# Old C runtime library.
-@ cdecl ??2@YAPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl ??3@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete(void *)
-@ cdecl ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl ??2@YAPAXI@Z(long) operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl ??3@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete(void *)
+@ cdecl ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z(ptr) _set_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)
@ cdecl _CIacos()
@ cdecl _CIasin()
@ cdecl _CIatan()
@ cdecl -arch=x86_64 -version=0x502 $I10_OUTPUT() I10_OUTPUT
# **************** x86 C++ functions ****************
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor # public: __thiscall __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(class __non_rtti_object const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor # public: __thiscall __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(char const *)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor # private: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * const *)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(class bad_cast const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor_charptr # public: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const *)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_typeid::bad_typeid(class bad_typeid const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_typeid::bad_typeid(char const *)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_ctor # public: __thiscall exception::exception(char const * const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBDH@Z(ptr long) MSVCRT_exception_ctor_noalloc # public: __thiscall exception::exception(char const * const &,int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor # public: __thiscall exception::exception(class exception const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0exception@@QAE@XZ() MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor # public: __thiscall exception::exception(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall __non_rtti_object::~__non_rtti_object(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1bad_cast@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall bad_cast::~bad_cast(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1bad_typeid@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall bad_typeid::~bad_typeid(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1exception@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT_exception_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall exception::~exception(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT_type_info_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall type_info::~type_info(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??2@YAPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int)
-;@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??2@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z(long long str long) MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??3@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete(void *)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals # public: class __non_rtti_object & __thiscall __non_rtti_object::operator=(class __non_rtti_object const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??4bad_cast@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals # public: class bad_cast & __thiscall bad_cast::operator=(class bad_cast const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??4bad_typeid@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals # public: class bad_typeid & __thiscall bad_typeid::operator=(class bad_typeid const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??4exception@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_opequals # public: class exception & __thiscall exception::operator=(class exception const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??8type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals # public: int __thiscall type_info::operator==(class type_info const &)const
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??9type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals # public: int __thiscall type_info::operator!=(class type_info const &)const
-@ extern -arch=i386 ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@ MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vtable # const __non_rtti_object::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=i386 ??_7bad_cast@@6B@ MSVCRT_bad_cast_vtable # const bad_cast::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=i386 ??_7bad_typeid@@6B@ MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vtable # const bad_typeid::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=i386 ??_7exception@@6B@ MSVCRT_exception_vtable # const exception::`vftable'
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_E__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vector_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall __non_rtti_object::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Ebad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_bad_cast_vector_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall bad_cast::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Ebad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vector_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall bad_typeid::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Eexception@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall exception::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Fbad_cast@@QAEXXZ() MSVCRT_bad_cast_default_ctor # public: void __thiscall bad_cast::`default constructor closure'(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAEXXZ() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_default_ctor # public: void __thiscall bad_typeid::`default constructor closure'(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_G__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall __non_rtti_object::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Gbad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_bad_cast_scalar_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall bad_cast::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Gbad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_scalar_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall bad_typeid::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Gexception@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_exception_scalar_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall exception::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??_U@YAPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int)
-;@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??_U@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z(long long str long) MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg # void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??_V@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete[](void *)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay __uncaught_exception(ptr) MSVCRT___uncaught_exception
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _query_new_handler(void))(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_mode # int __cdecl _query_new_mode(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z(long) MSVCRT__set_new_mode # int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_se_translator # void (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_se_translator(void (__cdecl*)(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)))(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?before@type_info@@QBEHABV1@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_before # public: int __thiscall type_info::before(class type_info const &)const
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ() MSVCRT_type_info_name # public: char const * __thiscall type_info::name(void)const
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?raw_name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ() MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name # public: char const * __thiscall type_info::raw_name(void)const
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_new_handler # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_new_handler(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_terminate # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_terminate(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_unexpected # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_unexpected(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?terminate@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_terminate # void __cdecl terminate(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_unexpected # void __cdecl unexpected(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ() MSVCRT_what_exception # public: virtual char const * __thiscall exception::what(void)const
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_copy_ctor # public: __thiscall __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(class __non_rtti_object const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_ctor # public: __thiscall __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(char const *)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor # private: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * const *)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) bad_cast_copy_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(class bad_cast const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor_charptr # public: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const *)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_copy_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_typeid::bad_typeid(class bad_typeid const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_typeid::bad_typeid(char const *)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) exception_ctor # public: __thiscall exception::exception(char const * const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBDH@Z(ptr long) exception_ctor_noalloc # public: __thiscall exception::exception(char const * const &,int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) exception_copy_ctor # public: __thiscall exception::exception(class exception const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??0exception@@QAE@XZ() exception_default_ctor # public: __thiscall exception::exception(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAE@XZ() __non_rtti_object_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall __non_rtti_object::~__non_rtti_object(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1bad_cast@@UAE@XZ() bad_cast_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall bad_cast::~bad_cast(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1bad_typeid@@UAE@XZ() bad_typeid_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall bad_typeid::~bad_typeid(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1exception@@UAE@XZ() exception_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall exception::~exception(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ() type_info_dtor # public: virtual __thiscall type_info::~type_info(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??2@YAPAXI@Z(long) operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int)
+;@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??2@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z(long long str long) operator_new_dbg # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??3@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete(void *)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_opequals # public: class __non_rtti_object & __thiscall __non_rtti_object::operator=(class __non_rtti_object const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??4bad_cast@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) bad_cast_opequals # public: class bad_cast & __thiscall bad_cast::operator=(class bad_cast const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??4bad_typeid@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_opequals # public: class bad_typeid & __thiscall bad_typeid::operator=(class bad_typeid const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??4exception@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) exception_opequals # public: class exception & __thiscall exception::operator=(class exception const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??8type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z(ptr) type_info_opequals_equals # public: int __thiscall type_info::operator==(class type_info const &)const
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??9type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z(ptr) type_info_opnot_equals # public: int __thiscall type_info::operator!=(class type_info const &)const
+@ extern -arch=i386 ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@ __non_rtti_object_vtable # const __non_rtti_object::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=i386 ??_7bad_cast@@6B@ bad_cast_vtable # const bad_cast::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=i386 ??_7bad_typeid@@6B@ bad_typeid_vtable # const bad_typeid::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=i386 ??_7exception@@6B@ exception_vtable # const exception::`vftable'
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_E__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) __non_rtti_object_vector_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall __non_rtti_object::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Ebad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) bad_cast_vector_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall bad_cast::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Ebad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) bad_typeid_vector_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall bad_typeid::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Eexception@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) exception_vector_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall exception::`vector deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Fbad_cast@@QAEXXZ() bad_cast_default_ctor # public: void __thiscall bad_cast::`default constructor closure'(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAEXXZ() bad_typeid_default_ctor # public: void __thiscall bad_typeid::`default constructor closure'(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_G__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) __non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall __non_rtti_object::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Gbad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) bad_cast_scalar_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall bad_cast::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Gbad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) bad_typeid_scalar_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall bad_typeid::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ??_Gexception@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) exception_scalar_dtor # public: virtual void * __thiscall exception::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??_U@YAPAXI@Z(long) operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int)
+;@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??_U@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z(long long str long) operator_new_dbg # void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ??_V@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete[](void *)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay __uncaught_exception(ptr) __uncaught_exception
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ() _query_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _query_new_handler(void))(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ() _query_new_mode # int __cdecl _query_new_mode(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z(ptr) _set_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z(long) _set_new_mode # int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z(ptr) _set_se_translator # void (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_se_translator(void (__cdecl*)(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)))(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?before@type_info@@QBEHABV1@@Z(ptr) type_info_before # public: int __thiscall type_info::before(class type_info const &)const
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ() type_info_name # public: char const * __thiscall type_info::name(void)const
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?raw_name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ() type_info_raw_name # public: char const * __thiscall type_info::raw_name(void)const
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_new_handler # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_new_handler(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_terminate # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_terminate(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_unexpected # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_unexpected(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?terminate@@YAXXZ() terminate # void __cdecl terminate(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() unexpected # void __cdecl unexpected(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=i386 -norelay ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ() exception_what # public: virtual char const * __thiscall exception::what(void)const
# **************** win64 C++ functions ****************
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0__non_rtti_object@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(class __non_rtti_object const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0__non_rtti_object@@QEAA@PEBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor # public: __cdecl __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(char const * __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor # private: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const near * const near *)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@AEAA@PEBQEBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor # private: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * __ptr64 const * __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const near * const near &)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@AEBQEBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(class bad_cast const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@PEBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor_charptr # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_typeid@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(class bad_typeid const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_typeid@@QEAA@PEBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(char const * __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBQEBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBQEBDH@Z(ptr long) MSVCRT_exception_ctor_noalloc # public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64,int) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(class exception const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0exception@@QEAA@XZ() MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(void) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1__non_rtti_object@@UEAA@XZ() MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl __non_rtti_object::~__non_rtti_object(void) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1bad_cast@@UEAA@XZ() MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl bad_cast::~bad_cast(void) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1bad_typeid@@UEAA@XZ() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl bad_typeid::~bad_typeid(void) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1exception@@UEAA@XZ() MSVCRT_exception_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl exception::~exception(void) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1type_info@@UEAA@XZ() MSVCRT_type_info_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl type_info::~type_info(void) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z(double) MSVCRT_operator_new # void * __ptr64 __cdecl operator new(unsigned __int64)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??2@YAPEAX_KHPEBDH@Z(int64 long str long) MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg # void * __ptr64 __cdecl operator new(unsigned __int64,int,char const * __ptr64,int)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??3@YAXPEAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete(void * __ptr64)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??4__non_rtti_object@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals # public: class __non_rtti_object & __ptr64 __cdecl __non_rtti_object::operator=(class __non_rtti_object const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??4bad_cast@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals # public: class bad_cast & __ptr64 __cdecl bad_cast::operator=(class bad_cast const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??4bad_typeid@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals # public: class bad_typeid & __ptr64 __cdecl bad_typeid::operator=(class bad_typeid const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??4exception@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_opequals # public: class exception & __ptr64 __cdecl exception::operator=(class exception const & __ptr64) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??8type_info@@QEBAHAEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals # public: int __cdecl type_info::operator==(class type_info const & __ptr64)const __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??9type_info@@QEBAHAEBV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals # public: int __cdecl type_info::operator!=(class type_info const & __ptr64)const __ptr64
-@ extern -arch=win64 ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@ MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vtable # const __non_rtti_object::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=win64 ??_7bad_cast@@6B@ MSVCRT_bad_cast_vtable # const bad_cast::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=win64 ??_7bad_typeid@@6B@ MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vtable # const bad_typeid::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=win64 ??_7exception@@6B@ MSVCRT_exception_vtable # const exception::`vftable'
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_Fbad_cast@@QEAAXXZ() MSVCRT_bad_cast_default_ctor # public: void __cdecl bad_cast::`default constructor closure'(void) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_Fbad_typeid@@QEAAXXZ() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_default_ctor # public: void __cdecl bad_typeid::`default constructor closure'(void) __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_U@YAPEAX_K@Z(long) MSVCRT_operator_new # void * __ptr64 __cdecl operator new[](unsigned __int64)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_U@YAPEAX_KHPEBDH@Z(int64 long str long) MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg # void * __ptr64 __cdecl operator new[](unsigned __int64,int,char const * __ptr64,int)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_V@YAXPEAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete[](void * __ptr64)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 __uncaught_exception(ptr) MSVCRT___uncaught_exception
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AH_K@ZXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _query_new_handler(void))(unsigned __int64)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_mode # int __cdecl _query_new_mode(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AH_K@ZP6AH0@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned __int64)))(unsigned __int64)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z(long) MSVCRT__set_new_mode # int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPEAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_se_translator # void (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_se_translator(void (__cdecl*)(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * __ptr64)))(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * __ptr64)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?before@type_info@@QEBAHAEBV1@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_before # public: int __cdecl type_info::before(class type_info const & __ptr64)const __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?name@type_info@@QEBAPEBDXZ() MSVCRT_type_info_name # public: char const * __ptr64 __cdecl type_info::name(void)const __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?raw_name@type_info@@QEBAPEBDXZ() MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name # public: char const * __ptr64 __cdecl type_info::raw_name(void)const __ptr64
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_new_handler # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_new_handler(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_terminate # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_terminate(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_unexpected # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_unexpected(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?terminate@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_terminate # void __cdecl terminate(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_unexpected # void __cdecl unexpected(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?what@exception@@UEBAPEBDXZ() MSVCRT_what_exception # public: virtual char const * __ptr64 __cdecl exception::what(void)const __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0__non_rtti_object@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(class __non_rtti_object const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0__non_rtti_object@@QEAA@PEBD@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_ctor # public: __cdecl __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(char const * __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor # private: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const near * const near *)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@AEAA@PEBQEBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor # private: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * __ptr64 const * __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor # public: __thiscall bad_cast::bad_cast(char const near * const near &)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@AEBQEBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) bad_cast_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(class bad_cast const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@PEBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor_charptr # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_typeid@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(class bad_typeid const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0bad_typeid@@QEAA@PEBD@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(char const * __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBQEBD@Z(ptr) exception_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBQEBDH@Z(ptr long) exception_ctor_noalloc # public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * __ptr64 const & __ptr64,int) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) exception_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(class exception const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??0exception@@QEAA@XZ() exception_default_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(void) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1__non_rtti_object@@UEAA@XZ() __non_rtti_object_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl __non_rtti_object::~__non_rtti_object(void) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1bad_cast@@UEAA@XZ() bad_cast_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl bad_cast::~bad_cast(void) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1bad_typeid@@UEAA@XZ() bad_typeid_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl bad_typeid::~bad_typeid(void) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1exception@@UEAA@XZ() exception_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl exception::~exception(void) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??1type_info@@UEAA@XZ() type_info_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl type_info::~type_info(void) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z(double) operator_new # void * __ptr64 __cdecl operator new(unsigned __int64)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??2@YAPEAX_KHPEBDH@Z(int64 long str long) operator_new_dbg # void * __ptr64 __cdecl operator new(unsigned __int64,int,char const * __ptr64,int)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??3@YAXPEAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete(void * __ptr64)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??4__non_rtti_object@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_opequals # public: class __non_rtti_object & __ptr64 __cdecl __non_rtti_object::operator=(class __non_rtti_object const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??4bad_cast@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) bad_cast_opequals # public: class bad_cast & __ptr64 __cdecl bad_cast::operator=(class bad_cast const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??4bad_typeid@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_opequals # public: class bad_typeid & __ptr64 __cdecl bad_typeid::operator=(class bad_typeid const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??4exception@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z(ptr) exception_opequals # public: class exception & __ptr64 __cdecl exception::operator=(class exception const & __ptr64) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??8type_info@@QEBAHAEBV0@@Z(ptr) type_info_opequals_equals # public: int __cdecl type_info::operator==(class type_info const & __ptr64)const __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??9type_info@@QEBAHAEBV0@@Z(ptr) type_info_opnot_equals # public: int __cdecl type_info::operator!=(class type_info const & __ptr64)const __ptr64
+@ extern -arch=win64 ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@ __non_rtti_object_vtable # const __non_rtti_object::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=win64 ??_7bad_cast@@6B@ bad_cast_vtable # const bad_cast::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=win64 ??_7bad_typeid@@6B@ bad_typeid_vtable # const bad_typeid::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=win64 ??_7exception@@6B@ exception_vtable # const exception::`vftable'
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_Fbad_cast@@QEAAXXZ() bad_cast_default_ctor # public: void __cdecl bad_cast::`default constructor closure'(void) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_Fbad_typeid@@QEAAXXZ() bad_typeid_default_ctor # public: void __cdecl bad_typeid::`default constructor closure'(void) __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_U@YAPEAX_K@Z(long) operator_new # void * __ptr64 __cdecl operator new[](unsigned __int64)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_U@YAPEAX_KHPEBDH@Z(int64 long str long) operator_new_dbg # void * __ptr64 __cdecl operator new[](unsigned __int64,int,char const * __ptr64,int)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??_V@YAXPEAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete[](void * __ptr64)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 __uncaught_exception(ptr) __uncaught_exception
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AH_K@ZXZ() _query_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _query_new_handler(void))(unsigned __int64)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ() _query_new_mode # int __cdecl _query_new_mode(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AH_K@ZP6AH0@Z@Z(ptr) _set_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned __int64)))(unsigned __int64)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z(long) _set_new_mode # int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPEAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z(ptr) _set_se_translator # void (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_se_translator(void (__cdecl*)(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * __ptr64)))(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * __ptr64)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?before@type_info@@QEBAHAEBV1@@Z(ptr) type_info_before # public: int __cdecl type_info::before(class type_info const & __ptr64)const __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?name@type_info@@QEBAPEBDXZ() type_info_name # public: char const * __ptr64 __cdecl type_info::name(void)const __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?raw_name@type_info@@QEBAPEBDXZ() type_info_raw_name # public: char const * __ptr64 __cdecl type_info::raw_name(void)const __ptr64
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_new_handler # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_new_handler(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_terminate # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_terminate(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_unexpected # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_unexpected(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?terminate@@YAXXZ() terminate # void __cdecl terminate(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() unexpected # void __cdecl unexpected(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ?what@exception@@UEBAPEBDXZ() exception_what # public: virtual char const * __ptr64 __cdecl exception::what(void)const __ptr64
# **************** ARM C++ functions ****************
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAA@ABV0@@Z() MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(class __non_rtti_object const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAA@PBD@Z() MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor #public: __cdecl __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(char const *)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_cast@@AAA@PBQBD@Z() MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor # private: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * const *)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_cast@@QAA@ABV0@@Z() MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(class bad_cast const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_cast@@QAA@PBD@Z() MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const *)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_typeid@@QAA@ABV0@@Z() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(class bad_typeid const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_typeid@@QAA@PBD@Z() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(char const *)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0exception@@QAA@ABQBD@Z() MSVCRT_exception_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0exception@@QAA@ABQBDH@Z() MSVCRT_exception_ctor_noalloc # public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * const &,int)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0exception@@QAA@ABV0@@Z() MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(class exception const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0exception@@QAA@XZ() MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAA@XZ() MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl __non_rtti_object::~__non_rtti_object(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1bad_cast@@UAA@XZ() MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl bad_cast::~bad_cast(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1bad_typeid@@UAA@XZ() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl bad_typeid::~bad_typeid(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1exception@@UAA@XZ() MSVCRT_exception_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl exception::~exception(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1type_info@@UAA@XZ() MSVCRT_type_info_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl type_info::~type_info(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??2@YAPAXI@Z() MSVCRT_operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??2@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z() MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??3@YAXPAX@Z() MSVCRT_operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete(void *)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z() MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals # public: class __non_rtti_object & __cdecl __non_rtti_object::operator=(class __non_rtti_object const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??4bad_cast@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z() MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals # public: class bad_cast & __cdecl bad_cast::operator=(class bad_cast const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??4bad_typeid@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals # public: class bad_typeid & __cdecl bad_typeid::operator=(class bad_typeid const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??4exception@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z() MSVCRT_exception_opequals # public: class exception & __cdecl exception::operator=(class exception const &)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??8type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z() MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals # public: int __cdecl type_info::operator==(class type_info const &)const
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??9type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z() MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals # public: int __cdecl type_info::operator!=(class type_info const &)const
-@ extern -arch=arm ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@ MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vtable # const __non_rtti_object::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=arm ??_7bad_cast@@6B@ MSVCRT_bad_cast_vtable # const bad_cast::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=arm ??_7bad_typeid@@6B@ MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vtable # const bad_typeid::`vftable'
-@ extern -arch=arm ??_7exception@@6B@ MSVCRT_exception_vtable # const exception::`vftable'
