language=Russian K%0 . MessageId=4332 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4332 Language=English (none)%0 . Language=Russian (none)%0 . MessageId=4333 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4333 Language=English Device%0 . Language=Russian Device%0 . MessageId=4334 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4334 Language=English Remark%0 . Language=Russian Remark%0 . MessageId=4335 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4335 Language=English At%0 . Language=Russian At%0 . MessageId=4336 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4336 Language=English Queue%0 . Language=Russian Queue%0 . MessageId=4337 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4337 Language=English Queues%0 . Language=Russian Queues%0 . MessageId=4338 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4338 Language=English User name%0 . Language=Russian User name%0 . MessageId=4339 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4339 Language=English Path%0 . Language=Russian Path%0 . MessageId=4340 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4340 Language=English (Y/N) [Y]%0 . Language=Russian (Y/N) [Y]%0 . MessageId=4341 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4341 Language=English (Y/N) [N]%0 . Language=Russian (Y/N) [N]%0 . MessageId=4342 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4342 Language=English Error%0 . Language=Russian Error%0 . MessageId=4343 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4343 Language=English OK%0 . Language=Russian OK%0 . MessageId=4344 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4344 Language=English Y%0 . Language=Russian Y%0 . MessageId=4345 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4345 Language=English N%0 . Language=Russian N%0 . MessageId=4346 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4346 Language=English Any%0 . Language=Russian Any%0 . MessageId=4347 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4347 Language=English A%0 . Language=Russian A%0 . MessageId=4348 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4348 Language=English P%0 . Language=Russian P%0 . MessageId=4349 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4349 Language=English (not found)%0 . Language=Russian (not found)%0 . MessageId=4350 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4350 Language=English (unknown)%0 . Language=Russian (unknown)%0 . MessageId=4351 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4351 Language=English For help on %1 type NET HELP %1 . Language=Russian For help on %1 type NET HELP %1 . MessageId=4352 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4352 Language=English Grant%0 . Language=Russian Grant%0 . MessageId=4353 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4353 Language=English Read%0 . Language=Russian Read%0 . MessageId=4354 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4354 Language=English Change%0 . Language=Russian Change%0 . MessageId=4355 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4355 Language=English Full%0 . Language=Russian Full%0 . MessageId=4356 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4356 Language=English Please type the password: %0 . Language=Russian Please type the password: %0 . MessageId=4357 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4357 Language=English Type the password for %1: %0 . Language=Russian Type the password for %1: %0 . MessageId=4358 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4358 Language=English Type a password for the user: %0 . Language=Russian Type a password for the user: %0 . MessageId=4359 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4359 Language=English Type the password for the shared resource: %0 . Language=Russian Type the password for the shared resource: %0 . MessageId=4360 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4360 Language=English Type your password: %0 . Language=Russian Type your password: %0 . MessageId=4361 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4361 Language=English Retype the password to confirm: %0 . Language=Russian Retype the password to confirm: %0 . MessageId=4362 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4362 Language=English Type the user's old password: %0 . Language=Russian Type the user's old password: %0 . MessageId=4363 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4363 Language=English Type the user's new password: %0 . Language=Russian Type the user's new password: %0 . MessageId=4364 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4364 Language=English Type your new password: %0 . Language=Russian Type your new password: %0 . MessageId=4365 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4365 Language=English Type the Replicator service password: %0 . Language=Russian Type the Replicator service password: %0 . MessageId=4366 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4366 Language=English Type your user name, or press ENTER if it is %1: %0 . Language=Russian Type your user name, or press ENTER if it is %1: %0 . MessageId=4367 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4367 Language=English Type the domain or server where you want to change a password, or\n press ENTER if it is for domain %1: %0. . Language=Russian Type the domain or server where you want to change a password, or\n press ENTER if it is for domain %1: %0. . MessageId=4368 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4368 Language=English Type your user name: %0 . Language=Russian Type your user name: %0 . MessageId=4369 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4369 Language=English Network statistics for \\\\%1 . Language=Russian Network statistics for \\\\%1 . MessageId=4370 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4370 Language=English Printing options for %1 . Language=Russian Printing options for %1 . MessageId=4371 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4371 Language=English Communication-device queues accessing %1 . Language=Russian Communication-device queues accessing %1 . MessageId=4372 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4372 Language=English Print job detail . Language=Russian Print job detail . MessageId=4373 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4373 Language=English Communication-device queues at \\\\%1 . Language=Russian Communication-device queues at \\\\%1 . MessageId=4374 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4374 Language=English Printers at %1 . Language=Russian Printers at %1 . MessageId=4375 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4375 Language=English Printers accessing %1 . Language=Russian Printers accessing %1 . MessageId=4376 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4376 Language=English Print jobs at %1: . Language=Russian Print jobs at %1: . MessageId=4377 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4377 Language=English Shared resources at %1 . Language=Russian Shared resources at %1 . MessageId=4378 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4378 Language=English The following running services can be controlled: . Language=Russian The following running services can be controlled: . MessageId=4379 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4379 Language=English Statistics are available for the following running services: . Language=Russian Statistics are available for the following running services: . MessageId=4380 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4380 Language=English User accounts for \\\\%1 . Language=Russian User accounts for \\\\%1 . MessageId=4381 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4381 Language=English The syntax of this command is: . Language=Russian The syntax of this command is: . MessageId=4382 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4382 Language=English The options of this command are: . Language=Russian The options of this command are: . MessageId=4383 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4383 Language=English Please enter the name of the Primary Domain Controller: %0 . Language=Russian Please enter the name of the Primary Domain Controller: %0 . MessageId=4384 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4384 Language=English The string you have entered is too long. The maximum\n is %1, please reenter. %0 . Language=Russian The string you have entered is too long. The maximum\n is %1, please reenter. %0 . MessageId=4385 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4385 Language=English Sunday%0 . Language=Russian Sunday%0 . MessageId=4386 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4386 Language=English Monday%0 . Language=Russian Monday%0 . MessageId=4387 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4387 Language=English Tuesday%0 . Language=Russian Tuesday%0 . MessageId=4388 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4388 Language=English Wednesday%0 . Language=Russian Wednesday%0 . MessageId=4389 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4389 Language=English Thursday%0 . Language=Russian Thursday%0 . MessageId=4390 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4390 Language=English Friday%0 . Language=Russian Friday%0 . MessageId=4391 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4391 Language=English Saturday%0 . Language=Russian Saturday%0 . MessageId=4392 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4392 Language=English Su%0 . Language=Russian Su%0 . MessageId=4393 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4393 Language=English M%0 . Language=Russian M%0 . MessageId=4394 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4394 Language=English T%0 . Language=Russian T%0 . MessageId=4395 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4395 Language=English W%0 . Language=Russian W%0 . MessageId=4396 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4396 Language=English Th%0 . Language=Russian Th%0 . MessageId=4397 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4397 Language=English F%0 . Language=Russian F%0 . MessageId=4398 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4398 Language=English S%0 . Language=Russian S%0 . MessageId=4399 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4399 Language=English Sa%0 . Language=Russian Sa%0 . MessageId=4400 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4400 Language=English Group Accounts for \\\\%1 . Language=Russian Group Accounts for \\\\%1 . MessageId=4401 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4401 Language=English Group name%0 . Language=Russian Group name%0 . MessageId=4402 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4402 Language=English Comment%0 . Language=Russian Comment%0 . MessageId=4403 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4403 Language=English Members . Language=Russian Members . MessageId=4405 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4405 Language=English Aliases for \\\\%1 . Language=Russian Aliases for \\\\%1 . MessageId=4406 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4406 Language=English Alias name%0 . Language=Russian Alias name%0 . MessageId=4407 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4407 Language=English Comment%0 . Language=Russian Comment%0 . MessageId=4408 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4408 Language=English Members . Language=Russian Members . MessageId=4410 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4410 Language=English User Accounts for \\\\%1 . Language=Russian User Accounts for \\\\%1 . MessageId=4411 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4411 Language=English User name%0 . Language=Russian User name%0 . MessageId=4412 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4412 Language=English Full Name%0 . Language=Russian Full Name%0 . MessageId=4413 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4413 Language=English Comment%0 . Language=Russian Comment%0 . MessageId=4414 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4414 Language=English User's comment%0 . Language=Russian User's comment%0 . MessageId=4415 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4415 Language=English Parameters%0 . Language=Russian Parameters%0 . MessageId=4416 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4416 Language=English Country code%0 . Language=Russian Country code%0 . MessageId=4417 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4417 Language=English Privilege level%0 . Language=Russian Privilege level%0 . MessageId=4418 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4418 Language=English Operator privileges%0 . Language=Russian Operator privileges%0 . MessageId=4419 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4419 Language=English Account active%0 . Language=Russian Account active%0 . MessageId=4420 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4420 Language=English Account expires%0 . Language=Russian Account expires%0 . MessageId=4421 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4421 Language=English Password last set%0 . Language=Russian Password last set%0 . MessageId=4422 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4422 Language=English Password expires%0 . Language=Russian Password expires%0 . MessageId=4423 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4423 Language=English Password changeable%0 . Language=Russian Password changeable%0 . MessageId=4424 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4424 Language=English Workstations allowed%0 . Language=Russian Workstations allowed%0 . MessageId=4425 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4425 Language=English Maximum disk space%0 . Language=Russian Maximum disk space%0 . MessageId=4426 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4426 Language=English Unlimited%0 . Language=Russian Unlimited%0 . MessageId=4427 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4427 Language=English Local Group Memberships%0 . Language=Russian Local Group Memberships%0 . MessageId=4428 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4428 Language=English Domain controller%0 . Language=Russian Domain controller%0 . MessageId=4429 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4429 Language=English Logon script%0 . Language=Russian Logon script%0 . MessageId=4430 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4430 Language=English Last logon%0 . Language=Russian Last logon%0 . MessageId=4431 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4431 Language=English Global Group memberships%0 . Language=Russian Global Group memberships%0 . MessageId=4432 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4432 Language=English Logon hours allowed%0 . Language=Russian Logon hours allowed%0 . MessageId=4433 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4433 Language=English All%0 . Language=Russian All%0 . MessageId=4434 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4434 Language=English None%0 . Language=Russian None%0 . MessageId=4435 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4435 Language=English Daily %1 - %2%0 . Language=Russian Daily %1 - %2%0 . MessageId=4436 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4436 Language=English Home directory%0 . Language=Russian Home directory%0 . MessageId=4437 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4437 Language=English Password required%0 . Language=Russian Password required%0 . MessageId=4438 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4438 Language=English User may change password%0 . Language=Russian User may change password%0 . MessageId=4439 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4439 Language=English User profile%0 . Language=Russian User profile%0 . MessageId=4440 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4440 Language=English Locked%0 . Language=Russian Locked%0 . MessageId=4450 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4450 Language=English Computer name%0 . Language=Russian Computer name%0 . MessageId=4451 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4451 Language=English User name%0 . Language=Russian User name%0 . MessageId=4452 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4452 Language=English Software version%0 . Language=Russian Software version%0 . MessageId=4453 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4453 Language=English Workstation active on%0 . Language=Russian Workstation active on%0 . MessageId=4454 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4454 Language=English ReactOS root directory%0 . Language=Russian ReactOS root directory%0 . MessageId=4455 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4455 Language=English Workstation domain%0 . Language=Russian Workstation domain%0 . MessageId=4456 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4456 Language=English Logon domain%0 . Language=Russian Logon domain%0 . MessageId=4457 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4457 Language=English Other domain(s)%0 . Language=Russian Other domain(s)%0 . MessageId=4458 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4458 Language=English COM Open Timeout (sec)%0 . Language=Russian COM Open Timeout (sec)%0 . MessageId=4459 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4459 Language=English COM Send Count (byte)%0 . Language=Russian COM Send Count (byte)%0 . MessageId=4460 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4460 Language=English COM Send Timeout (msec)%0 . Language=Russian COM Send Timeout (msec)%0 . MessageId=4461 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4461 Language=English DOS session print time-out (sec)%0 . Language=Russian DOS session print time-out (sec)%0 . MessageId=4462 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4462 Language=English Maximum error log size (K)%0 . Language=Russian Maximum error log size (K)%0 . MessageId=4463 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4463 Language=English Maximum cache memory (K)%0 . Language=Russian Maximum cache memory (K)%0 . MessageId=4464 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4464 Language=English Number of network buffers%0 . Language=Russian Number of network buffers%0 . MessageId=4465 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4465 Language=English Number of character buffers%0 . Language=Russian Number of character buffers%0 . MessageId=4466 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4466 Language=English Size of network buffers%0 . Language=Russian Size of network buffers%0 . MessageId=4467 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4467 Language=English Size of character buffers%0 . Language=Russian Size of character buffers%0 . MessageId=4468 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4468 Language=English Full Computer name%0 . Language=Russian Full Computer name%0 . MessageId=4469 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4469 Language=English Workstation Domain DNS Name%0 . Language=Russian Workstation Domain DNS Name%0 . MessageId=4470 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4470 Language=English ReactOS%0 . Language=Russian ReactOS%0 . MessageId=4481 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4481 Language=English Server Name%0 . Language=Russian Server Name%0 . MessageId=4482 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4482 Language=English Server Comment%0 . Language=Russian Server Comment%0 . MessageId=4483 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4483 Language=English Send administrative alerts to%0 . Language=Russian Send administrative alerts to%0 . MessageId=4484 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4484 Language=English Software version%0 . Language=Russian Software version%0 . MessageId=4485 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4485 Language=English Peer Server%0 . Language=Russian Peer Server%0 . MessageId=4486 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4486 