dhcp has moved to /services
authorGed Murphy <gedmurphy@reactos.org>
Wed, 19 Oct 2005 21:25:26 +0000 (21:25 +0000)
committerGed Murphy <gedmurphy@reactos.org>
Wed, 19 Oct 2005 21:25:26 +0000 (21:25 +0000)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=18608

36 files changed:
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/adapter.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/alloc.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/api.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/compat.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/design.txt [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhclient.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcp.rc [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcp.xml [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcpmain.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dispatch.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/hash.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/cdefs.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/debug.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhcp.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhcpd.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhctoken.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/hash.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/inet.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/osdep.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/predec.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/privsep.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/rosdhcp.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/site.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/stdint.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/sysconf.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/tree.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/version.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/memory.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/options.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/pipe.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/privsep.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/socket.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/tables.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/timer.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/tree.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/util.c [deleted file]

diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/adapter.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/adapter.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 58c5da3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-static SOCKET DhcpSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
-static LIST_ENTRY AdapterList;
-static WSADATA wsd;
-extern struct interface_info *ifi;
-PCHAR *GetSubkeyNames( PCHAR MainKeyName, PCHAR Append ) {
-    int i = 0;
-    DWORD Error;
-    HKEY MainKey;
-    PCHAR *Out, OutKeyName;
-    DWORD CharTotal = 0, AppendLen = 1 + strlen(Append);
-    DWORD MaxSubKeyLen = 0, MaxSubKeys = 0;
-    Error = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, MainKeyName, &MainKey );
-    if( Error ) return NULL;
-    Error = RegQueryInfoKey
-        ( MainKey,
-          NULL, NULL, NULL,
-          &MaxSubKeys, &MaxSubKeyLen,
-          NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("MaxSubKeys: %d, MaxSubKeyLen %d\n",
-                           MaxSubKeys, MaxSubKeyLen));
-    CharTotal = (sizeof(PCHAR) + MaxSubKeyLen + AppendLen) * (MaxSubKeys + 1);
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("AppendLen: %d, CharTotal: %d\n",
-                           AppendLen, CharTotal));
-    Out = malloc( CharTotal );
-    OutKeyName = ((PCHAR)&Out[MaxSubKeys+1]);
-    if( !Out ) { RegCloseKey( MainKey ); return NULL; }
-    i = 0;
-    do {
-        Out[i] = OutKeyName;
-        Error = RegEnumKey( MainKey, i, OutKeyName, MaxSubKeyLen );
-        if( !Error ) {
-            strcat( OutKeyName, Append );
-            DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("[%d]: %s\n", i, OutKeyName));
-            OutKeyName += strlen(OutKeyName) + 1;
-            i++;
-        } else Out[i] = 0;
-    } while( Error == ERROR_SUCCESS );
-    RegCloseKey( MainKey );
-    return Out;
-PCHAR RegReadString( HKEY Root, PCHAR Subkey, PCHAR Value ) {
-    PCHAR SubOut = NULL;
-    DWORD SubOutLen = 0, Error = 0;
-    HKEY  ValueKey = NULL;
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Looking in %x:%s:%s\n", Root, Subkey, Value ));
-    if( Subkey && strlen(Subkey) ) {
-        if( RegOpenKey( Root, Subkey, &ValueKey ) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
-            goto regerror;
-    } else ValueKey = Root;
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Got Key %x\n", ValueKey));
-    if( (Error = RegQueryValueEx( ValueKey, Value, NULL, NULL,
-                                  (LPBYTE)SubOut, &SubOutLen )) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
-        goto regerror;
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Value %s has size %d\n", Value, SubOutLen));
-    if( !(SubOut = malloc(SubOutLen)) )
-        goto regerror;
-    if( (Error = RegQueryValueEx( ValueKey, Value, NULL, NULL,
-                                  (LPBYTE)SubOut, &SubOutLen )) != ERROR_SUCCESS )
-        goto regerror;
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Value %s is %s\n", Value, SubOut));
-    goto cleanup;
-    if( SubOut ) free( SubOut );
-    if( ValueKey && ValueKey != Root ) {
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Closing key %x\n", ValueKey));
-        RegCloseKey( ValueKey );
-    }
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Returning %x with error %d\n", SubOut, Error));
-    return SubOut;
-HKEY FindAdapterKey( PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter ) {
-    int i = 0;
-    PCHAR EnumKeyName =
-        "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\"
-        "{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}";
-    PCHAR TargetKeyNameStart =
-        "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\";
-    PCHAR TargetKeyNameEnd = "\\Parameters\\Tcpip";
-    PCHAR TargetKeyName = NULL;
-    PCHAR *EnumKeysLinkage = GetSubkeyNames( EnumKeyName, "\\Linkage" );
-    PCHAR *EnumKeysTop     = GetSubkeyNames( EnumKeyName, "" );
-    PCHAR RootDevice = NULL, DriverDesc = NULL;
-    HKEY EnumKey, OutKey = NULL;
-    if( !EnumKeysLinkage || !EnumKeysTop ) goto cleanup;
-    Error = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, EnumKeyName, &EnumKey );
-    if( Error ) goto cleanup;
-    for( i = 0; EnumKeysLinkage[i]; i++ ) {
-        RootDevice = RegReadString
-            ( EnumKey, EnumKeysLinkage[i], "RootDevice" );
-        DriverDesc = RegReadString
-            ( EnumKey, EnumKeysTop[i], "DriverDesc" );
-        if( DriverDesc &&
-            !strcmp( DriverDesc, Adapter->DhclientInfo.name ) ) {
-            TargetKeyName =
-                malloc( strlen( TargetKeyNameStart ) +
-                        strlen( RootDevice ) +
-                        strlen( TargetKeyNameEnd ) + 1 );
-            if( !TargetKeyName ) goto cleanup;
-            sprintf( TargetKeyName, "%s%s%s",
-                     TargetKeyNameStart, RootDevice, TargetKeyNameEnd );
-            Error = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TargetKeyName, &OutKey );
-            break;
-        } else {
-            free( RootDevice ); RootDevice = 0;
-            free( DriverDesc ); DriverDesc = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    if( RootDevice ) free( RootDevice );
-    if( DriverDesc ) free( DriverDesc );
-    if( EnumKeysLinkage ) free( EnumKeysLinkage );
-    if( EnumKeysTop ) free( EnumKeysTop );
-    if( TargetKeyName ) free( TargetKeyName );
-    return OutKey;
-BOOL PrepareAdapterForService( PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter ) {
-    HKEY AdapterKey = NULL;
-    PCHAR IPAddress = NULL, Netmask = NULL, DefaultGateway = NULL;
-    MIB_IPFORWARDROW DefGatewayRow;
-    Adapter->DhclientState.config = &Adapter->DhclientConfig;
-    strncpy(Adapter->DhclientInfo.name, (char*)Adapter->IfMib.bDescr,
-            sizeof(Adapter->DhclientInfo.name));
-    AdapterKey = FindAdapterKey( Adapter );
-    if( AdapterKey )
-        IPAddress = RegReadString( AdapterKey, NULL, "IPAddress" );
-    if( IPAddress && strcmp( IPAddress, "" ) ) {
-        /* Non-automatic case */
-        DH_DbgPrint
-            (MID_TRACE,("Adapter Name: [%s] (Bind Status %x) (static %s)\n",
-                        Adapter->DhclientInfo.name,
-                        Adapter->BindStatus,
-                        IPAddress));
-        Adapter->DhclientState.state = S_STATIC;
-        Netmask = RegReadString( AdapterKey, NULL, "Subnetmask" );
-        if( !Netmask ) Netmask = "";
-        Status = AddIPAddress( inet_addr( IPAddress ),
-                               inet_addr( Netmask ),
-                               Adapter->IfMib.dwIndex,
-                               &Adapter->NteContext,
-                               &Adapter->NteInstance );
-        DefaultGateway = RegReadString( AdapterKey, NULL, "DefaultGateway" );
-        if( DefaultGateway ) {
-            DefGatewayRow.dwForwardDest = 0;
-            DefGatewayRow.dwForwardMask = 0;
-            DefGatewayRow.dwForwardMetric1 = 1;
-            DefGatewayRow.dwForwardNextHop = inet_addr(DefaultGateway);
-            Error = CreateIpForwardEntry( &DefGatewayRow );
-            if( Error )
-                warning("Failed to set default gateway %s: %ld\n",
-                        DefaultGateway, Error);
-        }
-        if( DefaultGateway ) free( DefaultGateway );
-        if( Netmask ) free( Netmask );
-    } else {
-        /* Automatic case */
-        DH_DbgPrint
-            (MID_TRACE,("Adapter Name: [%s] (Bind Status %x) (dynamic)\n",
-                        Adapter->DhclientInfo.name,
-                        Adapter->BindStatus));
-    }
-    if( IPAddress ) free( IPAddress );
-    return TRUE;
- * XXX Figure out the way to bind a specific adapter to a socket.
- */
-void AdapterInit() {
-    PMIB_IFTABLE Table = malloc(sizeof(MIB_IFTABLE));
-    DWORD Error, Size, i;
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter = NULL;
-    WSAStartup(0x0101,&wsd);
-    InitializeListHead( &AdapterList );
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Getting Adapter List...\n"));
-    while( (Error = GetIfTable(Table, &Size, 0 )) ==
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Error %d, New Buffer Size: %d\n", Error, Size));
-        free( Table );
-        Table = malloc( Size );
-    }
-    if( Error != NO_ERROR ) goto term;
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Got Adapter List (%d entries)\n", Table->dwNumEntries));
-    for( i = 0; i < Table->dwNumEntries; i++ ) {
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Getting adapter %d attributes\n",
-                               Table->table[i].dwIndex));
-        Adapter = calloc( sizeof( DHCP_ADAPTER ) + Table->table[i].dwMtu, 1 );
-        if( Adapter && Table->table[i].dwType == MIB_IF_TYPE_ETHERNET ) {
-            memcpy( &Adapter->IfMib, &Table->table[i],
-                    sizeof(Adapter->IfMib) );
-            Adapter->DhclientInfo.client = &Adapter->DhclientState;
-            Adapter->DhclientInfo.rbuf = Adapter->recv_buf;
-            Adapter->DhclientInfo.rbuf_max = Table->table[i].dwMtu;
-            Adapter->DhclientInfo.rbuf_len =
-                Adapter->DhclientInfo.rbuf_offset = 0;
-            memcpy(Adapter->DhclientInfo.hw_address.haddr,
-                   Adapter->IfMib.bPhysAddr,
-                   Adapter->IfMib.dwPhysAddrLen);
-            Adapter->DhclientInfo.hw_address.hlen  =
-                Adapter->IfMib.dwPhysAddrLen;
-            if( DhcpSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
-                DhcpSocket =
-                    Adapter->DhclientInfo.rfdesc =
-                    Adapter->DhclientInfo.wfdesc =
-                    socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP );
-                Adapter->ListenAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
-                Adapter->ListenAddr.sin_port = htons(LOCAL_PORT);
-                Adapter->BindStatus =
-                    (bind( Adapter->DhclientInfo.rfdesc,
-                           (struct sockaddr *)&Adapter->ListenAddr,
-                           sizeof(Adapter->ListenAddr) ) == 0) ?
-                    0 : WSAGetLastError();
-            } else {
-                Adapter->DhclientInfo.rfdesc =
-                    Adapter->DhclientInfo.wfdesc = DhcpSocket;
-            }
-            Adapter->DhclientConfig.timeout = DHCP_PANIC_TIMEOUT;
-            Adapter->DhclientConfig.initial_interval = DHCP_DISCOVER_INTERVAL;
-            Adapter->DhclientConfig.retry_interval = DHCP_DISCOVER_INTERVAL;
-            Adapter->DhclientConfig.select_interval = 1;
-            Adapter->DhclientConfig.reboot_timeout = DHCP_REBOOT_TIMEOUT;
-            Adapter->DhclientConfig.backoff_cutoff = DHCP_BACKOFF_MAX;
-            Adapter->DhclientState.interval =
-                Adapter->DhclientConfig.retry_interval;
-            if( PrepareAdapterForService( Adapter ) ) {
-                Adapter->DhclientInfo.next = ifi;
-                ifi = &Adapter->DhclientInfo;
-                InsertTailList( &AdapterList, &Adapter->ListEntry );
-            } else { free( Adapter ); Adapter = 0; }
-        } else { free( Adapter ); Adapter = 0; }
-        if( !Adapter )
-            DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Adapter %d was rejected\n",
-                                   Table->table[i].dwIndex));
-    }
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("done with AdapterInit\n"));
-    if( Table ) free( Table );
-void AdapterStop() {
-    PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry;
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    while( !IsListEmpty( &AdapterList ) ) {
-        ListEntry = (PLIST_ENTRY)RemoveHeadList( &AdapterList );
-        Adapter = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, DHCP_ADAPTER, ListEntry );
-        free( Adapter );
-    }
-    WSACleanup();
-PDHCP_ADAPTER AdapterFindIndex( unsigned int indx ) {
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry;
-    for( ListEntry = AdapterList.Flink;
-         ListEntry != &AdapterList;
-         ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) {
-        Adapter = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, DHCP_ADAPTER, ListEntry );
-        if( Adapter->IfMib.dwIndex == indx ) return Adapter;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PDHCP_ADAPTER AdapterFindName( const WCHAR *name ) {
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry;
-    for( ListEntry = AdapterList.Flink;
-         ListEntry != &AdapterList;
-         ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) {
-        Adapter = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, DHCP_ADAPTER, ListEntry );
-        if( !wcsicmp( Adapter->IfMib.wszName, name ) ) return Adapter;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PDHCP_ADAPTER AdapterFindInfo( struct interface_info *ip ) {
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry;
-    for( ListEntry = AdapterList.Flink;
-         ListEntry != &AdapterList;
-         ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink ) {
-        Adapter = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListEntry, DHCP_ADAPTER, ListEntry );
-        if( ip == &Adapter->DhclientInfo ) return Adapter;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-PDHCP_ADAPTER AdapterGetFirst() {
-    if( IsListEmpty( &AdapterList ) ) return NULL; else {
-        return CONTAINING_RECORD
-            ( AdapterList.Flink, DHCP_ADAPTER, ListEntry );
-    }
-    if( This->ListEntry.Flink == &AdapterList ) return NULL;
-        ( This->ListEntry.Flink, DHCP_ADAPTER, ListEntry );
-void if_register_send(struct interface_info *ip) {
-void if_register_receive(struct interface_info *ip) {
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/alloc.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/alloc.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5894a96..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: alloc.c,v 1.9 2004/05/04 20:28:40 deraadt Exp $       */
-/* Memory allocation... */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1998 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-struct string_list *
-new_string_list(size_t size)
-       struct string_list *rval;
-       rval = calloc(1, sizeof(struct string_list) + size);
-       if (rval != NULL)
-               rval->string = ((char *)rval) + sizeof(struct string_list);
-       return (rval);
-struct hash_table *
-new_hash_table(int count)
-       struct hash_table *rval;
-       rval = calloc(1, sizeof(struct hash_table) -
-           (DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(struct hash_bucket *)) +
-           (count * sizeof(struct hash_bucket *)));
-       if (rval == NULL)
-               return (NULL);
-       rval->hash_count = count;
-       return (rval);
-struct hash_bucket *
-       struct hash_bucket *rval = calloc(1, sizeof(struct hash_bucket));
-       return (rval);
-void free_hash_bucket(struct hash_bucket *hb) { free(hb); }
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/api.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/api.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ca628bb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: $
- *
- * COPYRIGHT:        See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:          ReactOS kernel
- * FILE:             subsys/system/dhcp/api.c
- * PURPOSE:          DHCP client api handlers
- * PROGRAMMER:       arty
- */
-#include <winsock2.h>
-#include <iphlpapi.h>
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-static CRITICAL_SECTION ApiCriticalSection;
-VOID ApiInit() {
-    InitializeCriticalSection( &ApiCriticalSection );
-VOID ApiLock() {
-    EnterCriticalSection( &ApiCriticalSection );
-VOID ApiUnlock() {
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &ApiCriticalSection );
-/* This represents the service portion of the DHCP client API */
-DWORD DSLeaseIpAddress( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req ) {
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    ApiLock();
-    Adapter = AdapterFindIndex( Req->AdapterIndex );
-    Reply.Reply = Adapter ? 1 : 0;
-    if( Adapter ) {
-        add_protocol( Adapter->DhclientInfo.name,
-                      Adapter->DhclientInfo.rfdesc, got_one,
-                      &Adapter->DhclientInfo );
-       Adapter->DhclientInfo.client->state = S_INIT;
-       state_reboot(&Adapter->DhclientInfo);
-    }
-    ApiUnlock();
-    return Send( &Reply );
-DWORD DSQueryHWInfo( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req ) {
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    ApiLock();
-    Adapter = AdapterFindIndex( Req->AdapterIndex );
-    Reply.QueryHWInfo.AdapterIndex = Req->AdapterIndex;
-    Reply.QueryHWInfo.MediaType = Adapter->IfMib.dwType;
-    Reply.QueryHWInfo.Mtu = Adapter->IfMib.dwMtu;
-    Reply.QueryHWInfo.Speed = Adapter->IfMib.dwSpeed;
-    ApiUnlock();
-    return Send( &Reply );
-DWORD DSReleaseIpAddressLease( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req ) {
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    ApiLock();
-    Adapter = AdapterFindIndex( Req->AdapterIndex );
-    Reply.Reply = Adapter ? 1 : 0;
-    if( Adapter ) {
-        DeleteIPAddress( Adapter->NteContext );
-        remove_protocol( find_protocol_by_adapter( &Adapter->DhclientInfo ) );
-    }
-    ApiUnlock();
-    return Send( &Reply );
-DWORD DSRenewIpAddressLease( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req ) {
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    ApiLock();
-    Adapter = AdapterFindIndex( Req->AdapterIndex );
-    Reply.Reply = Adapter ? 1 : 0;
-    if( !Adapter || Adapter->DhclientState.state != S_BOUND ) {
-        Reply.Reply = 0;
-        return Send( &Reply );
-    }
-    Adapter->DhclientState.state = S_BOUND;
-    send_discover( &Adapter->DhclientInfo );
-    state_bound( &Adapter->DhclientInfo );
-    ApiUnlock();
-    return Send( &Reply );
-DWORD DSStaticRefreshParams( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req ) {
-    NTSTATUS Status;
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    ApiLock();
-    Adapter = AdapterFindIndex( Req->AdapterIndex );
-    Reply.Reply = Adapter ? 1 : 0;
-    if( Adapter ) {
-        DeleteIPAddress( Adapter->NteContext );
-        Adapter->DhclientState.state = S_STATIC;
-        remove_protocol( find_protocol_by_adapter( &Adapter->DhclientInfo ) );
-        Status = AddIPAddress( Req->Body.StaticRefreshParams.IPAddress,
-                               Req->Body.StaticRefreshParams.Netmask,
-                               Req->AdapterIndex,
-                               &Adapter->NteContext,
-                               &Adapter->NteInstance );
-        Reply.Reply = NT_SUCCESS(Status);
-    }
-    ApiUnlock();
-    return Send( &Reply );
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/compat.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/compat.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 34ed1d4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-#include "stdint.h"
-size_t strlcpy(char *d, const char *s, size_t bufsize)
-        size_t len = strlen(s);
-        size_t ret = len;
-        if (bufsize > 0) {
-                if (len >= bufsize)
-                        len = bufsize-1;
-                memcpy(d, s, len);
-                d[len] = 0;
-        }
-        return ret;
-// not really random :(
-u_int32_t arc4random()
-       static int did_srand = 0;
-       u_int32_t ret;
-       if (!did_srand) {
-               srand(0);
-               did_srand = 1;
-       }
-       ret = rand() << 10 ^ rand();
-       return ret;
-int inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_addr *inp)
-       inp->S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(cp);
-       if (INADDR_NONE == inp->S_un.S_addr)
-               return 0;
-       return 1;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/design.txt b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/design.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 17c9a29..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-       Tinus provided the initial port of these dhclient file.
-Ok I need these things:
-1) Adapter concept thingy
-  Needs a name and index
-  Current IP address etc
-  interface_info
-  Must be able to get one from an adapter index or name
-  Must query the ip address and such
-  Must be able to set the address
-2) System state doodad
-  List of adapters
-  List of parameter changes
-  List of persistent stuff
-  Must be able to initialize from the registry 
-  (persistent stuff, some adapter info)
-  Save changes to persistent set
-3) Parameter change set
-  TODO  
-4) Persistent queries
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhclient.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhclient.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 0734bf0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2079 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: dhclient.c,v 1.62 2004/12/05 18:35:51 deraadt Exp $   */
- * Copyright 2004 Henning Brauer <henning@openbsd.org>
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
- * The Internet Software Consortium.    All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- *
- * This client was substantially modified and enhanced by Elliot Poger
- * for use on Linux while he was working on the MosquitoNet project at
- * Stanford.
- *
- * The current version owes much to Elliot's Linux enhancements, but
- * was substantially reorganized and partially rewritten by Ted Lemon
- * so as to use the same networking framework that the Internet Software
- * Consortium DHCP server uses.   Much system-specific configuration code
- * was moved into a shell script so that as support for more operating
- * systems is added, it will not be necessary to port and maintain
- * system-specific configuration code to these operating systems - instead,
- * the shell script can invoke the native tools to accomplish the same
- * purpose.
- */
-#include <winsock2.h>
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-#include "privsep.h"
-#define        PERIOD 0x2e
-#define        hyphenchar(c) ((c) == 0x2d)
-#define        bslashchar(c) ((c) == 0x5c)
-#define        periodchar(c) ((c) == PERIOD)
-#define        asterchar(c) ((c) == 0x2a)
-#define        alphachar(c) (((c) >= 0x41 && (c) <= 0x5a) || \
-           ((c) >= 0x61 && (c) <= 0x7a))
-#define        digitchar(c) ((c) >= 0x30 && (c) <= 0x39)
-#define        borderchar(c) (alphachar(c) || digitchar(c))
-#define        middlechar(c) (borderchar(c) || hyphenchar(c))
-#define        domainchar(c) ((c) > 0x20 && (c) < 0x7f)
-unsigned long debug_trace_level = 0; /* DEBUG_ULTRA */
-time_t cur_time;
-time_t default_lease_time = 43200; /* 12 hours... */
-char *path_dhclient_conf = _PATH_DHCLIENT_CONF;
-char *path_dhclient_db = NULL;
-int log_perror = 1;
-int privfd;
-//int nullfd = -1;
-struct iaddr iaddr_broadcast = { 4, { 255, 255, 255, 255 } };
-struct in_addr inaddr_any;
-struct sockaddr_in sockaddr_broadcast;
-unsigned long old_default_route = 0;
- * ASSERT_STATE() does nothing now; it used to be
- * assert (state_is == state_shouldbe).
- */
-#define ASSERT_STATE(state_is, state_shouldbe) {}
-#define TIME_MAX 2147483647
-int            log_priority;
-int            no_daemon;
-int            unknown_ok = 1;
-int            routefd;
-struct interface_info  *ifi = NULL;
-void            usage(void);
-int             check_option(struct client_lease *l, int option);
-int             ipv4addrs(char * buf);
-int             res_hnok(const char *dn);
-char           *option_as_string(unsigned int code, unsigned char *data, int len);
-int             fork_privchld(int, int);
-int              check_arp( struct interface_info *ip, struct client_lease *lp );
-#define        ADVANCE(x, n) (x += ROUNDUP((n)->sa_len))
-time_t scripttime;
-/* XXX Implement me */
-int check_arp( struct interface_info *ip, struct client_lease *lp ) {
-    return 1;
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    int i = 0;
-        ApiInit();
-        AdapterInit();
-        PipeInit();
-       tzset();
-       time(&cur_time);
-       memset(&sockaddr_broadcast, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_broadcast));
-       sockaddr_broadcast.sin_family = AF_INET;
-       sockaddr_broadcast.sin_port = htons(REMOTE_PORT);
-       sockaddr_broadcast.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
-       inaddr_any.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("DHCP Service Started\n"));
-       read_client_conf();
-       if (!interface_link_status(ifi->name)) {
-            DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("%s: no link ", ifi->name));
-            Sleep(1000);
-            while (!interface_link_status(ifi->name)) {
-                DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("."));
-                if (++i > 10) {
-                    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Giving up for now on adapter [%s]\n", ifi->name));
-                }
-                Sleep(1000);
-            }
-            DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Got link on [%s]\n", ifi->name));
-       }
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Discover Interfaces\n"));
-        /* If no adapters were found, just idle for now ... If any show up,
-         * then we'll start it later */
-        if( ifi ) {
-            /* set up the interface */
-            discover_interfaces(ifi);
-            DH_DbgPrint
-                (MID_TRACE,
-                 ("Setting init state and restarting interface %p\n",ifi));
-        }
-       bootp_packet_handler = do_packet;
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Going into dispatch()\n"));
-       dispatch();
-       /* not reached */
-       return (0);
-//     extern char     *__progname;
-//     fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-dqu] ", __progname);
-       fprintf(stderr, "usage: dhclient [-dqu] ");
-       fprintf(stderr, "[-c conffile] [-l leasefile] interface\n");
-       exit(1);
- * Individual States:
- *
- * Each routine is called from the dhclient_state_machine() in one of
- * these conditions:
- * -> entering INIT state
- * -> recvpacket_flag == 0: timeout in this state
- * -> otherwise: received a packet in this state
- *
- * Return conditions as handled by dhclient_state_machine():
- * Returns 1, sendpacket_flag = 1: send packet, reset timer.
- * Returns 1, sendpacket_flag = 0: just reset the timer (wait for a milestone).
- * Returns 0: finish the nap which was interrupted for no good reason.
- *
- * Several per-interface variables are used to keep track of the process:
- *   active_lease: the lease that is being used on the interface
- *                 (null pointer if not configured yet).
- *   offered_leases: leases corresponding to DHCPOFFER messages that have
- *                   been sent to us by DHCP servers.
- *   acked_leases: leases corresponding to DHCPACK messages that have been
- *                 sent to us by DHCP servers.
- *   sendpacket: DHCP packet we're trying to send.
- *   destination: IP address to send sendpacket to
- * In addition, there are several relevant per-lease variables.
- *   T1_expiry, T2_expiry, lease_expiry: lease milestones
- * In the active lease, these control the process of renewing the lease;
- * In leases on the acked_leases list, this simply determines when we
- * can no longer legitimately use the lease.
- */
-state_reboot(void *ipp)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ipp;
-       /* If we don't remember an active lease, go straight to INIT. */
-       if (!ip->client->active || ip->client->active->is_bootp) {
-               state_init(ip);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* We are in the rebooting state. */
-       ip->client->state = S_REBOOTING;
-       /* make_request doesn't initialize xid because it normally comes
-          from the DHCPDISCOVER, but we haven't sent a DHCPDISCOVER,
-          so pick an xid now. */
-       ip->client->xid = arc4random();
-       /* Make a DHCPREQUEST packet, and set appropriate per-interface
-          flags. */
-       make_request(ip, ip->client->active);
-       ip->client->destination = iaddr_broadcast;
-       ip->client->first_sending = cur_time;
-       ip->client->interval = ip->client->config->initial_interval;
-       /* Zap the medium list... */
-       ip->client->medium = NULL;
-       /* Send out the first DHCPREQUEST packet. */
-       send_request(ip);
- * Called when a lease has completely expired and we've
- * been unable to renew it.
- */
-state_init(void *ipp)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ipp;
-       ASSERT_STATE(state, S_INIT);
-       /* Make a DHCPDISCOVER packet, and set appropriate per-interface
-          flags. */
-       make_discover(ip, ip->client->active);
-       ip->client->xid = ip->client->packet.xid;
-       ip->client->destination = iaddr_broadcast;
-       ip->client->state = S_SELECTING;
-       ip->client->first_sending = cur_time;
-       ip->client->interval = ip->client->config->initial_interval;
-       /* Add an immediate timeout to cause the first DHCPDISCOVER packet
-          to go out. */
-       send_discover(ip);
- * state_selecting is called when one or more DHCPOFFER packets
- * have been received and a configurable period of time has passed.