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_Fbad_cast@@QAAXXZ() MSVCRT_bad_cast_default_ctor # public: void __cdecl bad_cast::`default constructor closure'(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAAXXZ() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_default_ctor # public: void __cdecl bad_typeid::`default constructor closure'(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_U@YAPAXI@Z() MSVCRT_operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_U@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z() MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg # void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_V@YAXPAX@Z() MSVCRT_operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete[](void *)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAA@ABV0@@Z() __non_rtti_object_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(class __non_rtti_object const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAA@PBD@Z() __non_rtti_object_ctor #public: __cdecl __non_rtti_object::__non_rtti_object(char const *)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_cast@@AAA@PBQBD@Z() bad_cast_ctor # private: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * const *)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_cast@@QAA@ABV0@@Z() bad_cast_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(class bad_cast const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_cast@@QAA@PBD@Z() bad_cast_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const *)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_typeid@@QAA@ABV0@@Z() bad_typeid_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(class bad_typeid const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0bad_typeid@@QAA@PBD@Z() bad_typeid_ctor # public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(char const *)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0exception@@QAA@ABQBD@Z() exception_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0exception@@QAA@ABQBDH@Z() exception_ctor_noalloc # public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * const &,int)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0exception@@QAA@ABV0@@Z() exception_copy_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(class exception const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??0exception@@QAA@XZ() exception_default_ctor # public: __cdecl exception::exception(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAA@XZ() __non_rtti_object_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl __non_rtti_object::~__non_rtti_object(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1bad_cast@@UAA@XZ() bad_cast_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl bad_cast::~bad_cast(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1bad_typeid@@UAA@XZ() bad_typeid_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl bad_typeid::~bad_typeid(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1exception@@UAA@XZ() exception_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl exception::~exception(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??1type_info@@UAA@XZ() type_info_dtor # public: virtual __cdecl type_info::~type_info(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??2@YAPAXI@Z() operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??2@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z() operator_new_dbg # void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??3@YAXPAX@Z() operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete(void *)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z() __non_rtti_object_opequals # public: class __non_rtti_object & __cdecl __non_rtti_object::operator=(class __non_rtti_object const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??4bad_cast@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z() bad_cast_opequals # public: class bad_cast & __cdecl bad_cast::operator=(class bad_cast const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??4bad_typeid@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z() bad_typeid_opequals # public: class bad_typeid & __cdecl bad_typeid::operator=(class bad_typeid const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??4exception@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z() exception_opequals # public: class exception & __cdecl exception::operator=(class exception const &)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??8type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z() type_info_opequals_equals # public: int __cdecl type_info::operator==(class type_info const &)const
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??9type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z() type_info_opnot_equals # public: int __cdecl type_info::operator!=(class type_info const &)const
+@ extern -arch=arm ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@ __non_rtti_object_vtable # const __non_rtti_object::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=arm ??_7bad_cast@@6B@ bad_cast_vtable # const bad_cast::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=arm ??_7bad_typeid@@6B@ bad_typeid_vtable # const bad_typeid::`vftable'
+@ extern -arch=arm ??_7exception@@6B@ exception_vtable # const exception::`vftable'
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_Fbad_cast@@QAAXXZ() bad_cast_default_ctor # public: void __cdecl bad_cast::`default constructor closure'(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAAXXZ() bad_typeid_default_ctor # public: void __cdecl bad_typeid::`default constructor closure'(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_U@YAPAXI@Z() operator_new # void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_U@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z() operator_new_dbg # void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ??_V@YAXPAX@Z() operator_delete # void __cdecl operator delete[](void *)
;@ cdecl -arch=arm _CallMemberFunction0()
;@ cdecl -arch=arm _CallMemberFunction1()
;@ cdecl -arch=arm _CallMemberFunction2()
;@ cdecl -arch=arm __ExceptionPtrRethrow()
;@ cdecl -arch=arm __ExceptionPtrSwap()
;@ cdecl -arch=arm __ExceptionPtrToBool()
-@ cdecl -arch=arm __uncaught_exception(ptr) MSVCRT___uncaught_exception
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _query_new_handler(void))(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z() MSVCRT__set_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z() MSVCRT__set_new_mode # int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z() MSVCRT__set_se_translator # void (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_se_translator(void (__cdecl*)(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)))(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?before@type_info@@QBAHABV1@@Z() MSVCRT_type_info_before # public: int __cdecl type_info::before(class type_info const &)const
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ() MSVCRT_type_info_name # public: char const * __cdecl type_info::name(void)const
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?raw_name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ() MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name # public: char const * __cdecl type_info::raw_name(void)const
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z() MSVCRT_set_terminate # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_terminate(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z() MSVCRT_set_unexpected # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_unexpected(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?terminate@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_terminate # void __cdecl terminate(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_unexpected # void __cdecl unexpected(void)
-@ cdecl -arch=arm ?what@exception@@UBAPBDXZ() MSVCRT_what_exception # public: virtual char const * __cdecl exception::what(void)const
+@ cdecl -arch=arm __uncaught_exception(ptr) __uncaught_exception
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ() _query_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _query_new_handler(void))(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z() _set_new_handler # int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z() _set_new_mode # int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z() _set_se_translator # void (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_se_translator(void (__cdecl*)(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)))(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?before@type_info@@QBAHABV1@@Z() type_info_before # public: int __cdecl type_info::before(class type_info const &)const
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ() type_info_name # public: char const * __cdecl type_info::name(void)const
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?raw_name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ() type_info_raw_name # public: char const * __cdecl type_info::raw_name(void)const
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z() set_terminate # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_terminate(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z() set_unexpected # void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_unexpected(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?terminate@@YAXXZ() terminate # void __cdecl terminate(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() unexpected # void __cdecl unexpected(void)
+@ cdecl -arch=arm ?what@exception@@UBAPBDXZ() exception_what # public: virtual char const * __cdecl exception::what(void)const
# **************** Common functions ****************
@ cdecl -arch=i386 __CxxRegisterExceptionObject()
@ cdecl -arch=i386 __CxxUnregisterExceptionObject()
@ cdecl __DestructExceptionObject(ptr)
-@ cdecl __RTCastToVoid(ptr) MSVCRT___RTCastToVoid
-@ cdecl __RTDynamicCast(ptr long ptr ptr long) MSVCRT___RTDynamicCast
-@ cdecl __RTtypeid(ptr) MSVCRT___RTtypeid
+@ cdecl __RTCastToVoid(ptr) __RTCastToVoid
+@ cdecl __RTDynamicCast(ptr long ptr ptr long) __RTDynamicCast
+@ cdecl __RTtypeid(ptr) __RTtypeid
@ cdecl __STRINGTOLD(ptr ptr str long)
@ cdecl ___lc_codepage_func()
@ cdecl ___lc_collate_cp_func()
@ stub ??1streambuf@@UAE@XZ #
@ stub ??1strstream@@UAE@XZ #
@ stub ??1strstreambuf@@UAE@XZ #
-@ cdecl -arch=win32 ??2@YAPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_operator_new
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z(double) MSVCRT_operator_new
-@ cdecl -arch=win32 ??3@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??3@YAXPEAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete
+@ cdecl -arch=win32 ??2@YAPAXI@Z(long) operator_new
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z(double) operator_new
+@ cdecl -arch=win32 ??3@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??3@YAXPEAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete
@ stub ??4Iostream_init@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
@ stub ??4filebuf@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z #
@ stub ??4fstream@@QAEAAV0@AAV0@@Z #
@ stub ??_Gstreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
@ stub ??_Gstrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z #
@ stub ??_Gstrstreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z #
-@ cdecl ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_handler
-@ cdecl -i386 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_mode
-@ cdecl ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_new_handler
-@ cdecl ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z(long) MSVCRT__set_new_mode
-@ cdecl ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_se_translator
+@ cdecl ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ() _query_new_handler
+@ cdecl -i386 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ() _query_new_mode
+@ cdecl ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z(ptr) _set_new_handler
+@ cdecl ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z(long) _set_new_mode
+@ cdecl ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z(ptr) _set_se_translator
@ stub ?adjustfield@ios@@2JB #
@ stub ?allocate@streambuf@@IAEHXZ #
@ stub ?attach@filebuf@@QAEPAV1@H@Z #
@ stub ?seekp@ostream@@QAEAAV1@J@Z #
@ stub ?seekp@ostream@@QAEAAV1@JW4seek_dir@ios@@@Z #
@ stub ?seekpos@streambuf@@UAEJJH@Z #
-@ cdecl ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_terminate
-@ cdecl ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_unexpected
+@ cdecl ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_terminate
+@ cdecl ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_unexpected
@ stub ?setb@streambuf@@IAEXPAD0H@Z #
@ stub ?setbuf@filebuf@@UAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z #
@ stub ?setbuf@fstream@@QAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z #
@ stub ?sync_with_stdio@ios@@SAXXZ #
@ stub ?tellg@istream@@QAEJXZ #
@ stub ?tellp@ostream@@QAEJXZ #
-@ cdecl ?terminate@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_terminate
+@ cdecl ?terminate@@YAXXZ() terminate
@ stub ?text@filebuf@@2HB #
@ stub ?tie@ios@@QAEPAVostream@@PAV2@@Z #
@ stub ?tie@ios@@QBEPAVostream@@XZ #
@ stub ?underflow@filebuf@@UAEHXZ #
@ stub ?underflow@stdiobuf@@UAEHXZ #
@ stub ?underflow@strstreambuf@@UAEHXZ #
-@ cdecl ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_unexpected
+@ cdecl ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() unexpected
@ stub ?unlock@ios@@QAAXXZ #
@ stub ?unlock@streambuf@@QAEXXZ #
@ stub ?unlockbuf@ios@@QAAXXZ #
@ stub ??0Iostream_init@@QAE@AAVios@@H@Z
@ stub ??0Iostream_init@@QAE@XZ
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_ctor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??0exception@@QAE@XZ() MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_copy_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) bad_cast_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) bad_cast_copy_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_copy_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@PBD@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z(ptr) exception_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z(ptr) exception_copy_ctor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??0exception@@QAE@XZ() exception_default_ctor
@ stub ??0filebuf@@QAE@ABV0@@Z
@ stub ??0filebuf@@QAE@H@Z
@ stub ??0filebuf@@QAE@HPADH@Z
@ stub ??0strstreambuf@@QAE@PADH0@Z
@ stub ??0strstreambuf@@QAE@XZ
@ stub ??1Iostream_init@@QAE@XZ
-@ cdecl -i386 ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??1bad_cast@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??1bad_typeid@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??1exception@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT_exception_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAE@XZ() __non_rtti_object_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??1bad_cast@@UAE@XZ() bad_cast_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??1bad_typeid@@UAE@XZ() bad_typeid_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??1exception@@UAE@XZ() exception_dtor
@ stub ??1filebuf@@UAE@XZ
@ stub ??1fstream@@UAE@XZ
@ stub ??1ifstream@@UAE@XZ
@ stub ??1streambuf@@UAE@XZ
@ stub ??1strstream@@UAE@XZ
@ stub ??1strstreambuf@@UAE@XZ
-@ cdecl -i386 ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ() MSVCRT_type_info_dtor
-@ cdecl -arch=win32 ??2@YAPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_operator_new
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z(double) MSVCRT_operator_new
-@ cdecl -arch=win32 ??3@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete
-@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??3@YAXPEAX@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_operator_delete
+@ cdecl -i386 ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ() type_info_dtor
+@ cdecl -arch=win32 ??2@YAPAXI@Z(long) operator_new
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z(double) operator_new
+@ cdecl -arch=win32 ??3@YAXPAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete
+@ cdecl -arch=win64 ??3@YAXPEAX@Z(ptr) operator_delete
@ stub ??4Iostream_init@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z
-@ cdecl -i386 ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals
-@ cdecl -i386 ??4bad_cast@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals
-@ cdecl -i386 ??4bad_typeid@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals
-@ cdecl -i386 ??4exception@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_exception_opequals
+@ cdecl -i386 ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) __non_rtti_object_opequals
+@ cdecl -i386 ??4bad_cast@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) bad_cast_opequals
+@ cdecl -i386 ??4bad_typeid@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) bad_typeid_opequals
+@ cdecl -i386 ??4exception@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z(ptr) exception_opequals
@ stub ??4filebuf@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z
@ stub ??4fstream@@QAEAAV0@AAV0@@Z
@ stub ??4ifstream@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z
@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@PBE@Z
@ stub ??6ostream@@QAEAAV0@PBX@Z
@ stub ??7ios@@QBEHXZ
-@ cdecl -i386 ??8type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals
-@ cdecl -i386 ??9type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals
+@ cdecl -i386 ??8type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z(ptr) type_info_opequals_equals
+@ cdecl -i386 ??9type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z(ptr) type_info_opnot_equals
@ stub ??Bios@@QBEPAXXZ
-@ extern -i386 ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@ MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vtable
-@ extern -i386 ??_7bad_cast@@6B@ MSVCRT_bad_cast_vtable
-@ extern -i386 ??_7bad_typeid@@6B@ MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vtable
-@ extern -i386 ??_7exception@@6B@ MSVCRT_exception_vtable
+@ extern -i386 ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@ __non_rtti_object_vtable
+@ extern -i386 ??_7bad_cast@@6B@ bad_cast_vtable
+@ extern -i386 ??_7bad_typeid@@6B@ bad_typeid_vtable
+@ extern -i386 ??_7exception@@6B@ exception_vtable
@ stub ??_7filebuf@@6B@
@ stub ??_7fstream@@6B@
@ stub ??_7ifstream@@6B@
@ stub ??_Dstdiostream@@QAEXXZ
@ stub ??_Dstrstream@@QAEXXZ
@ stub ??_EIostream_init@@QAEPAXI@Z
-@ cdecl -i386 ??_E__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vector_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??_Ebad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_bad_cast_vector_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??_Ebad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vector_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??_Eexception@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??_E__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) __non_rtti_object_vector_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??_Ebad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) bad_cast_vector_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??_Ebad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) bad_typeid_vector_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??_Eexception@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) exception_vector_dtor
@ stub ??_Efilebuf@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Efstream@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Eifstream@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Estrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Estrstreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_GIostream_init@@QAEPAXI@Z
-@ cdecl -i386 ??_G__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??_Gbad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_bad_cast_scalar_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??_Gbad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_scalar_dtor
-@ cdecl -i386 ??_Gexception@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) MSVCRT_exception_scalar_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??_G__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) __non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??_Gbad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) bad_cast_scalar_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??_Gbad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) bad_typeid_scalar_dtor
+@ cdecl -i386 ??_Gexception@@UAEPAXI@Z(long) exception_scalar_dtor
@ stub ??_Gfilebuf@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Gfstream@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Gifstream@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Gstreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Gstrstream@@UAEPAXI@Z
@ stub ??_Gstrstreambuf@@UAEPAXI@Z
-@ cdecl ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_handler
-@ cdecl -i386 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ() MSVCRT__query_new_mode
-@ cdecl ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_new_handler
-@ cdecl ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z(long) MSVCRT__set_new_mode
-@ cdecl ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z(ptr) MSVCRT__set_se_translator
+@ cdecl ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ() _query_new_handler
+@ cdecl -i386 ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ() _query_new_mode
+@ cdecl ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z(ptr) _set_new_handler
+@ cdecl ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z(long) _set_new_mode
+@ cdecl ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z(ptr) _set_se_translator
@ stub ?adjustfield@ios@@2JB
@ stub ?allocate@streambuf@@IAEHXZ
@ stub ?attach@filebuf@@QAEPAV1@H@Z
@ stub ?bad@ios@@QBEHXZ
@ stub ?base@streambuf@@IBEPADXZ
@ stub ?basefield@ios@@2JB
-@ cdecl -i386 ?before@type_info@@QBEHABV1@@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_type_info_before
+@ cdecl -i386 ?before@type_info@@QBEHABV1@@Z(ptr) type_info_before
@ stub ?binary@filebuf@@2HB
@ stub ?bitalloc@ios@@SAJXZ
@ stub ?blen@streambuf@@IBEHXZ
@ stub ?lockc@ios@@KAXXZ
@ stub ?lockptr@ios@@IAEPAU_CRT_CRITICAL_SECTION@@XZ
@ stub ?lockptr@streambuf@@IAEPAU_CRT_CRITICAL_SECTION@@XZ
-@ cdecl -i386 ?name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ() MSVCRT_type_info_name
+@ cdecl -i386 ?name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ() type_info_name
@ stub ?oct@@YAAAVios@@AAV1@@Z
@ stub ?open@filebuf@@QAEPAV1@PBDHH@Z
@ stub ?open@fstream@@QAEXPBDHH@Z
@ stub ?put@ostream@@QAEAAV1@E@Z
@ stub ?putback@istream@@QAEAAV1@D@Z
@ stub ?pword@ios@@QBEAAPAXH@Z
-@ cdecl -i386 ?raw_name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ() MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name
+@ cdecl -i386 ?raw_name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ() type_info_raw_name
@ stub ?rdbuf@fstream@@QBEPAVfilebuf@@XZ
@ stub ?rdbuf@ifstream@@QBEPAVfilebuf@@XZ
@ stub ?rdbuf@ios@@QBEPAVstreambuf@@XZ
@ stub ?seekp@ostream@@QAEAAV1@J@Z
@ stub ?seekp@ostream@@QAEAAV1@JW4seek_dir@ios@@@Z
@ stub ?seekpos@streambuf@@UAEJJH@Z
-@ cdecl -i386 ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_new_handler
-@ cdecl ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_terminate
-@ cdecl ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) MSVCRT_set_unexpected
+@ cdecl -i386 ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_new_handler
+@ cdecl ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_terminate
+@ cdecl ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z(ptr) set_unexpected
@ stub ?setb@streambuf@@IAEXPAD0H@Z
@ stub ?setbuf@filebuf@@UAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z
@ stub ?setbuf@fstream@@QAEPAVstreambuf@@PADH@Z
@ stub ?sync_with_stdio@ios@@SAXXZ
@ stub ?tellg@istream@@QAEJXZ
@ stub ?tellp@ostream@@QAEJXZ
-@ cdecl ?terminate@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_terminate
+@ cdecl ?terminate@@YAXXZ() terminate
@ stub ?text@filebuf@@2HB
@ stub ?tie@ios@@QAEPAVostream@@PAV2@@Z
@ stub ?tie@ios@@QBEPAVostream@@XZ
@ stub ?underflow@filebuf@@UAEHXZ
@ stub ?underflow@stdiobuf@@UAEHXZ
@ stub ?underflow@strstreambuf@@UAEHXZ
-@ cdecl ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() MSVCRT_unexpected
+@ cdecl ?unexpected@@YAXXZ() unexpected
@ stub ?unlock@ios@@QAAXXZ
@ stub ?unlock@streambuf@@QAEXXZ
@ stub ?unlockbuf@ios@@QAAXXZ
@ stub ?unlockc@ios@@KAXXZ
@ stub ?unsetf@ios@@QAEJJ@Z
-@ cdecl -i386 ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ() MSVCRT_what_exception
+@ cdecl -i386 ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ() exception_what
@ stub ?width@ios@@QAEHH@Z
@ stub ?width@ios@@QBEHXZ
@ stub ?write@ostream@@QAEAAV1@PBCH@Z
@ cdecl _XcptFilter(long ptr)
@ cdecl -i386 __CxxFrameHandler(ptr ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall -i386 __CxxLongjmpUnwind(ptr)
-@ cdecl __RTCastToVoid(ptr) MSVCRT___RTCastToVoid
-@ cdecl __RTDynamicCast(ptr long ptr ptr long) MSVCRT___RTDynamicCast
-@ cdecl __RTtypeid(ptr) MSVCRT___RTtypeid
+@ cdecl __RTCastToVoid(ptr) __RTCastToVoid
+@ cdecl __RTDynamicCast(ptr long ptr ptr long) __RTDynamicCast
+@ cdecl __RTtypeid(ptr) __RTtypeid
@ cdecl __STRINGTOLD(ptr ptr str long)
@ extern __argc
@ extern __argv
msvcrt -
sdk/lib/crt/conio/cputs.c # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.16
- sdk/lib/crt/except/cpp.c # Synced at 20080528
- sdk/lib/crt/except/cppexcept.c # Synced at 20071111
sdk/lib/crt/process/_cwait.c # Synced to WineStaging-1.7.37
- sdk/lib/crt/signal/xcptinfo.c # Synced to WineStaging-1.7.37
sdk/lib/crt/string/scanf.c/h # Synced to Wine-1.7.17
sdk/lib/crt/string/strtoi64.c # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.9
sdk/lib/crt/string/strtok.c # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.16
sdk/lib/crt/string/wctype.c # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.16
sdk/lib/crt/string/wtoi64.c # Synced to Wine-1.9.16
sdk/lib/crt/mbstring/ischira.c # Synced to Wine-1.9.16
- sdk/lib/crt/wine/heap.c # Synced at 20080529
- sdk/lib/crt/wine/undname.c # Synced to WineStaging-1.9.16
sdk/lib/crt/process/thread.c # Synced to WineStaging-1.7.55
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/cpp.c # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/cppexcept.h # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/except.c # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/except_arm.c # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/except_arm64.c # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/except_i386.c # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/except_x86_64.c # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/heap.c # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/msvcrt.h # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/mtdll.h # Synced to Wine-7.0
+ sdk/lib/crt/wine/undname.c # Synced to Wine-7.0
base/applications/regedit/regedit.c # Synced to Wine-7.17
# define __ASM_FUNC_TYPE(name) ".type " name ",@function"
+#if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
+# define __ASM_BLOCK_BEGIN(name) void __asm_dummy_##name(void) {
+# define __ASM_BLOCK_END }
+# define __ASM_BLOCK_BEGIN(name)
+# define __ASM_BLOCK_END
/* ReactOS */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define __ASM_DEFINE_FUNC(name,code)
- signal/xcptinfo.c
MACRO(START_VTABLE, shortname, cxxname)
EXTERN shortname&_rtti:PROC
-EXTERN MSVCRT_&shortname&_vector_dtor:PROC
+EXTERN &shortname&_vector_dtor:PROC
.quad shortname&_rtti
-PUBLIC MSVCRT_&shortname&_vtable
+PUBLIC &shortname&_vtable
PUBLIC &cxxname
- .quad MSVCRT_&shortname&_vector_dtor
+ .quad &shortname&_vector_dtor
START_VTABLE shortname, cxxname
- EXTERN MSVCRT_what_exception:ABS
- .quad MSVCRT_what_exception
+ EXTERN exception_what:ABS
+ .quad exception_what
START_VTABLE type_info, __dummyname_type_info
ALIAS <&alias> = <&orig>
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??3@YAXPEAX@Z, MSVCRT_operator_delete
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??_V@YAXPEAX@Z, MSVCRT_operator_delete
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ, MSVCRT__query_new_handler
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z, MSVCRT__set_new_handler
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, MSVCRT_set_new_handler
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ, MSVCRT__query_new_mode
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z, MSVCRT__set_new_mode
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z, MSVCRT__set_se_translator
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, MSVCRT_set_terminate
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, MSVCRT_set_unexpected
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?terminate@@YAXXZ, MSVCRT_terminate
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?unexpected@@YAXXZ, MSVCRT_unexpected
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?what@exception@@UEBAPEBDXZ, MSVCRT_what_exception
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBQEBDH@Z, MSVCRT_exception_ctor_noalloc
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QEAA@XZ, MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??1exception@@UEAA@XZ, MSVCRT_exception_dtor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??4exception@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT_exception_opequals
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??1type_info@@UEAA@XZ, MSVCRT_type_info_dtor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QEAA@PEBD@Z, MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@AEAA@PEBQEBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@AEBQEBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@PEBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor_charptr
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QEAA@PEBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBQEBD@Z, MSVCRT_exception_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??1__non_rtti_object@@UEAA@XZ, MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??1bad_cast@@UEAA@XZ, MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??1bad_typeid@@UEAA@XZ, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??4bad_cast@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??4bad_typeid@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??8type_info@@QEBAHAEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??9type_info@@QEBAHAEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??_Fbad_cast@@QEAAXXZ, MSVCRT_bad_cast_default_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??_Fbad_typeid@@QEAAXXZ, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_default_ctor
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AH_K@ZXZ, MSVCRT__query_new_handler
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AH_K@ZP6AH0@Z@Z, MSVCRT__set_new_handler
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPEAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z, MSVCRT__set_se_translator
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?before@type_info@@QEBAHAEBV1@@Z, MSVCRT_type_info_before
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?name@type_info@@QEBAPEBDXZ, MSVCRT_type_info_name
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?raw_name@type_info@@QEBAPEBDXZ, MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??4__non_rtti_object@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z, MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??3@YAXPEAX@Z, operator_delete
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??_U@YAPEAX_K@Z, operator_new
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??_U@YAPEAX_KHPEBDH@Z, operator_new_dbg
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??_V@YAXPEAX@Z, operator_delete
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??2@YAPEAX_K@Z, operator_new
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??2@YAPEAX_KHPEBDH@Z, operator_new_dbg
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ, _query_new_handler
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z, _set_new_handler
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, set_new_handler
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ, _query_new_mode
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z, _set_new_mode
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z, _set_se_translator
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, set_terminate
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, set_unexpected
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?terminate@@YAXXZ, terminate
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?unexpected@@YAXXZ, unexpected
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?what@exception@@UEBAPEBDXZ, exception_what
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBQEBDH@Z, exception_ctor_noalloc
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z, exception_copy_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QEAA@XZ, exception_default_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??1exception@@UEAA@XZ, exception_dtor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??4exception@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z, exception_opequals
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??1type_info@@UEAA@XZ, type_info_dtor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z, __non_rtti_object_copy_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QEAA@PEBD@Z, __non_rtti_object_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z, bad_cast_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@AEAA@PEBQEBD@Z, bad_cast_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z, bad_cast_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@AEBQEBD@Z, bad_cast_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z, bad_cast_copy_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QEAA@PEBD@Z, bad_cast_ctor_charptr
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QEAA@AEBV0@@Z, bad_typeid_copy_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QEAA@PEBD@Z, bad_typeid_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QEAA@AEBQEBD@Z, exception_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??1__non_rtti_object@@UEAA@XZ, __non_rtti_object_dtor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??1bad_cast@@UEAA@XZ, bad_cast_dtor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??1bad_typeid@@UEAA@XZ, bad_typeid_dtor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??4bad_cast@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z, bad_cast_opequals
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??4bad_typeid@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z, bad_typeid_opequals
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??8type_info@@QEBAHAEBV0@@Z, type_info_opequals_equals
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??9type_info@@QEBAHAEBV0@@Z, type_info_opnot_equals
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??_Fbad_cast@@QEAAXXZ, bad_cast_default_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??_Fbad_typeid@@QEAAXXZ, bad_typeid_default_ctor
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AH_K@ZXZ, _query_new_handler
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AH_K@ZP6AH0@Z@Z, _set_new_handler
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPEAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z, _set_se_translator
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?before@type_info@@QEBAHAEBV1@@Z, type_info_before
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?name@type_info@@QEBAPEBDXZ, type_info_name
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?raw_name@type_info@@QEBAPEBDXZ, type_info_raw_name
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??4__non_rtti_object@@QEAAAEAV0@AEBV0@@Z, __non_rtti_object_opequals
IMPORT $_FuncName, WEAK $_Target
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAA@ABV0@@Z, MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAA@PBD@Z, MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@AAA@PBQBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor // private: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * const *)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAA@ABV0@@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor // public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(class bad_cast const &)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAA@PBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor // public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const *)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QAA@ABV0@@Z, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor // public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(class bad_typeid const &)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QAA@PBD@Z, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor // public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(char const *)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAA@ABQBD@Z, MSVCRT_exception_ctor // public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * const &)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAA@ABQBDH@Z, MSVCRT_exception_ctor_noalloc // public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * const &,int)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAA@ABV0@@Z, MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor // public: __cdecl exception::exception(class exception const &)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAA@XZ, MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor // public: __cdecl exception::exception(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAA@XZ, MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl __non_rtti_object::~__non_rtti_object(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??1bad_cast@@UAA@XZ, MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl bad_cast::~bad_cast(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??1bad_typeid@@UAA@XZ, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl bad_typeid::~bad_typeid(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??1exception@@UAA@XZ, MSVCRT_exception_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl exception::~exception(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??1type_info@@UAA@XZ, MSVCRT_type_info_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl type_info::~type_info(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??2@YAPAXI@Z, MSVCRT_operator_new // void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??2@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z, MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg // void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??3@YAXPAX@Z, MSVCRT_operator_delete // void __cdecl operator delete(void *)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z, MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals // public: class __non_rtti_object & __cdecl __non_rtti_object::operator=(class __non_rtti_object const &)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??4bad_cast@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z, MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals // public: class bad_cast & __cdecl bad_cast::operator=(class bad_cast const &)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??4bad_typeid@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals // public: class bad_typeid & __cdecl bad_typeid::operator=(class bad_typeid const &)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??4exception@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z, MSVCRT_exception_opequals // public: class exception & __cdecl exception::operator=(class exception const &)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??8type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z, MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals // public: int __cdecl type_info::operator==(class type_info const &)const
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??9type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z, MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals // public: int __cdecl type_info::operator!=(class type_info const &)const
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??_Fbad_cast@@QAAXXZ, MSVCRT_bad_cast_default_ctor // public: void __cdecl bad_cast::`default constructor closure'(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAAXXZ, MSVCRT_bad_typeid_default_ctor // public: void __cdecl bad_typeid::`default constructor closure'(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??_U@YAPAXI@Z, MSVCRT_operator_new // void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??_U@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z, MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg // void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ??_V@YAXPAX@Z, MSVCRT_operator_delete // void __cdecl operator delete[](void *)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ, MSVCRT__query_new_handler // int (__cdecl*__cdecl _query_new_handler(void))(unsigned int)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z, MSVCRT__set_new_handler // int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z, MSVCRT__set_new_mode // int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z, MSVCRT__set_se_translator // void (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_se_translator(void (__cdecl*)(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)))(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?before@type_info@@QBAHABV1@@Z, MSVCRT_type_info_before // public: int __cdecl type_info::before(class type_info const &)const
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ, MSVCRT_type_info_name // public: char const * __cdecl type_info::name(void)const
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?raw_name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ, MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name // public: char const * __cdecl type_info::raw_name(void)const
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, MSVCRT_set_terminate // void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_terminate(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, MSVCRT_set_unexpected // void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_unexpected(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?terminate@@YAXXZ, MSVCRT_terminate // void __cdecl terminate(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?unexpected@@YAXXZ, MSVCRT_unexpected // void __cdecl unexpected(void)
