[SCSIPORT] Split scsiport.c file into several ones, prepare for the refactoring
authorVictor Perevertkin <victor.perevertkin@reactos.org>
Sat, 17 Oct 2020 01:06:36 +0000 (04:06 +0300)
committerVictor Perevertkin <victor.perevertkin@reactos.org>
Sat, 17 Oct 2020 01:06:36 +0000 (04:06 +0300)

drivers/storage/port/scsiport/fdo.c [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/storage/port/scsiport/ioctl.c [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/storage/port/scsiport/pdo.c [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/storage/port/scsiport/registry.c [new file with mode: 0644]
drivers/storage/port/scsiport/scsi.c [new file with mode: 0644]

index 7430404..13c4407 100644 (file)
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 spec2def(scsiport.sys scsiport.spec ADD_IMPORTLIB)
 spec2def(scsiport.sys scsiport.spec ADD_IMPORTLIB)
+       fdo.c
+       ioctl.c
+       pdo.c
+       registry.c
+       scsi.c
diff --git a/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/fdo.c b/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/fdo.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..95a0f3b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+ * PROJECT:     ReactOS Storage Stack / SCSIPORT storage port library
+ * LICENSE:     GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later)
+ * PURPOSE:     Adapter device object (FDO) support routines
+ * COPYRIGHT:   Eric Kohl (eric.kohl@reactos.org)
+ *              Aleksey Bragin (aleksey@reactos.org)
+ */
+#include "scsiport.h"
+#define NDEBUG
+#include <debug.h>
+    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+    _Inout_ PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo)
+    IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
+    KEVENT Event;
+    KIRQL Irql;
+    PIRP Irp;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    PINQUIRYDATA InquiryBuffer;
+    PSENSE_DATA SenseBuffer;
+    BOOLEAN KeepTrying = TRUE;
+    ULONG RetryCount = 0;
+    PCDB Cdb;
+    DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry() called\n");
+    DeviceExtension = (PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION)DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
+    InquiryBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE, TAG_SCSIPORT);
+    if (InquiryBuffer == NULL)
+    SenseBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, SENSE_BUFFER_SIZE, TAG_SCSIPORT);
+    if (SenseBuffer == NULL)
+    {
+        ExFreePoolWithTag(InquiryBuffer, TAG_SCSIPORT);
+    }
+    while (KeepTrying)
+    {
+        /* Initialize event for waiting */
+        KeInitializeEvent(&Event,
+                          NotificationEvent,
+                          FALSE);
+        /* Create an IRP */
+        Irp = IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest(IOCTL_SCSI_EXECUTE_IN,
+                                            DeviceObject,
+                                            NULL,
+                                            0,
+                                            InquiryBuffer,
+                                            INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE,
+                                            TRUE,
+                                            &Event,
+                                            &IoStatusBlock);
+        if (Irp == NULL)
+        {
+            DPRINT("IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest() failed\n");
+            /* Quit the loop */
+            KeepTrying = FALSE;
+            continue;
+        }
+        /* Prepare SRB */
+        RtlZeroMemory(&Srb, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK));
+        Srb.Length = sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK);
+        Srb.OriginalRequest = Irp;
+        Srb.PathId = LunInfo->PathId;
+        Srb.TargetId = LunInfo->TargetId;
+        Srb.Lun = LunInfo->Lun;
+        Srb.Function = SRB_FUNCTION_EXECUTE_SCSI;
+        Srb.TimeOutValue = 4;
+        Srb.CdbLength = 6;
+        Srb.SenseInfoBuffer = SenseBuffer;
+        Srb.SenseInfoBufferLength = SENSE_BUFFER_SIZE;
+        Srb.DataBuffer = InquiryBuffer;
+        Srb.DataTransferLength = INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE;
+        /* Attach Srb to the Irp */
+        IrpStack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation (Irp);
+        IrpStack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb = &Srb;
+        /* Fill in CDB */
+        Cdb = (PCDB)Srb.Cdb;
+        Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.OperationCode = SCSIOP_INQUIRY;
+        Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.LogicalUnitNumber = LunInfo->Lun;
+        /* Call the driver */
+        Status = IoCallDriver(DeviceObject, Irp);
+        /* Wait for it to complete */
+        if (Status == STATUS_PENDING)
+        {
+            DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry(): Waiting for the driver to process request...\n");
+            KeWaitForSingleObject(&Event,
+                                  Executive,
+                                  KernelMode,
+                                  FALSE,
+                                  NULL);
+            Status = IoStatusBlock.Status;
+        }
+        DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry(): Request processed by driver, status = 0x%08X\n", Status);
+        if (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+        {
+            /* All fine, copy data over */
+            RtlCopyMemory(LunInfo->InquiryData,
+                          InquiryBuffer,
+                          INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE);
+            /* Quit the loop */
+            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            KeepTrying = FALSE;
+            continue;
+        }
+        DPRINT("Inquiry SRB failed with SrbStatus 0x%08X\n", Srb.SrbStatus);
+        /* Check if the queue is frozen */
+        if (Srb.SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN)
+        {
+            /* Something weird happened, deal with it (unfreeze the queue) */
+            KeepTrying = FALSE;
+            DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry(): the queue is frozen at TargetId %d\n", Srb.TargetId);
+            LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
+                                              LunInfo->PathId,
+                                              LunInfo->TargetId,
+                                              LunInfo->Lun);
+            /* Clear frozen flag */
+            LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
+            /* Acquire the spinlock */
+            KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &Irql);
+            /* Process the request */
+            SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceObject->DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
+            /* SpiGetNextRequestFromLun() releases the spinlock,
+                so we just lower irql back to what it was before */
+            KeLowerIrql(Irql);
+        }
+        /* Check if data overrun happened */
+        if (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN)
+        {
+            DPRINT("Data overrun at TargetId %d\n", LunInfo->TargetId);
+            /* Nothing dramatic, just copy data, but limiting the size */
+            RtlCopyMemory(LunInfo->InquiryData,
+                            InquiryBuffer,
+                            (Srb.DataTransferLength > INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE) ?
+                            INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE : Srb.DataTransferLength);
+            /* Quit the loop */
+            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            KeepTrying = FALSE;
+        }
+        else if ((Srb.SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID) &&
+                 SenseBuffer->SenseKey == SCSI_SENSE_ILLEGAL_REQUEST)
+        {
+            /* LUN is not valid, but some device responds there.
+                Mark it as invalid anyway */
+            /* Quit the loop */
+            KeepTrying = FALSE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Retry a couple of times if no timeout happened */
+            if ((RetryCount < 2) &&
+                (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) != SRB_STATUS_NO_DEVICE) &&
+                (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) != SRB_STATUS_SELECTION_TIMEOUT))
+            {
+                RetryCount++;
+                KeepTrying = TRUE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* That's all, quit the loop */
+                KeepTrying = FALSE;
+                /* Set status according to SRB status */
+                if (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_BAD_FUNCTION ||
+                    SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_BAD_SRB_BLOCK_LENGTH)
+                {
+                    Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    Status = STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Free buffers */
+    ExFreePoolWithTag(InquiryBuffer, TAG_SCSIPORT);
+    ExFreePoolWithTag(SenseBuffer, TAG_SCSIPORT);
+    DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry() done with Status 0x%08X\n", Status);
+    return Status;
+/* Scans all SCSI buses */
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension)
+    ULONG Bus;
+    ULONG Target;
+    ULONG Lun;
+    PSCSI_LUN_INFO LastLunInfo, LunInfo, LunInfoExists;
+    BOOLEAN DeviceExists;
+    ULONG Hint;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    ULONG DevicesFound;
+    DPRINT("SpiScanAdapter() called\n");
+    /* Scan all buses */
+    for (Bus = 0; Bus < DeviceExtension->BusNum; Bus++)
+    {
+        DPRINT("    Scanning bus %d\n", Bus);
+        DevicesFound = 0;
+        /* Get pointer to the scan information */
+        BusScanInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus];
+        if (BusScanInfo)
+        {
+            /* Find the last LUN info in the list */
+            LunInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LunInfo;
+            LastLunInfo = LunInfo;
+            while (LunInfo != NULL)
+            {
+                LastLunInfo = LunInfo;
+                LunInfo = LunInfo->Next;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* We need to allocate this buffer */
+            BusScanInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_BUS_SCAN_INFO), TAG_SCSIPORT);
+            if (!BusScanInfo)
+            {
+                DPRINT1("Out of resources!\n");
+                return;
+            }
+            /* Store the pointer in the BusScanInfo array */
+            DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus] = BusScanInfo;
+            /* Fill this struct (length and bus ids for now) */
+            BusScanInfo->Length = sizeof(SCSI_BUS_SCAN_INFO);
+            BusScanInfo->LogicalUnitsCount = 0;
+            BusScanInfo->BusIdentifier = DeviceExtension->PortConfig->InitiatorBusId[Bus];
+            BusScanInfo->LunInfo = NULL;
+            /* Set pointer to the last LUN info to NULL */
+            LastLunInfo = NULL;
+        }
+        /* Create LUN information structure */
+        LunInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_LUN_INFO), TAG_SCSIPORT);
+        if (!LunInfo)
+        {
+            DPRINT1("Out of resources!\n");
+            return;
+        }
+        RtlZeroMemory(LunInfo, sizeof(SCSI_LUN_INFO));
+        /* Create LunExtension */
+        LunExtension = SpiAllocateLunExtension(DeviceExtension);
+        /* And send INQUIRY to every target */
+        for (Target = 0; Target < DeviceExtension->PortConfig->MaximumNumberOfTargets; Target++)
+        {
+            /* TODO: Support scan bottom-up */
+            /* Skip if it's the same address */
+            if (Target == BusScanInfo->BusIdentifier)
+                continue;
+            /* Try to find an existing device here */
+            DeviceExists = FALSE;
+            LunInfoExists = BusScanInfo->LunInfo;
+            /* Find matching address on this bus */
+            while (LunInfoExists)
+            {
+                if (LunInfoExists->TargetId == Target)
+                {
+                    DeviceExists = TRUE;
+                    break;
+                }
+                /* Advance to the next one */
+                LunInfoExists = LunInfoExists->Next;
+            }
+            /* No need to bother rescanning, since we already did that before */
+            if (DeviceExists)
+                continue;
+            /* Scan all logical units */
+            for (Lun = 0; Lun < SCSI_MAXIMUM_LOGICAL_UNITS; Lun++)
+            {
+                if ((!LunExtension) || (!LunInfo))
+                    break;
+                /* Add extension to the list */
+                Hint = (Target + Lun) % LUS_NUMBER;
+                LunExtension->Next = DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint];
+                DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint] = LunExtension;
+                /* Fill Path, Target, Lun fields */
+                LunExtension->PathId = LunInfo->PathId = (UCHAR)Bus;
+                LunExtension->TargetId = LunInfo->TargetId = (UCHAR)Target;
+                LunExtension->Lun = LunInfo->Lun = (UCHAR)Lun;
+                /* Set flag to prevent race conditions */
+                LunExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS;
+                /* Zero LU extension contents */
+                if (DeviceExtension->LunExtensionSize)
+                {
+                    RtlZeroMemory(LunExtension + 1,
+                                  DeviceExtension->LunExtensionSize);
+                }
+                /* Finally send the inquiry command */
+                Status = SpiSendInquiry(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, LunInfo);
+                if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+                {
+                    /* Let's see if we really found a device */
+                    PINQUIRYDATA InquiryData = (PINQUIRYDATA)LunInfo->InquiryData;
+                    /* Check if this device is unsupported */
+                    if (InquiryData->DeviceTypeQualifier == DEVICE_QUALIFIER_NOT_SUPPORTED)
+                    {
+                        DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint] =
+                            DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint]->Next;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    /* Clear the "in scan" flag */
+                    LunExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS;
+                    DPRINT("SpiScanAdapter(): Found device of type %d at bus %d tid %d lun %d\n",
+                        InquiryData->DeviceType, Bus, Target, Lun);
+                    /*
+                     * Cache the inquiry data into the LUN extension (or alternatively
+                     * we could save a pointer to LunInfo within the LunExtension?)
+                     */
+                    RtlCopyMemory(&LunExtension->InquiryData,
+                                  InquiryData,
+                                  INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE);
+                    /* Add this info to the linked list */
+                    LunInfo->Next = NULL;
+                    if (LastLunInfo)
+                        LastLunInfo->Next = LunInfo;
+                    else
+                        BusScanInfo->LunInfo = LunInfo;
+                    /* Store the last LUN info */
+                    LastLunInfo = LunInfo;
+                    /* Store DeviceObject */
+                    LunInfo->DeviceObject = DeviceExtension->DeviceObject;
+                    /* Allocate another buffer */
+                    LunInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_LUN_INFO), TAG_SCSIPORT);
+                    if (!LunInfo)
+                    {
+                        DPRINT1("Out of resources!\n");
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    RtlZeroMemory(LunInfo, sizeof(SCSI_LUN_INFO));
+                    /* Create a new LU extension */
+                    LunExtension = SpiAllocateLunExtension(DeviceExtension);
+                    DevicesFound++;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* Remove this LUN from the list */
+                    DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint] =
+                        DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint]->Next;
+                    /* Decide whether we are continuing or not */
+                    if (Status == STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST)
+                        continue;
+                    else
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* Free allocated buffers */
+        if (LunExtension)
+            ExFreePoolWithTag(LunExtension, TAG_SCSIPORT);
+        if (LunInfo)
+            ExFreePoolWithTag(LunInfo, TAG_SCSIPORT);
+        /* Sum what we found */
+        BusScanInfo->LogicalUnitsCount += (UCHAR)DevicesFound;
+        DPRINT("    Found %d devices on bus %d\n", DevicesFound, Bus);
+    }
+    DPRINT("SpiScanAdapter() done\n");
+ * @brief      Calls HwInitialize routine of the miniport and sets up interrupts
+ *             Should be called inside ScsiPortInitialize (for legacy drivers)
+ *             or inside IRP_MN_START_DEVICE for pnp drivers
+ *
+ * @param[in]  DeviceExtension  The device extension
+ *
+ * @return     NTSTATUS of the operation
+ */
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension)
+    PPORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION PortConfig = DeviceExtension->PortConfig;
+    KIRQL OldIrql;
+    /* Deal with interrupts */
+    if (DeviceExtension->HwInterrupt == NULL ||
+        (PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel == 0 && PortConfig->BusInterruptVector == 0))
+    {
+        /* No interrupts */
+        DeviceExtension->InterruptCount = 0;
+        DPRINT1("Interrupt Count: 0\n");
+        /* This code path will ALWAYS crash so stop it now */
+        __debugbreak();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        BOOLEAN InterruptShareable;
+        KINTERRUPT_MODE InterruptMode[2];
+        ULONG InterruptVector[2], i, MappedIrq[2];
+        KIRQL Dirql[2], MaxDirql;
+        KAFFINITY Affinity[2];
+        DeviceExtension->InterruptLevel[0] = PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel;
+        DeviceExtension->InterruptLevel[1] = PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel2;
+        InterruptVector[0] = PortConfig->BusInterruptVector;
+        InterruptVector[1] = PortConfig->BusInterruptVector2;
+        InterruptMode[0] = PortConfig->InterruptMode;
+        InterruptMode[1] = PortConfig->InterruptMode2;
+        DeviceExtension->InterruptCount =
+            (PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel2 != 0 ||
+             PortConfig->BusInterruptVector2 != 0) ? 2 : 1;
+        for (i = 0; i < DeviceExtension->InterruptCount; i++)
+        {
+            /* Register an interrupt handler for this device */
+            MappedIrq[i] = HalGetInterruptVector(
+                PortConfig->AdapterInterfaceType, PortConfig->SystemIoBusNumber,
+                DeviceExtension->InterruptLevel[i], InterruptVector[i], &Dirql[i],
+                &Affinity[i]);
+        }
+        if (DeviceExtension->InterruptCount == 1 || Dirql[0] > Dirql[1])
+            MaxDirql = Dirql[0];
+        else
+            MaxDirql = Dirql[1];
+        for (i = 0; i < DeviceExtension->InterruptCount; i++)
+        {
+            /* Determine IRQ sharability as usual */
+            if (PortConfig->AdapterInterfaceType == MicroChannel ||
+                InterruptMode[i] == LevelSensitive)
+            {
+                InterruptShareable = TRUE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                InterruptShareable = FALSE;
+            }
+            Status = IoConnectInterrupt(
+                &DeviceExtension->Interrupt[i], (PKSERVICE_ROUTINE)ScsiPortIsr, DeviceExtension,
+                &DeviceExtension->IrqLock, MappedIrq[i], Dirql[i], MaxDirql, InterruptMode[i],
+                InterruptShareable, Affinity[i], FALSE);
+            if (!(NT_SUCCESS(Status)))
+            {
+                DPRINT1("Could not connect interrupt %d\n", InterruptVector[i]);
+                DeviceExtension->Interrupt[i] = NULL;
+                return Status;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+            return Status;
+    }
+    /* Save IoAddress (from access ranges) */
+    if (PortConfig->NumberOfAccessRanges != 0)
+    {
+        DeviceExtension->IoAddress = ((*(PortConfig->AccessRanges))[0]).RangeStart.LowPart;
+        DPRINT("Io Address %x\n", DeviceExtension->IoAddress);
+    }
+    /* Set flag that it's allowed to disconnect during this command */
+    DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_DISCONNECT_ALLOWED;
+    /* Initialize counter of active requests (-1 means there are none) */
+    DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter = -1;
+    /* Analyze what we have about DMA */
+    if (DeviceExtension->AdapterObject != NULL && PortConfig->Master &&
+        PortConfig->NeedPhysicalAddresses)
+    {
+        DeviceExtension->MapRegisters = TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        DeviceExtension->MapRegisters = FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Call HwInitialize at DISPATCH_LEVEL */
+    KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
+    if (!KeSynchronizeExecution(
+            DeviceExtension->Interrupt[0], DeviceExtension->HwInitialize,
+            DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension))
+    {
+        DPRINT1("HwInitialize() failed!\n");
+        KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
+    }
+    /* Check if a notification is needed */
+    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED)
+    {
+        /* Call DPC right away, because we're already at DISPATCH_LEVEL */
+        ScsiPortDpcForIsr(NULL, DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NULL, NULL);
+    }
+    /* Lower irql back to what it was */
+    KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
+    return Status;
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension)
+    PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo;
+    PVOID Ptr;
+    ULONG Bus, Lun;
+    /* Check if we have something to clean up */
+    if (DeviceExtension == NULL)
+        return;
+    /* Stop the timer */
+    IoStopTimer(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject);
+    /* Disconnect the interrupts */
+    while (DeviceExtension->InterruptCount)
+    {
+        if (DeviceExtension->Interrupt[--DeviceExtension->InterruptCount])
+            IoDisconnectInterrupt(DeviceExtension->Interrupt[DeviceExtension->InterruptCount]);
+    }
+    /* Delete ConfigInfo */
+    if (DeviceExtension->BusesConfig)
+    {
+        for (Bus = 0; Bus < DeviceExtension->BusNum; Bus++)
+        {
+            if (!DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus])
+                continue;
+            LunInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LunInfo;
+            while (LunInfo)
+            {
+                /* Free current, but save pointer to the next one */
+                Ptr = LunInfo->Next;
+                ExFreePool(LunInfo);
+                LunInfo = Ptr;
+            }
+            ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]);
+        }
+        ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->BusesConfig);
+    }
+    /* Free PortConfig */
+    if (DeviceExtension->PortConfig)
+        ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->PortConfig);
+    /* Free LUNs*/
+    for(Lun = 0; Lun < LUS_NUMBER; Lun++)
+    {
+        while (DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Lun])
+        {
+            Ptr = DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Lun];
+            DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Lun] = DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Lun]->Next;
+            ExFreePool(Ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Free common buffer (if it exists) */
+    if (DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionBuffer != NULL &&
+        DeviceExtension->CommonBufferLength != 0)
+    {
+            if (!DeviceExtension->AdapterObject)
+            {
+                ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionBuffer);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                HalFreeCommonBuffer(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject,
+                                    DeviceExtension->CommonBufferLength,
+                                    DeviceExtension->PhysicalAddress,
+                                    DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionBuffer,
+                                    FALSE);
+            }
+    }
+    /* Free SRB info */
+    if (DeviceExtension->SrbInfo != NULL)
+        ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->SrbInfo);
+    /* Unmap mapped addresses */
+    while (DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList != NULL)
+    {
+        MmUnmapIoSpace(DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList->MappedAddress,
+                       DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList->NumberOfBytes);
+        Ptr = DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList;
+        DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList = DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList->NextMappedAddress;
+        ExFreePool(Ptr);
+    }
+    /* Finally delete the device object */
+    DPRINT("Deleting device %p\n", DeviceExtension->DeviceObject);
+    IoDeleteDevice(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject);
diff --git a/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/ioctl.c b/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/ioctl.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..08de226
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ * PROJECT:     ReactOS Storage Stack / SCSIPORT storage port library
+ * LICENSE:     GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later)
+ * PURPOSE:     IOCTL handlers
+ * COPYRIGHT:   Eric Kohl (eric.kohl@reactos.org)
+ *              Aleksey Bragin (aleksey@reactos.org)
+ */
+#include "scsiport.h"
+#define NDEBUG
+#include <debug.h>
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _In_ PIRP Irp)
+    ULONG InquiryDataSize;
+    PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo;
+    ULONG BusCount, LunCount, Length;
+    PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA InquiryData;
+    PSCSI_BUS_DATA BusData;
+    ULONG Bus;
+    PUCHAR Buffer;
+    DPRINT("SpiGetInquiryData() called\n");
+    /* Get pointer to the buffer */
+    IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
+    Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
+    /* Initialize bus and LUN counters */
+    BusCount = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->NumberOfBuses;
+    LunCount = 0;
+    /* Calculate total number of LUNs */
+    for (Bus = 0; Bus < BusCount; Bus++)
+        LunCount += DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LogicalUnitsCount;
+    /* Calculate size of inquiry data, rounding up to sizeof(ULONG) */
+    InquiryDataSize =
+        sizeof(ULONG) - 1) & ~(sizeof(ULONG) - 1));
+    /* Calculate data size */
