PC speaker MIDI driver (see README.TXT for info)
authorAndrew Greenwood <silverblade@reactos.org>
Thu, 18 Jan 2007 23:26:30 +0000 (23:26 +0000)
committerAndrew Greenwood <silverblade@reactos.org>
Thu, 18 Jan 2007 23:26:30 +0000 (23:26 +0000)
Tested on Windows XP but should be compatible with ReactOS

svn path=/trunk/; revision=25520

reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.c [new file with mode: 0644]
reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.def [new file with mode: 0644]
reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.rbuild [new file with mode: 0644]
reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/readme.txt [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.c b/reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f3b3a3c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+    BeepMidi :: beep.sys MIDI player
+    (c) Andrew Greenwood, 2007.
+    Released as open-source software. You may copy, re-distribute and modify
+    this software, provided this copyright notice remains intact.
+    Please see the included README.TXT for more information
+    HISTORY :
+        16th January 2007   Started
+        17th January 2007   Polyphony support and threading added
+        18th January 2007   Made threading optional, added comments
+/* The timeslice to allocate for all playing notes (in milliseconds) */
+#define TIMESLICE_SIZE  60
+    If this is defined, notes are added to the playing list, even if
+    they already exist. As a result, the note will sound twice during
+    each timeslice. Also each note on will require a corresponding note
+    off event.
+    The maximum number of notes that may be playing at any one time.
+    Higher values result in a messier sound as all the frequencies get
+    mashed together. Do not set this below 2. Recommended = 4
+#define POLYPHONY   3
+    Define CONTINUOUS_NOTES to perform note playback in a separate thread.
+    This was originally the intended behaviour, but after experimentation
+    doesn't sound as good for MIDI files which have a lot going on. If not
+    defined, all playing notes are output in sequence as a new note starts.
+#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <ndk/ntndk.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ntddbeep.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <mmddk.h>
+#include <mmsystem.h>
+#define DPRINT printf
+//#define DPRINT //
+/* A few MIDI command categories */
+#define MIDI_NOTE_OFF       0x80
+#define MIDI_NOTE_ON        0x90
+#define MIDI_PROGRAM        0xC0
+#define MIDI_PITCH_BEND     0xE0
+#define MIDI_SYSTEM         0xFF
+/* Specific commands */
+#define MIDI_RESET          0xFF
+typedef struct _NoteNode
+    struct _NoteNode* next;
+    struct _NoteNode* previous;
+    UCHAR note;
+    UCHAR velocity; /* 0 is note-off */
+} NoteNode;
+typedef struct _DeviceInfo
+    HDRVR mme_handle;
+    HANDLE kernel_device;
+    DWORD callback;
+    DWORD instance;
+    DWORD flags;
+    UCHAR running_status;
+    DWORD playing_notes_count;
+    NoteNode* note_list;
+    BOOL refresh_notes;
+    HANDLE thread_handle;
+    BOOL terminate_thread;
+    HANDLE thread_termination_complete;
+} DeviceInfo;
+DeviceInfo* the_device;
+CRITICAL_SECTION device_lock;
+FakePrintf(char* str, ...)
+    /* Just to shut the compiler up */
+    This is designed to be treated as a thread, however it behaves as a
+    normal function if CONTINUOUS_NOTES is not defined.