- DEFINE_ALIAS ?what@exception@@UBAPBDXZ, MSVCRT_what_exception // public: virtual char const * __cdecl exception::what(void)const
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAA@ABV0@@Z, __non_rtti_object_copy_ctor
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAA@PBD@Z, __non_rtti_object_ctor
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@AAA@PBQBD@Z, bad_cast_ctor // private: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const * const *)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAA@ABV0@@Z, bad_cast_copy_ctor // public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(class bad_cast const &)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAA@PBD@Z, bad_cast_ctor // public: __cdecl bad_cast::bad_cast(char const *)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QAA@ABV0@@Z, bad_typeid_copy_ctor // public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(class bad_typeid const &)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QAA@PBD@Z, bad_typeid_ctor // public: __cdecl bad_typeid::bad_typeid(char const *)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAA@ABQBD@Z, exception_ctor // public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * const &)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAA@ABQBDH@Z, exception_ctor_noalloc // public: __cdecl exception::exception(char const * const &,int)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAA@ABV0@@Z, exception_copy_ctor // public: __cdecl exception::exception(class exception const &)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAA@XZ, exception_default_ctor // public: __cdecl exception::exception(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAA@XZ, __non_rtti_object_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl __non_rtti_object::~__non_rtti_object(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??1bad_cast@@UAA@XZ, bad_cast_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl bad_cast::~bad_cast(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??1bad_typeid@@UAA@XZ, bad_typeid_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl bad_typeid::~bad_typeid(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??1exception@@UAA@XZ, exception_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl exception::~exception(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??1type_info@@UAA@XZ, type_info_dtor // public: virtual __cdecl type_info::~type_info(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??2@YAPAXI@Z, operator_new // void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??2@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z, operator_new_dbg // void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??3@YAXPAX@Z, operator_delete // void __cdecl operator delete(void *)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z, __non_rtti_object_opequals // public: class __non_rtti_object & __cdecl __non_rtti_object::operator=(class __non_rtti_object const &)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??4bad_cast@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z, bad_cast_opequals // public: class bad_cast & __cdecl bad_cast::operator=(class bad_cast const &)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??4bad_typeid@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z, bad_typeid_opequals // public: class bad_typeid & __cdecl bad_typeid::operator=(class bad_typeid const &)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??4exception@@QAAAAV0@ABV0@@Z, exception_opequals // public: class exception & __cdecl exception::operator=(class exception const &)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??8type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z, type_info_opequals_equals // public: int __cdecl type_info::operator==(class type_info const &)const
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??9type_info@@QBAHABV0@@Z, type_info_opnot_equals // public: int __cdecl type_info::operator!=(class type_info const &)const
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??_Fbad_cast@@QAAXXZ, bad_cast_default_ctor // public: void __cdecl bad_cast::`default constructor closure'(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAAXXZ, bad_typeid_default_ctor // public: void __cdecl bad_typeid::`default constructor closure'(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??_U@YAPAXI@Z, operator_new // void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??_U@YAPAXIHPBDH@Z, operator_new_dbg // void * __cdecl operator new[](unsigned int,int,char const *,int)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ??_V@YAXPAX@Z, operator_delete // void __cdecl operator delete[](void *)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ, _query_new_handler // int (__cdecl*__cdecl _query_new_handler(void))(unsigned int)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z, _set_new_handler // int (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_new_handler(int (__cdecl*)(unsigned int)))(unsigned int)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z, _set_new_mode // int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z, _set_se_translator // void (__cdecl*__cdecl _set_se_translator(void (__cdecl*)(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)))(unsigned int,struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?before@type_info@@QBAHABV1@@Z, type_info_before // public: int __cdecl type_info::before(class type_info const &)const
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ, type_info_name // public: char const * __cdecl type_info::name(void)const
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?raw_name@type_info@@QBAPBDXZ, type_info_raw_name // public: char const * __cdecl type_info::raw_name(void)const
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, set_terminate // void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_terminate(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, set_unexpected // void (__cdecl*__cdecl set_unexpected(void (__cdecl*)(void)))(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?terminate@@YAXXZ, terminate // void __cdecl terminate(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?unexpected@@YAXXZ, unexpected // void __cdecl unexpected(void)
+ DEFINE_ALIAS ?what@exception@@UBAPBDXZ, exception_what // public: virtual char const * __cdecl exception::what(void)const
#undef _MSVCRT_
LCLS CxxLabel
CxxLabel SETS "|$CxxName|"
RttiName SETS "|$ShortName._rtti|"
-VtblName SETS "|MSVCRT_":CC:"$ShortName._vtable|"
-DtorName SETS "|MSVCRT_":CC:"$ShortName._vector_dtor|"
+VtblName SETS "|":CC:"$ShortName._vtable|"
+DtorName SETS "|":CC:"$ShortName._vector_dtor|"
EXTERN $RttiName
DCD $RttiName
EXPORT $VtblName
START_VTABLE $ShortName, $CxxName
- EXTERN MSVCRT_what_exception
- DCD MSVCRT_what_exception
+ EXTERN exception_what
+ DCD exception_what
START_VTABLE type_info, __dummyname_type_info
GBLS FuncName
- //EXTERN MSVCRT_operator_delete
+ //EXTERN operator_delete
//__ExportName ??3@YAXPAX@Z
- //b MSVCRT_operator_delete
+ //b operator_delete
- //EXTERN MSVCRT_operator_new
+ //EXTERN operator_new
//__ExportName ??_U@YAPAXI@Z
- //b MSVCRT_operator_new
+ //b operator_new
/* EOF */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z, _MSVCRT_exception_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBDH@Z, _MSVCRT_exception_ctor_noalloc
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAE@XZ, _MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1exception@@UAE@XZ, _MSVCRT_exception_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??4exception@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT_exception_opequals
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Eexception@@UAEPAXI@Z, _MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Gexception@@UAEPAXI@Z, _MSVCRT_exception_scalar_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ, _MSVCRT_what_exception
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@ABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@PBD@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAEXXZ, _MSVCRT_bad_typeid_default_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1bad_typeid@@UAE@XZ, _MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??4bad_typeid@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Ebad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vector_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Gbad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_typeid_scalar_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@ABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@PBD@Z, _MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAE@XZ, _MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_E__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z, _MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vector_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_G__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z, _MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor_charptr
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Fbad_cast@@QAEXXZ, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_default_ctor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1bad_cast@@UAE@XZ, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??4bad_cast@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Ebad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_vector_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Gbad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z, _MSVCRT_bad_cast_scalar_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??8type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??9type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z, _MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ?before@type_info@@QBEHABV1@@Z, _MSVCRT_type_info_before
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ, _MSVCRT_type_info_dtor
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ?name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ, _MSVCRT_type_info_name
-DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ?raw_name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ, _MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z, _exception_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBDH@Z, _exception_ctor_noalloc
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z, _exception_copy_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0exception@@QAE@XZ, _exception_default_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1exception@@UAE@XZ, _exception_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??4exception@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z, _exception_opequals
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Eexception@@UAEPAXI@Z, _exception_vector_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Gexception@@UAEPAXI@Z, _exception_scalar_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ, _exception_what
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@ABV0@@Z, _bad_typeid_copy_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@PBD@Z, _bad_typeid_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAEXXZ, _bad_typeid_default_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1bad_typeid@@UAE@XZ, _bad_typeid_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??4bad_typeid@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z, _bad_typeid_opequals
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Ebad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z, _bad_typeid_vector_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Gbad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z, _bad_typeid_scalar_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@ABV0@@Z, ___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@PBD@Z, ___non_rtti_object_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAE@XZ, ___non_rtti_object_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z, ___non_rtti_object_opequals
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_E__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z, ___non_rtti_object_vector_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_G__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z, ___non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z, _bad_cast_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z, _bad_cast_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABV0@@Z, _bad_cast_copy_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@Z, _bad_cast_ctor_charptr
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Fbad_cast@@QAEXXZ, _bad_cast_default_ctor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1bad_cast@@UAE@XZ, _bad_cast_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??4bad_cast@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z, _bad_cast_opequals
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Ebad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z, _bad_cast_vector_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??_Gbad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z, _bad_cast_scalar_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??8type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z, _type_info_opequals_equals
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??9type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z, _type_info_opnot_equals
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ?before@type_info@@QBEHABV1@@Z, _type_info_before
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ, _type_info_dtor
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ?name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ, _type_info_name
+DEFINE_THISCALL_ALIAS ?raw_name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ, _type_info_raw_name
#undef _MSVCRT_
MACRO(START_VTABLE, shortname, cxxname)
EXTERN _&shortname&_rtti:PROC
-EXTERN ___thiscall_MSVCRT_&shortname&_vector_dtor:PROC
+EXTERN ___thiscall_&shortname&_vector_dtor:PROC
.long _&shortname&_rtti
-PUBLIC _MSVCRT_&shortname&_vtable
+PUBLIC _&shortname&_vtable
PUBLIC &cxxname
- .long ___thiscall_MSVCRT_&shortname&_vector_dtor
+ .long ___thiscall_&shortname&_vector_dtor
START_VTABLE shortname, cxxname
- EXTERN ___thiscall_MSVCRT_what_exception:PROC
- .long ___thiscall_MSVCRT_what_exception
+ EXTERN ___thiscall_exception_what:PROC
+ .long ___thiscall_exception_what
START_VTABLE type_info, __dummyname_type_info
DEFINE_EXCEPTION_VTABLE bad_cast, ??_7bad_cast@@6B@
DEFINE_EXCEPTION_VTABLE __non_rtti_object, ??_7__non_rtti_object@@6B@
-EXTERN _MSVCRT_operator_delete:PROC
+EXTERN _operator_delete:PROC
- jmp _MSVCRT_operator_delete
+ jmp _operator_delete
-EXTERN _MSVCRT_operator_new:PROC
+EXTERN _operator_new:PROC
- jmp _MSVCRT_operator_new
+ jmp _operator_new
MACRO(DEFINE_ALIAS, alias, orig, type)
ALIAS <&alias> = <&orig>
-DEFINE_ALIAS ??_V@YAXPAX@Z, _MSVCRT_operator_delete, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ, _MSVCRT__query_new_handler, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z, _MSVCRT__set_new_handler, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, _MSVCRT_set_new_handler, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ, _MSVCRT__query_new_mode, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z, _MSVCRT__set_new_mode, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z, _MSVCRT__set_se_translator, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, _MSVCRT_set_terminate, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, _MSVCRT_set_unexpected, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?terminate@@YAXXZ, _MSVCRT_terminate, PROC
-DEFINE_ALIAS ?unexpected@@YAXXZ, _MSVCRT_unexpected, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??_V@YAXPAX@Z, _operator_delete, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ??2@YAPAXI@Z, _operator_new, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ, __query_new_handler, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z, __set_new_handler, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, _set_new_handler, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ, __query_new_mode, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z, __set_new_mode, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?_set_se_translator@@YAP6AXIPAU_EXCEPTION_POINTERS@@@ZP6AXI0@Z@Z, __set_se_translator, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_terminate@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, _set_terminate, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?set_unexpected@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z, _set_unexpected, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?terminate@@YAXXZ, _terminate, PROC
+DEFINE_ALIAS ?unexpected@@YAXXZ, _unexpected, PROC
// void call_copy_ctor( void *func, void *this, void *src, int has_vbase );
exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_ctor(exception * _this, const char ** name);
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_ctor_noalloc(exception * _this, char ** name, int noalloc);
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(exception * _this, const exception * rhs);
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor(exception * _this);
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_dtor(exception * _this);
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_opequals(exception * _this, const exception * rhs);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor(exception * _this, unsigned int flags);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_scalar_dtor(exception * _this, unsigned int flags);
-const char * __thiscall MSVCRT_what_exception(exception * _this);
-bad_typeid * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor(bad_typeid * _this, const bad_typeid * rhs);
-bad_typeid * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor(bad_typeid * _this, const char * name);
-bad_typeid * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_default_ctor(bad_typeid * _this);
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor(bad_typeid * _this);
-bad_typeid * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals(bad_typeid * _this, const bad_typeid * rhs);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vector_dtor(bad_typeid * _this, unsigned int flags);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_scalar_dtor(bad_typeid * _this, unsigned int flags);
-__non_rtti_object * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor(__non_rtti_object * _this, const __non_rtti_object * rhs);
-__non_rtti_object * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor(__non_rtti_object * _this, const char * name);
-void __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this);
-__non_rtti_object * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals(__non_rtti_object * _this, const __non_rtti_object *rhs);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vector_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this, unsigned int flags);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this, unsigned int flags);
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor(bad_cast * _this, const char ** name);
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor(bad_cast * _this, const bad_cast * rhs);
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor_charptr(bad_cast * _this, const char * name);
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_default_ctor(bad_cast * _this);
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor(bad_cast * _this);
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals(bad_cast * _this, const bad_cast * rhs);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_vector_dtor(bad_cast * _this, unsigned int flags);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_scalar_dtor(bad_cast * _this, unsigned int flags);
-int __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs);
-int __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs);
-int __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_before(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs);
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_dtor(type_info * _this);
-const char * __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_name(type_info * _this);
-const char * __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name(type_info * _this);
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_vector_dtor(type_info * _this, unsigned int flags);
+exception * __thiscall exception_ctor_noalloc(exception * _this, char ** name, int noalloc);
+exception * __thiscall exception_copy_ctor(exception * _this, const exception * rhs);
+exception * __thiscall exception_default_ctor(exception * _this);
+void __thiscall exception_dtor(exception * _this);
+exception * __thiscall exception_opequals(exception * _this, const exception * rhs);
+void * __thiscall exception_vector_dtor(exception * _this, unsigned int flags);
+void * __thiscall exception_scalar_dtor(exception * _this, unsigned int flags);
+const char * __thiscall exception_what(exception * _this);
+bad_typeid * __thiscall bad_typeid_copy_ctor(bad_typeid * _this, const bad_typeid * rhs);
+bad_typeid * __thiscall bad_typeid_ctor(bad_typeid * _this, const char * name);
+bad_typeid * __thiscall bad_typeid_default_ctor(bad_typeid * _this);
+void __thiscall bad_typeid_dtor(bad_typeid * _this);
+bad_typeid * __thiscall bad_typeid_opequals(bad_typeid * _this, const bad_typeid * rhs);
+void * __thiscall bad_typeid_vector_dtor(bad_typeid * _this, unsigned int flags);
+void * __thiscall bad_typeid_scalar_dtor(bad_typeid * _this, unsigned int flags);
+__non_rtti_object * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_copy_ctor(__non_rtti_object * _this, const __non_rtti_object * rhs);
+__non_rtti_object * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_ctor(__non_rtti_object * _this, const char * name);
+void __thiscall __non_rtti_object_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this);
+__non_rtti_object * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_opequals(__non_rtti_object * _this, const __non_rtti_object *rhs);
+void * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_vector_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this, unsigned int flags);
+void * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this, unsigned int flags);
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_ctor(bad_cast * _this, const char ** name);
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_copy_ctor(bad_cast * _this, const bad_cast * rhs);
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_ctor_charptr(bad_cast * _this, const char * name);
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_default_ctor(bad_cast * _this);
+void __thiscall bad_cast_dtor(bad_cast * _this);
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_opequals(bad_cast * _this, const bad_cast * rhs);
+void * __thiscall bad_cast_vector_dtor(bad_cast * _this, unsigned int flags);
+void * __thiscall bad_cast_scalar_dtor(bad_cast * _this, unsigned int flags);
+int __thiscall type_info_opequals_equals(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs);
+int __thiscall type_info_opnot_equals(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs);
+int __thiscall type_info_before(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs);
+void __thiscall type_info_dtor(type_info * _this);
+const char * __thiscall type_info_name(type_info * _this);
+const char * __thiscall type_info_raw_name(type_info * _this);
+void * __thiscall type_info_vector_dtor(type_info * _this, unsigned int flags);
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
bad_alloc* __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_alloc_copy_ctor(bad_alloc* _this, const bad_alloc* rhs);
bad_alloc* __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_alloc_copy_ctor(bad_alloc* _this, const bad_alloc* rhs);
+++ /dev/null
-#include <precomp.h>
- * @implemented
- */
-void** __pxcptinfoptrs(void)
- return (void**)&msvcrt_get_thread_data()->xcptinfo;
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include "config.h"
-#include "wine/port.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winternl.h"
#include "wine/exception.h"
#include "wine/debug.h"
#include "msvcrt.h"
-#include "cppexcept.h"
#include "mtdll.h"
#include "cxx.h"
struct __type_info_node
void *memPtr;
typedef exception bad_typeid;
typedef exception __non_rtti_object;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_exception_vtable;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vtable;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_bad_cast_vtable;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vtable;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_type_info_vtable;
+extern const vtable_ptr bad_typeid_vtable;
+extern const vtable_ptr bad_cast_vtable;
+extern const vtable_ptr __non_rtti_object_vtable;
+extern const vtable_ptr type_info_vtable;
/* get the vtable pointer for a C++ object */
static inline const vtable_ptr *get_vtable( void *obj )
-/* Internal common ctor for exception */
-static void EXCEPTION_ctor(exception *_this, const char** name)
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_exception_vtable;
- if (*name)
- {
- unsigned int name_len = strlen(*name) + 1;
- _this->name = MSVCRT_malloc(name_len);
- memcpy(_this->name, *name, name_len);
- _this->do_free = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- _this->name = NULL;
- _this->do_free = FALSE;
- }
#ifdef __REACTOS__
#include <internal/wine_msc.h>
#endif /* __REACTOS__ */
* ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_ctor(exception * _this, const char ** name)
+exception * __thiscall exception_ctor(exception * _this, const char ** name)
TRACE("(%p,%s)\n", _this, *name);
- EXCEPTION_ctor(_this, name);
- return _this;
+ return __exception_ctor(_this, *name, &exception_vtable);
* ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBDH@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_ctor_noalloc(exception * _this, char ** name, int noalloc)
+exception * __thiscall exception_ctor_noalloc(exception * _this, char ** name, int noalloc)
TRACE("(%p,%s)\n", _this, *name);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_exception_vtable;
+ _this->vtable = &exception_vtable;
_this->name = *name;
_this->do_free = FALSE;
return _this;
- * ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
- */
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(exception * _this, const exception * rhs)
- TRACE("(%p,%p)\n", _this, rhs);
- if (!rhs->do_free)
- {
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_exception_vtable;
- _this->name = rhs->name;
- _this->do_free = FALSE;
- }
- else
- EXCEPTION_ctor(_this, (const char**)&rhs->name);
- TRACE("name = %s\n", _this->name);
- return _this;
* ??0exception@@QAE@XZ (MSVCRT.@)
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_default_ctor(exception * _this)
- static const char* empty = NULL;
- TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- EXCEPTION_ctor(_this, &empty);
- return _this;
- * ??1exception@@UAE@XZ (MSVCRT.@)
- */
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_dtor(exception * _this)
+exception * __thiscall exception_default_ctor(exception * _this)
TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_exception_vtable;
- if (_this->do_free) MSVCRT_free(_this->name);
+ return __exception_ctor(_this, NULL, &exception_vtable);
* ??4exception@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-exception * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_opequals(exception * _this, const exception * rhs)
+exception * __thiscall exception_opequals(exception * _this, const exception * rhs)
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
if (_this != rhs)
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
+ exception_dtor(_this);
+ exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
TRACE("name = %s\n", _this->name);
return _this;
- * ??_Eexception@@UAEPAXI@Z (MSVCRT.@)
- */
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor(exception * _this, unsigned int flags)
- TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
- if (flags & 2)
- {
- /* we have an array, with the number of elements stored before the first object */
- INT_PTR i, *ptr = (INT_PTR *)_this - 1;
- for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this + i);
- MSVCRT_operator_delete(ptr);
- }
- else
- {
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
- }
- return _this;
* ??_Gexception@@UAEPAXI@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_scalar_dtor(exception * _this, unsigned int flags)
+void * __thiscall exception_scalar_dtor(exception * _this, unsigned int flags)
TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
+ exception_dtor(_this);
+ if (flags & 1) operator_delete(_this);
return _this;
- * ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ (MSVCRT.@)
- */
-const char * __thiscall MSVCRT_what_exception(exception * _this)
- TRACE("(%p) returning %s\n", _this, _this->name);
- return _this->name ? _this->name : "Unknown exception";
* ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@ABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_typeid * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor(bad_typeid * _this, const bad_typeid * rhs)
+bad_typeid * __thiscall bad_typeid_copy_ctor(bad_typeid * _this, const bad_typeid * rhs)
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vtable;
- return _this;
+ return __exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs, &bad_typeid_vtable);
* ??0bad_typeid@@QAE@PBD@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_typeid * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor(bad_typeid * _this, const char * name)
+bad_typeid * __thiscall bad_typeid_ctor(bad_typeid * _this, const char * name)
TRACE("(%p %s)\n", _this, name);
- EXCEPTION_ctor(_this, &name);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vtable;
- return _this;
+ return __exception_ctor(_this, name, &bad_typeid_vtable);
* ??_Fbad_typeid@@QAEXXZ (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_typeid * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_default_ctor(bad_typeid * _this)
+bad_typeid * __thiscall bad_typeid_default_ctor(bad_typeid * _this)
- return MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor( _this, "bad typeid" );
+ return bad_typeid_ctor( _this, "bad typeid" );
* ??1bad_typeid@@UAE@XZ (MSVCRT.@)
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor(bad_typeid * _this)
+void __thiscall bad_typeid_dtor(bad_typeid * _this)
TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
+ exception_dtor(_this);
* ??4bad_typeid@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_typeid * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals(bad_typeid * _this, const bad_typeid * rhs)
+bad_typeid * __thiscall bad_typeid_opequals(bad_typeid * _this, const bad_typeid * rhs)
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_opequals(_this, rhs);
+ exception_opequals(_this, rhs);
return _this;
* ??_Ebad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vector_dtor(bad_typeid * _this, unsigned int flags)
+void * __thiscall bad_typeid_vector_dtor(bad_typeid * _this, unsigned int flags)
TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
if (flags & 2)
/* we have an array, with the number of elements stored before the first object */
INT_PTR i, *ptr = (INT_PTR *)_this - 1;
- for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor(_this + i);
- MSVCRT_operator_delete(ptr);
+ for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) bad_typeid_dtor(_this + i);
+ operator_delete(ptr);
- MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
+ bad_typeid_dtor(_this);
+ if (flags & 1) operator_delete(_this);
return _this;
* ??_Gbad_typeid@@UAEPAXI@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_typeid_scalar_dtor(bad_typeid * _this, unsigned int flags)
+void * __thiscall bad_typeid_scalar_dtor(bad_typeid * _this, unsigned int flags)
TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
- MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
+ bad_typeid_dtor(_this);
+ if (flags & 1) operator_delete(_this);
return _this;
* ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@ABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-__non_rtti_object * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_copy_ctor(__non_rtti_object * _this,
+__non_rtti_object * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_copy_ctor(__non_rtti_object * _this,
const __non_rtti_object * rhs)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_bad_typeid_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vtable;
- return _this;
+ TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
+ return __exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs, &__non_rtti_object_vtable);
* ??0__non_rtti_object@@QAE@PBD@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-__non_rtti_object * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor(__non_rtti_object * _this,
+__non_rtti_object * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_ctor(__non_rtti_object * _this,
const char * name)
TRACE("(%p %s)\n", _this, name);
- EXCEPTION_ctor(_this, &name);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vtable;
- return _this;
+ return __exception_ctor(_this, name, &__non_rtti_object_vtable);
* ??1__non_rtti_object@@UAE@XZ (MSVCRT.@)
-void __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this)
+void __thiscall __non_rtti_object_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this)
TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_bad_typeid_dtor(_this);
+ bad_typeid_dtor(_this);
* ??4__non_rtti_object@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-__non_rtti_object * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_opequals(__non_rtti_object * _this,
+__non_rtti_object * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_opequals(__non_rtti_object * _this,
const __non_rtti_object *rhs)
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_bad_typeid_opequals(_this, rhs);
+ bad_typeid_opequals(_this, rhs);
return _this;
* ??_E__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vector_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this, unsigned int flags)
+void * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_vector_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this, unsigned int flags)
TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
if (flags & 2)
/* we have an array, with the number of elements stored before the first object */
INT_PTR i, *ptr = (INT_PTR *)_this - 1;
- for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor(_this + i);
- MSVCRT_operator_delete(ptr);
+ for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) __non_rtti_object_dtor(_this + i);
+ operator_delete(ptr);
- MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
+ __non_rtti_object_dtor(_this);
+ if (flags & 1) operator_delete(_this);
return _this;
* ??_G__non_rtti_object@@UAEPAXI@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this, unsigned int flags)
+void * __thiscall __non_rtti_object_scalar_dtor(__non_rtti_object * _this, unsigned int flags)
TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
- MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
+ __non_rtti_object_dtor(_this);
+ if (flags & 1) operator_delete(_this);
return _this;
* ??0bad_cast@@AAE@PBQBD@Z (MSVCRT.@)
* ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABQBD@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor(bad_cast * _this, const char ** name)
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_ctor(bad_cast * _this, const char ** name)
TRACE("(%p %s)\n", _this, *name);
- EXCEPTION_ctor(_this, name);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_bad_cast_vtable;
- return _this;
+ return __exception_ctor(_this, *name, &bad_cast_vtable);
* ??0bad_cast@@QAE@ABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_copy_ctor(bad_cast * _this, const bad_cast * rhs)
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_copy_ctor(bad_cast * _this, const bad_cast * rhs)
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_bad_cast_vtable;
- return _this;
+ return __exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs, &bad_cast_vtable);
* ??0bad_cast@@QAE@PBD@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor_charptr(bad_cast * _this, const char * name)
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_ctor_charptr(bad_cast * _this, const char * name)
TRACE("(%p %s)\n", _this, name);
- EXCEPTION_ctor(_this, &name);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_bad_cast_vtable;
- return _this;
+ return __exception_ctor(_this, name, &bad_cast_vtable);
* ??_Fbad_cast@@QAEXXZ (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_default_ctor(bad_cast * _this)
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_default_ctor(bad_cast * _this)
- return MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor_charptr( _this, "bad cast" );
+ return bad_cast_ctor_charptr( _this, "bad cast" );
* ??1bad_cast@@UAE@XZ (MSVCRT.@)
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor(bad_cast * _this)
+void __thiscall bad_cast_dtor(bad_cast * _this)
TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
+ exception_dtor(_this);
* ??4bad_cast@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-bad_cast * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_opequals(bad_cast * _this, const bad_cast * rhs)
+bad_cast * __thiscall bad_cast_opequals(bad_cast * _this, const bad_cast * rhs)
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_opequals(_this, rhs);
+ exception_opequals(_this, rhs);
return _this;
* ??_Ebad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_vector_dtor(bad_cast * _this, unsigned int flags)
+void * __thiscall bad_cast_vector_dtor(bad_cast * _this, unsigned int flags)
TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
if (flags & 2)
/* we have an array, with the number of elements stored before the first object */
INT_PTR i, *ptr = (INT_PTR *)_this - 1;
- for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor(_this + i);
- MSVCRT_operator_delete(ptr);
+ for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) bad_cast_dtor(_this + i);
+ operator_delete(ptr);
- MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
+ bad_cast_dtor(_this);
+ if (flags & 1) operator_delete(_this);
return _this;
* ??_Gbad_cast@@UAEPAXI@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_cast_scalar_dtor(bad_cast * _this, unsigned int flags)
+void * __thiscall bad_cast_scalar_dtor(bad_cast * _this, unsigned int flags)
TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
- MSVCRT_bad_cast_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
+ bad_cast_dtor(_this);
+ if (flags & 1) operator_delete(_this);
return _this;
* ??8type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-int __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_opequals_equals(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs)
+int __thiscall type_info_opequals_equals(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs)
int ret = !strcmp(_this->mangled + 1, rhs->mangled + 1);
TRACE("(%p %p) returning %d\n", _this, rhs, ret);
* ??9type_info@@QBEHABV0@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-int __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_opnot_equals(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs)
+int __thiscall type_info_opnot_equals(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs)
int ret = !!strcmp(_this->mangled + 1, rhs->mangled + 1);
TRACE("(%p %p) returning %d\n", _this, rhs, ret);
* ?before@type_info@@QBEHABV1@@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-int __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_before(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs)
+int __thiscall type_info_before(type_info * _this, const type_info * rhs)
int ret = strcmp(_this->mangled + 1, rhs->mangled + 1) < 0;
TRACE("(%p %p) returning %d\n", _this, rhs, ret);
* ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ (MSVCRT.@)
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_dtor(type_info * _this)
+void __thiscall type_info_dtor(type_info * _this)
TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_free(_this->name);
+ free(_this->name);
* ?name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ (MSVCRT.@)
-const char * __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_name(type_info * _this)
+const char * __thiscall type_info_name(type_info * _this)
if (!_this->name)
* Is this '.' really part of the mangled name, or has it some other meaning ?