- */
-state_selecting(void *ipp)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ipp;
-       struct client_lease *lp, *next, *picked;
-       /* Cancel state_selecting and send_discover timeouts, since either
-          one could have got us here. */
-       cancel_timeout(state_selecting, ip);
-       cancel_timeout(send_discover, ip);
-       /* We have received one or more DHCPOFFER packets.   Currently,
-          the only criterion by which we judge leases is whether or
-          not we get a response when we arp for them. */
-       picked = NULL;
-       for (lp = ip->client->offered_leases; lp; lp = next) {
-               next = lp->next;
-               /* Check to see if we got an ARPREPLY for the address
-                  in this particular lease. */
-               if (!picked) {
-                    if( !check_arp(ip,lp) ) goto freeit;
-                    picked = lp;
-                    picked->next = NULL;
-               } else {
-                       free_client_lease(lp);
-               }
-       }
-       ip->client->offered_leases = NULL;
-       /* If we just tossed all the leases we were offered, go back
-          to square one. */
-       if (!picked) {
-               ip->client->state = S_INIT;
-               state_init(ip);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* If it was a BOOTREPLY, we can just take the address right now. */
-       if (!picked->options[DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE].len) {
-               ip->client->new = picked;
-               /* Make up some lease expiry times
-                  XXX these should be configurable. */
-               ip->client->new->expiry = cur_time + 12000;
-               ip->client->new->renewal += cur_time + 8000;
-               ip->client->new->rebind += cur_time + 10000;
-               ip->client->state = S_REQUESTING;
-               /* Bind to the address we received. */
-               bind_lease(ip);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* Go to the REQUESTING state. */
-       ip->client->destination = iaddr_broadcast;
-       ip->client->state = S_REQUESTING;
-       ip->client->first_sending = cur_time;
-       ip->client->interval = ip->client->config->initial_interval;
-       /* Make a DHCPREQUEST packet from the lease we picked. */
-       make_request(ip, picked);
-       ip->client->xid = ip->client->packet.xid;
-       /* Toss the lease we picked - we'll get it back in a DHCPACK. */
-       free_client_lease(picked);
-       /* Add an immediate timeout to send the first DHCPREQUEST packet. */
-       send_request(ip);
-/* state_requesting is called when we receive a DHCPACK message after
-   having sent out one or more DHCPREQUEST packets. */
-dhcpack(struct packet *packet)
-       struct interface_info *ip = packet->interface;
-       struct client_lease *lease;
-       /* If we're not receptive to an offer right now, or if the offer
-          has an unrecognizable transaction id, then just drop it. */
-       if (packet->interface->client->xid != packet->raw->xid ||
-           (packet->interface->hw_address.hlen != packet->raw->hlen) ||
-           (memcmp(packet->interface->hw_address.haddr,
-           packet->raw->chaddr, packet->raw->hlen)))
-               return;
-       if (ip->client->state != S_REBOOTING &&
-           ip->client->state != S_REQUESTING &&
-           ip->client->state != S_RENEWING &&
-           ip->client->state != S_REBINDING)
-               return;
-       note("DHCPACK from %s", piaddr(packet->client_addr));
-       lease = packet_to_lease(packet);
-       if (!lease) {
-               note("packet_to_lease failed.");
-               return;
-       }
-       ip->client->new = lease;
-       /* Stop resending DHCPREQUEST. */
-       cancel_timeout(send_request, ip);
-       /* Figure out the lease time. */
-       if (ip->client->new->options[DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME].data)
-               ip->client->new->expiry = getULong(
-                   ip->client->new->options[DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME].data);
-       else
-               ip->client->new->expiry = default_lease_time;
-       /* A number that looks negative here is really just very large,
-          because the lease expiry offset is unsigned. */
-       if (ip->client->new->expiry < 0)
-               ip->client->new->expiry = TIME_MAX;
-       /* XXX should be fixed by resetting the client state */
-       if (ip->client->new->expiry < 60)
-               ip->client->new->expiry = 60;
-       /* Take the server-provided renewal time if there is one;
-          otherwise figure it out according to the spec. */
-       if (ip->client->new->options[DHO_DHCP_RENEWAL_TIME].len)
-               ip->client->new->renewal = getULong(
-                   ip->client->new->options[DHO_DHCP_RENEWAL_TIME].data);
-       else
-               ip->client->new->renewal = ip->client->new->expiry / 2;
-       /* Same deal with the rebind time. */
-       if (ip->client->new->options[DHO_DHCP_REBINDING_TIME].len)
-               ip->client->new->rebind = getULong(
-                   ip->client->new->options[DHO_DHCP_REBINDING_TIME].data);
-       else
-               ip->client->new->rebind = ip->client->new->renewal +
-                   ip->client->new->renewal / 2 + ip->client->new->renewal / 4;
-       ip->client->new->expiry += cur_time;
-       /* Lease lengths can never be negative. */
-       if (ip->client->new->expiry < cur_time)
-               ip->client->new->expiry = TIME_MAX;
-       ip->client->new->renewal += cur_time;
-       if (ip->client->new->renewal < cur_time)
-               ip->client->new->renewal = TIME_MAX;
-       ip->client->new->rebind += cur_time;
-       if (ip->client->new->rebind < cur_time)
-               ip->client->new->rebind = TIME_MAX;
-       bind_lease(ip);
-void set_name_servers( struct client_lease *new_lease ) {
-    if( new_lease->options[DHO_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS].len ) {
-        HKEY RegKey;
-        struct iaddr nameserver;
-        char *nsbuf;
-        int i, addrs =
-            new_lease->options[DHO_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS].len / sizeof(ULONG);
-               /* XXX I'm setting addrs to 1 until we are ready up the chain */
-               addrs = 1;
-        nsbuf = malloc( addrs * sizeof(IP_ADDRESS_STRING) );
-        nsbuf[0] = 0;
-        if( nsbuf && !RegOpenKeyEx
-            ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
-              "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters",
-              0, KEY_WRITE, &RegKey ) ) {
-            for( i = 0; i < addrs; i++ ) {
-                nameserver.len = sizeof(ULONG);
-                memcpy( nameserver.iabuf,
-                        new_lease->options[DHO_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS].data +
-                        (i * sizeof(ULONG)), sizeof(ULONG) );
-                strcat( nsbuf, piaddr(nameserver) );
-                if( i != addrs-1 ) strcat( nsbuf, "," );
-            }
-            DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Setting Nameservers: %s\n", nsbuf));
-            /* XXX Fixme: I think this may be wrong and that we might have
-             * a problem somewhere else (in iphlpapi for example).
-             *
-             * Recheck the +1 below.
-             */
-            RegSetValueEx( RegKey, "NameServer", 0, REG_SZ,
-                           (LPBYTE)nsbuf, strlen(nsbuf) + 1 );
-            free( nsbuf );
-        }
-    }
-void setup_adapter( PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter, struct client_lease *new_lease ) {
-    struct iaddr netmask;
-    if( Adapter->NteContext )
-        DeleteIPAddress( Adapter->NteContext );
-    /* Set up our default router if we got one from the DHCP server */
-    if( new_lease->options[DHO_SUBNET_MASK].len ) {
-        NTSTATUS Status;
-        memcpy( netmask.iabuf,
-                new_lease->options[DHO_SUBNET_MASK].data,
-                new_lease->options[DHO_SUBNET_MASK].len );
-        Status = AddIPAddress
-            ( *((ULONG*)new_lease->address.iabuf),
-              *((ULONG*)netmask.iabuf),
-              Adapter->IfMib.dwIndex,
-              &Adapter->NteContext,
-              &Adapter->NteInstance );
-        if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) )
-            warning("AddIPAddress: %lx\n", Status);
-    }
-    if( new_lease->options[DHO_ROUTERS].len ) {
-        MIB_IPFORWARDROW RouterMib;
-        NTSTATUS Status;
-        RouterMib.dwForwardDest = 0; /* Default route */
-        RouterMib.dwForwardMask = 0;
-        RouterMib.dwForwardMetric1 = 1;
-        if( old_default_route ) {
-            /* If we set a default route before, delete it before continuing */
-            RouterMib.dwForwardDest = old_default_route;
-            DeleteIpForwardEntry( &RouterMib );
-        }
-        RouterMib.dwForwardNextHop =
-            *((ULONG*)new_lease->options[DHO_ROUTERS].data);
-        Status = CreateIpForwardEntry( &RouterMib );
-        if( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) )
-            warning("CreateIpForwardEntry: %lx\n", Status);
-        else
-            old_default_route = RouterMib.dwForwardNextHop;
-    }
-bind_lease(struct interface_info *ip)
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter;
-    struct client_lease *new_lease = ip->client->new;
-    /* Remember the medium. */
-    ip->client->new->medium = ip->client->medium;
-    ip->client->active = ip->client->new;
-    ip->client->new = NULL;
-    /* Set up a timeout to start the renewal process. */
-    /* Timeout of zero means no timeout (some implementations seem to use
-     * one day).
-     */
-    if( ip->client->active->renewal - cur_time )
-        add_timeout(ip->client->active->renewal, state_bound, ip);
-    note("bound to %s -- renewal in %ld seconds.",
-         piaddr(ip->client->active->address),
-         ip->client->active->renewal - cur_time);
-    ip->client->state = S_BOUND;
-    Adapter = AdapterFindInfo( ip );
-    if( Adapter )  setup_adapter( Adapter, new_lease );
-    else warning("Could not find adapter for info %p\n", ip);
-    set_name_servers( new_lease );
-    reinitialize_interfaces();
- * state_bound is called when we've successfully bound to a particular
- * lease, but the renewal time on that lease has expired.   We are
- * expected to unicast a DHCPREQUEST to the server that gave us our
- * original lease.
- */
-state_bound(void *ipp)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ipp;
-       ASSERT_STATE(state, S_BOUND);
-       /* T1 has expired. */
-       make_request(ip, ip->client->active);
-       ip->client->xid = ip->client->packet.xid;
-       if (ip->client->active->options[DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER].len == 4) {
-               memcpy(ip->client->destination.iabuf, ip->client->active->
-                   options[DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER].data, 4);
-               ip->client->destination.len = 4;
-       } else
-               ip->client->destination = iaddr_broadcast;
-       ip->client->first_sending = cur_time;
-       ip->client->interval = ip->client->config->initial_interval;
-       ip->client->state = S_RENEWING;
-       /* Send the first packet immediately. */
-       send_request(ip);
-bootp(struct packet *packet)
-       struct iaddrlist *ap;
-       if (packet->raw->op != BOOTREPLY)
-               return;
-       /* If there's a reject list, make sure this packet's sender isn't
-          on it. */
-       for (ap = packet->interface->client->config->reject_list;
-           ap; ap = ap->next) {
-               if (addr_eq(packet->client_addr, ap->addr)) {
-                       note("BOOTREPLY from %s rejected.", piaddr(ap->addr));
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-       dhcpoffer(packet);
-dhcp(struct packet *packet)
-       struct iaddrlist *ap;
-       void (*handler)(struct packet *);
-       char *type;
-       switch (packet->packet_type) {
-       case DHCPOFFER:
-               handler = dhcpoffer;
-               type = "DHCPOFFER";
-               break;
-       case DHCPNAK:
-               handler = dhcpnak;
-               type = "DHCPNACK";
-               break;
-       case DHCPACK:
-               handler = dhcpack;
-               type = "DHCPACK";
-               break;
-       default:
-               return;
-       }
-       /* If there's a reject list, make sure this packet's sender isn't
-          on it. */
-       for (ap = packet->interface->client->config->reject_list;
-           ap; ap = ap->next) {
-               if (addr_eq(packet->client_addr, ap->addr)) {
-                       note("%s from %s rejected.", type, piaddr(ap->addr));
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-       (*handler)(packet);
-dhcpoffer(struct packet *packet)
-       struct interface_info *ip = packet->interface;
-       struct client_lease *lease, *lp;
-       int i;
-       int arp_timeout_needed = 0, stop_selecting;
-       char *name = packet->options[DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE].len ?
-           "DHCPOFFER" : "BOOTREPLY";
-       /* If we're not receptive to an offer right now, or if the offer
-          has an unrecognizable transaction id, then just drop it. */
-       if (ip->client->state != S_SELECTING ||
-            packet->interface->client->xid != packet->raw->xid ||
-            (packet->interface->hw_address.hlen != packet->raw->hlen) ||
-           (memcmp(packet->interface->hw_address.haddr,
-           packet->raw->chaddr, packet->raw->hlen)))
-               return;
-       note("%s from %s", name, piaddr(packet->client_addr));
-       /* If this lease doesn't supply the minimum required parameters,
-          blow it off. */
-       for (i = 0; ip->client->config->required_options[i]; i++) {
-               if (!packet->options[ip->client->config->
-                   required_options[i]].len) {
-                       note("%s isn't satisfactory.", name);
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-       /* If we've already seen this lease, don't record it again. */
-       for (lease = ip->client->offered_leases;
-           lease; lease = lease->next) {
-               if (lease->address.len == sizeof(packet->raw->yiaddr) &&
-                   !memcmp(lease->address.iabuf,
-                   &packet->raw->yiaddr, lease->address.len)) {
-                       debug("%s already seen.", name);
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-       lease = packet_to_lease(packet);
-       if (!lease) {
-               note("packet_to_lease failed.");
-               return;
-       }
-       /* If this lease was acquired through a BOOTREPLY, record that
-          fact. */
-       if (!packet->options[DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE].len)
-               lease->is_bootp = 1;
-       /* Record the medium under which this lease was offered. */
-       lease->medium = ip->client->medium;
-       /* Send out an ARP Request for the offered IP address. */
-        if( !check_arp( ip, lease ) ) {
-            note("Arp check failed\n");
-            return;
-        }
-       /* Figure out when we're supposed to stop selecting. */
-       stop_selecting =
-           ip->client->first_sending + ip->client->config->select_interval;
-       /* If this is the lease we asked for, put it at the head of the
-          list, and don't mess with the arp request timeout. */
-       if (lease->address.len == ip->client->requested_address.len &&
-           !memcmp(lease->address.iabuf,
-           ip->client->requested_address.iabuf,
-           ip->client->requested_address.len)) {
-               lease->next = ip->client->offered_leases;
-               ip->client->offered_leases = lease;
-       } else {
-               /* If we already have an offer, and arping for this
-                  offer would take us past the selection timeout,
-                  then don't extend the timeout - just hope for the
-                  best. */
-               if (ip->client->offered_leases &&
-                   (cur_time + arp_timeout_needed) > stop_selecting)
-                       arp_timeout_needed = 0;
-               /* Put the lease at the end of the list. */
-               lease->next = NULL;
-               if (!ip->client->offered_leases)
-                       ip->client->offered_leases = lease;
-               else {
-                       for (lp = ip->client->offered_leases; lp->next;
-                           lp = lp->next)
-                               ;       /* nothing */
-                       lp->next = lease;
-               }
-       }
-       /* If we're supposed to stop selecting before we've had time
-          to wait for the ARPREPLY, add some delay to wait for
-          the ARPREPLY. */
-       if (stop_selecting - cur_time < arp_timeout_needed)
-               stop_selecting = cur_time + arp_timeout_needed;
-       /* If the selecting interval has expired, go immediately to
-          state_selecting().  Otherwise, time out into
-          state_selecting at the select interval. */
-       if (stop_selecting <= 0)
-               state_selecting(ip);
-       else {
-               add_timeout(stop_selecting, state_selecting, ip);
-               cancel_timeout(send_discover, ip);
-       }
-/* Allocate a client_lease structure and initialize it from the parameters
-   in the specified packet. */
-struct client_lease *
-packet_to_lease(struct packet *packet)
-       struct client_lease *lease;
-       int i;
-       lease = malloc(sizeof(struct client_lease));
-       if (!lease) {
-               warning("dhcpoffer: no memory to record lease.");
-               return (NULL);
-       }
-       memset(lease, 0, sizeof(*lease));
-       /* Copy the lease options. */
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-               if (packet->options[i].len) {
-                       lease->options[i].data =
-                           malloc(packet->options[i].len + 1);
-                       if (!lease->options[i].data) {
-                               warning("dhcpoffer: no memory for option %d", i);
-                               free_client_lease(lease);
-                               return (NULL);
-                       } else {
-                               memcpy(lease->options[i].data,
-                                   packet->options[i].data,
-                                   packet->options[i].len);
-                               lease->options[i].len =
-                                   packet->options[i].len;
-                               lease->options[i].data[lease->options[i].len] =
-                                   0;
-                       }
-                       if (!check_option(lease,i)) {
-                               /* ignore a bogus lease offer */
-                               warning("Invalid lease option - ignoring offer");
-                               free_client_lease(lease);
-                               return (NULL);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       lease->address.len = sizeof(packet->raw->yiaddr);
-       memcpy(lease->address.iabuf, &packet->raw->yiaddr, lease->address.len);
-       /* If the server name was filled out, copy it. */
-       if ((!packet->options[DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD].len ||
-           !(packet->options[DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD].data[0] & 2)) &&
-           packet->raw->sname[0]) {
-               lease->server_name = malloc(DHCP_SNAME_LEN + 1);
-               if (!lease->server_name) {
-                       warning("dhcpoffer: no memory for server name.");
-                       free_client_lease(lease);
-                       return (NULL);
-               }
-               memcpy(lease->server_name, packet->raw->sname, DHCP_SNAME_LEN);
-               lease->server_name[DHCP_SNAME_LEN]='\0';
-               if (!res_hnok(lease->server_name) ) {
-                       warning("Bogus server name %s",  lease->server_name );
-                       free_client_lease(lease);
-                       return (NULL);
-               }
-       }
-       /* Ditto for the filename. */
-       if ((!packet->options[DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD].len ||
-           !(packet->options[DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD].data[0] & 1)) &&
-           packet->raw->file[0]) {
-               /* Don't count on the NUL terminator. */
-               lease->filename = malloc(DHCP_FILE_LEN + 1);
-               if (!lease->filename) {
-                       warning("dhcpoffer: no memory for filename.");
-                       free_client_lease(lease);
-                       return (NULL);
-               }
-               memcpy(lease->filename, packet->raw->file, DHCP_FILE_LEN);
-               lease->filename[DHCP_FILE_LEN]='\0';
-       }
-       return lease;
-dhcpnak(struct packet *packet)
-       struct interface_info *ip = packet->interface;
-       /* If we're not receptive to an offer right now, or if the offer
-          has an unrecognizable transaction id, then just drop it. */
-       if (packet->interface->client->xid != packet->raw->xid ||
-           (packet->interface->hw_address.hlen != packet->raw->hlen) ||
-           (memcmp(packet->interface->hw_address.haddr,
-           packet->raw->chaddr, packet->raw->hlen)))
-               return;
-       if (ip->client->state != S_REBOOTING &&
-           ip->client->state != S_REQUESTING &&
-           ip->client->state != S_RENEWING &&
-           ip->client->state != S_REBINDING)
-               return;
-       note("DHCPNAK from %s", piaddr(packet->client_addr));
-       if (!ip->client->active) {
-               note("DHCPNAK with no active lease.\n");
-               return;
-       }
-       free_client_lease(ip->client->active);
-       ip->client->active = NULL;
-       /* Stop sending DHCPREQUEST packets... */
-       cancel_timeout(send_request, ip);
-       ip->client->state = S_INIT;
-       state_init(ip);
-/* Send out a DHCPDISCOVER packet, and set a timeout to send out another
-   one after the right interval has expired.  If we don't get an offer by
-   the time we reach the panic interval, call the panic function. */
-send_discover(void *ipp)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ipp;
-       int interval, increase = 1;
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Doing discover on interface %p\n",ip));
-       /* Figure out how long it's been since we started transmitting. */
-       interval = cur_time - ip->client->first_sending;
-       /* If we're past the panic timeout, call the script and tell it
-          we haven't found anything for this interface yet. */
-       if (interval > ip->client->config->timeout) {
-               state_panic(ip);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* If we're selecting media, try the whole list before doing
-          the exponential backoff, but if we've already received an
-          offer, stop looping, because we obviously have it right. */
-       if (!ip->client->offered_leases &&
-           ip->client->config->media) {
-               int fail = 0;
-               if (ip->client->medium) {
-                       ip->client->medium = ip->client->medium->next;
-                       increase = 0;
-               }
-               if (!ip->client->medium) {
-                       if (fail)
-                               error("No valid media types for %s!", ip->name);
-                       ip->client->medium = ip->client->config->media;
-                       increase = 1;
-               }
-               note("Trying medium \"%s\" %d", ip->client->medium->string,
-                   increase);
-                /* XXX Support other media types eventually */
-       }
-       /*
-        * If we're supposed to increase the interval, do so.  If it's
-        * currently zero (i.e., we haven't sent any packets yet), set
-        * it to one; otherwise, add to it a random number between zero
-        * and two times itself.  On average, this means that it will
-        * double with every transmission.
-        */
-       if (increase) {
-               if (!ip->client->interval)
-                       ip->client->interval =
-                           ip->client->config->initial_interval;
-               else {
-                       ip->client->interval += (arc4random() >> 2) %
-                           (2 * ip->client->interval);
-               }
-               /* Don't backoff past cutoff. */
-               if (ip->client->interval >
-                   ip->client->config->backoff_cutoff)
-                       ip->client->interval =
-                               ((ip->client->config->backoff_cutoff / 2)
-                                + ((arc4random() >> 2) %
-                                   ip->client->config->backoff_cutoff));
-       } else if (!ip->client->interval)
-               ip->client->interval =
-                       ip->client->config->initial_interval;
-       /* If the backoff would take us to the panic timeout, just use that
-          as the interval. */
-       if (cur_time + ip->client->interval >
-           ip->client->first_sending + ip->client->config->timeout)
-               ip->client->interval =
-                       (ip->client->first_sending +
-                        ip->client->config->timeout) - cur_time + 1;
-       /* Record the number of seconds since we started sending. */
-       if (interval < 65536)
-               ip->client->packet.secs = htons(interval);
-       else
-               ip->client->packet.secs = htons(65535);
-       ip->client->secs = ip->client->packet.secs;
-       note("DHCPDISCOVER on %s to %s port %d interval %ld",
-           ip->name, inet_ntoa(sockaddr_broadcast.sin_addr),
-           ntohs(sockaddr_broadcast.sin_port), ip->client->interval);
-       /* Send out a packet. */
-       (void)send_packet(ip, &ip->client->packet, ip->client->packet_length,
-           inaddr_any, &sockaddr_broadcast, NULL);
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("discover timeout: now %x -> then %x\n",
-                               cur_time, cur_time + ip->client->interval));
-       add_timeout(cur_time + ip->client->interval, send_discover, ip);
- * state_panic gets called if we haven't received any offers in a preset
- * amount of time.   When this happens, we try to use existing leases
- * that haven't yet expired, and failing that, we call the client script
- * and hope it can do something.