+    LPVOID parameter)
+    DeviceInfo* device_info = (DeviceInfo*) parameter;
+    NTSTATUS status;
+    IO_STATUS_BLOCK io_status_block;
+    DWORD arp_notes;
+    DPRINT("Note processing started\n");
+    /* We lock the note list only while accessing it */
+    while ( ! device_info->terminate_thread )
+    {
+        NoteNode* node;
+        /* Number of notes being arpeggiated */
+        arp_notes = 1;
+        EnterCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+        /* Calculate how much time to allocate to each playing note */
+        DPRINT("%d notes active\n", (int) device_info->playing_notes_count);
+        node = device_info->note_list;
+        while ( ( node != NULL ) && ( arp_notes <= POLYPHONY ) )
+        {
+            DPRINT("playing..\n");
+            BEEP_SET_PARAMETERS beep_data;
+            DWORD actually_playing = 0;
+            double frequency = node->note;
+            frequency = frequency / 12;
+            frequency = pow(2, frequency);
+            frequency = 8.1758 * frequency;
+            if (device_info->playing_notes_count > POLYPHONY)
+                actually_playing = POLYPHONY;
+            else
+                actually_playing = device_info->playing_notes_count;
+            DPRINT("Frequency %f\n", frequency);
+            // TODO
+            beep_data.Frequency = (DWORD) frequency;
+            beep_data.Duration = TIMESLICE_SIZE / actually_playing; /* device_info->playing_notes_count; */
+            status = NtDeviceIoControlFile(device_info->kernel_device,
+                                           NULL,
+                                           NULL,
+                                           NULL,
+                                           &io_status_block,
+                                           IOCTL_BEEP_SET,
+                                           &beep_data,
+                                           sizeof(BEEP_SET_PARAMETERS),
+                                           NULL,
+                                           0);
+            if ( ! NT_SUCCESS(status) )
+            {
+                DPRINT("ERROR %d\n", (int) GetLastError());
+            }
+            SleepEx(beep_data.Duration, TRUE);
+            if ( device_info->refresh_notes )
+            {
+                device_info->refresh_notes = FALSE;
+                break;
+            }
+            arp_notes ++;
+            node = node->next;
+        }
+        LeaveCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+    }
+    SetEvent(device_info->thread_termination_complete);
+    return 0;
+    Fills a MIDIOUTCAPS structure with information about our device.
+    MIDIOUTCAPS* caps)
+    /* These are ignored for now */
+    caps->wMid = 0;
+    caps->wPid = 0;
+    caps->vDriverVersion = 0x0100;
+    memset(caps->szPname, 0, sizeof(caps->szPname));
+    memcpy(caps->szPname, L"PC speaker\0", strlen("PC speaker\0") * 2);
+    caps->wTechnology = MOD_SQSYNTH;
+    caps->wVoices = 1;              /* We only have one voice */
+    caps->wNotes = POLYPHONY;
+    caps->wChannelMask = 0xFFBF;    /* Ignore channel 10 */
+    caps->dwSupport = 0;
+    Helper function that just simplifies calling the application making use
+    of us.
+    DeviceInfo* device_info,
+    DWORD message,
+    DWORD parameter1,
+    DWORD parameter2)
+    DPRINT("Calling client - callback 0x%x mmhandle 0x%x\n", (int) device_info->callback, (int) device_info->mme_handle);
+    return DriverCallback(device_info->callback,
+                          HIWORD(device_info->flags),
+                          device_info->mme_handle,
+                          message,
+                          device_info->instance,
+                          parameter1,
+                          parameter2);
+    Open the kernel-mode device and allocate resources. This opens the
+    BEEP.SYS kernel device.
+    DeviceInfo** private_data,
+    MIDIOPENDESC* open_desc,
+    DWORD flags)
+    NTSTATUS status;
+    HANDLE heap;
+    HANDLE kernel_device;
+    UNICODE_STRING beep_device_name;
+    IO_STATUS_BLOCK status_block;
+    /* One at a time.. */
+    if ( the_device )
+    {
+        DPRINT("Already allocated\n");
+        return MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED;
+    }
+    /* Make the device name into a unicode string and open it */
+    RtlInitUnicodeString(&beep_device_name,
+                            L"\\Device\\Beep");
+    InitializeObjectAttributes(&attribs,
+                                &beep_device_name,
+                                0,
+                                NULL,
+                                NULL);
+    status = NtCreateFile(&kernel_device,
+                            FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA,