+    Length = sizeof(SCSI_ADAPTER_BUS_INFO) + (BusCount - 1) * sizeof(SCSI_BUS_DATA);
+    Length += InquiryDataSize * LunCount;
+    /* Check, if all data is going to fit into provided buffer */
+    if (IrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < Length)
+    {
+        Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
+        return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
+    }
+    /* Store data size in the IRP */
+    Irp->IoStatus.Information = Length;
+    DPRINT("Data size: %lu\n", Length);
+    AdapterBusInfo = (PSCSI_ADAPTER_BUS_INFO)Buffer;
+    AdapterBusInfo->NumberOfBuses = (UCHAR)BusCount;
+    /* Point InquiryData to the corresponding place inside Buffer */
+    InquiryData = (PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA)(Buffer + sizeof(SCSI_ADAPTER_BUS_INFO) +
+                    (BusCount - 1) * sizeof(SCSI_BUS_DATA));
+    /* Loop each bus */
+    for (Bus = 0; Bus < BusCount; Bus++)
+    {
+        BusData = &AdapterBusInfo->BusData[Bus];
+        /* Calculate and save an offset of the inquiry data */
+        BusData->InquiryDataOffset = (ULONG)((PUCHAR)InquiryData - Buffer);
+        /* Get a pointer to the LUN information structure */
+        LunInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LunInfo;
+        /* Store Initiator Bus Id */
+        BusData->InitiatorBusId =
+            DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->BusIdentifier;
+        /* Store LUN count */
+        BusData->NumberOfLogicalUnits =
+            DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LogicalUnitsCount;
+        /* Loop all LUNs */
+        while (LunInfo != NULL)
+        {
+            DPRINT("(Bus %lu Target %lu Lun %lu)\n",
+                   Bus, LunInfo->TargetId, LunInfo->Lun);
+            /* Fill InquiryData with values */
+            InquiryData->PathId = LunInfo->PathId;
+            InquiryData->TargetId = LunInfo->TargetId;
+            InquiryData->Lun = LunInfo->Lun;
+            InquiryData->InquiryDataLength = INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE;
+            InquiryData->DeviceClaimed = LunInfo->DeviceClaimed;
+            InquiryData->NextInquiryDataOffset =
+                (ULONG)((PUCHAR)InquiryData + InquiryDataSize - Buffer);
+            /* Copy data in it */
+            RtlCopyMemory(InquiryData->InquiryData,
+                          LunInfo->InquiryData,
+                          INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE);
+            /* Move to the next LUN */
+            LunInfo = LunInfo->Next;
+            InquiryData = (PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA) ((PCHAR)InquiryData + InquiryDataSize);
+        }
+        /* Either mark the end, or set offset to 0 */
+        if (BusData->NumberOfLogicalUnits != 0)
+            ((PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA) ((PCHAR)InquiryData - InquiryDataSize))->NextInquiryDataOffset = 0;
+        else
+            BusData->InquiryDataOffset = 0;
+    }
+    /* Finish with success */
+    Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ * NAME                         INTERNAL
+ *  ScsiPortDeviceControl
+ *
+ *  Answer requests for device control calls
+ *
+ *
+ *  Standard dispatch arguments
+ *
+ */
+    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+    _In_ PIRP Irp)
+    PDUMP_POINTERS DumpPointers;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    DPRINT("ScsiPortDeviceControl()\n");
+    Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
+    Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
+    DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
+    switch (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode)
+    {
+        if (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < sizeof(DUMP_POINTERS))
+        {
+          Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
+          Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DUMP_POINTERS);
+          break;
+        }
+        DumpPointers = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
+        DumpPointers->DeviceObject = DeviceObject;
+        /* More data.. ? */
+        Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DUMP_POINTERS);
+        break;
+        if (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength == sizeof(PVOID))
+        {
+            *((PVOID *)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) = &DeviceExtension->PortCapabilities;
+            Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(PVOID);
+            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < sizeof(IO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES))
+        {
+            Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
+            break;
+        }
+        RtlCopyMemory(Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer,
+                      &DeviceExtension->PortCapabilities,
+                      sizeof(IO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES));
+        Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(IO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES);
+        Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        break;
+          /* Copy inquiry data to the port device extension */
+          Status = SpiGetInquiryData(DeviceExtension, Irp);
+          break;
+          DPRINT1("IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT unimplemented!\n");
+          Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
+          break;
+          DPRINT1("IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH unimplemented!\n");
+          Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
+          break;
+      default:
+          if (DEVICE_TYPE_FROM_CTL_CODE(Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode) == MOUNTDEVCONTROLTYPE)
+          {
+            switch (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode)
+            {
+                DPRINT1("Got unexpected IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_DEVICE_NAME\n");
+                break;
+                DPRINT1("Got unexpected IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_UNIQUE_ID\n");
+                break;
+            default:
+                DPRINT("  got ioctl intended for the mount manager: 0x%lX\n", Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode);
+                break;
+            }
+          } else {
+            DPRINT1("  unknown ioctl code: 0x%lX\n", Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode);
+          }
+          Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
+          break;
+    }
+    /* Complete the request with the given status */
+    Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
+    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+    return Status;
diff --git a/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/pdo.c b/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/pdo.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7365f42
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * PROJECT:     ReactOS Storage Stack / SCSIPORT storage port library
+ * LICENSE:     GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later)
+ * PURPOSE:     Logical Unit (PDO) functions
+ * COPYRIGHT:   Eric Kohl (eric.kohl@reactos.org)
+ *              Aleksey Bragin (aleksey@reactos.org)
+ */
+#include "scsiport.h"
+#define NDEBUG
+#include <debug.h>
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension)
+    ULONG LunExtensionSize;
+    DPRINT("SpiAllocateLunExtension(%p)\n", DeviceExtension);
+    /* Round LunExtensionSize first to the sizeof LONGLONG */
+    LunExtensionSize = (DeviceExtension->LunExtensionSize +
+                        sizeof(LONGLONG) - 1) & ~(sizeof(LONGLONG) - 1);
+    LunExtensionSize += sizeof(SCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION);
+    DPRINT("LunExtensionSize %lu\n", LunExtensionSize);
+    LunExtension = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, LunExtensionSize, TAG_SCSIPORT);
+    if (LunExtension == NULL)
+    {
+        DPRINT1("Out of resources!\n");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    /* Zero everything */
+    RtlZeroMemory(LunExtension, LunExtensionSize);
+    /* Initialize a list of requests */
+    InitializeListHead(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests);
+    /* Initialize timeout counter */
+    LunExtension->RequestTimeout = -1;
+    /* Set maximum queue size */
+    LunExtension->MaxQueueCount = 256;
+    /* Initialize request queue */
+    KeInitializeDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue);
+    return LunExtension;
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _In_ UCHAR PathId,
+    _In_ UCHAR TargetId,
+    _In_ UCHAR Lun)
+    DPRINT("SpiGetLunExtension(%p %u %u %u) called\n",
+        DeviceExtension, PathId, TargetId, Lun);
+    /* Get appropriate list */
+    LunExtension = DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[(TargetId + Lun) % LUS_NUMBER];
+    /* Iterate it until we find what we need */
+    while (LunExtension)
+    {
+        if (LunExtension->TargetId == TargetId &&
+            LunExtension->Lun == Lun &&
+            LunExtension->PathId == PathId)
+        {
+            /* All matches, return */
+            return LunExtension;
+        }
+        /* Advance to the next item */
+        LunExtension = LunExtension->Next;
+    }
+    /* We did not find anything */
+    DPRINT("Nothing found\n");
+    return NULL;
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _In_ UCHAR PathId,
+    _In_ UCHAR TargetId,
+    _In_ UCHAR Lun,
+    _In_ UCHAR QueueTag)
+    if (QueueTag == SP_UNTAGGED)
+    {
+        /* Untagged request, get LU and return pointer to SrbInfo */
+        LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
+                                          PathId,
+                                          TargetId,
+                                          Lun);
+        /* Return NULL in case of error */
+        if (!LunExtension)
+            return(NULL);
+        /* Return the pointer to SrbInfo */
+        return &LunExtension->SrbInfo;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Make sure the tag is valid, if it is - return the data */
+        if (QueueTag > DeviceExtension->SrbDataCount || QueueTag < 1)
+            return NULL;
+        else
+            return &DeviceExtension->SrbInfo[QueueTag -1];
+    }
diff --git a/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/registry.c b/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/registry.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5deaf85
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+ * PROJECT:     ReactOS Storage Stack / SCSIPORT storage port library
+ * LICENSE:     GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later)
+ * PURPOSE:     Registry operations
+ * COPYRIGHT:   Eric Kohl (eric.kohl@reactos.org)
+ *              Aleksey Bragin (aleksey@reactos.org)
+ */
+#include "scsiport.h"
+#define NDEBUG
+#include <debug.h>
+    _Inout_ PCONFIGURATION_INFO ConfigInfo,
+    _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath)
+    OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    /* Open the service key */
+    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                               RegistryPath,
+                               OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,
+                               NULL,
+                               NULL);
+    Status = ZwOpenKey(&ConfigInfo->ServiceKey,
+                       KEY_READ,
+                       &ObjectAttributes);
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT("Unable to open driver's registry key %wZ, status 0x%08x\n", RegistryPath, Status);
+        ConfigInfo->ServiceKey = NULL;
+    }
+    /* If we could open driver's service key, then proceed to the Parameters key */
+    if (ConfigInfo->ServiceKey != NULL)
+    {
+        RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, L"Parameters");
+        InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                                   &KeyName,
+                                   OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,
+                                   ConfigInfo->ServiceKey,
+                                   (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL);
+        /* Try to open it */
+        Status = ZwOpenKey(&ConfigInfo->DeviceKey,
+                           KEY_READ,
+                           &ObjectAttributes);
+        if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+        {
+            /* Yes, Parameters key exist, and it must be used instead of
+               the Service key */
+            ZwClose(ConfigInfo->ServiceKey);
+            ConfigInfo->ServiceKey = ConfigInfo->DeviceKey;
+            ConfigInfo->DeviceKey = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    if (ConfigInfo->ServiceKey != NULL)
+    {
+        /* Open the Device key */
+        RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, L"Device");
+        InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                                   &KeyName,
+                                   OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,
+                                   ConfigInfo->ServiceKey,
+                                   NULL);
+        /* We don't check for failure here - not needed */
+        ZwOpenKey(&ConfigInfo->DeviceKey,
+                  KEY_READ,
+                  &ObjectAttributes);
+    }
+ * NAME                         INTERNAL
+ *  SpiBuildDeviceMap
+ *
+ *  Builds the registry device map of all device which are attached
+ *  to the given SCSI HBA port. The device map is located at:
+ *    \Registry\Machine\DeviceMap\Scsi
+ *
+ *
+ *  DeviceExtension
+ *      ...
+ *
+ *  RegistryPath
+ *      Name of registry driver service key.
+ *
+ */
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath)
+    OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
+    UNICODE_STRING ValueName;
+    WCHAR NameBuffer[64];
+    ULONG Disposition;
+    HANDLE ScsiKey;
+    HANDLE ScsiPortKey = NULL;
+    HANDLE ScsiBusKey = NULL;
+    HANDLE ScsiInitiatorKey = NULL;
+    HANDLE ScsiTargetKey = NULL;
+    HANDLE ScsiLunKey = NULL;
+    ULONG BusNumber;
+    ULONG Target;
+    ULONG CurrentTarget;
+    ULONG Lun;
+    PWCHAR DriverName;
+    ULONG UlongData;
+    PWCHAR TypeName;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    DPRINT("SpiBuildDeviceMap() called\n");
+    if (DeviceExtension == NULL || RegistryPath == NULL)
+    {
+        DPRINT1("Invalid parameter\n");
+    }
+    /* Open or create the 'Scsi' subkey */
+    RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName,
+                         L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Hardware\\DeviceMap\\Scsi");
+    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                               &KeyName,
+                               OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_OPENIF | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE,
+                               0,
+                               NULL);
+    Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiKey,
+                         KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
+                         &ObjectAttributes,
+                         0,
+                         NULL,
+                         REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
+                         &Disposition);
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+        return Status;
+    }
+    /* Create new 'Scsi Port X' subkey */
+    DPRINT("Scsi Port %lu\n", DeviceExtension->PortNumber);
+    swprintf(NameBuffer,
+             L"Scsi Port %lu",
+             DeviceExtension->PortNumber);
+    RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
+    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                               &KeyName,
+                               OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE,
+                               ScsiKey,
+                               NULL);
+    Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiPortKey,
+                         KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
+                         &ObjectAttributes,
+                         0,
+                         NULL,
+                         REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
+                         &Disposition);
+    ZwClose(ScsiKey);
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+        return Status;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Create port-specific values
+     */
+    /* Set 'DMA Enabled' (REG_DWORD) value */
+    UlongData = (ULONG)!DeviceExtension->PortCapabilities.AdapterUsesPio;
+    DPRINT("  DMA Enabled = %s\n", UlongData ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
+    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"DMA Enabled");
+    Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiPortKey,
+                           &ValueName,
+                           0,
+                           REG_DWORD,
+                           &UlongData,
+                           sizeof(UlongData));
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('DMA Enabled') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
+        return Status;
+    }
+    /* Set 'Driver' (REG_SZ) value */
+    DriverName = wcsrchr(RegistryPath->Buffer, L'\\') + 1;
+    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"Driver");
+    Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiPortKey,
+                           &ValueName,
+                           0,
+                           REG_SZ,
+                           DriverName,
+                           (ULONG)((wcslen(DriverName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('Driver') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
+        return Status;
+    }
+    /* Set 'Interrupt' (REG_DWORD) value (NT4 only) */
+    UlongData = (ULONG)DeviceExtension->PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel;
+    DPRINT("  Interrupt = %lu\n", UlongData);
+    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"Interrupt");
+    Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiPortKey,
+                           &ValueName,
+                           0,
+                           REG_DWORD,
+                           &UlongData,
+                           sizeof(UlongData));
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('Interrupt') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
+        return Status;
+    }
+    /* Set 'IOAddress' (REG_DWORD) value (NT4 only) */
+    UlongData = ScsiPortConvertPhysicalAddressToUlong((*DeviceExtension->PortConfig->AccessRanges)[0].RangeStart);
+    DPRINT("  IOAddress = %lx\n", UlongData);
+    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"IOAddress");
+    Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiPortKey,
+                           &ValueName,
+                           0,
+                           REG_DWORD,
+                           &UlongData,
+                           sizeof(UlongData));
+    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+    {
+        DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('IOAddress') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
+        return Status;
+    }
+    /* Enumerate buses */
+    for (BusNumber = 0; BusNumber < DeviceExtension->PortConfig->NumberOfBuses; BusNumber++)
+    {
+        /* Create 'Scsi Bus X' key */
+        DPRINT("    Scsi Bus %lu\n", BusNumber);
+        swprintf(NameBuffer,
+                 L"Scsi Bus %lu",
+                 BusNumber);
+        RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
+        InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                                   &KeyName,
+                                   0,
+                                   ScsiPortKey,
+                                   NULL);
+        Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiBusKey,
+                             KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
+                             &ObjectAttributes,
+                             0,
+                             NULL,
+                             REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
+                             &Disposition);
+        if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+        {
+            DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+            goto ByeBye;
+        }
+        /* Create 'Initiator Id X' key */
+        DPRINT("      Initiator Id %lu\n",
+               DeviceExtension->PortConfig->InitiatorBusId[BusNumber]);
+        swprintf(NameBuffer,
+                 L"Initiator Id %lu",
+                 (ULONG)(UCHAR)DeviceExtension->PortConfig->InitiatorBusId[BusNumber]);
+        RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
+        InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                                   &KeyName,
+                                   0,
+                                   ScsiBusKey,
+                                   NULL);
+        Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiInitiatorKey,
+                             KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
+                             &ObjectAttributes,
+                             0,
+                             NULL,
+                             REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
+                             &Disposition);
+        if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+        {
+            DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+            goto ByeBye;
+        }
+        /* FIXME: Are there any initiator values (??) */
+        ZwClose(ScsiInitiatorKey);
+        ScsiInitiatorKey = NULL;
+        /* Enumerate targets */
+        CurrentTarget = (ULONG)-1;
+        ScsiTargetKey = NULL;
+        for (Target = 0; Target < DeviceExtension->PortConfig->MaximumNumberOfTargets; Target++)
+        {
+            for (Lun = 0; Lun < SCSI_MAXIMUM_LOGICAL_UNITS; Lun++)
+            {
+                LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
+                                                  (UCHAR)BusNumber,
+                                                  (UCHAR)Target,
+                                                  (UCHAR)Lun);
+                if (LunExtension == NULL)
+                    continue;
+                if (Target != CurrentTarget)
+                {
+                    /* Close old target key */
+                    if (ScsiTargetKey != NULL)
+                    {
+                        ZwClose(ScsiTargetKey);
+                        ScsiTargetKey = NULL;
+                    }
+                    /* Create 'Target Id X' key */
+                    DPRINT("      Target Id %lu\n", Target);
+                    swprintf(NameBuffer,
+                             L"Target Id %lu",
+                             Target);
+                    RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
+                    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                                               &KeyName,
+                                               0,
+                                               ScsiBusKey,
+                                               NULL);
+                    Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiTargetKey,
+                                         KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
+                                         &ObjectAttributes,
+                                         0,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
+                                         &Disposition);
+                    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+                    {
+                        DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+                        goto ByeBye;
+                    }
+                    CurrentTarget = Target;
+                }
+                /* Create 'Logical Unit Id X' key */
+                DPRINT("        Logical Unit Id %lu\n", Lun);
+                swprintf(NameBuffer,
+                         L"Logical Unit Id %lu",
+                         Lun);
+                RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
+                InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
+                                           &KeyName,
+                                           0,
+                                           ScsiTargetKey,
+                                           NULL);
+                Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiLunKey,
+                                     KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
+                                     &ObjectAttributes,
+                                     0,
+                                     NULL,
+                                     REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
+                                     &Disposition);
+                if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+                {
+                    DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+                    goto ByeBye;
+                }
+                /* Set 'Identifier' (REG_SZ) value */
+                swprintf(NameBuffer,
+                         L"%.8S%.16S%.4S",
+                         LunExtension->InquiryData.VendorId,
+                         LunExtension->InquiryData.ProductId,
+                         LunExtension->InquiryData.ProductRevisionLevel);
+                DPRINT("          Identifier = '%S'\n", NameBuffer);
+                RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"Identifier");
+                Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiLunKey,
+                                       &ValueName,
+                                       0,
+                                       REG_SZ,
+                                       NameBuffer,
+                                       (ULONG)((wcslen(NameBuffer) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
+                if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+                {
+                    DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('Identifier') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+                    goto ByeBye;
+                }
+                /* Set 'Type' (REG_SZ) value */
+                /*
+                 * See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/install/identifiers-for-ide-devices
+                 * and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/install/identifiers-for-scsi-devices
+                 * for a list of types with their human-readable forms.
+                 */
+                switch (LunExtension->InquiryData.DeviceType)
+                {
+                    case 0:
+                        TypeName = L"DiskPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 1:
+                        TypeName = L"TapePeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 2:
+                        TypeName = L"PrinterPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    // case 3: "ProcessorPeripheral", classified as 'other': fall back to default case.