char* name = __unDName(0, _this->mangled + 1, 0,
if (name)
unsigned int len = strlen(name);
if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((void**)&_this->name, name, NULL))
/* Another thread set this member since we checked above - use it */
- MSVCRT_free(name);
+ free(name);
* ?raw_name@type_info@@QBEPBDXZ (MSVCRT.@)
-const char * __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_raw_name(type_info * _this)
+const char * __thiscall type_info_raw_name(type_info * _this)
TRACE("(%p) returning %s\n", _this, _this->mangled);
return _this->mangled;
-/* Unexported */
-void * __thiscall MSVCRT_type_info_vector_dtor(type_info * _this, unsigned int flags)
- TRACE("(%p %x)\n", _this, flags);
- if (flags & 2)
- {
- /* we have an array, with the number of elements stored before the first object */
- INT_PTR i, *ptr = (INT_PTR *)_this - 1;
- for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) MSVCRT_type_info_dtor(_this + i);
- MSVCRT_operator_delete(ptr);
- }
- else
- {
- MSVCRT_type_info_dtor(_this);
- if (flags & 1) MSVCRT_operator_delete(_this);
- }
- return _this;
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
typedef exception bad_alloc;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_bad_alloc_vtable;
-static void bad_alloc_ctor(bad_alloc *this, const char **name)
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(this, name);
- this->vtable = &MSVCRT_bad_alloc_vtable;
+extern const vtable_ptr bad_alloc_vtable;
/* bad_alloc class implementation */
-bad_alloc * __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_alloc_copy_ctor(bad_alloc * _this, const bad_alloc * rhs)
+bad_alloc * __thiscall bad_alloc_copy_ctor(bad_alloc * _this, const bad_alloc * rhs)
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_bad_alloc_vtable;
- return _this;
+ return __exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs, &bad_alloc_vtable);
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_bad_alloc_dtor(bad_alloc * _this)
+void __thiscall bad_alloc_dtor(bad_alloc * _this)
TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
+ exception_dtor(_this);
#endif /* _MSVCR_VER >= 80 */
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
-typedef struct {
- exception e;
-} scheduler_resource_allocation_error;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_scheduler_resource_allocation_error_vtable;
-/* ??0scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QAE@PBDJ@Z */
-/* ??0scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QEAA@PEBDJ@Z */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(scheduler_resource_allocation_error_ctor_name, 12)
-scheduler_resource_allocation_error* __thiscall scheduler_resource_allocation_error_ctor_name(
- scheduler_resource_allocation_error *this, const char *name, HRESULT hr)
- TRACE("(%p %s %x)\n", this, wine_dbgstr_a(name), hr);
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(&this->e, &name);
- this->e.vtable = &MSVCRT_scheduler_resource_allocation_error_vtable;
- this->hr = hr;
- return this;
-/* ??0scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QAE@J@Z */
-/* ??0scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QEAA@J@Z */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(scheduler_resource_allocation_error_ctor, 8)
-scheduler_resource_allocation_error* __thiscall scheduler_resource_allocation_error_ctor(
- scheduler_resource_allocation_error *this, HRESULT hr)
- return scheduler_resource_allocation_error_ctor_name(this, NULL, hr);
-scheduler_resource_allocation_error* __thiscall MSVCRT_scheduler_resource_allocation_error_copy_ctor(
- scheduler_resource_allocation_error *this,
- const scheduler_resource_allocation_error *rhs)
- TRACE("(%p,%p)\n", this, rhs);
- if (!rhs->e.do_free)
- memcpy(this, rhs, sizeof(*this));
- else
- scheduler_resource_allocation_error_ctor_name(this, rhs->e.name, rhs->hr);
- return this;
-/* ?get_error_code@scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QBEJXZ */
-/* ?get_error_code@scheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@QEBAJXZ */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(scheduler_resource_allocation_error_get_error_code, 4)
-HRESULT __thiscall scheduler_resource_allocation_error_get_error_code(
- const scheduler_resource_allocation_error *this)
- TRACE("(%p)\n", this);
- return this->hr;
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_scheduler_resource_allocation_error_dtor(
- scheduler_resource_allocation_error * this)
- TRACE("(%p)\n", this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(&this->e);
-typedef exception improper_lock;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_improper_lock_vtable;
-/* ??0improper_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z */
-/* ??0improper_lock@Concurrency@@QEAA@PEBD@Z */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(improper_lock_ctor_str, 8)
-improper_lock* __thiscall improper_lock_ctor_str(improper_lock *this, const char *str)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", this, str);
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(this, &str);
- this->vtable = &MSVCRT_improper_lock_vtable;
- return this;
-/* ??0improper_lock@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ */
-/* ??0improper_lock@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(improper_lock_ctor, 4)
-improper_lock* __thiscall improper_lock_ctor(improper_lock *this)
- return improper_lock_ctor_str(this, NULL);
-improper_lock * __thiscall MSVCRT_improper_lock_copy_ctor(improper_lock * _this, const improper_lock * rhs)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_improper_lock_vtable;
- return _this;
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_improper_lock_dtor(improper_lock * _this)
- TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
-typedef exception invalid_scheduler_policy_key;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_key_vtable;
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_key@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z */
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_key@Concurrency@@QEAA@PEBD@Z */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(invalid_scheduler_policy_key_ctor_str, 8)
-invalid_scheduler_policy_key* __thiscall invalid_scheduler_policy_key_ctor_str(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_key *this, const char *str)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", this, str);
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(this, &str);
- this->vtable = &MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_key_vtable;
- return this;
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_key@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ */
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_key@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(invalid_scheduler_policy_key_ctor, 4)
-invalid_scheduler_policy_key* __thiscall invalid_scheduler_policy_key_ctor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_key *this)
- return invalid_scheduler_policy_key_ctor_str(this, NULL);
-invalid_scheduler_policy_key * __thiscall MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_key_copy_ctor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_key * _this, const invalid_scheduler_policy_key * rhs)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_key_vtable;
- return _this;
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_key_dtor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_key * _this)
- TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
-typedef exception invalid_scheduler_policy_value;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_value_vtable;
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_value@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z */
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_value@Concurrency@@QEAA@PEBD@Z */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(invalid_scheduler_policy_value_ctor_str, 8)
-invalid_scheduler_policy_value* __thiscall invalid_scheduler_policy_value_ctor_str(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_value *this, const char *str)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", this, str);
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(this, &str);
- this->vtable = &MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_value_vtable;
- return this;
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_value@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ */
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_value@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(invalid_scheduler_policy_value_ctor, 4)
-invalid_scheduler_policy_value* __thiscall invalid_scheduler_policy_value_ctor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_value *this)
- return invalid_scheduler_policy_value_ctor_str(this, NULL);
-invalid_scheduler_policy_value * __thiscall MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_value_copy_ctor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_value * _this, const invalid_scheduler_policy_value * rhs)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_value_vtable;
- return _this;
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_value_dtor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_value * _this)
- TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
-typedef exception invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_vtable;
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z */
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification@Concurrency@@QEAA@PEBD@Z */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_ctor_str, 8)
-invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification* __thiscall invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_ctor_str(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification *this, const char *str)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", this, str);
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(this, &str);
- this->vtable = &MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_vtable;
- return this;
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ */
-/* ??0invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_ctor, 4)
-invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification* __thiscall invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_ctor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification *this)
- return invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_ctor_str(this, NULL);
-invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification * __thiscall MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_copy_ctor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification * _this, const invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification * rhs)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_vtable;
- return _this;
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_dtor(
- invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification * _this)
- TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
-typedef exception improper_scheduler_attach;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_attach_vtable;
-/* ??0improper_scheduler_attach@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z */
-/* ??0improper_scheduler_attach@Concurrency@@QEAA@PEBD@Z */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(improper_scheduler_attach_ctor_str, 8)
-improper_scheduler_attach* __thiscall improper_scheduler_attach_ctor_str(
- improper_scheduler_attach *this, const char *str)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", this, str);
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(this, &str);
- this->vtable = &MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_attach_vtable;
- return this;
-/* ??0improper_scheduler_attach@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ */
-/* ??0improper_scheduler_attach@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(improper_scheduler_attach_ctor, 4)
-improper_scheduler_attach* __thiscall improper_scheduler_attach_ctor(
- improper_scheduler_attach *this)
- return improper_scheduler_attach_ctor_str(this, NULL);
-improper_scheduler_attach * __thiscall MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_attach_copy_ctor(
- improper_scheduler_attach * _this, const improper_scheduler_attach * rhs)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_attach_vtable;
- return _this;
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_attach_dtor(
- improper_scheduler_attach * _this)
- TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
-typedef exception improper_scheduler_detach;
-extern const vtable_ptr MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_detach_vtable;
-/* ??0improper_scheduler_detach@Concurrency@@QAE@PBD@Z */
-/* ??0improper_scheduler_detach@Concurrency@@QEAA@PEBD@Z */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(improper_scheduler_detach_ctor_str, 8)
-improper_scheduler_detach* __thiscall improper_scheduler_detach_ctor_str(
- improper_scheduler_detach *this, const char *str)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", this, str);
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(this, &str);
- this->vtable = &MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_detach_vtable;
- return this;
-/* ??0improper_scheduler_detach@Concurrency@@QAE@XZ */
-/* ??0improper_scheduler_detach@Concurrency@@QEAA@XZ */
-DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(improper_scheduler_detach_ctor, 4)
-improper_scheduler_detach* __thiscall improper_scheduler_detach_ctor(
- improper_scheduler_detach *this)
- return improper_scheduler_detach_ctor_str(this, NULL);
-improper_scheduler_detach * __thiscall MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_detach_copy_ctor(
- improper_scheduler_detach * _this, const improper_scheduler_detach * rhs)
- TRACE("(%p %p)\n", _this, rhs);
- MSVCRT_exception_copy_ctor(_this, rhs);
- _this->vtable = &MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_detach_vtable;
- return _this;
-void __thiscall MSVCRT_improper_scheduler_detach_dtor(
- improper_scheduler_detach * _this)
- TRACE("(%p)\n", _this);
- MSVCRT_exception_dtor(_this);
-#endif /* _MSVCR_VER >= 100 */
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-void __asm_dummy_vtables(void) {
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_type_info_vector_dtor));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_vector_dtor)
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_what));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_vector_dtor)
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_what));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_bad_typeid_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(bad_typeid_vector_dtor)
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_what));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_bad_cast_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(bad_cast_vector_dtor)
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_what));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_exception_vector_dtor)
- VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(MSVCRT_what_exception));
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(__non_rtti_object_vector_dtor)
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_what));
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA0( type_info, 0, ".?AVtype_info@@" )
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA0( exception, 0, ".?AVexception@std@@" )
DEFINE_RTTI_DATA0( exception_old, 0, ".?AVexception@@" )
DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1( bad_typeid, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor, ".?AVbad_typeid@std@@" )
DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1( bad_cast, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor, ".?AVbad_cast@std@@" )
DEFINE_RTTI_DATA2( __non_rtti_object, 0, &bad_typeid_rtti_base_descriptor, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor, ".?AV__non_rtti_object@std@@" )
DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1( bad_alloc, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor, ".?AVbad_alloc@std@@" )
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA0( exception, 0, ".?AVexception@@" )
DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1( bad_typeid, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor, ".?AVbad_typeid@@" )
DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1( bad_cast, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor, ".?AVbad_cast@@" )
DEFINE_RTTI_DATA2( __non_rtti_object, 0, &bad_typeid_rtti_base_descriptor, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor, ".?AV__non_rtti_object@@" )
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1(scheduler_resource_allocation_error, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor,
- ".?AVscheduler_resource_allocation_error@Concurrency@@")
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1(improper_lock, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor, ".?AVimproper_lock@Concurrency@@" )
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1(invalid_scheduler_policy_key, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor,
- ".?AVinvalid_scheduler_policy_key@Concurrency@@" )
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1(invalid_scheduler_policy_value, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor,
- ".?AVinvalid_scheduler_policy_value@Concurrency@@" )
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1(invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor,
- ".?AVinvalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification@Concurrency@@" )
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1(improper_scheduler_attach, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor,
- ".?AVimproper_scheduler_attach@Concurrency@@" )
-DEFINE_RTTI_DATA1(improper_scheduler_detach, 0, &exception_rtti_base_descriptor,
- ".?AVimproper_scheduler_detach@Concurrency@@" )
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO( bad_typeid, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL )
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO( bad_cast, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL )
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO( __non_rtti_object, 2, &bad_typeid_cxx_type_info, &exception_cxx_type_info )
+DEFINE_CXX_EXCEPTION0( exception, exception_dtor )
+DEFINE_CXX_DATA1( bad_typeid, &exception_cxx_type_info, bad_typeid_dtor )
+DEFINE_CXX_DATA1( bad_cast, &exception_cxx_type_info, bad_cast_dtor )
+DEFINE_CXX_DATA2( __non_rtti_object, &bad_typeid_cxx_type_info,
+ &exception_cxx_type_info, __non_rtti_object_dtor )
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO( bad_alloc, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL )
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(scheduler_resource_allocation_error, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL)
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(improper_lock, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL)
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(invalid_scheduler_policy_key, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL)
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(invalid_scheduler_policy_value, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL)
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL)
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(improper_scheduler_attach, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL)
-DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(improper_scheduler_detach, 1, &exception_cxx_type_info, NULL)
+DEFINE_CXX_DATA1( bad_alloc, &exception_cxx_type_info, bad_alloc_dtor )
void msvcrt_init_exception(void *base)
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
- init_scheduler_resource_allocation_error_rtti(base);
- init_improper_lock_rtti(base);
- init_invalid_scheduler_policy_key_rtti(base);
- init_invalid_scheduler_policy_value_rtti(base);
- init_invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_rtti(base);
- init_improper_scheduler_attach_rtti(base);
- init_improper_scheduler_detach_rtti(base);
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
- init_scheduler_resource_allocation_error_cxx(base);
- init_improper_lock_cxx(base);
- init_invalid_scheduler_policy_key_cxx(base);
- init_invalid_scheduler_policy_value_cxx(base);
- init_invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_cxx(base);
- init_improper_scheduler_attach_cxx(base);
- init_improper_scheduler_detach_cxx(base);
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
-void throw_exception(exception_type et, HRESULT hr, const char *str)
+void throw_bad_alloc(void)
- switch(et) {
- bad_alloc e;
- bad_alloc_ctor(&e, &str);
- _CxxThrowException(&e, &bad_alloc_exception_type);
- }
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
- scheduler_resource_allocation_error e;
- scheduler_resource_allocation_error_ctor_name(&e, str, hr);
- _CxxThrowException(&e.e, &scheduler_resource_allocation_error_exception_type);
- }
- improper_lock e;
- improper_lock_ctor_str(&e, str);
- _CxxThrowException(&e, &improper_lock_exception_type);
- }
- invalid_scheduler_policy_key e;
- invalid_scheduler_policy_key_ctor_str(&e, str);
- _CxxThrowException(&e, &invalid_scheduler_policy_key_exception_type);
- }
- invalid_scheduler_policy_value e;
- invalid_scheduler_policy_value_ctor_str(&e, str);
- _CxxThrowException(&e, &invalid_scheduler_policy_value_exception_type);
- }
- invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification e;
- invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_ctor_str(&e, str);
- _CxxThrowException(&e, &invalid_scheduler_policy_thread_specification_exception_type);
- }
- improper_scheduler_attach e;
- improper_scheduler_attach_ctor_str(&e, str);
- _CxxThrowException(&e, &improper_scheduler_attach_exception_type);
- }
- improper_scheduler_detach e;
- improper_scheduler_detach_ctor_str(&e, str);
- _CxxThrowException(&e, &improper_scheduler_detach_exception_type);
- }
- }
+ bad_alloc e;
+ __exception_ctor(&e, "bad allocation", &bad_alloc_vtable);
+ _CxxThrowException(&e, &bad_alloc_exception_type);
* The previously installed handler function, if any.
-MSVCRT_terminate_function CDECL MSVCRT_set_terminate(MSVCRT_terminate_function func)
+terminate_function CDECL set_terminate(terminate_function func)
thread_data_t *data = msvcrt_get_thread_data();
- MSVCRT_terminate_function previous = data->terminate_handler;
+ terminate_function previous = data->terminate_handler;
TRACE("(%p) returning %p\n",func,previous);
data->terminate_handler = func;
return previous;
* _get_terminate (MSVCRT.@)
-MSVCRT_terminate_function CDECL MSVCRT__get_terminate(void)
+terminate_function CDECL _get_terminate(void)
thread_data_t *data = msvcrt_get_thread_data();
TRACE("returning %p\n", data->terminate_handler);
* The previously installed handler function, if any.
-MSVCRT_unexpected_function CDECL MSVCRT_set_unexpected(MSVCRT_unexpected_function func)
+unexpected_function CDECL set_unexpected(unexpected_function func)
thread_data_t *data = msvcrt_get_thread_data();
- MSVCRT_unexpected_function previous = data->unexpected_handler;
+ unexpected_function previous = data->unexpected_handler;
TRACE("(%p) returning %p\n",func,previous);
data->unexpected_handler = func;
return previous;
* _get_unexpected (MSVCRT.@)
-MSVCRT_unexpected_function CDECL MSVCRT__get_unexpected(void)
+unexpected_function CDECL _get_unexpected(void)
thread_data_t *data = msvcrt_get_thread_data();
TRACE("returning %p\n", data->unexpected_handler);
-MSVCRT__se_translator_function CDECL MSVCRT__set_se_translator(MSVCRT__se_translator_function func)
+_se_translator_function CDECL _set_se_translator(_se_translator_function func)
thread_data_t *data = msvcrt_get_thread_data();
- MSVCRT__se_translator_function previous = data->se_translator;
+ _se_translator_function previous = data->se_translator;
TRACE("(%p) returning %p\n",func,previous);
data->se_translator = func;
return previous;
* handler installed by calling set_terminate(), or (by default) abort()
* is called.
-void CDECL MSVCRT_terminate(void)
+void CDECL terminate(void)
thread_data_t *data = msvcrt_get_thread_data();
if (data->terminate_handler) data->terminate_handler();
- MSVCRT_abort();
+ abort();
* ?unexpected@@YAXXZ (MSVCRT.@)
-void CDECL MSVCRT_unexpected(void)
+void CDECL unexpected(void)
thread_data_t *data = msvcrt_get_thread_data();
if (data->unexpected_handler) data->unexpected_handler();
- MSVCRT_terminate();
+ terminate();
* of using one of the C++ dynamic cast statements.
#ifndef __x86_64__
-const type_info* CDECL MSVCRT___RTtypeid(void *cppobj)
+const type_info* CDECL __RTtypeid(void *cppobj)
const type_info *ret;
if (!cppobj)
bad_typeid e;
- MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor( &e, "Attempted a typeid of NULL pointer!" );
+ bad_typeid_ctor( &e, "Attempted a typeid of NULL pointer!" );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &bad_typeid_exception_type );
- return NULL;
__non_rtti_object e;
- MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Bad read pointer - no RTTI data!" );
+ __non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Bad read pointer - no RTTI data!" );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &__non_rtti_object_exception_type );
- return NULL;
return ret;
-const type_info* CDECL MSVCRT___RTtypeid(void *cppobj)
+const type_info* CDECL __RTtypeid(void *cppobj)
const type_info *ret;
if (!cppobj)
bad_typeid e;
- MSVCRT_bad_typeid_ctor( &e, "Attempted a typeid of NULL pointer!" );
+ bad_typeid_ctor( &e, "Attempted a typeid of NULL pointer!" );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &bad_typeid_exception_type );
- return NULL;
__non_rtti_object e;
- MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Bad read pointer - no RTTI data!" );
+ __non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Bad read pointer - no RTTI data!" );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &__non_rtti_object_exception_type );
- return NULL;
return ret;
* of using one of the C++ dynamic cast statements.
#ifndef __x86_64__
-void* CDECL MSVCRT___RTDynamicCast(void *cppobj, int unknown,
+void* CDECL __RTDynamicCast(void *cppobj, int unknown,
type_info *src, type_info *dst,
int do_throw)
const char *msg = "Bad dynamic_cast!";
bad_cast e;
- MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor( &e, &msg );
+ bad_cast_ctor( &e, &msg );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &bad_cast_exception_type );
__non_rtti_object e;
- MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Access violation - no RTTI data!" );
+ __non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Access violation - no RTTI data!" );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &__non_rtti_object_exception_type );
- return NULL;
return ret;
-void* CDECL MSVCRT___RTDynamicCast(void *cppobj, int unknown,
+void* CDECL __RTDynamicCast(void *cppobj, int unknown,
type_info *src, type_info *dst,
int do_throw)
const char *msg = "Bad dynamic_cast!";
bad_cast e;
- MSVCRT_bad_cast_ctor( &e, &msg );
+ bad_cast_ctor( &e, &msg );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &bad_cast_exception_type );
__non_rtti_object e;
- MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Access violation - no RTTI data!" );
+ __non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Access violation - no RTTI data!" );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &__non_rtti_object_exception_type );
- return NULL;
return ret;
* This function is usually called by compiler generated code as a result
* of using one of the C++ dynamic cast statements.