Language=English ReactOS%0" . Language=Russian ReactOS%0" . MessageId=4487 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4487 Language=English Server Level%0 . Language=Russian Server Level%0 . MessageId=4488 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4488 Language=English ReactOS Server%0 . Language=Russian ReactOS Server%0 . MessageId=4489 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4489 Language=English Server is active on%0 . Language=Russian Server is active on%0 . MessageId=4492 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4492 Language=English Server hidden%0 . Language=Russian Server hidden%0 . MessageId=4506 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4506 Language=English Maximum Logged On Users%0 . Language=Russian Maximum Logged On Users%0 . MessageId=4507 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4507 Language=English Maximum concurrent administrators%0 . Language=Russian Maximum concurrent administrators%0 . MessageId=4508 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4508 Language=English Maximum resources shared%0 . Language=Russian Maximum resources shared%0 . MessageId=4509 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4509 Language=English Maximum connections to resources%0 . Language=Russian Maximum connections to resources%0 . MessageId=4510 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4510 Language=English Maximum open files on server%0 . Language=Russian Maximum open files on server%0 . MessageId=4511 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4511 Language=English Maximum open files per session%0 . Language=Russian Maximum open files per session%0 . MessageId=4512 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4512 Language=English Maximum file locks%0 . Language=Russian Maximum file locks%0 . MessageId=4520 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4520 Language=English Idle session time (min)%0 . Language=Russian Idle session time (min)%0 . MessageId=4526 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4526 Language=English Share-level%0 . Language=Russian Share-level%0 . MessageId=4527 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4527 Language=English User-level%0 . Language=Russian User-level%0 . MessageId=4530 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4530 Language=English Unlimited Server%0 . Language=Russian Unlimited Server%0 . MessageId=4570 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4570 Language=English Force user logoff how long after time expires?:%0\n . Language=Russian Force user logoff how long after time expires?:%0\n . MessageId=4571 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4571 Language=English Lock out account after how many bad passwords?:%0\n . Language=Russian Lock out account after how many bad passwords?:%0\n . MessageId=4572 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4572 Language=English Minimum password age (days):%0 . Language=Russian Minimum password age (days):%0 . MessageId=4573 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4573 Language=English Maximum password age (days):%0 . Language=Russian Maximum password age (days):%0 . MessageId=4574 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4574 Language=English Minimum password length:%0 . Language=Russian Minimum password length:%0 . MessageId=4575 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4575 Language=English Length of password history maintained:%0 . Language=Russian Length of password history maintained:%0 . MessageId=4576 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4576 Language=English Computer role:%0 . Language=Russian Computer role:%0 . MessageId=4577 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4577 Language=English Primary Domain controller for workstation domain:%0. . Language=Russian Primary Domain controller for workstation domain:%0. . MessageId=4578 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4578 Language=English Lockout threshold:%0 . Language=Russian Lockout threshold:%0 . MessageId=4579 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4579 Language=English Lockout duration (minutes):%0 . Language=Russian Lockout duration (minutes):%0 . MessageId=4580 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4580 Language=English Lockout observation window (minutes):%0 . Language=Russian Lockout observation window (minutes):%0 . MessageId=4600 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4600 Language=English Statistics since%0 . Language=Russian Statistics since%0 . MessageId=4601 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4601 Language=English Sessions accepted%0 . Language=Russian Sessions accepted%0 . MessageId=4602 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4602 Language=English Sessions timed-out%0 . Language=Russian Sessions timed-out%0 . MessageId=4603 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4603 Language=English Sessions errored-out%0 . Language=Russian Sessions errored-out%0 . MessageId=4604 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4604 Language=English Kilobytes sent%0 . Language=Russian Kilobytes sent%0 . MessageId=4605 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4605 Language=English Kilobytes received%0 . Language=Russian Kilobytes received%0 . MessageId=4606 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4606 Language=English Mean response time (msec)%0 . Language=Russian Mean response time (msec)%0 . MessageId=4607 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4607 Language=English Network errors%0 . Language=Russian Network errors%0 . MessageId=4608 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4608 Language=English Files accessed%0 . Language=Russian Files accessed%0 . MessageId=4609 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4609 Language=English Print jobs spooled%0 . Language=Russian Print jobs spooled%0 . MessageId=4610 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4610 Language=English System errors%0 . Language=Russian System errors%0 . MessageId=4611 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4611 Language=English Password violations%0 . Language=Russian Password violations%0 . MessageId=4612 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4612 Language=English Permission violations%0 . Language=Russian Permission violations%0 . MessageId=4613 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4613 Language=English Communication devices accessed%0 . Language=Russian Communication devices accessed%0 . MessageId=4614 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4614 Language=English Sessions started%0 . Language=Russian Sessions started%0 . MessageId=4615 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4615 Language=English Sessions reconnected%0 . Language=Russian Sessions reconnected%0 . MessageId=4616 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4616 Language=English Sessions starts failed%0 . Language=Russian Sessions starts failed%0 . MessageId=4617 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4617 Language=English Sessions disconnected%0 . Language=Russian Sessions disconnected%0 . MessageId=4618 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4618 Language=English Network I/O's performed%0 . Language=Russian Network I/O's performed%0 . MessageId=4619 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4619 Language=English Files and pipes accessed%0 . Language=Russian Files and pipes accessed%0 . MessageId=4620 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4620 Language=English Times buffers exhausted . Language=Russian Times buffers exhausted . MessageId=4621 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4621 Language=English Big buffers%0 . Language=Russian Big buffers%0 . MessageId=4622 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4622 Language=English Request buffers%0 . Language=Russian Request buffers%0 . MessageId=4623 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4623 Language=English Workstation Statistics for \\\\%1 . Language=Russian Workstation Statistics for \\\\%1 . MessageId=4624 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4624 Language=English Server Statistics for \\\\%1 . Language=Russian Server Statistics for \\\\%1 . MessageId=4625 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4625 Language=English Statistics since %1 . Language=Russian Statistics since %1 . MessageId=4626 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4626 Language=English Connections made%0 . Language=Russian Connections made%0 . MessageId=4627 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4627 Language=English Connections failed%0 . Language=Russian Connections failed%0 . MessageId=4630 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4630 Language=English Bytes received%0 . Language=Russian Bytes received%0 . MessageId=4631 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4631 Language=English Server Message Blocks (SMBs) received%0 . Language=Russian Server Message Blocks (SMBs) received%0 . MessageId=4632 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4632 Language=English Bytes transmitted%0 . Language=Russian Bytes transmitted%0 . MessageId=4633 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4633 Language=English Server Message Blocks (SMBs) transmitted%0 . Language=Russian Server Message Blocks (SMBs) transmitted%0 . MessageId=4634 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4634 Language=English Read operations%0 . Language=Russian Read operations%0 . MessageId=4635 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4635 Language=English Write operations%0 . Language=Russian Write operations%0 . MessageId=4636 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4636 Language=English Raw reads denied%0 . Language=Russian Raw reads denied%0 . MessageId=4637 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4637 Language=English Raw writes denied%0 . Language=Russian Raw writes denied%0 . MessageId=4638 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4638 Language=English Network errors%0 . Language=Russian Network errors%0 . MessageId=4639 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4639 Language=English Connections made%0 . Language=Russian Connections made%0 . MessageId=4640 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4640 Language=English Reconnections made%0 . Language=Russian Reconnections made%0 . MessageId=4641 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4641 Language=English Server disconnects%0 . Language=Russian Server disconnects%0 . MessageId=4642 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4642 Language=English Sessions started%0 . Language=Russian Sessions started%0 . MessageId=4643 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4643 Language=English Hung sessions%0 . Language=Russian Hung sessions%0 . MessageId=4644 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4644 Language=English Failed sessions%0 . Language=Russian Failed sessions%0 . MessageId=4645 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4645 Language=English Failed operations%0 . Language=Russian Failed operations%0 . MessageId=4646 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4646 Language=English Use count%0 . Language=Russian Use count%0 . MessageId=4647 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4647 Language=English Failed use count%0 . Language=Russian Failed use count%0 . MessageId=4650 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4650 Language=English %1 was deleted successfully. . Language=Russian %1 was deleted successfully. . MessageId=4651 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4651 Language=English %1 was used successfully. . Language=Russian %1 was used successfully. . MessageId=4652 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4652 Language=English The message was successfully sent to %1. . Language=Russian The message was successfully sent to %1. . MessageId=4653 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4653 Language=English The message name %1 was forwarded successfully. . Language=Russian The message name %1 was forwarded successfully. . MessageId=4654 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4654 Language=English The message name %1 was added successfully. . Language=Russian The message name %1 was added successfully. . MessageId=4655 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4655 Language=English The message name forwarding was successfully canceled. . Language=Russian The message name forwarding was successfully canceled. . MessageId=4656 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4656 Language=English %1 was shared successfully. . Language=Russian %1 was shared successfully. . MessageId=4657 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4657 Language=English The server %1 successfully logged you on as %2. . Language=Russian The server %1 successfully logged you on as %2. . MessageId=4658 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4658 Language=English %1 was logged off successfully. . Language=Russian %1 was logged off successfully. . MessageId=4659 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4659 Language=English %1 was successfully removed from the list of shares the Server creates\n on startup. . Language=Russian %1 was successfully removed from the list of shares the Server creates\n on startup. . MessageId=4661 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4661 Language=English The password was changed successfully. . Language=Russian The password was changed successfully. . MessageId=4662 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4662 Language=English %1 file(s) copied. . Language=Russian %1 file(s) copied. . MessageId=4663 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4663 Language=English %1 file(s) moved. . Language=Russian %1 file(s) moved. . MessageId=4664 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4664 Language=English The message was successfully sent to all users of the network. . Language=Russian The message was successfully sent to all users of the network. . MessageId=4665 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4665 Language=English The message was successfully sent to domain %1. . Language=Russian The message was successfully sent to domain %1. . MessageId=4666 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4666 Language=English The message was successfully sent to all users of this server. . Language=Russian The message was successfully sent to all users of this server. . MessageId=4667 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4667 Language=English The message was successfully sent to group *%1. . Language=Russian The message was successfully sent to group *%1. . MessageId=4695 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4695 Language=English Microsoft LAN Manager Version %1 . Language=Russian Microsoft LAN Manager Version %1 . MessageId=4696 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4696 Language=English ReactOS Server . Language=Russian ReactOS Server . MessageId=4697 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4697 Language=English ReactOS Workstation . Language=Russian ReactOS Workstation . MessageId=4698 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4698 Language=English MS-DOS Enhanced Workstation . Language=Russian MS-DOS Enhanced Workstation . MessageId=4699 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4699 Language=English Created at %1 . Language=Russian Created at %1 . MessageId=4700 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4700 Language=English Server Name Remark . Language=Russian Server Name Remark . MessageId=4702 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4702 Language=English (UNC)%0 . Language=Russian (UNC)%0 . MessageId=4703 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4703 Language=English ...%0 . Language=Russian ...%0 . MessageId=4704 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4704 Language=English Domain . Language=Russian Domain . MessageId=4705 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4705 Language=English Resources on %1 . Language=Russian Resources on %1 . MessageId=4706 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4706 Language=English Invalid network provider. Available networks are: . Language=Russian Invalid network provider. Available networks are: . MessageId=4710 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4710 Language=English Disk%0 . Language=Russian Disk%0 . MessageId=4711 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4711 Language=English Print%0 . Language=Russian Print%0 . MessageId=4712 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4712 Language=English Comm%0 . Language=Russian Comm%0 . MessageId=4713 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4713 Language=English IPC%0 . Language=Russian IPC%0 . MessageId=4714 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4714 Language=English Status Local Remote Network . Language=Russian Status Local Remote Network . MessageId=4715 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4715 Language=English OK%0 . Language=Russian OK%0 . MessageId=4716 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4716 Language=English Dormant%0 . Language=Russian Dormant%0 . MessageId=4717 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4717 Language=English Paused%0 . Language=Russian Paused%0 . MessageId=4718 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4718 Language=English Disconnected%0 . Language=Russian Disconnected%0 . MessageId=4719 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4719 Language=English Error%0 . Language=Russian Error%0 . MessageId=4720 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4720 Language=English Connecting%0 . Language=Russian Connecting%0 . MessageId=4721 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4721 Language=English Reconnecting%0 . Language=Russian Reconnecting%0 . MessageId=4722 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4722 Language=English Status%0 . Language=Russian Status%0 . MessageId=4723 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4723 Language=English Local name%0 . Language=Russian Local name%0 . MessageId=4724 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4724 Language=English Remote name%0 . Language=Russian Remote name%0 . MessageId=4725 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4725 Language=English Resource type%0 . Language=Russian Resource type%0 . MessageId=4726 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4726 Language=English # Opens%0 . Language=Russian # Opens%0 . MessageId=4727 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4727 Language=English # Connections%0 . Language=Russian # Connections%0 . MessageId=4728 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4728 Language=English Unavailable%0 . Language=Russian Unavailable%0 . MessageId=4730 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4730 Language=English Share name Resource Remark . Language=Russian Share name Resource Remark . MessageId=4731 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4731 Language=English Share name%0 . Language=Russian Share name%0 . MessageId=4732 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4732 Language=English Resource%0 . Language=Russian Resource%0 . MessageId=4733 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4733 Language=English Spooled%0 . Language=Russian Spooled%0 . MessageId=4734 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4734 Language=English Permission%0 . Language=Russian Permission%0 . MessageId=4735 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4735 Language=English Maximum users%0 . Language=Russian Maximum users%0 . MessageId=4736 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4736 Language=English No limit%0 . Language=Russian No limit%0 . MessageId=4737 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4737 Language=English Users%0 . Language=Russian Users%0 . MessageId=4738 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4738 Language=English The share name entered may not be accessible from some MS-DOS workstations.