+                    case 4:
+                        TypeName = L"WormPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 5:
+                        TypeName = L"CdRomPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 6:
+                        TypeName = L"ScannerPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 7:
+                        TypeName = L"OpticalDiskPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 8:
+                        TypeName = L"MediumChangerPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 9:
+                        TypeName = L"CommunicationsPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    /* New peripheral types (SCSI only) */
+                    case 10: case 11:
+                        TypeName = L"ASCPrePressGraphicsPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 12:
+                        TypeName = L"ArrayPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 13:
+                        TypeName = L"EnclosurePeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 14:
+                        TypeName = L"RBCPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 15:
+                        TypeName = L"CardReaderPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    case 16:
+                        TypeName = L"BridgePeripheral";
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        TypeName = L"OtherPeripheral";
+                        break;
+                }
+                DPRINT("          Type = '%S'\n", TypeName);
+                RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"Type");
+                Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiLunKey,
+                                       &ValueName,
+                                       0,
+                                       REG_SZ,
+                                       TypeName,
+                                       (ULONG)((wcslen(TypeName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
+                if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+                {
+                    DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('Type') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
+                    goto ByeBye;
+                }
+                ZwClose(ScsiLunKey);
+                ScsiLunKey = NULL;
+            }
+            /* Close old target key */
+            if (ScsiTargetKey != NULL)
+            {
+                ZwClose(ScsiTargetKey);
+                ScsiTargetKey = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        ZwClose(ScsiBusKey);
+        ScsiBusKey = NULL;
+    }
+    if (ScsiLunKey != NULL)
+        ZwClose(ScsiLunKey);
+    if (ScsiInitiatorKey != NULL)
+        ZwClose(ScsiInitiatorKey);
+    if (ScsiTargetKey != NULL)
+        ZwClose(ScsiTargetKey);
+    if (ScsiBusKey != NULL)
+        ZwClose(ScsiBusKey);
+    if (ScsiPortKey != NULL)
+        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
+    DPRINT("SpiBuildDeviceMap() done\n");
+    return Status;
diff --git a/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/scsi.c b/drivers/storage/port/scsiport/scsi.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7feb6da
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1768 @@
+ * PROJECT:     ReactOS Storage Stack
+ * LICENSE:     GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later)
+ * PURPOSE:     SCSI Port driver SCSI requests handling
+ * COPYRIGHT:   Eric Kohl (eric.kohl@reactos.org)
+ *              Aleksey Bragin (aleksey@reactos.org)
+ *              2020 Victor Perevertkin (victor.perevertkin@reactos.org)
+ */
+#include "scsiport.h"
+#define NDEBUG
+#include <debug.h>
+    _In_ UCHAR SrbStatus)
+    switch (SRB_STATUS(SrbStatus))
+    {
+        return STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT;
+    case SRB_STATUS_NO_HBA:
+    default:
+        return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR;
+    }
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _Inout_ PIRP Irp)
+    PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo;
+    PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject;
+    KIRQL Irql;
+    /* Get pointer to the SRB */
+    IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
+    Srb = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK)IrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1;
+    /* Check if PathId matches number of buses */
+    if (DeviceExtension->BusesConfig == NULL ||
+        DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->NumberOfBuses <= Srb->PathId)
+    {
+        Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_NO_DEVICE;
+    }
+    /* Get pointer to LunInfo */
+    LunInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Srb->PathId]->LunInfo;
+    /* Find matching LunInfo */
+    while (LunInfo)
+    {
+        if (LunInfo->PathId == Srb->PathId &&
+            LunInfo->TargetId == Srb->TargetId &&
+            LunInfo->Lun == Srb->Lun)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        LunInfo = LunInfo->Next;
+    }
+    /* If we couldn't find it - exit */
+    if (LunInfo == NULL)
+    /* Get spinlock */
+    KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &Irql);
+    /* Release, if asked */
+    if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_RELEASE_DEVICE)
+    {
+        LunInfo->DeviceClaimed = FALSE;
+        KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
+        Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* Attach, if not already claimed */
+    if (LunInfo->DeviceClaimed)
+    {
+        KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
+        Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_BUSY;
+        return STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY;
+    }
+    /* Save the device object */
+    DeviceObject = LunInfo->DeviceObject;
+    if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_CLAIM_DEVICE)
+        LunInfo->DeviceClaimed = TRUE;
+    if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ATTACH_DEVICE)
+        LunInfo->DeviceObject = Srb->DataBuffer;
+    Srb->DataBuffer = DeviceObject;
+    KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
+    Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+ * NAME                         INTERNAL
+ *  ScsiPortDispatchScsi
+ *
+ *  Answer requests for SCSI calls
+ *
+ *
+ *  Standard dispatch arguments
+ *
+ */
+    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+    _Inout_ PIRP Irp)
+    KIRQL Irql;
+    PIRP NextIrp, IrpList;
+    DPRINT("ScsiPortDispatchScsi(DeviceObject %p  Irp %p)\n", DeviceObject, Irp);
+    DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
+    Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
+    Srb = Stack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb;
+    if (Srb == NULL)
+    {
+        DPRINT1("ScsiPortDispatchScsi() called with Srb = NULL!\n");
+        Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
+        Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
+        Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
+        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+        return (Status);
+    }
+    DPRINT("Srb: %p\n", Srb);
+    DPRINT("Srb->Function: %lu\n", Srb->Function);
+    DPRINT("PathId: %lu  TargetId: %lu  Lun: %lu\n", Srb->PathId, Srb->TargetId, Srb->Lun);
+    LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension, Srb->PathId, Srb->TargetId, Srb->Lun);
+    if (LunExtension == NULL)
+    {
+        DPRINT("ScsiPortDispatchScsi() called with an invalid LUN\n");
+        Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE;
+        Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_NO_DEVICE;
+        Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
+        Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
+        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+        return (Status);
+    }
+    switch (Srb->Function)
+    {
+        case SRB_FUNCTION_FLUSH:
+            if (DeviceExtension->CachesData == FALSE)
+            {
+                /* All success here */
+                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+                Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+                IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+                return STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            }
+            /* Fall through to a usual execute operation */
+            /* Mark IRP as pending in all cases */
+            IoMarkIrpPending(Irp);
+            if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_BYPASS_FROZEN_QUEUE)
+            {
+                /* Start IO directly */
+                IoStartPacket(DeviceObject, Irp, NULL, NULL);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                KIRQL oldIrql;
+                /* We need to be at DISPATCH_LEVEL */
+                KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql);
+                /* Insert IRP into the queue */
+                if (!KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue(
+                        &LunExtension->DeviceQueue,
+                        &Irp->Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry,
+                        Srb->QueueSortKey))
+                {
+                    /* It means the queue is empty, and we just start this request */
+                    IoStartPacket(DeviceObject, Irp, NULL, NULL);
+                }
+                /* Back to the old IRQL */
+                KeLowerIrql(oldIrql);
+            }
+            return STATUS_PENDING;
+            /* Reference device object and keep the device object */
+            Status = SpiHandleAttachRelease(DeviceExtension, Irp);
+            break;
+            /* Dereference device object and clear the device object */
+            Status = SpiHandleAttachRelease(DeviceExtension, Irp);
+            break;
+            /* Guard with the spinlock */
+            KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &Irql);
+            if (!(LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE))
+            {
+                DPRINT("Queue is not frozen really\n");
+                KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
+                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+                Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+                break;
+            }
+            /* Unfreeze the queue */
+            LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
+            if (LunExtension->SrbInfo.Srb == NULL)
+            {
+                /* Get next logical unit request */
+                SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
+                /* SpiGetNextRequestFromLun() releases the spinlock */
+                KeLowerIrql(Irql);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                DPRINT("The queue has active request\n");
+                KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
+            }
+            Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            break;
+            /* Guard with the spinlock */
+            KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &Irql);
+            if (!(LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE))
+            {
+                DPRINT("Queue is not frozen really\n");
+                KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
+                Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST;
+                break;
+            }
+            /* Make sure there is no active request */
+            ASSERT(LunExtension->SrbInfo.Srb == NULL);
+            /* Compile a list from the device queue */
+            IrpList = NULL;
+            while ((Entry = KeRemoveDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue)) != NULL)
+            {
+                NextIrp = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry);
+                /* Get the Srb */
+                Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(NextIrp);
+                Srb = Stack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb;
+                /* Set statuse */
+                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_REQUEST_FLUSHED;
+                NextIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
+                /* Add then to the list */
+                NextIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink = (PLIST_ENTRY)IrpList;
+                IrpList = NextIrp;
+            }
+            /* Unfreeze the queue */
+            LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
+            /* Release the spinlock */
+            KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
+            /* Complete those requests */
+            while (IrpList)
+            {
+                NextIrp = IrpList;
+                IrpList = (PIRP)NextIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink;
+                IoCompleteRequest(NextIrp, 0);
+            }
+            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            break;
+        default:
+            DPRINT1("SRB function not implemented (Function %lu)\n", Srb->Function);
+            Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
+            break;
+    }
+    Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
+    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+    return Status;
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _Inout_ PSCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION LunExtension)
+    PIRP NextIrp;
+    /* If LUN is not active or queue is more than maximum allowed  */
+    if (LunExtension->QueueCount >= LunExtension->MaxQueueCount ||
+        !(LunExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE))
+    {
+        /* Release the spinlock and exit */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Check if we can get a next request */
+    if (LunExtension->Flags &
+    {
+        /* Pending requests can only be started if the queue is empty */
+        if (IsListEmpty(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests) &&
+            !(LunExtension->Flags &
+        {
+            /* Make sure we have SRB */
+            ASSERT(LunExtension->SrbInfo.Srb == NULL);
+            /* Clear active and pending flags */
+            LunExtension->Flags &= ~(LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING | SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE);
+            /* Get next Irp, and clear pending requests list */
+            NextIrp = LunExtension->PendingRequest;
+            LunExtension->PendingRequest = NULL;
+            /* Set attempt counter to zero */
+            LunExtension->AttemptCount = 0;
+            /* Release the spinlock */
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+            /* Start the next pending request */
+            IoStartPacket(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NextIrp, (PULONG)NULL, NULL);
+            return;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Release the spinlock, without clearing any flags and exit */
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Reset active flag */
+    LunExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE;
+    /* Set attempt counter to zero */
+    LunExtension->AttemptCount = 0;
+    /* Remove packet from the device queue */
+    Entry = KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue, LunExtension->SortKey);
+    if (Entry != NULL)
+    {
+        /* Get pointer to the next irp */
+        NextIrp = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry);
+        /* Get point to the SRB */
+        IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(NextIrp);
+        Srb = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK)IrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1;
+        /* Set new key*/
+        LunExtension->SortKey = Srb->QueueSortKey;
+        LunExtension->SortKey++;
+        /* Release the spinlock */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        /* Start the next pending request */
+        IoStartPacket(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NextIrp, (PULONG)NULL, NULL);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Release the spinlock */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    }
+IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE SpiSenseCompletionRoutine;
+    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+    _In_ PIRP Irp,
+    _In_opt_ PVOID Context)
+    PIRP InitialIrp;
+    DPRINT("SpiCompletionRoutine() entered, IRP %p \n", Irp);
+    if ((Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_RESET_BUS) ||
+        (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND))
+    {
+        /* Deallocate SRB and IRP and exit */
+        ExFreePool(Srb);
+        IoFreeIrp(Irp);
+    }
+    /* Get a pointer to the SRB and IRP which were initially sent */
+    InitialSrb = *((PVOID *)(Srb+1));
+    InitialIrp = InitialSrb->OriginalRequest;
+    if ((SRB_STATUS(Srb->SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS) ||
+        (SRB_STATUS(Srb->SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN))
+    {
+        /* Sense data is OK */
+        InitialSrb->SrbStatus |= SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID;
+        /* Set length to be the same */
+        InitialSrb->SenseInfoBufferLength = (UCHAR)Srb->DataTransferLength;
+    }
+    /* Make sure initial SRB's queue is frozen */
+    ASSERT(InitialSrb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN);
+    /* Complete this request */
+    IoCompleteRequest(InitialIrp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
+    /* Deallocate everything (internal) */
+    ExFreePool(Srb);
+    if (Irp->MdlAddress != NULL)
+    {
+        MmUnlockPages(Irp->MdlAddress);
+        IoFreeMdl(Irp->MdlAddress);
+        Irp->MdlAddress = NULL;
+    }
+    IoFreeIrp(Irp);
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _In_ PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK InitialSrb)
+    PCDB Cdb;
+    PIRP Irp;
+    LARGE_INTEGER LargeInt;
+    PVOID *Ptr;
+    DPRINT("SpiSendRequestSense() entered, InitialSrb %p\n", InitialSrb);
+    /* Allocate Srb */
+    Srb = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK) + sizeof(PVOID), TAG_SCSIPORT);
+    RtlZeroMemory(Srb, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK));
+    /* Allocate IRP */
+    LargeInt.QuadPart = (LONGLONG) 1;
+    Irp = IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest(IRP_MJ_READ,
+                                        DeviceExtension->DeviceObject,
+                                        InitialSrb->SenseInfoBuffer,
+                                        InitialSrb->SenseInfoBufferLength,
+                                        &LargeInt,
+                                        NULL);
+    IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp,
+                           SpiSenseCompletionRoutine,
+                           Srb,
+                           TRUE,
+                           TRUE,
+                           TRUE);
+    if (!Srb)
+    {
+        DPRINT("SpiSendRequestSense() failed, Srb %p\n", Srb);
+        return;
+    }
+    IrpStack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp);
+    IrpStack->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_SCSI;
+    /* Put Srb address into Irp... */
+    IrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1 = (PVOID)Srb;
+    /* ...and vice versa */
+    Srb->OriginalRequest = Irp;
+    /* Save Srb */
+    Ptr = (PVOID *)(Srb+1);
+    *Ptr = InitialSrb;
+    /* Build CDB for REQUEST SENSE */
+    Srb->CdbLength = 6;
+    Cdb = (PCDB)Srb->Cdb;
+    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.LogicalUnitNumber = 0;
+    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.Reserved1 = 0;
+    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.PageCode = 0;
+    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.IReserved = 0;
+    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.AllocationLength = (UCHAR)InitialSrb->SenseInfoBufferLength;
+    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.Control = 0;
+    /* Set address */
+    Srb->TargetId = InitialSrb->TargetId;
+    Srb->Lun = InitialSrb->Lun;
+    Srb->PathId = InitialSrb->PathId;
+    Srb->Length = sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK);
+    /* Timeout will be 2 seconds */
+    Srb->TimeOutValue = 2;
+    /* No auto request sense */
+    Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength = 0;
+    Srb->SenseInfoBuffer = NULL;
+    /* Set necessary flags */
+                    SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_DISCONNECT;
+    /* Transfer disable synch transfer flag */
+    if (InitialSrb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_SYNCH_TRANSFER)
+    Srb->DataBuffer = InitialSrb->SenseInfoBuffer;
+    /* Fill the transfer length */
+    Srb->DataTransferLength = InitialSrb->SenseInfoBufferLength;
+    /* Clear statuses */
+    Srb->ScsiStatus = Srb->SrbStatus = 0;
+    Srb->NextSrb = 0;
+    /* Call the driver */
+    (VOID)IoCallDriver(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, Irp);
+    DPRINT("SpiSendRequestSense() done\n");
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _Out_ PBOOLEAN NeedToCallStartIo)
+    LONG Result;
+    PIRP Irp;
+    //ULONG SequenceNumber;
+    Srb = SrbInfo->Srb;
+    Irp = Srb->OriginalRequest;
+    /* Get Lun extension */
+    LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
+                                     Srb->PathId,
+                                     Srb->TargetId,
+                                     Srb->Lun);
+        DeviceExtension->MapBuffers &&
+        Irp->MdlAddress)
+    {
+        /* MDL is shared if transfer is broken into smaller parts */
+        Srb->DataBuffer = (PCCHAR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress) +
+            ((PCCHAR)Srb->DataBuffer - SrbInfo->DataOffset);
+        /* In case of data going in, flush the buffers */
+        if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DATA_IN)
+        {
+            KeFlushIoBuffers(Irp->MdlAddress,
+                             TRUE,
+                             FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Flush adapter if needed */
+    if (SrbInfo->BaseOfMapRegister)
+    {
+        /* TODO: Implement */
+        ASSERT(FALSE);
+    }
+    /* Clear the request */
+    SrbInfo->Srb = NULL;
+    /* If disconnect is disabled... */
+    {
+        /* Acquire the spinlock since we mess with flags */
+        KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        /* Set corresponding flag */
+        DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_DISCONNECT_ALLOWED;
+        /* Clear the timer if needed */
+        if (!(DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_RESET))
+            DeviceExtension->TimerCount = -1;
+        /* Spinlock is not needed anymore */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        if (!(DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING) &&
+            !(DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_DEVICE_BUSY) &&
+            !(*NeedToCallStartIo))
+        {
+            /* We're not busy, but we have a request pending */
+            IoStartNextPacket(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Scatter/gather */
+    if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_SGLIST_FROM_POOL)
+    {
+        /* TODO: Implement */
+        ASSERT(FALSE);
+    }
+    /* Acquire spinlock (we're freeing SrbExtension) */
+    KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    /* Free it (if needed) */
+    if (Srb->SrbExtension)
+    {
+        if (Srb->SenseInfoBuffer != NULL && DeviceExtension->SupportsAutoSense)
+        {
+            ASSERT(Srb->SenseInfoBuffer == NULL || SrbInfo->SaveSenseRequest != NULL);
+            if (Srb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID)
+            {
+                /* Copy sense data to the buffer */
+                RtlCopyMemory(SrbInfo->SaveSenseRequest,
+                              Srb->SenseInfoBuffer,
+                              Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength);
+            }
+            /* And restore the pointer */
+            Srb->SenseInfoBuffer = SrbInfo->SaveSenseRequest;
+        }
+        /* Put it into the free srb extensions list */
+        *((PVOID *)Srb->SrbExtension) = DeviceExtension->FreeSrbExtensions;
+        DeviceExtension->FreeSrbExtensions = Srb->SrbExtension;
+    }
+    /* Save transfer length in the IRP */
+    Irp->IoStatus.Information = Srb->DataTransferLength;
+    //SequenceNumber = SrbInfo->SequenceNumber;
+    SrbInfo->SequenceNumber = 0;
+    /* Decrement the queue count */
+    LunExtension->QueueCount--;
+    /* Free Srb, if needed*/
+    if (Srb->QueueTag != SP_UNTAGGED)
+    {
+        /* Put it into the free list */
+        SrbInfo->Requests.Blink = NULL;
+        SrbInfo->Requests.Flink = (PLIST_ENTRY)DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo;
+        DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo = SrbInfo;
+    }
+    /* SrbInfo is not used anymore */
+    SrbInfo = NULL;
+    if (DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING)
+    {
+        /* Clear the flag */
+        DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING;
+        /* Note the caller about StartIo */
+        *NeedToCallStartIo = TRUE;
+    }
+    if (SRB_STATUS(Srb->SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        /* Start the packet */
+        Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        if (!(Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_BYPASS_FROZEN_QUEUE) &&
+            LunExtension->RequestTimeout == -1)
+        {
+            /* Start the next packet */
+            SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Release the spinlock */
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        }
+        DPRINT("IoCompleting request IRP 0x%p\n", Irp);
+        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
+        /* Decrement number of active requests, and analyze the result */
+        Result = InterlockedDecrement(&DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter);
+        if (Result < 0 &&
+            !DeviceExtension->MapRegisters &&
+            DeviceExtension->AdapterObject != NULL)
+        {
+            /* Nullify map registers */
+            DeviceExtension->MapRegisterBase = NULL;
+            IoFreeAdapterChannel(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject);
+        }
+         /* Exit, we're done */
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Decrement number of active requests, and analyze the result */
+    Result = InterlockedDecrement(&DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter);
+    if (Result < 0 &&
+        !DeviceExtension->MapRegisters &&
+        DeviceExtension->AdapterObject != NULL)
+    {
+        /* Result is negative, so this is a slave, free map registers */
+        DeviceExtension->MapRegisterBase = NULL;
+        IoFreeAdapterChannel(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject);
+    }
+    /* Convert status */
+    Irp->IoStatus.Status = SpiStatusSrbToNt(Srb->SrbStatus);
+    /* It's not a bypass, it's busy or the queue is full? */
+    if ((Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_BUSY ||
+         Srb->SrbStatus == SRB_STATUS_BUSY ||
+         Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_QUEUE_FULL) &&
+         !(Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_BYPASS_FROZEN_QUEUE))
+    {
+        DPRINT("Busy SRB status %x\n", Srb->SrbStatus);
+        /* Requeue, if needed */
+        if (LunExtension->Flags & (LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE | LUNEX_BUSY))
+        {
+            DPRINT("it's being requeued\n");
+            Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_PENDING;
+            Srb->ScsiStatus = 0;
+            if (!KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue,
+                                          &Irp->Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry,
+                                          Srb->QueueSortKey))
+            {
+                /* It's a big f.ck up if we got here */
+                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_ERROR;
+                Srb->ScsiStatus = SCSISTAT_BUSY;
+                ASSERT(FALSE);
+                goto Error;
+            }
+            /* Release the spinlock */
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        }
+        else if (LunExtension->AttemptCount++ < 20)
+        {
+            /* LUN is still busy */
+            Srb->ScsiStatus = 0;
+            Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_PENDING;
+            LunExtension->BusyRequest = Irp;
+            LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_BUSY;
+            /* Release the spinlock */
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Freeze the queue*/
+            Srb->SrbStatus |= SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN;
+            LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
+            /* "Unfull" the queue */
+            LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_FULL_QUEUE;
+            /* Release the spinlock */
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+            /* Return status that the device is not ready */
+            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY;
+            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Start the next request, if LUN is idle, and this is sense request */
+    if (((Srb->ScsiStatus != SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) ||
+        (Srb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID) ||
+        !Srb->SenseInfoBuffer || !Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength)
+        && (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_NO_QUEUE_FREEZE))
+    {
+        if (LunExtension->RequestTimeout == -1)
+            SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
+        else
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Freeze the queue */
+        Srb->SrbStatus |= SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN;
+        LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
+        /* Do we need a request sense? */
+        if (Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION &&
+            !(Srb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID) &&
+            Srb->SenseInfoBuffer && Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength)
+        {
+            /* If LUN is busy, we have to requeue it in order to allow request sense */
+            if (LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_BUSY)
+            {
+                DPRINT("Requeuing busy request to allow request sense\n");
+                if (!KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue,
+                    &LunExtension->BusyRequest->Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry,
+                    Srb->QueueSortKey))
+                {
+                    /* We should never get here */
+                    ASSERT(FALSE);
+                    KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+                    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
+                    return;
+                }
+                /* Clear busy flags */
+                LunExtension->Flags &= ~(LUNEX_FULL_QUEUE | LUNEX_BUSY);
+            }
+            /* Release the spinlock */
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+            /* Send RequestSense */
+            SpiSendRequestSense(DeviceExtension, Srb);
+            /* Exit */
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Release the spinlock */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    }
+    /* Complete the request */
+    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
+    _In_ PVOID Context)
+    PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT)Context;
+    BOOLEAN Result;
+    BOOLEAN StartTimer;
+    DPRINT("ScsiPortStartPacket() called\n");
+    DeviceExtension = (PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION)DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
+    IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(DeviceObject->CurrentIrp);
+    Srb = IrpStack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb;
+    /* Get LUN extension */
+    LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
+                                      Srb->PathId,
+                                      Srb->TargetId,
+                                      Srb->Lun);
+    /* Check if we are in a reset state */
+    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_RESET)
+    {
+        /* Mark the we've got requests while being in the reset state */
+        DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags |= SCSI_PORT_RESET_REQUEST;
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    /* Set the time out value */
+    DeviceExtension->TimerCount = Srb->TimeOutValue;
+    /* We are busy */
+    DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_DEVICE_BUSY;
+    if (LunExtension->RequestTimeout != -1)
+    {
+        /* Timer already active */
+        StartTimer = FALSE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* It hasn't been initialized yet */
+        LunExtension->RequestTimeout = Srb->TimeOutValue;
+        StartTimer = TRUE;
+    }
+    {
+        /* Handle bypass-requests */
+        /* Is this an abort request? */
+        if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND)
+        {
+            /* Get pointer to SRB info structure */
+            SrbInfo = SpiGetSrbData(DeviceExtension,
+                                    Srb->PathId,
+                                    Srb->TargetId,
+                                    Srb->Lun,
+                                    Srb->QueueTag);
+            /* Check if the request is still "active" */
+            if (SrbInfo == NULL ||
+                SrbInfo->Srb == NULL ||
+                !(SrbInfo->Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_IS_ACTIVE))
+            {
+                /* It's not, mark it as active then */
+                Srb->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_IS_ACTIVE;
+                if (StartTimer)
+                    LunExtension->RequestTimeout = -1;
+                DPRINT("Request has been already completed, but abort request came\n");
+                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_ABORT_FAILED;
+                /* Notify about request complete */
+                ScsiPortNotification(RequestComplete,
+                                     DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension,
+                                     Srb);
+                /* and about readiness for the next request */
+                ScsiPortNotification(NextRequest,
+                                     DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension);
+                /* They might ask for some work, so queue the DPC for them */
+                IoRequestDpc(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NULL, NULL);
+                /* We're done in this branch */
+                return TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Add number of queued requests */
+            LunExtension->QueueCount++;
+        }
+        /* Bypass requests don't need request sense */
+        LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE;
+        /* Is disconnect disabled for this request? */
+        if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_DISCONNECT)
+        {
+            /* Set the corresponding flag */
+            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DISCONNECT_ALLOWED;
+        }
+        /* Transfer timeout value from Srb to Lun */
+        LunExtension->RequestTimeout = Srb->TimeOutValue;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_DISCONNECT)
+        {
+            /* It's a disconnect, so no more requests can go */
+            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DISCONNECT_ALLOWED;
+        }
+        LunExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE;
+        /* Increment queue count */
+        LunExtension->QueueCount++;
+        /* If it's tagged - special thing */
+        if (Srb->QueueTag != SP_UNTAGGED)
+        {
+            SrbInfo = &DeviceExtension->SrbInfo[Srb->QueueTag - 1];
+            /* Chek for consistency */
+            ASSERT(SrbInfo->Requests.Blink == NULL);
+            /* Insert it into the list of requests */
+            InsertTailList(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests, &SrbInfo->Requests);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Mark this Srb active */
+    Srb->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_IS_ACTIVE;
+    /* Call HwStartIo routine */
+    Result = DeviceExtension->HwStartIo(&DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension,
+                                        Srb);
+    /* If notification is needed, then request a DPC */
+    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED)
+        IoRequestDpc(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NULL, NULL);
+    return Result;
+SpiSaveInterruptData(IN PVOID Context)
+    PSCSI_PORT_SAVE_INTERRUPT InterruptContext = Context;
+    BOOLEAN IsTimed;
+    /* Get pointer to the device extension */
+    DeviceExtension = InterruptContext->DeviceExtension;
+    /* If we don't have anything pending - return */
+    if (!(DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED))
+        return FALSE;
+    /* Actually save the interrupt data */
+    *InterruptContext->InterruptData = DeviceExtension->InterruptData;
+    /* Clear the data stored in the device extension */
+    DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags &=
+    DeviceExtension->InterruptData.CompletedAbort = NULL;
+    DeviceExtension->InterruptData.ReadyLun = NULL;
+    DeviceExtension->InterruptData.CompletedRequests = NULL;
+    /* Loop through the list of completed requests */
+    SrbInfo = InterruptContext->InterruptData->CompletedRequests;
+    while (SrbInfo)
+    {
+        /* Make sure we have SRV */
+        ASSERT(SrbInfo->Srb);
+        /* Get SRB and LunExtension */
+        Srb = SrbInfo->Srb;
+        LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
+                                          Srb->PathId,
+                                          Srb->TargetId,
+                                          Srb->Lun);
+        /* We have to check special cases if request is unsuccessful*/
+        if (Srb->SrbStatus != SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+        {
+            /* Check if we need request sense by a few conditions */
+            if (Srb->SenseInfoBuffer && Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength &&
+                Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION &&
+                !(Srb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID))
+            {
+                if (LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE)
+                {
+                    /* It means: we tried to send REQUEST SENSE, but failed */
+                    Srb->ScsiStatus = 0;
+                    Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_REQUEST_SENSE_FAILED;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* Set the corresponding flag, so that REQUEST SENSE
+                       will be sent */
+                    LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE;
+                }
+            }
+            /* Check for a full queue */
+            if (Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_QUEUE_FULL)
+            {
+                /* TODO: Implement when it's encountered */
+                ASSERT(FALSE);
+            }
+        }
+        /* Let's decide if we need to watch timeout or not */
+        if (Srb->QueueTag == SP_UNTAGGED)
+        {
+            IsTimed = TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests.Flink == &SrbInfo->Requests)
+                IsTimed = TRUE;
+            else
+                IsTimed = FALSE;
+            /* Remove it from the queue */
+            RemoveEntryList(&SrbInfo->Requests);
+        }
+        if (IsTimed)
+        {
+            /* We have to maintain timeout counter */
+            if (IsListEmpty(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests))
+            {
+                LunExtension->RequestTimeout = -1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                NextSrbInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests.Flink,
+                                                SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK_INFO,
+                                                Requests);
+                Srb = NextSrbInfo->Srb;
+                /* Update timeout counter */
+                LunExtension->RequestTimeout = Srb->TimeOutValue;
+            }
+        }
+        SrbInfo = SrbInfo->CompletedRequests;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+    _In_ PKDPC Dpc,
+    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DpcDeviceObject,
+    _Inout_ PIRP DpcIrp,
+    _In_opt_ PVOID DpcContext)
+    PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension = DpcDeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
+    BOOLEAN NeedToStartIo;
+    LARGE_INTEGER TimerValue;
+    DPRINT("ScsiPortDpcForIsr(Dpc %p  DpcDeviceObject %p  DpcIrp %p  DpcContext %p)\n",
+           Dpc, DpcDeviceObject, DpcIrp, DpcContext);
+    /* We need to acquire spinlock */
+    KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    RtlZeroMemory(&InterruptData, sizeof(SCSI_PORT_INTERRUPT_DATA));
+    /* Interrupt structure must be snapshotted, and only then analyzed */
+    Context.InterruptData = &InterruptData;
+    Context.DeviceExtension = DeviceExtension;
+    if (!KeSynchronizeExecution(DeviceExtension->Interrupt[0],
+                                SpiSaveInterruptData,
+                                &Context))
+    {
+        /* Nothing - just return (don't forget to release the spinlock */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        DPRINT("ScsiPortDpcForIsr() done\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    /* If flush of adapters is needed - do it */
+    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_FLUSH_ADAPTERS)
+    {
+        /* TODO: Implement */
+        ASSERT(FALSE);
+    }
+    /* Check for IoMapTransfer */
+    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_MAP_TRANSFER)
+    {
+        /* TODO: Implement */
+        ASSERT(FALSE);
+    }
+    /* Check if timer is needed */
+    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_TIMER_NEEDED)
+    {
+        /* Save the timer routine */
+        DeviceExtension->HwScsiTimer = InterruptData.HwScsiTimer;
+        if (InterruptData.MiniportTimerValue == 0)
+        {
+            /* Cancel the timer */
+            KeCancelTimer(&DeviceExtension->MiniportTimer);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Convert timer value */
+            TimerValue.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(InterruptData.MiniportTimerValue, -10);
+            /* Set the timer */
+            KeSetTimer(&DeviceExtension->MiniportTimer,
+                       TimerValue,
+                       &DeviceExtension->MiniportTimerDpc);
+        }
+    }
+    /* If it's ready for the next request */
+    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NEXT_REQUEST_READY)
+    {
+        /* Check for a duplicate request (NextRequest+NextLuRequest) */
+        if ((DeviceExtension->Flags &
+        {
+            /* Clear busy flag set by ScsiPortStartPacket() */
+            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DEVICE_BUSY;
+            if (!(InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_RESET))
+            {
+                /* Ready for next, and no reset is happening */
+                DeviceExtension->TimerCount = -1;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Not busy, but not ready for the next request */
+            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DEVICE_BUSY;
+            InterruptData.Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_NEXT_REQUEST_READY;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Any resets? */
+    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_RESET_REPORTED)
+    {
+        /* Hold for a bit */
+        DeviceExtension->TimerCount = 4;
+    }
+    /* Any ready LUN? */
+    if (InterruptData.ReadyLun != NULL)
+    {
+        /* Process all LUNs from the list*/
+        while (TRUE)
+        {
+            /* Remove it from the list first (as processed) */
+            LunExtension = InterruptData.ReadyLun;
+            InterruptData.ReadyLun = LunExtension->ReadyLun;
+            LunExtension->ReadyLun = NULL;
+            /* Get next request for this LUN */
+            SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
+            /* Still ready requests exist?