-void* CDECL MSVCRT___RTCastToVoid(void *cppobj)
+void* CDECL __RTCastToVoid(void *cppobj)
void *ret;
__non_rtti_object e;
- MSVCRT___non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Access violation - no RTTI data!" );
+ __non_rtti_object_ctor( &e, "Access violation - no RTTI data!" );
_CxxThrowException( &e, &__non_rtti_object_exception_type );
- return NULL;
return ret;
* _CxxThrowException (MSVCRT.@)
#ifndef __x86_64__
-void WINAPI _CxxThrowException( exception *object, const cxx_exception_type *type )
+void WINAPI _CxxThrowException( void *object, const cxx_exception_type *type )
ULONG_PTR args[3];
RaiseException( CXX_EXCEPTION, EH_NONCONTINUABLE, 3, args );
-void WINAPI _CxxThrowException( exception *object, const cxx_exception_type *type )
+void WINAPI _CxxThrowException( void *object, const cxx_exception_type *type )
ULONG_PTR args[4];
if(ret == -1)
- MSVCRT_terminate();
+ terminate();
return ret;
if(ret == -1)
- MSVCRT_terminate();
+ terminate();
return ret;
static int once;
if (node && !once++) FIXME("type_info_node parameter ignored\n");
- return MSVCRT_type_info_name(_this);
+ return type_info_name(_this);
#endif /* _MSVCR_VER >= 80 */
ep->ref = NULL;
-#if defined(__i386__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
extern void call_dtor(const cxx_exception_type *type, void *func, void *object);
__ASM_GLOBAL_FUNC( call_dtor,
static const char *exception_msg = "bad exception";
exception e;
- MSVCRT_exception_ctor(&e, &exception_msg);
+ exception_ctor(&e, &exception_msg);
_CxxThrowException(&e, &exception_exception_type);
* ?__ExceptionPtrToBool@@YA_NPBX@Z
* ?__ExceptionPtrToBool@@YA_NPEBX@Z
-MSVCRT_bool __cdecl __ExceptionPtrToBool(exception_ptr *ep)
+bool __cdecl __ExceptionPtrToBool(exception_ptr *ep)
return !!ep->rec;
-MSVCRT_bool __cdecl __ExceptionPtrCompare(const exception_ptr *ep1, const exception_ptr *ep2)
+bool __cdecl __ExceptionPtrCompare(const exception_ptr *ep1, const exception_ptr *ep2)
return ep1->rec == ep2->rec;
char name[1];
} type_info_entry;
-static void* CDECL type_info_entry_malloc(MSVCRT_size_t size)
+static void* CDECL type_info_entry_malloc(size_t size)
- type_info_entry *ret = MSVCRT_malloc(FIELD_OFFSET(type_info_entry, name) + size);
+ type_info_entry *ret = malloc(FIELD_OFFSET(type_info_entry, name) + size);
return ret->name;
static void CDECL type_info_entry_free(void *ptr)
ptr = (char*)ptr - FIELD_OFFSET(type_info_entry, name);
- MSVCRT_free(ptr);
+ free(ptr);
* __std_type_info_compare (UCRTBASE.@)
-int CDECL MSVCRT_type_info_compare(const type_info140 *l, const type_info140 *r)
+int CDECL __std_type_info_compare(const type_info140 *l, const type_info140 *r)
int ret;
if (l == r) ret = 0;
- else ret = MSVCRT_strcmp(l->mangled + 1, r->mangled + 1);
+ else ret = strcmp(l->mangled + 1, r->mangled + 1);
TRACE("(%p %p) returning %d\n", l, r, ret);
return ret;
* __std_type_info_name (UCRTBASE.@)
-const char* CDECL MSVCRT_type_info_name_list(type_info140 *ti, SLIST_HEADER *header)
+const char* CDECL __std_type_info_name(type_info140 *ti, SLIST_HEADER *header)
if (!ti->name)
* __std_type_info_destroy_list (UCRTBASE.@)
-void CDECL MSVCRT_type_info_destroy_list(SLIST_HEADER *header)
+void CDECL __std_type_info_destroy_list(SLIST_HEADER *header)
SLIST_ENTRY *cur, *next;
for(cur = InterlockedFlushSList(header); cur; cur = next)
next = cur->Next;
- MSVCRT_free(cur);
+ free(cur);
* __std_type_info_hash (UCRTBASE.@)
-MSVCRT_size_t CDECL MSVCRT_type_info_hash(const type_info140 *ti)
+size_t CDECL __std_type_info_hash(const type_info140 *ti)
- MSVCRT_size_t hash, fnv_prime;
+ size_t hash, fnv_prime;
const char *p;
#ifdef _WIN64
#endif /* _MSVCR_VER >= 140 */
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
-enum ConcRT_EventType
-/* ?_Trace_ppl_function@Concurrency@@YAXABU_GUID@@EW4ConcRT_EventType@1@@Z */
-/* ?_Trace_ppl_function@Concurrency@@YAXAEBU_GUID@@EW4ConcRT_EventType@1@@Z */
-void __cdecl Concurrency__Trace_ppl_function(const GUID *guid, unsigned char level, enum ConcRT_EventType type)
- FIXME("(%s %u %i) stub\n", debugstr_guid(guid), level, type);
-#endif /* _MSVCR_VER >= 100 */
#define CXX_EXCEPTION 0xe06d7363
#define FUNC_DESCR_SYNCHRONOUS 1 /* synchronous exceptions only (built with /EHs and /EHsc) */
+#define FUNC_DESCR_NOEXCEPT 4 /* noexcept function */
typedef void (*vtable_ptr)(void);
} cxx_exception_type;
-void WINAPI _CxxThrowException(exception*,const cxx_exception_type*);
+void WINAPI _CxxThrowException(void*,const cxx_exception_type*);
static inline const char *dbgstr_type_info( const type_info *info )
#ifndef __x86_64__
-#define DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(type, base_no, cl1, cl2) \
+#define DEFINE_CXX_TYPE_INFO(type) \
static const cxx_type_info type ## _cxx_type_info = { \
0, \
& type ##_type_info, \
{ 0, -1, 0 }, \
sizeof(type), \
- (cxx_copy_ctor)THISCALL(MSVCRT_ ## type ##_copy_ctor) \
-}; \
-static const cxx_type_info_table type ## _type_info_table = { \
+ (cxx_copy_ctor)THISCALL(type ##_copy_ctor) \
+#define DEFINE_CXX_EXCEPTION(type, base_no, cl1, cl2, dtor) \
+static const cxx_type_info_table type ## _cxx_type_table = { \
base_no+1, \
{ \
& type ## _cxx_type_info, \
cl1, \
- cl2 \
+ cl2, \
} \
}; \
static const cxx_exception_type type ## _exception_type = { \
0, \
- (cxx_copy_ctor)THISCALL(MSVCRT_ ## type ## _dtor), \
+ (cxx_copy_ctor)THISCALL(dtor), \
- & type ## _type_info_table \
+ & type ## _cxx_type_table \
-#define DEFINE_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO(type, base_no, cl1, cl2) \
+#define DEFINE_CXX_TYPE_INFO(type) \
static cxx_type_info type ## _cxx_type_info = { \
0, \
0xdeadbeef, \
0xdeadbeef \
}; \
-static cxx_type_info_table type ## _type_info_table = { \
+static void init_ ## type ## _cxx_type_info(char *base) \
+{ \
+ type ## _cxx_type_info.type_info = (char *)&type ## _type_info - base; \
+ type ## _cxx_type_info.copy_ctor = (char *)type ## _copy_ctor - base; \
+#define DEFINE_CXX_EXCEPTION(type, base_no, cl1, cl2, dtor) \
+static cxx_type_info_table type ## _cxx_type_table = { \
base_no+1, \
{ \
0xdeadbeef, \
0xdeadbeef, \
- 0xdeadbeef \
+ 0xdeadbeef, \
} \
}; \
static void init_ ## type ## _cxx(char *base) \
{ \
- type ## _cxx_type_info.type_info = (char *)&type ## _type_info - base; \
- type ## _cxx_type_info.copy_ctor = (char *)MSVCRT_ ## type ## _copy_ctor - base; \
- type ## _type_info_table.info[0] = (char *)&type ## _cxx_type_info - base; \
- type ## _type_info_table.info[1] = (char *)cl1 - base; \
- type ## _type_info_table.info[2] = (char *)cl2 - base; \
- type ## _exception_type.destructor = (char *)MSVCRT_ ## type ## _dtor - base; \
- type ## _exception_type.type_info_table = (char *)&type ## _type_info_table - base; \
+ init_ ## type ## _cxx_type_info(base); \
+ type ## _cxx_type_table.info[0] = (char *)&type ## _cxx_type_info - base; \
+ type ## _cxx_type_table.info[1] = (char *)cl1 - base; \
+ type ## _cxx_type_table.info[2] = (char *)cl2 - base; \
+ type ## _exception_type.destructor = (char *)dtor - base; \
+ type ## _exception_type.type_info_table = (char *)&type ## _cxx_type_table - base; \
+#define DEFINE_CXX_DATA(type, base_no, cl1, cl2, dtor) \
+DEFINE_CXX_EXCEPTION(type, base_no, cl1, cl2, dtor)
+#define DEFINE_CXX_EXCEPTION0(name, dtor) \
+#define DEFINE_CXX_DATA0(name, dtor) \
+ DEFINE_CXX_DATA(name, 0, NULL, NULL, dtor)
+#define DEFINE_CXX_DATA1(name, cl1, dtor) \
+ DEFINE_CXX_DATA(name, 1, cl1, NULL, dtor)
+#define DEFINE_CXX_DATA2(name, cl1, cl2, dtor) \
+ DEFINE_CXX_DATA(name, 2, cl1, cl2, dtor)
+#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
+#define EXCEPTION_MANGLED_NAME ".?AVexception@std@@"
+#define EXCEPTION_MANGLED_NAME ".?AVexception@@"
+#define CREATE_EXCEPTION_OBJECT(exception_name) \
+static exception* __exception_ctor(exception *this, const char *str, const vtable_ptr *vtbl) \
+{ \
+ if (str) \
+ { \
+ unsigned int len = strlen(str) + 1; \
+ this->name = malloc(len); \
+ memcpy(this->name, str, len); \
+ this->do_free = TRUE; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ this->name = NULL; \
+ this->do_free = FALSE; \
+ } \
+ this->vtable = vtbl; \
+ return this; \
+} \
+static exception* __exception_copy_ctor(exception *this, const exception *rhs, const vtable_ptr *vtbl) \
+{ \
+ if (rhs->do_free) \
+ { \
+ __exception_ctor(this, rhs->name, vtbl); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ *this = *rhs; \
+ this->vtable = vtbl; \
+ } \
+ return this; \
+} \
+extern const vtable_ptr exception_name ## _vtable; \
+exception* __thiscall exception_name ## _copy_ctor(exception *this, const exception *rhs); \
+DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(exception_name ## _copy_ctor,8) \
+exception* __thiscall exception_name ## _copy_ctor(exception *this, const exception *rhs) \
+{ \
+ return __exception_copy_ctor(this, rhs, & exception_name ## _vtable); \
+} \
+void __thiscall exception_name ## _dtor(exception *this); \
+DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(exception_name ## _dtor,4) \
+void __thiscall exception_name ## _dtor(exception *this) \
+{ \
+ if (this->do_free) free(this->name); \
+} \
+void* __thiscall exception_name ## _vector_dtor(exception *this, unsigned int flags); \
+DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(exception_name ## _vector_dtor,8) \
+void* __thiscall exception_name ## _vector_dtor(exception *this, unsigned int flags) \
+{ \
+ if (flags & 2) \
+ { \
+ INT_PTR i, *ptr = (INT_PTR *)this - 1; \
+ for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) exception_name ## _dtor(this + i); \
+ operator_delete(ptr); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ exception_name ## _dtor(this); \
+ if (flags & 1) operator_delete(this); \
+ } \
+ return this; \
+} \
+const char* __thiscall exception_name ## _what(exception *this); \
+DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(exception_name ## _what,4) \
+const char* __thiscall exception_name ## _what(exception *this) \
+{ \
+ return this->name ? this->name : "Unknown exception"; \
+} \
+__ASM_BLOCK_BEGIN(exception_name ## _vtables) \
+__ASM_VTABLE(exception_name, \
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_name ## _vector_dtor) \
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(exception_name ## _what)); \
#endif /* __MSVCRT_CPPEXCEPT_H */
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include "wine/asm.h"
+#include "cppexcept.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define __ASM_VTABLE(name,funcs)
__asm__(".data\n" \
"\t.balign 8\n" \
"\t.quad " __ASM_NAME(#name "_rtti") "\n" \
- "\t.globl " __ASM_NAME("MSVCRT_" #name "_vtable") "\n" \
- __ASM_NAME("MSVCRT_" #name "_vtable") ":\n" \
+ "\t.globl " __ASM_NAME(#name "_vtable") "\n" \
+ __ASM_NAME(#name "_vtable") ":\n" \
funcs "\n\t.text")
__asm__(".data\n" \
"\t.balign 4\n" \
"\t.long " __ASM_NAME(#name "_rtti") "\n" \
- "\t.globl " __ASM_NAME("MSVCRT_" #name "_vtable") "\n" \
- __ASM_NAME("MSVCRT_" #name "_vtable") ":\n" \
+ "\t.globl " __ASM_NAME(#name "_vtable") "\n" \
+ __ASM_NAME(#name "_vtable") ":\n" \
funcs "\n\t.text")
#endif /* _WIN64 */
#ifndef __x86_64__
-#define DEFINE_RTTI_DATA(name, off, base_classes_no, cl1, cl2, cl3, cl4, cl5, cl6, cl7, cl8, cl9, mangled_name) \
+#define DEFINE_RTTI_BASE(name, base_classes_no, mangled_name) \
static type_info name ## _type_info = { \
- &MSVCRT_type_info_vtable, \
+ &type_info_vtable, \
mangled_name \
}; \
base_classes_no, \
{ 0, -1, 0}, \
64 \
-}; \
+#define DEFINE_RTTI_DATA(name, off, base_classes_no, cl1, cl2, cl3, cl4, cl5, cl6, cl7, cl8, cl9, mangled_name) \
+ DEFINE_RTTI_BASE(name, base_classes_no, mangled_name) \
static const rtti_base_array name ## _rtti_base_array = { \
{ \
-#define DEFINE_RTTI_DATA(name, off, base_classes_no, cl1, cl2, cl3, cl4, cl5, cl6, cl7, cl8, cl9, mangled_name) \
+#define __DEFINE_RTTI_BASE(name, base_classes_no, mangled_name) \
static type_info name ## _type_info = { \
- &MSVCRT_type_info_vtable, \
+ &type_info_vtable, \
mangled_name \
}; \
base_classes_no, \
{ 0, -1, 0}, \
64 \
-}; \
+#define DEFINE_RTTI_BASE(name, base_classes_no, mangled_name) \
+ __DEFINE_RTTI_BASE(name, base_classes_no, mangled_name) \
+ \
+ static void init_ ## name ## _rtti(char *base) \
+ { \
+ name ## _rtti_base_descriptor.type_descriptor = (char*)&name ## _type_info - base; \
+ }
+#define DEFINE_RTTI_DATA(name, off, base_classes_no, cl1, cl2, cl3, cl4, cl5, cl6, cl7, cl8, cl9, mangled_name) \
+ __DEFINE_RTTI_BASE(name, base_classes_no, mangled_name) \
static rtti_base_array name ## _rtti_base_array = { \
{ \
-#if defined(__i386__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
#define CALL_VTBL_FUNC(this, off, ret, type, args) ((ret (WINAPI*)type)&vtbl_wrapper_##off)args
-exception* __thiscall MSVCRT_exception_ctor(exception*, const char**);
+exception* __thiscall exception_ctor(exception*, const char**);
+extern const vtable_ptr type_info_vtable;
+#ifdef __REACTOS__
+void * __thiscall type_info_vector_dtor(type_info * _this, unsigned int flags);
+DEFINE_THISCALL_WRAPPER(type_info_vector_dtor,8) \
+void * __thiscall type_info_vector_dtor(type_info * _this, unsigned int flags) \
+{ \
+ if (flags & 2) \
+ { \
+ /* we have an array, with the number of elements stored before the first object */ \
+ INT_PTR i, *ptr = (INT_PTR *)_this - 1; \
+ for (i = *ptr - 1; i >= 0; i--) free(_this[i].name); \
+ free(ptr); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ free(_this->name); \
+ if (flags & 1) free(_this); \
+ } \
+ return _this; \
+} \
+DEFINE_RTTI_DATA0( type_info, 0, ".?AVtype_info@@" ) \
+__ASM_BLOCK_BEGIN(type_info_vtables) \
+ __ASM_VTABLE(type_info, \
+ VTABLE_ADD_FUNC(type_info_vector_dtor)); \
* FIXME: Incomplete support for nested exceptions/try block cleanup.
-#include "config.h"
-#include "wine/port.h"
+#include <float.h>
+#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
#include "ntstatus.h"
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "winternl.h"
+#ifdef __REACTOS__ // FIXME: Clean up wine headers!
#include "wine/exception.h"
+#endif // __REACTOS__
#include "msvcrt.h"
#include "excpt.h"
#include "wincon.h"
static MSVCRT_security_error_handler security_error_handler;
-static MSVCRT___sighandler_t sighandlers[MSVCRT_NSIG] = { MSVCRT_SIG_DFL };
+static __sighandler_t sighandlers[NSIG] = { SIG_DFL };
static BOOL WINAPI msvcrt_console_handler(DWORD ctrlType)
switch (ctrlType)
- if (sighandlers[MSVCRT_SIGINT])
+ if (sighandlers[SIGINT])
- if (sighandlers[MSVCRT_SIGINT] != MSVCRT_SIG_IGN)
+ if (sighandlers[SIGINT] != SIG_IGN)
+ sighandlers[SIGINT](SIGINT);
ret = TRUE;
* __pxcptinfoptrs (MSVCRT.@)
-void** CDECL MSVCRT___pxcptinfoptrs(void)
+void** CDECL __pxcptinfoptrs(void)
return (void**)&msvcrt_get_thread_data()->xcptinfo;
NTSTATUS status;
int signal;
} float_exception_map[] = {
static LONG msvcrt_exception_filter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *except)
- MSVCRT___sighandler_t handler;
+ __sighandler_t handler;
if (!except || !except->ExceptionRecord)
switch (except->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode)
- if ((handler = sighandlers[MSVCRT_SIGSEGV]) != MSVCRT_SIG_DFL)
+ if ((handler = sighandlers[SIGSEGV]) != SIG_DFL)
- if (handler != MSVCRT_SIG_IGN)
+ if (handler != SIG_IGN)
- EXCEPTION_POINTERS **ep = (EXCEPTION_POINTERS**)MSVCRT___pxcptinfoptrs(), *old_ep;
+ EXCEPTION_POINTERS **ep = (EXCEPTION_POINTERS**)__pxcptinfoptrs(), *old_ep;
old_ep = *ep;
*ep = except;
- handler(MSVCRT_SIGSEGV);
+ sighandlers[SIGSEGV] = SIG_DFL;
+ handler(SIGSEGV);
*ep = old_ep;
- if ((handler = sighandlers[MSVCRT_SIGFPE]) != MSVCRT_SIG_DFL)
+ if ((handler = sighandlers[SIGFPE]) != SIG_DFL)
- if (handler != MSVCRT_SIG_IGN)
+ if (handler != SIG_IGN)
- EXCEPTION_POINTERS **ep = (EXCEPTION_POINTERS**)MSVCRT___pxcptinfoptrs(), *old_ep;
+ EXCEPTION_POINTERS **ep = (EXCEPTION_POINTERS**)__pxcptinfoptrs(), *old_ep;
unsigned int i;
- int float_signal = MSVCRT__FPE_INVALID;
+ int float_signal = _FPE_INVALID;
+ sighandlers[SIGFPE] = SIG_DFL;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(float_exception_map); i++)
if (float_exception_map[i].status ==
old_ep = *ep;
*ep = except;
- ((float_handler)handler)(MSVCRT_SIGFPE, float_signal);
+ ((float_handler)handler)(SIGFPE, float_signal);
*ep = old_ep;
- if ((handler = sighandlers[MSVCRT_SIGILL]) != MSVCRT_SIG_DFL)
+ if ((handler = sighandlers[SIGILL]) != SIG_DFL)
- if (handler != MSVCRT_SIG_IGN)
+ if (handler != SIG_IGN)
- EXCEPTION_POINTERS **ep = (EXCEPTION_POINTERS**)MSVCRT___pxcptinfoptrs(), *old_ep;
+ EXCEPTION_POINTERS **ep = (EXCEPTION_POINTERS**)__pxcptinfoptrs(), *old_ep;
old_ep = *ep;
*ep = except;
- handler(MSVCRT_SIGILL);
+ sighandlers[SIGILL] = SIG_DFL;
+ handler(SIGILL);
*ep = old_ep;
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(msvcrt_console_handler, FALSE);
+#ifndef __REACTOS__ // Own implementation in signal/signal.c
* signal (MSVCRT.@)
* Some signals may never be generated except through an explicit call to
* raise.
-MSVCRT___sighandler_t CDECL MSVCRT_signal(int sig, MSVCRT___sighandler_t func)
+__sighandler_t CDECL signal(int sig, __sighandler_t func)
- MSVCRT___sighandler_t ret = MSVCRT_SIG_ERR;
+ __sighandler_t ret = SIG_ERR;
TRACE("(%d, %p)\n", sig, func);
- if (func == MSVCRT_SIG_ERR) return MSVCRT_SIG_ERR;
+ if (func == SIG_ERR) return SIG_ERR;
switch (sig)
/* Cases handled internally. Note SIGTERM is never generated by Windows,
* so we effectively mask it.
+ case SIGABRT:
+ case SIGFPE:
+ case SIGILL:
+ case SIGSEGV:
+ case SIGINT:
+ case SIGTERM:
+ case SIGBREAK:
ret = sighandlers[sig];
sighandlers[sig] = func;
+ ret = SIG_ERR;
return ret;
* raise (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL MSVCRT_raise(int sig)
+int CDECL raise(int sig)
- MSVCRT___sighandler_t handler;
+ __sighandler_t handler;
TRACE("(%d)\n", sig);
switch (sig)
+ case SIGFPE:
+ case SIGILL:
+ case SIGSEGV:
handler = sighandlers[sig];
- if (handler == MSVCRT_SIG_DFL) MSVCRT__exit(3);
- if (handler != MSVCRT_SIG_IGN)
+ if (handler == SIG_DFL) _exit(3);
+ if (handler != SIG_IGN)
- EXCEPTION_POINTERS **ep = (EXCEPTION_POINTERS**)MSVCRT___pxcptinfoptrs(), *old_ep;
+ EXCEPTION_POINTERS **ep = (EXCEPTION_POINTERS**)__pxcptinfoptrs(), *old_ep;
- sighandlers[sig] = MSVCRT_SIG_DFL;
+ sighandlers[sig] = SIG_DFL;
old_ep = *ep;
*ep = NULL;
- if (sig == MSVCRT_SIGFPE)
- ((float_handler)handler)(sig, MSVCRT__FPE_EXPLICITGEN);
+ if (sig == SIGFPE)
+ ((float_handler)handler)(sig, _FPE_EXPLICITGEN);
*ep = old_ep;
+ case SIGABRT:
+ case SIGINT:
+ case SIGTERM:
+ case SIGBREAK:
handler = sighandlers[sig];
- if (handler == MSVCRT_SIG_DFL) MSVCRT__exit(3);
- if (handler != MSVCRT_SIG_IGN)
+ if (handler == SIG_DFL) _exit(3);
+ if (handler != SIG_IGN)
- sighandlers[sig] = MSVCRT_SIG_DFL;
+ sighandlers[sig] = SIG_DFL;
return 0;
+#endif // __REACTOS__
* _XcptFilter (MSVCRT.@)
* _abnormal_termination (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL _abnormal_termination(void)
+int CDECL __intrinsic_abnormal_termination(void)
return 0;
* __uncaught_exception (MSVCRT.@)
-BOOL CDECL MSVCRT___uncaught_exception(void)
+BOOL CDECL __uncaught_exception(void)
return msvcrt_get_thread_data()->processing_throw != 0;
FIXME("(%d, %p) stub\n", code, data);
- MSVCRT__exit(3);
+ _exit(3);
#endif /* _MSVCR_VER>=70 && _MSVCR_VER<=71 */
* __crtSetUnhandledExceptionFilter (MSVCR110.@)
return SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(filter);
struct __std_exception_data {
- char *what;
- MSVCRT_bool dofree;
+ char *what;
+ char dofree;
#if _MSVCR_VER>=140
* __std_exception_copy (UCRTBASE.@)
-void CDECL MSVCRT___std_exception_copy(const struct __std_exception_data *src,
+void CDECL __std_exception_copy(const struct __std_exception_data *src,
struct __std_exception_data *dst)
TRACE("(%p %p)\n", src, dst);
if(src->dofree && src->what) {
- dst->what = MSVCRT__strdup(src->what);
+ dst->what = _strdup(src->what);
dst->dofree = 1;
} else {
dst->what = src->what;
* __std_exception_destroy (UCRTBASE.@)
-void CDECL MSVCRT___std_exception_destroy(struct __std_exception_data *data)
+void CDECL __std_exception_destroy(struct __std_exception_data *data)
TRACE("(%p)\n", data);
- MSVCRT_free(data->what);
+ free(data->what);
data->what = NULL;
data->dofree = 0;
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include "config.h"
-#include "wine/port.h"
#ifdef __arm__
+#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <fpieee.h>
#include "ntstatus.h"
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
* _setjmp (MSVCRT.@)
- "mov r1, #0\n\t" /* frame */
"b " __ASM_NAME("__wine_setjmpex"));
* longjmp (MSVCRT.@)
-void __cdecl MSVCRT_longjmp(struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int retval)
+void __cdecl MSVCRT_longjmp(_JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int retval)
* _fpieee_flt (MSVCRT.@)
-int __cdecl _fpieee_flt(ULONG exception_code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep,
+int __cdecl _fpieee_flt(__msvcrt_ulong exception_code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep,
int (__cdecl *handler)(_FPIEEE_RECORD*))
- FIXME("(%x %p %p)\n", exception_code, ep, handler);
+ FIXME("(%lx %p %p)\n", exception_code, ep, handler);
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include "config.h"
-#include "wine/port.h"
#ifdef __aarch64__
+#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <fpieee.h>
#include "ntstatus.h"
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
* _setjmp (MSVCRT.@)
- "mov x1, #0\n\t" /* frame */
"b " __ASM_NAME("__wine_setjmpex"));
* longjmp (MSVCRT.@)
-void __cdecl MSVCRT_longjmp(struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int retval)
+void __cdecl MSVCRT_longjmp(_JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int retval)
* _fpieee_flt (MSVCRT.@)
-int __cdecl _fpieee_flt(ULONG exception_code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep,
+int __cdecl _fpieee_flt(__msvcrt_ulong exception_code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep,
int (__cdecl *handler)(_FPIEEE_RECORD*))
- FIXME("(%x %p %p)\n", exception_code, ep, handler);
+ FIXME("(%lx %p %p)\n", exception_code, ep, handler);
* www.thecodeproject.com.
-#include "config.h"
-#include "wine/port.h"
#ifdef __i386__
+#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <fpieee.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
void * (*lpfnHandler)(void);
if (trylevel < 0 || trylevel >= descr->unwind_count)
ERR( "invalid trylevel %d\n", trylevel );
- MSVCRT_terminate();
+ terminate();
handler = descr->unwind_table[trylevel].handler;
if (handler)
if (rec->ExceptionCode != CXX_EXCEPTION)
TRACE( "non-c++ exception thrown in SEH handler: %x\n", rec->ExceptionCode );
- MSVCRT_terminate();
+ terminate();
exc_type = (cxx_exception_type *)rec->ExceptionInformation[2];
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
+static void check_noexcept( PEXCEPTION_RECORD rec,
+ const cxx_function_descr *descr, BOOL nested )
+ if (!nested && rec->ExceptionCode == CXX_EXCEPTION &&
+ descr->magic >= CXX_FRAME_MAGIC_VC8 &&
+ (descr->flags & FUNC_DESCR_NOEXCEPT))
+ {
+ ERR("noexcept function propagating exception\n");
+ terminate();
+ }
* cxx_frame_handler
if (descr->unwind_count && !nested_frame) cxx_local_unwind( frame, descr, -1 );
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
- if (!descr->tryblock_count) return ExceptionContinueSearch;
+ if (!descr->tryblock_count)
+ {
+ check_noexcept(rec, descr, nested_frame != NULL);
+ return ExceptionContinueSearch;
+ }
if(rec->ExceptionCode == CXX_EXCEPTION &&
rec->ExceptionInformation[1] == 0 && rec->ExceptionInformation[2] == 0)
call_catch_block( rec, context, frame, descr,
nested_frame, exc_type );
+ check_noexcept(rec, descr, nested_frame != NULL);
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
* Callback meant to be used as UnwindFunc for setjmp/longjmp.
-void __stdcall __CxxLongjmpUnwind( const struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *buf )
+void __stdcall __CxxLongjmpUnwind( const _JUMP_BUFFER *buf )
cxx_exception_frame *frame = (cxx_exception_frame *)buf->Registration;
const cxx_function_descr *descr = (const cxx_function_descr *)buf->UnwindData[0];
#define MSVCRT_JMP_MAGIC 0x56433230 /* ID value for new jump structure */
-typedef void (__stdcall *MSVCRT_unwind_function)(const struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *);
+typedef void (__stdcall *MSVCRT_unwind_function)(const _JUMP_BUFFER *);
/* define an entrypoint for setjmp/setjmp3 that stores the registers in the jmp buf */
/* and then jumps to the C backend function */
* _setjmp (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL DECLSPEC_HIDDEN __regs_MSVCRT__setjmp(struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *jmp)
jmp->Registration = (unsigned long)NtCurrentTeb()->Tib.ExceptionList;
if (jmp->Registration == ~0UL)
* _setjmp3 (MSVCRT.@)
-int WINAPIV DECLSPEC_HIDDEN __regs_MSVCRT__setjmp3(struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int nb_args, ...)