\n Are you sure you want to use this share name? %1: %0 . Language=Russian The share name entered may not be accessible from some MS-DOS workstations.\n Are you sure you want to use this share name? %1: %0 . MessageId=4739 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4739 Language=English Caching%0 . Language=Russian Caching%0 . MessageId=4740 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4740 Language=English ID Path User name # Locks . Language=Russian ID Path User name # Locks . MessageId=4741 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4741 Language=English File ID%0 . Language=Russian File ID%0 . MessageId=4742 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4742 Language=English Locks%0 . Language=Russian Locks%0 . MessageId=4743 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4743 Language=English Permissions%0 . Language=Russian Permissions%0 . MessageId=4744 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4744 Language=English Share name%0 . Language=Russian Share name%0 . MessageId=4745 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4745 Language=English Type%0 . Language=Russian Type%0 . MessageId=4746 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4746 Language=English Used as%0 . Language=Russian Used as%0 . MessageId=4747 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4747 Language=English Comment%0 . Language=Russian Comment%0 . MessageId=4750 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4750 Language=English Computer User name Client Type Opens Idle time . Language=Russian Computer User name Client Type Opens Idle time . MessageId=4751 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4751 Language=English Computer%0 . Language=Russian Computer%0 . MessageId=4752 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4752 Language=English Sess time%0 . Language=Russian Sess time%0 . MessageId=4753 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4753 Language=English Idle time%0 . Language=Russian Idle time%0 . MessageId=4754 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4754 Language=English Share name Type # Opens . Language=Russian Share name Type # Opens . MessageId=4755 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4755 Language=English Client type%0 . Language=Russian Client type%0 . MessageId=4756 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4756 Language=English Guest logon%0 . Language=Russian Guest logon%0 . MessageId=4770 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4770 Language=English Manual caching of documents%0 . Language=Russian Manual caching of documents%0 . MessageId=4771 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4771 Language=English Automatic caching of documents%0 . Language=Russian Automatic caching of documents%0 . MessageId=4772 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4772 Language=English Automatic caching of programs and documents%0 . Language=Russian Automatic caching of programs and documents%0 . MessageId=4773 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4773 Language=English Caching disabled%0 . Language=Russian Caching disabled%0 . MessageId=4774 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4774 Language=English Automatic%0 . Language=Russian Automatic%0 . MessageId=4775 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4775 Language=English Manual%0 . Language=Russian Manual%0 . MessageId=4776 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4776 Language=English Documents%0 . Language=Russian Documents%0 . MessageId=4777 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4777 Language=English Programs%0 . Language=Russian Programs%0 . MessageId=4778 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4778 Language=English None%0 . Language=Russian None%0 . MessageId=4800 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4800 Language=English Name%0 . Language=Russian Name%0 . MessageId=4801 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4801 Language=English Forwarded to%0 . Language=Russian Forwarded to%0 . MessageId=4802 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4802 Language=English Forwarded to you from%0 . Language=Russian Forwarded to you from%0 . MessageId=4803 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4803 Language=English Users of this server%0 . Language=Russian Users of this server%0 . MessageId=4804 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4804 Language=English Net Send has been interrupted by a Ctrl+Break from the user. . Language=Russian Net Send has been interrupted by a Ctrl+Break from the user. . MessageId=4810 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4810 Language=English Name Job # Size Status . Language=Russian Name Job # Size Status . MessageId=4811 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4811 Language=English jobs%0 . Language=Russian jobs%0 . MessageId=4812 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4812 Language=English Print%0 . Language=Russian Print%0 . MessageId=4813 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4813 Language=English Name%0 . Language=Russian Name%0 . MessageId=4814 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4814 Language=English Job #%0 . Language=Russian Job #%0 . MessageId=4815 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4815 Language=English Size%0 . Language=Russian Size%0 . MessageId=4816 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4816 Language=English Status%0 . Language=Russian Status%0 . MessageId=4817 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4817 Language=English Separator file%0 . Language=Russian Separator file%0 . MessageId=4818 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4818 Language=English Comment%0 . Language=Russian Comment%0 . MessageId=4819 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4819 Language=English Priority%0 . Language=Russian Priority%0 . MessageId=4820 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4820 Language=English Print after%0 . Language=Russian Print after%0 . MessageId=4821 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4821 Language=English Print until%0 . Language=Russian Print until%0 . MessageId=4822 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4822 Language=English Print processor%0 . Language=Russian Print processor%0 . MessageId=4823 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4823 Language=English Additional info%0 . Language=Russian Additional info%0 . MessageId=4824 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4824 Language=English Parameters%0 . Language=Russian Parameters%0 . MessageId=4825 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4825 Language=English Print Devices%0 . Language=Russian Print Devices%0 . MessageId=4826 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4826 Language=English Printer Active%0 . Language=Russian Printer Active%0 . MessageId=4827 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4827 Language=English Printer held%0 . Language=Russian Printer held%0 . MessageId=4828 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4828 Language=English Printer error%0 . Language=Russian Printer error%0 . MessageId=4829 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4829 Language=English Printer being deleted%0 . Language=Russian Printer being deleted%0 . MessageId=4830 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4830 Language=English Printer status unknown%0 . Language=Russian Printer status unknown%0 . MessageId=4840 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4840 Language=English Held until %1%0 . Language=Russian Held until %1%0 . MessageId=4841 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4841 Language=English Job #%0 . Language=Russian Job #%0 . MessageId=4842 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4842 Language=English Submitting user%0 . Language=Russian Submitting user%0 . MessageId=4843 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4843 Language=English Notify%0 . Language=Russian Notify%0 . MessageId=4844 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4844 Language=English Job data type%0 . Language=Russian Job data type%0 . MessageId=4845 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4845 Language=English Job parameters%0 . Language=Russian Job parameters%0 . MessageId=4846 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4846 Language=English Waiting%0 . Language=Russian Waiting%0 . MessageId=4847 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4847 Language=English Held in queue%0 . Language=Russian Held in queue%0 . MessageId=4848 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4848 Language=English Spooling%0 . Language=Russian Spooling%0 . MessageId=4849 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4849 Language=English Paused%0 . Language=Russian Paused%0 . MessageId=4850 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4850 Language=English Offline%0 . Language=Russian Offline%0 . MessageId=4851 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4851 Language=English Error%0 . Language=Russian Error%0 . MessageId=4852 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4852 Language=English Out of paper%0 . Language=Russian Out of paper%0 . MessageId=4853 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4853 Language=English Intervention required%0 . Language=Russian Intervention required%0 . MessageId=4854 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4854 Language=English Printing%0 . Language=Russian Printing%0 . MessageId=4855 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4855 Language=English on %0 . Language=Russian on %0 . MessageId=4856 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4856 Language=English Paused on %1%0 . Language=Russian Paused on %1%0 . MessageId=4857 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4857 Language=English Offline on %1%0 . Language=Russian Offline on %1%0 . MessageId=4858 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4858 Language=English Error on%1%0 . Language=Russian Error on%1%0 . MessageId=4859 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4859 Language=English Out of Paper on %1%0 . Language=Russian Out of Paper on %1%0 . MessageId=4860 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4860 Language=English Check printer on %1%0 . Language=Russian Check printer on %1%0 . MessageId=4861 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4861 Language=English Printing on %1%0 . Language=Russian Printing on %1%0 . MessageId=4862 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4862 Language=English Driver%0 . Language=Russian Driver%0 . MessageId=4930 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4930 Language=English User name Type Date%0 . Language=Russian User name Type Date%0 . MessageId=4931 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4931 Language=English Lockout%0 . Language=Russian Lockout%0 . MessageId=4932 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4932 Language=English Service%0 . Language=Russian Service%0 . MessageId=4933 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4933 Language=English Server%0 . Language=Russian Server%0 . MessageId=4934 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4934 Language=English Server started%0 . Language=Russian Server started%0 . MessageId=4935 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4935 Language=English Server paused%0 . Language=Russian Server paused%0 . MessageId=4936 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4936 Language=English Server continued%0 . Language=Russian Server continued%0 . MessageId=4937 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4937 Language=English Server stopped%0 . Language=Russian Server stopped%0 . MessageId=4938 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4938 Language=English Session%0 . Language=Russian Session%0 . MessageId=4939 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4939 Language=English Logon Guest%0 . Language=Russian Logon Guest%0 . MessageId=4940 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4940 Language=English Logon User%0 . Language=Russian Logon User%0 . MessageId=4941 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4941 Language=English Logon Administrator%0 . Language=Russian Logon Administrator%0 . MessageId=4942 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4942 Language=English Logoff normal%0 . Language=Russian Logoff normal%0 . MessageId=4943 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4943 Language=English Logon%0 . Language=Russian Logon%0 . MessageId=4944 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4944 Language=English Logoff error%0 . Language=Russian Logoff error%0 . MessageId=4945 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4945 Language=English Logoff auto-disconnect%0 . Language=Russian Logoff auto-disconnect%0 . MessageId=4946 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4946 Language=English Logoff administrator-disconnect%0 . Language=Russian Logoff administrator-disconnect%0 . MessageId=4947 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4947 Language=English Logoff forced by logon restrictions%0 . Language=Russian Logoff forced by logon restrictions%0 . MessageId=4948 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4948 Language=English Service%0 . Language=Russian Service%0 . MessageId=4949 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4949 Language=English %1 Installed%0 . Language=Russian %1 Installed%0 . MessageId=4950 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4950 Language=English %1 Install Pending%0 . Language=Russian %1 Install Pending%0 . MessageId=4951 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4951 Language=English %1 Paused%0 . Language=Russian %1 Paused%0 . MessageId=4952 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4952 Language=English %1 Pause Pending%0 . Language=Russian %1 Pause Pending%0 . MessageId=4953 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4953 Language=English %1 Continued%0 . Language=Russian %1 Continued%0 . MessageId=4954 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4954 Language=English %1 Continue Pending%0 . Language=Russian %1 Continue Pending%0 . MessageId=4955 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4955 Language=English %1 Stopped%0 . Language=Russian %1 Stopped%0 . MessageId=4956 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4956 Language=English %1 Stop Pending%0 . Language=Russian %1 Stop Pending%0 . MessageId=4957 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4957 Language=English Account%0 . Language=Russian Account%0 . MessageId=4958 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4958 Language=English User account %1 was modified.%0 . Language=Russian User account %1 was modified.%0 . MessageId=4959 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4959 Language=English Group account %1 was modified.%0 . Language=Russian Group account %1 was modified.%0 . MessageId=4960 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4960 Language=English User account %1 was deleted%0 . Language=Russian User account %1 was deleted%0 . MessageId=4961 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4961 Language=English Group account %1 was deleted%0 . Language=Russian Group account %1 was deleted%0 . MessageId=4962 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4962 Language=English User account %1 was added%0 . Language=Russian User account %1 was added%0 . MessageId=4963 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4963 Language=English Group account %1 was added%0 . Language=Russian Group account %1 was added%0 . MessageId=4964 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4964 Language=English Account system settings were modified%0 . Language=Russian Account system settings were modified%0 . MessageId=4965 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4965 Language=English Logon restriction%0 . Language=Russian Logon restriction%0 . MessageId=4966 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4966 Language=English Limit exceeded: UNKNOWN%0 . Language=Russian Limit exceeded: UNKNOWN%0 . MessageId=4967 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4967 Language=English Limit exceeded: Logon hours%0 . Language=Russian Limit exceeded: Logon hours%0 . MessageId=4968 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4968 Language=English Limit exceeded: Account expired%0 . Language=Russian Limit exceeded: Account expired%0 . MessageId=4969 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4969 Language=English Limit exceeded: Workstation ID invalid%0 . Language=Russian Limit exceeded: Workstation ID invalid%0 . MessageId=4970 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4970 Language=English Limit exceeded: Account disabled%0 . Language=Russian Limit exceeded: Account disabled%0 . MessageId=4971 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4971 Language=English Limit exceeded: Account deleted%0 . Language=Russian Limit exceeded: Account deleted%0 . MessageId=4972 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4972 Language=English Share%0 . Language=Russian Share%0 . MessageId=4973 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4973 Language=English Use %1%0 . Language=Russian Use %1%0 . MessageId=4974 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4974 Language=English Unuse %1%0 . Language=Russian Unuse %1%0 . MessageId=4975 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4975 Language=English User's session disconnected %1%0 . Language=Russian User's session disconnected %1%0 . MessageId=4976 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4976 Language=English Administrator stopped sharing resource %1%0 . Language=Russian Administrator stopped sharing resource %1%0 . MessageId=4977 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4977 Language=English User reached limit for %1%0 . Language=Russian User reached limit for %1%0 . MessageId=4978 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4978 Language=English Bad password%0 . Language=Russian Bad password%0 . MessageId=4979 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4979 Language=English Administrator privilege required%0 . Language=Russian Administrator privilege required%0 . MessageId=4980 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4980 Language=English Access%0 . Language=Russian Access%0 . MessageId=4981 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4981 Language=English %1 permissions added%0 . Language=Russian %1 permissions added%0 . MessageId=4982 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4982 Language=English %1 permissions modified%0 . Language=Russian %1 permissions modified%0 . MessageId=4983 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4983 Language=English %1 permissions deleted%0 . Language=Russian %1 permissions deleted%0 . MessageId=4984 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4984 Language=English Access denied%0 . Language=Russian Access denied%0 . MessageId=4985 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4985 Language=English Unknown%0 . Language=Russian Unknown%0 . MessageId=4986 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4986 Language=English Other%0 . Language=Russian Other%0 . MessageId=4987 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4987 Language=English Duration:%0 . Language=Russian Duration:%0 . MessageId=4988 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4988 Language=English Duration: Not available%0 . Language=Russian Duration: Not available%0 . MessageId=4989 