+                            &attribs,
+                            &status_block,
+                            NULL,
+                            0,
+                            FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
+                            FILE_OPEN_IF,
+                            0,
+                            NULL,
+                            0);
+    if ( ! NT_SUCCESS(status) )
+    {
+        DPRINT("Could not connect to BEEP device - %d\n", (int) GetLastError());
+        return MMSYSERR_ERROR;
+    }
+    DPRINT("Opened!\n");
+    /* Allocate and initialize the device info */
+    heap = GetProcessHeap();
+    the_device = HeapAlloc(heap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(DeviceInfo));
+    if ( ! the_device )
+    {
+        DPRINT("Out of memory\n");
+        return MMSYSERR_NOMEM;
+    }
+    /* Initialize */
+    the_device->kernel_device = kernel_device;
+    the_device->playing_notes_count = 0;
+    the_device->note_list = NULL;
+    the_device->thread_handle = 0;
+    the_device->terminate_thread = FALSE;
+    the_device->running_status = 0;
+    // TODO
+    the_device->mme_handle = (HDRVR) open_desc->hMidi;
+    the_device->callback = open_desc->dwCallback;
+    the_device->instance = open_desc->dwInstance;
+    the_device->flags = flags;
+    /* Store the pointer in the user data */
+    *private_data = the_device;
+    /* This is threading-related code */
+    the_device->thread_termination_complete = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+    if ( ! the_device->thread_termination_complete )
+    {
+        DPRINT("CreateEvent failed\n");
+        HeapFree(heap, 0, the_device);
+        return MMSYSERR_NOMEM;
+    }
+    the_device->thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL,
+                                             0,
+                                             ProcessPlayingNotes,
+                                             (PVOID) the_device,
+                                             0,
+                                             NULL);
+    if ( ! the_device->thread_handle )
+    {
+        DPRINT("CreateThread failed\n");
+        CloseHandle(the_device->thread_termination_complete);
+        HeapFree(heap, 0, the_device);
+        return MMSYSERR_NOMEM;
+    }
+    /* Now we call the client application to say the device is open */
+    DPRINT("Sending MOM_OPEN\n");
+    DPRINT("Success? %d\n", (int) CallClient(the_device, MOM_OPEN, 0, 0));
+    Close the kernel-mode device.
+CloseDevice(DeviceInfo* device_info)
+    HANDLE heap = GetProcessHeap();
+    /* If we're working in threaded mode we need to wait for thread to die */
+    the_device->terminate_thread = TRUE;
+    WaitForSingleObject(the_device->thread_termination_complete, INFINITE);
+    CloseHandle(the_device->thread_termination_complete);
+    /* Let the client application know the device is closing */
+    DPRINT("Sending MOM_CLOSE\n");
+    CallClient(device_info, MOM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
+    NtClose(device_info->kernel_device);
+    /* Free resources */
+    HeapFree(heap, 0, device_info);
+    the_device = NULL;
+    Removes a note from the playing notes list. If the note is not playing,
+    we just pretend nothing happened.
+    DeviceInfo* device_info,
+    UCHAR note)
+    HANDLE heap = GetProcessHeap();
+    NoteNode* node;
+    NoteNode* prev_node = NULL;
+    DPRINT("StopNote\n");
+    EnterCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+    node = device_info->note_list;
+    while ( node != NULL )
+    {
+        if ( node->note == note )
+        {
+            /* Found the note - just remove the node from the list */
+            DPRINT("Stopping note %d\n", (int) node->note);
+            if ( prev_node != NULL )
+                prev_node->next = node->next;
+            else
+                device_info->note_list = node->next;
+            HeapFree(heap, 0, node);
+            device_info->playing_notes_count --;
+            DPRINT("Note stopped - now playing %d notes\n", (int) device_info->playing_notes_count);
+            LeaveCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+            device_info->refresh_notes = TRUE;
+            return MMSYSERR_NOERROR;
+        }
+        prev_node = node;
+        node = node->next;
+    }
+    LeaveCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+    /* Hmm, a good idea? */
+    ProcessPlayingNotes((PVOID) device_info);
+    Adds a note to the playing notes list. If the note is already playing,
+    the definition of ALLOW_DUPLICATE_NOTES determines if an existing note
+    may be duplicated. Otherwise, duplicate notes are ignored.