+int WINAPIV DECLSPEC_HIDDEN __regs_MSVCRT__setjmp3(_JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int nb_args, ...)
jmp->Cookie = MSVCRT_JMP_MAGIC;
jmp->UnwindFunc = 0;
* longjmp (MSVCRT.@)
-void CDECL MSVCRT_longjmp(struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int retval)
+void CDECL MSVCRT_longjmp(_JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int retval)
unsigned long cur_frame = 0;
* _seh_longjmp_unwind (MSVCRT.@)
-void __stdcall _seh_longjmp_unwind(struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *jmp)
+void __stdcall _seh_longjmp_unwind(_JUMP_BUFFER *jmp)
msvcrt_local_unwind2( (MSVCRT_EXCEPTION_FRAME *)jmp->Registration, jmp->TryLevel, (void *)jmp->Ebp );
* _seh_longjmp_unwind4 (MSVCRT.@)
-void __stdcall _seh_longjmp_unwind4(struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *jmp)
+void __stdcall _seh_longjmp_unwind4(_JUMP_BUFFER *jmp)
msvcrt_local_unwind4( (ULONG *)&jmp->Cookie, (MSVCRT_EXCEPTION_FRAME *)jmp->Registration,
jmp->TryLevel, (void *)jmp->Ebp );
* _fpieee_flt (MSVCRT.@)
-int __cdecl _fpieee_flt(ULONG exception_code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep,
+int __cdecl _fpieee_flt(__msvcrt_ulong exception_code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep,
int (__cdecl *handler)(_FPIEEE_RECORD*))
FLOATING_SAVE_AREA *ctx = &ep->ContextRecord->FloatSave;
int ret;
- TRACE("(%x %p %p)\n", exception_code, ep, handler);
+ TRACE("(%lx %p %p)\n", exception_code, ep, handler);
switch(exception_code) {
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include "config.h"
-#include "wine/port.h"
#ifdef __x86_64__
+#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <fpieee.h>
#include "ntstatus.h"
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
cxx_frame_info frame_info;
BOOL rethrow;
} cxx_catch_ctx;
typedef struct
if (trylevel<0 || trylevel>=descr->unwind_count)
ERR("invalid trylevel %d\n", trylevel);
- MSVCRT_terminate();
+ terminate();
handler = rva_to_ptr(unwind_table[trylevel].handler, dispatch->ImageBase);
if (handler)
static LONG CALLBACK cxx_rethrow_filter(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS eptrs, void *c)
EXCEPTION_RECORD *rec = eptrs->ExceptionRecord;
- thread_data_t *data = msvcrt_get_thread_data();
cxx_catch_ctx *ctx = c;
if (rec->ExceptionCode != CXX_EXCEPTION)
if (!rec->ExceptionInformation[1] && !rec->ExceptionInformation[2])
- if (rec->ExceptionInformation[1] == data->exc_record->ExceptionInformation[1])
+ if (rec->ExceptionInformation[1] == ctx->prev_rec->ExceptionInformation[1])
ctx->rethrow = TRUE;
TRACE("calling handler %p\n", handler);
ctx.rethrow = FALSE;
+ ctx.prev_rec = prev_rec;
__CxxRegisterExceptionObject(&ep, &ctx.frame_info);
if (rec->ExceptionCode != CXX_EXCEPTION)
TRACE("non-c++ exception thrown in SEH handler: %x\n", rec->ExceptionCode);
- MSVCRT_terminate();
+ terminate();
exc_type = (cxx_exception_type *)rec->ExceptionInformation[2];
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
+static void check_noexcept( PEXCEPTION_RECORD rec,
+ const cxx_function_descr *descr, BOOL nested )
+ if (!nested && rec->ExceptionCode == CXX_EXCEPTION &&
+ descr->magic >= CXX_FRAME_MAGIC_VC8 &&
+ (descr->flags & FUNC_DESCR_NOEXCEPT))
+ {
+ ERR("noexcept function propagating exception\n");
+ terminate();
+ }
static DWORD cxx_frame_handler(EXCEPTION_RECORD *rec, ULONG64 frame,
const cxx_function_descr *descr)
cxx_local_unwind(orig_frame, dispatch, descr, unwindlevel);
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
- if (!descr->tryblock_count) return ExceptionContinueSearch;
+ if (!descr->tryblock_count)
+ {
+ check_noexcept(rec, descr, orig_frame != frame);
+ return ExceptionContinueSearch;
+ }
if (rec->ExceptionCode == CXX_EXCEPTION)
+ if (!rec->ExceptionInformation[1] && !rec->ExceptionInformation[2])
+ {
+ TRACE("rethrow detected.\n");
+ *rec = *msvcrt_get_thread_data()->exc_record;
+ }
exc_type = (cxx_exception_type *)rec->ExceptionInformation[2];
if (TRACE_ON(seh))
find_catch_block(rec, context, NULL, frame, dispatch, descr, exc_type, orig_frame);
+ check_noexcept(rec, descr, orig_frame != frame);
return ExceptionContinueSearch;
* longjmp (MSVCRT.@)
-void __cdecl MSVCRT_longjmp( struct MSVCRT___JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int retval )
+void __cdecl MSVCRT_longjmp( _JUMP_BUFFER *jmp, int retval )
* _fpieee_flt (MSVCRT.@)
-int __cdecl _fpieee_flt(ULONG exception_code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep,
+int __cdecl _fpieee_flt(__msvcrt_ulong exception_code, EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep,
int (__cdecl *handler)(_FPIEEE_RECORD*))
- FIXME("(%x %p %p) opcode: %s\n", exception_code, ep, handler,
+ FIXME("(%lx %p %p) opcode: %s\n", exception_code, ep, handler,
#define msvcrt_set_errno _dosmaperr
/* MT */
-#define LOCK_HEAP _mlock( _HEAP_LOCK )
-#define UNLOCK_HEAP _munlock( _HEAP_LOCK )
+#define LOCK_HEAP _lock( _HEAP_LOCK )
+#define UNLOCK_HEAP _unlock( _HEAP_LOCK )
/* _aligned */
#define SAVED_PTR(x) ((void *)((DWORD_PTR)((char *)x - sizeof(void *)) & \
static HANDLE heap, sb_heap;
-typedef int (CDECL *MSVCRT_new_handler_func)(MSVCRT_size_t size);
+typedef int (CDECL *MSVCRT_new_handler_func)(size_t size);
static MSVCRT_new_handler_func MSVCRT_new_handler;
static int MSVCRT_new_mode;
/* FIXME - According to documentation it should be 8*1024, at runtime it returns 16 */
static unsigned int MSVCRT_amblksiz = 16;
/* FIXME - According to documentation it should be 480 bytes, at runtime default is 0 */
-static MSVCRT_size_t MSVCRT_sbh_threshold = 0;
+static size_t MSVCRT_sbh_threshold = 0;
-static void* msvcrt_heap_alloc(DWORD flags, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+static void* msvcrt_heap_alloc(DWORD flags, size_t size)
if(size < MSVCRT_sbh_threshold)
return HeapAlloc(heap, flags, size);
-static void* msvcrt_heap_realloc(DWORD flags, void *ptr, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+static void* msvcrt_heap_realloc(DWORD flags, void *ptr, size_t size)
if(sb_heap && ptr && !HeapValidate(heap, 0, ptr))
/* TODO: move data to normal heap if it exceeds sbh_threshold limit */
void *memblock, *temp, **saved;
- MSVCRT_size_t old_padding, new_padding, old_size;
+ size_t old_padding, new_padding, old_size;
saved = SAVED_PTR(ptr);
old_padding = (char*)ptr - (char*)*saved;
return HeapFree(heap, 0, ptr);
-static MSVCRT_size_t msvcrt_heap_size(void *ptr)
+static size_t msvcrt_heap_size(void *ptr)
if(sb_heap && ptr && !HeapValidate(heap, 0, ptr))
return HeapSize(heap, 0, ptr);
+ * _callnewh (MSVCRT.@)
+ */
+int CDECL _callnewh(size_t size)
+ int ret = 0;
+ MSVCRT_new_handler_func handler = MSVCRT_new_handler;
+ if(handler)
+ ret = (*handler)(size) ? 1 : 0;
+ return ret;
-void* CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH MSVCRT_operator_new(MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH operator_new(size_t size)
void *retval;
- int freed;
- MSVCRT_new_handler_func handler;
retval = msvcrt_heap_alloc(0, size);
- TRACE("(%ld) returning %p\n", size, retval);
+ TRACE("(%Iu) returning %p\n", size, retval);
return retval;
+ } while(_callnewh(size));
- handler = MSVCRT_new_handler;
- if(handler)
- freed = (*handler)(size);
- else
- freed = 0;
- } while(freed);
- TRACE("(%ld) out of memory\n", size);
+ TRACE("(%Iu) out of memory\n", size);
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
- throw_exception(EXCEPTION_BAD_ALLOC, 0, "bad allocation");
+ throw_bad_alloc();
return NULL;
-void* CDECL MSVCRT_operator_new_dbg(MSVCRT_size_t size, int type, const char *file, int line)
+void* CDECL operator_new_dbg(size_t size, int type, const char *file, int line)
- return MSVCRT_operator_new( size );
+ return operator_new( size );
-void CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH MSVCRT_operator_delete(void *mem)
+void CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH operator_delete(void *mem)
TRACE("(%p)\n", mem);
* ?_query_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZXZ (MSVCRT.@)
-MSVCRT_new_handler_func CDECL MSVCRT__query_new_handler(void)
+MSVCRT_new_handler_func CDECL _query_new_handler(void)
return MSVCRT_new_handler;
* ?_query_new_mode@@YAHXZ (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL MSVCRT__query_new_mode(void)
+int CDECL _query_new_mode(void)
return MSVCRT_new_mode;
* ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-MSVCRT_new_handler_func CDECL MSVCRT__set_new_handler(MSVCRT_new_handler_func func)
+MSVCRT_new_handler_func CDECL _set_new_handler(MSVCRT_new_handler_func func)
MSVCRT_new_handler_func old_handler;
* ?set_new_handler@@YAP6AXXZP6AXXZ@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-MSVCRT_new_handler_func CDECL MSVCRT_set_new_handler(void *func)
+MSVCRT_new_handler_func CDECL set_new_handler(void *func)
- MSVCRT__set_new_handler(NULL);
+ _set_new_handler(NULL);
return NULL;
* ?_set_new_mode@@YAHH@Z (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL MSVCRT__set_new_mode(int mode)
+int CDECL _set_new_mode(int mode)
- int old_mode;
- old_mode = MSVCRT_new_mode;
- MSVCRT_new_mode = mode;
- return old_mode;
- * _callnewh (MSVCRT.@)
- */
-int CDECL _callnewh(MSVCRT_size_t size)
- int ret = 0;
- MSVCRT_new_handler_func handler = MSVCRT_new_handler;
- if(handler)
- ret = (*handler)(size) ? 1 : 0;
- return ret;
+ if(!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(mode == 0 || mode == 1)) return -1;
+ return InterlockedExchange((long*)&MSVCRT_new_mode, mode);
* _expand (MSVCRT.@)
-void* CDECL _expand(void* mem, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL _expand(void* mem, size_t size)
return msvcrt_heap_realloc(HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY, mem, size);
(sb_heap && !HeapValidate(sb_heap, 0, NULL)))
+ return _HEAPBADNODE;
- return MSVCRT__HEAPOK;
+ return _HEAPOK;
* _heapwalk (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL _heapwalk(struct MSVCRT__heapinfo* next)
+int CDECL _heapwalk(_HEAPINFO *next)
phe.lpData = next->_pentry;
phe.cbData = (DWORD)next->_size;
- phe.wFlags = next->_useflag == MSVCRT__USEDENTRY ? PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY : 0;
+ phe.wFlags = next->_useflag == _USEDENTRY ? PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY : 0;
if (phe.lpData && phe.wFlags & PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY &&
!HeapValidate( heap, 0, phe.lpData ))
+ return _HEAPBADNODE;
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS)
+ return _HEAPEND;
if (!phe.lpData)
+ return _HEAPBADNODE;
next->_pentry = phe.lpData;
next->_size = phe.cbData;
- return MSVCRT__HEAPOK;
+ next->_useflag = phe.wFlags & PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY ? _USEDENTRY : _FREEENTRY;
+ return _HEAPOK;
int CDECL _heapset(unsigned int value)
int retval;
- struct MSVCRT__heapinfo heap;
+ _HEAPINFO heap;
memset( &heap, 0, sizeof(heap) );
- while ((retval = _heapwalk(&heap)) == MSVCRT__HEAPOK)
+ while ((retval = _heapwalk(&heap)) == _HEAPOK)
- if (heap._useflag == MSVCRT__FREEENTRY)
+ if (heap._useflag == _FREEENTRY)
memset(heap._pentry, value, heap._size);
- return retval == MSVCRT__HEAPEND? MSVCRT__HEAPOK : retval;
+ return retval == _HEAPEND ? _HEAPOK : retval;
* _heapadd (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL _heapadd(void* mem, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+int CDECL _heapadd(void* mem, size_t size)
- TRACE("(%p,%ld) unsupported in Win32\n", mem,size);
+ TRACE("(%p,%Iu) unsupported in Win32\n", mem,size);
+ *_errno() = ENOSYS;
return -1;
* _get_heap_handle (MSVCRT.@)
-MSVCRT_intptr_t CDECL _get_heap_handle(void)
+intptr_t CDECL _get_heap_handle(void)
- return (MSVCRT_intptr_t)heap;
+ return (intptr_t)heap;
* _msize (MSVCRT.@)
-MSVCRT_size_t CDECL _msize(void* mem)
+size_t CDECL _msize(void* mem)
- MSVCRT_size_t size = msvcrt_heap_size(mem);
- if (size == ~(MSVCRT_size_t)0)
+ size_t size = msvcrt_heap_size(mem);
+ if (size == ~(size_t)0)
WARN(":Probably called with non wine-allocated memory, ret = -1\n");
/* At least the Win32 crtdll/msvcrt also return -1 in this case */
* _aligned_msize (MSVCR80.@)
-size_t CDECL _aligned_msize(void *p, MSVCRT_size_t alignment, MSVCRT_size_t offset)
+size_t CDECL _aligned_msize(void *p, size_t alignment, size_t offset)
void **alloc_ptr;
* calloc (MSVCRT.@)
-void* CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH MSVCRT_calloc(MSVCRT_size_t count, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH calloc(size_t count, size_t size)
- MSVCRT_size_t bytes = count*size;
+ size_t bytes = count*size;
if (size && bytes / size != count)
+ *_errno() = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
* _calloc_base (UCRTBASE.@)
-void* CDECL _calloc_base(MSVCRT_size_t count, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL _calloc_base(size_t count, size_t size)
- return MSVCRT_calloc(count, size);
+ return calloc(count, size);
* free (MSVCRT.@)
+void CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH free(void* ptr)
* malloc (MSVCRT.@)
-void* CDECL MSVCRT_malloc(MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL malloc(size_t size)
- void *ret = msvcrt_heap_alloc(0, size);
- if (!ret)
- return ret;
+ void *ret;
+ do
+ {
+ ret = msvcrt_heap_alloc(0, size);
+ if (ret || !MSVCRT_new_mode)
+ break;
+ } while(_callnewh(size));
+ if (!ret)
+ *_errno() = ENOMEM;
+ return ret;
#if _MSVCR_VER>=140
* _malloc_base (UCRTBASE.@)
-void* CDECL _malloc_base(MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL _malloc_base(size_t size)
- return MSVCRT_malloc(size);
+ return malloc(size);
* realloc (MSVCRT.@)
-void* CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH MSVCRT_realloc(void* ptr, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH realloc(void* ptr, size_t size)
- if (!ptr) return MSVCRT_malloc(size);
+ if (!ptr) return malloc(size);
if (size) return msvcrt_heap_realloc(0, ptr, size);
- MSVCRT_free(ptr);
+ free(ptr);
return NULL;
* _realloc_base (UCRTBASE.@)
-void* CDECL _realloc_base(void* ptr, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL _realloc_base(void* ptr, size_t size)
- return MSVCRT_realloc(ptr, size);
+ return realloc(ptr, size);
* _recalloc (MSVCR80.@)
-void* CDECL _recalloc(void *mem, MSVCRT_size_t num, MSVCRT_size_t size)
+void* CDECL _recalloc(void *mem, size_t num, size_t size)
- MSVCRT_size_t old_size;
+ size_t old_size;
void *ret;
- return MSVCRT_calloc(num, size);
+ return calloc(num, size);
size = num*size;
old_size = _msize(mem);
- ret = MSVCRT_realloc(mem, size);
+ ret = realloc(mem, size);
if(!ret) {
+ *_errno() = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
* _get_sbh_threshold (MSVCRT.@)
-MSVCRT_size_t CDECL _get_sbh_threshold(void)
+size_t CDECL _get_sbh_threshold(void)
return MSVCRT_sbh_threshold;
* _set_sbh_threshold (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL _set_sbh_threshold(MSVCRT_size_t threshold)
+int CDECL _set_sbh_threshold(size_t threshold)
#ifdef _WIN64
return 0;
if (memblock)
void **saved = SAVED_PTR(memblock);
- MSVCRT_free(*saved);
+ free(*saved);
* _aligned_offset_malloc (MSVCRT.@)
-void * CDECL _aligned_offset_malloc(MSVCRT_size_t size, MSVCRT_size_t alignment, MSVCRT_size_t offset)
+void * CDECL _aligned_offset_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment, size_t offset)
void *memblock, *temp, **saved;
- TRACE("(%lu, %lu, %lu)\n", size, alignment, offset);
+ TRACE("(%Iu, %Iu, %Iu)\n", size, alignment, offset);
/* alignment must be a power of 2 */
if ((alignment & (alignment - 1)) != 0)
+ *_errno() = EINVAL;
return NULL;
/* offset must be less than size */
if (offset && offset >= size)
+ *_errno() = EINVAL;
return NULL;
alignment = sizeof(void *);
/* allocate enough space for void pointer and alignment */
- temp = MSVCRT_malloc(size + alignment + sizeof(void *));
+ temp = malloc(size + alignment + sizeof(void *));
if (!temp)
return NULL;
* _aligned_malloc (MSVCRT.@)
-void * CDECL _aligned_malloc(MSVCRT_size_t size, MSVCRT_size_t alignment)
+void * CDECL _aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment)
- TRACE("(%lu, %lu)\n", size, alignment);
+ TRACE("(%Iu, %Iu)\n", size, alignment);
return _aligned_offset_malloc(size, alignment, 0);
* _aligned_offset_realloc (MSVCRT.@)
-void * CDECL _aligned_offset_realloc(void *memblock, MSVCRT_size_t size,
- MSVCRT_size_t alignment, MSVCRT_size_t offset)
+void * CDECL _aligned_offset_realloc(void *memblock, size_t size,
+ size_t alignment, size_t offset)
void * temp, **saved;
- MSVCRT_size_t old_padding, new_padding, old_size;
- TRACE("(%p, %lu, %lu, %lu)\n", memblock, size, alignment, offset);
+ size_t old_padding, new_padding, old_size;
+ TRACE("(%p, %Iu, %Iu, %Iu)\n", memblock, size, alignment, offset);
if (!memblock)
return _aligned_offset_malloc(size, alignment, offset);
/* alignment must be a power of 2 */
if ((alignment & (alignment - 1)) != 0)
+ *_errno() = EINVAL;
return NULL;
/* offset must be less than size */
if (offset >= size)
+ *_errno() = EINVAL;
return NULL;
saved = SAVED_PTR(memblock);
if (memblock != ALIGN_PTR(*saved, alignment, offset))
+ *_errno() = EINVAL;
return NULL;
old_size -= old_padding;
- temp = MSVCRT_realloc(*saved, size + alignment + sizeof(void *));
+ temp = realloc(*saved, size + alignment + sizeof(void *));
if (!temp)
return NULL;
temp saved memblock
However, in the new block, actual data is still written as follows
- (because it was copied by MSVCRT_realloc):
+ (because it was copied by realloc):
| ... | "old_padding" bytes | ... "old_size" bytes ... | ... |
* _aligned_realloc (MSVCRT.@)
-void * CDECL _aligned_realloc(void *memblock, MSVCRT_size_t size, MSVCRT_size_t alignment)
+void * CDECL _aligned_realloc(void *memblock, size_t size, size_t alignment)
- TRACE("(%p, %lu, %lu)\n", memblock, size, alignment);
+ TRACE("(%p, %Iu, %Iu)\n", memblock, size, alignment);
return _aligned_offset_realloc(memblock, size, alignment, 0);
* memmove_s (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL MSVCRT_memmove_s(void *dest, MSVCRT_size_t numberOfElements, const void *src, MSVCRT_size_t count)
+int CDECL memmove_s(void *dest, size_t numberOfElements, const void *src, size_t count)
- TRACE("(%p %lu %p %lu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
+ TRACE("(%p %Iu %p %Iu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
return 0;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return MSVCRT_EINVAL;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR( count <= numberOfElements, MSVCRT_ERANGE )) return MSVCRT_ERANGE;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(src != NULL)) return EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR( count <= numberOfElements, ERANGE )) return ERANGE;
memmove(dest, src, count);
return 0;
* wmemmove_s (MSVCR100.@)
-int CDECL wmemmove_s(MSVCRT_wchar_t *dest, MSVCRT_size_t numberOfElements,
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *src, MSVCRT_size_t count)
+int CDECL wmemmove_s(wchar_t *dest, size_t numberOfElements,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t count)
- TRACE("(%p %lu %p %lu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
+ TRACE("(%p %Iu %p %Iu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
if (!count)
return 0;
* http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1225.pdf
* in that it does not zero the output buffer on constraint violation.
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return MSVCRT_EINVAL;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR(count <= numberOfElements, MSVCRT_ERANGE)) return MSVCRT_ERANGE;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(src != NULL)) return EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR(count <= numberOfElements, ERANGE)) return ERANGE;
- memmove(dest, src, sizeof(MSVCRT_wchar_t)*count);
+ memmove(dest, src, sizeof(wchar_t)*count);
return 0;
* memcpy_s (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL MSVCRT_memcpy_s(void *dest, MSVCRT_size_t numberOfElements, const void *src, MSVCRT_size_t count)
+int CDECL memcpy_s(void *dest, size_t numberOfElements, const void *src, size_t count)
- TRACE("(%p %lu %p %lu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
+ TRACE("(%p %Iu %p %Iu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
return 0;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return MSVCRT_EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return EINVAL;
memset(dest, 0, numberOfElements);
+ return EINVAL;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR( count <= numberOfElements, MSVCRT_ERANGE ))
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR( count <= numberOfElements, ERANGE ))
memset(dest, 0, numberOfElements);
+ return ERANGE;
memmove(dest, src, count);
* wmemcpy_s (MSVCR100.@)
-int CDECL wmemcpy_s(MSVCRT_wchar_t *dest, MSVCRT_size_t numberOfElements,
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *src, MSVCRT_size_t count)
+int CDECL wmemcpy_s(wchar_t *dest, size_t numberOfElements,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t count)
- TRACE("(%p %lu %p %lu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
+ TRACE("(%p %Iu %p %Iu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
if (!count)
return 0;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return MSVCRT_EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return EINVAL;
if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(src != NULL)) {
- memset(dest, 0, numberOfElements*sizeof(MSVCRT_wchar_t));
+ memset(dest, 0, numberOfElements*sizeof(wchar_t));
+ return EINVAL;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR(count <= numberOfElements, MSVCRT_ERANGE)) {
- memset(dest, 0, numberOfElements*sizeof(MSVCRT_wchar_t));
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR(count <= numberOfElements, ERANGE)) {
+ memset(dest, 0, numberOfElements*sizeof(wchar_t));
+ return ERANGE;
- memmove(dest, src, sizeof(MSVCRT_wchar_t)*count);
+ memmove(dest, src, sizeof(wchar_t)*count);
return 0;
* strncpy_s (MSVCRT.@)
-int CDECL MSVCRT_strncpy_s(char *dest, MSVCRT_size_t numberOfElements,
- const char *src, MSVCRT_size_t count)
+int CDECL strncpy_s(char *dest, size_t numberOfElements,
+ const char *src, size_t count)
- MSVCRT_size_t i, end;
+ size_t i, end;
- TRACE("(%s %lu %s %lu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, src, count);
+ TRACE("(%p %Iu %s %Iu)\n", dest, numberOfElements, debugstr_a(src), count);
if(!count) {
if(dest && numberOfElements)
return 0;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return MSVCRT_EINVAL;
- if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(numberOfElements != 0)) return MSVCRT_EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(dest != NULL)) return EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(src != NULL)) return EINVAL;
+ if (!MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT(numberOfElements != 0)) return EINVAL;
- if(count!=MSVCRT__TRUNCATE && count<numberOfElements)
+ if(count!=_TRUNCATE && count<numberOfElements)
end = count;
end = numberOfElements-1;
for(i=0; i<end && src[i]; i++)
dest[i] = src[i];
- if(!src[i] || end==count || count==MSVCRT__TRUNCATE) {
+ if(!src[i] || end==count || count==_TRUNCATE) {
dest[i] = '\0';
return 0;
- MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT("dest[numberOfElements] is too small", MSVCRT_EINVAL);
+ MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT("dest[numberOfElements] is too small", EINVAL);
dest[0] = '\0';
+ return EINVAL;
BOOL msvcrt_init_heap(void)
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- *
- * Naming conventions
- * - Symbols are prefixed with MSVCRT_ if they conflict
- * with libc symbols
- * - Internal symbols are usually prefixed by msvcrt_.