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4989 Language=English Duration: Less than one second%0 . Language=Russian Duration: Less than one second%0 . MessageId=4990 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4990 Language=English (none)%0 . Language=Russian (none)%0 . MessageId=4991 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4991 Language=English Closed %1%0 . Language=Russian Closed %1%0 . MessageId=4992 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4992 Language=English Closed %1 (disconnected)%0 . Language=Russian Closed %1 (disconnected)%0 . MessageId=4993 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4993 Language=English Administrator closed %1%0 . Language=Russian Administrator closed %1%0 . MessageId=4994 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4994 Language=English Access ended%0 . Language=Russian Access ended%0 . MessageId=4995 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4995 Language=English Log on to network%0 . Language=Russian Log on to network%0 . MessageId=4996 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4996 Language=English Logon denied%0 . Language=Russian Logon denied%0 . MessageId=4997 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4997 Language=English Program Message Time%0 . Language=Russian Program Message Time%0 . MessageId=4998 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4998 Language=English Account locked due to %1 bad passwords%0 . Language=Russian Account locked due to %1 bad passwords%0 . MessageId=4999 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_4999 Language=English Account unlocked by administrator%0 . Language=Russian Account unlocked by administrator%0 . MessageId=5000 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5000 Language=English Log off network%0 . Language=Russian Log off network%0 . MessageId=5009 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5009 Language=English . Language=Russian . MessageId=5010 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5010 Language=English Subj: ** ADMINISTRATOR ALERT ** . Language=Russian Subj: ** ADMINISTRATOR ALERT ** . MessageId=5011 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5011 Language=English Subj: ** PRINTING NOTIFICATION ** . Language=Russian Subj: ** PRINTING NOTIFICATION ** . MessageId=5012 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5012 Language=English Subj: ** USER NOTIFICATION ** . Language=Russian Subj: ** USER NOTIFICATION ** . MessageId=5013 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5013 Language=English From: %1 at \\\\%2 . Language=Russian From: %1 at \\\\%2 . MessageId=5014 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5014 Language=English Print job %1 has been canceled while printing on %2. . Language=Russian Print job %1 has been canceled while printing on %2. . MessageId=5015 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5015 Language=English Print job %1 has been deleted and will not print. . Language=Russian Print job %1 has been deleted and will not print. . MessageId=5016 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5016 Language=English Printing Complete\n\n %1 printed successfully on %2. . Language=Russian %1 printed successfully on %2. . MessageId=5017 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5017 Language=English Print job %1 has not completed printing on %2. . Language=Russian Print job %1 has not completed printing on %2. . MessageId=5018 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5018 Language=English Print job %1 has paused printing on %2. . Language=Russian Print job %1 has paused printing on %2. . MessageId=5019 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5019 Language=English Print job %1 is now printing on %2. . Language=Russian Print job %1 is now printing on %2. . MessageId=5020 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5020 Language=English The printer is out of paper. . Language=Russian The printer is out of paper. . MessageId=5021 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5021 Language=English The printer is offline. . Language=Russian The printer is offline. . MessageId=5022 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5022 Language=English Printing errors occurred. . Language=Russian Printing errors occurred. . MessageId=5023 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5023 Language=English There is a problem with the printer; please check it. . Language=Russian There is a problem with the printer; please check it. . MessageId=5024 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5024 Language=English Print job %1 is being held from printing. . Language=Russian Print job %1 is being held from printing. . MessageId=5025 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5025 Language=English Print job %1 is queued for printing. . Language=Russian Print job %1 is queued for printing. . MessageId=5026 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5026 Language=English Print job %1 is being spooled. . Language=Russian Print job %1 is being spooled. . MessageId=5027 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5027 Language=English Job was queued to %1 on %2 . Language=Russian Job was queued to %1 on %2 . MessageId=5028 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5028 Language=English Size of job is %1 bytes. . Language=Russian Size of job is %1 bytes. . MessageId=5030 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5030 Language=English To: %1 . Language=Russian To: %1 . MessageId=5031 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5031 Language=English Date: %1 . Language=Russian Date: %1 . MessageId=5032 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5032 Language=English The error code is %1.\n There was an error retrieving the message. Make sure the file\n NET.MSG is available. . Language=Russian The error code is %1.\n There was an error retrieving the message. Make sure the file\n NET.MSG is available. . MessageId=5033 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5033 Language=English Printing Failed\n\n \"%1\" failed to print on %2 on %3.\n\n For more help use the print troubleshooter. . Language=Russian Printing Failed\n\n \"%1\" failed to print on %2 on %3.\n\n For more help use the print troubleshooter. . MessageId=5034 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5034 Language=English Printing Failed\n\n \"%1\" failed to print on %2 on %3. The Printer is %4.\n\n For more help use the print troubleshooter." . Language=Russian Printing Failed\n\n \"%1\" failed to print on %2 on %3. The Printer is %4.\n\n For more help use the print troubleshooter." . MessageId=5035 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5035 Language=English Printing Complete\n\n \"%1\" printed successfully on %2 on %3. . Language=Russian Printing Complete\n\n \"%1\" printed successfully on %2 on %3. . MessageId=5041 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5041 Language=English January%0 . Language=Russian January%0 . MessageId=5042 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5042 Language=English February%0 . Language=Russian February%0 . MessageId=5043 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5043 Language=English March%0 . Language=Russian March%0 . MessageId=5044 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5044 Language=English April%0 . Language=Russian April%0 . MessageId=5045 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5045 Language=English May%0 . Language=Russian May%0 . MessageId=5046 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5046 Language=English June%0 . Language=Russian June%0 . MessageId=5047 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5047 Language=English July%0 . Language=Russian July%0 . MessageId=5048 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5048 Language=English August%0 . Language=Russian August%0 . MessageId=5049 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5049 Language=English September%0 . Language=Russian September%0 . MessageId=5050 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5050 Language=English October%0 . Language=Russian October%0 . MessageId=5051 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5051 Language=English November%0 . Language=Russian November%0 . MessageId=5052 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5052 Language=English December%0 . Language=Russian December%0 . MessageId=5053 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5053 Language=English Jan%0 . Language=Russian Jan%0 . MessageId=5054 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5054 Language=English Feb%0 . Language=Russian Feb%0 . MessageId=5055 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5055 Language=English Mar%0 . Language=Russian Mar%0 . MessageId=5056 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5056 Language=English Apr%0 . Language=Russian Apr%0 . MessageId=5057 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5057 Language=English May%0 . Language=Russian May%0 . MessageId=5058 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5058 Language=English Jun%0 . Language=Russian Jun%0 . MessageId=5059 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5059 Language=English Jul%0 . Language=Russian Jul%0 . MessageId=5060 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5060 Language=English Aug%0 . Language=Russian Aug%0 . MessageId=5061 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5061 Language=English Sep%0 . Language=Russian Sep%0 . MessageId=5062 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5062 Language=English Oct%0 . Language=Russian Oct%0 . MessageId=5063 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5063 Language=English Nov%0 . Language=Russian Nov%0 . MessageId=5064 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5064 Language=English Dec%0 . Language=Russian Dec%0 . MessageId=5065 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5065 Language=English D%0 . Language=Russian D%0 . MessageId=5066 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_506 Language=English H%0 . Language=Russian H%0 . MessageId=5067 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5067 Language=English M%0 . Language=Russian M%0 . MessageId=5068 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5068 Language=English Sa%0 . Language=Russian Sa%0 . MessageId=5069 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5069 Language=English PRIMARY%0. . Language=Russian PRIMARY%0. . MessageId=5070 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5070 Language=English BACKUP%0. . Language=Russian BACKUP%0. . MessageId=5071 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5071 Language=English WORKSTATION%0. . Language=Russian WORKSTATION%0. . MessageId=5072 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5072 Language=English SERVER%0. . Language=Russian SERVER%0. . MessageId=5080 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5080 Language=English System Default%0 . Language=Russian System Default%0 . MessageId=5081 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5081 Language=English United States%0 . Language=Russian United States%0 . MessageId=5082 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5082 Language=English Canada (French)%0 . Language=Russian Canada (French)%0 . MessageId=5083 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5083 Language=English Latin America%0 . Language=Russian Latin America%0 . MessageId=5084 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5084 Language=English Netherlands%0 . Language=Russian Netherlands%0 . MessageId=5085 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5085 Language=English Belgium%0 . Language=Russian Belgium%0 . MessageId=5086 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5086 Language=English France%0 . Language=Russian France%0 . MessageId=5087 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5087 Language=English Italy%0 . Language=Russian Italy%0 . MessageId=5088 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5088 Language=English Switzerland%0 . Language=Russian Switzerland%0 . MessageId=5089 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5089 Language=English United Kingdom%0 . Language=Russian United Kingdom%0 . MessageId=5090 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5090 Language=English Spain%0 . Language=Russian Spain%0 . MessageId=5091 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5091 Language=English Denmark%0 . Language=Russian Denmark%0 . MessageId=5092 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5092 Language=English Sweden%0 . Language=Russian Sweden%0 . MessageId=5093 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5093 Language=English Norway%0 . Language=Russian Norway%0 . MessageId=5094 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5094 Language=English Germany%0 . Language=Russian Germany%0 . MessageId=5095 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5095 Language=English Australia%0 . Language=Russian Australia%0 . MessageId=5096 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5096 Language=English Japan%0 . Language=Russian Japan%0 . MessageId=5097 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5097 Language=English Korea%0 . Language=Russian Korea%0 . MessageId=5098 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5098 Language=English China (PRC)%0 . Language=Russian China (PRC)%0 . MessageId=5099 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5099 Language=English Taiwan%0 . Language=Russian Taiwan%0 . MessageId=5100 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5100 Language=English Asia%0 . Language=Russian Asia%0 . MessageId=5101 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5101 Language=English Portugal%0 . Language=Russian Portugal%0 . MessageId=5102 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5102 Language=English Finland%0 . Language=Russian Finland%0 . MessageId=5103 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5103 Language=English Arabic%0 . Language=Russian Arabic%0 . MessageId=5104 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5104 Language=English Hebrew%0 . Language=Russian Hebrew%0 . MessageId=5150 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5150 Language=English A power failure has occurred at %1. Please terminate all activity with this server. . Language=Russian A power failure has occurred at %1. Please terminate all activity with this server. . MessageId=5151 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5151 Language=English Power has been restored at %1. Normal operations have resumed. . Language=Russian Power has been restored at %1. Normal operations have resumed. . MessageId=5152 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5152 Language=English The UPS service is starting shut down at %1. . Language=Russian The UPS service is starting shut down at %1. . MessageId=5153 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5153 Language=English The UPS service is about to perform final shut down. . Language=Russian The UPS service is about to perform final shut down. . MessageId=5170 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5170 Language=English The Workstation must be started with the NET START command. . Language=Russian The Workstation must be started with the NET START command. . MessageId=5175 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5175 Language=English Remote IPC%0 . Language=Russian Remote IPC%0 . MessageId=5176 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5176 Language=English Remote Admin%0 . Language=Russian Remote Admin%0 . MessageId=5177 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5177 Language=English Default share%0 . Language=Russian Default share%0 . MessageId=5280 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5280 Language=English The password entered is longer than 14 characters. Computers\n with Windows prior to Windows 2000 will not be able to use\n this account. Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0 . Language=Russian The password entered is longer than 14 characters. Computers\n with Windows prior to Windows 2000 will not be able to use\n this account. Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0 . MessageId=5281 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5281 Language=English %1 has a remembered connection to %2. Do you\n want to overwrite the remembered connection? %3: %0 . Language=Russian %1 has a remembered connection to %2. Do you\n want to overwrite the remembered connection? %3: %0 . MessageId=5282 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5282 Language=English Do you want to resume loading the profile? The command which\n caused the error will be ignored. %1: %0 . Language=Russian Do you want to resume loading the profile? The command which\n caused the error will be ignored. %1: %0 . MessageId=5284 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5284 Language=English Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0 . Language=Russian Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0 . MessageId=5285 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5285 Language=English Do you want to add this? %1: %0 . Language=Russian Do you want to add this? %1: %0 . MessageId=5286 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5286 Language=English Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0 . Language=Russian Do you want to continue this operation? %1: %0 . MessageId=5287 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5287 Language=English Is it OK to start it? %1: %0 . Language=Russian Is it OK to start it? %1: %0 . MessageId=5288 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5288 Language=English Do you want to start the Workstation service? %1: %0 . Language=Russian Do you want to start the Workstation service? %1: %0 . MessageId=5289 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5289 Language=English Is it OK to continue disconnecting and force them closed? %1: %0 . Language=Russian Is it OK to continue disconnecting and force them closed? %1: %0 . MessageId=5290 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5290 Language=English The printer does not exist. Do you want to create it? %1: %0 . Language=Russian The printer does not exist. Do you want to create it? %1: %0 . MessageId=5291 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5291 Language=English Never%0 . Language=Russian Never%0 . MessageId=5292 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5292 Language=English Never%0 . Language=Russian Never%0 . MessageId=5293 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5293 Language=English Never%0 . Language=Russian Never%0 . MessageId=5295 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5295 Language=English NET.HLP%0 . Language=Russian NET.HLP%0 . MessageId=5296 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=APPERR2_5296 Language=English NET.HLP%0 . Language=Russian NET.HLP%0 . ; ; ncberr.h (non-public) message definitions (5300 - 5499 NRCERR_BASE) ; MessageId=5300 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5300 Language=English The network control block (NCB) request completed successfully.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The network control block (NCB) request completed successfully.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5301 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5301 Language=English Illegal network control block (NCB) buffer length on SEND DATAGRAM,\n SEND BROADCAST, ADAPTER STATUS, or SESSION STATUS.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian Illegal network control block (NCB) buffer length on SEND DATAGRAM,\n SEND BROADCAST, ADAPTER STATUS, or SESSION STATUS.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5302 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5302 Language=English The data descriptor array specified in the network control block (NCB) is\n invalid. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The data descriptor array specified in the network control block (NCB) is\n invalid. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5303 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5303 Language=English The command specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The command specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5304 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5304 Language=English The message correlator specified in the network control block (NCB) is\n invalid. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The message correlator specified in the network control block (NCB) is\n invalid. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5305 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5305 Language=English A network control block (NCB) command timed-out. The session may have\n terminated abnormally. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A network control block (NCB) command timed-out. The session may have\n terminated abnormally. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5306 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5306 Language=English An incomplete network control block (NCB) message was received.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian An incomplete network control block (NCB) message was received.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5307 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5307 Language=English The buffer address specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The buffer address specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5308 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5308 Language=English The session number specified in the network control block (NCB) is not active.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The session number specified in the network control block (NCB) is not active.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5309 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5309 Language=English No resource was available in the network adapter.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian No resource was available in the network adapter.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5310 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5310 Language=English The session specified in the network control block (NCB) was closed.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The session specified in the network control block (NCB) was closed.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5311 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5311 Language=English The network control block (NCB) command was canceled.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The network control block (NCB) command was canceled.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5312 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5312 Language=English The message segment specified in the network control block (NCB) is\n illogical. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The message segment specified in the network control block (NCB) is\n illogical. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5313 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5313 Language=English The name already exists in the local adapter name table.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The name already exists in the local adapter name table.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5314 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5314 Language=English The network adapter name table is full.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The network adapter name table is full.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5315 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5315 Language=English The network name has active sessions and is now de-registered.\n The network control block (NCB) command completed. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The network name has active sessions and is now de-registered.\n The network control block (NCB) command completed. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5316 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5316 Language=English A previously issued Receive Lookahead command is active\n for this session. The network control block (NCB) command was rejected.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A previously issued Receive Lookahead command is active\n for this session. The network control block (NCB) command was rejected.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5317 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5317 Language=English The local session table is full. The network control block (NCB) request was refused.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The local session table is full. The network control block (NCB) request was refused.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5318 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5318 Language=English A network control block (NCB) session open was rejected. No LISTEN is outstanding\n on the remote computer. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A network control block (NCB) session open was rejected. No LISTEN is outstanding\n on the remote computer. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5319 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5319 Language=English The name number specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The name number specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5320 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5320 Language=English The call name specified in the network control block (NCB) cannot be found or\n did not answer. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The call name specified in the network control block (NCB) cannot be found or\n did not answer. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5321 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5321 Language=English The name specified in the network control block (NCB) was not found. Cannot put '*' or\n 00h in the NCB name. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The name specified in the network control block (NCB) was not found. Cannot put '*' or\n 00h in the NCB name. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5322 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5322 Language=English The name specified in the network control block (NCB) is in use on a remote adapter.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The name specified in the network control block (NCB) is in use on a remote adapter.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5323 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5323 Language=English The name specified in the network control block (NCB) has been deleted.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The name specified in the network control block (NCB) has been deleted.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5324 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5324 Language=English The session specified in the network control block (NCB) ended abnormally.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The session specified in the network control block (NCB) ended abnormally.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5325 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5325 Language=English The network protocol has detected two or more identical\n names on the network.\tThe network control block (NCB) is the data. . Language=Russian The network protocol has detected two or more identical\n names on the network.\tThe network control block (NCB) is the data. . MessageId=5326 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5326 Language=English An unexpected protocol packet was received. There may be an\n incompatible remote device. The network control block (NCB) is the data." . Language=Russian An unexpected protocol packet was received. There may be an\n incompatible remote device. The network control block (NCB) is the data." . MessageId=5333 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5333 Language=English The NetBIOS interface is busy.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The NetBIOS interface is busy.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5334 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5334 Language=English There are too many network control block (NCB) commands outstanding.\n The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian There are too many network control block (NCB) commands outstanding.\n The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5335 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5335 Language=English The adapter number specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The adapter number specified in the network control block (NCB) is illegal.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5336 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5336 Language=English The network control block (NCB) command completed while a cancel was occurring.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The network control block (NCB) command completed while a cancel was occurring.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5337 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5337 Language=English The name specified in the network control block (NCB) is reserved.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The name specified in the network control block (NCB) is reserved.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5338 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5338 Language=English The network control block (NCB) command is not valid to cancel.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The network control block (NCB) command is not valid to cancel.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5351 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5351 Language=English There are multiple network control block (NCB) requests for the same session.\n The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian There are multiple network control block (NCB) requests for the same session.\n The NCB request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5352 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5352 Language=English There has been a network adapter error. The only NetBIOS\n command that may be issued is an NCB RESET. The network control block (NCB) is\n the data. . Language=Russian There has been a network adapter error. The only NetBIOS\n command that may be issued is an NCB RESET. The network control block (NCB) is\n the data. . MessageId=5354 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5354 Language=English The maximum number of applications was exceeded.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The maximum number of applications was exceeded.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5356 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5356 Language=English The requested resources are not available.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The requested resources are not available.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5364 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5364 Language=English A system error has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A system error has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5365 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5365 Language=English A ROM checksum failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A ROM checksum failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5366 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5366 Language=English A RAM test failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A RAM test failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5367 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5367 Language=English A digital loopback failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A digital loopback failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5368 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5368 Language=English An analog loopback failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian An analog loopback failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5369 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5369 Language=English An interface failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian An interface failure has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5370 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5370 Language=English An unrecognized network control block (NCB) return code was received.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian An unrecognized network control block (NCB) return code was received.\n The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5380 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5380 Language=English A network adapter malfunction has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian A network adapter malfunction has occurred.\n The network control block (NCB) request was refused. The NCB is the data. . MessageId=5381 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NRCERR_5381 Language=English The network control block (NCB) command is still pending.\n The NCB is the data. . Language=Russian The network control block (NCB) command is still pending.\n The NCB is the data. . ; ; alertmsg.h (non-public) message definitions (5500 - 5549 ALERT2_BASE) ; MessageId=5500 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5500 Language=English The update log on %1 is over 80%% capacity. The primary\n domain controller %2 is not retrieving the updates. . Language=Russian The update log on %1 is over 80%% capacity. The primary\n domain controller %2 is not retrieving the updates. . MessageId=5501 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5501 Language=English The update log on %1 is full, and no further updates\n can be added until the primary domain controller %2\n retrieves the updates. . Language=Russian The update log on %1 is full, and no further updates\n can be added until the primary domain controller %2\n retrieves the updates. . MessageId=5502 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5502 Language=English The time difference with the primary domain controller %1\n exceeds the maximum allowed skew of %2 seconds. . Language=Russian The time difference with the primary domain controller %1\n exceeds the maximum allowed skew of %2 seconds. . MessageId=5503 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5503 Language=English The account of user %1 has been locked out on %2\n due to %3 bad password attempts. . Language=Russian The account of user %1 has been locked out on %2\n due to %3 bad password attempts. . MessageId=5504 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5504 Language=English The %1 log file cannot be opened. . Language=Russian The %1 log file cannot be opened. . MessageId=5505 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5505 Language=English The %1 log file is corrupted and will be cleared. . Language=Russian The %1 log file is corrupted and will be cleared. . MessageId=5506 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5506 Language=English The Application log file could not be opened. %1 will be used as the\n default log file. . Language=Russian The Application log file could not be opened. %1 will be used as the\n default log file. . MessageId=5507 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5507 Language=English The %1 Log is full. If this is the first time you have seen this\n message, take the following steps:%n\n 1. Click Start, click Run, type \"eventvwr\", and then click OK.%n\n 2. Click %1, click the Action menu, click Clear All Events, and then click No.\n%n\n If this dialog reappears, contact your helpdesk or system administrator. . Language=Russian The %1 Log is full. If this is the first time you have seen this\n message, take the following steps:%n\n 1. Click Start, click Run, type \"eventvwr\", and then click OK.%n\n 2. Click %1, click the Action menu, click Clear All Events, and then click No.\n%n\n If this dialog reappears, contact your helpdesk or system administrator. . MessageId=5508 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5508 Language=English The security database full synchronization has been initiated by the server %1. . Language=Russian The security database full synchronization has been initiated by the server %1. . MessageId=5509 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5509 Language=English The operating system could not be started as configured.\n A previous working configuration was used instead. . Language=Russian The operating system could not be started as configured.\n A previous working configuration was used instead. . MessageId=5510 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5510 Language=English The exception 0x%1 occurred in the application %2 at location 0x%3. . Language=Russian The exception 0x%1 occurred in the application %2 at location 0x%3. . MessageId=5511 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5511 Language=English The servers %1 and %3 both claim to be an NT Domain Controller for\n the %2 domain. One of the servers should be removed from the\n domain because the servers have different security identifiers\n (SID). . Language=Russian The servers %1 and %3 both claim to be an NT Domain Controller for\n the %2 domain. One of the servers should be removed from the\n domain because the servers have different security identifiers\n (SID). . MessageId=5512 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5512 Language=English The server %1 and %2 both claim to be the primary domain\n controller for the %3 domain. One of the servers should be\n demoted or removed from the domain. . Language=Russian The server %1 and %2 both claim to be the primary domain\n controller for the %3 domain. One of the servers should be\n demoted or removed from the domain. . MessageId=5513 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5513 Language=English The computer %1 tried to connect to the server %2 using\n the trust relationship established by the %3 domain. However, the\n computer lost the correct security identifier (SID)\n when the domain was reconfigured. Reestablish the trust\n relationship. . Language=Russian The computer %1 tried to connect to the server %2 using\n the trust relationship established by the %3 domain. However, the\n computer lost the correct security identifier (SID)\n when the domain was reconfigured. Reestablish the trust\n relationship. . MessageId=5514 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5514 Language=English The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was:\n %1.\n %2\n A full dump was not saved. . Language=Russian The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was:\n %1.\n %2\n A full dump was not saved. . MessageId=5515 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5515 Language=English The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was:\n %1.\n %2\n A dump was saved in: %3. . Language=Russian The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was:\n %1.\n %2\n A dump was saved in: %3. . MessageId=5516 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5516 Language=English The computer or domain %1 trusts domain %2. (This may be an indirect\n trust.) However, %1 and %2 have the same machine security identifier\n (SID). The operating system should be re-installed on either %1 or %2. . Language=Russian The computer or domain %1 trusts domain %2. (This may be an indirect\n trust.) However, %1 and %2 have the same machine security identifier\n (SID). The operating system should be re-installed on either %1 or %2. . MessageId=5517 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=ALERT2_5517 Language=English The computer or domain %1 trusts domain %2. (This may be an indirect\n trust.) However, %2 is not a valid name for a trusted domain.