+    DeviceInfo* device_info,
+    UCHAR note,
+    UCHAR velocity)
+    HANDLE heap = GetProcessHeap();
+    DPRINT("PlayNote\n");
+    NoteNode* node;
+    if ( velocity == 0 )
+    {
+        DPRINT("Zero velocity\n");
+        /* Velocity zero is effectively a "note off" */
+        StopNote(device_info, note);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Start playing the note */
+        NoteNode* new_node;
+        NoteNode* tail_node = NULL;
+        EnterCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+        node = device_info->note_list;
+        while ( node != NULL )
+        {
+            if ( ( node->note == note ) && ( velocity > 0 ) )
+            {
+                /* The note is already playing - do nothing */
+                DPRINT("Duplicate note playback request ignored\n");
+                LeaveCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+                return MMSYSERR_NOERROR;
+            }
+            tail_node = node;
+            node = node->next;
+        }
+        new_node = HeapAlloc(heap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(NoteNode));
+        if ( ! new_node )
+        {
+            LeaveCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+            return MMSYSERR_NOMEM;
+        }
+        new_node->note = note;
+        new_node->velocity = velocity;
+        /*
+            Prepend to the playing notes list. If exceeding polyphony,
+            remove the oldest note (which will be at the tail.)
+        */
+        if ( device_info->note_list )
+            device_info->note_list->previous = new_node;
+        new_node->next = device_info->note_list;
+        new_node->previous = NULL;
+        device_info->note_list = new_node;
+        device_info->playing_notes_count ++;
+        if ( device_info->playing_notes_count > POLYPHONY )
+        {
+            ASSERT(tail_node);
+            DPRINT("Polyphony exceeded\n");
+            tail_node->previous->next = NULL;
+            HeapFree(heap, 0, tail_node);
+            device_info->playing_notes_count --;
+        }
+        LeaveCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+        DPRINT("Note started - now playing %d notes\n", (int) device_info->playing_notes_count);
+        device_info->refresh_notes = TRUE;
+    }
+    ProcessPlayingNotes((PVOID) device_info);
+    Decipher a short MIDI message (which is a MIDI message packed into a DWORD.)
+    This will set "running status", but does not take this into account when
+    processing messages (is this necessary?)
+    DeviceInfo* device_info,
+    DWORD message)
+    DWORD status;
+    DWORD category;
+    DWORD channel;
+    DWORD data1, data2;
+    status = message & 0x000000FF;
+    /* Deal with running status */
+    if ( status < MIDI_NOTE_OFF )
+    {
+        status = device_info->running_status;
+    }
+    /* Ensure the status is sane! */
+    if ( status < MIDI_NOTE_OFF )
+    {
+        /* It's garbage, ignore it */
+        return MMSYSERR_NOERROR;
+    }
+    /* Figure out the message category and channel */
+    category = status & 0xF0;
+    channel = status & 0x0F;    /* we don't use this */
+    data1 = (message & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
+    data2 = (message & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
+    DPRINT("0x%x, %d, %d\n", (int) status, (int) data1, (int) data2);
+    /* Filter drums (which are *usually* on channel 10) */
+    if ( channel == 10 )
+    {
+        return MMSYSERR_NOERROR;
+    }
+    /* Pass to the appropriate message handler */
+    switch ( category )
+    {
+        case MIDI_NOTE_ON :
+        {
+            PlayNote(device_info, data1, data2);
+            break;
+        }
+        case MIDI_NOTE_OFF :
+        {
+            StopNote(device_info, data1);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+#define PACK_MIDI(b1, b2, b3) \
+    ((b3 * 65536) + (b2 * 256) + b1);
+    Processes a "long" MIDI message (ie, a MIDI message contained within a
+    buffer.) This is intended for supporting SysEx data, or blocks of MIDI
+    events. However in our case we're only interested in short MIDI messages,
+    so we scan the buffer, and each time we encounter a valid status byte
+    we start recording it as a new event. Once 3 bytes or a new status is
+    received, the event is passed to the short message handler.