- */
-state_panic(void *ipp)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ipp;
-       struct client_lease *loop = ip->client->active;
-       struct client_lease *lp;
-       note("No DHCPOFFERS received.");
-       /* We may not have an active lease, but we may have some
-          predefined leases that we can try. */
-       if (!ip->client->active && ip->client->leases)
-               goto activate_next;
-       /* Run through the list of leases and see if one can be used. */
-       while (ip->client->active) {
-               if (ip->client->active->expiry > cur_time) {
-                       note("Trying recorded lease %s",
-                           piaddr(ip->client->active->address));
-                       /* Run the client script with the existing
-                          parameters. */
-                       script_init("TIMEOUT",
-                           ip->client->active->medium);
-                       script_write_params("new_", ip->client->active);
-                       if (ip->client->alias)
-                               script_write_params("alias_",
-                                   ip->client->alias);
-                       /* If the old lease is still good and doesn't
-                          yet need renewal, go into BOUND state and
-                          timeout at the renewal time. */
-                        if (cur_time <
-                            ip->client->active->renewal) {
-                            ip->client->state = S_BOUND;
-                            note("bound: renewal in %ld seconds.",
-                                 ip->client->active->renewal -
-                                 cur_time);
-                            add_timeout(
-                                ip->client->active->renewal,
-                                state_bound, ip);
-                        } else {
-                            ip->client->state = S_BOUND;
-                            note("bound: immediate renewal.");
-                            state_bound(ip);
-                        }
-                        reinitialize_interfaces();
-                        return;
-               }
-               /* If there are no other leases, give up. */
-               if (!ip->client->leases) {
-                       ip->client->leases = ip->client->active;
-                       ip->client->active = NULL;
-                       break;
-               }
-               /* Otherwise, put the active lease at the end of the
-                  lease list, and try another lease.. */
-               for (lp = ip->client->leases; lp->next; lp = lp->next)
-                       ;
-               lp->next = ip->client->active;
-               if (lp->next)
-                       lp->next->next = NULL;
-               ip->client->active = ip->client->leases;
-               ip->client->leases = ip->client->leases->next;
-               /* If we already tried this lease, we've exhausted the
-                  set of leases, so we might as well give up for
-                  now. */
-               if (ip->client->active == loop)
-                       break;
-               else if (!loop)
-                       loop = ip->client->active;
-       }
-       /* No leases were available, or what was available didn't work, so
-          tell the shell script that we failed to allocate an address,
-          and try again later. */
-       note("No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.\n");
-       ip->client->state = S_INIT;
-       add_timeout(cur_time + ip->client->config->retry_interval, state_init,
-           ip);
-        /* XXX Take any failure actions necessary */
-send_request(void *ipp)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ipp;
-       struct sockaddr_in destination;
-       struct in_addr from;
-       int interval;
-       /* Figure out how long it's been since we started transmitting. */
-       interval = cur_time - ip->client->first_sending;
-       /* If we're in the INIT-REBOOT or REQUESTING state and we're
-          past the reboot timeout, go to INIT and see if we can
-          DISCOVER an address... */
-       /* XXX In the INIT-REBOOT state, if we don't get an ACK, it
-          means either that we're on a network with no DHCP server,
-          or that our server is down.  In the latter case, assuming
-          that there is a backup DHCP server, DHCPDISCOVER will get
-          us a new address, but we could also have successfully
-          reused our old address.  In the former case, we're hosed
-          anyway.  This is not a win-prone situation. */
-       if ((ip->client->state == S_REBOOTING ||
-           ip->client->state == S_REQUESTING) &&
-           interval > ip->client->config->reboot_timeout) {
-               ip->client->state = S_INIT;
-               cancel_timeout(send_request, ip);
-               state_init(ip);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* If we're in the reboot state, make sure the media is set up
-          correctly. */
-       if (ip->client->state == S_REBOOTING &&
-           !ip->client->medium &&
-           ip->client->active->medium ) {
-               script_init("MEDIUM", ip->client->active->medium);
-               /* If the medium we chose won't fly, go to INIT state. */
-                /* XXX Nothing for now */
-               /* Record the medium. */
-               ip->client->medium = ip->client->active->medium;
-       }
-       /* If the lease has expired, relinquish the address and go back
-          to the INIT state. */
-       if (ip->client->state != S_REQUESTING &&
-           cur_time > ip->client->active->expiry) {
-            PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter = AdapterFindInfo( ip );
-            /* Run the client script with the new parameters. */
-            /* No script actions necessary in the expiry case */
-            /* Now do a preinit on the interface so that we can
-               discover a new address. */
-            if( Adapter )
-                DeleteIPAddress( Adapter->NteContext );
-            ip->client->state = S_INIT;
-            state_init(ip);
-            return;
-       }
-       /* Do the exponential backoff... */
-       if (!ip->client->interval)
-               ip->client->interval = ip->client->config->initial_interval;
-       else
-               ip->client->interval += ((arc4random() >> 2) %
-                   (2 * ip->client->interval));
-       /* Don't backoff past cutoff. */
-       if (ip->client->interval >
-           ip->client->config->backoff_cutoff)
-               ip->client->interval =
-                   ((ip->client->config->backoff_cutoff / 2) +
-                   ((arc4random() >> 2) % ip->client->interval));
-       /* If the backoff would take us to the expiry time, just set the
-          timeout to the expiry time. */
-       if (ip->client->state != S_REQUESTING &&
-           cur_time + ip->client->interval >
-           ip->client->active->expiry)
-               ip->client->interval =
-                   ip->client->active->expiry - cur_time + 1;
-       /* If the lease T2 time has elapsed, or if we're not yet bound,
-          broadcast the DHCPREQUEST rather than unicasting. */
-       memset(&destination, 0, sizeof(destination));
-       if (ip->client->state == S_REQUESTING ||
-           ip->client->state == S_REBOOTING ||
-           cur_time > ip->client->active->rebind)
-               destination.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
-       else
-               memcpy(&destination.sin_addr.s_addr,
-                   ip->client->destination.iabuf,
-                   sizeof(destination.sin_addr.s_addr));
-       destination.sin_port = htons(REMOTE_PORT);
-       destination.sin_family = AF_INET;
-//     destination.sin_len = sizeof(destination);
-       if (ip->client->state != S_REQUESTING)
-               memcpy(&from, ip->client->active->address.iabuf,
-                   sizeof(from));
-       else
-               from.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
-       /* Record the number of seconds since we started sending. */
-       if (ip->client->state == S_REQUESTING)
-               ip->client->packet.secs = ip->client->secs;
-       else {
-               if (interval < 65536)
-                       ip->client->packet.secs = htons(interval);
-               else
-                       ip->client->packet.secs = htons(65535);
-       }
-       note("DHCPREQUEST on %s to %s port %d", ip->name,
-           inet_ntoa(destination.sin_addr), ntohs(destination.sin_port));
-       /* Send out a packet. */
-       (void) send_packet(ip, &ip->client->packet, ip->client->packet_length,
-           from, &destination, NULL);
-       add_timeout(cur_time + ip->client->interval, send_request, ip);
-send_decline(void *ipp)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ipp;
-       note("DHCPDECLINE on %s to %s port %d", ip->name,
-           inet_ntoa(sockaddr_broadcast.sin_addr),
-           ntohs(sockaddr_broadcast.sin_port));
-       /* Send out a packet. */
-       (void) send_packet(ip, &ip->client->packet, ip->client->packet_length,
-           inaddr_any, &sockaddr_broadcast, NULL);
-make_discover(struct interface_info *ip, struct client_lease *lease)
-       unsigned char discover = DHCPDISCOVER;
-       struct tree_cache *options[256];
-       struct tree_cache option_elements[256];
-       int i;
-       memset(option_elements, 0, sizeof(option_elements));
-       memset(options, 0, sizeof(options));
-       memset(&ip->client->packet, 0, sizeof(ip->client->packet));
-       options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-       options[i]->value = &discover;
-       options[i]->len = sizeof(discover);
-       options[i]->buf_size = sizeof(discover);
-       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       /* Request the options we want */
-       options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-       options[i]->value = ip->client->config->requested_options;
-       options[i]->len = ip->client->config->requested_option_count;
-       options[i]->buf_size =
-               ip->client->config->requested_option_count;
-       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       /* If we had an address, try to get it again. */
-       if (lease) {
-               ip->client->requested_address = lease->address;
-               i = DHO_DHCP_REQUESTED_ADDRESS;
-               options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-               options[i]->value = lease->address.iabuf;
-               options[i]->len = lease->address.len;
-               options[i]->buf_size = lease->address.len;
-               options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       } else
-               ip->client->requested_address.len = 0;
-       /* Send any options requested in the config file. */
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-               if (!options[i] &&
-                   ip->client->config->send_options[i].data) {
-                       options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-                       options[i]->value =
-                           ip->client->config->send_options[i].data;
-                       options[i]->len =
-                           ip->client->config->send_options[i].len;
-                       options[i]->buf_size =
-                           ip->client->config->send_options[i].len;
-                       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-               }
-       /* Set up the option buffer... */
-       ip->client->packet_length = cons_options(NULL, &ip->client->packet, 0,
-           options, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
-       if (ip->client->packet_length < BOOTP_MIN_LEN)
-               ip->client->packet_length = BOOTP_MIN_LEN;
-       ip->client->packet.op = BOOTREQUEST;
-       ip->client->packet.htype = ip->hw_address.htype;
-       ip->client->packet.hlen = ip->hw_address.hlen;
-       ip->client->packet.hops = 0;
-       ip->client->packet.xid = arc4random();
-       ip->client->packet.secs = 0; /* filled in by send_discover. */
-       ip->client->packet.flags = 0;
-       memset(&(ip->client->packet.ciaddr),
-           0, sizeof(ip->client->packet.ciaddr));
-       memset(&(ip->client->packet.yiaddr),
-           0, sizeof(ip->client->packet.yiaddr));
-       memset(&(ip->client->packet.siaddr),
-           0, sizeof(ip->client->packet.siaddr));
-       memset(&(ip->client->packet.giaddr),
-           0, sizeof(ip->client->packet.giaddr));
-       memcpy(ip->client->packet.chaddr,
-           ip->hw_address.haddr, ip->hw_address.hlen);
-make_request(struct interface_info *ip, struct client_lease * lease)
-       unsigned char request = DHCPREQUEST;
-       struct tree_cache *options[256];
-       struct tree_cache option_elements[256];
-       int i;
-       memset(options, 0, sizeof(options));
-       memset(&ip->client->packet, 0, sizeof(ip->client->packet));
-       options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-       options[i]->value = &request;
-       options[i]->len = sizeof(request);
-       options[i]->buf_size = sizeof(request);
-       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       /* Request the options we want */
-       options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-       options[i]->value = ip->client->config->requested_options;
-       options[i]->len = ip->client->config->requested_option_count;
-       options[i]->buf_size =
-               ip->client->config->requested_option_count;
-       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       /* If we are requesting an address that hasn't yet been assigned
-          to us, use the DHCP Requested Address option. */
-       if (ip->client->state == S_REQUESTING) {
-               /* Send back the server identifier... */
-               i = DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER;
-               options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-               options[i]->value = lease->options[i].data;
-               options[i]->len = lease->options[i].len;
-               options[i]->buf_size = lease->options[i].len;
-               options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       }
-       if (ip->client->state == S_REQUESTING ||
-           ip->client->state == S_REBOOTING) {
-               ip->client->requested_address = lease->address;
-               i = DHO_DHCP_REQUESTED_ADDRESS;
-               options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-               options[i]->value = lease->address.iabuf;
-               options[i]->len = lease->address.len;
-               options[i]->buf_size = lease->address.len;
-               options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       } else
-               ip->client->requested_address.len = 0;
-       /* Send any options requested in the config file. */
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-               if (!options[i] &&
-                   ip->client->config->send_options[i].data) {
-                       options[i] = &option_elements[i];
-                       options[i]->value =
-                           ip->client->config->send_options[i].data;
-                       options[i]->len =
-                           ip->client->config->send_options[i].len;
-                       options[i]->buf_size =
-                           ip->client->config->send_options[i].len;
-                       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-               }
-       /* Set up the option buffer... */
-       ip->client->packet_length = cons_options(NULL, &ip->client->packet, 0,
-           options, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
-       if (ip->client->packet_length < BOOTP_MIN_LEN)
-               ip->client->packet_length = BOOTP_MIN_LEN;
-       ip->client->packet.op = BOOTREQUEST;
-       ip->client->packet.htype = ip->hw_address.htype;
-       ip->client->packet.hlen = ip->hw_address.hlen;
-       ip->client->packet.hops = 0;
-       ip->client->packet.xid = ip->client->xid;
-       ip->client->packet.secs = 0; /* Filled in by send_request. */
-       /* If we own the address we're requesting, put it in ciaddr;
-          otherwise set ciaddr to zero. */
-       if (ip->client->state == S_BOUND ||
-           ip->client->state == S_RENEWING ||
-           ip->client->state == S_REBINDING) {
-               memcpy(&ip->client->packet.ciaddr,
-                   lease->address.iabuf, lease->address.len);
-               ip->client->packet.flags = 0;
-       } else {
-               memset(&ip->client->packet.ciaddr, 0,
-                   sizeof(ip->client->packet.ciaddr));
-               ip->client->packet.flags = 0;
-       }
-       memset(&ip->client->packet.yiaddr, 0,
-           sizeof(ip->client->packet.yiaddr));
-       memset(&ip->client->packet.siaddr, 0,
-           sizeof(ip->client->packet.siaddr));
-       memset(&ip->client->packet.giaddr, 0,
-           sizeof(ip->client->packet.giaddr));
-       memcpy(ip->client->packet.chaddr,
-           ip->hw_address.haddr, ip->hw_address.hlen);
-make_decline(struct interface_info *ip, struct client_lease *lease)
-       struct tree_cache *options[256], message_type_tree;
-       struct tree_cache requested_address_tree;
-       struct tree_cache server_id_tree, client_id_tree;
-       unsigned char decline = DHCPDECLINE;
-       int i;
-       memset(options, 0, sizeof(options));
-       memset(&ip->client->packet, 0, sizeof(ip->client->packet));
-       options[i] = &message_type_tree;
-       options[i]->value = &decline;
-       options[i]->len = sizeof(decline);
-       options[i]->buf_size = sizeof(decline);
-       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       /* Send back the server identifier... */
-       options[i] = &server_id_tree;
-       options[i]->value = lease->options[i].data;
-       options[i]->len = lease->options[i].len;
-       options[i]->buf_size = lease->options[i].len;
-       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       /* Send back the address we're declining. */
-       options[i] = &requested_address_tree;
-       options[i]->value = lease->address.iabuf;
-       options[i]->len = lease->address.len;
-       options[i]->buf_size = lease->address.len;
-       options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       /* Send the uid if the user supplied one. */
-       if (ip->client->config->send_options[i].len) {
-               options[i] = &client_id_tree;
-               options[i]->value = ip->client->config->send_options[i].data;
-               options[i]->len = ip->client->config->send_options[i].len;
-               options[i]->buf_size = ip->client->config->send_options[i].len;
-               options[i]->timeout = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-       }
-       /* Set up the option buffer... */
-       ip->client->packet_length = cons_options(NULL, &ip->client->packet, 0,
-           options, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
-       if (ip->client->packet_length < BOOTP_MIN_LEN)
-               ip->client->packet_length = BOOTP_MIN_LEN;
-       ip->client->packet.op = BOOTREQUEST;
-       ip->client->packet.htype = ip->hw_address.htype;
-       ip->client->packet.hlen = ip->hw_address.hlen;
-       ip->client->packet.hops = 0;
-       ip->client->packet.xid = ip->client->xid;
-       ip->client->packet.secs = 0; /* Filled in by send_request. */
-       ip->client->packet.flags = 0;
-       /* ciaddr must always be zero. */
-       memset(&ip->client->packet.ciaddr, 0,
-           sizeof(ip->client->packet.ciaddr));
-       memset(&ip->client->packet.yiaddr, 0,
-           sizeof(ip->client->packet.yiaddr));
-       memset(&ip->client->packet.siaddr, 0,
-           sizeof(ip->client->packet.siaddr));
-       memset(&ip->client->packet.giaddr, 0,
-           sizeof(ip->client->packet.giaddr));
-       memcpy(ip->client->packet.chaddr,
-           ip->hw_address.haddr, ip->hw_address.hlen);
-free_client_lease(struct client_lease *lease)
-       int i;
-       if (lease->server_name)
-               free(lease->server_name);
-       if (lease->filename)
-               free(lease->filename);
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-               if (lease->options[i].len)
-                       free(lease->options[i].data);
-       }
-       free(lease);
-FILE *leaseFile;
-       struct client_lease *lp;
-       if (!leaseFile) {
-               leaseFile = fopen(path_dhclient_db, "w");
-               if (!leaseFile)
-                       error("can't create %s: %m", path_dhclient_db);
-       } else {
-               fflush(leaseFile);
-               rewind(leaseFile);
-       }
-       for (lp = ifi->client->leases; lp; lp = lp->next)
-               write_client_lease(ifi, lp, 1);
-       if (ifi->client->active)
-               write_client_lease(ifi, ifi->client->active, 1);
-       fflush(leaseFile);
-write_client_lease(struct interface_info *ip, struct client_lease *lease,
-    int rewrite)
-       static int leases_written;
-       struct tm *t;
-       int i;
-       if (!rewrite) {
-               if (leases_written++ > 20) {
-                       rewrite_client_leases();
-                       leases_written = 0;
-               }
-       }
-       /* If the lease came from the config file, we don't need to stash
-          a copy in the lease database. */
-       if (lease->is_static)
-               return;
-       if (!leaseFile) {       /* XXX */
-               leaseFile = fopen(path_dhclient_db, "w");
-               if (!leaseFile)
-                       error("can't create %s: %m", path_dhclient_db);
-       }
-       fprintf(leaseFile, "lease {\n");
-       if (lease->is_bootp)
-               fprintf(leaseFile, "  bootp;\n");
-       fprintf(leaseFile, "  interface \"%s\";\n", ip->name);
-       fprintf(leaseFile, "  fixed-address %s;\n", piaddr(lease->address));
-       if (lease->filename)
-               fprintf(leaseFile, "  filename \"%s\";\n", lease->filename);
-       if (lease->server_name)
-               fprintf(leaseFile, "  server-name \"%s\";\n",
-                   lease->server_name);
-       if (lease->medium)
-               fprintf(leaseFile, "  medium \"%s\";\n", lease->medium->string);
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-               if (lease->options[i].len)
-                       fprintf(leaseFile, "  option %s %s;\n",
-                           dhcp_options[i].name,
-                           pretty_print_option(i, lease->options[i].data,
-                           lease->options[i].len, 1, 1));
-       t = gmtime(&lease->renewal);
-       fprintf(leaseFile, "  renew %d %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d;\n",
-           t->tm_wday, t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday,
-           t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
-       t = gmtime(&lease->rebind);
-       fprintf(leaseFile, "  rebind %d %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d;\n",
-           t->tm_wday, t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday,
-           t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
-       t = gmtime(&lease->expiry);
-       fprintf(leaseFile, "  expire %d %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d;\n",
-           t->tm_wday, t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday,
-           t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
-       fprintf(leaseFile, "}\n");
-       fflush(leaseFile);
-script_init(char *reason, struct string_list *medium)
-       size_t           len, mediumlen = 0;
-       struct imsg_hdr  hdr;
-       struct buf      *buf;
-       int              errs;
-       if (medium != NULL && medium->string != NULL)
-               mediumlen = strlen(medium->string);
-       hdr.code = IMSG_SCRIPT_INIT;
-       hdr.len = sizeof(struct imsg_hdr) +
-           sizeof(size_t) + mediumlen +
-           sizeof(size_t) + strlen(reason);
-       if ((buf = buf_open(hdr.len)) == NULL)
-               error("buf_open: %m");
-       errs = 0;
-       errs += buf_add(buf, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
-       errs += buf_add(buf, &mediumlen, sizeof(mediumlen));
-       if (mediumlen > 0)
-               errs += buf_add(buf, medium->string, mediumlen);
-       len = strlen(reason);
-       errs += buf_add(buf, &len, sizeof(len));
-       errs += buf_add(buf, reason, len);
-       if (errs)
-               error("buf_add: %m");
-       if (buf_close(privfd, buf) == -1)
-               error("buf_close: %m");
-priv_script_init(char *reason, char *medium)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ifi;
-       if (ip) {
-            // XXX Do we need to do anything?
-        }
-priv_script_write_params(char *prefix, struct client_lease *lease)
-       struct interface_info *ip = ifi;
-       u_int8_t dbuf[1500];
-       int i, len = 0;
-#if 0
-       script_set_env(ip->client, prefix, "ip_address",
-           piaddr(lease->address));
-       if (lease->options[DHO_SUBNET_MASK].len &&
-           (lease->options[DHO_SUBNET_MASK].len <
-           sizeof(lease->address.iabuf))) {
-               struct iaddr netmask, subnet, broadcast;
-               memcpy(netmask.iabuf, lease->options[DHO_SUBNET_MASK].data,
-                   lease->options[DHO_SUBNET_MASK].len);
-               netmask.len = lease->options[DHO_SUBNET_MASK].len;
-               subnet = subnet_number(lease->address, netmask);
-               if (subnet.len) {
-#if 0
-                       script_set_env(ip->client, prefix, "network_number",
-                           piaddr(subnet));
-                       if (!lease->options[DHO_BROADCAST_ADDRESS].len) {
-                               broadcast = broadcast_addr(subnet, netmask);
-                               if (broadcast.len)
-#if 0
-                                       script_set_env(ip->client, prefix,
-                                           "broadcast_address",
-                                           piaddr(broadcast));
-                                ;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-#if 0
-       if (lease->filename)
-               script_set_env(ip->client, prefix, "filename", lease->filename);
-       if (lease->server_name)
-               script_set_env(ip->client, prefix, "server_name",
-                   lease->server_name);
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-               u_int8_t *dp = NULL;
-               if (ip->client->config->defaults[i].len) {
-                       if (lease->options[i].len) {
-                               switch (
-                                   ip->client->config->default_actions[i]) {
-                               case ACTION_DEFAULT:
-                                       dp = lease->options[i].data;
-                                       len = lease->options[i].len;
-                                       break;
-                               case ACTION_SUPERSEDE:
-                                       dp = ip->client->
-                                               config->defaults[i].data;
-                                       len = ip->client->
-                                               config->defaults[i].len;
-                                       break;
-                               case ACTION_PREPEND:
-                                       len = ip->client->
-                                           config->defaults[i].len +
-                                           lease->options[i].len;
-                                       if (len > sizeof(dbuf)) {
-                                               warning("no space to %s %s",
-                                                   "prepend option",
-                                                   dhcp_options[i].name);
-                                               goto supersede;
-                                       }
-                                       dp = dbuf;
-                                       memcpy(dp,
-                                               ip->client->
-                                               config->defaults[i].data,
-                                               ip->client->
-                                               config->defaults[i].len);
-                                       memcpy(dp + ip->client->
-                                               config->defaults[i].len,
-                                               lease->options[i].data,
-                                               lease->options[i].len);
-                                       dp[len] = '\0';
-                                       break;
-                               case ACTION_APPEND:
-                                       len = ip->client->
-                                           config->defaults[i].len +
-                                           lease->options[i].len;
-                                       if (len > sizeof(dbuf)) {
-                                               warning("no space to %s %s",
-                                                   "append option",
-                                                   dhcp_options[i].name);
-                                               goto supersede;
-                                       }
-                                       dp = dbuf;
-                                       memcpy(dp,
-                                               lease->options[i].data,
-                                               lease->options[i].len);
-                                       memcpy(dp + lease->options[i].len,
-                                               ip->client->
-                                               config->defaults[i].data,
-                                               ip->client->
-                                               config->defaults[i].len);
-                                       dp[len] = '\0';
-                               }
-                       } else {
-                               dp = ip->client->
-                                       config->defaults[i].data;
-                               len = ip->client->
-                                       config->defaults[i].len;
-                       }
-               } else if (lease->options[i].len) {
-                       len = lease->options[i].len;
-                       dp = lease->options[i].data;
-               } else {
-                       len = 0;
-               }
-#if 0
-               if (len) {
-                       char name[256];
-                       if (dhcp_option_ev_name(name, sizeof(name),
-                           &dhcp_options[i]))
-                               script_set_env(ip->client, prefix, name,
-                                   pretty_print_option(i, dp, len, 0, 0));
-               }
-       }
-#if 0
-       snprintf(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), "%d", (int)lease->expiry);
-       script_set_env(ip->client, prefix, "expiry", tbuf);
-script_write_params(char *prefix, struct client_lease *lease)
-       size_t           fn_len = 0, sn_len = 0, pr_len = 0;
-       struct imsg_hdr  hdr;
-       struct buf      *buf;
-       int              errs, i;
-       if (lease->filename != NULL)
-               fn_len = strlen(lease->filename);
-       if (lease->server_name != NULL)
-               sn_len = strlen(lease->server_name);
-       if (prefix != NULL)
-               pr_len = strlen(prefix);
-       hdr.code = IMSG_SCRIPT_WRITE_PARAMS;
-       hdr.len = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(struct client_lease) +
-           sizeof(size_t) + fn_len + sizeof(size_t) + sn_len +
-           sizeof(size_t) + pr_len;
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-               hdr.len += sizeof(int) + lease->options[i].len;
-       scripttime = time(NULL);
-       if ((buf = buf_open(hdr.len)) == NULL)
-               error("buf_open: %m");
-       errs = 0;
-       errs += buf_add(buf, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
-       errs += buf_add(buf, lease, sizeof(struct client_lease));
-       errs += buf_add(buf, &fn_len, sizeof(fn_len));
-       errs += buf_add(buf, lease->filename, fn_len);
-       errs += buf_add(buf, &sn_len, sizeof(sn_len));
-       errs += buf_add(buf, lease->server_name, sn_len);
-       errs += buf_add(buf, &pr_len, sizeof(pr_len));
-       errs += buf_add(buf, prefix, pr_len);
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-               errs += buf_add(buf, &lease->options[i].len,
-                   sizeof(lease->options[i].len));
-               errs += buf_add(buf, lease->options[i].data,
-                   lease->options[i].len);
-       }
-       if (errs)
-               error("buf_add: %m");
-       if (buf_close(privfd, buf) == -1)
-               error("buf_close: %m");
-dhcp_option_ev_name(char *buf, size_t buflen, struct dhcp_option *option)
-       int i;
-       for (i = 0; option->name[i]; i++) {
-               if (i + 1 == buflen)
-                       return 0;
-               if (option->name[i] == '-')
-                       buf[i] = '_';
-               else
-                       buf[i] = option->name[i];
-       }
-       buf[i] = 0;
-       return 1;
-#if 0
-       static int state = 0;
-       if (no_daemon || state)
-               return;
-       state = 1;
-       /* Stop logging to stderr... */
-       log_perror = 0;
-       if (daemon(1, 0) == -1)
-               error("daemon");
-       /* we are chrooted, daemon(3) fails to open /dev/null */
-       if (nullfd != -1) {
-               dup2(nullfd, STDIN_FILENO);
-               dup2(nullfd, STDOUT_FILENO);
-               dup2(nullfd, STDERR_FILENO);
-               close(nullfd);
-               nullfd = -1;
-       }
-check_option(struct client_lease *l, int option)
-       char *opbuf;
-       char *sbuf;
-       /* we use this, since this is what gets passed to dhclient-script */
-       opbuf = pretty_print_option(option, l->options[option].data,
-           l->options[option].len, 0, 0);
-       sbuf = option_as_string(option, l->options[option].data,
-           l->options[option].len);
-       switch (option) {
-       case DHO_SUBNET_MASK:
-       case DHO_TIME_SERVERS:
-       case DHO_NAME_SERVERS:
-       case DHO_ROUTERS:
-       case DHO_LOG_SERVERS:
-       case DHO_COOKIE_SERVERS:
-       case DHO_LPR_SERVERS:
-       case DHO_SWAP_SERVER:
-       case DHO_NIS_SERVERS:
-       case DHO_NTP_SERVERS:
-       case DHO_FONT_SERVERS:
-               if (!ipv4addrs(opbuf)) {
-                        warning("Invalid IP address in option(%d): %s", option, opbuf);
-                       return (0);
-               }
-               return (1)  ;
-       case DHO_HOST_NAME:
-       case DHO_DOMAIN_NAME:
-       case DHO_NIS_DOMAIN:
-               if (!res_hnok(sbuf)) {
-                       warning("Bogus Host Name option %d: %s (%s)", option,
-                           sbuf, opbuf);
-                       return (0);
-               }
-               return (1);
-       case DHO_PAD:
-       case DHO_TIME_OFFSET:
-       case DHO_BOOT_SIZE:
-       case DHO_MERIT_DUMP:
-       case DHO_ROOT_PATH:
-       case DHO_IP_FORWARDING:
-       case DHO_POLICY_FILTER:
-       case DHO_DEFAULT_IP_TTL:
-       case DHO_INTERFACE_MTU:
-       case DHO_MASK_SUPPLIER:
-       case DHO_STATIC_ROUTES:
-       case DHO_IEEE802_3_ENCAPSULATION:
-       case DHO_DEFAULT_TCP_TTL:
-       case DHO_NETBIOS_SCOPE:
-       case DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME:
-       case DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE:
-       case DHO_DHCP_USER_CLASS_ID:
-       case DHO_END:
-               return (1);
-       default:
-               warning("unknown dhcp option value 0x%x", option);
-               return (unknown_ok);
-       }
-res_hnok(const char *dn)
-       int pch = PERIOD, ch = *dn++;
-       while (ch != '\0') {
-               int nch = *dn++;
-               if (periodchar(ch)) {
-                       ;
-               } else if (periodchar(pch)) {
-                       if (!borderchar(ch))
-                               return (0);
-               } else if (periodchar(nch) || nch == '\0') {
-                       if (!borderchar(ch))
-                               return (0);
-               } else {
-                       if (!middlechar(ch))
-                               return (0);
-               }
-               pch = ch, ch = nch;
-       }
-       return (1);
-/* Does buf consist only of dotted decimal ipv4 addrs?
- * return how many if so,
- * otherwise, return 0
- */
-ipv4addrs(char * buf)
-    char *tmp;
-    struct in_addr jnk;
-    int i = 0;
-    note("Input: %s\n", buf);
-    do {
-        tmp = strtok(buf, " ");
-        note("got %s\n", tmp);
-        if( tmp && inet_aton(tmp, &jnk) ) i++;
-        buf = NULL;
-    } while( tmp );
-    return (i);
-char *
-option_as_string(unsigned int code, unsigned char *data, int len)
-       static char optbuf[32768]; /* XXX */
-       char *op = optbuf;
-       int opleft = sizeof(optbuf);
-       unsigned char *dp = data;
-       if (code > 255)
-               error("option_as_string: bad code %d", code);
-       for (; dp < data + len; dp++) {
-               if (!isascii(*dp) || !isprint(*dp)) {
-                       if (dp + 1 != data + len || *dp != 0) {
-                               snprintf(op, opleft, "\\%03o", *dp);
-                               op += 4;
-                               opleft -= 4;
-                       }
-               } else if (*dp == '"' || *dp == '\'' || *dp == '$' ||
-                   *dp == '`' || *dp == '\\') {
-                       *op++ = '\\';
-                       *op++ = *dp;
-                       opleft -= 2;
-               } else {
-                       *op++ = *dp;
-                       opleft--;
-               }
-       }
-       if (opleft < 1)
-               goto toobig;
-       *op = 0;
-       return optbuf;
-       warning("dhcp option too large");
-       return "<error>";
-#if 0
-fork_privchld(int fd, int fd2)
-       struct pollfd pfd[1];
-       int nfds;
-       switch (fork()) {
-       case -1:
-               error("cannot fork");
-       case 0:
-               break;
-       default:
-               return (0);
-       }
-       setproctitle("%s [priv]", ifi->name);
-       dup2(nullfd, STDIN_FILENO);
-       dup2(nullfd, STDOUT_FILENO);
-       dup2(nullfd, STDERR_FILENO);
-       close(nullfd);
-       close(fd2);
-       for (;;) {
-               pfd[0].fd = fd;
-               pfd[0].events = POLLIN;
-               if ((nfds = poll(pfd, 1, INFTIM)) == -1)
-                       if (errno != EINTR)
-                               error("poll error");
-               if (nfds == 0 || !(pfd[0].revents & POLLIN))
-                       continue;
-               dispatch_imsg(fd);
-       }
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcp.rc b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcp.rc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 35e404f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: regsvr32.rc 12852 2005-01-06 13:58:04Z mf $ */
-#define REACTOS_STR_INTERNAL_NAME      "dhcp\0"
-#define REACTOS_STR_ORIGINAL_FILENAME  "dhcp.exe\0"
-#include <reactos/version.rc>
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcp.xml b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcp.xml
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 46efa47..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-<module name="dhcp" type="win32gui" installbase="system32" installname="dhcp.exe" allowwarnings="true">
-       <include base="dhcp">.</include>
-       <include base="dhcp">include</include>
-       <define name="__USE_W32API" />
-       <define name="__REACTOS__" />
-       <define name="_WIN32_WINNT">0x0501</define>
-       <library>ntdll</library>
-       <library>kernel32</library>
-       <library>ws2_32</library>
-       <library>iphlpapi</library>
-    <pch>include/rosdhcp.h</pch>
-       <file>adapter.c</file>
-       <file>alloc.c</file>
-       <file>api.c</file>
-       <file>compat.c</file>
-       <file>dhclient.c</file>
-       <file>dispatch.c</file>
-       <file>hash.c</file>
-       <file>options.c</file>
-       <file>pipe.c</file>
-       <file>privsep.c</file>
-       <file>socket.c</file>
-       <file>tables.c</file>
-       <file>timer.c</file>
-       <file>util.c</file>
-       <file>dhcp.rc</file>
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcpmain.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dhcpmain.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c1a1b30..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id:$
- *
- * COPYRIGHT:       See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:         ReactOS Service
- * FILE:            subsys/system/dhcp
- * PURPOSE:         DHCP client service entry point
- * PROGRAMMER:      Art Yerkes (arty@users.sf.net)
- *                  Created 03/08/2005
- */
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-#include "version.h"
-typedef struct _DHCP_API_REQUEST {
-    int type;
-    UINT flags;
-    LPDHCPAPI_CLASSID class_id;
-    DHCP_API_PARAMS_ARRAY vendor_params;
-    DHCP_API_PARAMS_ARRAY general_params;
-    LPWSTR request_id, adapter_name;
-typedef struct _DHCP_MANAGED_ADAPTER {
-    LPWSTR adapter_name, hostname, dns_server;
-    UINT   adapter_index;
-    struct sockaddr_in address, netmask;
-    struct interface_info *dhcp_info;
-UINT DhcpEventTimer;
-HANDLE DhcpServiceThread;
-DWORD  DhcpServiceThreadId;
-LIST_ENTRY ManagedAdapters;
-LRESULT WINAPI ServiceThread( PVOID Data ) {
-    MSG msg;
-    while( GetMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0 ) ) {
-        switch( msg.message ) {
-            break;
-            break;
-        case DHCP_REQUESTPARAM:
-            break;
-            break;
-        case DHCP_PARAMCHANGE:
-            break;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dispatch.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/dispatch.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5bf9410..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: dispatch.c,v 1.31 2004/09/21 04:07:03 david Exp $     */
- * Copyright 2004 Henning Brauer <henning@openbsd.org>
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
- * The Internet Software Consortium.   All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-//#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-//#include <net/if_media.h>
-//#include <ifaddrs.h>
-//#include <poll.h>
-struct protocol *protocols = NULL;
-struct timeout *timeouts = NULL;
-static struct timeout *free_timeouts = NULL;
-static int interfaces_invalidated = FALSE;
-void (*bootp_packet_handler)(struct interface_info *,
-                             struct dhcp_packet *, int, unsigned int,
-                             struct iaddr, struct hardware *);
-static int interface_status(struct interface_info *ifinfo);
- * Use getifaddrs() to get a list of all the attached interfaces.  For
- * each interface that's of type INET and not the loopback interface,
- * register that interface with the network I/O software, figure out
- * what subnet it's on, and add it to the list of interfaces.
- */
-discover_interfaces(struct interface_info *iface)
-    PDHCP_ADAPTER Adapter = AdapterFindInfo( iface );
-    if_register_receive(iface);
-    if_register_send(iface);
-    if( Adapter->DhclientState.state != S_STATIC ) {
-        add_protocol(iface->name, iface->rfdesc, got_one, iface);
-       iface->client->state = S_INIT;
-       state_reboot(iface);
-    }
-    interfaces_invalidated = 1;
- * Wait for packets to come in using poll().  When a packet comes in,
- * call receive_packet to receive the packet and possibly strip hardware
- * addressing information from it, and then call through the
- * bootp_packet_handler hook to try to do something with it.
- */
-    int count, i, to_msec, nfds = 0;
-    struct protocol *l;
-    fd_set fds;
-    time_t howlong;
-    struct timeval timeval;
-    ApiLock();
-    for (l = protocols; l; l = l->next)
-        nfds++;
-    FD_ZERO(&fds);
-    do {
-        /*
-         * Call any expired timeouts, and then if there's still
-         * a timeout registered, time out the select call then.