+               If yes - get spinlock, if no - stop here */
+            if (InterruptData.ReadyLun != NULL)
+                KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+            else
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Release the spinlock */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    }
+    /* If we ready for next packet, start it */
+    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NEXT_REQUEST_READY)
+        IoStartNextPacket(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, FALSE);
+    NeedToStartIo = FALSE;
+    /* Loop the completed request list */
+    while (InterruptData.CompletedRequests)
+    {
+        /* Remove the request */
+        SrbInfo = InterruptData.CompletedRequests;
+        InterruptData.CompletedRequests = SrbInfo->CompletedRequests;
+        SrbInfo->CompletedRequests = NULL;
+        /* Process it */
+        SpiProcessCompletedRequest(DeviceExtension,
+                                  SrbInfo,
+                                  &NeedToStartIo);
+    }
+    /* Loop abort request list */
+    while (InterruptData.CompletedAbort)
+    {
+        LunExtension = InterruptData.CompletedAbort;
+        /* Remove the request */
+        InterruptData.CompletedAbort = LunExtension->CompletedAbortRequests;
+        /* Get spinlock since we're going to change flags */
+        KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        /* TODO: Put SrbExtension to the list of free extensions */
+        ASSERT(FALSE);
+    }
+    /* If we need - call StartIo routine */
+    if (NeedToStartIo)
+    {
+        /* Make sure CurrentIrp is not null! */
+        ASSERT(DpcDeviceObject->CurrentIrp != NULL);
+        ScsiPortStartIo(DpcDeviceObject, DpcDeviceObject->CurrentIrp);
+    }
+    /* Everything has been done, check */
+    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_ENABLE_INT_REQUEST)
+    {
+        /* Synchronize using spinlock */
+        KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        /* Request an interrupt */
+        DeviceExtension->HwInterrupt(DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension);
+        ASSERT(DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_DISABLE_INT_REQUESET);
+        /* Should interrupts be enabled again? */
+        if (DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_DISABLE_INT_REQUESET)
+        {
+            /* Clear this flag */
+            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DISABLE_INT_REQUESET;
+            /* Call a special routine to do this */
+            ASSERT(FALSE);
+#if 0
+            KeSynchronizeExecution(DeviceExtension->Interrupt,
+                                   SpiEnableInterrupts,
+                                   DeviceExtension);
+        }
+        /* If we need a notification again - loop */
+        if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED)
+            goto TryAgain;
+        /* Release the spinlock */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    }
+    DPRINT("ScsiPortDpcForIsr() done\n");
+    _Inout_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _Inout_ PSCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION LunExtension,
+    PCHAR SrbExtension;
+    /* Spinlock must be held while this function executes */
+    KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    /* Allocate SRB data structure */
+    if (DeviceExtension->NeedSrbDataAlloc)
+    {
+        /* Treat the abort request in a special way */
+        if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND)
+        {
+            SrbInfo = SpiGetSrbData(DeviceExtension,
+                                    Srb->PathId,
+                                    Srb->TargetId,
+                                    Srb->Lun,
+                                    Srb->QueueTag);
+        }
+        else if (Srb->SrbFlags &
+                 !(Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_DISCONNECT)
+                 )
+        {
+            /* Do not process tagged commands if need request sense is set */
+            if (LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE)
+            {
+                ASSERT(!(LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING));
+                LunExtension->PendingRequest = Srb->OriginalRequest;
+                LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING | SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE;
+                /* Release the spinlock and return */
+                KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            ASSERT(LunExtension->SrbInfo.Srb == NULL);
+            SrbInfo = DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo;
+            if (SrbInfo == NULL)
+            {
+                /* No SRB structures left in the list. We have to leave
+                   and wait while we are called again */
+                DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING;
+                KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+                return NULL;
+            }
+            DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK_INFO)SrbInfo->Requests.Flink;
+            /* QueueTag must never be 0, so +1 to it */
+            Srb->QueueTag = (UCHAR)(SrbInfo - DeviceExtension->SrbInfo) + 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Usual untagged command */
+            if (
+                (!IsListEmpty(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests) ||
+                LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE) &&
+                !(Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_BYPASS_FROZEN_QUEUE)
+                )
+            {
+                /* Mark it as pending and leave */
+                ASSERT(!(LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING));
+                LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING | SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE;
+                LunExtension->PendingRequest = Srb->OriginalRequest;
+                KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+                return(NULL);
+            }
+            Srb->QueueTag = SP_UNTAGGED;
+            SrbInfo = &LunExtension->SrbInfo;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Srb->QueueTag = SP_UNTAGGED;
+        SrbInfo = &LunExtension->SrbInfo;
+    }
+    /* Allocate SRB extension structure */
+    if (DeviceExtension->NeedSrbExtensionAlloc)
+    {
+        /* Check the list of free extensions */
+        SrbExtension = DeviceExtension->FreeSrbExtensions;
+        /* If no free extensions... */
+        if (SrbExtension == NULL)
+        {
+            /* Free SRB data */
+            if (Srb->Function != SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND &&
+                Srb->QueueTag != SP_UNTAGGED)
+            {
+                SrbInfo->Requests.Blink = NULL;
+                SrbInfo->Requests.Flink = (PLIST_ENTRY)DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo;
+                DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo = SrbInfo;
+            }
+            /* Return, in order to be called again later */
+            DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING;
+            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        /* Remove that free SRB extension from the list (since
+           we're going to use it) */
+        DeviceExtension->FreeSrbExtensions = *((PVOID *)SrbExtension);
+        /* Spinlock can be released now */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        Srb->SrbExtension = SrbExtension;
+        if (Srb->SenseInfoBuffer != NULL &&
+            DeviceExtension->SupportsAutoSense)
+        {
+            /* Store pointer to the SenseInfo buffer */
+            SrbInfo->SaveSenseRequest = Srb->SenseInfoBuffer;
+            /* Does data fit the buffer? */
+            if (Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength > sizeof(SENSE_DATA))
+            {
+                /* No, disabling autosense at all */
+                Srb->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_AUTOSENSE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Yes, update the buffer pointer */
+                Srb->SenseInfoBuffer = SrbExtension + DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionSize;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Cleanup... */
+        Srb->SrbExtension = NULL;
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    }
+    return SrbInfo;
+    _Inout_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+    _Inout_ PIRP Irp)
+    LONG CounterResult;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    DPRINT("ScsiPortStartIo() called!\n");
+    DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
+    IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
+    DPRINT("DeviceExtension %p\n", DeviceExtension);
+    Srb = IrpStack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb;
+    /* Apply "default" flags */
+    Srb->SrbFlags |= DeviceExtension->SrbFlags;
+    /* Get LUN extension */
+    LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
+                                      Srb->PathId,
+                                      Srb->TargetId,
+                                      Srb->Lun);
+    if (DeviceExtension->NeedSrbDataAlloc ||
+        DeviceExtension->NeedSrbExtensionAlloc)
+    {
+        /* Allocate them */
+        SrbInfo = SpiAllocateSrbStructures(DeviceExtension,
+                                           LunExtension,
+                                           Srb);
+        /* Couldn't alloc one or both data structures, return */
+        if (SrbInfo == NULL)
+        {
+            /* We have to call IoStartNextPacket, because this request
+               was not started */
+            if (LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING)
+                IoStartNextPacket(DeviceObject, FALSE);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* No allocations are needed */
+        SrbInfo = &LunExtension->SrbInfo;
+        Srb->SrbExtension = NULL;
+        Srb->QueueTag = SP_UNTAGGED;
+    }
+    /* Increase sequence number of SRB */
+    if (!SrbInfo->SequenceNumber)
+    {
+        /* Increase global sequence number */
+        DeviceExtension->SequenceNumber++;
+        /* Assign it */
+        SrbInfo->SequenceNumber = DeviceExtension->SequenceNumber;
+    }
+    /* Check some special SRBs */
+    if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND)
+    {
+        /* Some special handling */
+        DPRINT1("Abort command! Unimplemented now\n");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SrbInfo->Srb = Srb;
+    }
+    {
+        // Store the MDL virtual address in SrbInfo structure
+        SrbInfo->DataOffset = MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress);
+        if (DeviceExtension->MapBuffers)
+        {
+            /* Calculate offset within DataBuffer */
+            SrbInfo->DataOffset = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Irp->MdlAddress);
+            Srb->DataBuffer = SrbInfo->DataOffset +
+                (ULONG)((PUCHAR)Srb->DataBuffer -
+                (PUCHAR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress));
+        }
+        if (DeviceExtension->AdapterObject)
+        {
+            /* Flush buffers */
+            KeFlushIoBuffers(Irp->MdlAddress,
+                             Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DATA_IN ? TRUE : FALSE,
+                             TRUE);
+        }
+        if (DeviceExtension->MapRegisters)
+        {
+            /* Calculate number of needed map registers */
+            SrbInfo->NumberOfMapRegisters = ADDRESS_AND_SIZE_TO_SPAN_PAGES(
+                    Srb->DataBuffer,
+                    Srb->DataTransferLength);
+            /* Allocate adapter channel */
+            Status = IoAllocateAdapterChannel(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject,
+                                              DeviceExtension->DeviceObject,
+                                              SrbInfo->NumberOfMapRegisters,
+                                              SpiAdapterControl,
+                                              SrbInfo);
+            if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
+            {
+                DPRINT1("IoAllocateAdapterChannel() failed!\n");
+                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST;
+                ScsiPortNotification(RequestComplete,
+                                     DeviceExtension + 1,
+                                     Srb);
+                ScsiPortNotification(NextRequest,
+                                     DeviceExtension + 1);
+                /* Request DPC for that work */
+                IoRequestDpc(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NULL, NULL);
+            }
+            /* Control goes to SpiAdapterControl */
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Increase active request counter */
+    CounterResult = InterlockedIncrement(&DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter);
+    if (CounterResult == 0 &&
+        DeviceExtension->AdapterObject != NULL &&
+        !DeviceExtension->MapRegisters)
+    {
+        IoAllocateAdapterChannel(
+            DeviceExtension->AdapterObject,
+            DeviceObject,
+            DeviceExtension->PortCapabilities.MaximumPhysicalPages,
+            ScsiPortAllocateAdapterChannel,
+            LunExtension
+            );
+        return;
+    }
+    KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    if (!KeSynchronizeExecution(DeviceExtension->Interrupt[0],
+                                ScsiPortStartPacket,
+                                DeviceObject))
+    {
+        DPRINT("Synchronization failed!\n");
+        Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
+        Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Release the spinlock only */
+        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    }
+    DPRINT("ScsiPortStartIo() done\n");
index 2155a2c..1f52794 100644 (file)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- * PROJECT:     ReactOS Storage Stack
+ * PROJECT:     ReactOS Storage Stack / SCSIPORT storage port library
  * LICENSE:     GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later)
  * LICENSE:     GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later)
- * PURPOSE:     SCSI Port driver SCSI requests handling
+ * PURPOSE:     Main and exported functions
  * COPYRIGHT:   Eric Kohl (eric.kohl@reactos.org)
  *              Aleksey Bragin (aleksey@reactos.org)
  * COPYRIGHT:   Eric Kohl (eric.kohl@reactos.org)
  *              Aleksey Bragin (aleksey@reactos.org)
@@ -32,108 +32,10 @@ static NTSTATUS NTAPI
 ScsiPortCreateClose(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
             IN PIRP Irp);
 ScsiPortCreateClose(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
             IN PIRP Irp);
-static DRIVER_DISPATCH ScsiPortDispatchScsi;
-ScsiPortDispatchScsi(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-             IN PIRP Irp);
-ScsiPortDeviceControl(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-              IN PIRP Irp);
-static DRIVER_STARTIO ScsiPortStartIo;
-static VOID NTAPI
-ScsiPortStartIo(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-        IN PIRP Irp);
-ScsiPortStartPacket(IN OUT PVOID Context);
-SpiAdapterControl(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp,
-                  PVOID MapRegisterBase, PVOID Context);
-SpiAllocateLunExtension(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension);
-SpiGetLunExtension (IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-            IN UCHAR PathId,
-            IN UCHAR TargetId,
-            IN UCHAR Lun);
-SpiAllocateSrbStructures(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                         PSCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION LunExtension,
-                         PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK Srb);
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiSendInquiry(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-               IN OUT PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo);
-static VOID
-SpiScanAdapter(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension);
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiGetInquiryData (IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-           IN PIRP Irp);
-              IN UCHAR PathId,
-              IN UCHAR TargetId,
-              IN UCHAR Lun,
-              IN UCHAR QueueTag);
-ScsiPortIsr(IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt,
-        IN PVOID ServiceContext);
-static VOID NTAPI
-ScsiPortDpcForIsr(IN PKDPC Dpc,
-          IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DpcDeviceObject,
-          IN PIRP DpcIrp,
-          IN PVOID DpcContext);
 static VOID NTAPI
 ScsiPortIoTimer(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
         PVOID Context);
 static VOID NTAPI
 ScsiPortIoTimer(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
         PVOID Context);
-ScsiPortAllocateAdapterChannel(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-                               IN PIRP Irp,
-                               IN PVOID MapRegisterBase,
-                               IN PVOID Context);
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiBuildDeviceMap(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                  IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath);
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiStatusSrbToNt(UCHAR SrbStatus);
-static VOID
-SpiSendRequestSense(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                    IN PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK Srb);
-static IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE SpiCompletionRoutine;
-SpiCompletionRoutine(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-                     PIRP Irp,
-                     PVOID Context);
-static VOID
-SpiProcessCompletedRequest(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                           IN PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK_INFO SrbInfo,
-                           OUT PBOOLEAN NeedToCallStartIo);
-SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                         IN PSCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION LunExtension);
 SpiMiniportTimerDpc(IN struct _KDPC *Dpc,
                     IN PVOID DeviceObject,
 SpiMiniportTimerDpc(IN struct _KDPC *Dpc,
                     IN PVOID DeviceObject,
@@ -176,13 +78,6 @@ static PCM_RESOURCE_LIST
 SpiConfigToResource(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
                     PPORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION PortConfig);
 SpiConfigToResource(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
                     PPORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION PortConfig);
-static VOID
-SpiCleanupAfterInit(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension);
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiHandleAttachRelease(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                       PIRP Irp);
 static NTSTATUS
 SpiAllocateCommonBuffer(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, ULONG NonCachedSize);
 static NTSTATUS
 SpiAllocateCommonBuffer(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, ULONG NonCachedSize);
@@ -880,73 +775,6 @@ ScsiPortGetVirtualAddress(IN PVOID HwDeviceExtension,
     return (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionBuffer + Offset);
     return (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionBuffer + Offset);
-static VOID
-    OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
-    NTSTATUS Status;
-    /* Open the service key */
-    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                               RegistryPath,
-                               OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,
-                               NULL,
-                               NULL);
-    Status = ZwOpenKey(&ConfigInfo->ServiceKey,
-                       KEY_READ,
-                       &ObjectAttributes);
-    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-    {
-        DPRINT("Unable to open driver's registry key %wZ, status 0x%08x\n", RegistryPath, Status);
-        ConfigInfo->ServiceKey = NULL;
-    }
-    /* If we could open driver's service key, then proceed to the Parameters key */
-    if (ConfigInfo->ServiceKey != NULL)
-    {
-        RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, L"Parameters");
-        InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                                   &KeyName,
-                                   OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,
-                                   ConfigInfo->ServiceKey,
-                                   (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL);
-        /* Try to open it */
-        Status = ZwOpenKey(&ConfigInfo->DeviceKey,
-                           KEY_READ,
-                           &ObjectAttributes);
-        if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-        {
-            /* Yes, Parameters key exist, and it must be used instead of
-               the Service key */
-            ZwClose(ConfigInfo->ServiceKey);
-            ConfigInfo->ServiceKey = ConfigInfo->DeviceKey;
-            ConfigInfo->DeviceKey = NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    if (ConfigInfo->ServiceKey != NULL)
-    {
-        /* Open the Device key */
-        RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, L"Device");
-        InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                                   &KeyName,
-                                   OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE,
-                                   ConfigInfo->ServiceKey,
-                                   NULL);
-        /* We don't check for failure here - not needed */
-        ZwOpenKey(&ConfigInfo->DeviceKey,
-                  KEY_READ,
-                  &ObjectAttributes);
-    }
  * NAME                         EXPORTED
  *  ScsiPortInitialize
  * NAME                         EXPORTED
  *  ScsiPortInitialize
@@ -1007,7 +835,6 @@ ScsiPortInitialize(
     UNICODE_STRING DosDeviceName;
     PIO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES PortCapabilities;
     UNICODE_STRING DosDeviceName;
     PIO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES PortCapabilities;
-    KIRQL OldIrql;
     PCM_RESOURCE_LIST ResourceList;
     BOOLEAN Conflict;
     SIZE_T BusConfigSize;
     PCM_RESOURCE_LIST ResourceList;
     BOOLEAN Conflict;
     SIZE_T BusConfigSize;
@@ -1456,132 +1283,7 @@ CreatePortConfig:
-        /* Deal with interrupts */
-        if (DeviceExtension->HwInterrupt == NULL ||
-            (PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel == 0 && PortConfig->BusInterruptVector == 0))
-        {
-            /* No interrupts */
-            DeviceExtension->InterruptCount = 0;
-            DPRINT1("Interrupt Count: 0\n");
-            UNIMPLEMENTED;
-            /* This code path will ALWAYS crash so stop it now */
-            while (TRUE);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            BOOLEAN InterruptShareable;
-            KINTERRUPT_MODE InterruptMode[2];
-            ULONG InterruptVector[2], i, MappedIrq[2];
-            KIRQL Dirql[2], MaxDirql;
-            KAFFINITY Affinity[2];
-            DeviceExtension->InterruptLevel[0] = PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel;
-            DeviceExtension->InterruptLevel[1] = PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel2;
-            InterruptVector[0] = PortConfig->BusInterruptVector;
-            InterruptVector[1] = PortConfig->BusInterruptVector2;
-            InterruptMode[0] = PortConfig->InterruptMode;
-            InterruptMode[1] = PortConfig->InterruptMode2;
-            DeviceExtension->InterruptCount =
-                (PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel2 != 0 ||
-                 PortConfig->BusInterruptVector2 != 0) ? 2 : 1;
-            for (i = 0; i < DeviceExtension->InterruptCount; i++)
-            {
-                /* Register an interrupt handler for this device */
-                MappedIrq[i] = HalGetInterruptVector(
-                    PortConfig->AdapterInterfaceType, PortConfig->SystemIoBusNumber,
-                    DeviceExtension->InterruptLevel[i], InterruptVector[i], &Dirql[i],
-                    &Affinity[i]);
-            }
-            if (DeviceExtension->InterruptCount == 1 || Dirql[0] > Dirql[1])
-                MaxDirql = Dirql[0];
-            else
-                MaxDirql = Dirql[1];
-            for (i = 0; i < DeviceExtension->InterruptCount; i++)
-            {
-                /* Determine IRQ sharability as usual */
-                if (PortConfig->AdapterInterfaceType == MicroChannel ||
-                    InterruptMode[i] == LevelSensitive)
-                {
-                    InterruptShareable = TRUE;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    InterruptShareable = FALSE;
-                }
-                Status = IoConnectInterrupt(
-                    &DeviceExtension->Interrupt[i], (PKSERVICE_ROUTINE)ScsiPortIsr, DeviceExtension,
-                    &DeviceExtension->IrqLock, MappedIrq[i], Dirql[i], MaxDirql, InterruptMode[i],
-                    InterruptShareable, Affinity[i], FALSE);
-                if (!(NT_SUCCESS(Status)))
-                {
-                    DPRINT1("Could not connect interrupt %d\n", InterruptVector[i]);
-                    DeviceExtension->Interrupt[i] = NULL;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-                break;
-        }
-        /* Save IoAddress (from access ranges) */
-        if (HwInitializationData->NumberOfAccessRanges != 0)
-        {
-            DeviceExtension->IoAddress = ((*(PortConfig->AccessRanges))[0]).RangeStart.LowPart;
-            DPRINT("Io Address %x\n", DeviceExtension->IoAddress);
-        }
-        /* Set flag that it's allowed to disconnect during this command */
-        DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_DISCONNECT_ALLOWED;
-        /* Initialize counter of active requests (-1 means there are none) */
-        DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter = -1;
-        /* Analyze what we have about DMA */
-        if (DeviceExtension->AdapterObject != NULL && PortConfig->Master &&
-            PortConfig->NeedPhysicalAddresses)
-        {
-            DeviceExtension->MapRegisters = TRUE;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            DeviceExtension->MapRegisters = FALSE;
-        }
-        /* Call HwInitialize at DISPATCH_LEVEL */
-        KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
-        if (!KeSynchronizeExecution(
-                DeviceExtension->Interrupt[0], DeviceExtension->HwInitialize,
-                DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension))
-        {
-            DPRINT1("HwInitialize() failed!\n");
-            KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Check if a notification is needed */
-        if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED)
-        {
-            /* Call DPC right away, because we're already at DISPATCH_LEVEL */
-            ScsiPortDpcForIsr(NULL, DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NULL, NULL);
-        }
-        /* Lower irql back to what it was */
-        KeLowerIrql(OldIrql);
+        CallHWInitialize(DeviceExtension);
         /* Start our timer */
         /* Start our timer */
@@ -1656,106 +1358,6 @@ CreatePortConfig:
     return (DeviceFound == FALSE) ? Status : STATUS_SUCCESS;
     return (DeviceFound == FALSE) ? Status : STATUS_SUCCESS;
-static VOID
-SpiCleanupAfterInit(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension)
-    PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo;
-    PVOID Ptr;
-    ULONG Bus, Lun;
-    /* Check if we have something to clean up */
-    if (DeviceExtension == NULL)
-        return;
-    /* Stop the timer */
-    IoStopTimer(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject);
-    /* Disconnect the interrupts */
-    while (DeviceExtension->InterruptCount)
-    {
-        if (DeviceExtension->Interrupt[--DeviceExtension->InterruptCount])
-            IoDisconnectInterrupt(DeviceExtension->Interrupt[DeviceExtension->InterruptCount]);
-    }
-    /* Delete ConfigInfo */
-    if (DeviceExtension->BusesConfig)
-    {
-        for (Bus = 0; Bus < DeviceExtension->BusNum; Bus++)
-        {
-            if (!DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus])
-                continue;
-            LunInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LunInfo;
-            while (LunInfo)
-            {
-                /* Free current, but save pointer to the next one */
-                Ptr = LunInfo->Next;
-                ExFreePool(LunInfo);
-                LunInfo = Ptr;
-            }
-            ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]);
-        }
-        ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->BusesConfig);
-    }
-    /* Free PortConfig */
-    if (DeviceExtension->PortConfig)
-        ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->PortConfig);
-    /* Free LUNs*/
-    for(Lun = 0; Lun < LUS_NUMBER; Lun++)
-    {
-        while (DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Lun])
-        {
-            Ptr = DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Lun];
-            DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Lun] = DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Lun]->Next;
-            ExFreePool(Ptr);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Free common buffer (if it exists) */
-    if (DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionBuffer != NULL &&
-        DeviceExtension->CommonBufferLength != 0)
-    {
-            if (!DeviceExtension->AdapterObject)
-            {
-                ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionBuffer);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                HalFreeCommonBuffer(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject,
-                                    DeviceExtension->CommonBufferLength,
-                                    DeviceExtension->PhysicalAddress,
-                                    DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionBuffer,
-                                    FALSE);
-            }
-    }
-    /* Free SRB info */
-    if (DeviceExtension->SrbInfo != NULL)
-        ExFreePool(DeviceExtension->SrbInfo);
-    /* Unmap mapped addresses */
-    while (DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList != NULL)
-    {
-        MmUnmapIoSpace(DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList->MappedAddress,
-                       DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList->NumberOfBytes);
-        Ptr = DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList;
-        DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList = DeviceExtension->MappedAddressList->NextMappedAddress;
-        ExFreePool(Ptr);
-    }
-    /* Finally delete the device object */
-    DPRINT("Deleting device %p\n", DeviceExtension->DeviceObject);
-    IoDeleteDevice(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject);
  * @unimplemented
  * @unimplemented
@@ -2392,2619 +1994,122 @@ ScsiPortCreateClose(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
     return STATUS_SUCCESS;
     return STATUS_SUCCESS;
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiHandleAttachRelease(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                       PIRP Irp)
+SpiAdapterControl(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+                  PIRP Irp,
+                  PVOID MapRegisterBase,
+                  PVOID Context)
-    PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo;
-    PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject;
-    KIRQL Irql;
+    PSCSI_SG_ADDRESS ScatterGatherList;
+    KIRQL CurrentIrql;
+    ULONG TotalLength = 0;
+    PUCHAR DataVA;
+    BOOLEAN WriteToDevice;
+    /* Get pointers to SrbInfo and DeviceExtension */
+    SrbInfo = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK_INFO)Context;
+    DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
-    /* Get pointer to the SRB */
+    /* Get pointer to SRB */
     IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
     Srb = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK)IrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1;
     IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
     Srb = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK)IrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1;
-    /* Check if PathId matches number of buses */
-    if (DeviceExtension->BusesConfig == NULL ||
-        DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->NumberOfBuses <= Srb->PathId)
+    /* Depending on the map registers number, we allocate
+       either from NonPagedPool, or from our static list */
+    if (SrbInfo->NumberOfMapRegisters > MAX_SG_LIST)
-        Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_NO_DEVICE;
-    }
+        SrbInfo->ScatterGather = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(
+            NonPagedPool, SrbInfo->NumberOfMapRegisters * sizeof(SCSI_SG_ADDRESS), TAG_SCSIPORT);
-    /* Get pointer to LunInfo */
-    LunInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Srb->PathId]->LunInfo;
+        if (SrbInfo->ScatterGather == NULL)
+            ASSERT(FALSE);
-    /* Find matching LunInfo */
-    while (LunInfo)
+        Srb->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_SGLIST_FROM_POOL;
+    }
+    else
-        if (LunInfo->PathId == Srb->PathId &&
-            LunInfo->TargetId == Srb->TargetId &&
-            LunInfo->Lun == Srb->Lun)
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-        LunInfo = LunInfo->Next;
+        SrbInfo->ScatterGather = SrbInfo->ScatterGatherList;
-    /* If we couldn't find it - exit */
-    if (LunInfo == NULL)
+    /* Use chosen SG list source */
+    ScatterGatherList = SrbInfo->ScatterGather;
-    /* Get spinlock */
-    KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &Irql);
+    /* Save map registers base */
+    SrbInfo->BaseOfMapRegister = MapRegisterBase;
-    /* Release, if asked */
-    if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_RELEASE_DEVICE)
-    {
-        LunInfo->DeviceClaimed = FALSE;
-        KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
-        Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    /* Determine WriteToDevice flag */
+    WriteToDevice = Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DATA_OUT ? TRUE : FALSE;
-        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
-    }
+    /* Get virtual address of the data buffer */
+    DataVA = (PUCHAR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress) +
+                ((PCHAR)Srb->DataBuffer - SrbInfo->DataOffset);
-    /* Attach, if not already claimed */
-    if (LunInfo->DeviceClaimed)
+    /* Build the actual SG list */
+    while (TotalLength < Srb->DataTransferLength)
-        KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
-        Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_BUSY;
-        return STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY;
-    }
+        if (!ScatterGatherList)
+            break;
-    /* Save the device object */
-    DeviceObject = LunInfo->DeviceObject;
+        ScatterGatherList->Length = Srb->DataTransferLength - TotalLength;
+        ScatterGatherList->PhysicalAddress = IoMapTransfer(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject,
+                                                           Irp->MdlAddress,
+                                                           MapRegisterBase,
+                                                           DataVA + TotalLength,
+                                                           &ScatterGatherList->Length,
+                                                           WriteToDevice);
-    if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_CLAIM_DEVICE)
-        LunInfo->DeviceClaimed = TRUE;
+        TotalLength += ScatterGatherList->Length;
+        ScatterGatherList++;
+    }
-    if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ATTACH_DEVICE)
-        LunInfo->DeviceObject = Srb->DataBuffer;
+    /* Schedule an active request */
+    InterlockedIncrement(&DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter );
+    KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &CurrentIrql);
+    KeSynchronizeExecution(DeviceExtension->Interrupt[0],
+                           ScsiPortStartPacket,
+                           DeviceObject);
+    KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, CurrentIrql);
-    Srb->DataBuffer = DeviceObject;
+    return DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters;
-    KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
-    Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
-    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
- * NAME                         INTERNAL
- *  ScsiPortDispatchScsi
- *
- *  Answer requests for SCSI calls
- *
- *
- *  Standard dispatch arguments
- *
- */
-ScsiPortDispatchScsi(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp)
-    KIRQL Irql;
-    PIRP NextIrp, IrpList;
-    DPRINT("ScsiPortDispatchScsi(DeviceObject %p  Irp %p)\n", DeviceObject, Irp);
-    DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
-    Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
-    Srb = Stack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb;
-    if (Srb == NULL)
-    {
-        DPRINT1("ScsiPortDispatchScsi() called with Srb = NULL!\n");
-        Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
-        Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
-        Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
-        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
-        return (Status);
-    }
-    DPRINT("Srb: %p\n", Srb);
-    DPRINT("Srb->Function: %lu\n", Srb->Function);
-    DPRINT("PathId: %lu  TargetId: %lu  Lun: %lu\n", Srb->PathId, Srb->TargetId, Srb->Lun);
-    LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension, Srb->PathId, Srb->TargetId, Srb->Lun);
-    if (LunExtension == NULL)
-    {
-        DPRINT("ScsiPortDispatchScsi() called with an invalid LUN\n");
-        Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE;
-        Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_NO_DEVICE;
-        Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
-        Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
-        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
-        return (Status);
-    }
-    switch (Srb->Function)
-    {
-        case SRB_FUNCTION_FLUSH:
-            if (DeviceExtension->CachesData == FALSE)
-            {
-                /* All success here */
-                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
-                Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-                IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
-                return STATUS_SUCCESS;
-            }
-            /* Fall through to a usual execute operation */
-            /* Mark IRP as pending in all cases */
-            IoMarkIrpPending(Irp);
-            if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_BYPASS_FROZEN_QUEUE)
-            {
-                /* Start IO directly */
-                IoStartPacket(DeviceObject, Irp, NULL, NULL);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                KIRQL oldIrql;
-                /* We need to be at DISPATCH_LEVEL */
-                KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &oldIrql);
-                /* Insert IRP into the queue */
-                if (!KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue(
-                        &LunExtension->DeviceQueue,
-                        &Irp->Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry,
-                        Srb->QueueSortKey))
-                {
-                    /* It means the queue is empty, and we just start this request */
-                    IoStartPacket(DeviceObject, Irp, NULL, NULL);
-                }
-                /* Back to the old IRQL */
-                KeLowerIrql(oldIrql);
-            }
-            return STATUS_PENDING;
-            /* Reference device object and keep the device object */
-            Status = SpiHandleAttachRelease(DeviceExtension, Irp);
-            break;
-            /* Dereference device object and clear the device object */
-            Status = SpiHandleAttachRelease(DeviceExtension, Irp);
-            break;
-            /* Guard with the spinlock */
-            KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &Irql);
-            if (!(LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE))
-            {
-                DPRINT("Queue is not frozen really\n");
-                KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
-                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
-                Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-                break;
-            }
-            /* Unfreeze the queue */
-            LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
-            if (LunExtension->SrbInfo.Srb == NULL)
-            {
-                /* Get next logical unit request */
-                SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
-                /* SpiGetNextRequestFromLun() releases the spinlock */
-                KeLowerIrql(Irql);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                DPRINT("The queue has active request\n");
-                KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
-            }
-            Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS;
-            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-            break;
-            /* Guard with the spinlock */
-            KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &Irql);
-            if (!(LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE))
-            {
-                DPRINT("Queue is not frozen really\n");
-                KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
-                Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST;
-                break;
-            }
-            /* Make sure there is no active request */
-            ASSERT(LunExtension->SrbInfo.Srb == NULL);
-            /* Compile a list from the device queue */
-            IrpList = NULL;
-            while ((Entry = KeRemoveDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue)) != NULL)
-            {
-                NextIrp = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry);
-                /* Get the Srb */
-                Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(NextIrp);
-                Srb = Stack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb;
-                /* Set statuse */
-                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_REQUEST_FLUSHED;
-                NextIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
-                /* Add then to the list */
-                NextIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink = (PLIST_ENTRY)IrpList;
-                IrpList = NextIrp;
-            }
-            /* Unfreeze the queue */
-            LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
-            /* Release the spinlock */
-            KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, Irql);
-            /* Complete those requests */
-            while (IrpList)
-            {
-                NextIrp = IrpList;
-                IrpList = (PIRP)NextIrp->Tail.Overlay.ListEntry.Flink;
-                IoCompleteRequest(NextIrp, 0);
-            }
-            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-            break;
-        default:
-            DPRINT1("SRB function not implemented (Function %lu)\n", Srb->Function);
-            Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
-            break;
-    }
-    Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
-    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
-    return Status;
- * NAME                         INTERNAL
- *  ScsiPortDeviceControl
- *
- *  Answer requests for device control calls
- *
- *
- *  Standard dispatch arguments
- *
- */
-ScsiPortDeviceControl(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-              IN PIRP Irp)
-    PDUMP_POINTERS DumpPointers;
-    NTSTATUS Status;
-    DPRINT("ScsiPortDeviceControl()\n");
-    Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
-    Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
-    DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
-    switch (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode)
-    {
-        if (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < sizeof(DUMP_POINTERS))
-        {
-          Status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
-          Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DUMP_POINTERS);
-          break;
-        }
-        DumpPointers = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
-        DumpPointers->DeviceObject = DeviceObject;
-        /* More data.. ? */
-        Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-        Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(DUMP_POINTERS);
-        break;
-        if (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength == sizeof(PVOID))
-        {
-            *((PVOID *)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) = &DeviceExtension->PortCapabilities;
-            Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(PVOID);
-            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-            break;
-        }
-        if (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < sizeof(IO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES))
-        {
-            Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-            break;
-        }
-        RtlCopyMemory(Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer,
-                      &DeviceExtension->PortCapabilities,
-                      sizeof(IO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES));
-        Irp->IoStatus.Information = sizeof(IO_SCSI_CAPABILITIES);
-        Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-        break;
-          /* Copy inquiry data to the port device extension */
-          Status = SpiGetInquiryData(DeviceExtension, Irp);
-          break;
-          DPRINT1("IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT unimplemented!\n");
-          Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
-          break;
-          DPRINT1("IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH unimplemented!\n");
-          Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
-          break;
-      default:
-          if (DEVICE_TYPE_FROM_CTL_CODE(Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode) == MOUNTDEVCONTROLTYPE)
-          {
-            switch (Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode)
-            {
-                DPRINT1("Got unexpected IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_DEVICE_NAME\n");
-                break;
-                DPRINT1("Got unexpected IOCTL_MOUNTDEV_QUERY_UNIQUE_ID\n");
-                break;
-            default:
-                DPRINT("  got ioctl intended for the mount manager: 0x%lX\n", Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode);
-                break;
-            }
-          } else {
-            DPRINT1("  unknown ioctl code: 0x%lX\n", Stack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode);
-          }
-          Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
-          break;
-    }
-    /* Complete the request with the given status */
-    Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
-    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
-    return Status;
-static VOID NTAPI
-ScsiPortStartIo(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-        IN PIRP Irp)
-    LONG CounterResult;
-    NTSTATUS Status;
-    DPRINT("ScsiPortStartIo() called!\n");
-    DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
-    IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
-    DPRINT("DeviceExtension %p\n", DeviceExtension);
-    Srb = IrpStack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb;
-    /* Apply "default" flags */
-    Srb->SrbFlags |= DeviceExtension->SrbFlags;
-    /* Get LUN extension */
-    LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
-                                      Srb->PathId,
-                                      Srb->TargetId,
-                                      Srb->Lun);
-    if (DeviceExtension->NeedSrbDataAlloc ||
-        DeviceExtension->NeedSrbExtensionAlloc)
-    {
-        /* Allocate them */
-        SrbInfo = SpiAllocateSrbStructures(DeviceExtension,
-                                           LunExtension,
-                                           Srb);
-        /* Couldn't alloc one or both data structures, return */
-        if (SrbInfo == NULL)
-        {
-            /* We have to call IoStartNextPacket, because this request
-               was not started */
-            if (LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING)
-                IoStartNextPacket(DeviceObject, FALSE);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* No allocations are needed */
-        SrbInfo = &LunExtension->SrbInfo;
-        Srb->SrbExtension = NULL;
-        Srb->QueueTag = SP_UNTAGGED;
-    }
-    /* Increase sequence number of SRB */
-    if (!SrbInfo->SequenceNumber)
-    {
-        /* Increase global sequence number */
-        DeviceExtension->SequenceNumber++;
-        /* Assign it */
-        SrbInfo->SequenceNumber = DeviceExtension->SequenceNumber;
-    }
-    /* Check some special SRBs */
-    if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND)
-    {
-        /* Some special handling */
-        DPRINT1("Abort command! Unimplemented now\n");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        SrbInfo->Srb = Srb;
-    }
-    {
-        // Store the MDL virtual address in SrbInfo structure
-        SrbInfo->DataOffset = MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress);
-        if (DeviceExtension->MapBuffers)
-        {
-            /* Calculate offset within DataBuffer */
-            SrbInfo->DataOffset = MmGetSystemAddressForMdl(Irp->MdlAddress);
-            Srb->DataBuffer = SrbInfo->DataOffset +
-                (ULONG)((PUCHAR)Srb->DataBuffer -
-                (PUCHAR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress));
-        }
-        if (DeviceExtension->AdapterObject)
-        {
-            /* Flush buffers */
-            KeFlushIoBuffers(Irp->MdlAddress,
-                             Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DATA_IN ? TRUE : FALSE,
-                             TRUE);
-        }
-        if (DeviceExtension->MapRegisters)
-        {
-            /* Calculate number of needed map registers */
-            SrbInfo->NumberOfMapRegisters = ADDRESS_AND_SIZE_TO_SPAN_PAGES(
-                    Srb->DataBuffer,
-                    Srb->DataTransferLength);
-            /* Allocate adapter channel */
-            Status = IoAllocateAdapterChannel(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject,
-                                              DeviceExtension->DeviceObject,
-                                              SrbInfo->NumberOfMapRegisters,
-                                              SpiAdapterControl,
-                                              SrbInfo);
-            if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-            {
-                DPRINT1("IoAllocateAdapterChannel() failed!\n");
-                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_INVALID_REQUEST;
-                ScsiPortNotification(RequestComplete,
-                                     DeviceExtension + 1,
-                                     Srb);
-                ScsiPortNotification(NextRequest,
-                                     DeviceExtension + 1);
-                /* Request DPC for that work */
-                IoRequestDpc(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NULL, NULL);
-            }
-            /* Control goes to SpiAdapterControl */
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Increase active request counter */
-    CounterResult = InterlockedIncrement(&DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter);
-    if (CounterResult == 0 &&
-        DeviceExtension->AdapterObject != NULL &&
-        !DeviceExtension->MapRegisters)
-    {
-        IoAllocateAdapterChannel(
-            DeviceExtension->AdapterObject,
-            DeviceObject,
-            DeviceExtension->PortCapabilities.MaximumPhysicalPages,
-            ScsiPortAllocateAdapterChannel,
-            LunExtension
-            );
-        return;
-    }
-    KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    if (!KeSynchronizeExecution(DeviceExtension->Interrupt[0],
-                                ScsiPortStartPacket,
-                                DeviceObject))
-    {
-        DPRINT("Synchronization failed!\n");
-        Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
-        Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Release the spinlock only */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    }
-    DPRINT("ScsiPortStartIo() done\n");
-ScsiPortStartPacket(IN OUT PVOID Context)
-    PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT)Context;
-    BOOLEAN Result;
-    BOOLEAN StartTimer;
-    DPRINT("ScsiPortStartPacket() called\n");
-    DeviceExtension = (PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION)DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
-    IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(DeviceObject->CurrentIrp);
-    Srb = IrpStack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb;
-    /* Get LUN extension */
-    LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
-                                      Srb->PathId,
-                                      Srb->TargetId,
-                                      Srb->Lun);
-    /* Check if we are in a reset state */
-    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_RESET)
-    {
-        /* Mark the we've got requests while being in the reset state */
-        DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags |= SCSI_PORT_RESET_REQUEST;
-        return TRUE;
-    }
-    /* Set the time out value */
-    DeviceExtension->TimerCount = Srb->TimeOutValue;
-    /* We are busy */
-    DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_DEVICE_BUSY;
-    if (LunExtension->RequestTimeout != -1)
-    {
-        /* Timer already active */
-        StartTimer = FALSE;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* It hasn't been initialized yet */
-        LunExtension->RequestTimeout = Srb->TimeOutValue;
-        StartTimer = TRUE;
-    }
-    {
-        /* Handle bypass-requests */
-        /* Is this an abort request? */
-        if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND)
-        {
-            /* Get pointer to SRB info structure */