- * - Exported symbols that are not present in the public
- * headers are usually kept the same as the original.
- * Other conventions
- * - To avoid conflicts with the standard C library,
- * no msvcrt headers are included in the implementation.
- * - Instead, symbols are duplicated here, prefixed with
- * MSVCRT_, as explained above.
- * - To avoid inconsistencies, a test for each symbol is
- * added into tests/headers.c. Please always add a
- * corresponding test when you add a new symbol!
#ifndef __WINE_MSVCRT_H
#define __WINE_MSVCRT_H
+#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <wchar.h>
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
+#undef strncpy
+#undef wcsncpy
-#define MSVCRT_INT_MAX 0x7fffffff
-#define MSVCRT_LONG_MAX 0x7fffffff
-#define MSVCRT_ULONG_MAX 0xffffffff
-#define MSVCRT_I64_MAX (((__int64)0x7fffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)
-#define MSVCRT_I64_MIN (-MSVCRT_I64_MAX-1)
-#define MSVCRT_UI64_MAX (((unsigned __int64)0xffffffff << 32) | 0xffffffff)
-#define MSVCRT_MB_LEN_MAX 5
-#define MSVCRT_FLT_MAX_10_EXP 38
-#define MSVCRT_FLT_MIN_10_EXP (-37)
-#define MSVCRT_DBL_MAX_10_EXP 308
-#define MSVCRT_DBL_MIN_10_EXP (-307)
-#define MSVCRT_DBL_DIG 15
-#ifdef _WIN64
+#ifdef __REACTOS__
+typedef long __msvcrt_long;
+typedef unsigned long __msvcrt_ulong;
-#define MSVCRT__MAX_DRIVE 3
-#define MSVCRT__MAX_DIR 256
-#define MSVCRT__MAX_FNAME 256
-#define MSVCRT__MAX_EXT 256
+extern BOOL sse2_supported DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-typedef unsigned char MSVCRT_bool;
-typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wchar_t;
-typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wint_t;
-typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wctrans_t;
-typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wctype_t;
-typedef unsigned short MSVCRT__ino_t;
-typedef unsigned int MSVCRT__fsize_t;
-typedef int MSVCRT_long;
-typedef unsigned int MSVCRT_ulong;
-typedef __int64 MSVCRT_longlong;
-#ifdef _WIN64
-typedef unsigned __int64 MSVCRT_size_t;
-typedef __int64 MSVCRT_intptr_t;
-typedef unsigned __int64 MSVCRT_uintptr_t;
-typedef unsigned int MSVCRT_size_t;
-typedef int MSVCRT_intptr_t;
-typedef unsigned int MSVCRT_uintptr_t;
-#ifdef _CRTDLL
-typedef short MSVCRT__dev_t;
-typedef unsigned int MSVCRT__dev_t;
-typedef int MSVCRT__off_t;
-typedef int MSVCRT_clock_t;
-typedef int MSVCRT___time32_t;
-typedef __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) MSVCRT___time64_t;
-typedef __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) MSVCRT_fpos_t;
-typedef int MSVCRT_mbstate_t;
+#define DBL80_MAX_10_EXP 4932
+#define DBL80_MIN_10_EXP -4951
+typedef void (__cdecl *terminate_function)(void);
+typedef void (__cdecl *unexpected_function)(void);
+typedef void (__cdecl *_se_translator_function)(unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *info);
+void __cdecl terminate(void);
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_terminate_handler)(void);
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_terminate_function)(void);
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_unexpected_handler)(void);
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_unexpected_function)(void);
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT__se_translator_function)(unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *info);
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT__beginthread_start_routine_t)(void *);
-typedef unsigned int (__stdcall *MSVCRT__beginthreadex_start_routine_t)(void *);
-typedef int (__cdecl *MSVCRT__onexit_t)(void);
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_invalid_parameter_handler)(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, unsigned, MSVCRT_uintptr_t);
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_purecall_handler)(void);
typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT_security_error_handler)(int, void *);
typedef struct {ULONG x80[3];} MSVCRT__LDOUBLE; /* Intel 80 bit FP format has sizeof() 12 */
-struct MSVCRT_tm {
- int tm_sec;
- int tm_min;
- int tm_hour;
- int tm_mday;
- int tm_mon;
- int tm_year;
- int tm_wday;
- int tm_yday;
- int tm_isdst;
-typedef struct MSVCRT_tagLC_ID {
- unsigned short wLanguage;
- unsigned short wCountry;
- unsigned short wCodePage;
-typedef struct {
+typedef struct __lc_time_data {
union {
const char *str[43];
struct {
#if _MSVCR_VER < 110
LCID lcid;
- int unk[2];
+ int unk;
+ int refcount;
+#if _MSVCR_VER == 0 || _MSVCR_VER >= 100
union {
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *wstr[43];
+ const wchar_t *wstr[43];
struct {
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *short_wday[7];
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *wday[7];
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *short_mon[12];
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *mon[12];
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *am;
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *pm;
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *short_date;
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *date;
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *time;
+ const wchar_t *short_wday[7];
+ const wchar_t *wday[7];
+ const wchar_t *short_mon[12];
+ const wchar_t *mon[12];
+ const wchar_t *am;
+ const wchar_t *pm;
+ const wchar_t *short_date;
+ const wchar_t *date;
+ const wchar_t *time;
} names;
} wstr;
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 110
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *locname;
- char data[1];
-} MSVCRT___lc_time_data;
-typedef struct MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostruct {
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 140
- unsigned short *pctype;
- int mb_cur_max;
- unsigned int lc_codepage;
- int refcount;
-#if _MSVCR_VER < 140
- unsigned int lc_codepage;
- unsigned int lc_collate_cp;
- MSVCRT_ulong lc_handle[6];
- MSVCRT_LC_ID lc_id[6];
- struct {
- char *locale;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t *wlocale;
- int *refcount;
- int *wrefcount;
- } lc_category[6];
- int lc_clike;
-#if _MSVCR_VER < 140
- int mb_cur_max;
- int *lconv_intl_refcount;
- int *lconv_num_refcount;
- int *lconv_mon_refcount;
- struct MSVCRT_lconv *lconv;
- int *ctype1_refcount;
- unsigned short *ctype1;
-#if _MSVCR_VER < 140
- unsigned short *pctype;
- unsigned char *pclmap;
- unsigned char *pcumap;
- MSVCRT___lc_time_data *lc_time_curr;
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 110
- MSVCRT_wchar_t *lc_name[6];
+ const wchar_t *locname;
-} MSVCRT_threadlocinfo;
+ char data[1];
+} __lc_time_data;
-typedef struct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostruct {
+typedef struct threadmbcinfostruct {
int refcount;
int mbcodepage;
int ismbcodepage;
unsigned short mbulinfo[6];
unsigned char mbctype[257];
unsigned char mbcasemap[256];
-} MSVCRT_threadmbcinfo;
-typedef struct MSVCRT_threadlocaleinfostruct *MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo;
-typedef struct MSVCRT_threadmbcinfostruct *MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo;
-typedef struct MSVCRT_localeinfo_struct
- MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo locinfo;
- MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo mbcinfo;
-} MSVCRT__locale_tstruct, *MSVCRT__locale_t;
-typedef struct MSVCRT__onexit_table_t
- MSVCRT__onexit_t *_first;
- MSVCRT__onexit_t *_last;
- MSVCRT__onexit_t *_end;
-} MSVCRT__onexit_table_t;
+} threadmbcinfo;
typedef struct _frame_info
/* TLS data */
extern DWORD msvcrt_tls_index DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+#define LOCALE_FREE 0x1
+#define LOCALE_THREAD 0x2
/* Keep in sync with msvcr90/tests/msvcr90.c */
struct __thread_data {
DWORD tid;
HANDLE handle;
int thread_errno;
- MSVCRT_ulong thread_doserrno;
+ __msvcrt_ulong thread_doserrno;
int unk1;
unsigned int random_seed; /* seed for rand() */
char *strtok_next; /* next ptr for strtok() */
- MSVCRT_wchar_t *wcstok_next; /* next ptr for wcstok() */
+ wchar_t *wcstok_next; /* next ptr for wcstok() */
unsigned char *mbstok_next; /* next ptr for mbstok() */
char *strerror_buffer; /* buffer for strerror */
- MSVCRT_wchar_t *wcserror_buffer; /* buffer for wcserror */
+ wchar_t *wcserror_buffer; /* buffer for wcserror */
char *tmpnam_buffer; /* buffer for tmpname() */
- MSVCRT_wchar_t *wtmpnam_buffer; /* buffer for wtmpname() */
+ wchar_t *wtmpnam_buffer; /* buffer for wtmpname() */
void *unk2[2];
char *asctime_buffer; /* buffer for asctime */
- MSVCRT_wchar_t *wasctime_buffer; /* buffer for wasctime */
- struct MSVCRT_tm *time_buffer; /* buffer for localtime/gmtime */
+ wchar_t *wasctime_buffer; /* buffer for wasctime */
+ struct tm *time_buffer; /* buffer for localtime/gmtime */
char *efcvt_buffer; /* buffer for ecvt/fcvt */
int unk3[2];
void *unk4[3];
int fpecode;
- MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo mbcinfo;
- MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo locinfo;
- BOOL have_locale;
+ pthreadmbcinfo mbcinfo;
+ pthreadlocinfo locinfo;
+ int locale_flags;
int unk5[1];
- MSVCRT_terminate_function terminate_handler;
- MSVCRT_unexpected_function unexpected_handler;
- MSVCRT__se_translator_function se_translator;
- void *unk6[3];
- int unk7;
+ terminate_function terminate_handler;
+ unexpected_function unexpected_handler;
+ _se_translator_function se_translator; /* preserve offset to exc_record and processing_throw */
+ void *unk6;
CONTEXT *ctx_record;
int processing_throw;
char cached_locale[131];
void *unk10[100];
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 140
- MSVCRT_invalid_parameter_handler invalid_parameter_handler;
+ _invalid_parameter_handler invalid_parameter_handler;
+ HMODULE module;
typedef struct __thread_data thread_data_t;
-extern thread_data_t *msvcrt_get_thread_data(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+extern thread_data_t *CDECL msvcrt_get_thread_data(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-LCID MSVCRT_locale_to_LCID(const char*, unsigned short*, BOOL*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-extern MSVCRT__locale_t MSVCRT_locale DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-extern MSVCRT___lc_time_data cloc_time_data DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+LCID locale_to_LCID(const char*, unsigned short*, BOOL*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+extern _locale_t MSVCRT_locale DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+extern __lc_time_data cloc_time_data DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern unsigned int MSVCRT___lc_codepage;
extern int MSVCRT___lc_collate_cp;
extern WORD MSVCRT__ctype [257];
extern BOOL initial_locale DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+extern WORD *MSVCRT__pwctype;
void msvcrt_set_errno(int) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 80
-typedef enum {
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
-} exception_type;
-void throw_exception(exception_type, HRESULT, const char*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+void throw_bad_alloc(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
void __cdecl _purecall(void);
void __cdecl _amsg_exit(int errnum);
extern char **MSVCRT__environ;
-extern MSVCRT_wchar_t **MSVCRT__wenviron;
+extern wchar_t **MSVCRT__wenviron;
extern char ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentA(char **) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-extern MSVCRT_wchar_t ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentW(MSVCRT_wchar_t **) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+extern wchar_t ** msvcrt_SnapshotOfEnvironmentW(wchar_t **) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-MSVCRT_wchar_t *msvcrt_wstrdupa(const char *) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+wchar_t *msvcrt_wstrdupa(const char *) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern unsigned int MSVCRT__commode;
/* FIXME: This should be declared in new.h but it's not an extern "C" so
* it would not be much use anyway. Even for Winelib applications.
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__set_new_mode(int mode);
-void* __cdecl MSVCRT_operator_new(MSVCRT_size_t);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT_operator_delete(void*);
+void* __cdecl operator_new(size_t);
+void __cdecl operator_delete(void*);
+int __cdecl _set_new_mode(int mode);
-typedef void* (__cdecl *malloc_func_t)(MSVCRT_size_t);
+typedef void* (__cdecl *malloc_func_t)(size_t);
typedef void (__cdecl *free_func_t)(void*);
/* Setup and teardown multi threaded locks */
extern void msvcrt_init_exception(void*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern BOOL msvcrt_init_locale(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-extern void msvcrt_init_math(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+extern void msvcrt_init_math(void*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void msvcrt_init_io(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void msvcrt_free_io(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-extern void msvcrt_init_console(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void msvcrt_free_console(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void msvcrt_init_args(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void msvcrt_free_args(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void msvcrt_init_clock(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
-extern void msvcrt_init_scheduler(void*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-extern void msvcrt_free_scheduler(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+extern void msvcrt_init_concurrency(void*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+extern void msvcrt_free_concurrency(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern void msvcrt_free_scheduler_thread(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-extern unsigned msvcrt_create_io_inherit_block(WORD*, BYTE**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-extern unsigned int __cdecl _control87(unsigned int, unsigned int);
+extern BOOL msvcrt_create_io_inherit_block(WORD*, BYTE**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* run-time error codes */
#define _RT_STACK 0
#define _RT_CRNL 252
#define _RT_BANNER 255
-struct MSVCRT___timeb32 {
- MSVCRT___time32_t time;
- unsigned short millitm;
- short timezone;
- short dstflag;
-struct MSVCRT___timeb64 {
- MSVCRT___time64_t time;
- unsigned short millitm;
- short timezone;
- short dstflag;
-struct MSVCRT__iobuf {
- char* _ptr;
- int _cnt;
- char* _base;
- int _flag;
- int _file;
- int _charbuf;
- int _bufsiz;
- char* _tmpfname;
-typedef struct MSVCRT__iobuf MSVCRT_FILE;
-struct MSVCRT_lconv {
- char* decimal_point;
- char* thousands_sep;
- char* grouping;
- char* int_curr_symbol;
- char* currency_symbol;
- char* mon_decimal_point;
- char* mon_thousands_sep;
- char* mon_grouping;
- char* positive_sign;
- char* negative_sign;
- char int_frac_digits;
- char frac_digits;
- char p_cs_precedes;
- char p_sep_by_space;
- char n_cs_precedes;
- char n_sep_by_space;
- char p_sign_posn;
- char n_sign_posn;
-#if _MSVCR_VER >= 100
- MSVCRT_wchar_t* _W_decimal_point;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t* _W_thousands_sep;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t* _W_int_curr_symbol;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t* _W_currency_symbol;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t* _W_mon_decimal_point;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t* _W_mon_thousands_sep;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t* _W_positive_sign;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t* _W_negative_sign;
-struct MSVCRT__exception {
- int type;
- char* name;
- double arg1;
- double arg2;
- double retval;
-struct MSVCRT__complex {
- double x; /* Real part */
- double y; /* Imaginary part */
-typedef struct MSVCRT__complex _Dcomplex;
-typedef struct MSVCRT__div_t {
- int quot; /* quotient */
- int rem; /* remainder */
-} MSVCRT_div_t;
-typedef struct MSVCRT__ldiv_t {
- MSVCRT_long quot; /* quotient */
- MSVCRT_long rem; /* remainder */
-} MSVCRT_ldiv_t;
-typedef struct MSVCRT__lldiv_t {
- MSVCRT_longlong quot; /* quotient */
- MSVCRT_longlong rem; /* remainder */
-} MSVCRT_lldiv_t;
-struct MSVCRT__heapinfo {
- int* _pentry;
- MSVCRT_size_t _size;
- int _useflag;
-#ifdef __i386__
- unsigned long Ebp;
- unsigned long Ebx;
- unsigned long Edi;
- unsigned long Esi;
- unsigned long Esp;
- unsigned long Eip;
- unsigned long Registration;
- unsigned long TryLevel;
- /* Start of new struct members */
- unsigned long Cookie;
- unsigned long UnwindFunc;
- unsigned long UnwindData[6];
-#elif defined(__x86_64__)
- unsigned __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(16) Part[2];
- unsigned __int64 Frame;
- unsigned __int64 Rbx;
- unsigned __int64 Rsp;
- unsigned __int64 Rbp;
- unsigned __int64 Rsi;
- unsigned __int64 Rdi;
- unsigned __int64 R12;
- unsigned __int64 R13;
- unsigned __int64 R14;
- unsigned __int64 R15;
- unsigned __int64 Rip;
- unsigned __int64 Spare;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm6;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm7;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm8;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm9;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm10;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm11;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm12;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm13;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm14;
- struct MSVCRT__SETJMP_FLOAT128 Xmm15;
-#elif defined(__arm__)
- unsigned long Frame;
- unsigned long R4;
- unsigned long R5;
- unsigned long R6;
- unsigned long R7;
- unsigned long R8;
- unsigned long R9;
- unsigned long R10;
- unsigned long R11;
- unsigned long Sp;
- unsigned long Pc;
- unsigned long Fpscr;
- unsigned long long D[8];
-#elif defined(__aarch64__)
- unsigned __int64 Frame;
- unsigned __int64 Reserved;
- unsigned __int64 X19;
- unsigned __int64 X20;
- unsigned __int64 X21;
- unsigned __int64 X22;
- unsigned __int64 X23;
- unsigned __int64 X24;
- unsigned __int64 X25;
- unsigned __int64 X26;
- unsigned __int64 X27;
- unsigned __int64 X28;
- unsigned __int64 Fp;
- unsigned __int64 Lr;
- unsigned __int64 Sp;
- unsigned long Fpcr;
- unsigned long Fpsr;
- double D[8];
-#endif /* __i386__ */
-struct MSVCRT__diskfree_t {
- unsigned int total_clusters;
- unsigned int avail_clusters;
- unsigned int sectors_per_cluster;
- unsigned int bytes_per_sector;
-struct MSVCRT__finddata32_t {
- unsigned int attrib;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_create;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_access;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_write;
- MSVCRT__fsize_t size;
- char name[260];
-struct MSVCRT__finddata32i64_t {
- unsigned int attrib;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_create;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_access;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_write;
- __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) size;
- char name[260];
-struct MSVCRT__finddata64i32_t {
- unsigned int attrib;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_create;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_access;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_write;
- MSVCRT__fsize_t size;
- char name[260];
-struct MSVCRT__finddata64_t {
- unsigned int attrib;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_create;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_access;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_write;
- __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) size;
- char name[260];
-struct MSVCRT__wfinddata32_t {
- unsigned int attrib;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_create;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_access;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_write;
- MSVCRT__fsize_t size;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t name[260];
-struct MSVCRT__wfinddata32i64_t {
- unsigned int attrib;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_create;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_access;
- MSVCRT___time32_t time_write;
- __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) size;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t name[260];
-struct MSVCRT__wfinddata64i32_t {
- unsigned int attrib;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_create;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_access;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_write;
- MSVCRT__fsize_t size;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t name[260];
-struct MSVCRT__wfinddata64_t {
- unsigned int attrib;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_create;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_access;
- MSVCRT___time64_t time_write;
- __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) size;
- MSVCRT_wchar_t name[260];
-struct MSVCRT___utimbuf32
- MSVCRT___time32_t actime;
- MSVCRT___time32_t modtime;
-struct MSVCRT___utimbuf64
- MSVCRT___time64_t actime;
- MSVCRT___time64_t modtime;
-/* for FreeBSD */
-#undef st_atime
-#undef st_ctime
-#undef st_mtime
-struct MSVCRT__stat32 {
- MSVCRT__dev_t st_dev;
- MSVCRT__ino_t st_ino;
- unsigned short st_mode;
- short st_nlink;
- short st_uid;
- short st_gid;
- MSVCRT__dev_t st_rdev;
- MSVCRT__off_t st_size;
- MSVCRT___time32_t st_atime;
- MSVCRT___time32_t st_mtime;
- MSVCRT___time32_t st_ctime;
-struct MSVCRT__stat32i64 {
- MSVCRT__dev_t st_dev;
- MSVCRT__ino_t st_ino;
- unsigned short st_mode;
- short st_nlink;
- short st_uid;
- short st_gid;
- MSVCRT__dev_t st_rdev;
- __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) st_size;
- MSVCRT___time32_t st_atime;
- MSVCRT___time32_t st_mtime;
- MSVCRT___time32_t st_ctime;
-struct MSVCRT__stat64i32 {
- MSVCRT__dev_t st_dev;
- MSVCRT__ino_t st_ino;
- unsigned short st_mode;
- short st_nlink;
- short st_uid;
- short st_gid;
- MSVCRT__dev_t st_rdev;
- MSVCRT__off_t st_size;
- MSVCRT___time64_t st_atime;
- MSVCRT___time64_t st_mtime;
- MSVCRT___time64_t st_ctime;
-struct MSVCRT__stat64 {
- MSVCRT__dev_t st_dev;
- MSVCRT__ino_t st_ino;
- unsigned short st_mode;
- short st_nlink;
- short st_uid;
- short st_gid;
- MSVCRT__dev_t st_rdev;
- __int64 DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) st_size;
- MSVCRT___time64_t st_atime;
- MSVCRT___time64_t st_mtime;
- MSVCRT___time64_t st_ctime;
-#ifdef _WIN64
-#define MSVCRT__finddata_t MSVCRT__finddata64i32_t
-#define MSVCRT__finddatai64_t MSVCRT__finddata64_t
-#define MSVCRT__wfinddata_t MSVCRT__wfinddata64i32_t
-#define MSVCRT__wfinddatai64_t MSVCRT__wfinddata64_t
-#define MSVCRT__stat MSVCRT__stat64i32
-#define MSVCRT__stati64 MSVCRT__stat64
-#define MSVCRT__finddata_t MSVCRT__finddata32_t
-#define MSVCRT__finddatai64_t MSVCRT__finddata32i64_t
-#define MSVCRT__wfinddata_t MSVCRT__wfinddata32_t
-#define MSVCRT__wfinddatai64_t MSVCRT__wfinddata32i64_t
-#define MSVCRT__stat MSVCRT__stat32
-#define MSVCRT__stati64 MSVCRT__stat32i64
-#define MSVCRT_WEOF (MSVCRT_wint_t)(0xFFFF)
-#define MSVCRT_EOF (-1)
-#define MSVCRT_TMP_MAX 0x7fff
-#define MSVCRT_TMP_MAX_S 0x7fffffff
-#define MSVCRT_RAND_MAX 0x7fff
-#define MSVCRT_BUFSIZ 512
-#define MSVCRT_SEEK_SET 0
-#define MSVCRT_SEEK_CUR 1
-#define MSVCRT_SEEK_END 2
+extern FILE MSVCRT__iob[];
-/* more file._flag flags, but these conflict with Unix */
-#define MSVCRT__IOFBF 0x0000
-#define MSVCRT__IONBF 0x0004
-#define MSVCRT__IOLBF 0x0040
-#define MSVCRT_FNAME_MAX 256
-#define MSVCRT_DIR_MAX 256
-#define MSVCRT_EXT_MAX 256
-#define MSVCRT_PATH_MAX 260
-#define MSVCRT__P_WAIT 0
-#define MSVCRT__P_NOWAIT 1
-#define MSVCRT__P_OVERLAY 2
-#define MSVCRT__P_NOWAITO 3
-#define MSVCRT__P_DETACH 4
-#define MSVCRT_EPERM 1
-#define MSVCRT_ENOENT 2
-#define MSVCRT_ESRCH 3
-#define MSVCRT_EINTR 4
-#define MSVCRT_EIO 5
-#define MSVCRT_ENXIO 6
-#define MSVCRT_E2BIG 7
-#define MSVCRT_EBADF 9
-#define MSVCRT_ECHILD 10
-#define MSVCRT_EAGAIN 11
-#define MSVCRT_ENOMEM 12
-#define MSVCRT_EACCES 13
-#define MSVCRT_EFAULT 14
-#define MSVCRT_EBUSY 16
-#define MSVCRT_EEXIST 17
-#define MSVCRT_EXDEV 18
-#define MSVCRT_ENODEV 19
-#define MSVCRT_ENOTDIR 20
-#define MSVCRT_EISDIR 21
-#define MSVCRT_EINVAL 22
-#define MSVCRT_ENFILE 23
-#define MSVCRT_EMFILE 24
-#define MSVCRT_ENOTTY 25
-#define MSVCRT_EFBIG 27
-#define MSVCRT_ENOSPC 28
-#define MSVCRT_ESPIPE 29
-#define MSVCRT_EROFS 30
-#define MSVCRT_EMLINK 31
-#define MSVCRT_EPIPE 32
-#define MSVCRT_EDOM 33
-#define MSVCRT_ERANGE 34
-#define MSVCRT_EDEADLK 36
-#define MSVCRT_ENOLCK 39
-#define MSVCRT_ENOSYS 40
-#define MSVCRT_EILSEQ 42
-#define MSVCRT_LC_ALL 0
-#define MSVCRT_LC_CTYPE 2
-#define MSVCRT_LC_TIME 5
-#define MSVCRT__HEAPOK -2
-#define MSVCRT__HEAPEND -5
+#define MSVCRT_stdin (MSVCRT__iob+STDIN_FILENO)
+#define MSVCRT_stdout (MSVCRT__iob+STDOUT_FILENO)
+#define MSVCRT_stderr (MSVCRT__iob+STDERR_FILENO)
-/* ASCII char classification table - binary compatible */