-         */
-    another:
-        if (timeouts) {
-            struct timeout *t;
-            if (timeouts->when <= cur_time) {
-                t = timeouts;
-                timeouts = timeouts->next;
-                (*(t->func))(t->what);
-                t->next = free_timeouts;
-                free_timeouts = t;
-                goto another;
-            }
-            /*
-             * Figure timeout in milliseconds, and check for
-             * potential overflow, so we can cram into an
-             * int for poll, while not polling with a
-             * negative timeout and blocking indefinitely.
-             */
-            howlong = timeouts->when - cur_time;
-            if (howlong > INT_MAX / 1000)
-                howlong = INT_MAX / 1000;
-            to_msec = howlong * 1000;
-        } else
-            to_msec = -1;
-        /* Set up the descriptors to be polled. */
-        for (i = 0, l = protocols; l; l = l->next) {
-            struct interface_info *ip = l->local;
-            if (ip && (l->handler != got_one || !ip->dead)) {
-                FD_SET(l->fd, &fds);
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        if (i == 0) {
-            /* No interfaces for now, set the select timeout reasonably so
-             * we can recover from that condition later. */
-            timeval.tv_sec = 5;
-            timeval.tv_usec = 0;
-        } else {
-            /* Wait for a packet or a timeout... XXX */
-            timeval.tv_sec = to_msec / 1000;
-            timeval.tv_usec = (to_msec % 1000) * 1000;
-        }
-        ApiUnlock();
-        count = select(nfds, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeval);
-        DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Select: %d\n", count));
-        /* Review poll output */
-        for (i = 0, l = protocols; l; l = l->next) {
-            struct interface_info *ip = l->local;
-            if (ip && (l->handler != got_one || !ip->dead)) {
-                DH_DbgPrint
-                    (MID_TRACE,
-                     ("set(%d) -> %s\n",
-                      l->fd, FD_ISSET(l->fd, &fds) ? "true" : "false"));
-                i++;
-            }
-        }
-        ApiLock();
-        /* Not likely to be transitory... */
-        if (count == SOCKET_ERROR) {
-            if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR) {
-                time(&cur_time);
-                continue;
-            } else {
-                error("poll: %m");
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        /* Get the current time... */
-        time(&cur_time);
-        i = 0;
-        for (l = protocols; l; l = l->next) {
-            struct interface_info *ip;
-            ip = l->local;
-            if (FD_ISSET(l->fd, &fds)) {
-                if (ip && (l->handler != got_one ||
-                           !ip->dead)) {
-                    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Handling %x\n", l));
-                    (*(l->handler))(l);
-                    if (interfaces_invalidated)
-                        break;
-                }
-                i++;
-            }
-            interfaces_invalidated = 0;
-        }
-    } while (1);
-    ApiUnlock(); /* Not reached currently */
-got_one(struct protocol *l)
-    struct sockaddr_in from;
-    struct hardware hfrom;
-    struct iaddr ifrom;
-    ssize_t result;
-    union {
-        /*
-         * Packet input buffer.  Must be as large as largest
-         * possible MTU.
-         */
-        unsigned char packbuf[4095];
-        struct dhcp_packet packet;
-    } u;
-    struct interface_info *ip = l->local;
-    if ((result = receive_packet(ip, u.packbuf, sizeof(u), &from,
-                                 &hfrom)) == -1) {
-        warning("receive_packet failed on %s: %s", ip->name,
-                strerror(errno));
-        ip->errors++;
-        if ((!interface_status(ip)) ||
-            (ip->noifmedia && ip->errors > 20)) {
-            /* our interface has gone away. */
-            warning("Interface %s no longer appears valid.",
-                    ip->name);
-            ip->dead = 1;
-            interfaces_invalidated = 1;
-            close(l->fd);
-            remove_protocol(l);
-            free(ip);
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    if (result == 0)
-        return;
-    if (bootp_packet_handler) {
-        ifrom.len = 4;
-        memcpy(ifrom.iabuf, &from.sin_addr, ifrom.len);
-        (*bootp_packet_handler)(ip, &u.packet, result,
-                                from.sin_port, ifrom, &hfrom);
-    }
-#if 0
-interface_status(struct interface_info *ifinfo)
-    char *ifname = ifinfo->name;
-    int ifsock = ifinfo->rfdesc;
-    struct ifreq ifr;
-    struct ifmediareq ifmr;
-    /* get interface flags */
-    memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
-    strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(ifr.ifr_name));
-    if (ioctl(ifsock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
-        syslog(LOG_ERR, "ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) on %s: %m", ifname);
-        goto inactive;
-    }
-    /*
-     * if one of UP and RUNNING flags is dropped,
-     * the interface is not active.
-     */
-    if ((ifr.ifr_flags & (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING)) != (IFF_UP|IFF_RUNNING))
-        goto inactive;
-    /* Next, check carrier on the interface, if possible */
-    if (ifinfo->noifmedia)
-        goto active;
-    memset(&ifmr, 0, sizeof(ifmr));
-    strlcpy(ifmr.ifm_name, ifname, sizeof(ifmr.ifm_name));
-    if (ioctl(ifsock, SIOCGIFMEDIA, (caddr_t)&ifmr) < 0) {
-        if (errno != EINVAL) {
-            syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(SIOCGIFMEDIA) on %s: %m",
-                   ifname);
-            ifinfo->noifmedia = 1;
-            goto active;
-        }
-        /*
-         * EINVAL (or ENOTTY) simply means that the interface
-         * does not support the SIOCGIFMEDIA ioctl. We regard it alive.
-         */
-        ifinfo->noifmedia = 1;
-        goto active;
-    }
-    if (ifmr.ifm_status & IFM_AVALID) {
-        switch (ifmr.ifm_active & IFM_NMASK) {
-        case IFM_ETHER:
-            if (ifmr.ifm_status & IFM_ACTIVE)
-                goto active;
-            else
-                goto inactive;
-            break;
-        default:
-            goto inactive;
-        }
-    }
-    return (0);
-    return (1);
-interface_status(struct interface_info *ifinfo)
-    return (1);
-add_timeout(time_t when, void (*where)(void *), void *what)
-    struct timeout *t, *q;
-    DH_DbgPrint(MID_TRACE,("Adding timeout %x %p %x\n", when, where, what));
-    /* See if this timeout supersedes an existing timeout. */
-    t = NULL;
-    for (q = timeouts; q; q = q->next) {
-        if (q->func == where && q->what == what) {
-            if (t)
-                t->next = q->next;
-            else
-                timeouts = q->next;
-            break;
-        }
-        t = q;
-    }
-    /* If we didn't supersede a timeout, allocate a timeout
-       structure now. */
-    if (!q) {
-        if (free_timeouts) {
-            q = free_timeouts;
-            free_timeouts = q->next;
-            q->func = where;
-            q->what = what;
-        } else {
-            q = malloc(sizeof(struct timeout));
-            if (!q)
-                error("Can't allocate timeout structure!");
-            q->func = where;
-            q->what = what;
-        }
-    }
-    q->when = when;
-    /* Now sort this timeout into the timeout list. */
-    /* Beginning of list? */
-    if (!timeouts || timeouts->when > q->when) {
-        q->next = timeouts;
-        timeouts = q;
-        return;
-    }
-    /* Middle of list? */
-    for (t = timeouts; t->next; t = t->next) {
-        if (t->next->when > q->when) {
-            q->next = t->next;
-            t->next = q;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    /* End of list. */
-    t->next = q;
-    q->next = NULL;
-cancel_timeout(void (*where)(void *), void *what)
-    struct timeout *t, *q;
-    /* Look for this timeout on the list, and unlink it if we find it. */
-    t = NULL;
-    for (q = timeouts; q; q = q->next) {
-        if (q->func == where && q->what == what) {
-            if (t)
-                t->next = q->next;
-            else
-                timeouts = q->next;
-            break;
-        }
-        t = q;
-    }
-    /* If we found the timeout, put it on the free list. */
-    if (q) {
-        q->next = free_timeouts;
-        free_timeouts = q;
-    }
-/* Add a protocol to the list of protocols... */
-add_protocol(char *name, int fd, void (*handler)(struct protocol *),
-             void *local)
-    struct protocol *p;
-    p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
-    if (!p)
-        error("can't allocate protocol struct for %s", name);
-    p->fd = fd;
-    p->handler = handler;
-    p->local = local;
-    p->next = protocols;
-    protocols = p;
-remove_protocol(struct protocol *proto)
-    struct protocol *p, *next, *prev;
-    prev = NULL;
-    for (p = protocols; p; p = next) {
-        next = p->next;
-        if (p == proto) {
-            if (prev)
-                prev->next = p->next;
-            else
-                protocols = p->next;
-            free(p);
-        }
-    }
-struct protocol *
-find_protocol_by_adapter(struct interface_info *info)
-    struct protocol *p;
-    for( p = protocols; p; p = p->next ) {
-        if( p->local == (void *)info ) return p;
-    }
-    return NULL;
-interface_link_status(char *ifname)
-#if 0
-    struct ifmediareq ifmr;
-    int sock;
-    if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1)
-        error("Can't create socket");
-    memset(&ifmr, 0, sizeof(ifmr));
-    strlcpy(ifmr.ifm_name, ifname, sizeof(ifmr.ifm_name));
-    if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFMEDIA, (caddr_t)&ifmr) == -1) {
-        /* EINVAL -> link state unknown. treat as active */
-        if (errno != EINVAL)
-            syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(SIOCGIFMEDIA) on %s: %m",
-                   ifname);
-        close(sock);
-        return (1);
-    }
-    close(sock);
-    if (ifmr.ifm_status & IFM_AVALID) {
-        if ((ifmr.ifm_active & IFM_NMASK) == IFM_ETHER) {
-            if (ifmr.ifm_status & IFM_ACTIVE)
-                return (1);
-            else
-                return (0);
-        }
-    }
-    return (1);
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/hash.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/hash.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bd54ec3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-/* hash.c
-   Routines for manipulating hash tables... */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#define lint
-#ifndef lint
-static char copyright[] =
-"$Id: hash.c,v 1999/04/09 17:39:41 mellon Exp $ Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 The Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.\n";
-#endif /* not lint */
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-static INLINE int do_hash PROTO ((unsigned char *, int, int));
-struct hash_table *new_hash ()
-       struct hash_table *rv = new_hash_table (DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE);
-       if (!rv)
-               return rv;
-       memset (&rv -> buckets [0], 0,
-               DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE * sizeof (struct hash_bucket *));
-       return rv;
-static INLINE int do_hash (name, len, size)
-       unsigned char *name;
-       int len;
-       int size;
-       register int accum = 0;
-       register unsigned char *s = name;
-       int i = len;
-       while (i--) {
-               /* Add the character in... */
-               accum += *s++;
-               /* Add carry back in... */
-               while (accum > 255) {
-                       accum = (accum & 255) + (accum >> 8);
-               }
-       }
-       return accum % size;
-void add_hash (table, name, len, pointer)
-       struct hash_table *table;
-       int len;
-       unsigned char *name;
-       unsigned char *pointer;
-       int hashno;
-       struct hash_bucket *bp;
-       if (!table)
-               return;
-       if (!len)
-               len = strlen ((char *)name);
-       hashno = do_hash (name, len, table -> hash_count);
-       bp = new_hash_bucket ();
-       if (!bp) {
-               warn ("Can't add %s to hash table.", name);
-               return;
-       }
-       bp -> name = name;
-       bp -> value = pointer;
-       bp -> next = table -> buckets [hashno];
-       bp -> len = len;
-       table -> buckets [hashno] = bp;
-void delete_hash_entry (table, name, len)
-       struct hash_table *table;
-       int len;
-       unsigned char *name;
-       int hashno;
-       struct hash_bucket *bp, *pbp = (struct hash_bucket *)0;
-       if (!table)
-               return;
-       if (!len)
-               len = strlen ((char *)name);
-       hashno = do_hash (name, len, table -> hash_count);
-       /* Go through the list looking for an entry that matches;
-          if we find it, delete it. */
-       for (bp = table -> buckets [hashno]; bp; bp = bp -> next) {
-               if ((!bp -> len &&
-                    !strcmp ((char *)bp -> name, (char *)name)) ||
-                   (bp -> len == len &&
-                    !memcmp (bp -> name, name, len))) {
-                       if (pbp) {
-                               pbp -> next = bp -> next;
-                       } else {
-                               table -> buckets [hashno] = bp -> next;
-                       }
-                       free_hash_bucket (bp, "delete_hash_entry");
-                       break;
-               }
-               pbp = bp;       /* jwg, 9/6/96 - nice catch! */
-       }
-unsigned char *hash_lookup (table, name, len)
-       struct hash_table *table;
-       unsigned char *name;
-       int len;
-       int hashno;
-       struct hash_bucket *bp;
-       if (!table)
-               return (unsigned char *)0;
-       if (!len)
-               len = strlen ((char *)name);
-       hashno = do_hash (name, len, table -> hash_count);
-       for (bp = table -> buckets [hashno]; bp; bp = bp -> next) {
-               if (len == bp -> len && !memcmp (bp -> name, name, len))
-                       return bp -> value;
-       }
-       return (unsigned char *)0;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/cdefs.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/cdefs.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2bc67a5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* cdefs.h
-   Standard C definitions... */
- * Copyright (c) 1996 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- * Copyright (c) 1995 RadioMail Corporation.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of RadioMail Corporation, the Internet Software
- *    Consortium nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse
- *    or promote products derived from this software without specific
- *    prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software was written for RadioMail Corporation by Ted Lemon
- * under a contract with Vixie Enterprises.   Further modifications have
- * been made for the Internet Software Consortium under a contract
- * with Vixie Laboratories.
- */
-#if (defined (__GNUC__) || defined (__STDC__)) && !defined (BROKEN_ANSI)
-#define PROTO(x)       x
-#define KandR(x)
-#define ANSI_DECL(x)   x
-#if defined (__GNUC__)
-#define INLINE         inline
-#define INLINE
-#endif /* __GNUC__ */
-#define PROTO(x)       ()
-#define KandR(x)       x
-#define ANSI_DECL(x)
-#define INLINE
-#endif /* __GNUC__ || __STDC__ */
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/debug.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/debug.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5ee3e5e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * COPYRIGHT:   See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:     ReactOS TCP/IP protocol driver
- * FILE:        include/debug.h
- * PURPOSE:     Debugging support macros
- * DEFINES:     DBG     - Enable debug output
- *              NASSERT - Disable assertions
- */
-#ifndef __DEBUG_H
-#define __DEBUG_H
-#define NORMAL_MASK    0x000000FF
-#define SPECIAL_MASK   0xFFFFFF00
-#define MIN_TRACE      0x00000001
-#define MID_TRACE      0x00000002
-#define MAX_TRACE      0x00000003
-#define DEBUG_ADAPTER  0x00000100
-#ifdef DBG
-extern unsigned long debug_trace_level;
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#define DH_DbgPrint(_t_, _x_) \
-    if (((debug_trace_level & NORMAL_MASK) >= _t_) || \
-        ((debug_trace_level & _t_) > NORMAL_MASK)) { \
-        DbgPrint("(%s:%d) ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
-        DbgPrint _x_ ; \
-    }
-#else /* _MSC_VER */
-#define DH_DbgPrint(_t_, _x_) \
-    if (((debug_trace_level & NORMAL_MASK) >= _t_) || \
-        ((debug_trace_level & _t_) > NORMAL_MASK)) { \
-        DbgPrint("(%s:%d)(%s) ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
-        DbgPrint _x_ ; \
-    }
-#endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#else /* DBG */
-#define DH_DbgPrint(_t_, _x_)
-#endif /* DBG */
-#endif /* __DEBUG_H */
-/* EOF */
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhcp.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhcp.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8ac8ed3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: dhcp.h,v 1.5 2004/05/04 15:49:49 deraadt Exp $        */
-/* Protocol structures... */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#define DHCP_UDP_OVERHEAD      (14 + /* Ethernet header */     \
-                                20 + /* IP header */           \
-                                8)   /* UDP header */
-#define DHCP_SNAME_LEN         64
-#define DHCP_FILE_LEN          128
-#define DHCP_FIXED_NON_UDP     236
-                                               /* Everything but options. */
-#define DHCP_MTU_MAX           1500
-#define DHCP_OPTION_LEN                (DHCP_MTU_MAX - DHCP_FIXED_LEN)
-#define BOOTP_MIN_LEN          300
-#define DHCP_MIN_LEN           548
-struct dhcp_packet {
-       u_int8_t  op;           /* Message opcode/type */
-       u_int8_t  htype;        /* Hardware addr type (see net/if_types.h) */
-       u_int8_t  hlen;         /* Hardware addr length */
-       u_int8_t  hops;         /* Number of relay agent hops from client */
-       u_int32_t xid;          /* Transaction ID */
-       u_int16_t secs;         /* Seconds since client started looking */
-       u_int16_t flags;        /* Flag bits */
-       struct in_addr ciaddr;  /* Client IP address (if already in use) */
-       struct in_addr yiaddr;  /* Client IP address */
-       struct in_addr siaddr;  /* IP address of next server to talk to */
-       struct in_addr giaddr;  /* DHCP relay agent IP address */
-       unsigned char chaddr[16];       /* Client hardware address */
-       char sname[DHCP_SNAME_LEN];     /* Server name */
-       char file[DHCP_FILE_LEN];       /* Boot filename */
-       unsigned char options[DHCP_OPTION_LEN];
-                               /* Optional parameters
-                                  (actual length dependent on MTU). */
-/* BOOTP (rfc951) message types */
-#define BOOTREQUEST    1
-#define BOOTREPLY      2
-/* Possible values for flags field... */
-#define BOOTP_BROADCAST 32768L
-/* Possible values for hardware type (htype) field... */
-#define HTYPE_ETHER    1               /* Ethernet                     */
-#define HTYPE_IEEE802  6               /* IEEE 802.2 Token Ring...     */
-#define HTYPE_FDDI     8               /* FDDI...                      */
-/* Magic cookie validating dhcp options field (and bootp vendor
-   extensions field). */
-#define DHCP_OPTIONS_COOKIE    "\143\202\123\143"
-/* DHCP Option codes: */
-#define DHO_PAD                                0
-#define DHO_SUBNET_MASK                        1
-#define DHO_TIME_OFFSET                        2
-#define DHO_ROUTERS                    3
-#define DHO_TIME_SERVERS               4
-#define DHO_NAME_SERVERS               5
-#define DHO_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS                6
-#define DHO_LOG_SERVERS                        7
-#define DHO_COOKIE_SERVERS             8
-#define DHO_LPR_SERVERS                        9
-#define DHO_IMPRESS_SERVERS            10
-#define DHO_HOST_NAME                  12
-#define DHO_BOOT_SIZE                  13
-#define DHO_MERIT_DUMP                 14
-#define DHO_DOMAIN_NAME                        15
-#define DHO_SWAP_SERVER                        16
-#define DHO_ROOT_PATH                  17
-#define DHO_EXTENSIONS_PATH            18
-#define DHO_IP_FORWARDING              19
-#define DHO_POLICY_FILTER              21
-#define DHO_MAX_DGRAM_REASSEMBLY       22
-#define DHO_DEFAULT_IP_TTL             23
-#define DHO_INTERFACE_MTU              26
-#define DHO_ALL_SUBNETS_LOCAL          27
-#define DHO_BROADCAST_ADDRESS          28
-#define DHO_MASK_SUPPLIER              30
-#define DHO_ROUTER_DISCOVERY           31
-#define DHO_STATIC_ROUTES              33
-#define DHO_ARP_CACHE_TIMEOUT          35
-#define DHO_IEEE802_3_ENCAPSULATION    36
-#define DHO_DEFAULT_TCP_TTL            37
-#define DHO_NIS_DOMAIN                 40
-#define DHO_NIS_SERVERS                        41
-#define DHO_NTP_SERVERS                        42
-#define DHO_NETBIOS_NAME_SERVERS       44
-#define DHO_NETBIOS_DD_SERVER          45
-#define DHO_NETBIOS_NODE_TYPE          46
-#define DHO_NETBIOS_SCOPE              47
-#define DHO_FONT_SERVERS               48
-#define DHO_X_DISPLAY_MANAGER          49
-#define DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME            51
-#define DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD       52
-#define DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE          53
-#define DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE               56
-#define DHO_DHCP_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE      57
-#define DHO_DHCP_RENEWAL_TIME          58
-#define DHO_DHCP_REBINDING_TIME                59
-#define DHO_DHCP_USER_CLASS_ID         77
-#define DHO_END                                255
-/* DHCP message types. */
-#define DHCPDISCOVER   1
-#define DHCPOFFER      2
-#define DHCPREQUEST    3
-#define DHCPDECLINE    4
-#define DHCPACK                5
-#define DHCPNAK                6
-#define DHCPRELEASE    7
-#define DHCPINFORM     8
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhcpd.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhcpd.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5f0c8bd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: dhcpd.h,v 1.33 2004/05/06 22:29:15 deraadt Exp $      */
- * Copyright (c) 2004 Henning Brauer <henning@openbsd.org>
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
- * The Internet Software Consortium.    All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#ifndef DHCPD_H
-#define DHCPD_H
-#if defined (_MSC_VER)
-#pragma warning( once : 4103 ) 
-#if !defined(ssize_t)
-#define ssize_t  long
-#include <winsock2.h>
-#include <iphlpapi.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#define ETH_ALEN 6
-#include <pshpack1.h>
-struct ether_header
-  u_int8_t  ether_dhost[ETH_ALEN];      /* destination eth addr */
-  u_int8_t  ether_shost[ETH_ALEN];      /* source ether addr    */
-  u_int16_t ether_type;                 /* packet type ID field */
-} ;
-#include <poppack.h>
-struct ip
-  {
-    unsigned int ip_hl:4;               /* header length */
-    unsigned int ip_v:4;                /* version */
-    u_int8_t ip_tos;                    /* type of service */
-    u_short ip_len;                     /* total length */
-    u_short ip_id;                      /* identification */
-    u_short ip_off;                     /* fragment offset field */
-#define IP_RF 0x8000                    /* reserved fragment flag */
-#define IP_DF 0x4000                    /* dont fragment flag */
-#define IP_MF 0x2000                    /* more fragments flag */
-#define IP_OFFMASK 0x1fff               /* mask for fragmenting bits */
-    u_int8_t ip_ttl;                    /* time to live */
-    u_int8_t ip_p;                      /* protocol */
-    u_short ip_sum;                     /* checksum */
-    struct in_addr ip_src, ip_dst;      /* source and dest address */
-  };
-struct udphdr {
-       u_int16_t uh_sport;           /* source port */
-       u_int16_t uh_dport;           /* destination port */
-       u_int16_t uh_ulen;            /* udp length */
-       u_int16_t uh_sum;             /* udp checksum */
-#define ETHERTYPE_IP 0x0800
-#define IPTOS_LOWDELAY 0x10
-#define ARPHRD_ETHER 1
-// FIXME: I have no idea what this should be!
-#define SIZE_T_MAX 1600
-#if defined (_MSC_VER)
-#include <types.h>
-#include <stat.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "dhcp.h"
-#include "tree.h"
-#define        LOCAL_PORT      68
-#define        REMOTE_PORT     67
-struct option_data {
-       int              len;
-       u_int8_t        *data;
-struct string_list {
-       struct string_list      *next;
-       char                    *string;
-struct iaddr {
-       int len;
-       unsigned char iabuf[16];
-struct iaddrlist {
-       struct iaddrlist *next;
-       struct iaddr addr;
-struct packet {
-       struct dhcp_packet      *raw;
-       int                      packet_length;
-       int                      packet_type;
-       int                      options_valid;
-       int                      client_port;
-       struct iaddr             client_addr;
-       struct interface_info   *interface;
-       struct hardware         *haddr;
-       struct option_data       options[256];
-struct hardware {
-       u_int8_t htype;
-       u_int8_t hlen;
-       u_int8_t haddr[16];
-struct client_lease {
-       struct client_lease     *next;
-       time_t                   expiry, renewal, rebind;
-       struct iaddr             address;
-       char                    *server_name;
-       char                    *filename;
-       struct string_list      *medium;
-       unsigned int             is_static : 1;
-       unsigned int             is_bootp : 1;
-       struct option_data       options[256];
-/* Possible states in which the client can be. */
-enum dhcp_state {
-       S_REBOOTING,
-       S_INIT,
-       S_SELECTING,
-       S_BOUND,
-       S_RENEWING,
-       S_REBINDING,
-        S_STATIC
-struct client_config {
-       struct option_data      defaults[256];
-       enum {
-               ACTION_DEFAULT,
-               ACTION_SUPERSEDE,
-               ACTION_PREPEND,
-               ACTION_APPEND
-       } default_actions[256];
-       struct option_data       send_options[256];
-       u_int8_t                 required_options[256];
-       u_int8_t                 requested_options[256];
-       int                      requested_option_count;
-       time_t                   timeout;
-       time_t                   initial_interval;
-       time_t                   retry_interval;
-       time_t                   select_interval;
-       time_t                   reboot_timeout;
-       time_t                   backoff_cutoff;
-       struct string_list      *media;
-       char                    *script_name;
-       enum { IGNORE, ACCEPT, PREFER }
-                                bootp_policy;
-       struct string_list      *medium;
-       struct iaddrlist        *reject_list;
-struct client_state {
-       struct client_lease      *active;
-       struct client_lease      *new;
-       struct client_lease      *offered_leases;
-       struct client_lease      *leases;
-       struct client_lease      *alias;
-       enum dhcp_state           state;
-       struct iaddr              destination;
-       u_int32_t                 xid;
-       u_int16_t                 secs;
-       time_t                    first_sending;
-       time_t                    interval;
-       struct string_list       *medium;
-       struct dhcp_packet        packet;
-       int                       packet_length;
-       struct iaddr              requested_address;
-       struct client_config     *config;
-struct interface_info {
-       struct interface_info   *next;
-       struct hardware          hw_address;
-       struct in_addr           primary_address;
-       char                     name[IFNAMSIZ];
-       int                      rfdesc;
-       int                      wfdesc;
-       unsigned char           *rbuf;
-       size_t                   rbuf_max;
-       size_t                   rbuf_offset;
-       size_t                   rbuf_len;
-       struct client_state     *client;
-       int                      noifmedia;
-       int                      errors;
-       int                      dead;
-       u_int16_t                index;
-struct timeout {
-       struct timeout  *next;
-       time_t           when;
-       void             (*func)(void *);
-       void            *what;
-struct protocol {
-       struct protocol *next;
-       int fd;
-       void (*handler)(struct protocol *);
-       void *local;
-struct hash_bucket {
-       struct hash_bucket *next;
-       unsigned char *name;
-       int len;
-       unsigned char *value;
-struct hash_table {
-       int hash_count;
-       struct hash_bucket *buckets[DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE];
-/* Default path to dhcpd config file. */
-#define        _PATH_DHCLIENT_CONF     "/etc/dhclient.conf"
-#define        _PATH_DHCLIENT_DB       "/var/db/dhclient.leases"
-#define        DHCPD_LOG_FACILITY      LOG_DAEMON
-#define        MAX_TIME 0x7fffffff
-#define        MIN_TIME 0
-/* External definitions... */
-/* options.c */
-int cons_options(struct packet *, struct dhcp_packet *, int,
-    struct tree_cache **, int, int, int, u_int8_t *, int);
-char *pretty_print_option(unsigned int,
-    unsigned char *, int, int, int);
-void do_packet(struct interface_info *, struct dhcp_packet *,
-    int, unsigned int, struct iaddr, struct hardware *);
-/* errwarn.c */
-#if defined (__GNUC__)
-extern int warnings_occurred;
-void error(char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
-int warning(char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
-int note(char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
-int debug(char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
-int parse_warn(char *, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
-/* conflex.c */
-extern int lexline, lexchar;
-extern char *token_line, *tlname;
-extern char comments[4096];
-extern int comment_index;
-extern int eol_token;
-void new_parse(char *);
-int next_token(char **, FILE *);
-int peek_token(char **, FILE *);
-/* parse.c */
-void skip_to_semi(FILE *);
-int parse_semi(FILE *);
-char *parse_string(FILE *);
-int parse_ip_addr(FILE *, struct iaddr *);
-void parse_hardware_param(FILE *, struct hardware *);
-void parse_lease_time(FILE *, time_t *);
-unsigned char *parse_numeric_aggregate(FILE *, unsigned char *, int *,
-    int, int, int);
-void convert_num(unsigned char *, char *, int, int);
-time_t parse_date(FILE *);
-/* tree.c */
-pair cons(caddr_t, pair);
-/* alloc.c */
-struct string_list     *new_string_list(size_t size);
-struct hash_table      *new_hash_table(int);
-struct hash_bucket     *new_hash_bucket(void);
-/* bpf.c */
-int if_register_bpf(struct interface_info *);
-void if_register_send(struct interface_info *);
-void if_register_receive(struct interface_info *);
-ssize_t send_packet(struct interface_info *, struct dhcp_packet *, size_t,
-    struct in_addr, struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *);
-ssize_t receive_packet(struct interface_info *, unsigned char *, size_t,
-    struct sockaddr_in *, struct hardware *);
-/* dispatch.c */
-extern void (*bootp_packet_handler)(struct interface_info *,
-    struct dhcp_packet *, int, unsigned int, struct iaddr, struct hardware *);
-void discover_interfaces(struct interface_info *);
-void reinitialize_interfaces(void);
-void dispatch(void);
-void got_one(struct protocol *);
-void add_timeout(time_t, void (*)(void *), void *);
-void cancel_timeout(void (*)(void *), void *);
-void add_protocol(char *, int, void (*)(struct protocol *), void *);
-void remove_protocol(struct protocol *);
-struct protocol *find_protocol_by_adapter( struct interface_info * );
-int interface_link_status(char *);
-/* hash.c */
-struct hash_table *new_hash(void);
-void add_hash(struct hash_table *, unsigned char *, int, unsigned char *);
-unsigned char *hash_lookup(struct hash_table *, unsigned char *, int);
-/* tables.c */
-extern struct dhcp_option dhcp_options[256];
-extern unsigned char dhcp_option_default_priority_list[];
-extern int sizeof_dhcp_option_default_priority_list;
-extern struct hash_table universe_hash;
-extern struct universe dhcp_universe;
-void initialize_universes(void);
-/* convert.c */
-u_int32_t getULong(unsigned char *);
-int32_t getLong(unsigned char *);
-u_int16_t getUShort(unsigned char *);
-int16_t getShort(unsigned char *);
-void putULong(unsigned char *, u_int32_t);
-void putLong(unsigned char *, int32_t);
-void putUShort(unsigned char *, unsigned int);
-void putShort(unsigned char *, int);
-/* inet.c */
-struct iaddr subnet_number(struct iaddr, struct iaddr);
-struct iaddr broadcast_addr(struct iaddr, struct iaddr);
-int addr_eq(struct iaddr, struct iaddr);
-char *piaddr(struct iaddr);
-/* dhclient.c */
-extern char *path_dhclient_conf;
-extern char *path_dhclient_db;
-extern time_t cur_time;
-extern int log_priority;
-extern int log_perror;
-extern struct client_config top_level_config;
-void dhcpoffer(struct packet *);
-void dhcpack(struct packet *);
-void dhcpnak(struct packet *);
-void send_discover(void *);
-void send_request(void *);
-void send_decline(void *);
-void state_reboot(void *);
-void state_init(void *);
-void state_selecting(void *);
-void state_requesting(void *);
-void state_bound(void *);
-void state_panic(void *);
-void bind_lease(struct interface_info *);
-void make_discover(struct interface_info *, struct client_lease *);
-void make_request(struct interface_info *, struct client_lease *);
-void make_decline(struct interface_info *, struct client_lease *);
-void free_client_lease(struct client_lease *);
-void rewrite_client_leases(void);
-void write_client_lease(struct interface_info *, struct client_lease *, int);
-void    priv_script_init(char *, char *);
-void    priv_script_write_params(char *, struct client_lease *);
-int     priv_script_go(void);
-void script_init(char *, struct string_list *);
-void script_write_params(char *, struct client_lease *);
-int script_go(void);
-void client_envadd(struct client_state *,
-    const char *, const char *, const char *, ...);
-void script_set_env(struct client_state *, const char *, const char *,
-    const char *);
-void script_flush_env(struct client_state *);
-int dhcp_option_ev_name(char *, size_t, struct dhcp_option *);
-struct client_lease *packet_to_lease(struct packet *);
-void go_daemon(void);
-void client_location_changed(void);
-void bootp(struct packet *);
-void dhcp(struct packet *);
-/* packet.c */
-void assemble_hw_header(struct interface_info *, unsigned char *,
-    int *, struct hardware *);
-void assemble_udp_ip_header(unsigned char *, int *, u_int32_t, u_int32_t,
-    unsigned int, unsigned char *, int);
-ssize_t decode_hw_header(unsigned char *, int, struct hardware *);
-ssize_t decode_udp_ip_header(unsigned char *, int, struct sockaddr_in *,
-    unsigned char *, int);
-/* ethernet.c */
-void assemble_ethernet_header(struct interface_info *, unsigned char *,
-    int *, struct hardware *);
-ssize_t decode_ethernet_header(struct interface_info *, unsigned char *,
-    int, struct hardware *);
-/* clparse.c */
-int read_client_conf(void);
-void read_client_leases(void);
-void parse_client_statement(FILE *, struct interface_info *,
-    struct client_config *);
-int parse_X(FILE *, u_int8_t *, int);
-int parse_option_list(FILE *, u_int8_t *);
-void parse_interface_declaration(FILE *, struct client_config *);
-struct interface_info *interface_or_dummy(char *);
-void make_client_state(struct interface_info *);
-void make_client_config(struct interface_info *, struct client_config *);
-void parse_client_lease_statement(FILE *, int);
-void parse_client_lease_declaration(FILE *, struct client_lease *,
-    struct interface_info **);
-struct dhcp_option *parse_option_decl(FILE *, struct option_data *);
-void parse_string_list(FILE *, struct string_list **, int);
-void parse_reject_statement(FILE *, struct client_config *);
-/* privsep.c */
-struct buf     *buf_open(size_t);
-int             buf_add(struct buf *, void *, size_t);
-int             buf_close(int, struct buf *);
-ssize_t                 buf_read(int, void *, size_t);
-void            dispatch_imsg(int);
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhctoken.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/dhctoken.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2aeb530..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* dhctoken.h
-   Tokens for config file lexer and parser. */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
- * The Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#define SEMI ';'
-#define DOT '.'