\n The name of the trusted domain should be changed to a valid name. . Language=Russian The computer or domain %1 trusts domain %2. (This may be an indirect\n trust.) However, %2 is not a valid name for a trusted domain.\n The name of the trusted domain should be changed to a valid name. . ; ; lmsvc.h message definitions (5600 - 5699 SERVICE2_BASE) ; MessageId=5600 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_NETLOGON_MPATH Language=English Could not share the User or Script path. . Language=Russian Could not share the User or Script path. . MessageId=5601 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_LSA_MACHINE_ACCT Language=English The password for this computer is not found in the local security\ndatabase. . Language=Russian The password for this computer is not found in the local security\ndatabase. . MessageId=5602 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=SERVICE_UIC_M_DATABASE_ERROR Language=English An internal error occurred while accessing the computer's\nlocal or network security database. . Language=Russian An internal error occurred while accessing the computer's\nlocal or network security database. . ; ; lmerrlog.h messages definitions (5700 - 5899 ERRLOG2_BASE) ; MessageId=5700 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonSSIInitError Language=English The Netlogon service could not initialize the replication data\n structures successfully. The service was terminated. The following\n error occurred: %n%1 . Language=Russian The Netlogon service could not initialize the replication data\n structures successfully. The service was terminated. The following\n error occurred: %n%1 . MessageId=5701 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedToUpdateTrustList Language=English The Netlogon service failed to update the domain trust list. The\n following error occurred: %n%1 . Language=Russian The Netlogon service failed to update the domain trust list. The\n following error occurred: %n%1 . MessageId=5702 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedToAddRpcInterface Language=English The Netlogon service could not add the RPC interface. The\n service was terminated. The following error occurred: %n%1 . Language=Russian The Netlogon service could not add the RPC interface. The\n service was terminated. The following error occurred: %n%1 . MessageId=5703 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedToReadMailslot Language=English The Netlogon service could not read a mailslot message from %1 due\n to the following error: %n%2 . Language=Russian The Netlogon service could not read a mailslot message from %1 due\n to the following error: %n%2 . MessageId=5704 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedToRegisterSC Language=English The Netlogon service failed to register the service with the\n service controller. The service was terminated. The following\n error occurred: %n%1 . Language=Russian The Netlogon service failed to register the service with the\n service controller. The service was terminated. The following\n error occurred: %n%1 . MessageId=5705 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonChangeLogCorrupt Language=English The change log cache maintained by the Netlogon service for %1\n database changes is inconsistent. The Netlogon service is resetting\n the change log. . Language=Russian The change log cache maintained by the Netlogon service for %1\n database changes is inconsistent. The Netlogon service is resetting\n the change log. . MessageId=5706 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedToCreateShare Language=English The Netlogon service could not create server share %1. The following\n error occurred: %n%2 . Language=Russian The Netlogon service could not create server share %1. The following\n error occurred: %n%2 . MessageId=5707 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDownLevelLogonFailed Language=English The down-level logon request for the user %1 from %2 failed. . Language=Russian The down-level logon request for the user %1 from %2 failed. . MessageId=5708 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDownLevelLogoffFailed Language=English The down-level logoff request for the user %1 from %2 failed. . Language=Russian The down-level logoff request for the user %1 from %2 failed. . MessageId=5709 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNTLogonFailed Language=English The Windows NT or Windows 2000 %1 logon request for the user %2\\%3 from %4 (via %5)\n failed. . Language=Russian The Windows NT or Windows 2000 %1 logon request for the user %2\\%3 from %4 (via %5)\n failed. . MessageId=5710 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNTLogoffFailed Language=English The Windows NT or Windows 2000 %1 logoff request for the user %2\\%3 from %4\n failed. . Language=Russian The Windows NT or Windows 2000 %1 logoff request for the user %2\\%3 from %4\n failed. . MessageId=5711 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonPartialSyncCallSuccess Language=English The partial synchronization request from the server %1 completed\n successfully. %2 changes(s) has(have) been returned to the\n caller. . Language=Russian The partial synchronization request from the server %1 completed\n successfully. %2 changes(s) has(have) been returned to the\n caller. . MessageId=5712 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonPartialSyncCallFailed Language=English The partial synchronization request from the server %1 failed with\n the following error: %n%2 . Language=Russian The partial synchronization request from the server %1 failed with\n the following error: %n%2 . MessageId=5713 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFullSyncCallSuccess Language=English The full synchronization request from the server %1 completed\n successfully. %2 object(s) has(have) been returned to\n the caller. . Language=Russian The full synchronization request from the server %1 completed\n successfully. %2 object(s) has(have) been returned to\n the caller. . MessageId=5714 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFullSyncCallFailed Language=English The full synchronization request from the server %1 failed with\n the following error: %n%2 . Language=Russian The full synchronization request from the server %1 failed with\n the following error: %n%2 . MessageId=5715 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonPartialSyncSuccess Language=English The partial synchronization replication of the %1 database from the\n primary domain controller %2 completed successfully. %3 change(s) is(are)\n applied to the database. . Language=Russian The partial synchronization replication of the %1 database from the\n primary domain controller %2 completed successfully. %3 change(s) is(are)\n applied to the database. . MessageId=5716 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonPartialSyncFailed Language=English The partial synchronization replication of the %1 database from the\n primary domain controller %2 failed with the following error: %n%3 . Language=Russian The partial synchronization replication of the %1 database from the\n primary domain controller %2 failed with the following error: %n%3 . MessageId=5717 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFullSyncSuccess Language=English The full synchronization replication of the %1 database from the\n primary domain controller %2 completed successfully. . Language=Russian The full synchronization replication of the %1 database from the\n primary domain controller %2 completed successfully. . MessageId=5718 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFullSyncFailed Language=English The full synchronization replication of the %1 database from the\n primary domain controller %2 failed with the following error: %n%3 . Language=Russian The full synchronization replication of the %1 database from the\n primary domain controller %2 failed with the following error: %n%3 . MessageId=5719 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonAuthNoDomainController Language=English This computer was not able to set up a secure session with a domain\n controller in domain %1 due to the following: %n%2\n %nThis may lead to authentication problems. Make sure that this\n computer is connected to the network. If the problem persists,\n please contact your domain administrator.\n\n %n%nADDITIONAL INFO\n %nIf this computer is a domain controller for the specified domain, it\n sets up the secure session to the primary domain controller emulator in the specified\n domain. Otherwise, this computer sets up the secure session to any domain controller\n in the specified domain. . Language=Russian This computer was not able to set up a secure session with a domain\n controller in domain %1 due to the following: %n%2\n %nThis may lead to authentication problems. Make sure that this\n computer is connected to the network. If the problem persists,\n please contact your domain administrator.\n\n %n%nADDITIONAL INFO\n %nIf this computer is a domain controller for the specified domain, it\n sets up the secure session to the primary domain controller emulator in the specified\n domain. Otherwise, this computer sets up the secure session to any domain controller\n in the specified domain. . MessageId=5720 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonAuthNoTrustLsaSecret Language=English The session setup to the Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2\n failed because the computer %3 does not have a local security database account. . Language=Russian The session setup to the Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2\n failed because the computer %3 does not have a local security database account. . MessageId=5721 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonAuthNoTrustSamAccount Language=English The session setup to the Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2\n failed because the Domain Controller did not have an account %4\n needed to set up the session by this computer %3.\n\n%n%nADDITIONAL DATA\n %nIf this computer is a member of or a Domain Controller in the specified domain, the\n aforementioned account is a computer account for this computer in the specified domain.\n Otherwise, the account is an interdomain trust account with the specified domain. . Language=Russian The session setup to the Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2\n failed because the Domain Controller did not have an account %4\n needed to set up the session by this computer %3.\n\n%n%nADDITIONAL DATA\n %nIf this computer is a member of or a Domain Controller in the specified domain, the\n aforementioned account is a computer account for this computer in the specified domain.\n Otherwise, the account is an interdomain trust account with the specified domain. . MessageId=5722 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonServerAuthFailed Language=English The session setup from the computer %1 failed to authenticate.\n The name(s) of the account(s) referenced in the security database is\n %2. The following error occurred: %n%3 . Language=Russian The session setup from the computer %1 failed to authenticate.\n The name(s) of the account(s) referenced in the security database is\n %2. The following error occurred: %n%3 . MessageId=5723 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonServerAuthNoTrustSamAccount Language=English The session setup from computer '%1' failed because the security database\n does not contain a trust account '%2' referenced by the specified computer.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nIf this is the first occurrence of this event for the specified computer\n and account, this may be a transient issue that doesn't require any action\n at this time. Otherwise, the following steps may be taken to resolve this problem:\n\n %n%nIf '%2' is a legitimate machine account for the computer '%1', then '%1'\n should be rejoined to the domain.\n\n %n%nIf '%2' is a legitimate interdomain trust account, then the trust should\n be recreated.\n\n %n%nOtherwise, assuming that '%2' is not a legitimate account, the following\n action should be taken on '%1':\n\n %n%nIf '%1' is a Domain Controller, then the trust associated with '%2' should be deleted.\n\n %n%nIf '%1' is not a Domain Controller, it should be disjoined from the domain. . Language=Russian The session setup from computer '%1' failed because the security database\n does not contain a trust account '%2' referenced by the specified computer.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nIf this is the first occurrence of this event for the specified computer\n and account, this may be a transient issue that doesn't require any action\n at this time. Otherwise, the following steps may be taken to resolve this problem:\n\n %n%nIf '%2' is a legitimate machine account for the computer '%1', then '%1'\n should be rejoined to the domain.\n\n %n%nIf '%2' is a legitimate interdomain trust account, then the trust should\n be recreated.\n\n %n%nOtherwise, assuming that '%2' is not a legitimate account, the following\n action should be taken on '%1':\n\n %n%nIf '%1' is a Domain Controller, then the trust associated with '%2' should be deleted.\n\n %n%nIf '%1' is not a Domain Controller, it should be disjoined from the domain. . MessageId=5724 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_FailedToRegisterSC Language=English Could not register control handler with service controller %1. . Language=Russian Could not register control handler with service controller %1. . MessageId=5725 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_FailedToSetServiceStatus Language=English Could not set service status with service controller %1. . Language=Russian Could not set service status with service controller %1. . MessageId=5726 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_FailedToGetComputerName Language=English Could not find the computer name %1. . Language=Russian Could not find the computer name %1. . MessageId=5727 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_DriverNotLoaded Language=English Could not load %1 device driver. . Language=Russian Could not load %1 device driver. . MessageId=5728 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NoTranportLoaded Language=English Could not load any transport. . Language=Russian Could not load any transport. . MessageId=5729 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedDomainDelta Language=English Replication of the %1 Domain Object \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . Language=Russian Replication of the %1 Domain Object \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . MessageId=5730 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedGlobalGroupDelta Language=English Replication of the %1 Global Group \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . Language=Russian Replication of the %1 Global Group \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . MessageId=5731 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedLocalGroupDelta Language=English Replication of the %1 Local Group \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . Language=Russian Replication of the %1 Local Group \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . MessageId=5732 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedUserDelta Language=English Replication of the %1 User \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . Language=Russian Replication of the %1 User \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . MessageId=5733 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedPolicyDelta Language=English Replication of the %1 Policy Object \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . Language=Russian Replication of the %1 Policy Object \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . MessageId=5734 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedTrustedDomainDelta Language=English Replication of the %1 Trusted Domain Object \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . Language=Russian Replication of the %1 Trusted Domain Object \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . MessageId=5735 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedAccountDelta Language=English Replication of the %1 Account Object \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . Language=Russian Replication of the %1 Account Object \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . MessageId=5736 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedSecretDelta Language=English Replication of the %1 Secret \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . Language=Russian Replication of the %1 Secret \"%2\" from primary domain controller\n %3 failed with the following error: %n%4 . MessageId=5737 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonSystemError Language=English The system returned the following unexpected error code: %n%1 . Language=Russian The system returned the following unexpected error code: %n%1 . MessageId=5738 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDuplicateMachineAccounts Language=English Netlogon has detected two machine accounts for server \"%1\".\n The server can be either a Windows 2000 Server that is a member of the\n domain or the server can be a LAN Manager server with an account in the\n SERVERS global group. It cannot be both. . Language=Russian Netlogon has detected two machine accounts for server \"%1\".\n The server can be either a Windows 2000 Server that is a member of the\n domain or the server can be a LAN Manager server with an account in the\n SERVERS global group. It cannot be both. . MessageId=5739 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonTooManyGlobalGroups Language=English This domain has more global groups than can be replicated to a LanMan\n BDC. Either delete some of your global groups or remove the LanMan\n BDCs from the domain. . Language=Russian This domain has more global groups than can be replicated to a LanMan\n BDC. Either delete some of your global groups or remove the LanMan\n BDCs from the domain. . MessageId=5740 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonBrowserDriver Language=English The Browser driver returned the following error to Netlogon: %n%1 . Language=Russian The Browser driver returned the following error to Netlogon: %n%1 . MessageId=5741 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonAddNameFailure Language=English Netlogon could not register the %1<1B> name for the following reason: %n%2 . Language=Russian Netlogon could not register the %1<1B> name for the following reason: %n%2 . MessageId=5742 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplMessages Language=English Service failed to retrieve messages needed to boot remote boot clients. . Language=Russian Service failed to retrieve messages needed to boot remote boot clients. . MessageId=5743 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplXnsBoot Language=English Service experienced a severe error and can no longer provide remote boot\n for 3Com 3Start remote boot clients. . Language=Russian Service experienced a severe error and can no longer provide remote boot\n for 3Com 3Start remote boot clients. . MessageId=5744 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplSystem Language=English Service experienced a severe system error and will shut itself down. . Language=Russian Service experienced a severe system error and will shut itself down. . MessageId=5745 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaTimeout Language=English Client with computer name %1 failed to acknowledge receipt of the\n boot data. Remote boot of this client was not completed. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 failed to acknowledge receipt of the\n boot data. Remote boot of this client was not completed. . MessageId=5746 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaFileOpen Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to an error in opening\n file %2. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to an error in opening\n file %2. . MessageId=5747 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaFileRead Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to an error in reading\n file %2. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to an error in reading\n file %2. . MessageId=5748 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaMemory Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to insufficient memory\n at the remote boot server. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to insufficient memory\n at the remote boot server. . MessageId=5749 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaFileChecksum Language=English Client with computer name %1 will be booted without using checksums\n because checksum for file %2 could not be calculated. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 will be booted without using checksums\n because checksum for file %2 could not be calculated. . MessageId=5750 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaFileLineCount Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to too many lines in\n file %2. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to too many lines in\n file %2. . MessageId=5751 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaBbcFile Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted because the boot block\n configuration file %2 for this client does not contain boot block\n line and/or loader line. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted because the boot block\n configuration file %2 for this client does not contain boot block\n line and/or loader line. . MessageId=5752 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaFileSize Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to a bad size of\n file %2. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to a bad size of\n file %2. . MessageId=5753 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaInternal Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to remote boot\n service internal error. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to remote boot\n service internal error. . MessageId=5754 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaWrongVersion Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted because file %2 has an\n invalid boot header. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted because file %2 has an\n invalid boot header. . MessageId=5755 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplWkstaNetwork Language=English Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to network error. . Language=Russian Client with computer name %1 was not booted due to network error. . MessageId=5756 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplAdapterResource Language=English Client with adapter id %1 was not booted due to lack of resources. . Language=Russian Client with adapter id %1 was not booted due to lack of resources. . MessageId=5757 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplFileCopy Language=English Service experienced error copying file or directory %1. . Language=Russian Service experienced error copying file or directory %1. . MessageId=5758 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplFileDelete Language=English Service experienced error deleting file or directory %1. . Language=Russian Service experienced error deleting file or directory %1. . MessageId=5759 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplFilePerms Language=English Service experienced error setting permissions on file or directory %1. . Language=Russian Service experienced error setting permissions on file or directory %1. . MessageId=5760 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplCheckConfigs Language=English Service experienced error evaluating RPL configurations. . Language=Russian Service experienced error evaluating RPL configurations. . MessageId=5761 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplCreateProfiles Language=English Service experienced error creating RPL profiles for all configurations. . Language=Russian Service experienced error creating RPL profiles for all configurations. . MessageId=5762 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplRegistry Language=English Service experienced error accessing registry. . Language=Russian Service experienced error accessing registry. . MessageId=5763 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplReplaceRPLDISK Language=English Service experienced error replacing possibly outdated RPLDISK.SYS. . Language=Russian Service experienced error replacing possibly outdated RPLDISK.SYS. . MessageId=5764 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplCheckSecurity Language=English Service experienced error adding security accounts or setting\n file permissions. These accounts are the RPLUSER local group\n and the user accounts for the individual RPL workstations. . Language=Russian Service experienced error adding security accounts or setting\n file permissions. These accounts are the RPLUSER local group\n and the user accounts for the individual RPL workstations. . MessageId=5765 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplBackupDatabase Language=English Service failed to back up its database. . Language=Russian Service failed to back up its database. . MessageId=5766 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplInitDatabase Language=English Service failed to initialize from its database. The database may be\n missing or corrupted. Service will attempt restoring the database\n from the backup. . Language=Russian Service failed to initialize from its database. The database may be\n missing or corrupted. Service will attempt restoring the database\n from the backup. . MessageId=5767 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplRestoreDatabaseFailure Language=English Service failed to restore its database from the backup. Service\n will not start. . Language=Russian Service failed to restore its database from the backup. Service\n will not start. . MessageId=5768 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplRestoreDatabaseSuccess Language=English Service successfully restored its database from the backup. . Language=Russian Service successfully restored its database from the backup. . MessageId=5769 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplInitRestoredDatabase Language=English Service failed to initialize from its restored database. Service\n will not start. . Language=Russian Service failed to initialize from its restored database. Service\n will not start. . MessageId=5770 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonSessionTypeWrong Language=English The session setup to the Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller %1 from computer\n %2 using account %4 failed. %2 is declared to be a BDC in domain %3.\n However, %2 tried to connect as either a DC in a trusted domain,\n a member workstation in domain %3, or as a server in domain %3.\n Use the Active Directory Users and Computers tool or Server Manager to remove the BDC account for %2. . Language=Russian The session setup to the Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller %1 from computer\n %2 using account %4 failed. %2 is declared to be a BDC in domain %3.\n However, %2 tried to connect as either a DC in a trusted domain,\n a member workstation in domain %3, or as a server in domain %3.\n Use the Active Directory Users and Computers tool or Server Manager to remove the BDC account for %2. . MessageId=5771 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_RplUpgradeDBTo40 Language=English The Remoteboot database was in NT 3.5 / NT 3.51 format and NT is\n attempting to convert it to NT 4.0 format. The JETCONV converter\n will write to the Application event log when it is finished. . Language=Russian The Remoteboot database was in NT 3.5 / NT 3.51 format and NT is\n attempting to convert it to NT 4.0 format. The JETCONV converter\n will write to the Application event log when it is finished. . MessageId=5772 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonLanmanBdcsNotAllowed Language=English Global group SERVERS exists in domain %1 and has members.\n This group defines Lan Manager BDCs in the domain.\n Lan Manager BDCs are not permitted in NT domains. . Language=Russian Global group SERVERS exists in domain %1 and has members.\n This group defines Lan Manager BDCs in the domain.\n Lan Manager BDCs are not permitted in NT domains. . MessageId=5773 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNoDynamicDns Language=English The following DNS server that is authoritative for the DNS domain controller\n locator records of this domain controller does not support dynamic DNS updates:\n\n %n%nDNS server IP address: %1\n %nReturned Response Code (RCODE): %2\n %nReturned Status Code: %3\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nConfigure the DNS server to allow dynamic DNS updates or manually add the DNS\n records from the file '%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\\Netlogon.dns' to the DNS database. . Language=Russian The following DNS server that is authoritative for the DNS domain controller\n locator records of this domain controller does not support dynamic DNS updates:\n\n %n%nDNS server IP address: %1\n %nReturned Response Code (RCODE): %2\n %nReturned Status Code: %3\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nConfigure the DNS server to allow dynamic DNS updates or manually add the DNS\n records from the file '%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\\Netlogon.dns' to the DNS database. . MessageId=5774 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDynamicDnsRegisterFailure Language=English The dynamic registration of the DNS record '%1' failed on the following DNS server:\n\n %n%nDNS server IP address: %3\n %nReturned Response Code (RCODE): %4\n %nReturned Status Code: %5\n\n %n%nFor computers and users to locate this domain controller, this record must be\n registered in DNS.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nDetermine what might have caused this failure, resolve the problem, and initiate\n registration of the DNS records by the domain controller. To determine what might\n have caused this failure, run DCDiag.exe. You can find this program on the ReactOS\n Server installation CD in Support\\Tools\\support.cab. To learn more about \n DCDiag.exe, see Help and Support Center. To initiate registration of the DNS records by \n this domain controller, run 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt on the domain \n controller or restart Net Logon service. Nltest.exe is available in the ReactOS Server\n Resource Kit CD. %n Or, you can manually add this record to DNS, but it is not\n recommended.\n\n %n%nADDITIONAL DATA\n %nError Value: %2 . Language=Russian The dynamic registration of the DNS record '%1' failed on the following DNS server:\n\n %n%nDNS server IP address: %3\n %nReturned Response Code (RCODE): %4\n %nReturned Status Code: %5\n\n %n%nFor computers and users to locate this domain controller, this record must be\n registered in DNS.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nDetermine what might have caused this failure, resolve the problem, and initiate\n registration of the DNS records by the domain controller. To determine what might\n have caused this failure, run DCDiag.exe. You can find this program on the ReactOS\n Server installation CD in Support\\Tools\\support.cab. To learn more about \n DCDiag.exe, see Help and Support Center. To initiate registration of the DNS records by \n this domain controller, run 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt on the domain \n controller or restart Net Logon service. Nltest.exe is available in the ReactOS Server\n Resource Kit CD. %n Or, you can manually add this record to DNS, but it is not\n recommended.\n\n %n%nADDITIONAL DATA\n %nError Value: %2 . MessageId=5775 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDynamicDnsDeregisterFailure Language=English The dynamic deletion of the DNS record '%1' failed on the following DNS server:\n\n %n%nDNS server IP address: %3\n%nReturned Response Code (RCODE): %4\n %nReturned Status Code: %5\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nTo prevent remote computers from connecting unnecessarily to the domain controller,\n delete the record manually or troubleshoot the failure to dynamically delete the\n record. To learn more about debugging DNS, see Help and Support Center.\n\n %n%nADDITIONAL DATA\n %nError Value: %2 . Language=Russian The dynamic deletion of the DNS record '%1' failed on the following DNS server:\n\n %n%nDNS server IP address: %3\n%nReturned Response Code (RCODE): %4\n %nReturned Status Code: %5\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nTo prevent remote computers from connecting unnecessarily to the domain controller,\n delete the record manually or troubleshoot the failure to dynamically delete the\n record. To learn more about debugging DNS, see Help and Support Center.\n\n %n%nADDITIONAL DATA\n %nError Value: %2 . MessageId=5776 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedFileCreate Language=English Failed to create/open file %1 with the following error: %n%2 . Language=Russian Failed to create/open file %1 with the following error: %n%2 . MessageId=5777 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonGetSubnetToSite Language=English Netlogon got the following error while trying to get the subnet to site\n mapping information from the DS: %n%1 . Language=Russian Netlogon got the following error while trying to get the subnet to site\n mapping information from the DS: %n%1 . MessageId=5778 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNoSiteForClient Language=English '%1' tried to determine its site by looking up its IP address ('%2')\n in the Configuration\\Sites\\Subnets container in the DS. No subnet matched\n the IP address. Consider adding a subnet object for this IP address. . Language=Russian '%1' tried to determine its site by looking up its IP address ('%2')\n in the Configuration\\Sites\\Subnets container in the DS. No subnet matched\n the IP address. Consider adding a subnet object for this IP address. . MessageId=5779 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonBadSiteName Language=English The site name for this computer is '%1'. That site name is not a valid\n site name. A site name must be a valid DNS label.\n Rename the site to be a valid name. . Language=Russian The site name for this computer is '%1'. That site name is not a valid\n site name. A site name must be a valid DNS label.\n Rename the site to be a valid name. . MessageId=5780 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonBadSubnetName Language=English The subnet object '%1' appears in the Configuration\\Sites\\Subnets\n container in the DS. The name is not syntactically valid. The valid\n syntax is xx.xx.xx.xx/yy where xx.xx.xx.xx is a valid IP subnet number\n and yy is the number of bits in the subnet mask.\n\n Correct the name of the subnet object." . Language=Russian The subnet object '%1' appears in the Configuration\\Sites\\Subnets\n container in the DS. The name is not syntactically valid. The valid\n syntax is xx.xx.xx.xx/yy where xx.xx.xx.xx is a valid IP subnet number\n and yy is the number of bits in the subnet mask.\n\n Correct the name of the subnet object." . MessageId=5781 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDynamicDnsServerFailure Language=English Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associated with DNS\n domain '%1' failed. These records are used by other computers to locate this\n server as a domain controller (if the specified domain is an Active Directory\n domain) or as an LDAP server (if the specified domain is an application partition).\n\n %n%nPossible causes of failure include:\n\n %n- TCP/IP properties of the network connections of this computer contain wrong IP address(es) of the preferred and alternate DNS servers\n %n- Specified preferred and alternate DNS servers are not running\n %n- DNS server(s) primary for the records to be registered is not running\n %n- Preferred or alternate DNS servers are configured with wrong root hints\n %n- Parent DNS zone contains incorrect delegation to the child zone authoritative for the DNS records that failed registration\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nFix possible misconfiguration(s) specified above and initiate registration or deletion of\n the DNS records by running 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt or by restarting\n Net Logon service. Nltest.exe is available in the ReactOS Server Resource Kit CD. . Language=Russian Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associated with DNS\n domain '%1' failed. These records are used by other computers to locate this\n server as a domain controller (if the specified domain is an Active Directory\n domain) or as an LDAP server (if the specified domain is an application partition).\n\n %n%nPossible causes of failure include:\n\n %n- TCP/IP properties of the network connections of this computer contain wrong IP address(es) of the preferred and alternate DNS servers\n %n- Specified preferred and alternate DNS servers are not running\n %n- DNS server(s) primary for the records to be registered is not running\n %n- Preferred or alternate DNS servers are configured with wrong root hints\n %n- Parent DNS zone contains incorrect delegation to the child zone authoritative for the DNS records that failed registration\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nFix possible misconfiguration(s) specified above and initiate registration or deletion of\n the DNS records by running 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt or by restarting\n Net Logon service. Nltest.exe is available in the ReactOS Server Resource Kit CD. . MessageId=5782 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDynamicDnsFailure Language=English Dynamic registration or deregistration of one or more DNS records failed with the following error: %n%1 . Language=Russian Dynamic registration or deregistration of one or more DNS records failed with the following error: %n%1 . MessageId=5783 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonRpcCallCancelled Language=English The session setup to the Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2\n is not responsive. The current RPC call from Netlogon on \\\\%3 to %1 has been cancelled. . Language=Russian The session setup to the Windows NT or Windows 2000 Domain Controller %1 for the domain %2\n is not responsive. The current RPC call from Netlogon on \\\\%3 to %1 has been cancelled. . MessageId=5784 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDcSiteCovered Language=English Site '%2' does not have any Domain Controllers for domain '%3'.\n Domain Controllers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for domain '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . Language=Russian Site '%2' does not have any Domain Controllers for domain '%3'.\n Domain Controllers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for domain '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . MessageId=5785 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDcSiteNotCovered Language=English This Domain Controller no longer automatically covers site '%1' for domain '%2'. . Language=Russian This Domain Controller no longer automatically covers site '%1' for domain '%2'. . MessageId=5786 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonGcSiteCovered Language=English Site '%2' does not have any Global Catalog servers for forest '%3'.\n Global Catalog servers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for forest '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . Language=Russian Site '%2' does not have any Global Catalog servers for forest '%3'.