-#define MSVCRT__UPPER 0x0001 /* C1_UPPER */
-#define MSVCRT__LOWER 0x0002 /* C1_LOWER */
-#define MSVCRT__DIGIT 0x0004 /* C1_DIGIT */
-#define MSVCRT__SPACE 0x0008 /* C1_SPACE */
-#define MSVCRT__PUNCT 0x0010 /* C1_PUNCT */
-#define MSVCRT__CONTROL 0x0020 /* C1_CNTRL */
-#define MSVCRT__BLANK 0x0040 /* C1_BLANK */
-#define MSVCRT__HEX 0x0080 /* C1_XDIGIT */
-#define MSVCRT__LEADBYTE 0x8000
-#define MSVCRT__IOREAD 0x0001
-#define MSVCRT__IOWRT 0x0002
-#define MSVCRT__IOMYBUF 0x0008
-#define MSVCRT__IOEOF 0x0010
-#define MSVCRT__IOERR 0x0020
-#define MSVCRT__IOSTRG 0x0040
-#define MSVCRT__IORW 0x0080
+/* internal file._flag flags */
#define MSVCRT__USERBUF 0x0100
#define MSVCRT__IOCOMMIT 0x4000
-#define MSVCRT__S_IEXEC 0x0040
-#define MSVCRT__S_IWRITE 0x0080
-#define MSVCRT__S_IREAD 0x0100
-#define MSVCRT__S_IFIFO 0x1000
-#define MSVCRT__S_IFCHR 0x2000
-#define MSVCRT__S_IFDIR 0x4000
-#define MSVCRT__S_IFREG 0x8000
-#define MSVCRT__S_IFMT 0xF000
-#define MSVCRT__LK_UNLCK 0
-#define MSVCRT__LK_LOCK 1
-#define MSVCRT__LK_NBLCK 2
-#define MSVCRT__LK_RLCK 3
-#define MSVCRT__LK_NBRLCK 4
-#define MSVCRT__SH_COMPAT 0x00 /* Compatibility */
-#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYRW 0x10 /* Deny read/write */
-#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYWR 0x20 /* Deny write */
-#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYRD 0x30 /* Deny read */
-#define MSVCRT__SH_DENYNO 0x40 /* Deny nothing */
-#define MSVCRT__O_RDONLY 0
-#define MSVCRT__O_WRONLY 1
-#define MSVCRT__O_RDWR 2
-#define MSVCRT__O_APPEND 0x0008
-#define MSVCRT__O_RANDOM 0x0010
-#define MSVCRT__O_SEQUENTIAL 0x0020
-#define MSVCRT__O_TEMPORARY 0x0040
-#define MSVCRT__O_NOINHERIT 0x0080
-#define MSVCRT__O_CREAT 0x0100
-#define MSVCRT__O_TRUNC 0x0200
-#define MSVCRT__O_EXCL 0x0400
-#define MSVCRT__O_SHORT_LIVED 0x1000
-#define MSVCRT__O_TEXT 0x4000
-#define MSVCRT__O_BINARY 0x8000
-#define MSVCRT__O_WTEXT 0x10000
-#define MSVCRT__O_U16TEXT 0x20000
-#define MSVCRT__O_U8TEXT 0x40000
-/* _statusfp bit flags */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_INEXACT 0x00000001 /* inexact (precision) */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_UNDERFLOW 0x00000002 /* underflow */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_OVERFLOW 0x00000004 /* overflow */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_ZERODIVIDE 0x00000008 /* zero divide */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_INVALID 0x00000010 /* invalid */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_UNEMULATED 0x00000040 /* unemulated instruction */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_SQRTNEG 0x00000080 /* square root of a neg number */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_STACKOVERFLOW 0x00000200 /* FP stack overflow */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_STACKUNDERFLOW 0x00000400 /* FP stack underflow */
-#define MSVCRT__SW_DENORMAL 0x00080000 /* denormal status bit */
-/* fpclass constants */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_SNAN 0x0001 /* Signaling "Not a Number" */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_QNAN 0x0002 /* Quiet "Not a Number" */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NINF 0x0004 /* Negative Infinity */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NN 0x0008 /* Negative Normal */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_ND 0x0010 /* Negative Denormal */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_NZ 0x0020 /* Negative Zero */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PZ 0x0040 /* Positive Zero */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PD 0x0080 /* Positive Denormal */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PN 0x0100 /* Positive Normal */
-#define MSVCRT__FPCLASS_PINF 0x0200 /* Positive Infinity */
-/* fpclassify constants */
-#define MSVCRT_FP_NAN 2
-#define MSVCRT_FP_NORMAL -1
-#define MSVCRT_FP_ZERO 0
-#define MSVCRT__MCW_EM 0x0008001f
-#define MSVCRT__MCW_IC 0x00040000
-#define MSVCRT__MCW_RC 0x00000300
-#define MSVCRT__MCW_PC 0x00030000
-#define MSVCRT__MCW_DN 0x03000000
-#define MSVCRT__EM_INVALID 0x00000010
-#define MSVCRT__EM_DENORMAL 0x00080000
-#define MSVCRT__EM_ZERODIVIDE 0x00000008
-#define MSVCRT__EM_OVERFLOW 0x00000004
-#define MSVCRT__EM_UNDERFLOW 0x00000002
-#define MSVCRT__EM_INEXACT 0x00000001
-#define MSVCRT__IC_AFFINE 0x00040000
-#define MSVCRT__IC_PROJECTIVE 0x00000000
-#define MSVCRT__RC_CHOP 0x00000300
-#define MSVCRT__RC_UP 0x00000200
-#define MSVCRT__RC_DOWN 0x00000100
-#define MSVCRT__RC_NEAR 0x00000000
-#define MSVCRT__PC_24 0x00020000
-#define MSVCRT__PC_53 0x00010000
-#define MSVCRT__PC_64 0x00000000
-#define MSVCRT__DN_SAVE 0x00000000
-#define MSVCRT__DN_FLUSH 0x01000000
-#define MSVCRT__EM_AMBIGUOUS 0x80000000
-typedef struct
- unsigned int control;
- unsigned int status;
-} MSVCRT_fenv_t;
-/* signals */
-#define MSVCRT_SIGINT 2
-#define MSVCRT_SIGILL 4
-#define MSVCRT_SIGFPE 8
-#define MSVCRT_SIGSEGV 11
-#define MSVCRT_SIGTERM 15
-#define MSVCRT_SIGABRT 22
-typedef void (__cdecl *MSVCRT___sighandler_t)(int);
-#define MSVCRT_SIG_DFL ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)0)
-#define MSVCRT_SIG_IGN ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)1)
-#define MSVCRT_SIG_ERR ((MSVCRT___sighandler_t)-1)
-#define MSVCRT__FPE_INVALID 0x81
-#define MSVCRT__FPE_DENORMAL 0x82
-#define MSVCRT__FPE_OVERFLOW 0x84
-#define MSVCRT__FPE_INEXACT 0x86
-#define MSVCRT__FPE_SQRTNEG 0x88
-#define _MS 0x01
-#define _MP 0x02
-#define _M1 0x04
-#define _M2 0x08
-#define _SBUP 0x10
-#define _SBLOW 0x20
-#define _MBC_SINGLE 0
-#define _MBC_LEAD 1
-#define _MBC_TRAIL 2
-#define _MBC_ILLEGAL -1
-#define _MB_CP_SBCS 0
-#define _MB_CP_OEM -2
-#define _MB_CP_ANSI -3
-#define _MB_CP_LOCALE -4
-#define MSVCRT__TRUNCATE ((MSVCRT_size_t)-1)
-#define _MAX__TIME64_T (((MSVCRT___time64_t)0x00000007 << 32) | 0x93406FFF)
-/* _set_abort_behavior codes */
-/* _get_output_format return code */
-#define MSVCRT__NLSCMPERROR ((unsigned int)0x7fffffff)
-void __cdecl MSVCRT_free(void*);
-void* __cdecl MSVCRT_malloc(MSVCRT_size_t);
-void* __cdecl MSVCRT_calloc(MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_size_t);
-void* __cdecl MSVCRT_realloc(void*,MSVCRT_size_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswalpha(MSVCRT_wint_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswspace(MSVCRT_wint_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_iswdigit(MSVCRT_wint_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_isleadbyte(int);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__isleadbyte_l(int, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__isspace_l(int, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__iswspace_l(MSVCRT_wchar_t, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT__lock_file(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT__unlock_file(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_fgetc(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__fgetc_nolock(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__fputc_nolock(int,MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_ungetc(int,MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__ungetc_nolock(int,MSVCRT_FILE*);
-MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT_fgetwc(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT__fgetwc_nolock(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT__fputwc_nolock(MSVCRT_wint_t,MSVCRT_FILE*);
-MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT_ungetwc(MSVCRT_wint_t,MSVCRT_FILE*);
-MSVCRT_wint_t __cdecl MSVCRT__ungetwc_nolock(MSVCRT_wint_t, MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__fseeki64_nolock(MSVCRT_FILE*,__int64,int);
-__int64 __cdecl MSVCRT__ftelli64(MSVCRT_FILE* file);
-__int64 __cdecl MSVCRT__ftelli64_nolock(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT__exit(int);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT_abort(void);
-MSVCRT_ulong* __cdecl MSVCRT___doserrno(void);
-int* __cdecl MSVCRT__errno(void);
-char* __cdecl MSVCRT_getenv(const char*);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT__fread_nolock(void*,MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_FILE*);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT__fread_nolock_s(void*,MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_FILE*);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT__fwrite_nolock(const void*,MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_fclose(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__fclose_nolock(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__fflush_nolock(MSVCRT_FILE*);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT_terminate(void);
-MSVCRT_FILE* __cdecl MSVCRT__iob_func(void);
-MSVCRT_clock_t __cdecl MSVCRT_clock(void);
-MSVCRT___time32_t __cdecl MSVCRT__time32(MSVCRT___time32_t*);
-MSVCRT___time64_t __cdecl MSVCRT__time64(MSVCRT___time64_t*);
-MSVCRT_FILE* __cdecl MSVCRT__fdopen(int, const char *);
-MSVCRT_FILE* __cdecl MSVCRT__wfdopen(int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_vsnprintf(char *str, MSVCRT_size_t len, const char *format, __ms_va_list valist);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_vsnwprintf(MSVCRT_wchar_t *str, MSVCRT_size_t len,
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *format, __ms_va_list valist );
-int WINAPIV MSVCRT__snwprintf(MSVCRT_wchar_t*, unsigned int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, ...);
-int WINAPIV MSVCRT_sprintf(char*,const char*,...);
-int WINAPIV MSVCRT__snprintf(char*,unsigned int,const char*,...);
-int WINAPIV MSVCRT__scprintf(const char*,...);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_raise(int sig);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__set_printf_count_output(int);
-extern MSVCRT__locale_t MSVCRT_locale;
-MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo get_locinfo(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo get_mbcinfo(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-void __cdecl MSVCRT__free_locale(MSVCRT__locale_t);
-void free_locinfo(MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-void free_mbcinfo(MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-int _setmbcp_l(int, LCID, MSVCRT_pthreadmbcinfo) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+#ifdef __REACTOS__
+typedef void (__cdecl *__sighandler_t)(int);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__write(int,const void*,unsigned int);
-int __cdecl _getch(void);
-int __cdecl _ismbblead(unsigned int);
-int __cdecl _ismbblead_l(unsigned int, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl _ismbclegal(unsigned int c);
-int __cdecl _ismbstrail(const unsigned char* start, const unsigned char* str);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_mbtowc(MSVCRT_wchar_t*,const char*,MSVCRT_size_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_mbtowc_l(MSVCRT_wchar_t*,const char*,MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT__locale_t);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT_mbstowcs(MSVCRT_wchar_t*,const char*,MSVCRT_size_t);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT__mbstowcs_l(MSVCRT_wchar_t*, const char*, MSVCRT_size_t, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__mbstowcs_s_l(MSVCRT_size_t*, MSVCRT_wchar_t*,
- MSVCRT_size_t, const char*, MSVCRT_size_t, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT_wcstombs(char*,const MSVCRT_wchar_t*,MSVCRT_size_t);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT__wcstombs_l(char*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, MSVCRT_size_t, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__spawnve(int,const char*,const char* const *,const char* const *);
-MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVRT__spawnvpe(int,const char*,const char* const *,const char* const *);
-MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__wspawnve(int,const MSVCRT_wchar_t*,const MSVCRT_wchar_t* const *,const MSVCRT_wchar_t* const *);
-MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__wspawnvpe(int,const MSVCRT_wchar_t*,const MSVCRT_wchar_t* const *,const MSVCRT_wchar_t* const *);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT__searchenv(const char*,const char*,char*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__getdrive(void);
-char* __cdecl MSVCRT__strdup(const char*);
-char* __cdecl MSVCRT__strnset(char*,int,MSVCRT_size_t);
-char* __cdecl _strset(char*,int);
-int __cdecl _ungetch(int);
-int __cdecl _cputs(const char*);
-int WINAPIV _cprintf(const char*,...);
-int WINAPIV _cwprintf(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*,...);
-char*** __cdecl MSVCRT___p__environ(void);
-int* __cdecl __p___mb_cur_max(void);
-int* __cdecl MSVCRT___p__fmode(void);
-MSVCRT_wchar_t* __cdecl MSVCRT__wcsdup(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT_strnlen(const char *,MSVCRT_size_t);
-MSVCRT_size_t __cdecl MSVCRT_wcsnlen(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*,MSVCRT_size_t);
-MSVCRT_wchar_t*** __cdecl MSVCRT___p__wenviron(void);
-INT __cdecl MSVCRT_wctomb(char*,MSVCRT_wchar_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__wctomb_l(char*, MSVCRT_wchar_t, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-char* __cdecl MSVCRT__strdate(char* date);
-char* __cdecl MSVCRT__strtime(char* date);
-int __cdecl _setmbcp(int);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__close(int);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__dup(int);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__dup2(int, int);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__pipe(int *, unsigned int, int);
-MSVCRT_wchar_t* __cdecl MSVCRT__wgetenv(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT__wsearchenv(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
-MSVCRT_intptr_t __cdecl MSVCRT__spawnvpe(int, const char*, const char* const*, const char* const*);
-void __cdecl MSVCRT__invalid_parameter(const MSVCRT_wchar_t *expr, const MSVCRT_wchar_t *func,
- const MSVCRT_wchar_t *file, unsigned int line, MSVCRT_uintptr_t arg);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__toupper_l(int,MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__tolower_l(int,MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__towupper_l(MSVCRT_wint_t,MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__towlower_l(MSVCRT_wint_t,MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__toupper(int); /* only use on lower-case ASCII characters */
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__stricmp(const char*, const char*);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__strnicmp(const char*, const char*, MSVCRT_size_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__strnicoll_l(const char*, const char*, MSVCRT_size_t, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT__strncoll_l(const char*, const char*, MSVCRT_size_t, MSVCRT__locale_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_strncmp(const char*, const char*, MSVCRT_size_t);
-int __cdecl MSVCRT_strcmp(const char*, const char*);
-char* __cdecl MSVCRT_strstr(const char*, const char*);
-unsigned int __cdecl MSVCRT__get_output_format(void);
-char* __cdecl MSVCRT_strtok_s(char*, const char*, char**);
-double parse_double(MSVCRT_wchar_t (*)(void*), void (*)(void*), void*, MSVCRT_pthreadlocinfo, int*);
+#define _MAX__TIME64_T (((__time64_t)0x00000007 << 32) | 0x93406FFF)
+_locale_t CDECL get_current_locale_noalloc(_locale_t locale) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+void CDECL free_locale_noalloc(_locale_t locale) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+pthreadlocinfo CDECL get_locinfo(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+pthreadmbcinfo CDECL get_mbcinfo(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+threadmbcinfo* create_mbcinfo(int, LCID, threadmbcinfo*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+void free_locinfo(pthreadlocinfo) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+void free_mbcinfo(pthreadmbcinfo) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+int __cdecl __crtLCMapStringA(LCID, DWORD, const char*, int, char*, int, unsigned int, int) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+enum fpmod {
+ FP_ROUND_ZERO, /* only used when dropped part contains only zeros */
+struct fpnum {
+ int sign;
+ int exp;
+ enum fpmod mod;
+struct fpnum fpnum_parse(wchar_t (*)(void*), void (*)(void*),
+ void*, pthreadlocinfo, BOOL) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+int fpnum_double(struct fpnum*, double*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
/* Maybe one day we'll enable the invalid parameter handlers with the full set of information (msvcrXXd)
* #define MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT(x) MSVCRT_call_invalid_parameter_handler(x, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
* Until this is done, just keep the same semantics for CHECK_PMT(), but without generating / sending
* any information
- * NB : MSVCRT_call_invalid_parameter_handler is a wrapper around MSVCRT__invalid_parameter in order
+ * NB : MSVCRT_call_invalid_parameter_handler is a wrapper around _invalid_parameter in order
* to do the Ansi to Unicode transformation
-#define MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT(x,err) (*MSVCRT__errno() = (err), MSVCRT__invalid_parameter(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0))
+#define MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT(x,err) (*_errno() = (err), _invalid_parameter(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0))
#define MSVCRT_CHECK_PMT_ERR(x,err) ((x) || (MSVCRT_INVALID_PMT( 0, (err) ), FALSE))
-#define MSVCRT__ARGMAX 100
typedef int (*puts_clbk_a)(void*, int, const char*);
-typedef int (*puts_clbk_w)(void*, int, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
+typedef int (*puts_clbk_w)(void*, int, const wchar_t*);
typedef union _printf_arg
void *get_ptr;
LONGLONG get_longlong;
double get_double;
} printf_arg;
-typedef printf_arg (*args_clbk)(void*, int, int, __ms_va_list*);
-int pf_printf_a(puts_clbk_a, void*, const char*, MSVCRT__locale_t,
- DWORD, args_clbk, void*, __ms_va_list*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-int pf_printf_w(puts_clbk_w, void*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, MSVCRT__locale_t,
- DWORD, args_clbk, void*, __ms_va_list*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-int create_positional_ctx_a(void*, const char*, __ms_va_list) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-int create_positional_ctx_w(void*, const MSVCRT_wchar_t*, __ms_va_list) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-printf_arg arg_clbk_valist(void*, int, int, __ms_va_list*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-printf_arg arg_clbk_positional(void*, int, int, __ms_va_list*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
-#define MSVCRT_FLT_MIN 1.175494351e-38F
-#define MSVCRT_DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014e-308
-typedef struct
- float f;
-typedef struct
- double x;
+typedef printf_arg (*args_clbk)(void*, int, int, va_list*);
+int pf_printf_a(puts_clbk_a, void*, const char*, _locale_t,
+ DWORD, args_clbk, void*, va_list*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+int pf_printf_w(puts_clbk_w, void*, const wchar_t*, _locale_t,
+ DWORD, args_clbk, void*, va_list*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+int create_positional_ctx_a(void*, const char*, va_list) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+int create_positional_ctx_w(void*, const wchar_t*, va_list) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+printf_arg arg_clbk_valist(void*, int, int, va_list*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+printf_arg arg_clbk_positional(void*, int, int, va_list*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
extern char* __cdecl __unDName(char *,const char*,int,malloc_func_t,free_func_t,unsigned short int);
#define UNDNAME_NO_SPECIAL_SYMS (0x4000)
#define UNDNAME_NO_COMPLEX_TYPE (0x8000)
-#define UCRTBASE_PRINTF_MASK (0x001F)
-#define UCRTBASE_SCANF_MASK (0x0007)
#define COOPERATIVE_TIMEOUT_INFINITE ((unsigned int)-1)
-typedef enum {
- _FpCodeUnspecified,
- _FpCodeAdd,
- _FpCodeSubtract,
- _FpCodeMultiply,
- _FpCodeDivide,
- _FpCodeSquareRoot,
- _FpCodeRemainder,
- _FpCodeCompare,
- _FpCodeConvert,
- _FpCodeRound,
- _FpCodeTruncate,
- _FpCodeFloor,
- _FpCodeCeil,
- _FpCodeAcos,
- _FpCodeAsin,
- _FpCodeAtan,
- _FpCodeAtan2,
- _FpCodeCabs,
- _FpCodeCos,
- _FpCodeCosh,
- _FpCodeExp,
- _FpCodeFabs,
- _FpCodeFmod,
- _FpCodeFrexp,
- _FpCodeHypot,
- _FpCodeLdexp,
- _FpCodeLog,
- _FpCodeLog10,
- _FpCodeModf,
- _FpCodePow,
- _FpCodeSin,
- _FpCodeSinh,
- _FpCodeTan,
- _FpCodeTanh,
- _FpCodeY0,
- _FpCodeY1,
- _FpCodeYn,
- _FpCodeLogb,
- _FpCodeNextafter,
- _FpCodeNegate,
- _FpCodeFmin,
- _FpCodeFmax,
- _FpCodeConvertTrunc,
- _XMMIAddps,
- _XMMIAddss,
- _XMMISubps,
- _XMMISubss,
- _XMMIMulps,
- _XMMIMulss,
- _XMMIDivps,
- _XMMIDivss,
- _XMMISqrtps,
- _XMMISqrtss,
- _XMMIMaxps,
- _XMMIMaxss,
- _XMMIMinps,
- _XMMIMinss,
- _XMMICmpps,
- _XMMICmpss,
- _XMMIComiss,
- _XMMIUComiss,
- _XMMICvtpi2ps,
- _XMMICvtsi2ss,
- _XMMICvtps2pi,
- _XMMICvtss2si,
- _XMMICvttps2pi,
- _XMMICvttss2si,
- _XMMIAddsubps,
- _XMMIHaddps,
- _XMMIHsubps,
- _XMMI2Addpd,
- _XMMI2Addsd,
- _XMMI2Subpd,
- _XMMI2Subsd,
- _XMMI2Mulpd,
- _XMMI2Mulsd,
- _XMMI2Divpd,
- _XMMI2Divsd,
- _XMMI2Sqrtpd,
- _XMMI2Sqrtsd,
- _XMMI2Maxpd,
- _XMMI2Maxsd,
- _XMMI2Minpd,
- _XMMI2Minsd,
- _XMMI2Cmppd,
- _XMMI2Cmpsd,
- _XMMI2Comisd,
- _XMMI2UComisd,
- _XMMI2Cvtpd2pi,
- _XMMI2Cvtsd2si,
- _XMMI2Cvttpd2pi,
- _XMMI2Cvttsd2si,
- _XMMI2Cvtps2pd,
- _XMMI2Cvtss2sd,
- _XMMI2Cvtpd2ps,
- _XMMI2Cvtsd2ss,
- _XMMI2Cvtdq2ps,
- _XMMI2Cvttps2dq,
- _XMMI2Cvtps2dq,
- _XMMI2Cvttpd2dq,
- _XMMI2Cvtpd2dq,
- _XMMI2Addsubpd,
- _XMMI2Haddpd,
- _XMMI2Hsubpd,
-typedef enum {
- _FpFormatFp32,
- _FpFormatFp64,
- _FpFormatFp80,
- _FpFormatFp128,
- _FpFormatI16,
- _FpFormatI32,
- _FpFormatI64,
- _FpFormatU16,
- _FpFormatU32,
- _FpFormatU64,
- _FpFormatBcd80,
- _FpFormatCompare,
- _FpFormatString,
-typedef float _FP32;
-typedef double _FP64;
-typedef short _I16;
-typedef int _I32;
-typedef unsigned short _U16;
-typedef unsigned int _U32;
-typedef __int64 _Q64;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned short W[5];
-} _FP80;
-typedef struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(16) {
- MSVCRT_ulong W[4];
-} _FP128;
-typedef struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) {
- MSVCRT_ulong W[2];
-} _I64;
-typedef struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) {
- MSVCRT_ulong W[2];
-} _U64;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned short W[5];
-} _BCD80;
-typedef struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(16) {
- _Q64 W[2];
-} _FPQ64;
-typedef struct {
- union {
- _FP32 Fp32Value;
- _FP64 Fp64Value;
- _FP80 Fp80Value;
- _FP128 Fp128Value;
- _I16 I16Value;
- _I32 I32Value;
- _I64 I64Value;
- _U16 U16Value;
- _U32 U32Value;
- _U64 U64Value;
- _BCD80 Bcd80Value;
- char *StringValue;
- int CompareValue;
- _Q64 Q64Value;
- _FPQ64 Fpq64Value;
- } Value;
- unsigned int OperandValid : 1;
- unsigned int Format : 4;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int Inexact : 1;
- unsigned int Underflow : 1;
- unsigned int Overflow : 1;
- unsigned int ZeroDivide : 1;
- unsigned int InvalidOperation : 1;
-typedef struct {
- unsigned int RoundingMode : 2;
- unsigned int Precision : 3;
- unsigned int Operation :12;
- _FPIEEE_VALUE Operand1;
- _FPIEEE_VALUE Operand2;
#ifdef __REACTOS__
#define __wine_longjmp longjmp
#define __wine_jmp_buf _JBTYPE
#ifndef WINE_MTDLL_H
#define WINE_MTDLL_H
-#if defined(_MT)
-#define _mlock(locknum) _lock(locknum)
-#define _munlock(locknum) _unlock(locknum)
void __cdecl _unlock( int locknum );
void __cdecl _lock( int locknum );
-#define _mlock(locknum) do {} while(0)
-#define _munlock(locknum) do {} while(0)
#define _SIGNAL_LOCK 1
#define _IOB_SCAN_LOCK 2
#define _TMPNAM_LOCK 3
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-#include "config.h"
-#include "wine/port.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef __REACTOS__
+#define MSVCRT_atoi atoi
+#define MSVCRT_isdigit isdigit
+#define MSVCRT_sprintf sprintf
/* TODO:
* - document a bit (grammar + functions)
* - back-port this new code into tools/winedump/msmangle.c
* Helper for printf type of command (only %s and %c are implemented)
* while dynamically allocating the buffer
-static char* str_printf(struct parsed_symbol* sym, const char* format, ...)
+static char* WINAPIV str_printf(struct parsed_symbol* sym, const char* format, ...)
va_list args;
unsigned int len = 1, i, sz;
goto done;
if (modifier)
modifier = str_printf(sym, "%s %s", modifier, ptr_modif);
- else if(ptr_modif[0])
+ else if(ptr_modif)
modifier = str_printf(sym, " %s", ptr_modif);
if (!get_calling_convention(*sym->current++,
&call_conv, &exported,
dlls/msvcrt/mtdll.h: sdk/lib/crt/wine/mtdll.h
dlls/msvcrt/undname.c: sdk/lib/crt/wine/undname.c
- wine: wine-5.0
+ wine: wine-7.0