+    DeviceInfo* device_info,
+    MIDIHDR* header)
+    int index = 0;
+    UCHAR* midi_bytes = (UCHAR*) header->lpData;
+    int msg_index = 0;
+    UCHAR msg[3];
+    /* Initialize the buffer */
+    msg[0] = msg[1] = msg[2] = 0;
+    if ( ! ( header->dwFlags & MHDR_PREPARED ) )
+    {
+        DPRINT("Not prepared!\n");
+        return MIDIERR_UNPREPARED;
+    }
+    DPRINT("Processing %d bytes of MIDI\n", (int) header->dwBufferLength);
+    while ( index < header->dwBufferLength )
+    {
+        /* New status byte? ( = new event) */
+        if ( midi_bytes[index] & 0x80 )
+        {
+            DWORD short_msg;
+            /* Deal with the existing event */
+            if ( msg[0] & 0x80 )
+            {
+                short_msg = PACK_MIDI(msg[0], msg[1], msg[2]);
+                DPRINT("Complete msg is 0x%x %d %d\n", (int) msg[0], (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]);
+                ProcessShortMidiMessage(device_info, short_msg);
+            }
+            /* Set new running status and start recording the event */
+            DPRINT("Set new running status\n");
+            device_info->running_status = midi_bytes[index];
+            msg[0] = midi_bytes[index];
+            msg_index = 1;
+        }
+        /* Unexpected data byte? ( = re-use previous status) */
+        else if ( msg_index == 0 )
+        {
+            if ( device_info->running_status & 0x80 )
+            {
+                DPRINT("Retrieving running status\n");
+                msg[0] = device_info->running_status;
+                msg[1] = midi_bytes[index];
+                msg_index = 2;
+            }
+            else
+                DPRINT("garbage\n");
+        }
+        /* Expected data ( = append to message until buffer full) */
+        else
+        {
+            DPRINT("Next byte...\n");
+            msg[msg_index] = midi_bytes[index];
+            msg_index ++;
+            if ( msg_index > 2 )
+            {
+                DWORD short_msg;
+                short_msg = PACK_MIDI(msg[0], msg[1], msg[2]);
+                DPRINT("Complete msg is 0x%x %d %d\n", (int) msg[0], (int) msg[1], (int) msg[2]);
+                ProcessShortMidiMessage(device_info, short_msg);
+                /* Reinit */
+                msg_index = 0;
+                msg[0] = msg[1] = msg[2] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        index ++;
+    }
+    /*
+        We're meant to clear MHDR_DONE and set MHDR_INQUEUE but since we
+        deal with everything here and now we might as well just say so.
+    */
+    header->dwFlags |= MHDR_DONE;
+    header->dwFlags &= ~ MHDR_INQUEUE;
+    DPRINT("Success? %d\n", (int) CallClient(the_device, MOM_DONE, (DWORD) header, 0));
+    Exported function that receives messages from WINMM (the MME API.)
+    UINT device_id,
+    UINT message,
+    DWORD private_data,
+    DWORD parameter1,
+    DWORD parameter2)
+    switch ( message )
+    {
+        case MODM_GETNUMDEVS :
+        {
+            /* Only one internal PC speaker device (and even that's too much) */
+            DPRINT("MODM_GETNUMDEVS\n");
+            return 1;
+        }
+        case MODM_GETDEVCAPS :
+        {
+            DPRINT("MODM_GETDEVCAPS\n");
+            return GetDeviceCapabilities((MIDIOUTCAPS*) parameter1);
+        }
+        case MODM_OPEN :
+        {
+            DPRINT("MODM_OPEN\n");
+            return OpenDevice((DeviceInfo**) private_data,
+                              (MIDIOPENDESC*) parameter1,
+                              parameter2);
+        }
+        case MODM_CLOSE :
+        {
+            DPRINT("MODM_CLOSE\n");
+            return CloseDevice((DeviceInfo*) private_data);
+        }
+        case MODM_DATA :
+        {
+            return ProcessShortMidiMessage((DeviceInfo*) private_data, parameter1);
+        }
+        case MODM_PREPARE :
+        {
+            /* We don't bother with this */
+            MIDIHDR* hdr = (MIDIHDR*) parameter1;
+            hdr->dwFlags |= MHDR_PREPARED;
+            return MMSYSERR_NOERROR;
+        }
+        case MODM_UNPREPARE :
+        {
+            MIDIHDR* hdr = (MIDIHDR*) parameter1;
+            hdr->dwFlags &= ~MHDR_PREPARED;
+            return MMSYSERR_NOERROR;
+        }
+        case MODM_LONGDATA :
+        {
+            DPRINT("LONGDATA\n");
+            return ProcessLongMidiMessage((DeviceInfo*) private_data, (MIDIHDR*) parameter1);
+        }
+        case MODM_RESET :
+        {
+            /* TODO */
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    DPRINT("Not supported %d\n", message);
+    Driver entrypoint.