-            SrbInfo = SpiGetSrbData(DeviceExtension,
-                                    Srb->PathId,
-                                    Srb->TargetId,
-                                    Srb->Lun,
-                                    Srb->QueueTag);
-            /* Check if the request is still "active" */
-            if (SrbInfo == NULL ||
-                SrbInfo->Srb == NULL ||
-                !(SrbInfo->Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_IS_ACTIVE))
-            {
-                /* It's not, mark it as active then */
-                Srb->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_IS_ACTIVE;
-                if (StartTimer)
-                    LunExtension->RequestTimeout = -1;
-                DPRINT("Request has been already completed, but abort request came\n");
-                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_ABORT_FAILED;
-                /* Notify about request complete */
-                ScsiPortNotification(RequestComplete,
-                                     DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension,
-                                     Srb);
-                /* and about readiness for the next request */
-                ScsiPortNotification(NextRequest,
-                                     DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension);
-                /* They might ask for some work, so queue the DPC for them */
-                IoRequestDpc(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NULL, NULL);
-                /* We're done in this branch */
-                return TRUE;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Add number of queued requests */
-            LunExtension->QueueCount++;
-        }
-        /* Bypass requests don't need request sense */
-        LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE;
-        /* Is disconnect disabled for this request? */
-        if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_DISCONNECT)
-        {
-            /* Set the corresponding flag */
-            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DISCONNECT_ALLOWED;
-        }
-        /* Transfer timeout value from Srb to Lun */
-        LunExtension->RequestTimeout = Srb->TimeOutValue;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_DISCONNECT)
-        {
-            /* It's a disconnect, so no more requests can go */
-            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DISCONNECT_ALLOWED;
-        }
-        LunExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE;
-        /* Increment queue count */
-        LunExtension->QueueCount++;
-        /* If it's tagged - special thing */
-        if (Srb->QueueTag != SP_UNTAGGED)
-        {
-            SrbInfo = &DeviceExtension->SrbInfo[Srb->QueueTag - 1];
-            /* Chek for consistency */
-            ASSERT(SrbInfo->Requests.Blink == NULL);
-            /* Insert it into the list of requests */
-            InsertTailList(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests, &SrbInfo->Requests);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Mark this Srb active */
-    Srb->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_IS_ACTIVE;
-    /* Call HwStartIo routine */
-    Result = DeviceExtension->HwStartIo(&DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension,
-                                        Srb);
-    /* If notification is needed, then request a DPC */
-    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED)
-        IoRequestDpc(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NULL, NULL);
-    return Result;
-SpiAdapterControl(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-                  PIRP Irp,
-                  PVOID MapRegisterBase,
-                  PVOID Context)
-    PSCSI_SG_ADDRESS ScatterGatherList;
-    KIRQL CurrentIrql;
-    ULONG TotalLength = 0;
-    PUCHAR DataVA;
-    BOOLEAN WriteToDevice;
-    /* Get pointers to SrbInfo and DeviceExtension */
-    SrbInfo = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK_INFO)Context;
-    DeviceExtension = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
-    /* Get pointer to SRB */
-    IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
-    Srb = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK)IrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1;
-    /* Depending on the map registers number, we allocate
-       either from NonPagedPool, or from our static list */
-    if (SrbInfo->NumberOfMapRegisters > MAX_SG_LIST)
-    {
-        SrbInfo->ScatterGather = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(
-            NonPagedPool, SrbInfo->NumberOfMapRegisters * sizeof(SCSI_SG_ADDRESS), TAG_SCSIPORT);
-        if (SrbInfo->ScatterGather == NULL)
-            ASSERT(FALSE);
-        Srb->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_SGLIST_FROM_POOL;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        SrbInfo->ScatterGather = SrbInfo->ScatterGatherList;
-    }
-    /* Use chosen SG list source */
-    ScatterGatherList = SrbInfo->ScatterGather;
-    /* Save map registers base */
-    SrbInfo->BaseOfMapRegister = MapRegisterBase;
-    /* Determine WriteToDevice flag */
-    WriteToDevice = Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DATA_OUT ? TRUE : FALSE;
-    /* Get virtual address of the data buffer */
-    DataVA = (PUCHAR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress) +
-                ((PCHAR)Srb->DataBuffer - SrbInfo->DataOffset);
-    /* Build the actual SG list */
-    while (TotalLength < Srb->DataTransferLength)
-    {
-        if (!ScatterGatherList)
-            break;
-        ScatterGatherList->Length = Srb->DataTransferLength - TotalLength;
-        ScatterGatherList->PhysicalAddress = IoMapTransfer(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject,
-                                                           Irp->MdlAddress,
-                                                           MapRegisterBase,
-                                                           DataVA + TotalLength,
-                                                           &ScatterGatherList->Length,
-                                                           WriteToDevice);
-        TotalLength += ScatterGatherList->Length;
-        ScatterGatherList++;
-    }
-    /* Schedule an active request */
-    InterlockedIncrement(&DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter );
-    KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &CurrentIrql);
-    KeSynchronizeExecution(DeviceExtension->Interrupt[0],
-                           ScsiPortStartPacket,
-                           DeviceObject);
-    KeReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, CurrentIrql);
-    return DeallocateObjectKeepRegisters;
-SpiAllocateLunExtension(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension)
-    ULONG LunExtensionSize;
-    DPRINT("SpiAllocateLunExtension(%p)\n", DeviceExtension);
-    /* Round LunExtensionSize first to the sizeof LONGLONG */
-    LunExtensionSize = (DeviceExtension->LunExtensionSize +
-                        sizeof(LONGLONG) - 1) & ~(sizeof(LONGLONG) - 1);
-    LunExtensionSize += sizeof(SCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION);
-    DPRINT("LunExtensionSize %lu\n", LunExtensionSize);
-    LunExtension = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, LunExtensionSize, TAG_SCSIPORT);
-    if (LunExtension == NULL)
-    {
-        DPRINT1("Out of resources!\n");
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* Zero everything */
-    RtlZeroMemory(LunExtension, LunExtensionSize);
-    /* Initialize a list of requests */
-    InitializeListHead(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests);
-    /* Initialize timeout counter */
-    LunExtension->RequestTimeout = -1;
-    /* Set maximum queue size */
-    LunExtension->MaxQueueCount = 256;
-    /* Initialize request queue */
-    KeInitializeDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue);
-    return LunExtension;
-SpiGetLunExtension (IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-            IN UCHAR PathId,
-            IN UCHAR TargetId,
-            IN UCHAR Lun)
-    DPRINT("SpiGetLunExtension(%p %u %u %u) called\n",
-        DeviceExtension, PathId, TargetId, Lun);
-    /* Get appropriate list */
-    LunExtension = DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[(TargetId + Lun) % LUS_NUMBER];
-    /* Iterate it until we find what we need */
-    while (LunExtension)
-    {
-        if (LunExtension->TargetId == TargetId &&
-            LunExtension->Lun == Lun &&
-            LunExtension->PathId == PathId)
-        {
-            /* All matches, return */
-            return LunExtension;
-        }
-        /* Advance to the next item */
-        LunExtension = LunExtension->Next;
-    }
-    /* We did not find anything */
-    DPRINT("Nothing found\n");
-    return NULL;
-SpiAllocateSrbStructures(PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                         PSCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION LunExtension,
-                         PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK Srb)
-    PCHAR SrbExtension;
-    /* Spinlock must be held while this function executes */
-    KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    /* Allocate SRB data structure */
-    if (DeviceExtension->NeedSrbDataAlloc)
-    {
-        /* Treat the abort request in a special way */
-        if (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND)
-        {
-            SrbInfo = SpiGetSrbData(DeviceExtension,
-                                    Srb->PathId,
-                                    Srb->TargetId,
-                                    Srb->Lun,
-                                    Srb->QueueTag);
-        }
-        else if (Srb->SrbFlags &
-                 !(Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_DISCONNECT)
-                 )
-        {
-            /* Do not process tagged commands if need request sense is set */
-            if (LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE)
-            {
-                ASSERT(!(LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING));
-                LunExtension->PendingRequest = Srb->OriginalRequest;
-                LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING | SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE;
-                /* Release the spinlock and return */
-                KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            ASSERT(LunExtension->SrbInfo.Srb == NULL);
-            SrbInfo = DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo;
-            if (SrbInfo == NULL)
-            {
-                /* No SRB structures left in the list. We have to leave
-                   and wait while we are called again */
-                DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING;
-                KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK_INFO)SrbInfo->Requests.Flink;
-            /* QueueTag must never be 0, so +1 to it */
-            Srb->QueueTag = (UCHAR)(SrbInfo - DeviceExtension->SrbInfo) + 1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Usual untagged command */
-            if (
-                (!IsListEmpty(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests) ||
-                LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE) &&
-                !(Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_BYPASS_FROZEN_QUEUE)
-                )
-            {
-                /* Mark it as pending and leave */
-                ASSERT(!(LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING));
-                LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING | SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE;
-                LunExtension->PendingRequest = Srb->OriginalRequest;
-                KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-                return(NULL);
-            }
-            Srb->QueueTag = SP_UNTAGGED;
-            SrbInfo = &LunExtension->SrbInfo;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        Srb->QueueTag = SP_UNTAGGED;
-        SrbInfo = &LunExtension->SrbInfo;
-    }
-    /* Allocate SRB extension structure */
-    if (DeviceExtension->NeedSrbExtensionAlloc)
-    {
-        /* Check the list of free extensions */
-        SrbExtension = DeviceExtension->FreeSrbExtensions;
-        /* If no free extensions... */
-        if (SrbExtension == NULL)
-        {
-            /* Free SRB data */
-            if (Srb->Function != SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND &&
-                Srb->QueueTag != SP_UNTAGGED)
-            {
-                SrbInfo->Requests.Blink = NULL;
-                SrbInfo->Requests.Flink = (PLIST_ENTRY)DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo;
-                DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo = SrbInfo;
-            }
-            /* Return, in order to be called again later */
-            DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING;
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        /* Remove that free SRB extension from the list (since
-           we're going to use it) */
-        DeviceExtension->FreeSrbExtensions = *((PVOID *)SrbExtension);
-        /* Spinlock can be released now */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        Srb->SrbExtension = SrbExtension;
-        if (Srb->SenseInfoBuffer != NULL &&
-            DeviceExtension->SupportsAutoSense)
-        {
-            /* Store pointer to the SenseInfo buffer */
-            SrbInfo->SaveSenseRequest = Srb->SenseInfoBuffer;
-            /* Does data fit the buffer? */
-            if (Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength > sizeof(SENSE_DATA))
-            {
-                /* No, disabling autosense at all */
-                Srb->SrbFlags |= SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_AUTOSENSE;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* Yes, update the buffer pointer */
-                Srb->SenseInfoBuffer = SrbExtension + DeviceExtension->SrbExtensionSize;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Cleanup... */
-        Srb->SrbExtension = NULL;
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    }
-    return SrbInfo;
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiSendInquiry(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-               IN OUT PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo)
-    IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock;
-    KEVENT Event;
-    KIRQL Irql;
-    PIRP Irp;
-    NTSTATUS Status;
-    PINQUIRYDATA InquiryBuffer;
-    PSENSE_DATA SenseBuffer;
-    BOOLEAN KeepTrying = TRUE;
-    ULONG RetryCount = 0;
-    PCDB Cdb;
-    DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry() called\n");
-    DeviceExtension = (PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION)DeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
-    InquiryBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE, TAG_SCSIPORT);
-    if (InquiryBuffer == NULL)
-    SenseBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, SENSE_BUFFER_SIZE, TAG_SCSIPORT);
-    if (SenseBuffer == NULL)
-    {
-        ExFreePoolWithTag(InquiryBuffer, TAG_SCSIPORT);
-    }
-    while (KeepTrying)
-    {
-        /* Initialize event for waiting */
-        KeInitializeEvent(&Event,
-                          NotificationEvent,
-                          FALSE);
-        /* Create an IRP */
-        Irp = IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest(IOCTL_SCSI_EXECUTE_IN,
-                                            DeviceObject,
-                                            NULL,
-                                            0,
-                                            InquiryBuffer,
-                                            INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE,
-                                            TRUE,
-                                            &Event,
-                                            &IoStatusBlock);
-        if (Irp == NULL)
-        {
-            DPRINT("IoBuildDeviceIoControlRequest() failed\n");
-            /* Quit the loop */
-            KeepTrying = FALSE;
-            continue;
-        }
-        /* Prepare SRB */
-        RtlZeroMemory(&Srb, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK));
-        Srb.Length = sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK);
-        Srb.OriginalRequest = Irp;
-        Srb.PathId = LunInfo->PathId;
-        Srb.TargetId = LunInfo->TargetId;
-        Srb.Lun = LunInfo->Lun;
-        Srb.Function = SRB_FUNCTION_EXECUTE_SCSI;
-        Srb.TimeOutValue = 4;
-        Srb.CdbLength = 6;
-        Srb.SenseInfoBuffer = SenseBuffer;
-        Srb.SenseInfoBufferLength = SENSE_BUFFER_SIZE;
-        Srb.DataBuffer = InquiryBuffer;
-        Srb.DataTransferLength = INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE;
-        /* Attach Srb to the Irp */
-        IrpStack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation (Irp);
-        IrpStack->Parameters.Scsi.Srb = &Srb;
-        /* Fill in CDB */
-        Cdb = (PCDB)Srb.Cdb;
-        Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.OperationCode = SCSIOP_INQUIRY;
-        Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.LogicalUnitNumber = LunInfo->Lun;
-        /* Call the driver */
-        Status = IoCallDriver(DeviceObject, Irp);
-        /* Wait for it to complete */
-        if (Status == STATUS_PENDING)
-        {
-            DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry(): Waiting for the driver to process request...\n");
-            KeWaitForSingleObject(&Event,
-                                  Executive,
-                                  KernelMode,
-                                  FALSE,
-                                  NULL);
-            Status = IoStatusBlock.Status;
-        }
-        DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry(): Request processed by driver, status = 0x%08X\n", Status);
-        if (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
-        {
-            /* All fine, copy data over */
-            RtlCopyMemory(LunInfo->InquiryData,
-                          InquiryBuffer,
-                          INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE);
-            /* Quit the loop */
-            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-            KeepTrying = FALSE;
-            continue;
-        }
-        DPRINT("Inquiry SRB failed with SrbStatus 0x%08X\n", Srb.SrbStatus);
-        /* Check if the queue is frozen */
-        if (Srb.SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN)
-        {
-            /* Something weird happened, deal with it (unfreeze the queue) */
-            KeepTrying = FALSE;
-            DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry(): the queue is frozen at TargetId %d\n", Srb.TargetId);
-            LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
-                                              LunInfo->PathId,
-                                              LunInfo->TargetId,
-                                              LunInfo->Lun);
-            /* Clear frozen flag */
-            LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
-            /* Acquire the spinlock */
-            KeAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock, &Irql);
-            /* Process the request */
-            SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceObject->DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
-            /* SpiGetNextRequestFromLun() releases the spinlock,
-                so we just lower irql back to what it was before */
-            KeLowerIrql(Irql);
-        }
-        /* Check if data overrun happened */
-        if (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN)
-        {
-            DPRINT("Data overrun at TargetId %d\n", LunInfo->TargetId);
-            /* Nothing dramatic, just copy data, but limiting the size */
-            RtlCopyMemory(LunInfo->InquiryData,
-                            InquiryBuffer,
-                            (Srb.DataTransferLength > INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE) ?
-                            INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE : Srb.DataTransferLength);
-            /* Quit the loop */
-            Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-            KeepTrying = FALSE;
-        }
-        else if ((Srb.SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID) &&
-                 SenseBuffer->SenseKey == SCSI_SENSE_ILLEGAL_REQUEST)
-        {
-            /* LUN is not valid, but some device responds there.
-                Mark it as invalid anyway */
-            /* Quit the loop */
-            KeepTrying = FALSE;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Retry a couple of times if no timeout happened */
-            if ((RetryCount < 2) &&
-                (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) != SRB_STATUS_NO_DEVICE) &&
-                (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) != SRB_STATUS_SELECTION_TIMEOUT))
-            {
-                RetryCount++;
-                KeepTrying = TRUE;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* That's all, quit the loop */
-                KeepTrying = FALSE;
-                /* Set status according to SRB status */
-                if (SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_BAD_FUNCTION ||
-                    SRB_STATUS(Srb.SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_BAD_SRB_BLOCK_LENGTH)
-                {
-                    Status = STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    Status = STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* Free buffers */
-    ExFreePoolWithTag(InquiryBuffer, TAG_SCSIPORT);
-    ExFreePoolWithTag(SenseBuffer, TAG_SCSIPORT);
-    DPRINT("SpiSendInquiry() done with Status 0x%08X\n", Status);
-    return Status;
-/* Scans all SCSI buses */
-static VOID
-SpiScanAdapter(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension)
-    ULONG Bus;
-    ULONG Target;
-    ULONG Lun;
-    PSCSI_LUN_INFO LastLunInfo, LunInfo, LunInfoExists;
-    BOOLEAN DeviceExists;
-    ULONG Hint;
-    NTSTATUS Status;
-    ULONG DevicesFound;
-    DPRINT("SpiScanAdapter() called\n");
-    /* Scan all buses */
-    for (Bus = 0; Bus < DeviceExtension->BusNum; Bus++)
-    {
-        DPRINT("    Scanning bus %d\n", Bus);
-        DevicesFound = 0;
-        /* Get pointer to the scan information */
-        BusScanInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus];
-        if (BusScanInfo)
-        {
-            /* Find the last LUN info in the list */
-            LunInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LunInfo;
-            LastLunInfo = LunInfo;
-            while (LunInfo != NULL)
-            {
-                LastLunInfo = LunInfo;
-                LunInfo = LunInfo->Next;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* We need to allocate this buffer */
-            BusScanInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_BUS_SCAN_INFO), TAG_SCSIPORT);
-            if (!BusScanInfo)
-            {
-                DPRINT1("Out of resources!\n");
-                return;
-            }
-            /* Store the pointer in the BusScanInfo array */
-            DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus] = BusScanInfo;
-            /* Fill this struct (length and bus ids for now) */
-            BusScanInfo->Length = sizeof(SCSI_BUS_SCAN_INFO);
-            BusScanInfo->LogicalUnitsCount = 0;
-            BusScanInfo->BusIdentifier = DeviceExtension->PortConfig->InitiatorBusId[Bus];
-            BusScanInfo->LunInfo = NULL;
-            /* Set pointer to the last LUN info to NULL */
-            LastLunInfo = NULL;
-        }
-        /* Create LUN information structure */
-        LunInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_LUN_INFO), TAG_SCSIPORT);
-        if (!LunInfo)
-        {
-            DPRINT1("Out of resources!\n");
-            return;
-        }
-        RtlZeroMemory(LunInfo, sizeof(SCSI_LUN_INFO));
-        /* Create LunExtension */
-        LunExtension = SpiAllocateLunExtension(DeviceExtension);
-        /* And send INQUIRY to every target */
-        for (Target = 0; Target < DeviceExtension->PortConfig->MaximumNumberOfTargets; Target++)
-        {
-            /* TODO: Support scan bottom-up */
-            /* Skip if it's the same address */
-            if (Target == BusScanInfo->BusIdentifier)
-                continue;
-            /* Try to find an existing device here */
-            DeviceExists = FALSE;
-            LunInfoExists = BusScanInfo->LunInfo;
-            /* Find matching address on this bus */
-            while (LunInfoExists)
-            {
-                if (LunInfoExists->TargetId == Target)
-                {
-                    DeviceExists = TRUE;
-                    break;
-                }
-                /* Advance to the next one */
-                LunInfoExists = LunInfoExists->Next;
-            }
-            /* No need to bother rescanning, since we already did that before */
-            if (DeviceExists)
-                continue;
-            /* Scan all logical units */
-            for (Lun = 0; Lun < SCSI_MAXIMUM_LOGICAL_UNITS; Lun++)
-            {
-                if ((!LunExtension) || (!LunInfo))
-                    break;
-                /* Add extension to the list */
-                Hint = (Target + Lun) % LUS_NUMBER;
-                LunExtension->Next = DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint];
-                DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint] = LunExtension;
-                /* Fill Path, Target, Lun fields */
-                LunExtension->PathId = LunInfo->PathId = (UCHAR)Bus;
-                LunExtension->TargetId = LunInfo->TargetId = (UCHAR)Target;
-                LunExtension->Lun = LunInfo->Lun = (UCHAR)Lun;
-                /* Set flag to prevent race conditions */
-                LunExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS;
-                /* Zero LU extension contents */
-                if (DeviceExtension->LunExtensionSize)
-                {
-                    RtlZeroMemory(LunExtension + 1,
-                                  DeviceExtension->LunExtensionSize);
-                }
-                /* Finally send the inquiry command */
-                Status = SpiSendInquiry(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, LunInfo);
-                if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-                {
-                    /* Let's see if we really found a device */
-                    PINQUIRYDATA InquiryData = (PINQUIRYDATA)LunInfo->InquiryData;
-                    /* Check if this device is unsupported */
-                    if (InquiryData->DeviceTypeQualifier == DEVICE_QUALIFIER_NOT_SUPPORTED)
-                    {
-                        DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint] =
-                            DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint]->Next;
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    /* Clear the "in scan" flag */
-                    LunExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS;
-                    DPRINT("SpiScanAdapter(): Found device of type %d at bus %d tid %d lun %d\n",
-                        InquiryData->DeviceType, Bus, Target, Lun);
-                    /*
-                     * Cache the inquiry data into the LUN extension (or alternatively
-                     * we could save a pointer to LunInfo within the LunExtension?)