-#define COLON ':'
-#define COMMA ','
-#define SLASH '/'
-#define LBRACE '{'
-#define RBRACE '}'
-#define FIRST_TOKEN    HOST
-#define HOST           256
-#define HARDWARE       257
-#define FILENAME       258
-#define FIXED_ADDR     259
-#define OPTION         260
-#define ETHERNET       261
-#define STRING         262
-#define NUMBER         263
-#define NUMBER_OR_NAME 264
-#define NAME           265
-#define TIMESTAMP      266
-#define STARTS         267
-#define ENDS           268
-#define UID            269
-#define CLASS          270
-#define LEASE          271
-#define RANGE          272
-#define PACKET         273
-#define CIADDR         274
-#define YIADDR         275
-#define SIADDR         276
-#define GIADDR         277
-#define SUBNET         278
-#define NETMASK                279
-#define MAX_LEASE_TIME 281
-#define VENDOR_CLASS   282
-#define USER_CLASS     283
-#define SHARED_NETWORK 284
-#define SERVER_NAME    285
-#define DYNAMIC_BOOTP  286
-#define NEXT_SERVER    291
-#define TOKEN_RING     292
-#define GROUP          293
-#define USE_HOST_DECL_NAMES 296
-#define SEND           297
-#define REQUEST                299
-#define REQUIRE                300
-#define TIMEOUT                301
-#define RETRY          302
-#define SELECT_TIMEOUT 303
-#define SCRIPT         304
-#define INTERFACE      305
-#define RENEW          306
-#define        REBIND          307
-#define EXPIRE         308
-#define UNKNOWN_CLIENTS        309
-#define        ALLOW           310
-#define BOOTP          311
-#define DENY           312
-#define BOOTING                313
-#define DEFAULT                314
-#define MEDIA          315
-#define MEDIUM         316
-#define ALIAS          317
-#define REBOOT         318
-#define ABANDONED      319
-#define        BACKOFF_CUTOFF  320
-#define        INITIAL_INTERVAL 321
-#define NAMESERVER     322
-#define        DOMAIN          323
-#define SEARCH         324
-#define SUPERSEDE      325
-#define APPEND         326
-#define PREPEND                327
-#define HOSTNAME       328
-#define CLIENT_HOSTNAME        329
-#define REJECT         330
-#define FDDI           331
-#define AUTHORITATIVE  333
-#define TOKEN_NOT      334
-#define ALWAYS_REPLY_RFC1048 335
-#define is_identifier(x)       ((x) >= FIRST_TOKEN &&  \
-                                (x) != STRING &&       \
-                                (x) != NUMBER &&       \
-                                (x) != EOF)
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/hash.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/hash.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1bebb31..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* hash.h
-   Definitions for hashing... */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#define DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE      97
-struct hash_bucket {
-       struct hash_bucket *next;
-       unsigned char *name;
-       int len;
-       unsigned char *value;
-struct hash_table {
-       int hash_count;
-       struct hash_bucket *buckets [DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE];
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/inet.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/inet.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a45f922..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* inet.h
-   Portable definitions for internet addresses */
- * Copyright (c) 1996 The Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-/* An internet address of up to 128 bits. */
-typedef struct _iaddr {
-       int len;
-       unsigned char iabuf [16];
-} iaddr;
-typedef struct _iaddrlist {
-       struct _iaddrlist *next;
-       iaddr addr;
-} iaddrlist;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/osdep.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/osdep.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 71a9859..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-/* osdep.h
-   Operating system dependencies... */
- * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names of its
- *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software was written for the Internet Software Consortium by Ted Lemon
- * under a contract with Vixie Laboratories.
- */
-#include "site.h"
-/* Porting::
-   If you add a new network API, you must add a check for it below: */
-#if !defined (USE_SOCKETS) && \
-    !defined (USE_SOCKET_SEND) && \
-    !defined (USE_SOCKET_RECEIVE) && \
-    !defined (USE_RAW_SOCKETS) && \
-    !defined (USE_RAW_SEND) && \
-    !defined (USE_SOCKET_RECEIVE) && \
-    !defined (USE_BPF) && \
-    !defined (USE_BPF_SEND) && \
-    !defined (USE_BPF_RECEIVE) && \
-    !defined (USE_LPF) && \
-    !defined (USE_LPF_SEND) && \
-    !defined (USE_LPF_RECEIVE) && \
-    !defined (USE_NIT) && \
-    !defined (USE_NIT_SEND) && \
-    !defined (USE_NIT_RECEIVE) && \
-    !defined (USR_DLPI_SEND) && \
-    !defined (USE_DLPI_RECEIVE)
-/* Porting::
-   If you add a new system configuration file, include it here: */
-#if defined (sun)
-# if defined (__svr4__) || defined (__SVR4)
-#  include "cf/sunos5-5.h"
-# else
-#  include "cf/sunos4.h"
-# endif
-#ifdef aix
-#  include "cf/aix.h"
-#ifdef bsdi
-#  include "cf/bsdos.h"
-#ifdef __NetBSD__
-#  include "cf/netbsd.h"
-#ifdef __FreeBSD__
-#  include "cf/freebsd.h"
-#if defined (__osf__) && defined (__alpha)
-#  include "cf/alphaosf.h"
-#ifdef ultrix
-#  include "cf/ultrix.h"
-#ifdef linux
-#  include "cf/linux.h"
-#ifdef SCO
-#  include "cf/sco.h"
-#if defined (hpux) || defined (__hpux)
-#  include "cf/hpux.h"
-#ifdef __QNX__
-#  include "cf/qnx.h"
-#ifdef __CYGWIN32__
-#  include "cf/cygwin32.h"
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-# include "cf/rhapsody.h"
-# if defined (NeXT)
-#  include "cf/nextstep.h"
-# endif
-#if defined(IRIX) || defined(__sgi)
-# include "cf/irix.h"
-#if !defined (TIME_MAX)
-# define TIME_MAX 2147483647
-/* Porting::
-   If you add a new network API, and have it set up so that it can be
-   used for sending or receiving, but doesn't have to be used for both,
-   then set up an ifdef like the ones below: */
-#  define USE_SOCKET_SEND
-#  define USE_RAW_SEND
-#ifdef USE_BPF
-#  define USE_BPF_SEND
-#  define USE_BPF_RECEIVE
-#ifdef USE_LPF
-#  define USE_LPF_SEND
-#  define USE_LPF_RECEIVE
-#ifdef USE_NIT
-#  define USE_NIT_SEND
-#  define USE_NIT_RECEIVE
-#ifdef USE_DLPI
-#  define USE_DLPI_SEND
-#ifdef USE_UPF
-#  define USE_UPF_SEND
-#  define USE_UPF_RECEIVE
-/* Porting::
-   If you add support for sending packets directly out an interface,
-   and your support does not do ARP or routing, you must use a fallback
-   mechanism to deal with packets that need to be sent to routers.
-   Currently, all low-level packet interfaces use BSD sockets as a
-   fallback. */
-#if defined (USE_BPF_SEND) || defined (USE_NIT_SEND) || \
-    defined (USE_DLPI_SEND) || defined (USE_UPF_SEND) || defined (USE_LPF_SEND)
-#  define USE_FALLBACK
-/* Porting::
-   If you add support for sending packets directly out an interface
-   and need to be able to assemble packets, add the USE_XXX_SEND
-   definition for your interface to the list tested below. */
-#if defined (USE_RAW_SEND) || defined (USE_BPF_SEND) || \
-               defined (USE_NIT_SEND) || defined (USE_UPF_SEND) || \
-               defined (USE_DLPI_SEND) || defined (USE_LPF_SEND)
-/* Porting::
-   If you add support for receiving packets directly from an interface
-   and need to be able to decode raw packets, add the USE_XXX_RECEIVE
-   definition for your interface to the list tested below. */
-#if defined (USE_RAW_RECEIVE) || defined (USE_BPF_SEND) || \
-               defined (USE_NIT_RECEIVE) || defined (USE_UPF_RECEIVE) || \
-               defined (USE_DLPI_RECEIVE) || \
-    defined (USE_LPF_SEND) || \
-    (defined (USE_SOCKET_SEND) && defined (SO_BINDTODEVICE))
-/* If we don't have a DLPI packet filter, we have to filter in userland.
-   Probably not worth doing, actually. */
-#if defined (USE_DLPI_RECEIVE) && !defined (USE_DLPI_PFMOD)
-/* jmp_buf is assumed to be a struct unless otherwise defined in the
-   system header. */
-#ifndef jbp_decl
-# define jbp_decl(x)   jmp_buf *x
-#ifndef jref
-# define jref(x)       (&(x))
-#ifndef jdref
-# define jdref(x)      (*(x))
-#ifndef jrefproto
-# define jrefproto     jmp_buf *
-#ifndef BPF_FORMAT
-# define BPF_FORMAT "/dev/bpf%d"
-#if defined (IFF_POINTOPOINT) && !defined (HAVE_IFF_POINTOPOINT)
-#if defined (AF_LINK) && !defined (HAVE_AF_LINK)
-# define HAVE_AF_LINK
-#if defined (ARPHRD_TUNNEL) && !defined (HAVE_ARPHRD_TUNNEL)
-#if defined (ARPHRD_LOOPBACK) && !defined (HAVE_ARPHRD_LOOPBACK)
-#if defined (ARPHRD_ROSE) && !defined (HAVE_ARPHRD_ROSE)
-#if defined (ARPHRD_IEEE802) && !defined (HAVE_ARPHRD_IEEE802)
-# define HAVE_ARPHRD_IEEE802
-#if defined (ARPHRD_FDDI) && !defined (HAVE_ARPHRD_FDDI)
-#if defined (ARPHRD_AX25) && !defined (HAVE_ARPHRD_AX25)
-# define HAVE_ARPHRD_AX25
-#if defined (ARPHRD_NETROM) && !defined (HAVE_ARPHRD_NETROM)
-#if defined (ARPHRD_METRICOM) && !defined (HAVE_ARPHRD_METRICOM)
-#if defined (SO_BINDTODEVICE) && !defined (HAVE_SO_BINDTODEVICE)
-#if defined (SIOCGIFHWADDR) && !defined (HAVE_SIOCGIFHWADDR)
-#if defined (AF_LINK) && !defined (HAVE_AF_LINK)
-# define HAVE_AF_LINK
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/predec.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/predec.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f2515b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-struct iaddr;
-struct interface_info;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/privsep.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/privsep.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e1fc52d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: privsep.h,v 1.2 2004/05/04 18:51:18 henning Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 2004 Henning Brauer <henning@openbsd.org>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-//#include <poll.h>
-//#include <pwd.h>
-struct buf {
-       u_char                  *buf;
-       size_t                   size;
-       size_t                   wpos;
-       size_t                   rpos;
-enum imsg_code {
-       IMSG_NONE,
-struct imsg_hdr {
-       enum imsg_code  code;
-       size_t          len;
-struct buf     *buf_open(size_t);
-int             buf_add(struct buf *, void *, size_t);
-int             buf_close(int, struct buf *);
-ssize_t                 buf_read(int sock, void *, size_t);
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/rosdhcp.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/rosdhcp.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aaedbab..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef ROSDHCP_H
-#define ROSDHCP_H
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <ndk/ntndk.h>
-#include <iprtrmib.h>
-#include <iphlpapi.h>
-#include <winsock2.h>
-#include <dhcpcsdk.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "stdint.h"
-#include "predec.h"
-#include <dhcp/rosdhcp_public.h>
-#include "debug.h"
-#undef interface /* wine/objbase.h -- Grrr */
-#undef IGNORE
-#undef ACCEPT
-#undef PREFER
-#define DHCP_BACKOFF_MAX 300
-#define _PATH_DHCLIENT_PID "\\systemroot\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\dhclient.pid"
-#define RRF_RT_REG_SZ 2
-typedef void *VOIDPTR;
-typedef u_int32_t uintTIME;
-#define TIME uintTIME
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-#if (_MSC_VER < 900) || defined(__STDC__)
-#define inline
-#define inline __inline
-#define INLINE inline
-#define PROTO(x) x
-typedef void (*handler_t) PROTO ((struct packet *));
-typedef struct _DHCP_ADAPTER {
-    LIST_ENTRY     ListEntry;
-    MIB_IFROW      IfMib;
-    SOCKADDR       Address;
-    ULONG NteContext,NteInstance;
-    struct interface_info DhclientInfo;
-    struct client_state DhclientState;
-    struct client_config DhclientConfig;
-    struct sockaddr_in ListenAddr;
-    unsigned int BindStatus;
-    unsigned char recv_buf[1];
-typedef DWORD (*PipeSendFunc)( COMM_DHCP_REPLY *Reply );
-#define random rand
-#define srandom srand
-void AdapterInit(VOID);
-extern PDHCP_ADAPTER AdapterFindIndex( unsigned int AdapterIndex );
-extern PDHCP_ADAPTER AdapterFindInfo( struct interface_info *info );
-extern VOID ApiInit();
-extern VOID ApiLock();
-extern VOID ApiUnlock();
-extern DWORD DSQueryHWInfo( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req );
-extern DWORD DSLeaseIpAddress( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req );
-extern DWORD DSRenewIpAddressLease( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req );
-extern DWORD DSReleaseIpAddressLease( PipeSendFunc Send, COMM_DHCP_REQ *Req );
-int warn( char *format, ... );
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/site.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/site.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 30fdb70..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-/* Site-specific definitions.
-   For supported systems, you shouldn't need to make any changes here.
-   However, you may want to, in order to deal with site-specific
-   differences. */
-/* Add any site-specific definitions and inclusions here... */
-/* #include <site-foo-bar.h> */
-/* #define SITE_FOOBAR */
-/* Define this if you don't want dhcpd to run as a daemon and do want
-   to see all its output printed to stdout instead of being logged via
-   syslog().   This also makes dhcpd use the dhcpd.conf in its working
-   directory and write the dhcpd.leases file there. */
-/* #define DEBUG */
-/* Define this to see what the parser is parsing.   You probably don't
-   want to see this. */
-/* #define DEBUG_TOKENS */
-/* Define this to see dumps of incoming and outgoing packets.    This
-   slows things down quite a bit... */
-/* #define DEBUG_PACKET */
-/* Define this if you want to see dumps of tree evaluations.   The most
-   common reason for doing this is to watch what happens with DNS name
-   lookups. */
-/* #define DEBUG_EVAL */
-/* Define this if you want the dhcpd.pid file to go somewhere other than
-   the default (which varies from system to system, but is usually either
-   /etc or /var/run. */
-/* #define _PATH_DHCPD_PID     "/var/run/dhcpd.pid" */
-/* Define this if you want the dhcpd.leases file (the dynamic lease database)
-   to go somewhere other than the default location, which is normally
-   /etc/dhcpd.leases. */
-/* #define _PATH_DHCPD_DB      "/etc/dhcpd.leases" */
-/* Define this if you want the dhcpd.conf file to go somewhere other than
-   the default location.   By default, it goes in /etc/dhcpd.conf. */
-/* #define _PATH_DHCPD_CONF    "/etc/dhcpd.conf" */
-/* Network API definitions.   You do not need to choose one of these - if
-   you don't choose, one will be chosen for you in your system's config
-/* Define this to use the standard BSD socket API.
-   On many systems, the BSD socket API does not provide the ability to
-   send packets to the broadcast address, which can
-   prevent some clients (e.g., Win95) from seeing replies.   This is
-   not a problem on Solaris.
-   In addition, the BSD socket API will not work when more than one
-   network interface is configured on the server.
-   However, the BSD socket API is about as efficient as you can get, so if
-   the aforementioned problems do not matter to you, or if no other
-   API is supported for your system, you may want to go with it. */
-/* #define USE_SOCKETS */
-/* Define this to use the Sun Streams NIT API.
-   The Sun Streams NIT API is only supported on SunOS 4.x releases. */
-/* #define USE_NIT */
-/* Define this to use the Berkeley Packet Filter API.
-   The BPF API is available on all 4.4-BSD derivatives, including
-   NetBSD, FreeBSD and BSDI's BSD/OS.   It's also available on
-   DEC Alpha OSF/1 in a compatibility mode supported by the Alpha OSF/1
-   packetfilter interface. */
-/* #define USE_BPF */
-/* Define this to use the raw socket API.
-   The raw socket API is provided on many BSD derivatives, and provides
-   a way to send out raw IP packets.   It is only supported for sending
-   packets - packets must be received with the regular socket API.
-   This code is experimental - I've never gotten it to actually transmit
-   a packet to the broadcast address - so use it at your
-   own risk. */
-/* #define USE_RAW_SOCKETS */
-/* Define this to change the logging facility used by dhcpd. */
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/stdint.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/stdint.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 988c303..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-typedef signed char int8_t;
-typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
-typedef short int16_t;
-typedef unsigned short u_int16_t;
-typedef int int32_t;
-typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
-typedef char *caddr_t;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/sysconf.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/sysconf.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5feb4c7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* systat.h
-   Definitions for systat protocol... */
- * Copyright (c) 1997 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#define SYSCONF_SOCKET "/var/run/sysconf"
-struct sysconf_header {
-       u_int32_t type;         /* Type of status message... */
-       u_int32_t length;       /* Length of message. */
-/* Message types... */
-#define        NETWORK_LOCATION_CHANGED        1
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/tree.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/tree.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 367ffa7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: tree.h,v 1.5 2004/05/06 22:29:15 deraadt Exp $        */
-/* Definitions for address trees... */
- * Copyright (c) 1995 The Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-/* A pair of pointers, suitable for making a linked list. */
-typedef struct _pair {
-       caddr_t car;
-       struct _pair *cdr;
-} *pair;
-struct tree_cache {
-       unsigned char *value;
-       int len;
-       int buf_size;
-       time_t timeout;
-struct universe {
-       char *name;
-       struct hash_table *hash;
-       struct dhcp_option *options[256];
-struct dhcp_option {
-       char *name;
-       char *format;
-       struct universe *universe;
-       unsigned char code;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/version.h b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/include/version.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 303fbfa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-/* Current version of ISC DHCP Distribution. */
-#define DHCP_VERSION   "2.0pl5"
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/memory.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/memory.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fc99fe5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,915 +0,0 @@
-/* memory.c
-   Memory-resident database... */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#ifndef lint
-static char copyright[] =
-"$Id: memory.c,v 1999/05/27 17:47:43 mellon Exp $ Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 The Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.\n";
-#endif /* not lint */
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-struct subnet *subnets;
-struct shared_network *shared_networks;
-static struct hash_table *host_hw_addr_hash;
-static struct hash_table *host_uid_hash;
-static struct hash_table *lease_uid_hash;
-static struct hash_table *lease_ip_addr_hash;
-static struct hash_table *lease_hw_addr_hash;
-struct lease *dangling_leases;
-static struct hash_table *vendor_class_hash;
-static struct hash_table *user_class_hash;
-void enter_host (hd)
-       struct host_decl *hd;
-       struct host_decl *hp = (struct host_decl *)0;
-       struct host_decl *np = (struct host_decl *)0;
-       hd -> n_ipaddr = (struct host_decl *)0;
-       if (hd -> interface.hlen) {
-               if (!host_hw_addr_hash)
-                       host_hw_addr_hash = new_hash ();
-               else
-                       hp = (struct host_decl *)
-                               hash_lookup (host_hw_addr_hash,
-                                            hd -> interface.haddr,
-                                            hd -> interface.hlen);
-               /* If there isn't already a host decl matching this
-                  address, add it to the hash table. */
-               if (!hp)
-                       add_hash (host_hw_addr_hash,
-                                 hd -> interface.haddr, hd -> interface.hlen,
-                                 (unsigned char *)hd);
-       }
-       /* If there was already a host declaration for this hardware
-          address, add this one to the end of the list. */
-       if (hp) {
-               for (np = hp; np -> n_ipaddr; np = np -> n_ipaddr)
-                       ;
-               np -> n_ipaddr = hd;
-       }
-       if (hd -> group -> options [DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER]) {
-               if (!tree_evaluate (hd -> group -> options
-                                   [DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER]))
-                       return;
-               /* If there's no uid hash, make one; otherwise, see if
-                  there's already an entry in the hash for this host. */
-               if (!host_uid_hash) {
-                       host_uid_hash = new_hash ();
-                       hp = (struct host_decl *)0;
-               } else
-                       hp = (struct host_decl *) hash_lookup
-                               (host_uid_hash,
-                                hd -> group -> options
-                                [DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER] -> value,
-                                hd -> group -> options
-                                [DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER] -> len);
-               /* If there's already a host declaration for this
-                  client identifier, add this one to the end of the
-                  list.  Otherwise, add it to the hash table. */
-               if (hp) {
-                       /* Don't link it in twice... */
-                       if (!np) {
-                               for (np = hp; np -> n_ipaddr;
-                                    np = np -> n_ipaddr)
-                                       ;
-                               np -> n_ipaddr = hd;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       add_hash (host_uid_hash,
-                                 hd -> group -> options
-                                 [DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER] -> value,
-                                 hd -> group -> options
-                                 [DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER] -> len,
-                                 (unsigned char *)hd);
-               }
-       }
-struct host_decl *find_hosts_by_haddr (htype, haddr, hlen)
-       int htype;
-       unsigned char *haddr;
-       int hlen;
-       struct host_decl *foo;
-       foo = (struct host_decl *)hash_lookup (host_hw_addr_hash,
-                                              haddr, hlen);
-       return foo;
-struct host_decl *find_hosts_by_uid (data, len)
-       unsigned char *data;
-       int len;
-       struct host_decl *foo;
-       foo = (struct host_decl *)hash_lookup (host_uid_hash, data, len);
-       return foo;
-/* More than one host_decl can be returned by find_hosts_by_haddr or
-   find_hosts_by_uid, and each host_decl can have multiple addresses.