\n Global Catalog servers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for forest '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . MessageId=5787 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonGcSiteNotCovered Language=English This Global Catalog server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for forest '%2'. . Language=Russian This Global Catalog server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for forest '%2'. . MessageId=5788 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedSpnUpdate Language=English Attempt to update HOST Service Principal Names (SPNs) of the computer\n object in Active Directory failed. The updated values were '%1' and '%2'.\n The following error occurred: %n%3 . Language=Russian Attempt to update HOST Service Principal Names (SPNs) of the computer\n object in Active Directory failed. The updated values were '%1' and '%2'.\n The following error occurred: %n%3 . MessageId=5789 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonFailedDnsHostNameUpdate Language=English Attempt to update DNS Host Name of the computer object\n in Active Directory failed. The updated value was '%1'.\n The following error occurred: %n%2 . Language=Russian Attempt to update DNS Host Name of the computer object\n in Active Directory failed. The updated value was '%1'.\n The following error occurred: %n%2 . MessageId=5790 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonAuthNoUplevelDomainController Language=English No suitable Domain Controller is available for domain %1.\n An NT4 or older domain controller is available but it cannot\n be used for authentication purposes in the Windows 2000 or newer\n domain that this computer is a member of.\n The following error occurred:%n%2 . Language=Russian No suitable Domain Controller is available for domain %1.\n An NT4 or older domain controller is available but it cannot\n be used for authentication purposes in the Windows 2000 or newer\n domain that this computer is a member of.\n The following error occurred:%n%2 . MessageId=5791 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonAuthDomainDowngraded Language=English The domain of this computer, %1 has been downgraded from Windows 2000\n or newer to Windows NT4 or older. The computer cannot function properly\n in this case for authentication purposes. This computer needs to rejoin\n the domain.\n The following error occurred:%n%2 . Language=Russian The domain of this computer, %1 has been downgraded from Windows 2000\n or newer to Windows NT4 or older. The computer cannot function properly\n in this case for authentication purposes. This computer needs to rejoin\n the domain.\n The following error occurred:%n%2 . MessageId=5792 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNdncSiteCovered Language=English Site '%2' does not have any LDAP servers for non-domain NC '%3'.\n LDAP servers in site '%1' have been automatically selected to\n cover site '%2' for non-domain NC '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . Language=Russian Site '%2' does not have any LDAP servers for non-domain NC '%3'.\n LDAP servers in site '%1' have been automatically selected to\n cover site '%2' for non-domain NC '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . MessageId=5793 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNdncSiteNotCovered Language=English This LDAP server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for non-domain NC '%2'. . Language=Russian This LDAP server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for non-domain NC '%2'. . MessageId=5794 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDcOldSiteCovered Language=English Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as\n covered by this Domain Controller for domain '%3'. As a result,\n site '%2' does not have any Domain Controllers for domain '%3'.\n Domain Controllers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for domain '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . Language=Russian Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as\n covered by this Domain Controller for domain '%3'. As a result,\n site '%2' does not have any Domain Controllers for domain '%3'.\n Domain Controllers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for domain '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . MessageId=5795 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDcSiteNotCoveredAuto Language=English This Domain Controller no longer automatically covers site '%1' for domain '%2'.\n However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this Domain Controller for\n domain '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry. . Language=Russian This Domain Controller no longer automatically covers site '%1' for domain '%2'.\n However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this Domain Controller for\n domain '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry. . MessageId=5796 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonGcOldSiteCovered Language=English Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as\n covered by this Global Catalog server for forest '%3'. As a result,\n site '%2' does not have any Global Catalog servers for forest '%3'.\n Global Catalog servers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for forest '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . Language=Russian Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as\n covered by this Global Catalog server for forest '%3'. As a result,\n site '%2' does not have any Global Catalog servers for forest '%3'.\n Global Catalog servers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for forest '%3' based on configured\n Directory Server replication costs. . MessageId=5797 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonGcSiteNotCoveredAuto Language=English This Global Catalog server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for forest '%2'.\n However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this Global catalog for\n forest '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry. . Language=Russian This Global Catalog server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for forest '%2'.\n However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this Global catalog for\n forest '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry. . MessageId=5798 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNdncOldSiteCovered Language=English Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as\n covered by this LDAP server for non-domain NC '%3'. As a result,\n site '%2' does not have any LDAP servers for non-domain NC '%3'.\n LDAP servers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for non-domain NC '%3' based on\n configured Directory Server replication costs. . Language=Russian Site '%2' is no longer manually configured in the registry as\n covered by this LDAP server for non-domain NC '%3'. As a result,\n site '%2' does not have any LDAP servers for non-domain NC '%3'.\n LDAP servers in site '%1' have been automatically\n selected to cover site '%2' for non-domain NC '%3' based on\n configured Directory Server replication costs. . MessageId=5799 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNdncSiteNotCoveredAuto Language=English This LDAP server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for non-domain NC '%2'.\n However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this LDAP server for\n non-domain NC '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry. . Language=Russian This LDAP server no longer automatically covers site '%1' for non-domain NC '%2'.\n However, site '%1' is still (manually) covered by this LDAP server for\n non-domain NC '%2' since this site has been manually configured in the registry. . MessageId=5800 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonSpnMultipleSamAccountNames Language=English Attempt to update DnsHostName and HOST Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes\n of the computer object in Active Directory failed because the Domain Controller\n '%1' had more than one account with the name '%2' corresponding to this computer.\n Not having SPNs registered may result in authentication failures for this computer.\n Contact your domain administrator who may need to manually resolve the account name\n collision. . Language=Russian Attempt to update DnsHostName and HOST Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes\n of the computer object in Active Directory failed because the Domain Controller\n '%1' had more than one account with the name '%2' corresponding to this computer.\n Not having SPNs registered may result in authentication failures for this computer.\n Contact your domain administrator who may need to manually resolve the account name\n collision. . MessageId=5801 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonSpnCrackNamesFailure Language=English Attempt to update DnsHostName and HOST Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes\n of the computer object in Active Directory failed because this computer account\n name, '%2' could not be mapped to the computer object on Domain Controller '%1'.\n Not having SPNs registered may result in authentication failures for this computer.\n Contact your domain administrator. The following technical information may be\n useful for the resolution of this failure:%n\n DsCrackNames status = 0x%3, crack error = 0x%4. . Language=Russian Attempt to update DnsHostName and HOST Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes\n of the computer object in Active Directory failed because this computer account\n name, '%2' could not be mapped to the computer object on Domain Controller '%1'.\n Not having SPNs registered may result in authentication failures for this computer.\n Contact your domain administrator. The following technical information may be\n useful for the resolution of this failure:%n\n DsCrackNames status = 0x%3, crack error = 0x%4. . MessageId=5802 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNoAddressToSiteMapping Language=English None of the IP addresses (%2) of this Domain Controller map to the configured site '%1'.\n While this may be a temporary situation due to IP address changes, it is generally\n recommended that the IP address of the Domain Controller (accessible to machines in\n its domain) maps to the Site which it services. If the above list of IP addresses is\n stable, consider moving this server to a site (or create one if it does not already\n exist) such that the above IP address maps to the selected site. This may require the\n creation of a new subnet object (whose range includes the above IP address) which maps\n to the selected site object. . Language=Russian None of the IP addresses (%2) of this Domain Controller map to the configured site '%1'.\n While this may be a temporary situation due to IP address changes, it is generally\n recommended that the IP address of the Domain Controller (accessible to machines in\n its domain) maps to the Site which it services. If the above list of IP addresses is\n stable, consider moving this server to a site (or create one if it does not already\n exist) such that the above IP address maps to the selected site. This may require the\n creation of a new subnet object (whose range includes the above IP address) which maps\n to the selected site object. . MessageId=5803 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonInvalidGenericParameterValue Language=English The following error occurred while reading a parameter '%2' in the\n Netlogon %1 registry section:%n%3 . Language=Russian The following error occurred while reading a parameter '%2' in the\n Netlogon %1 registry section:%n%3 . MessageId=5804 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonInvalidDwordParameterValue Language=English The Netlogon %1 registry key contains an invalid value 0x%2 for parameter '%3'.\n The minimum and maximum values allowed for this parameter are 0x%4 and 0x%5, respectively.\n The value of 0x%6 has been assigned to this parameter. . Language=Russian The Netlogon %1 registry key contains an invalid value 0x%2 for parameter '%3'.\n The minimum and maximum values allowed for this parameter are 0x%4 and 0x%5, respectively.\n The value of 0x%6 has been assigned to this parameter. . MessageId=5805 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonServerAuthFailedNoAccount Language=English The session setup from the computer %1 failed to authenticate.\n The following error occurred: %n%2 . Language=Russian The session setup from the computer %1 failed to authenticate.\n The following error occurred: %n%2 . MessageId=5806 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNoDynamicDnsManual Language=English Dynamic DNS updates have been manually disabled on this domain controller.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nReconfigure this domain controller to use dynamic DNS updates or manually add the DNS\n records from the file '%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\\Netlogon.dns' to the DNS database. . Language=Russian Dynamic DNS updates have been manually disabled on this domain controller.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nReconfigure this domain controller to use dynamic DNS updates or manually add the DNS\n records from the file '%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\\Netlogon.dns' to the DNS database. . MessageId=5807 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonNoSiteForClients Language=English During the past %1 hours there have been %2 connections to this Domain\n Controller from client machines whose IP addresses don't map to any of\n the existing sites in the enterprise. Those clients, therefore, have\n undefined sites and may connect to any Domain Controller including\n those that are in far distant locations from the clients. A client's site\n is determined by the mapping of its subnet to one of the existing sites.\n To move the above clients to one of the sites, please consider creating\n subnet object(s) covering the above IP addresses with mapping to one of the\n existing sites. The names and IP addresses of the clients in question have\n been logged on this computer in the following log file\n '%SystemRoot%\\debug\\netlogon.log' and, potentially, in the log file\n '%SystemRoot%\\debug\\netlogon.bak' created if the former log becomes full.\n The log(s) may contain additional unrelated debugging information. To filter\n out the needed information, please search for lines which contain text\n 'NO_CLIENT_SITE:'. The first word after this string is the client name and\n the second word is the client IP address. The maximum size of the log(s) is\n controlled by the following registry DWORD value\n 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Netlogon\\Parameters\\LogFileMaxSize';\n the default is %3 bytes. The current maximum size is %4 bytes. To set a\n different maximum size, create the above registry value and set the desired\n maximum size in bytes. . Language=Russian During the past %1 hours there have been %2 connections to this Domain\n Controller from client machines whose IP addresses don't map to any of\n the existing sites in the enterprise. Those clients, therefore, have\n undefined sites and may connect to any Domain Controller including\n those that are in far distant locations from the clients. A client's site\n is determined by the mapping of its subnet to one of the existing sites.\n To move the above clients to one of the sites, please consider creating\n subnet object(s) covering the above IP addresses with mapping to one of the\n existing sites. The names and IP addresses of the clients in question have\n been logged on this computer in the following log file\n '%SystemRoot%\\debug\\netlogon.log' and, potentially, in the log file\n '%SystemRoot%\\debug\\netlogon.bak' created if the former log becomes full.\n The log(s) may contain additional unrelated debugging information. To filter\n out the needed information, please search for lines which contain text\n 'NO_CLIENT_SITE:'. The first word after this string is the client name and\n the second word is the client IP address. The maximum size of the log(s) is\n controlled by the following registry DWORD value\n 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Netlogon\\Parameters\\LogFileMaxSize';\n the default is %3 bytes. The current maximum size is %4 bytes. To set a\n different maximum size, create the above registry value and set the desired\n maximum size in bytes. . MessageId=5808 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonDnsDeregAborted Language=English The deregistration of some DNS domain controller locator records was aborted\n at the time of this domain controller demotion because the DNS deregistrations\n took too long.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nManually delete the DNS records listed in the file\n '%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\\Netlogon.dns' from the DNS database. . Language=Russian The deregistration of some DNS domain controller locator records was aborted\n at the time of this domain controller demotion because the DNS deregistrations\n took too long.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nManually delete the DNS records listed in the file\n '%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Config\\Netlogon.dns' from the DNS database. . MessageId=5809 Severity=Success Facility=System SymbolicName=NELOG_NetlogonRpcPortRequestFailure Language=English The NetLogon service on this domain controller has been configured to use port %1\n for incoming RPC connections over TCP/IP from remote machines. However, the\n following error occurred when Netlogon attempted to register this port with the RPC\n endpoint mapper service: %n%2 %nThis will prevent the NetLogon service on remote\n machines from connecting to this domain controller over TCP/IP that may result in\n authentication problems.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nThe specified port is configured via the Group Policy or via a registry value 'DcTcpipPort'\n under the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Netlogon\\Parameters'\n registry key; the value configured through the Group Policy takes precedence. If the\n port specified is in error, reset it to a correct value. You can also remove this\n configuration for the port in which case the port will be assigned dynamically by\n the endpoint mapper at the time the NetLogon service on remote machines makes RPC connections\n to this domain controller. After the misconfiguration is corrected, restart the NetLogon\n service on this machine and verify that this event log no longer appears. . Language=Russian The NetLogon service on this domain controller has been configured to use port %1\n for incoming RPC connections over TCP/IP from remote machines. However, the\n following error occurred when Netlogon attempted to register this port with the RPC\n endpoint mapper service: %n%2 %nThis will prevent the NetLogon service on remote\n machines from connecting to this domain controller over TCP/IP that may result in\n authentication problems.\n\n %n%nUSER ACTION\n\n %nThe specified port is configured via the Group Policy or via a registry value 'DcTcpipPort'\n under the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Netlogon\\Parameters'\n registry key; the value configured through the Group Policy takes precedence. If the\n port specified is in error, reset it to a correct value. You can also remove this\n configuration for the port in which case the port will be assigned dynamically by\n the endpoint mapper at the time the NetLogon service on remote machines makes RPC connections\n to this domain controller. After the misconfiguration is corrected, restart the NetLogon\n service on this machine and verify that this event log no longer appears. .