-                     */
-                    RtlCopyMemory(&LunExtension->InquiryData,
-                                  InquiryData,
-                                  INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE);
-                    /* Add this info to the linked list */
-                    LunInfo->Next = NULL;
-                    if (LastLunInfo)
-                        LastLunInfo->Next = LunInfo;
-                    else
-                        BusScanInfo->LunInfo = LunInfo;
-                    /* Store the last LUN info */
-                    LastLunInfo = LunInfo;
-                    /* Store DeviceObject */
-                    LunInfo->DeviceObject = DeviceExtension->DeviceObject;
-                    /* Allocate another buffer */
-                    LunInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_LUN_INFO), TAG_SCSIPORT);
-                    if (!LunInfo)
-                    {
-                        DPRINT1("Out of resources!\n");
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    RtlZeroMemory(LunInfo, sizeof(SCSI_LUN_INFO));
-                    /* Create a new LU extension */
-                    LunExtension = SpiAllocateLunExtension(DeviceExtension);
-                    DevicesFound++;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    /* Remove this LUN from the list */
-                    DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint] =
-                        DeviceExtension->LunExtensionList[Hint]->Next;
-                    /* Decide whether we are continuing or not */
-                    if (Status == STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST)
-                        continue;
-                    else
-                        break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /* Free allocated buffers */
-        if (LunExtension)
-            ExFreePoolWithTag(LunExtension, TAG_SCSIPORT);
-        if (LunInfo)
-            ExFreePoolWithTag(LunInfo, TAG_SCSIPORT);
-        /* Sum what we found */
-        BusScanInfo->LogicalUnitsCount += (UCHAR)DevicesFound;
-        DPRINT("    Found %d devices on bus %d\n", DevicesFound, Bus);
-    }
-    DPRINT("SpiScanAdapter() done\n");
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiGetInquiryData(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                  IN PIRP Irp)
-    ULONG InquiryDataSize;
-    PSCSI_LUN_INFO LunInfo;
-    ULONG BusCount, LunCount, Length;
-    PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA InquiryData;
-    PSCSI_BUS_DATA BusData;
-    ULONG Bus;
-    PUCHAR Buffer;
-    DPRINT("SpiGetInquiryData() called\n");
-    /* Get pointer to the buffer */
-    IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
-    Buffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer;
-    /* Initialize bus and LUN counters */
-    BusCount = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->NumberOfBuses;
-    LunCount = 0;
-    /* Calculate total number of LUNs */
-    for (Bus = 0; Bus < BusCount; Bus++)
-        LunCount += DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LogicalUnitsCount;
-    /* Calculate size of inquiry data, rounding up to sizeof(ULONG) */
-    InquiryDataSize =
-        sizeof(ULONG) - 1) & ~(sizeof(ULONG) - 1));
-    /* Calculate data size */
-    Length = sizeof(SCSI_ADAPTER_BUS_INFO) + (BusCount - 1) * sizeof(SCSI_BUS_DATA);
-    Length += InquiryDataSize * LunCount;
-    /* Check, if all data is going to fit into provided buffer */
-    if (IrpStack->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength < Length)
-    {
-        Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-        return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-    }
-    /* Store data size in the IRP */
-    Irp->IoStatus.Information = Length;
-    DPRINT("Data size: %lu\n", Length);
-    AdapterBusInfo = (PSCSI_ADAPTER_BUS_INFO)Buffer;
-    AdapterBusInfo->NumberOfBuses = (UCHAR)BusCount;
-    /* Point InquiryData to the corresponding place inside Buffer */
-    InquiryData = (PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA)(Buffer + sizeof(SCSI_ADAPTER_BUS_INFO) +
-                    (BusCount - 1) * sizeof(SCSI_BUS_DATA));
-    /* Loop each bus */
-    for (Bus = 0; Bus < BusCount; Bus++)
-    {
-        BusData = &AdapterBusInfo->BusData[Bus];
-        /* Calculate and save an offset of the inquiry data */
-        BusData->InquiryDataOffset = (ULONG)((PUCHAR)InquiryData - Buffer);
-        /* Get a pointer to the LUN information structure */
-        LunInfo = DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LunInfo;
-        /* Store Initiator Bus Id */
-        BusData->InitiatorBusId =
-            DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->BusIdentifier;
-        /* Store LUN count */
-        BusData->NumberOfLogicalUnits =
-            DeviceExtension->BusesConfig->BusScanInfo[Bus]->LogicalUnitsCount;
-        /* Loop all LUNs */
-        while (LunInfo != NULL)
-        {
-            DPRINT("(Bus %lu Target %lu Lun %lu)\n",
-                   Bus, LunInfo->TargetId, LunInfo->Lun);
-            /* Fill InquiryData with values */
-            InquiryData->PathId = LunInfo->PathId;
-            InquiryData->TargetId = LunInfo->TargetId;
-            InquiryData->Lun = LunInfo->Lun;
-            InquiryData->InquiryDataLength = INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE;
-            InquiryData->DeviceClaimed = LunInfo->DeviceClaimed;
-            InquiryData->NextInquiryDataOffset =
-                (ULONG)((PUCHAR)InquiryData + InquiryDataSize - Buffer);
-            /* Copy data in it */
-            RtlCopyMemory(InquiryData->InquiryData,
-                          LunInfo->InquiryData,
-                          INQUIRYDATABUFFERSIZE);
-            /* Move to the next LUN */
-            LunInfo = LunInfo->Next;
-            InquiryData = (PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA) ((PCHAR)InquiryData + InquiryDataSize);
-        }
-        /* Either mark the end, or set offset to 0 */
-        if (BusData->NumberOfLogicalUnits != 0)
-            ((PSCSI_INQUIRY_DATA) ((PCHAR)InquiryData - InquiryDataSize))->NextInquiryDataOffset = 0;
-        else
-            BusData->InquiryDataOffset = 0;
-    }
-    /* Finish with success */
-    Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-    return STATUS_SUCCESS;
-              IN UCHAR PathId,
-              IN UCHAR TargetId,
-              IN UCHAR Lun,
-              IN UCHAR QueueTag)
-    if (QueueTag == SP_UNTAGGED)
-    {
-        /* Untagged request, get LU and return pointer to SrbInfo */
-        LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
-                                          PathId,
-                                          TargetId,
-                                          Lun);
-        /* Return NULL in case of error */
-        if (!LunExtension)
-            return(NULL);
-        /* Return the pointer to SrbInfo */
-        return &LunExtension->SrbInfo;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Make sure the tag is valid, if it is - return the data */
-        if (QueueTag > DeviceExtension->SrbDataCount || QueueTag < 1)
-            return NULL;
-        else
-            return &DeviceExtension->SrbInfo[QueueTag -1];
-    }
-static VOID
-SpiSendRequestSense(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                    IN PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK InitialSrb)
-    PCDB Cdb;
-    PIRP Irp;
-    LARGE_INTEGER LargeInt;
-    PVOID *Ptr;
-    DPRINT("SpiSendRequestSense() entered, InitialSrb %p\n", InitialSrb);
-    /* Allocate Srb */
-    Srb = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK) + sizeof(PVOID), TAG_SCSIPORT);
-    RtlZeroMemory(Srb, sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK));
-    /* Allocate IRP */
-    LargeInt.QuadPart = (LONGLONG) 1;
-    Irp = IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest(IRP_MJ_READ,
-                                        DeviceExtension->DeviceObject,
-                                        InitialSrb->SenseInfoBuffer,
-                                        InitialSrb->SenseInfoBufferLength,
-                                        &LargeInt,
-                                        NULL);
-    IoSetCompletionRoutine(Irp,
-                           (PIO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE)SpiCompletionRoutine,
-                           Srb,
-                           TRUE,
-                           TRUE,
-                           TRUE);
-    if (!Srb)
-    {
-        DPRINT("SpiSendRequestSense() failed, Srb %p\n", Srb);
-        return;
-    }
-    IrpStack = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp);
-    IrpStack->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_SCSI;
-    /* Put Srb address into Irp... */
-    IrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1 = (PVOID)Srb;
-    /* ...and vice versa */
-    Srb->OriginalRequest = Irp;
-    /* Save Srb */
-    Ptr = (PVOID *)(Srb+1);
-    *Ptr = InitialSrb;
-    /* Build CDB for REQUEST SENSE */
-    Srb->CdbLength = 6;
-    Cdb = (PCDB)Srb->Cdb;
-    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.LogicalUnitNumber = 0;
-    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.Reserved1 = 0;
-    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.PageCode = 0;
-    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.IReserved = 0;
-    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.AllocationLength = (UCHAR)InitialSrb->SenseInfoBufferLength;
-    Cdb->CDB6INQUIRY.Control = 0;
-    /* Set address */
-    Srb->TargetId = InitialSrb->TargetId;
-    Srb->Lun = InitialSrb->Lun;
-    Srb->PathId = InitialSrb->PathId;
-    Srb->Length = sizeof(SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK);
-    /* Timeout will be 2 seconds */
-    Srb->TimeOutValue = 2;
-    /* No auto request sense */
-    Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength = 0;
-    Srb->SenseInfoBuffer = NULL;
-    /* Set necessary flags */
-                    SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_DISCONNECT;
-    /* Transfer disable synch transfer flag */
-    if (InitialSrb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DISABLE_SYNCH_TRANSFER)
-    Srb->DataBuffer = InitialSrb->SenseInfoBuffer;
-    /* Fill the transfer length */
-    Srb->DataTransferLength = InitialSrb->SenseInfoBufferLength;
-    /* Clear statuses */
-    Srb->ScsiStatus = Srb->SrbStatus = 0;
-    Srb->NextSrb = 0;
-    /* Call the driver */
-    (VOID)IoCallDriver(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, Irp);
-    DPRINT("SpiSendRequestSense() done\n");
-SpiProcessCompletedRequest(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                           IN PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK_INFO SrbInfo,
-                           OUT PBOOLEAN NeedToCallStartIo)
-    LONG Result;
-    PIRP Irp;
-    //ULONG SequenceNumber;
-    Srb = SrbInfo->Srb;
-    Irp = Srb->OriginalRequest;
-    /* Get Lun extension */
-    LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
-                                     Srb->PathId,
-                                     Srb->TargetId,
-                                     Srb->Lun);
-        DeviceExtension->MapBuffers &&
-        Irp->MdlAddress)
-    {
-        /* MDL is shared if transfer is broken into smaller parts */
-        Srb->DataBuffer = (PCCHAR)MmGetMdlVirtualAddress(Irp->MdlAddress) +
-            ((PCCHAR)Srb->DataBuffer - SrbInfo->DataOffset);
-        /* In case of data going in, flush the buffers */
-        if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_DATA_IN)
-        {
-            KeFlushIoBuffers(Irp->MdlAddress,
-                             TRUE,
-                             FALSE);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Flush adapter if needed */
-    if (SrbInfo->BaseOfMapRegister)
-    {
-        /* TODO: Implement */
-        ASSERT(FALSE);
-    }
-    /* Clear the request */
-    SrbInfo->Srb = NULL;
-    /* If disconnect is disabled... */
-    {
-        /* Acquire the spinlock since we mess with flags */
-        KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        /* Set corresponding flag */
-        DeviceExtension->Flags |= SCSI_PORT_DISCONNECT_ALLOWED;
-        /* Clear the timer if needed */
-        if (!(DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_RESET))
-            DeviceExtension->TimerCount = -1;
-        /* Spinlock is not needed anymore */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        if (!(DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING) &&
-            !(DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_DEVICE_BUSY) &&
-            !(*NeedToCallStartIo))
-        {
-            /* We're not busy, but we have a request pending */
-            IoStartNextPacket(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, FALSE);
-        }
-    }
-    /* Scatter/gather */
-    if (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_SGLIST_FROM_POOL)
-    {
-        /* TODO: Implement */
-        ASSERT(FALSE);
-    }
-    /* Acquire spinlock (we're freeing SrbExtension) */
-    KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    /* Free it (if needed) */
-    if (Srb->SrbExtension)
-    {
-        if (Srb->SenseInfoBuffer != NULL && DeviceExtension->SupportsAutoSense)
-        {
-            ASSERT(Srb->SenseInfoBuffer == NULL || SrbInfo->SaveSenseRequest != NULL);
-            if (Srb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID)
-            {
-                /* Copy sense data to the buffer */
-                RtlCopyMemory(SrbInfo->SaveSenseRequest,
-                              Srb->SenseInfoBuffer,
-                              Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength);
-            }
-            /* And restore the pointer */
-            Srb->SenseInfoBuffer = SrbInfo->SaveSenseRequest;
-        }
-        /* Put it into the free srb extensions list */
-        *((PVOID *)Srb->SrbExtension) = DeviceExtension->FreeSrbExtensions;
-        DeviceExtension->FreeSrbExtensions = Srb->SrbExtension;
-    }
-    /* Save transfer length in the IRP */
-    Irp->IoStatus.Information = Srb->DataTransferLength;
-    //SequenceNumber = SrbInfo->SequenceNumber;
-    SrbInfo->SequenceNumber = 0;
-    /* Decrement the queue count */
-    LunExtension->QueueCount--;
-    /* Free Srb, if needed*/
-    if (Srb->QueueTag != SP_UNTAGGED)
-    {
-        /* Put it into the free list */
-        SrbInfo->Requests.Blink = NULL;
-        SrbInfo->Requests.Flink = (PLIST_ENTRY)DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo;
-        DeviceExtension->FreeSrbInfo = SrbInfo;
-    }
-    /* SrbInfo is not used anymore */
-    SrbInfo = NULL;
-    if (DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING)
-    {
-        /* Clear the flag */
-        DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_REQUEST_PENDING;
-        /* Note the caller about StartIo */
-        *NeedToCallStartIo = TRUE;
-    }
-    if (SRB_STATUS(Srb->SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
-    {
-        /* Start the packet */
-        Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
-        if (!(Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_BYPASS_FROZEN_QUEUE) &&
-            LunExtension->RequestTimeout == -1)
-        {
-            /* Start the next packet */
-            SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Release the spinlock */
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        }
-        DPRINT("IoCompleting request IRP 0x%p\n", Irp);
-        IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
-        /* Decrement number of active requests, and analyze the result */
-        Result = InterlockedDecrement(&DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter);
-        if (Result < 0 &&
-            !DeviceExtension->MapRegisters &&
-            DeviceExtension->AdapterObject != NULL)
-        {
-            /* Nullify map registers */
-            DeviceExtension->MapRegisterBase = NULL;
-            IoFreeAdapterChannel(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject);
-        }
-         /* Exit, we're done */
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Decrement number of active requests, and analyze the result */
-    Result = InterlockedDecrement(&DeviceExtension->ActiveRequestCounter);
-    if (Result < 0 &&
-        !DeviceExtension->MapRegisters &&
-        DeviceExtension->AdapterObject != NULL)
-    {
-        /* Result is negative, so this is a slave, free map registers */
-        DeviceExtension->MapRegisterBase = NULL;
-        IoFreeAdapterChannel(DeviceExtension->AdapterObject);
-    }
-    /* Convert status */
-    Irp->IoStatus.Status = SpiStatusSrbToNt(Srb->SrbStatus);
-    /* It's not a bypass, it's busy or the queue is full? */
-    if ((Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_BUSY ||
-         Srb->SrbStatus == SRB_STATUS_BUSY ||
-         Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_QUEUE_FULL) &&
-         !(Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_BYPASS_FROZEN_QUEUE))
-    {
-        DPRINT("Busy SRB status %x\n", Srb->SrbStatus);
-        /* Requeue, if needed */
-        if (LunExtension->Flags & (LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE | LUNEX_BUSY))
-        {
-            DPRINT("it's being requeued\n");
-            Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_PENDING;
-            Srb->ScsiStatus = 0;
-            if (!KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue,
-                                          &Irp->Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry,
-                                          Srb->QueueSortKey))
-            {
-                /* It's a big f.ck up if we got here */
-                Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_ERROR;
-                Srb->ScsiStatus = SCSISTAT_BUSY;
-                ASSERT(FALSE);
-                goto Error;
-            }
-            /* Release the spinlock */
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        }
-        else if (LunExtension->AttemptCount++ < 20)
-        {
-            /* LUN is still busy */
-            Srb->ScsiStatus = 0;
-            Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_PENDING;
-            LunExtension->BusyRequest = Irp;
-            LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_BUSY;
-            /* Release the spinlock */
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Freeze the queue*/
-            Srb->SrbStatus |= SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN;
-            LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
-            /* "Unfull" the queue */
-            LunExtension->Flags &= ~LUNEX_FULL_QUEUE;
-            /* Release the spinlock */
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-            /* Return status that the device is not ready */
-            Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_READY;
-            IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Start the next request, if LUN is idle, and this is sense request */
-    if (((Srb->ScsiStatus != SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION) ||
-        (Srb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID) ||
-        !Srb->SenseInfoBuffer || !Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength)
-        && (Srb->SrbFlags & SRB_FLAGS_NO_QUEUE_FREEZE))
-    {
-        if (LunExtension->RequestTimeout == -1)
-            SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
-        else
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Freeze the queue */
-        Srb->SrbStatus |= SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN;
-        LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_FROZEN_QUEUE;
-        /* Do we need a request sense? */
-        if (Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION &&
-            !(Srb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID) &&
-            Srb->SenseInfoBuffer && Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength)
-        {
-            /* If LUN is busy, we have to requeue it in order to allow request sense */
-            if (LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_BUSY)
-            {
-                DPRINT("Requeuing busy request to allow request sense\n");
-                if (!KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue,
-                    &LunExtension->BusyRequest->Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry,
-                    Srb->QueueSortKey))
-                {
-                    /* We should never get here */
-                    ASSERT(FALSE);
-                    KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-                    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
-                    return;
-                }
-                /* Clear busy flags */
-                LunExtension->Flags &= ~(LUNEX_FULL_QUEUE | LUNEX_BUSY);
-            }
-            /* Release the spinlock */
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-            /* Send RequestSense */
-            SpiSendRequestSense(DeviceExtension, Srb);
-            /* Exit */
-            return;
-        }
-        /* Release the spinlock */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    }
-    /* Complete the request */
-    IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
-SpiCompletionRoutine(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
-                     PIRP Irp,
-                     PVOID Context)
-    PIRP InitialIrp;
-    DPRINT("SpiCompletionRoutine() entered, IRP %p \n", Irp);
-    if ((Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_RESET_BUS) ||
-        (Srb->Function == SRB_FUNCTION_ABORT_COMMAND))
-    {
-        /* Deallocate SRB and IRP and exit */
-        ExFreePool(Srb);
-        IoFreeIrp(Irp);
-    }
-    /* Get a pointer to the SRB and IRP which were initially sent */
-    InitialSrb = *((PVOID *)(Srb+1));
-    InitialIrp = InitialSrb->OriginalRequest;
-    if ((SRB_STATUS(Srb->SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS) ||
-        (SRB_STATUS(Srb->SrbStatus) == SRB_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN))
-    {
-        /* Sense data is OK */
-        InitialSrb->SrbStatus |= SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID;
-        /* Set length to be the same */
-        InitialSrb->SenseInfoBufferLength = (UCHAR)Srb->DataTransferLength;
-    }
-    /* Make sure initial SRB's queue is frozen */
-    ASSERT(InitialSrb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_QUEUE_FROZEN);
-    /* Complete this request */
-    IoCompleteRequest(InitialIrp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT);
-    /* Deallocate everything (internal) */
-    ExFreePool(Srb);
-    if (Irp->MdlAddress != NULL)
-    {
-        MmUnlockPages(Irp->MdlAddress);
-        IoFreeMdl(Irp->MdlAddress);
-        Irp->MdlAddress = NULL;
-    }
-    IoFreeIrp(Irp);
-ScsiPortIsr(IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt,
-            IN PVOID ServiceContext)
-    DPRINT("ScsiPortIsr() called!\n");
-    DeviceExtension = (PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION)ServiceContext;
-    /* If interrupts are disabled - we don't expect any */
-    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS)
-        return FALSE;
-    /* Call miniport's HwInterrupt routine */
-    if (DeviceExtension->HwInterrupt(&DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension) == FALSE)
-    {
-        /* This interrupt doesn't belong to us */
-        return FALSE;
-    }
-    /* If flag of notification is set - queue a DPC */
-    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED)
-    {
-        IoRequestDpc(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject,
-                     DeviceExtension->CurrentIrp,
-                     DeviceExtension);
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-SpiSaveInterruptData(IN PVOID Context)
-    PSCSI_PORT_SAVE_INTERRUPT InterruptContext = Context;
-    BOOLEAN IsTimed;
-    /* Get pointer to the device extension */
-    DeviceExtension = InterruptContext->DeviceExtension;
-    /* If we don't have anything pending - return */
-    if (!(DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED))
-        return FALSE;
-    /* Actually save the interrupt data */
-    *InterruptContext->InterruptData = DeviceExtension->InterruptData;
-    /* Clear the data stored in the device extension */
-    DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags &=
-    DeviceExtension->InterruptData.CompletedAbort = NULL;
-    DeviceExtension->InterruptData.ReadyLun = NULL;
-    DeviceExtension->InterruptData.CompletedRequests = NULL;
-    /* Loop through the list of completed requests */
-    SrbInfo = InterruptContext->InterruptData->CompletedRequests;
-    while (SrbInfo)
-    {
-        /* Make sure we have SRV */
-        ASSERT(SrbInfo->Srb);
-        /* Get SRB and LunExtension */
-        Srb = SrbInfo->Srb;
-        LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
-                                          Srb->PathId,
-                                          Srb->TargetId,
-                                          Srb->Lun);
-        /* We have to check special cases if request is unsuccessful*/
-        if (Srb->SrbStatus != SRB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
-        {
-            /* Check if we need request sense by a few conditions */
-            if (Srb->SenseInfoBuffer && Srb->SenseInfoBufferLength &&
-                Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_CHECK_CONDITION &&
-                !(Srb->SrbStatus & SRB_STATUS_AUTOSENSE_VALID))
-            {
-                if (LunExtension->Flags & LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE)
-                {
-                    /* It means: we tried to send REQUEST SENSE, but failed */
-                    Srb->ScsiStatus = 0;
-                    Srb->SrbStatus = SRB_STATUS_REQUEST_SENSE_FAILED;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    /* Set the corresponding flag, so that REQUEST SENSE
-                       will be sent */
-                    LunExtension->Flags |= LUNEX_NEED_REQUEST_SENSE;
-                }
-            }
-            /* Check for a full queue */
-            if (Srb->ScsiStatus == SCSISTAT_QUEUE_FULL)
-            {
-                /* TODO: Implement when it's encountered */
-                ASSERT(FALSE);
-            }
-        }
-        /* Let's decide if we need to watch timeout or not */
-        if (Srb->QueueTag == SP_UNTAGGED)
-        {
-            IsTimed = TRUE;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if (LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests.Flink == &SrbInfo->Requests)
-                IsTimed = TRUE;
-            else
-                IsTimed = FALSE;
-            /* Remove it from the queue */
-            RemoveEntryList(&SrbInfo->Requests);
-        }
-        if (IsTimed)
-        {
-            /* We have to maintain timeout counter */
-            if (IsListEmpty(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests))
-            {
-                LunExtension->RequestTimeout = -1;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                NextSrbInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests.Flink,
-                                                SCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK_INFO,
-                                                Requests);
-                Srb = NextSrbInfo->Srb;
-                /* Update timeout counter */
-                LunExtension->RequestTimeout = Srb->TimeOutValue;
-            }
-        }
-        SrbInfo = SrbInfo->CompletedRequests;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                         IN PSCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION LunExtension)
-    PIRP NextIrp;
-    /* If LUN is not active or queue is more than maximum allowed  */
-    if (LunExtension->QueueCount >= LunExtension->MaxQueueCount ||
-        !(LunExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE))
-    {
-        /* Release the spinlock and exit */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Check if we can get a next request */
-    if (LunExtension->Flags &
-    {
-        /* Pending requests can only be started if the queue is empty */
-        if (IsListEmpty(&LunExtension->SrbInfo.Requests) &&
-            !(LunExtension->Flags &
-        {
-            /* Make sure we have SRB */
-            ASSERT(LunExtension->SrbInfo.Srb == NULL);
-            /* Clear active and pending flags */
-            LunExtension->Flags &= ~(LUNEX_REQUEST_PENDING | SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE);
-            /* Get next Irp, and clear pending requests list */
-            NextIrp = LunExtension->PendingRequest;
-            LunExtension->PendingRequest = NULL;
-            /* Set attempt counter to zero */
-            LunExtension->AttemptCount = 0;
-            /* Release the spinlock */
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-            /* Start the next pending request */
-            IoStartPacket(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NextIrp, (PULONG)NULL, NULL);
-            return;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Release the spinlock, without clearing any flags and exit */
-            KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Reset active flag */
-    LunExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_LU_ACTIVE;
-    /* Set attempt counter to zero */
-    LunExtension->AttemptCount = 0;
-    /* Remove packet from the device queue */
-    Entry = KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue(&LunExtension->DeviceQueue, LunExtension->SortKey);
-    if (Entry != NULL)
-    {
-        /* Get pointer to the next irp */
-        NextIrp = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, IRP, Tail.Overlay.DeviceQueueEntry);
-        /* Get point to the SRB */
-        IrpStack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(NextIrp);
-        Srb = (PSCSI_REQUEST_BLOCK)IrpStack->Parameters.Others.Argument1;
-        /* Set new key*/
-        LunExtension->SortKey = Srb->QueueSortKey;
-        LunExtension->SortKey++;
-        /* Release the spinlock */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        /* Start the next pending request */
-        IoStartPacket(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, NextIrp, (PULONG)NULL, NULL);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Release the spinlock */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    }
-//    ScsiPortDpcForIsr
-//    IN PKDPC          Dpc
-//    IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DpcDeviceObject
-//    IN PIRP           DpcIrp
-//    IN PVOID          DpcContext
-static VOID NTAPI
-ScsiPortDpcForIsr(IN PKDPC Dpc,
-          IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DpcDeviceObject,
-          IN PIRP DpcIrp,
-          IN PVOID DpcContext)
+    _In_ PKINTERRUPT Interrupt,
+    _In_ PVOID ServiceContext)
-    PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension = DpcDeviceObject->DeviceExtension;
-    BOOLEAN NeedToStartIo;
-    LARGE_INTEGER TimerValue;
-    DPRINT("ScsiPortDpcForIsr(Dpc %p  DpcDeviceObject %p  DpcIrp %p  DpcContext %p)\n",
-           Dpc, DpcDeviceObject, DpcIrp, DpcContext);
-    /* We need to acquire spinlock */
-    KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    RtlZeroMemory(&InterruptData, sizeof(SCSI_PORT_INTERRUPT_DATA));
-    /* Interrupt structure must be snapshotted, and only then analyzed */
-    Context.InterruptData = &InterruptData;
-    Context.DeviceExtension = DeviceExtension;
-    if (!KeSynchronizeExecution(DeviceExtension->Interrupt[0],
-                                SpiSaveInterruptData,
-                                &Context))
-    {
-        /* Nothing - just return (don't forget to release the spinlock */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        DPRINT("ScsiPortDpcForIsr() done\n");
-        return;
-    }
-    /* If flush of adapters is needed - do it */
-    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_FLUSH_ADAPTERS)
-    {
-        /* TODO: Implement */
-        ASSERT(FALSE);
-    }
-    /* Check for IoMapTransfer */
-    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_MAP_TRANSFER)
-    {
-        /* TODO: Implement */
-        ASSERT(FALSE);
-    }
-    /* Check if timer is needed */
-    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_TIMER_NEEDED)
-    {
-        /* Save the timer routine */
-        DeviceExtension->HwScsiTimer = InterruptData.HwScsiTimer;
-        if (InterruptData.MiniportTimerValue == 0)
-        {
-            /* Cancel the timer */
-            KeCancelTimer(&DeviceExtension->MiniportTimer);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Convert timer value */
-            TimerValue.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(InterruptData.MiniportTimerValue, -10);
-            /* Set the timer */
-            KeSetTimer(&DeviceExtension->MiniportTimer,
-                       TimerValue,
-                       &DeviceExtension->MiniportTimerDpc);
-        }
-    }
-    /* If it's ready for the next request */
-    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NEXT_REQUEST_READY)
-    {
-        /* Check for a duplicate request (NextRequest+NextLuRequest) */
-        if ((DeviceExtension->Flags &
-        {
-            /* Clear busy flag set by ScsiPortStartPacket() */
-            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DEVICE_BUSY;
-            if (!(InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_RESET))
-            {
-                /* Ready for next, and no reset is happening */
-                DeviceExtension->TimerCount = -1;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            /* Not busy, but not ready for the next request */
-            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DEVICE_BUSY;
-            InterruptData.Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_NEXT_REQUEST_READY;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Any resets? */
-    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_RESET_REPORTED)
-    {
-        /* Hold for a bit */
-        DeviceExtension->TimerCount = 4;
-    }
-    /* Any ready LUN? */
-    if (InterruptData.ReadyLun != NULL)
-    {
-        /* Process all LUNs from the list*/
-        while (TRUE)
-        {
-            /* Remove it from the list first (as processed) */
-            LunExtension = InterruptData.ReadyLun;
-            InterruptData.ReadyLun = LunExtension->ReadyLun;
-            LunExtension->ReadyLun = NULL;
-            /* Get next request for this LUN */
-            SpiGetNextRequestFromLun(DeviceExtension, LunExtension);
-            /* Still ready requests exist?