-   Loop through the list of hosts, and then for each host, through the
-   list of addresses, looking for an address that's in the same shared
-   network as the one specified.    Store the matching address through
-   the addr pointer, update the host pointer to point at the host_decl
-   that matched, and return the subnet that matched. */
-subnet *find_host_for_network (struct host_decl **host, iaddr *addr,
-                               shared_network *share)
-       int i;
-       subnet *subnet;
-       iaddr ip_address;
-       struct host_decl *hp;
-       for (hp = *host; hp; hp = hp -> n_ipaddr) {
-               if (!hp -> fixed_addr || !tree_evaluate (hp -> fixed_addr))
-                       continue;
-               for (i = 0; i < hp -> fixed_addr -> len; i += 4) {
-                       ip_address.len = 4;
-                       memcpy (ip_address.iabuf,
-                               hp -> fixed_addr -> value + i, 4);
-                       subnet = find_grouped_subnet (share, ip_address);
-                       if (subnet) {
-                               *addr = ip_address;
-                               *host = hp;
-                               return subnet;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       return (struct _subnet *)0;
-void new_address_range (iaddr low, iaddr high, subnet *subnet, int dynamic)
-       lease *address_range, *lp, *plp;
-        iaddr net;
-       int min, max, i;
-       char lowbuf [16], highbuf [16], netbuf [16];
-       shared_network *share = subnet -> shared_network;
-       struct hostent *h;
-       struct in_addr ia;
-       /* All subnets should have attached shared network structures. */
-       if (!share) {
-               strcpy (netbuf, piaddr (subnet -> net));
-               error ("No shared network for network %s (%s)",
-                      netbuf, piaddr (subnet -> netmask));
-       }
-       /* Initialize the hash table if it hasn't been done yet. */
-       if (!lease_uid_hash)
-               lease_uid_hash = new_hash ();
-       if (!lease_ip_addr_hash)
-               lease_ip_addr_hash = new_hash ();
-       if (!lease_hw_addr_hash)
-               lease_hw_addr_hash = new_hash ();
-       /* Make sure that high and low addresses are in same subnet. */
-       net = subnet_number (low, subnet -> netmask);
-       if (!addr_eq (net, subnet_number (high, subnet -> netmask))) {
-               strcpy (lowbuf, piaddr (low));
-               strcpy (highbuf, piaddr (high));
-               strcpy (netbuf, piaddr (subnet -> netmask));
-               error ("Address range %s to %s, netmask %s spans %s!",
-                      lowbuf, highbuf, netbuf, "multiple subnets");
-       }
-       /* Make sure that the addresses are on the correct subnet. */
-       if (!addr_eq (net, subnet -> net)) {
-               strcpy (lowbuf, piaddr (low));
-               strcpy (highbuf, piaddr (high));
-               strcpy (netbuf, piaddr (subnet -> netmask));
-               error ("Address range %s to %s not on net %s/%s!",
-                      lowbuf, highbuf, piaddr (subnet -> net), netbuf);
-       }
-       /* Get the high and low host addresses... */
-       max = host_addr (high, subnet -> netmask);
-       min = host_addr (low, subnet -> netmask);
-       /* Allow range to be specified high-to-low as well as low-to-high. */
-       if (min > max) {
-               max = min;
-               min = host_addr (high, subnet -> netmask);
-       }
-       /* Get a lease structure for each address in the range. */
-       address_range = new_leases (max - min + 1, "new_address_range");
-       if (!address_range) {
-               strcpy (lowbuf, piaddr (low));
-               strcpy (highbuf, piaddr (high));
-               error ("No memory for address range %s-%s.", lowbuf, highbuf);
-       }
-       memset (address_range, 0, (sizeof *address_range) * (max - min + 1));
-       /* Fill in the last lease if it hasn't been already... */
-       if (!share -> last_lease) {
-               share -> last_lease = &address_range [0];
-       }
-       /* Fill out the lease structures with some minimal information. */
-       for (i = 0; i < max - min + 1; i++) {
-               address_range [i].ip_addr =
-                       ip_addr (subnet -> net, subnet -> netmask, i + min);
-               address_range [i].starts =
-                       address_range [i].timestamp = MIN_TIME;
-               address_range [i].ends = MIN_TIME;
-               address_range [i].subnet = subnet;
-               address_range [i].shared_network = share;
-               address_range [i].flags = dynamic ? DYNAMIC_BOOTP_OK : 0;
-               memcpy (&ia, address_range [i].ip_addr.iabuf, 4);
-               if (subnet -> group -> get_lease_hostnames) {
-                       h = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&ia, sizeof ia, AF_INET);
-                       if (!h)
-                               warn ("No hostname for %s", inet_ntoa (ia));
-                       else {
-                               address_range [i].hostname =
-                                       malloc (strlen (h -> h_name) + 1);
-                               if (!address_range [i].hostname)
-                                       error ("no memory for hostname %s.",
-                                              h -> h_name);
-                               strcpy (address_range [i].hostname,
-                                       h -> h_name);
-                       }
-               }
-               /* Link this entry into the list. */
-               address_range [i].next = share -> leases;
-               address_range [i].prev = (struct lease *)0;
-               share -> leases = &address_range [i];
-               if (address_range [i].next)
-                       address_range [i].next -> prev = share -> leases;
-               add_hash (lease_ip_addr_hash,
-                         address_range [i].ip_addr.iabuf,
-                         address_range [i].ip_addr.len,
-                         (unsigned char *)&address_range [i]);
-       }
-       /* Find out if any dangling leases are in range... */
-       plp = (struct lease *)0;
-       for (lp = dangling_leases; lp; lp = lp -> next) {
-               iaddr lnet;
-               int lhost;
-               lnet = subnet_number (lp -> ip_addr, subnet -> netmask);
-               lhost = host_addr (lp -> ip_addr, subnet -> netmask);
-               /* If it's in range, fill in the real lease structure with
-                  the dangling lease's values, and remove the lease from
-                  the list of dangling leases. */
-               if (addr_eq (lnet, subnet -> net) &&
-                   lhost >= i && lhost <= max) {
-                       if (plp) {
-                               plp -> next = lp -> next;
-                       } else {
-                               dangling_leases = lp -> next;
-                       }
-                       lp -> next = (struct lease *)0;
-                       address_range [lhost - i].hostname = lp -> hostname;
-                       address_range [lhost - i].client_hostname =
-                               lp -> client_hostname;
-                       supersede_lease (&address_range [lhost - i], lp, 0);
-                       free_lease (lp, "new_address_range");
-               } else
-                       plp = lp;
-       }
-subnet *find_subnet (iaddr addr)
-        subnet *rv;
-       for (rv = subnets; rv; rv = rv -> next_subnet) {
-               if (addr_eq (subnet_number (addr, rv -> netmask), rv -> net))
-                       return rv;
-       }
-       return (subnet *)0;
-subnet *find_grouped_subnet (shared_network *share, iaddr addr)
-        subnet *rv;
-       for (rv = share -> subnets; rv; rv = rv -> next_sibling) {
-               if (addr_eq (subnet_number (addr, rv -> netmask), rv -> net))
-                       return rv;
-       }
-       return (subnet *)0;
-int subnet_inner_than (struct _subnet *subnet, struct _subnet *scan, int warnp)
-       if (addr_eq (subnet_number (subnet -> net, scan -> netmask),
-                    scan -> net) ||
-           addr_eq (subnet_number (scan -> net, subnet -> netmask),
-                    subnet -> net)) {
-               char n1buf [16];
-               int i, j;
-               for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
-                       if (subnet -> netmask.iabuf [3 - (i >> 3)]
-                           & (1 << (i & 7)))
-                               break;
-               for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
-                       if (scan -> netmask.iabuf [3 - (j >> 3)] &
-                           (1 << (j & 7)))
-                               break;
-               strcpy (n1buf, piaddr (subnet -> net));
-               if (warnp)
-                       warn ("%ssubnet %s/%d conflicts with subnet %s/%d",
-                             "Warning: ", n1buf, 32 - i,
-                             piaddr (scan -> net), 32 - j);
-               if (i < j)
-                       return 1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-/* Enter a new subnet into the subnet list. */
-void enter_subnet (struct _subnet *subnet)
-       struct _subnet *scan, *prev = (struct _subnet *)0;
-       /* Check for duplicates... */
-       for (scan = subnets; scan; scan = scan -> next_subnet) {
-               /* When we find a conflict, make sure that the
-                  subnet with the narrowest subnet mask comes
-                  first. */
-               if (subnet_inner_than (subnet, scan, 1)) {
-                       if (prev) {
-                               prev -> next_subnet = subnet;
-                       } else
-                               subnets = subnet;
-                       subnet -> next_subnet = scan;
-                       return;
-               }
-               prev = scan;
-       }
-       /* XXX use the BSD radix tree code instead of a linked list. */
-       subnet -> next_subnet = subnets;
-       subnets = subnet;
-/* Enter a new shared network into the shared network list. */
-void enter_shared_network (shared_network *share)
-       /* XXX Sort the nets into a balanced tree to make searching quicker. */
-       share -> next = shared_networks;
-       shared_networks = share;
-/* Enter a lease into the system.   This is called by the parser each
-   time it reads in a new lease.   If the subnet for that lease has
-   already been read in (usually the case), just update that lease;
-   otherwise, allocate temporary storage for the lease and keep it around
-   until we're done reading in the config file. */
-void enter_lease (struct _lease *lease)
-        struct _lease *comp = find_lease_by_ip_addr (lease -> ip_addr);
-       /* If we don't have a place for this lease yet, save it for
-          later. */
-       if (!comp) {
-               comp = new_lease ("enter_lease");
-               if (!comp) {
-                       error ("No memory for lease %s\n",
-                              piaddr (lease -> ip_addr));
-               }
-               *comp = *lease;
-               comp -> next = dangling_leases;
-               comp -> prev = (struct lease *)0;
-               dangling_leases = comp;
-       } else {
-               /* Record the hostname information in the lease. */
-               comp -> hostname = lease -> hostname;
-               comp -> client_hostname = lease -> client_hostname;
-               supersede_lease (comp, lease, 0);
-       }
-/* Replace the data in an existing lease with the data in a new lease;
-   adjust hash tables to suit, and insertion sort the lease into the
-   list of leases by expiry time so that we can always find the oldest
-   lease. */
-int supersede_lease (struct _lease *comp, struct _lease *lease, int commit)
-       int enter_uid = 0;
-       int enter_hwaddr = 0;
-       struct _lease *lp;
-       /* Static leases are not currently kept in the database... */
-       if (lease -> flags & STATIC_LEASE)
-               return 1;
-       /* If the existing lease hasn't expired and has a different
-          unique identifier or, if it doesn't have a unique
-          identifier, a different hardware address, then the two
-          leases are in conflict.  If the existing lease has a uid
-          and the new one doesn't, but they both have the same
-          hardware address, and dynamic bootp is allowed on this
-          lease, then we allow that, in case a dynamic BOOTP lease is
-          requested *after* a DHCP lease has been assigned. */
-       if (!(lease -> flags & ABANDONED_LEASE) &&
-           comp -> ends > cur_time &&
-           (((comp -> uid && lease -> uid) &&
-             (comp -> uid_len != lease -> uid_len ||
-              memcmp (comp -> uid, lease -> uid, comp -> uid_len))) ||
-            (!comp -> uid &&
-             ((comp -> hardware_addr.htype !=
-               lease -> hardware_addr.htype) ||
-              (comp -> hardware_addr.hlen !=
-               lease -> hardware_addr.hlen) ||
-              memcmp (comp -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                      lease -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                      comp -> hardware_addr.hlen))))) {
-               warn ("Lease conflict at %s",
-                     piaddr (comp -> ip_addr));
-               return 0;
-       } else {
-               /* If there's a Unique ID, dissociate it from the hash
-                  table and free it if necessary. */
-               if (comp -> uid) {
-                       uid_hash_delete (comp);
-                       enter_uid = 1;
-                       if (comp -> uid != &comp -> uid_buf [0]) {
-                               free (comp -> uid);
-                               comp -> uid_max = 0;
-                               comp -> uid_len = 0;
-                       }
-                       comp -> uid = (unsigned char *)0;
-               } else
-                       enter_uid = 1;
-               if (comp -> hardware_addr.htype &&
-                   ((comp -> hardware_addr.hlen !=
-                     lease -> hardware_addr.hlen) ||
-                    (comp -> hardware_addr.htype !=
-                     lease -> hardware_addr.htype) ||
-                    memcmp (comp -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                            lease -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                            comp -> hardware_addr.hlen))) {
-                       hw_hash_delete (comp);
-                       enter_hwaddr = 1;
-               } else if (!comp -> hardware_addr.htype)
-                       enter_hwaddr = 1;
-               /* Copy the data files, but not the linkages. */
-               comp -> starts = lease -> starts;
-               if (lease -> uid) {
-                       if (lease -> uid_len < sizeof (lease -> uid_buf)) {
-                               memcpy (comp -> uid_buf,
-                                       lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len);
-                               comp -> uid = &comp -> uid_buf [0];
-                               comp -> uid_max = sizeof comp -> uid_buf;
-                       } else if (lease -> uid != &lease -> uid_buf [0]) {
-                               comp -> uid = lease -> uid;
-                               comp -> uid_max = lease -> uid_max;
-                               lease -> uid = (unsigned char *)0;
-                               lease -> uid_max = 0;
-                       } else {
-                               error ("corrupt lease uid."); /* XXX */
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       comp -> uid = (unsigned char *)0;
-                       comp -> uid_max = 0;
-               }
-               comp -> uid_len = lease -> uid_len;
-               comp -> host = lease -> host;
-               comp -> hardware_addr = lease -> hardware_addr;
-               comp -> flags = ((lease -> flags & ~PERSISTENT_FLAGS) |
-                                (comp -> flags & ~EPHEMERAL_FLAGS));
-               /* Record the lease in the uid hash if necessary. */
-               if (enter_uid && lease -> uid) {
-                       uid_hash_add (comp);
-               }
-               /* Record it in the hardware address hash if necessary. */
-               if (enter_hwaddr && lease -> hardware_addr.htype) {
-                       hw_hash_add (comp);
-               }
-               /* Remove the lease from its current place in the
-                  timeout sequence. */
-               if (comp -> prev) {
-                       comp -> prev -> next = comp -> next;
-               } else {
-                       comp -> shared_network -> leases = comp -> next;
-               }
-               if (comp -> next) {
-                       comp -> next -> prev = comp -> prev;
-               }
-               if (comp -> shared_network -> last_lease == comp) {
-                       comp -> shared_network -> last_lease = comp -> prev;
-               }
-               /* Find the last insertion point... */
-               if (comp == comp -> shared_network -> insertion_point ||
-                   !comp -> shared_network -> insertion_point) {
-                       lp = comp -> shared_network -> leases;
-               } else {
-                       lp = comp -> shared_network -> insertion_point;
-               }
-               if (!lp) {
-                       /* Nothing on the list yet?    Just make comp the
-                          head of the list. */
-                       comp -> shared_network -> leases = comp;
-                       comp -> shared_network -> last_lease = comp;
-               } else if (lp -> ends > lease -> ends) {
-                       /* Skip down the list until we run out of list
-                          or find a place for comp. */
-                       while (lp -> next && lp -> ends > lease -> ends) {
-                               lp = lp -> next;
-                       }
-                       if (lp -> ends > lease -> ends) {
-                               /* If we ran out of list, put comp
-                                  at the end. */
-                               lp -> next = comp;
-                               comp -> prev = lp;
-                               comp -> next = (struct lease *)0;
-                               comp -> shared_network -> last_lease = comp;
-                       } else {
-                               /* If we didn't, put it between lp and
-                                  the previous item on the list. */
-                               if ((comp -> prev = lp -> prev))
-                                       comp -> prev -> next = comp;
-                               comp -> next = lp;
-                               lp -> prev = comp;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       /* Skip up the list until we run out of list
-                          or find a place for comp. */
-                       while (lp -> prev && lp -> ends < lease -> ends) {
-                               lp = lp -> prev;
-                       }
-                       if (lp -> ends < lease -> ends) {
-                               /* If we ran out of list, put comp
-                                  at the beginning. */
-                               lp -> prev = comp;
-                               comp -> next = lp;
-                               comp -> prev = (struct lease *)0;
-                               comp -> shared_network -> leases = comp;
-                       } else {
-                               /* If we didn't, put it between lp and
-                                  the next item on the list. */
-                               if ((comp -> next = lp -> next))
-                                       comp -> next -> prev = comp;
-                               comp -> prev = lp;
-                               lp -> next = comp;
-                       }
-               }
-               comp -> shared_network -> insertion_point = comp;
-               comp -> ends = lease -> ends;
-       }
-       /* Return zero if we didn't commit the lease to permanent storage;
-          nonzero if we did. */
-       return commit && write_lease (comp) && commit_leases ();
-/* Release the specified lease and re-hash it as appropriate. */
-void release_lease (struct _lease *lease)
-        struct _lease lt;
-       lt = *lease;
-       if (lt.ends > cur_time) {
-               lt.ends = cur_time;
-               supersede_lease (lease, &lt, 1);
-       }
-/* Abandon the specified lease (set its timeout to infinity and its
-   particulars to zero, and re-hash it as appropriate. */
-void abandon_lease (struct _lease *lease, char *message)
-       struct _lease lt;
-       lease -> flags |= ABANDONED_LEASE;
-       lt = *lease;
-       lt.ends = cur_time;
-       warn ("Abandoning IP address %s: %s",
-             piaddr (lease -> ip_addr), message);
-       lt.hardware_addr.htype = 0;
-       lt.hardware_addr.hlen = 0;
-       lt.uid = (unsigned char *)0;
-       lt.uid_len = 0;
-       supersede_lease (lease, &lt, 1);
-/* Locate the lease associated with a given IP address... */
-lease *find_lease_by_ip_addr (iaddr addr)
-       lease *lease = (struct _lease *)hash_lookup (lease_ip_addr_hash,
-                                                     addr.iabuf,
-                                                     addr.len);
-       return lease;
-lease *find_lease_by_uid (unsigned char *uid, int len)
-        lease *lease = (struct lease *)hash_lookup (lease_uid_hash,
-                                                    uid, len);
-       return lease;
-lease *find_lease_by_hw_addr (unsigned char *hwaddr, int hwlen)
-        struct _lease *lease =
-            (struct _lease *)hash_lookup (lease_hw_addr_hash,
-                                          hwaddr, hwlen);
-       return lease;
-/* Add the specified lease to the uid hash. */
-void uid_hash_add (lease *lease)
-        struct _lease *head = find_lease_by_uid (lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len);
-       struct _lease *scan;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-       if (lease -> n_uid)
-               abort ();
-       /* If it's not in the hash, just add it. */
-       if (!head)
-               add_hash (lease_uid_hash, lease -> uid,
-                         lease -> uid_len, (unsigned char *)lease);
-       else {
-               /* Otherwise, attach it to the end of the list. */
-               for (scan = head; scan -> n_uid; scan = scan -> n_uid)
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                       if (scan == lease)
-                               abort ()
-                                       ;
-               scan -> n_uid = lease;
-       }
-/* Delete the specified lease from the uid hash. */
-void uid_hash_delete (lease *lease)
-        struct _lease *head =
-            find_lease_by_uid (lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len);
-       struct _lease *scan;
-       /* If it's not in the hash, we have no work to do. */
-       if (!head) {
-               lease -> n_uid = (struct lease *)0;
-               return;
-       }
-       /* If the lease we're freeing is at the head of the list,
-          remove the hash table entry and add a new one with the
-          next lease on the list (if there is one). */
-       if (head == lease) {
-               delete_hash_entry (lease_uid_hash,
-                                  lease -> uid, lease -> uid_len);
-               if (lease -> n_uid)
-                       add_hash (lease_uid_hash,
-                                 lease -> n_uid -> uid,
-                                 lease -> n_uid -> uid_len,
-                                 (unsigned char *)(lease -> n_uid));
-       } else {
-               /* Otherwise, look for the lease in the list of leases
-                  attached to the hash table entry, and remove it if
-                  we find it. */
-               for (scan = head; scan -> n_uid; scan = scan -> n_uid) {
-                       if (scan -> n_uid == lease) {
-                               scan -> n_uid = scan -> n_uid -> n_uid;
-                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       lease -> n_uid = (struct lease *)0;
-/* Add the specified lease to the hardware address hash. */
-void hw_hash_add (lease *lease)
-        struct _lease *head =
-               find_lease_by_hw_addr (lease -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                                      lease -> hardware_addr.hlen);
-       struct _lease *scan;
-       /* If it's not in the hash, just add it. */
-       if (!head)
-               add_hash (lease_hw_addr_hash,
-                         lease -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                         lease -> hardware_addr.hlen,
-                         (unsigned char *)lease);
-       else {
-               /* Otherwise, attach it to the end of the list. */
-               for (scan = head; scan -> n_hw; scan = scan -> n_hw)
-                       ;
-               scan -> n_hw = lease;
-       }
-/* Delete the specified lease from the hardware address hash. */
-void hw_hash_delete (lease *lease)
-        struct _lease *head =
-               find_lease_by_hw_addr (lease -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                                      lease -> hardware_addr.hlen);
-        struct _lease *scan;
-       /* If it's not in the hash, we have no work to do. */
-       if (!head) {
-               lease -> n_hw = (struct lease *)0;
-               return;
-       }
-       /* If the lease we're freeing is at the head of the list,
-          remove the hash table entry and add a new one with the
-          next lease on the list (if there is one). */
-       if (head == lease) {
-               delete_hash_entry (lease_hw_addr_hash,
-                                  lease -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                                  lease -> hardware_addr.hlen);
-               if (lease -> n_hw)
-                       add_hash (lease_hw_addr_hash,
-                                 lease -> n_hw -> hardware_addr.haddr,
-                                 lease -> n_hw -> hardware_addr.hlen,
-                                 (unsigned char *)(lease -> n_hw));
-       } else {
-               /* Otherwise, look for the lease in the list of leases
-                  attached to the hash table entry, and remove it if
-                  we find it. */
-               for (scan = head; scan -> n_hw; scan = scan -> n_hw) {
-                       if (scan -> n_hw == lease) {
-                               scan -> n_hw = scan -> n_hw -> n_hw;
-                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       lease -> n_hw = (struct lease *)0;
-struct class *add_class (type, name)
-       int type;
-       char *name;
-       struct class *class = new_class ("add_class");
-       char *tname = (char *)malloc (strlen (name) + 1);
-       if (!vendor_class_hash)
-               vendor_class_hash = new_hash ();
-       if (!user_class_hash)
-               user_class_hash = new_hash ();
-       if (!tname || !class || !vendor_class_hash || !user_class_hash)
-               return (struct class *)0;
-       memset (class, 0, sizeof *class);
-       strcpy (tname, name);
-       class -> name = tname;
-       if (type)
-               add_hash (user_class_hash,
-                         (unsigned char *)tname, strlen (tname),
-                         (unsigned char *)class);
-       else
-               add_hash (vendor_class_hash,
-                         (unsigned char *)tname, strlen (tname),
-                         (unsigned char *)class);
-       return class;
-struct class *find_class (type, name, len)
-       int type;
-       unsigned char *name;
-       int len;
-       struct class *class =
-               (struct class *)hash_lookup (type
-                                            ? user_class_hash
-                                            : vendor_class_hash, name, len);
-       return class;
-struct group *clone_group (group, caller)
-       struct group *group;
-       char *caller;
-       struct group *g = new_group (caller);
-       if (!g)
-               error ("%s: can't allocate new group", caller);
-       *g = *group;
-       return g;
-/* Write all interesting leases to permanent storage. */
-void write_leases ()
-       lease *l;
-       shared_network *s;
-       for (s = shared_networks; s; s = (shared_network *)s -> next) {
-               for (l = s -> leases; l; l = l -> next) {
-                       if (l -> hardware_addr.hlen ||
-                           l -> uid_len ||
-                           (l -> flags & ABANDONED_LEASE))
-                               if (!write_lease (l))
-                                       error ("Can't rewrite lease database");
-               }
-       }
-       if (!commit_leases ())
-               error ("Can't commit leases to new database: %m");
-void dump_subnets ()
-       struct _lease *l;
-       shared_network *s;
-        subnet *n;
-       note ("Subnets:");
-       for (n = subnets; n; n = n -> next_subnet) {
-               debug ("  Subnet %s", piaddr (n -> net));
-               debug ("     netmask %s",
-                      piaddr (n -> netmask));
-       }
-       note ("Shared networks:");
-       for (s = shared_networks; s; s = (shared_network *)s -> next) {
-               note ("  %s", s -> name);
-               for (l = s -> leases; l; l = l -> next) {
-                       print_lease (l);
-               }
-               if (s -> last_lease) {
-                       debug ("    Last Lease:");
-                       print_lease (s -> last_lease);
-               }
-       }
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/options.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/options.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a037712..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: options.c,v 1.15 2004/12/26 03:17:07 deraadt Exp $    */
-/* DHCP options parsing and reassembly. */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-int bad_options = 0;
-int bad_options_max = 5;
-void   parse_options(struct packet *);
-void   parse_option_buffer(struct packet *, unsigned char *, int);
-int    store_options(unsigned char *, int, struct tree_cache **,
-           unsigned char *, int, int, int, int);
- * Parse all available options out of the specified packet.
- */
-parse_options(struct packet *packet)
-       /* Initially, zero all option pointers. */
-       memset(packet->options, 0, sizeof(packet->options));
-       /* If we don't see the magic cookie, there's nothing to parse. */
-       if (memcmp(packet->raw->options, DHCP_OPTIONS_COOKIE, 4)) {
-               packet->options_valid = 0;
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Go through the options field, up to the end of the packet or
-        * the End field.
-        */
-       parse_option_buffer(packet, &packet->raw->options[4],
-           packet->packet_length - DHCP_FIXED_NON_UDP - 4);
-       /*
-        * If we parsed a DHCP Option Overload option, parse more
-        * options out of the buffer(s) containing them.
-        */
-       if (packet->options_valid &&
-           packet->options[DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD].data) {
-               if (packet->options[DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD].data[0] & 1)
-                       parse_option_buffer(packet,
-                           (unsigned char *)packet->raw->file,
-                           sizeof(packet->raw->file));
-               if (packet->options[DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD].data[0] & 2)
-                       parse_option_buffer(packet,
-                           (unsigned char *)packet->raw->sname,
-                           sizeof(packet->raw->sname));
-       }
- * Parse options out of the specified buffer, storing addresses of
- * option values in packet->options and setting packet->options_valid if
- * no errors are encountered.
- */
-parse_option_buffer(struct packet *packet,
-    unsigned char *buffer, int length)
-       unsigned char *s, *t, *end = buffer + length;
-       int len, code;
-       for (s = buffer; *s != DHO_END && s < end; ) {
-               code = s[0];
-               /* Pad options don't have a length - just skip them. */
-               if (code == DHO_PAD) {
-                       s++;
-                       continue;
-               }
-               if (s + 2 > end) {
-                       len = 65536;
-                       goto bogus;
-               }
-               /*
-                * All other fields (except end, see above) have a
-                * one-byte length.
-                */
-               len = s[1];
-               /*
-                * If the length is outrageous, silently skip the rest,
-                * and mark the packet bad. Unfortunately some crappy
-                * dhcp servers always seem to give us garbage on the
-                * end of a packet. so rather than keep refusing, give
-                * up and try to take one after seeing a few without
-                * anything good.
-                */
-               if (s + len + 2 > end) {
-                   bogus:
-                       bad_options++;
-                       warning("option %s (%d) %s.",
-                           dhcp_options[code].name, len,
-                           "larger than buffer");
-                       if (bad_options == bad_options_max) {
-                               packet->options_valid = 1;
-                               bad_options = 0;
-                               warning("Many bogus options seen in offers. "
-                                   "Taking this offer in spite of bogus "
-                                   "options - hope for the best!");
-                       } else {
-                               warning("rejecting bogus offer.");
-                               packet->options_valid = 0;
-                       }
-                       return;
-               }
-               /*
-                * If we haven't seen this option before, just make
-                * space for it and copy it there.
-                */
-               if (!packet->options[code].data) {
-                       if (!(t = calloc(1, len + 1)))
-                               error("Can't allocate storage for option %s.",
-                                   dhcp_options[code].name);
-                       /*
-                        * Copy and NUL-terminate the option (in case
-                        * it's an ASCII string.
-                        */
-                       memcpy(t, &s[2], len);
-                       t[len] = 0;
-                       packet->options[code].len = len;
-                       packet->options[code].data = t;
-               } else {
-                       /*
-                        * If it's a repeat, concatenate it to whatever
-                        * we last saw.   This is really only required
-                        * for clients, but what the heck...
-                        */
-                       t = calloc(1, len + packet->options[code].len + 1);
-                       if (!t)
-                               error("Can't expand storage for option %s.",
-                                   dhcp_options[code].name);
-                       memcpy(t, packet->options[code].data,
-                               packet->options[code].len);
-                       memcpy(t + packet->options[code].len,
-                               &s[2], len);
-                       packet->options[code].len += len;
-                       t[packet->options[code].len] = 0;
-                       free(packet->options[code].data);
-                       packet->options[code].data = t;
-               }
-               s += len + 2;
-       }
-       packet->options_valid = 1;
- * cons options into a big buffer, and then split them out into the
- * three separate buffers if needed.  This allows us to cons up a set of
- * vendor options using the same routine.
- */
-cons_options(struct packet *inpacket, struct dhcp_packet *outpacket,
-    int mms, struct tree_cache **options,
-    int overload, /* Overload flags that may be set. */
-    int terminate, int bootpp, u_int8_t *prl, int prl_len)
-       unsigned char priority_list[300], buffer[4096];
-       int priority_len, main_buffer_size, mainbufix, bufix;
-       int option_size, length;
-       /*
-        * If the client has provided a maximum DHCP message size, use
-        * that; otherwise, if it's BOOTP, only 64 bytes; otherwise use
-        * up to the minimum IP MTU size (576 bytes).
-        *
-        * XXX if a BOOTP client specifies a max message size, we will
-        * honor it.
-        */
-       if (!mms &&
-           inpacket &&
-           inpacket->options[DHO_DHCP_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE].data &&
-           (inpacket->options[DHO_DHCP_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE].len >=
-           sizeof(u_int16_t)))
-               mms = getUShort(
-                   inpacket->options[DHO_DHCP_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE].data);
-       if (mms)
-               main_buffer_size = mms - DHCP_FIXED_LEN;
-       else if (bootpp)
-               main_buffer_size = 64;
-       else
-               main_buffer_size = 576 - DHCP_FIXED_LEN;
-       if (main_buffer_size > sizeof(buffer))
-               main_buffer_size = sizeof(buffer);
-       /* Preload the option priority list with mandatory options. */
-       priority_len = 0;
-       priority_list[priority_len++] = DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE;
-       priority_list[priority_len++] = DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER;
-       priority_list[priority_len++] = DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME;
-       priority_list[priority_len++] = DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE;
-       /*
-        * If the client has provided a list of options that it wishes
-        * returned, use it to prioritize.  Otherwise, prioritize based
-        * on the default priority list.
-        */
-       if (inpacket &&
-           inpacket->options[DHO_DHCP_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST].data) {
-               int prlen =
-                   inpacket->options[DHO_DHCP_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST].len;
-               if (prlen + priority_len > sizeof(priority_list))
-                       prlen = sizeof(priority_list) - priority_len;
-               memcpy(&priority_list[priority_len],
-                   inpacket->options[DHO_DHCP_PARAMETER_REQUEST_LIST].data,
-                   prlen);
-               priority_len += prlen;
-               prl = priority_list;
-       } else if (prl) {
-               if (prl_len + priority_len > sizeof(priority_list))
-                       prl_len = sizeof(priority_list) - priority_len;
-               memcpy(&priority_list[priority_len], prl, prl_len);
-               priority_len += prl_len;
-               prl = priority_list;
-       } else {
-               memcpy(&priority_list[priority_len],
-                   dhcp_option_default_priority_list,
-                   sizeof_dhcp_option_default_priority_list);
-               priority_len += sizeof_dhcp_option_default_priority_list;
-       }
-       /* Copy the options into the big buffer... */
-       option_size = store_options(
-           buffer,
-           (main_buffer_size - 7 + ((overload & 1) ? DHCP_FILE_LEN : 0) +
-               ((overload & 2) ? DHCP_SNAME_LEN : 0)),
-           options, priority_list, priority_len, main_buffer_size,
-           (main_buffer_size + ((overload & 1) ? DHCP_FILE_LEN : 0)),
-           terminate);
-       /* Put the cookie up front... */
-       memcpy(outpacket->options, DHCP_OPTIONS_COOKIE, 4);
-       mainbufix = 4;
-       /*
-        * If we're going to have to overload, store the overload option
-        * at the beginning.  If we can, though, just store the whole
-        * thing in the packet's option buffer and leave it at that.