+    DWORD driver_id,
+    HDRVR driver_handle,
+    UINT message,
+    LONG parameter1,
+    LONG parameter2)
+    switch ( message )
+    {
+        case DRV_LOAD :
+            DPRINT("DRV_LOAD\n");
+            the_device = NULL;
+            return 1L;
+        case DRV_FREE :
+            DPRINT("DRV_FREE\n");
+            return 1L;
+        case DRV_OPEN :
+            DPRINT("DRV_OPEN\n");
+            InitializeCriticalSection(&device_lock);
+            return 1L;
+        case DRV_CLOSE :
+            DPRINT("DRV_CLOSE\n");
+            return 1L;
+        case DRV_ENABLE :
+            DPRINT("DRV_ENABLE\n");
+            return 1L;
+        case DRV_DISABLE :
+            DPRINT("DRV_DISABLE\n");
+            return 1L;
+        /*
+            We don't provide configuration capabilities. This used to be
+            for things like I/O port, IRQ, DMA settings, etc.
+        */
+        case DRV_QUERYCONFIGURE :
+            return 0L;
+        case DRV_CONFIGURE :
+            DPRINT("DRV_CONFIGURE\n");
+            return 0L;
+        case DRV_INSTALL :
+            DPRINT("DRV_INSTALL\n");
+            return DRVCNF_RESTART;
+    };
+    DPRINT("???\n");
+    return DefDriverProc(driver_id,
+                         driver_handle,
+                         message,
+                         parameter1,
+                         parameter2);
diff --git a/reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.def b/reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.def
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c42076e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; beepmidi.def
+; BeepMidi driver by Andrew Greenwood
+; For ReactOS Operating System
+LIBRARY beepmidi.dll
diff --git a/reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.rbuild b/reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/beepmidi.rbuild
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..29b4c9e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<module name="beepmidi" type="win32dll" installbase="system32" installname="beepmidi.dll">
+       <importlibrary definition="beepmidi.def" />
+       <include base="beepmidi">.</include>
+       <define name="__USE_W32API" />
+       <define name="UNICODE" />
+       <define name="_UNICODE" />
+       <library>ntdll</library>
+       <library>kernel32</library>
+       <library>user32</library>
+       <library>winmm</library>
+       <file>beepmidi.c</file>
diff --git a/reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/readme.txt b/reactos/dll/win32/beepmidi/readme.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0c290f8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+(c) Andrew Greenwood, 2007.
+Released as open-source software. You may copy, re-distribute and modify
+this software, provided this copyright notice remains intact.
+    BeepMidi is a MME MIDI driver for NT-compatible operating systems,
+    which uses BEEP.SYS (the kernel-mode PC speaker driver) to play
+    MIDI data. It installs as a standard MIDI output device and can even
+    be selected as your default MIDI output device. The fundamental
+    code for interacting with BEEP.SYS was taken from ReactOS' kernel32
+    module.
+    Primarily for educational reasons - in the process, I've learned more
+    about the driver side of the MME API and how to interact with kernel
+    device drivers. It aids as a good starting point from which to
+    move on to bigger and better things :)
+    Copy the file to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\BEEPMIDI.DLL
+    Go into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\
+    Drivers32 in RegEdit and look for the "midi" entries on the right hand
+    side. Find the highest numbered one (eg: midi1) and create a new STRING
+    value. Give it another midi name, but one above the current highest
+    entry present (eg: midi2.)
+    You'll now see a "PC Speaker" entry in Sound & Audio Devices.
+    See the comments toward the top of beepmidi.c for tweakable driver
+    parameters. These can only be adjusted in the source code at present.
+    * Supports note-on and note-off messages on channels 1-9 and 11-16
+      (channel 10 is rhythm, which is not supported.)
+    * Fake polyphony (actually just arpeggiates playing notes!)
+    * Threaded design for continuous playback (optional.)
+    * Pitch bend is not supported
+    * Velocity could determine timeslice
+    * Should wait for timeslice to complete before adding/removing notes
+    * Would be nice to allow configuration of polyphony etc. via Control Panel
+    * Crashes when used with Windows Media Player (mplayer2 is fine though)