-               If yes - get spinlock, if no - stop here */
-            if (InterruptData.ReadyLun != NULL)
-                KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-            else
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Release the spinlock */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-    }
-    /* If we ready for next packet, start it */
-    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NEXT_REQUEST_READY)
-        IoStartNextPacket(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject, FALSE);
-    NeedToStartIo = FALSE;
-    /* Loop the completed request list */
-    while (InterruptData.CompletedRequests)
-    {
-        /* Remove the request */
-        SrbInfo = InterruptData.CompletedRequests;
-        InterruptData.CompletedRequests = SrbInfo->CompletedRequests;
-        SrbInfo->CompletedRequests = NULL;
-        /* Process it */
-        SpiProcessCompletedRequest(DeviceExtension,
-                                  SrbInfo,
-                                  &NeedToStartIo);
-    }
-    /* Loop abort request list */
-    while (InterruptData.CompletedAbort)
-    {
-        LunExtension = InterruptData.CompletedAbort;
-        /* Remove the request */
-        InterruptData.CompletedAbort = LunExtension->CompletedAbortRequests;
+    DPRINT("ScsiPortIsr() called!\n");
-        /* Get spinlock since we're going to change flags */
-        KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+    DeviceExtension = (PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION)ServiceContext;
-        /* TODO: Put SrbExtension to the list of free extensions */
-        ASSERT(FALSE);
-    }
+    /* If interrupts are disabled - we don't expect any */
+    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS)
+        return FALSE;
-    /* If we need - call StartIo routine */
-    if (NeedToStartIo)
+    /* Call miniport's HwInterrupt routine */
+    if (DeviceExtension->HwInterrupt(&DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension) == FALSE)
-        /* Make sure CurrentIrp is not null! */
-        ASSERT(DpcDeviceObject->CurrentIrp != NULL);
-        ScsiPortStartIo(DpcDeviceObject, DpcDeviceObject->CurrentIrp);
+        /* This interrupt doesn't belong to us */
+        return FALSE;
-    /* Everything has been done, check */
-    if (InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_ENABLE_INT_REQUEST)
+    /* If flag of notification is set - queue a DPC */
+    if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED)
-        /* Synchronize using spinlock */
-        KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
-        /* Request an interrupt */
-        DeviceExtension->HwInterrupt(DeviceExtension->MiniPortDeviceExtension);
-        ASSERT(DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_DISABLE_INT_REQUESET);
-        /* Should interrupts be enabled again? */
-        if (DeviceExtension->Flags & SCSI_PORT_DISABLE_INT_REQUESET)
-        {
-            /* Clear this flag */
-            DeviceExtension->Flags &= ~SCSI_PORT_DISABLE_INT_REQUESET;
-            /* Call a special routine to do this */
-            ASSERT(FALSE);
-#if 0
-            KeSynchronizeExecution(DeviceExtension->Interrupt,
-                                   SpiEnableInterrupts,
-                                   DeviceExtension);
-        }
-        /* If we need a notification again - loop */
-        if (DeviceExtension->InterruptData.Flags & SCSI_PORT_NOTIFICATION_NEEDED)
-            goto TryAgain;
-        /* Release the spinlock */
-        KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&DeviceExtension->SpinLock);
+        IoRequestDpc(DeviceExtension->DeviceObject,
+                     DeviceExtension->CurrentIrp,
+                     DeviceExtension);
-    DPRINT("ScsiPortDpcForIsr() done\n");
+    return TRUE;
@@ -5187,444 +2292,6 @@ ScsiPortIoTimer(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
- * NAME                         INTERNAL
- *  SpiBuildDeviceMap
- *
- *  Builds the registry device map of all device which are attached
- *  to the given SCSI HBA port. The device map is located at:
- *    \Registry\Machine\DeviceMap\Scsi
- *
- *
- *  DeviceExtension
- *      ...
- *
- *  RegistryPath
- *      Name of registry driver service key.
- *
- */
-static NTSTATUS
-SpiBuildDeviceMap(IN PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
-                  IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath)
-    OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes;
-    UNICODE_STRING ValueName;
-    WCHAR NameBuffer[64];
-    ULONG Disposition;
-    HANDLE ScsiKey;
-    HANDLE ScsiPortKey = NULL;
-    HANDLE ScsiBusKey = NULL;
-    HANDLE ScsiInitiatorKey = NULL;
-    HANDLE ScsiTargetKey = NULL;
-    HANDLE ScsiLunKey = NULL;
-    ULONG BusNumber;
-    ULONG Target;
-    ULONG CurrentTarget;
-    ULONG Lun;
-    PWCHAR DriverName;
-    ULONG UlongData;
-    PWCHAR TypeName;
-    NTSTATUS Status;
-    DPRINT("SpiBuildDeviceMap() called\n");
-    if (DeviceExtension == NULL || RegistryPath == NULL)
-    {
-        DPRINT1("Invalid parameter\n");
-    }
-    /* Open or create the 'Scsi' subkey */
-    RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName,
-                         L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Hardware\\DeviceMap\\Scsi");
-    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                               &KeyName,
-                               OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_OPENIF | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE,
-                               0,
-                               NULL);
-    Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiKey,
-                         KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                         &ObjectAttributes,
-                         0,
-                         NULL,
-                         REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
-                         &Disposition);
-    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-    {
-        DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-        return Status;
-    }
-    /* Create new 'Scsi Port X' subkey */
-    DPRINT("Scsi Port %lu\n", DeviceExtension->PortNumber);
-    swprintf(NameBuffer,
-             L"Scsi Port %lu",
-             DeviceExtension->PortNumber);
-    RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
-    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                               &KeyName,
-                               OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE,
-                               ScsiKey,
-                               NULL);
-    Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiPortKey,
-                         KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                         &ObjectAttributes,
-                         0,
-                         NULL,
-                         REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
-                         &Disposition);
-    ZwClose(ScsiKey);
-    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-    {
-        DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-        return Status;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Create port-specific values
-     */
-    /* Set 'DMA Enabled' (REG_DWORD) value */
-    UlongData = (ULONG)!DeviceExtension->PortCapabilities.AdapterUsesPio;
-    DPRINT("  DMA Enabled = %s\n", UlongData ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
-    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"DMA Enabled");
-    Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiPortKey,
-                           &ValueName,
-                           0,
-                           REG_DWORD,
-                           &UlongData,
-                           sizeof(UlongData));
-    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-    {
-        DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('DMA Enabled') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
-        return Status;
-    }
-    /* Set 'Driver' (REG_SZ) value */
-    DriverName = wcsrchr(RegistryPath->Buffer, L'\\') + 1;
-    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"Driver");
-    Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiPortKey,
-                           &ValueName,
-                           0,
-                           REG_SZ,
-                           DriverName,
-                           (ULONG)((wcslen(DriverName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
-    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-    {
-        DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('Driver') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
-        return Status;
-    }
-    /* Set 'Interrupt' (REG_DWORD) value (NT4 only) */
-    UlongData = (ULONG)DeviceExtension->PortConfig->BusInterruptLevel;
-    DPRINT("  Interrupt = %lu\n", UlongData);
-    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"Interrupt");
-    Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiPortKey,
-                           &ValueName,
-                           0,
-                           REG_DWORD,
-                           &UlongData,
-                           sizeof(UlongData));
-    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-    {
-        DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('Interrupt') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
-        return Status;
-    }
-    /* Set 'IOAddress' (REG_DWORD) value (NT4 only) */
-    UlongData = ScsiPortConvertPhysicalAddressToUlong((*DeviceExtension->PortConfig->AccessRanges)[0].RangeStart);
-    DPRINT("  IOAddress = %lx\n", UlongData);
-    RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"IOAddress");
-    Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiPortKey,
-                           &ValueName,
-                           0,
-                           REG_DWORD,
-                           &UlongData,
-                           sizeof(UlongData));
-    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-    {
-        DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('IOAddress') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
-        return Status;
-    }
-    /* Enumerate buses */
-    for (BusNumber = 0; BusNumber < DeviceExtension->PortConfig->NumberOfBuses; BusNumber++)
-    {
-        /* Create 'Scsi Bus X' key */
-        DPRINT("    Scsi Bus %lu\n", BusNumber);
-        swprintf(NameBuffer,
-                 L"Scsi Bus %lu",
-                 BusNumber);
-        RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
-        InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                                   &KeyName,
-                                   0,
-                                   ScsiPortKey,
-                                   NULL);
-        Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiBusKey,
-                             KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                             &ObjectAttributes,
-                             0,
-                             NULL,
-                             REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
-                             &Disposition);
-        if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-        {
-            DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-            goto ByeBye;
-        }
-        /* Create 'Initiator Id X' key */
-        DPRINT("      Initiator Id %lu\n",
-               DeviceExtension->PortConfig->InitiatorBusId[BusNumber]);
-        swprintf(NameBuffer,
-                 L"Initiator Id %lu",
-                 (ULONG)(UCHAR)DeviceExtension->PortConfig->InitiatorBusId[BusNumber]);
-        RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
-        InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                                   &KeyName,
-                                   0,
-                                   ScsiBusKey,
-                                   NULL);
-        Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiInitiatorKey,
-                             KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                             &ObjectAttributes,
-                             0,
-                             NULL,
-                             REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
-                             &Disposition);
-        if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-        {
-            DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-            goto ByeBye;
-        }
-        /* FIXME: Are there any initiator values (??) */
-        ZwClose(ScsiInitiatorKey);
-        ScsiInitiatorKey = NULL;
-        /* Enumerate targets */
-        CurrentTarget = (ULONG)-1;
-        ScsiTargetKey = NULL;
-        for (Target = 0; Target < DeviceExtension->PortConfig->MaximumNumberOfTargets; Target++)
-        {
-            for (Lun = 0; Lun < SCSI_MAXIMUM_LOGICAL_UNITS; Lun++)
-            {
-                LunExtension = SpiGetLunExtension(DeviceExtension,
-                                                  (UCHAR)BusNumber,
-                                                  (UCHAR)Target,
-                                                  (UCHAR)Lun);
-                if (LunExtension == NULL)
-                    continue;
-                if (Target != CurrentTarget)
-                {
-                    /* Close old target key */
-                    if (ScsiTargetKey != NULL)
-                    {
-                        ZwClose(ScsiTargetKey);
-                        ScsiTargetKey = NULL;
-                    }
-                    /* Create 'Target Id X' key */
-                    DPRINT("      Target Id %lu\n", Target);
-                    swprintf(NameBuffer,
-                             L"Target Id %lu",
-                             Target);
-                    RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
-                    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                                               &KeyName,
-                                               0,
-                                               ScsiBusKey,
-                                               NULL);
-                    Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiTargetKey,
-                                         KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                                         &ObjectAttributes,
-                                         0,
-                                         NULL,
-                                         REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
-                                         &Disposition);
-                    if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-                    {
-                        DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-                        goto ByeBye;
-                    }
-                    CurrentTarget = Target;
-                }
-                /* Create 'Logical Unit Id X' key */
-                DPRINT("        Logical Unit Id %lu\n", Lun);
-                swprintf(NameBuffer,
-                         L"Logical Unit Id %lu",
-                         Lun);
-                RtlInitUnicodeString(&KeyName, NameBuffer);
-                InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes,
-                                           &KeyName,
-                                           0,
-                                           ScsiTargetKey,
-                                           NULL);
-                Status = ZwCreateKey(&ScsiLunKey,
-                                     KEY_ALL_ACCESS,
-                                     &ObjectAttributes,
-                                     0,
-                                     NULL,
-                                     REG_OPTION_VOLATILE,
-                                     &Disposition);
-                if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-                {
-                    DPRINT("ZwCreateKey() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-                    goto ByeBye;
-                }
-                /* Set 'Identifier' (REG_SZ) value */
-                swprintf(NameBuffer,
-                         L"%.8S%.16S%.4S",
-                         LunExtension->InquiryData.VendorId,
-                         LunExtension->InquiryData.ProductId,
-                         LunExtension->InquiryData.ProductRevisionLevel);
-                DPRINT("          Identifier = '%S'\n", NameBuffer);
-                RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"Identifier");
-                Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiLunKey,
-                                       &ValueName,
-                                       0,
-                                       REG_SZ,
-                                       NameBuffer,
-                                       (ULONG)((wcslen(NameBuffer) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
-                if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-                {
-                    DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('Identifier') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-                    goto ByeBye;
-                }
-                /* Set 'Type' (REG_SZ) value */
-                /*
-                 * See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/install/identifiers-for-ide-devices
-                 * and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/install/identifiers-for-scsi-devices
-                 * for a list of types with their human-readable forms.
-                 */
-                switch (LunExtension->InquiryData.DeviceType)
-                {
-                    case 0:
-                        TypeName = L"DiskPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 1:
-                        TypeName = L"TapePeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 2:
-                        TypeName = L"PrinterPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    // case 3: "ProcessorPeripheral", classified as 'other': fall back to default case.
-                    case 4:
-                        TypeName = L"WormPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 5:
-                        TypeName = L"CdRomPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 6:
-                        TypeName = L"ScannerPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 7:
-                        TypeName = L"OpticalDiskPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 8:
-                        TypeName = L"MediumChangerPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 9:
-                        TypeName = L"CommunicationsPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    /* New peripheral types (SCSI only) */
-                    case 10: case 11:
-                        TypeName = L"ASCPrePressGraphicsPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 12:
-                        TypeName = L"ArrayPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 13:
-                        TypeName = L"EnclosurePeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 14:
-                        TypeName = L"RBCPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 15:
-                        TypeName = L"CardReaderPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    case 16:
-                        TypeName = L"BridgePeripheral";
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        TypeName = L"OtherPeripheral";
-                        break;
-                }
-                DPRINT("          Type = '%S'\n", TypeName);
-                RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"Type");
-                Status = ZwSetValueKey(ScsiLunKey,
-                                       &ValueName,
-                                       0,
-                                       REG_SZ,
-                                       TypeName,
-                                       (ULONG)((wcslen(TypeName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)));
-                if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status))
-                {
-                    DPRINT("ZwSetValueKey('Type') failed (Status %lx)\n", Status);
-                    goto ByeBye;
-                }
-                ZwClose(ScsiLunKey);
-                ScsiLunKey = NULL;
-            }
-            /* Close old target key */
-            if (ScsiTargetKey != NULL)
-            {
-                ZwClose(ScsiTargetKey);
-                ScsiTargetKey = NULL;
-            }
-        }
-        ZwClose(ScsiBusKey);
-        ScsiBusKey = NULL;
-    }
-    if (ScsiLunKey != NULL)
-        ZwClose(ScsiLunKey);
-    if (ScsiInitiatorKey != NULL)
-        ZwClose(ScsiInitiatorKey);
-    if (ScsiTargetKey != NULL)
-        ZwClose(ScsiTargetKey);
-    if (ScsiBusKey != NULL)
-        ZwClose(ScsiBusKey);
-    if (ScsiPortKey != NULL)
-        ZwClose(ScsiPortKey);
-    DPRINT("SpiBuildDeviceMap() done\n");
-    return Status;
 SpiMiniportTimerDpc(IN struct _KDPC *Dpc,
 SpiMiniportTimerDpc(IN struct _KDPC *Dpc,
@@ -6335,40 +3002,6 @@ ScsiPortAllocateAdapterChannel(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
     return KeepObject;
     return KeepObject;
-SpiStatusSrbToNt(UCHAR SrbStatus)
-    switch (SRB_STATUS(SrbStatus))
-    {
-        return STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT;
-    case SRB_STATUS_NO_HBA:
-    default:
-        return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR;
-    }
 #undef ScsiPortConvertPhysicalAddressToUlong
  * @implemented
 #undef ScsiPortConvertPhysicalAddressToUlong
  * @implemented
index b0076e5..73c9a91 100644 (file)
 #define VERSION "0.0.3"
 #define VERSION "0.0.3"
-#ifndef PAGE_ROUND_UP
-#define PAGE_ROUND_UP(x) ( (((ULONG_PTR)x)%PAGE_SIZE) ? ((((ULONG_PTR)x)&(~(PAGE_SIZE-1)))+PAGE_SIZE) : ((ULONG_PTR)x) )
-#ifndef ROUND_UP
-#define ROUND_UP(N, S) ((((N) + (S) - 1) / (S)) * (S))
 /* Defines how many logical unit arrays will be in a device extension */
 /* Defines how many logical unit arrays will be in a device extension */
@@ -309,3 +302,92 @@ typedef struct _RESETBUS_PARAMS
     ULONG PathId;
     ULONG PathId;
+// ioctl.c
+    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+    _In_ PIRP Irp);
+// fdo.c
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension);
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension);
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension);
+// pdo.c
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension);
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _In_ UCHAR PathId,
+    _In_ UCHAR TargetId,
+    _In_ UCHAR Lun);
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _In_ UCHAR PathId,
+    _In_ UCHAR TargetId,
+    _In_ UCHAR Lun,
+    _In_ UCHAR QueueTag);
+// registry.c
+    _Inout_ PCONFIGURATION_INFO ConfigInfo,
+    _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath);
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath);
+// scsi.c
+    _In_ PSCSI_PORT_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension,
+    _Inout_ PSCSI_PORT_LUN_EXTENSION LunExtension);
+IO_DPC_ROUTINE ScsiPortDpcForIsr;
+DRIVER_DISPATCH ScsiPortDispatchScsi;
+// scsiport.c
+    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+    _In_ PIRP Irp,
+    _In_ PVOID MapRegisterBase,
+    _In_ PVOID Context);
+    _In_ PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
+    _In_ PIRP Irp,
+    _In_ PVOID MapRegisterBase,
+    _In_ PVOID Context);