-        */
-       if (option_size <= main_buffer_size - mainbufix) {
-               memcpy(&outpacket->options[mainbufix],
-                   buffer, option_size);
-               mainbufix += option_size;
-               if (mainbufix < main_buffer_size)
-                       outpacket->options[mainbufix++] = DHO_END;
-               length = DHCP_FIXED_NON_UDP + mainbufix;
-       } else {
-               outpacket->options[mainbufix++] = DHO_DHCP_OPTION_OVERLOAD;
-               outpacket->options[mainbufix++] = 1;
-               if (option_size >
-                   main_buffer_size - mainbufix + DHCP_FILE_LEN)
-                       outpacket->options[mainbufix++] = 3;
-               else
-                       outpacket->options[mainbufix++] = 1;
-               memcpy(&outpacket->options[mainbufix],
-                   buffer, main_buffer_size - mainbufix);
-               bufix = main_buffer_size - mainbufix;
-               length = DHCP_FIXED_NON_UDP + mainbufix;
-               if (overload & 1) {
-                       if (option_size - bufix <= DHCP_FILE_LEN) {
-                               memcpy(outpacket->file,
-                                   &buffer[bufix], option_size - bufix);
-                               mainbufix = option_size - bufix;
-                               if (mainbufix < DHCP_FILE_LEN)
-                                       outpacket->file[mainbufix++] = (char)DHO_END;
-                               while (mainbufix < DHCP_FILE_LEN)
-                                       outpacket->file[mainbufix++] = (char)DHO_PAD;
-                       } else {
-                               memcpy(outpacket->file,
-                                   &buffer[bufix], DHCP_FILE_LEN);
-                               bufix += DHCP_FILE_LEN;
-                       }
-               }
-               if ((overload & 2) && option_size < bufix) {
-                       memcpy(outpacket->sname,
-                           &buffer[bufix], option_size - bufix);
-                       mainbufix = option_size - bufix;
-                       if (mainbufix < DHCP_SNAME_LEN)
-                               outpacket->file[mainbufix++] = (char)DHO_END;
-                       while (mainbufix < DHCP_SNAME_LEN)
-                               outpacket->file[mainbufix++] = (char)DHO_PAD;
-               }
-       }
-       return (length);
- * Store all the requested options into the requested buffer.
- */
-store_options(unsigned char *buffer, int buflen, struct tree_cache **options,
-    unsigned char *priority_list, int priority_len, int first_cutoff,
-    int second_cutoff, int terminate)
-       int bufix = 0, option_stored[256], i, ix, tto;
-       /* Zero out the stored-lengths array. */
-       memset(option_stored, 0, sizeof(option_stored));
-       /*
-        * Copy out the options in the order that they appear in the
-        * priority list...
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < priority_len; i++) {
-               /* Code for next option to try to store. */
-               int code = priority_list[i];
-               int optstart;
-               /*
-                * Number of bytes left to store (some may already have
-                * been stored by a previous pass).
-                */
-               int length;
-               /* If no data is available for this option, skip it. */
-               if (!options[code]) {
-                       continue;
-               }
-               /*
-                * The client could ask for things that are mandatory,
-                * in which case we should avoid storing them twice...
-                */
-               if (option_stored[code])
-                       continue;
-               option_stored[code] = 1;
-               /* We should now have a constant length for the option. */
-               length = options[code]->len;
-               /* Do we add a NUL? */
-               if (terminate && dhcp_options[code].format[0] == 't') {
-                       length++;
-                       tto = 1;
-               } else
-                       tto = 0;
-               /* Try to store the option. */
-               /*
-                * If the option's length is more than 255, we must
-                * store it in multiple hunks.   Store 255-byte hunks
-                * first.  However, in any case, if the option data will
-                * cross a buffer boundary, split it across that
-                * boundary.
-                */
-               ix = 0;
-               optstart = bufix;
-               while (length) {
-                       unsigned char incr = length > 255 ? 255 : length;
-                       /*
-                        * If this hunk of the buffer will cross a
-                        * boundary, only go up to the boundary in this
-                        * pass.
-                        */
-                       if (bufix < first_cutoff &&
-                           bufix + incr > first_cutoff)
-                               incr = first_cutoff - bufix;
-                       else if (bufix < second_cutoff &&
-                           bufix + incr > second_cutoff)
-                               incr = second_cutoff - bufix;
-                       /*
-                        * If this option is going to overflow the
-                        * buffer, skip it.
-                        */
-                       if (bufix + 2 + incr > buflen) {
-                               bufix = optstart;
-                               break;
-                       }
-                       /* Everything looks good - copy it in! */
-                       buffer[bufix] = code;
-                       buffer[bufix + 1] = incr;
-                       if (tto && incr == length) {
-                               memcpy(buffer + bufix + 2,
-                                   options[code]->value + ix, incr - 1);
-                               buffer[bufix + 2 + incr - 1] = 0;
-                       } else
-                               memcpy(buffer + bufix + 2,
-                                   options[code]->value + ix, incr);
-                       length -= incr;
-                       ix += incr;
-                       bufix += 2 + incr;
-               }
-       }
-       return (bufix);
- * Format the specified option so that a human can easily read it.
- */
-char *
-pretty_print_option(unsigned int code, unsigned char *data, int len,
-    int emit_commas, int emit_quotes)
-       static char optbuf[32768]; /* XXX */
-       int hunksize = 0, numhunk = -1, numelem = 0;
-       char fmtbuf[32], *op = optbuf;
-       int i, j, k, opleft = sizeof(optbuf);
-       unsigned char *dp = data;
-       struct in_addr foo;
-       char comma;
-       /* Code should be between 0 and 255. */
-       if (code > 255)
-               error("pretty_print_option: bad code %d", code);
-       if (emit_commas)
-               comma = ',';
-       else
-               comma = ' ';
-       /* Figure out the size of the data. */
-       for (i = 0; dhcp_options[code].format[i]; i++) {
-               if (!numhunk) {
-                       warning("%s: Excess information in format string: %s",
-                           dhcp_options[code].name,
-                           &(dhcp_options[code].format[i]));
-                       break;
-               }
-               numelem++;
-               fmtbuf[i] = dhcp_options[code].format[i];
-               switch (dhcp_options[code].format[i]) {
-               case 'A':
-                       --numelem;
-                       fmtbuf[i] = 0;
-                       numhunk = 0;
-                       break;
-               case 'X':
-                       for (k = 0; k < len; k++)
-                               if (!isascii(data[k]) ||
-                                   !isprint(data[k]))
-                                       break;
-                       if (k == len) {
-                               fmtbuf[i] = 't';
-                               numhunk = -2;
-                       } else {
-                               fmtbuf[i] = 'x';
-                               hunksize++;
-                               comma = ':';
-                               numhunk = 0;
-                       }
-                       fmtbuf[i + 1] = 0;
-                       break;
-               case 't':
-                       fmtbuf[i] = 't';
-                       fmtbuf[i + 1] = 0;
-                       numhunk = -2;
-                       break;
-               case 'I':
-               case 'l':
-               case 'L':
-                       hunksize += 4;
-                       break;
-               case 's':
-               case 'S':
-                       hunksize += 2;
-                       break;
-               case 'b':
-               case 'B':
-               case 'f':
-                       hunksize++;
-                       break;
-               case 'e':
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       warning("%s: garbage in format string: %s",
-                           dhcp_options[code].name,
-                           &(dhcp_options[code].format[i]));
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       /* Check for too few bytes... */
-       if (hunksize > len) {
-               warning("%s: expecting at least %d bytes; got %d",
-                   dhcp_options[code].name, hunksize, len);
-               return ("<error>");
-       }
-       /* Check for too many bytes... */
-       if (numhunk == -1 && hunksize < len)
-               warning("%s: %d extra bytes",
-                   dhcp_options[code].name, len - hunksize);
-       /* If this is an array, compute its size. */
-       if (!numhunk)
-               numhunk = len / hunksize;
-       /* See if we got an exact number of hunks. */
-       if (numhunk > 0 && numhunk * hunksize < len)
-               warning("%s: %d extra bytes at end of array",
-                   dhcp_options[code].name, len - numhunk * hunksize);
-       /* A one-hunk array prints the same as a single hunk. */
-       if (numhunk < 0)
-               numhunk = 1;
-       /* Cycle through the array (or hunk) printing the data. */
-       for (i = 0; i < numhunk; i++) {
-               for (j = 0; j < numelem; j++) {
-                       int opcount;
-                       switch (fmtbuf[j]) {
-                       case 't':
-                               if (emit_quotes) {
-                                       *op++ = '"';
-                                       opleft--;
-                               }
-                               for (; dp < data + len; dp++) {
-                                       if (!isascii(*dp) ||
-                                           !isprint(*dp)) {
-                                               if (dp + 1 != data + len ||
-                                                   *dp != 0) {
-                                                       snprintf(op, opleft,
-                                                           "\\%03o", *dp);
-                                                       op += 4;
-                                                       opleft -= 4;
-                                               }
-                                       } else if (*dp == '"' ||
-                                           *dp == '\'' ||
-                                           *dp == '$' ||
-                                           *dp == '`' ||
-                                           *dp == '\\') {
-                                               *op++ = '\\';
-                                               *op++ = *dp;
-                                               opleft -= 2;
-                                       } else {
-                                               *op++ = *dp;
-                                               opleft--;
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               if (emit_quotes) {
-                                       *op++ = '"';
-                                       opleft--;
-                               }
-                               *op = 0;
-                               break;
-                       case 'I':
-                               foo.s_addr = htonl(getULong(dp));
-                               opcount = strlcpy(op, inet_ntoa(foo), opleft);
-                               if (opcount >= opleft)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               dp += 4;
-                               break;
-                       case 'l':
-                               opcount = snprintf(op, opleft, "%ld",
-                                   (long)getLong(dp));
-                               if (opcount >= opleft || opcount == -1)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               dp += 4;
-                               break;
-                       case 'L':
-                               opcount = snprintf(op, opleft, "%ld",
-                                   (unsigned long)getULong(dp));
-                               if (opcount >= opleft || opcount == -1)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               dp += 4;
-                               break;
-                       case 's':
-                               opcount = snprintf(op, opleft, "%d",
-                                   getShort(dp));
-                               if (opcount >= opleft || opcount == -1)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               dp += 2;
-                               break;
-                       case 'S':
-                               opcount = snprintf(op, opleft, "%d",
-                                   getUShort(dp));
-                               if (opcount >= opleft || opcount == -1)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               dp += 2;
-                               break;
-                       case 'b':
-                               opcount = snprintf(op, opleft, "%d",
-                                   *(char *)dp++);
-                               if (opcount >= opleft || opcount == -1)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               break;
-                       case 'B':
-                               opcount = snprintf(op, opleft, "%d", *dp++);
-                               if (opcount >= opleft || opcount == -1)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               break;
-                       case 'x':
-                               opcount = snprintf(op, opleft, "%x", *dp++);
-                               if (opcount >= opleft || opcount == -1)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               break;
-                       case 'f':
-                               opcount = strlcpy(op,
-                                   *dp++ ? "true" : "false", opleft);
-                               if (opcount >= opleft)
-                                       goto toobig;
-                               opleft -= opcount;
-                               break;
-                       default:
-                               warning("Unexpected format code %c", fmtbuf[j]);
-                       }
-                       op += strlen(op);
-                       opleft -= strlen(op);
-                       if (opleft < 1)
-                               goto toobig;
-                       if (j + 1 < numelem && comma != ':') {
-                               *op++ = ' ';
-                               opleft--;
-                       }
-               }
-               if (i + 1 < numhunk) {
-                       *op++ = comma;
-                       opleft--;
-               }
-               if (opleft < 1)
-                       goto toobig;
-       }
-       return (optbuf);
- toobig:
-       warning("dhcp option too large");
-       return ("<error>");
-do_packet(struct interface_info *interface, struct dhcp_packet *packet,
-    int len, unsigned int from_port, struct iaddr from, struct hardware *hfrom)
-       struct packet tp;
-       int i;
-       if (packet->hlen > sizeof(packet->chaddr)) {
-               note("Discarding packet with invalid hlen.");
-               return;
-       }
-       memset(&tp, 0, sizeof(tp));
-       tp.raw = packet;
-       tp.packet_length = len;
-       tp.client_port = from_port;
-       tp.client_addr = from;
-       tp.interface = interface;
-       tp.haddr = hfrom;
-       parse_options(&tp);
-       if (tp.options_valid &&
-           tp.options[DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE].data)
-               tp.packet_type = tp.options[DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE].data[0];
-       if (tp.packet_type)
-               dhcp(&tp);
-       else
-               bootp(&tp);
-       /* Free the data associated with the options. */
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-               if (tp.options[i].len && tp.options[i].data)
-                       free(tp.options[i].data);
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/pipe.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/pipe.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1b31f99..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: $
- *
- * COPYRIGHT:        See COPYING in the top level directory
- * PROJECT:          ReactOS kernel
- * FILE:             subsys/system/dhcp/pipe.c
- * PURPOSE:          DHCP client pipe
- * PROGRAMMER:       arty
- */
-#include <rosdhcp.h>
-static HANDLE CommPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, CommThread;
-DWORD CommThrId;
-DWORD PipeSend( COMM_DHCP_REPLY *Reply ) {
-    DWORD Written = 0;
-    BOOL Success =
-        WriteFile( CommPipe,
-                   Reply,
-                   sizeof(*Reply),
-                   &Written,
-                   NULL );
-    return Success ? Written : -1;
-DWORD WINAPI PipeThreadProc( LPVOID Parameter ) {
-    DWORD BytesRead, BytesWritten;
-    BOOL Result;
-    BOOLEAN Connection;
-    while( (Connection = ConnectNamedPipe( CommPipe, NULL )) ) {
-        Result = ReadFile( CommPipe, &Req, sizeof(Req), &BytesRead, NULL );
-        if( Result ) {
-            switch( Req.Type ) {
-            case DhcpReqQueryHWInfo:
-                BytesWritten = DSQueryHWInfo( PipeSend, &Req );
-                break;
-            case DhcpReqLeaseIpAddress:
-                BytesWritten = DSLeaseIpAddress( PipeSend, &Req );
-                break;
-            case DhcpReqReleaseIpAddress:
-                BytesWritten = DSReleaseIpAddressLease( PipeSend, &Req );
-                break;
-            case DhcpReqRenewIpAddress:
-                BytesWritten = DSRenewIpAddressLease( PipeSend, &Req );
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        CloseHandle( CommPipe );
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-HANDLE PipeInit() {
-    CommPipe = CreateNamedPipe
-        ( DHCP_PIPE_NAME,
-          1,
-          NULL );
-    if( CommPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
-        DbgPrint("DHCP: Could not create named pipe\n");
-        return CommPipe;
-    }
-    CommThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, PipeThreadProc, NULL, 0, &CommThrId );
-    if( !CommThread ) {
-        CloseHandle( CommPipe );
-        CommPipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
-    }
-    return CommPipe;
-VOID PipeDestroy() {
-    CloseHandle( CommPipe );
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/privsep.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/privsep.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9f36a94..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-/*     $OpenBSD: privsep.c,v 1.7 2004/05/10 18:34:42 deraadt Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 2004 Henning Brauer <henning@openbsd.org>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *
- */
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-#include "dhcpd.h"
-#include "privsep.h"
-struct buf *
-buf_open(size_t len)
-       struct buf      *buf;
-       if ((buf = calloc(1, sizeof(struct buf))) == NULL)
-               return (NULL);
-       if ((buf->buf = malloc(len)) == NULL) {
-               free(buf);
-               return (NULL);
-       }
-       buf->size = len;
-       return (buf);
-buf_add(struct buf *buf, void *data, size_t len)
-       if (buf->wpos + len > buf->size)
-               return (-1);
-       memcpy(buf->buf + buf->wpos, data, len);
-       buf->wpos += len;
-       return (0);
-buf_close(int sock, struct buf *buf)
-       ssize_t n;
-       do {
-               n = write(sock, buf->buf + buf->rpos, buf->size - buf->rpos);
-               if (n != -1)
-                       buf->rpos += n;
-               if (n == 0) {                   /* connection closed */
-                       errno = 0;
-                       return (-1);
-               }
-       } while (n == -1 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR));
-       if (buf->rpos < buf->size)
-               error("short write: wanted %lu got %ld bytes",
-                   (unsigned long)buf->size, (long)buf->rpos);
-       free(buf->buf);
-       free(buf);
-       return (n);
-buf_read(int sock, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
-       ssize_t n, r = 0;
-       char *p = buf;
-       do {
-               n = read(sock, p, nbytes);
-               if (n == 0)
-                       error("connection closed");
-               if (n != -1) {
-                       r += n;
-                       p += n;
-                       nbytes -= n;
-               }
-       } while (n == -1 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN));
-       if (n == -1)
-               error("buf_read: %m");
-       if (r < nbytes)
-               error("short read: wanted %lu got %ld bytes",
-                   (unsigned long)nbytes, (long)r);
-       return (r);
-dispatch_imsg(int fd)
-       struct imsg_hdr          hdr;
-       char                    *medium, *reason, *filename,
-                               *servername, *prefix;
-       size_t                   medium_len, reason_len, filename_len,
-                                servername_len, prefix_len, totlen;
-       struct client_lease      lease;
-       int                      ret, i, optlen;
-       struct buf              *buf;
-       buf_read(fd, &hdr, sizeof(hdr));
-       switch (hdr.code) {
-       case IMSG_SCRIPT_INIT:
-               if (hdr.len < sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(size_t))
-                       error("corrupted message received");
-               buf_read(fd, &medium_len, sizeof(medium_len));
-               if (hdr.len < medium_len + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(hdr)
-                   + sizeof(size_t) || medium_len == SIZE_T_MAX)
-                       error("corrupted message received");
-               if (medium_len > 0) {
-                       if ((medium = calloc(1, medium_len + 1)) == NULL)
-                               error("%m");
-                       buf_read(fd, medium, medium_len);
-               } else
-                       medium = NULL;
-               buf_read(fd, &reason_len, sizeof(reason_len));
-               if (hdr.len < medium_len + reason_len + sizeof(hdr) ||
-                   reason_len == SIZE_T_MAX)
-                       error("corrupted message received");
-               if (reason_len > 0) {
-                       if ((reason = calloc(1, reason_len + 1)) == NULL)
-                               error("%m");
-                       buf_read(fd, reason, reason_len);
-               } else
-                       reason = NULL;
-//             priv_script_init(reason, medium);
-               free(reason);
-               free(medium);
-               break;
-               //bzero(&lease, sizeof lease);
-               memset(&lease, 0, sizeof(lease));
-               totlen = sizeof(hdr) + sizeof(lease) + sizeof(size_t);
-               if (hdr.len < totlen)
-                       error("corrupted message received");
-               buf_read(fd, &lease, sizeof(lease));
-               buf_read(fd, &filename_len, sizeof(filename_len));
-               totlen += filename_len + sizeof(size_t);
-               if (hdr.len < totlen || filename_len == SIZE_T_MAX)
-                       error("corrupted message received");
-               if (filename_len > 0) {
-                       if ((filename = calloc(1, filename_len + 1)) == NULL)
-                               error("%m");
-                       buf_read(fd, filename, filename_len);
-               } else
-                       filename = NULL;
-               buf_read(fd, &servername_len, sizeof(servername_len));
-               totlen += servername_len + sizeof(size_t);
-               if (hdr.len < totlen || servername_len == SIZE_T_MAX)
-                       error("corrupted message received");
-               if (servername_len > 0) {
-                       if ((servername =
-                           calloc(1, servername_len + 1)) == NULL)
-                               error("%m");
-                       buf_read(fd, servername, servername_len);
-               } else
-                       servername = NULL;
-               buf_read(fd, &prefix_len, sizeof(prefix_len));
-               totlen += prefix_len;
-               if (hdr.len < totlen || prefix_len == SIZE_T_MAX)
-                       error("corrupted message received");
-               if (prefix_len > 0) {
-                       if ((prefix = calloc(1, prefix_len + 1)) == NULL)
-                               error("%m");
-                       buf_read(fd, prefix, prefix_len);
-               } else
-                       prefix = NULL;
-               for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-                       totlen += sizeof(optlen);
-                       if (hdr.len < totlen)
-                               error("corrupted message received");
-                       buf_read(fd, &optlen, sizeof(optlen));
-                       lease.options[i].data = NULL;
-                       lease.options[i].len = optlen;
-                       if (optlen > 0) {
-                               totlen += optlen;
-                               if (hdr.len < totlen || optlen == SIZE_T_MAX)
-                                       error("corrupted message received");
-                               lease.options[i].data =
-                                   calloc(1, optlen + 1);
-                               if (lease.options[i].data == NULL)
-                                   error("%m");
-                               buf_read(fd, lease.options[i].data, optlen);
-                       }
-               }
-               lease.server_name = servername;
-               lease.filename = filename;
-//             priv_script_write_params(prefix, &lease);
-               free(servername);
-               free(filename);
-               free(prefix);
-               for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
-                       if (lease.options[i].len > 0)
-                               free(lease.options[i].data);
-               break;
-       case IMSG_SCRIPT_GO:
-               if (hdr.len != sizeof(hdr))
-                       error("corrupted message received");
-//             ret = priv_script_go();
-               hdr.code = IMSG_SCRIPT_GO_RET;
-               hdr.len = sizeof(struct imsg_hdr) + sizeof(int);
-               if ((buf = buf_open(hdr.len)) == NULL)
-                       error("buf_open: %m");
-               if (buf_add(buf, &hdr, sizeof(hdr)))
-                       error("buf_add: %m");
-               if (buf_add(buf, &ret, sizeof(ret)))
-                       error("buf_add: %m");
-               if (buf_close(fd, buf) == -1)
-                       error("buf_close: %m");
-               break;
-       default:
-               error("received unknown message, code %d", hdr.code);
-       }
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/socket.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/socket.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 849d049..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-SOCKET ServerSocket;
-void SocketInit() {
-    ServerSocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );
-ssize_t send_packet( struct interface_info *ip,
-                     struct dhcp_packet *p,
-                     size_t size,
-                     struct in_addr addr,
-                     struct sockaddr_in *broadcast,
-                     struct hardware *hardware ) {
-    int result =
-        sendto( ip->wfdesc, (char *)p, size, 0,
-                (struct sockaddr *)broadcast, sizeof(*broadcast) );
-    if (result < 0) {
-        note ("send_packet: %x", result);
-        if (result == WSAENETUNREACH)
-            note ("send_packet: please consult README file%s",
-                  " regarding broadcast address.");
-    }
-    return result;
-ssize_t receive_packet(struct interface_info *ip,
-                       unsigned char *packet_data,
-                       size_t packet_len,
-                       struct sockaddr_in *dest,
-                       struct hardware *hardware ) {
-    int recv_addr_size = sizeof(*dest);
-    int result =
-        recvfrom (ip -> rfdesc, (char *)packet_data, packet_len, 0,
-                  (struct sockaddr *)dest, &recv_addr_size );
-    return result;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/tables.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/tables.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3de26b7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,692 +0,0 @@
-/* tables.c
-   Tables of information... */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#define lint
-#ifndef lint
-static char copyright[] =
-"$Id: tables.c,v 1999/04/24 16:46:44 mellon Exp $ Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 The Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.\n";
-#endif /* not lint */
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-/* DHCP Option names, formats and codes, from RFC1533.
-   Format codes:
-   e - end of data
-   I - IP address
-   l - 32-bit signed integer
-   L - 32-bit unsigned integer
-   s - 16-bit signed integer
-   S - 16-bit unsigned integer
-   b - 8-bit signed integer
-   B - 8-bit unsigned integer
-   t - ASCII text
-   f - flag (true or false)
-   A - array of whatever precedes (e.g., IA means array of IP addresses)
-struct universe dhcp_universe;
-struct dhcp_option dhcp_options [256] = {
-       { "pad", "",                                    &dhcp_universe, 0 },
-       { "subnet-mask", "I",                           &dhcp_universe, 1 },
-       { "time-offset", "l",                           &dhcp_universe, 2 },
-       { "routers", "IA",                              &dhcp_universe, 3 },
-       { "time-servers", "IA",                         &dhcp_universe, 4 },
-       { "ien116-name-servers", "IA",                  &dhcp_universe, 5 },
-       { "domain-name-servers", "IA",                  &dhcp_universe, 6 },
-       { "log-servers", "IA",                          &dhcp_universe, 7 },
-       { "cookie-servers", "IA",                       &dhcp_universe, 8 },
-       { "lpr-servers", "IA",                          &dhcp_universe, 9 },
-       { "impress-servers", "IA",                      &dhcp_universe, 10 },
-       { "resource-location-servers", "IA",            &dhcp_universe, 11 },
-       { "host-name", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 12 },
-       { "boot-size", "S",                             &dhcp_universe, 13 },
-       { "merit-dump", "t",                            &dhcp_universe, 14 },
-       { "domain-name", "t",                           &dhcp_universe, 15 },
-       { "swap-server", "I",                           &dhcp_universe, 16 },
-       { "root-path", "t",                             &dhcp_universe, 17 },
-       { "extensions-path", "t",                       &dhcp_universe, 18 },
-       { "ip-forwarding", "f",                         &dhcp_universe, 19 },
-       { "non-local-source-routing", "f",              &dhcp_universe, 20 },
-       { "policy-filter", "IIA",                       &dhcp_universe, 21 },
-       { "max-dgram-reassembly", "S",                  &dhcp_universe, 22 },
-       { "default-ip-ttl", "B",                        &dhcp_universe, 23 },
-       { "path-mtu-aging-timeout", "L",                &dhcp_universe, 24 },
-       { "path-mtu-plateau-table", "SA",               &dhcp_universe, 25 },
-       { "interface-mtu", "S",                         &dhcp_universe, 26 },
-       { "all-subnets-local", "f",                     &dhcp_universe, 27 },
-       { "broadcast-address", "I",                     &dhcp_universe, 28 },
-       { "perform-mask-discovery", "f",                &dhcp_universe, 29 },
-       { "mask-supplier", "f",                         &dhcp_universe, 30 },
-       { "router-discovery", "f",                      &dhcp_universe, 31 },
-       { "router-solicitation-address", "I",           &dhcp_universe, 32 },
-       { "static-routes", "IIA",                       &dhcp_universe, 33 },
-       { "trailer-encapsulation", "f",                 &dhcp_universe, 34 },
-       { "arp-cache-timeout", "L",                     &dhcp_universe, 35 },
-       { "ieee802-3-encapsulation", "f",               &dhcp_universe, 36 },
-       { "default-tcp-ttl", "B",                       &dhcp_universe, 37 },
-       { "tcp-keepalive-interval", "L",                &dhcp_universe, 38 },
-       { "tcp-keepalive-garbage", "f",                 &dhcp_universe, 39 },
-       { "nis-domain", "t",                            &dhcp_universe, 40 },
-       { "nis-servers", "IA",                          &dhcp_universe, 41 },
-       { "ntp-servers", "IA",                          &dhcp_universe, 42 },
-       { "vendor-encapsulated-options", "X",           &dhcp_universe, 43 },
-       { "netbios-name-servers", "IA",                 &dhcp_universe, 44 },
-       { "netbios-dd-server", "IA",                    &dhcp_universe, 45 },
-       { "netbios-node-type", "B",                     &dhcp_universe, 46 },
-       { "netbios-scope", "t",                         &dhcp_universe, 47 },
-       { "font-servers", "IA",                         &dhcp_universe, 48 },
-       { "x-display-manager", "IA",                    &dhcp_universe, 49 },
-       { "dhcp-requested-address", "I",                &dhcp_universe, 50 },
-       { "dhcp-lease-time", "L",                       &dhcp_universe, 51 },
-       { "dhcp-option-overload", "B",                  &dhcp_universe, 52 },
-       { "dhcp-message-type", "B",                     &dhcp_universe, 53 },
-       { "dhcp-server-identifier", "I",                &dhcp_universe, 54 },
-       { "dhcp-parameter-request-list", "BA",          &dhcp_universe, 55 },
-       { "dhcp-message", "t",                          &dhcp_universe, 56 },
-       { "dhcp-max-message-size", "S",                 &dhcp_universe, 57 },
-       { "dhcp-renewal-time", "L",                     &dhcp_universe, 58 },
-       { "dhcp-rebinding-time", "L",                   &dhcp_universe, 59 },
-       { "dhcp-class-identifier", "t",                 &dhcp_universe, 60 },
-       { "dhcp-client-identifier", "X",                &dhcp_universe, 61 },
-       { "option-62", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 62 },
-       { "option-63", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 63 },
-       { "nisplus-domain", "t",                        &dhcp_universe, 64 },
-       { "nisplus-servers", "IA",                      &dhcp_universe, 65 },
-       { "tftp-server-name", "t",                      &dhcp_universe, 66 },
-       { "bootfile-name", "t",                         &dhcp_universe, 67 },
-       { "mobile-ip-home-agent", "IA",                 &dhcp_universe, 68 },
-       { "smtp-server", "IA",                          &dhcp_universe, 69 },
-       { "pop-server", "IA",                           &dhcp_universe, 70 },
-       { "nntp-server", "IA",                          &dhcp_universe, 71 },
-       { "www-server", "IA",                           &dhcp_universe, 72 },
-       { "finger-server", "IA",                        &dhcp_universe, 73 },
-       { "irc-server", "IA",                           &dhcp_universe, 74 },
-       { "streettalk-server", "IA",                    &dhcp_universe, 75 },
-       { "streettalk-directory-assistance-server", "IA", &dhcp_universe, 76 },
-       { "user-class", "t",                            &dhcp_universe, 77 },
-       { "option-78", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 78 },
-       { "option-79", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 79 },
-       { "option-80", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 80 },
-       { "option-81", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 81 },
-       { "option-82", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 82 },
-       { "option-83", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 83 },
-       { "option-84", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 84 },
-       { "nds-servers", "IA",                          &dhcp_universe, 85 },
-       { "nds-tree-name", "X",                         &dhcp_universe, 86 },
-       { "nds-context", "X",                           &dhcp_universe, 87 },
-       { "option-88", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 88 },
-       { "option-89", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 89 },
-       { "option-90", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 90 },
-       { "option-91", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 91 },
-       { "option-92", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 92 },
-       { "option-93", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 93 },
-       { "option-94", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 94 },
-       { "option-95", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 95 },
-       { "option-96", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 96 },
-       { "option-97", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 97 },
-       { "option-98", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 98 },
-       { "option-99", "X",                             &dhcp_universe, 99 },
-       { "option-100", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 100 },
-       { "option-101", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 101 },
-       { "option-102", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 102 },
-       { "option-103", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 103 },
-       { "option-104", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 104 },
-       { "option-105", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 105 },
-       { "option-106", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 106 },
-       { "option-107", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 107 },
-       { "option-108", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 108 },
-       { "option-109", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 109 },
-       { "option-110", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 110 },
-       { "option-111", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 111 },
-       { "option-112", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 112 },
-       { "option-113", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 113 },
-       { "option-114", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 114 },
-       { "option-115", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 115 },
-       { "option-116", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 116 },
-       { "option-117", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 117 },
-       { "option-118", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 118 },
-       { "option-119", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 119 },
-       { "option-120", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 120 },
-       { "option-121", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 121 },
-       { "option-122", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 122 },
-       { "option-123", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 123 },
-       { "option-124", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 124 },
-       { "option-125", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 125 },
-       { "option-126", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 126 },
-       { "option-127", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 127 },
-       { "option-128", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 128 },
-       { "option-129", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 129 },
-       { "option-130", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 130 },
-       { "option-131", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 131 },
-       { "option-132", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 132 },
-       { "option-133", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 133 },
-       { "option-134", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 134 },
-       { "option-135", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 135 },
-       { "option-136", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 136 },
-       { "option-137", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 137 },
-       { "option-138", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 138 },
-       { "option-139", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 139 },
-       { "option-140", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 140 },
-       { "option-141", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 141 },
-       { "option-142", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 142 },
-       { "option-143", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 143 },
-       { "option-144", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 144 },
-       { "option-145", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 145 },
-       { "option-146", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 146 },
-       { "option-147", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 147 },
-       { "option-148", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 148 },
-       { "option-149", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 149 },
-       { "option-150", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 150 },
-       { "option-151", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 151 },
-       { "option-152", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 152 },
-       { "option-153", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 153 },
-       { "option-154", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 154 },
-       { "option-155", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 155 },
-       { "option-156", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 156 },
-       { "option-157", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 157 },
-       { "option-158", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 158 },
-       { "option-159", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 159 },
-       { "option-160", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 160 },
-       { "option-161", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 161 },
-       { "option-162", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 162 },
-       { "option-163", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 163 },
-       { "option-164", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 164 },
-       { "option-165", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 165 },
-       { "option-166", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 166 },
-       { "option-167", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 167 },
-       { "option-168", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 168 },
-       { "option-169", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 169 },
-       { "option-170", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 170 },
-       { "option-171", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 171 },
-       { "option-172", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 172 },
-       { "option-173", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 173 },
-       { "option-174", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 174 },
-       { "option-175", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 175 },
-       { "option-176", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 176 },
-       { "option-177", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 177 },
-       { "option-178", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 178 },
-       { "option-179", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 179 },
-       { "option-180", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 180 },
-       { "option-181", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 181 },
-       { "option-182", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 182 },
-       { "option-183", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 183 },
-       { "option-184", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 184 },
-       { "option-185", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 185 },
-       { "option-186", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 186 },
-       { "option-187", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 187 },
-       { "option-188", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 188 },
-       { "option-189", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 189 },
-       { "option-190", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 190 },
-       { "option-191", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 191 },
-       { "option-192", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 192 },
-       { "option-193", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 193 },
-       { "option-194", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 194 },
-       { "option-195", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 195 },
-       { "option-196", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 196 },
-       { "option-197", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 197 },
-       { "option-198", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 198 },
-       { "option-199", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 199 },
-       { "option-200", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 200 },
-       { "option-201", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 201 },
-       { "option-202", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 202 },
-       { "option-203", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 203 },
-       { "option-204", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 204 },
-       { "option-205", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 205 },
-       { "option-206", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 206 },
-       { "option-207", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 207 },
-       { "option-208", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 208 },
-       { "option-209", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 209 },
-       { "option-210", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 210 },
-       { "option-211", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 211 },
-       { "option-212", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 212 },
-       { "option-213", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 213 },
-       { "option-214", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 214 },
-       { "option-215", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 215 },
-       { "option-216", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 216 },
-       { "option-217", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 217 },
-       { "option-218", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 218 },
-       { "option-219", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 219 },
-       { "option-220", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 220 },
-       { "option-221", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 221 },
-       { "option-222", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 222 },
-       { "option-223", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 223 },
-       { "option-224", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 224 },
-       { "option-225", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 225 },
-       { "option-226", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 226 },
-       { "option-227", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 227 },
-       { "option-228", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 228 },
-       { "option-229", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 229 },
-       { "option-230", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 230 },
-       { "option-231", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 231 },
-       { "option-232", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 232 },
-       { "option-233", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 233 },
-       { "option-234", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 234 },
-       { "option-235", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 235 },
-       { "option-236", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 236 },
-       { "option-237", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 237 },
-       { "option-238", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 238 },
-       { "option-239", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 239 },
-       { "option-240", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 240 },
-       { "option-241", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 241 },
-       { "option-242", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 242 },
-       { "option-243", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 243 },
-       { "option-244", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 244 },
-       { "option-245", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 245 },
-       { "option-246", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 246 },
-       { "option-247", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 247 },
-       { "option-248", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 248 },
-       { "option-249", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 249 },
-       { "option-250", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 250 },
-       { "option-251", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 251 },
-       { "option-252", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 252 },
-       { "option-253", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 253 },
-       { "option-254", "X",                            &dhcp_universe, 254 },
-       { "option-end", "e",                            &dhcp_universe, 255 },
-/* Default dhcp option priority list (this is ad hoc and should not be
-   mistaken for a carefully crafted and optimized list). */
-unsigned char dhcp_option_default_priority_list [] = {
-       DHO_ROUTERS,
-       DHO_HOST_NAME,
-       DHO_HOST_NAME,
-       DHO_BOOT_SIZE,
-       DHO_ROOT_PATH,
-       /* Presently-undefined options... */
-       62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76,
-       78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92,
-       93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,
-       107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,
-       119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130,
-       131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
-       143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154,
-       155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,
-       167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178,
-       179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190,
-       191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202,
-       203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214,
-       215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226,
-       227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238,
-       239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250,
-       251, 252, 253, 254,
-int sizeof_dhcp_option_default_priority_list =
-       sizeof dhcp_option_default_priority_list;
-char *hardware_types [] = {
-       "unknown-0",
-       "ethernet",
-       "unknown-2",
-       "unknown-3",
-       "unknown-4",
-       "unknown-5",
-       "token-ring",
-       "unknown-7",
-       "fddi",
-       "unknown-9",
-       "unknown-10",
-       "unknown-11",
-       "unknown-12",
-       "unknown-13",
-       "unknown-14",
-       "unknown-15",
-       "unknown-16",
-       "unknown-17",
-       "unknown-18",
-       "unknown-19",
-       "unknown-20",
-       "unknown-21",
-       "unknown-22",
-       "unknown-23",
-       "unknown-24",
-       "unknown-25",
-       "unknown-26",
-       "unknown-27",
-       "unknown-28",
-       "unknown-29",
-       "unknown-30",
-       "unknown-31",
-       "unknown-32",
-       "unknown-33",
-       "unknown-34",
-       "unknown-35",
-       "unknown-36",
-       "unknown-37",
-       "unknown-38",
-       "unknown-39",
-       "unknown-40",
-       "unknown-41",
-       "unknown-42",
-       "unknown-43",
-       "unknown-44",
-       "unknown-45",
-       "unknown-46",
-       "unknown-47",
-       "unknown-48",
-       "unknown-49",
-       "unknown-50",
-       "unknown-51",
-       "unknown-52",
-       "unknown-53",
-       "unknown-54",
-       "unknown-55",
-       "unknown-56",
-       "unknown-57",
-       "unknown-58",
-       "unknown-59",
-       "unknown-60",
-       "unknown-61",
-       "unknown-62",
-       "unknown-63",
-       "unknown-64",
-       "unknown-65",
-       "unknown-66",
-       "unknown-67",
-       "unknown-68",
-       "unknown-69",
-       "unknown-70",
-       "unknown-71",
-       "unknown-72",
-       "unknown-73",
-       "unknown-74",
-       "unknown-75",
-       "unknown-76",
-       "unknown-77",
-       "unknown-78",
-       "unknown-79",
-       "unknown-80",
-       "unknown-81",
-       "unknown-82",
-       "unknown-83",
-       "unknown-84",
-       "unknown-85",
-       "unknown-86",
-       "unknown-87",
-       "unknown-88",
-       "unknown-89",
-       "unknown-90",
-       "unknown-91",
-       "unknown-92",
-       "unknown-93",
-       "unknown-94",
-       "unknown-95",
-       "unknown-96",
-       "unknown-97",
-       "unknown-98",
-       "unknown-99",
-       "unknown-100",
-       "unknown-101",
-       "unknown-102",
-       "unknown-103",
-       "unknown-104",
-       "unknown-105",
-       "unknown-106",
-       "unknown-107",
-       "unknown-108",
-       "unknown-109",
-       "unknown-110",
-       "unknown-111",
-       "unknown-112",
-       "unknown-113",
-       "unknown-114",
-       "unknown-115",
-       "unknown-116",
-       "unknown-117",
-       "unknown-118",
-       "unknown-119",
-       "unknown-120",
-       "unknown-121",
-       "unknown-122",
-       "unknown-123",
-       "unknown-124",
-       "unknown-125",
-       "unknown-126",
-       "unknown-127",
-       "unknown-128",
-       "unknown-129",
-       "unknown-130",
-       "unknown-131",
-       "unknown-132",
-       "unknown-133",
-       "unknown-134",
-       "unknown-135",
-       "unknown-136",
-       "unknown-137",
-       "unknown-138",
-       "unknown-139",
-       "unknown-140",
-       "unknown-141",
-       "unknown-142",
-       "unknown-143",
-       "unknown-144",
-       "unknown-145",
-       "unknown-146",
-       "unknown-147",
-       "unknown-148",
-       "unknown-149",
-       "unknown-150",
-       "unknown-151",
-       "unknown-152",
-       "unknown-153",
-       "unknown-154",
-       "unknown-155",
-       "unknown-156",
-       "unknown-157",
-       "unknown-158",
-       "unknown-159",
-       "unknown-160",
-       "unknown-161",
-       "unknown-162",
-       "unknown-163",
-       "unknown-164",
-       "unknown-165",
-       "unknown-166",
-       "unknown-167",
-       "unknown-168",
-       "unknown-169",
-       "unknown-170",
-       "unknown-171",
-       "unknown-172",
-       "unknown-173",
-       "unknown-174",
-       "unknown-175",
-       "unknown-176",
-       "unknown-177",
-       "unknown-178",
-       "unknown-179",
-       "unknown-180",
-       "unknown-181",
-       "unknown-182",
-       "unknown-183",
-       "unknown-184",
-       "unknown-185",
-       "unknown-186",
-       "unknown-187",
-       "unknown-188",
-       "unknown-189",
-       "unknown-190",
-       "unknown-191",
-       "unknown-192",
-       "unknown-193",
-       "unknown-194",
-       "unknown-195",
-       "unknown-196",
-       "unknown-197",
-       "unknown-198",
-       "unknown-199",
-       "unknown-200",
-       "unknown-201",
-       "unknown-202",
-       "unknown-203",
-       "unknown-204",
-       "unknown-205",
-       "unknown-206",
-       "unknown-207",
-       "unknown-208",
-       "unknown-209",
-       "unknown-210",
-       "unknown-211",
-       "unknown-212",
-       "unknown-213",
-       "unknown-214",
-       "unknown-215",
-       "unknown-216",
-       "unknown-217",
-       "unknown-218",
-       "unknown-219",
-       "unknown-220",
-       "unknown-221",
-       "unknown-222",
-       "unknown-223",
-       "unknown-224",
-       "unknown-225",
-       "unknown-226",
-       "unknown-227",
-       "unknown-228",
-       "unknown-229",
-       "unknown-230",
-       "unknown-231",
-       "unknown-232",
-       "unknown-233",
-       "unknown-234",
-       "unknown-235",
-       "unknown-236",
-       "unknown-237",
-       "unknown-238",
-       "unknown-239",
-       "unknown-240",
-       "unknown-241",
-       "unknown-242",
-       "unknown-243",
-       "unknown-244",
-       "unknown-245",
-       "unknown-246",
-       "unknown-247",
-       "unknown-248",
-       "unknown-249",
-       "unknown-250",
-       "unknown-251",
-       "unknown-252",
-       "unknown-253",
-       "unknown-254",
-       "unknown-255" };
-struct hash_table universe_hash;
-void initialize_universes()
-       int i;
-       dhcp_universe.name = "dhcp";
-       dhcp_universe.hash = new_hash ();
-       if (!dhcp_universe.hash)
-               error ("Can't allocate dhcp option hash table.");
-       for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
-               dhcp_universe.options [i] = &dhcp_options [i];
-               add_hash (dhcp_universe.hash,
-                         (unsigned char *)dhcp_options [i].name, 0,
-                         (unsigned char *)&dhcp_options [i]);
-       }
-       universe_hash.hash_count = DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE;
-       add_hash (&universe_hash,
-                 (unsigned char *)dhcp_universe.name, 0,
-                 (unsigned char *)&dhcp_universe);
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/timer.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/timer.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ccd8171..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/tree.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/tree.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f721d08..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-/* tree.c
-   Routines for manipulating parse trees... */
- * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 The Internet Software Consortium.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- * are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * 3. Neither the name of The Internet Software Consortium nor the names
- *    of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
- *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * This software has been written for the Internet Software Consortium
- * by Ted Lemon <mellon@fugue.com> in cooperation with Vixie
- * Enterprises.  To learn more about the Internet Software Consortium,
- * see ``http://www.vix.com/isc''.  To learn more about Vixie
- * Enterprises, see ``http://www.vix.com''.
- */
-#ifndef lint
-static char copyright[] =
-"$Id: tree.c,v 1.10 1997/05/09 08:14:57 mellon Exp $ Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 The Internet Software Consortium.  All rights reserved.\n";
-#endif /* not lint */
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-static TIME tree_evaluate_recurse PROTO ((int *, unsigned char **, int *,
-                                         struct tree *));
-static TIME do_host_lookup PROTO ((int *, unsigned char **, int *,
-                                         struct dns_host_entry *));
-static void do_data_copy PROTO ((int *, unsigned char **, int *,
-                                unsigned char *, int));
-pair cons (car, cdr)
-       caddr_t car;
-       pair cdr;
-       pair foo = (pair)dmalloc (sizeof *foo, "cons");
-       if (!foo)
-               error ("no memory for cons.");
-       foo -> car = car;
-       foo -> cdr = cdr;
-       return foo;
-struct tree_cache *tree_cache (tree)
-       struct tree *tree;
-       struct tree_cache *tc;
-       tc = new_tree_cache ("tree_cache");
-       if (!tc)
-               return 0;
-       tc -> value = (unsigned char *)0;
-       tc -> len = tc -> buf_size = 0;
-       tc -> timeout = 0;
-       tc -> tree = tree;
-       return tc;
-struct tree *tree_host_lookup (name)
-       char *name;
-       struct tree *nt;
-       nt = new_tree ("tree_host_lookup");
-       if (!nt)
-               error ("No memory for host lookup tree node.");
-       nt -> op = TREE_HOST_LOOKUP;
-       nt -> data.host_lookup.host = enter_dns_host (name);
-       return nt;
-struct dns_host_entry *enter_dns_host (name)
-       char *name;
-       struct dns_host_entry *dh;
-       if (!(dh = (struct dns_host_entry *)dmalloc
-             (sizeof (struct dns_host_entry), "enter_dns_host"))
-           || !(dh -> hostname = dmalloc (strlen (name) + 1,
-                                          "enter_dns_host")))
-               error ("Can't allocate space for new host.");
-       strcpy (dh -> hostname, name);
-       dh -> data = (unsigned char *)0;
-       dh -> data_len = 0;
-       dh -> buf_len = 0;
-       dh -> timeout = 0;
-       return dh;
-struct tree *tree_const (data, len)
-       unsigned char *data;
-       int len;
-       struct tree *nt;
-       if (!(nt = new_tree ("tree_const"))
-           || !(nt -> data.const_val.data =
-                (unsigned char *)dmalloc (len, "tree_const")))
-               error ("No memory for constant data tree node.");
-       nt -> op = TREE_CONST;
-       memcpy (nt -> data.const_val.data, data, len);
-       nt -> data.const_val.len = len;
-       return nt;
-struct tree *tree_concat (left, right)
-       struct tree *left, *right;
-       struct tree *nt;
-       /* If we're concatenating a null tree to a non-null tree, just
-          return the non-null tree; if both trees are null, return
-          a null tree. */
-       if (!left)
-               return right;
-       if (!right)
-               return left;
-       /* If both trees are constant, combine them. */
-       if (left -> op == TREE_CONST && right -> op == TREE_CONST) {
-               unsigned char *buf = dmalloc (left -> data.const_val.len
-                                             + right -> data.const_val.len,
-                                             "tree_concat");
-               if (!buf)
-                       error ("No memory to concatenate constants.");
-               memcpy (buf, left -> data.const_val.data,
-                       left -> data.const_val.len);
-               memcpy (buf + left -> data.const_val.len,
-                       right -> data.const_val.data,
-                       right -> data.const_val.len);
-               dfree (left -> data.const_val.data, "tree_concat");
-               dfree (right -> data.const_val.data, "tree_concat");
-               left -> data.const_val.data = buf;
-               left -> data.const_val.len += right -> data.const_val.len;
-               free_tree (right, "tree_concat");
-               return left;
-       }
-       /* Otherwise, allocate a new node to concatenate the two. */
-       if (!(nt = new_tree ("tree_concat")))
-               error ("No memory for data tree concatenation node.");
-       nt -> op = TREE_CONCAT;
-       nt -> data.concat.left = left;
-       nt -> data.concat.right = right;
-       return nt;
-struct tree *tree_limit (tree, limit)
-       struct tree *tree;
-       int limit;
-       struct tree *rv;
-       /* If the tree we're limiting is constant, limit it now. */
-       if (tree -> op == TREE_CONST) {
-               if (tree -> data.const_val.len > limit)
-                       tree -> data.const_val.len = limit;
-               return tree;
-       }
-       /* Otherwise, put in a node which enforces the limit on evaluation. */
-       rv = new_tree ("tree_limit");
-       if (!rv)
-               return (struct tree *)0;
-       rv -> op = TREE_LIMIT;
-       rv -> data.limit.tree = tree;
-       rv -> data.limit.limit = limit;
-       return rv;
-int tree_evaluate (tree_cache)
-       struct tree_cache *tree_cache;
-       unsigned char *bp = tree_cache -> value;
-       int bc = tree_cache -> buf_size;
-       int bufix = 0;
-       /* If there's no tree associated with this cache, it evaluates
-          to a constant and that was detected at startup. */
-       if (!tree_cache -> tree)
-               return 1;
-       /* Try to evaluate the tree without allocating more memory... */
-       tree_cache -> timeout = tree_evaluate_recurse (&bufix, &bp, &bc,
-                                                      tree_cache -> tree);
-       /* No additional allocation needed? */
-       if (bufix <= bc) {
-               tree_cache -> len = bufix;
-               return 1;
-       }
-       /* If we can't allocate more memory, return with what we
-          have (maybe nothing). */
-       if (!(bp = (unsigned char *)dmalloc (bufix, "tree_evaluate")))
-               return 0;
-       /* Record the change in conditions... */
-       bc = bufix;
-       bufix = 0;
-       /* Note that the size of the result shouldn't change on the
-          second call to tree_evaluate_recurse, since we haven't
-          changed the ``current'' time. */
-       tree_evaluate_recurse (&bufix, &bp, &bc, tree_cache -> tree);
-       /* Free the old buffer if needed, then store the new buffer
-          location and size and return. */
-       if (tree_cache -> value)
-               dfree (tree_cache -> value, "tree_evaluate");
-       tree_cache -> value = bp;
-       tree_cache -> len = bufix;
-       tree_cache -> buf_size = bc;
-       return 1;
-static TIME tree_evaluate_recurse (bufix, bufp, bufcount, tree)
-       int *bufix;
-       unsigned char **bufp;
-       int *bufcount;
-       struct tree *tree;
-       int limit;
-       TIME t1, t2;
-       switch (tree -> op) {
-             case TREE_CONCAT:
-               t1 = tree_evaluate_recurse (bufix, bufp, bufcount,
-                                          tree -> data.concat.left);
-               t2 = tree_evaluate_recurse (bufix, bufp, bufcount,
-                                          tree -> data.concat.right);
-               if (t1 > t2)
-                       return t2;
-               return t1;
-             case TREE_HOST_LOOKUP:
-               return do_host_lookup (bufix, bufp, bufcount,
-                                      tree -> data.host_lookup.host);
-             case TREE_CONST:
-               do_data_copy (bufix, bufp, bufcount,
-                             tree -> data.const_val.data,
-                             tree -> data.const_val.len);
-               t1 = MAX_TIME;
-               return t1;
-             case TREE_LIMIT:
-               limit = *bufix + tree -> data.limit.limit;
-               t1 = tree_evaluate_recurse (bufix, bufp, bufcount,
-                                           tree -> data.limit.tree);
-               *bufix = limit;
-               return t1;
-             default:
-               warn ("Bad node id in tree: %d.");
-               t1 = MAX_TIME;
-               return t1;
-       }
-static TIME do_host_lookup (bufix, bufp, bufcount, dns)
-       int *bufix;
-       unsigned char **bufp;
-       int *bufcount;
-       struct dns_host_entry *dns;
-       struct hostent *h;
-       int i;
-       int new_len;
-#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
-       debug ("time: now = %d  dns = %d %d  diff = %d",
-              cur_time, dns -> timeout, cur_time - dns -> timeout);
-       /* If the record hasn't timed out, just copy the data and return. */
-       if (cur_time <= dns -> timeout) {
-#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
-               debug ("easy copy: %x %d %x",
-                      dns -> data, dns -> data_len,
-                      dns -> data ? *(int *)(dns -> data) : 0);
-               do_data_copy (bufix, bufp, bufcount,
-                             dns -> data, dns -> data_len);
-               return dns -> timeout;
-       }
-#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
-       debug ("Looking up %s", dns -> hostname);
-       /* Otherwise, look it up... */
-       h = gethostbyname (dns -> hostname);
-       if (!h) {
-#ifndef NO_H_ERRNO
-               switch (h_errno) {
-                     case HOST_NOT_FOUND:
-                       warn ("%s: host unknown.", dns -> hostname);
-#ifndef NO_H_ERRNO
-                       break;
-                     case TRY_AGAIN:
-                       warn ("%s: temporary name server failure",
-                             dns -> hostname);
-                       break;
-                     case NO_RECOVERY:
-                       warn ("%s: name server failed", dns -> hostname);
-                       break;
-                     case NO_DATA:
-                       warn ("%s: no A record associated with address",
-                             dns -> hostname);
-               }
-#endif /* !NO_H_ERRNO */
-               /* Okay to try again after a minute. */
-               return cur_time + 60;
-       }
-#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
-       debug ("Lookup succeeded; first address is %x",
-              h -> h_addr_list [0]);
-       /* Count the number of addresses we got... */
-       for (i = 0; h -> h_addr_list [i]; i++)
-               ;
-       /* Do we need to allocate more memory? */
-       new_len = i * h -> h_length;
-       if (dns -> buf_len < i) {
-               unsigned char *buf =
-                       (unsigned char *)dmalloc (new_len, "do_host_lookup");
-               /* If we didn't get more memory, use what we have. */
-               if (!buf) {
-                       new_len = dns -> buf_len;
-                       if (!dns -> buf_len) {
-                               dns -> timeout = cur_time + 60;
-                               return dns -> timeout;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       if (dns -> data)
-                               dfree (dns -> data, "do_host_lookup");
-                       dns -> data = buf;
-                       dns -> buf_len = new_len;
-               }
-       }
-       /* Addresses are conveniently stored one to the buffer, so we
-          have to copy them out one at a time... :'( */
-       for (i = 0; i < new_len / h -> h_length; i++) {
-               memcpy (dns -> data + h -> h_length * i,
-                       h -> h_addr_list [i], h -> h_length);
-       }
-#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
-       debug ("dns -> data: %x  h -> h_addr_list [0]: %x",
-              *(int *)(dns -> data), h -> h_addr_list [0]);
-       dns -> data_len = new_len;
-       /* Set the timeout for an hour from now.
-          XXX This should really use the time on the DNS reply. */
-       dns -> timeout = cur_time + 3600;
-#ifdef DEBUG_EVAL
-       debug ("hard copy: %x %d %x",
-              dns -> data, dns -> data_len, *(int *)(dns -> data));
-       do_data_copy (bufix, bufp, bufcount, dns -> data, dns -> data_len);
-       return dns -> timeout;
-static void do_data_copy (bufix, bufp, bufcount, data, len)
-       int *bufix;
-       unsigned char **bufp;
-       int *bufcount;
-       unsigned char *data;
-       int len;
-       int space = *bufcount - *bufix;
-       /* If there's more space than we need, use only what we need. */
-       if (space > len)
-               space = len;
-       /* Copy as much data as will fit, then increment the buffer index
-          by the amount we actually had to copy, which could be more. */
-       if (space > 0)
-               memcpy (*bufp + *bufix, data, space);
-       *bufix += len;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/util.c b/reactos/subsys/system/dhcp/util.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2194c0c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include "rosdhcp.h"
-#define NDEBUG
-#include <reactos/debug.h>
-char *piaddr( struct iaddr addr ) {
-    struct sockaddr_in sa;
-    memcpy(&sa.sin_addr,addr.iabuf,sizeof(sa.sin_addr));
-    return inet_ntoa( sa.sin_addr );
-#if defined (__GNUC__)
-int note( char *format, ... ) {
-    va_list arg_begin;
-    va_start( arg_begin, format );
-    char buf[0x100];
-    int ret;
-    ret = vsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), format, arg_begin );
-    DPRINT("NOTE: %s\n", buf);
-    return ret;
-int debug( char *format, ... ) {
-    va_list arg_begin;
-    va_start( arg_begin, format );
-    char buf[0x100];
-    int ret;
-    ret = vsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), format, arg_begin );
-    DPRINT("DEBUG: %s\n", buf);
-    return ret;
-int warn( char *format, ... ) {
-    va_list arg_begin;
-    va_start( arg_begin, format );
-    char buf[0x100];
-    int ret;
-    ret = vsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), format, arg_begin );
-    DPRINT("WARN: %s\n", buf);
-    return ret;
-int warning( char *format, ... ) {
-    va_list arg_begin;
-    va_start( arg_begin, format );
-    char buf[0x100];
-    int ret;
-    ret = vsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), format, arg_begin );
-    DPRINT("WARNING: %s\n", buf);
-    return ret;
-void error( char *format, ... ) {
-    va_list arg_begin;
-    va_start( arg_begin, format );
-    char buf[0x100];
-    vsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), format, arg_begin );
-    DPRINT1("ERROR: %s\n", buf);
-int16_t getShort( unsigned char *data ) {
-    return (int16_t) ntohs(*(int16_t*) data);
-u_int16_t getUShort( unsigned char *data ) {
-    return (u_int16_t) ntohs(*(u_int16_t*) data);
-int32_t getLong( unsigned char *data ) {
-       return (int32_t) ntohl(*(u_int32_t*) data);
-u_int32_t getULong( unsigned char *data ) {
-       return ntohl(*(u_int32_t*)data);
-int addr_eq( struct iaddr a, struct iaddr b ) {
-    return a.len == b.len && !memcmp( a.iabuf, b.iabuf, a.len );
-void *dmalloc( int size, char *name ) { return malloc( size ); }
-void dfree( void *v, char *name ) { free( v ); }
-int read_client_conf(void) {
-       error("util.c read_client_conf not implemented!");
-    return 0;
-struct iaddr broadcast_addr( struct iaddr addr, struct iaddr mask ) {
-    struct iaddr bcast = { 0 };
-    return bcast;
-struct iaddr subnet_number( struct iaddr addr, struct iaddr mask ) {
-    struct iaddr bcast = { 0 };
-    return bcast;