[reactos.git] / reactos / include /
2016-02-12 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto[UNDOCSHELL]: Add descriptions for the RunFileDlg shell...
2016-02-04 Hermès Bélusca-MaïtoRemove redundant extra terminating ';' in all of our...
2016-02-02 Sylvain PetreolleMSVC: Properly define debug functions for release builds.
2016-01-29 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto[VERSION]: Improve versioning based on r70641.
2016-01-25 Amine Khaldi[VERSION] Improve the way we define ReactOS version...
2016-01-21 Alex Ionescu[RTL/NDK]: For some strange reason, we were missing...
2016-01-20 Alex Ionescu[DDK]: SVN isn't GIT alex. It's not smart enough to...
2016-01-10 Eric Kohl[NDK]
2016-01-10 Timo Kreuzer[PSDK]
2016-01-10 Eric Kohl[ADVAPI32]
2016-01-07 Alex Ionescu[ACPI.H]: Fix broken definition of RSDP_SIGNATURE
2016-01-06 Alex Ionescu[BOOTLIB]: Add very early work around font loading.
2016-01-03 Alex Ionescu[NDK]: Document RtlPushFrame, RtlPopFrame, RtlGetFrame.
2015-12-31 Hermès Bélusca-MaïtoHappy New Year 2016 !!
2015-12-31 Eric Kohl[INCLUDE]
2015-12-31 Eric Kohl[INCLUDE]
2015-12-31 Eric Kohl[SYSETUP]
2015-12-23 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto[XDK]
2015-12-23 Ged Murphy[XDK]
2015-12-12 Thomas Faber[VERSION]
2015-12-09 Timo Kreuzer[PSEH3]
2015-12-08 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update d3dtypes.h. CORE-10536
2015-12-08 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update stdole2.idl. CORE-10536
2015-12-05 Timo Kreuzer[NDK]
2015-12-05 Timo Kreuzer[NDK]
2015-12-05 Timo Kreuzer[EXPLORER] A DLGPROC returns INT_PTR, not BOOL.
2015-12-04 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto[KERNEL32]
2015-12-02 Daniel Reimer[DLL]
2015-12-02 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing E_API_NOTIMPL.
2015-12-02 Amine Khaldi[LIBXML2] Update to v2.9.3.
2015-12-02 Amine Khaldi[LIBPNG] Update to v1.6.19.
2015-12-02 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update shldisp.idl. CORE-10536
2015-12-01 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing EBO_NOBORDER and EBO_NO.
2015-11-30 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update d3d9types.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-30 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Attempt to improve the whole iphlpapi related...
2015-11-29 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update d3d8types.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-29 Amine Khaldi[MBEDTLS] Update to v2.2.0. By Ismael Ferreras Morezuel...
2015-11-28 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update mshtmdid.h and mshtml.idl. CORE-10536
2015-11-28 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing TB_HASACCELERATOR.
2015-11-27 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add and annotate SetInformationJobObject.
2015-11-27 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing CALINFO_ENUMPROCEXEX, DATEFMT_ENUMPR...
2015-11-26 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing SCRIPT_E_* definitions.
2015-11-26 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing FACILITY_DIRECT3D11.
2015-11-26 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update wincrypt.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-26 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing D3DPRESENT_DONOTWAIT and D3DPRESENT_...
2015-11-25 Amine Khaldi[INCLUDES/WINE] Update dplaysp.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-25 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Fix a typo.
2015-11-24 Amine Khaldi[INCLUDES/WINE] Update debug.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-24 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update d3drmobj.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-24 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing TB_SETBOUNDINGSIZE.
2015-11-23 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update msctf.idl. CORE-10536
2015-11-23 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing QDC_ALL_PATHS.
2015-11-23 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add some missing FILE_* structures. Add missing...
2015-11-23 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Fix SQLGetPrivateProfileString(W).
2015-11-23 Amine Khaldi[XDK] Add missing AT_ROUND_TO_PAGE.
2015-11-23 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update icm.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-23 Amine Khaldi[XDK] Add missing THREAD_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION.
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update SYSGEOTYPE.
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Fix D3DRMRENDER_PHONG definition.
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update d3dcompiler.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[D3D8][D3D9][DDRAW][WINED3D] Sync with Wine Staging...
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[DXSDK] Update d3dx9shader.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[DXSDK] Update d3dx9mesh.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[DXSDK] Update axcore.idl. CORE-10536
2015-11-22 Pierre Schweitzer[PSDK]
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing WAVE_FORMAT_MSRT24 and MM_FHGIIS_MPE...
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing CRED_MAX_CREDENTIAL_BLOB_SIZE.
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update sspi.h. Annotate SspiPromptForCredentials...
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[INCLUDES/WINE] Update winternl.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-22 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update gdipluspixelformats.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-21 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing BINDSTRING_ENTERPRISE_ID.
2015-11-21 Amine Khaldi[INCLUDES/WINE] Update mscvpdb.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-20 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update ntdsapi.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-20 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update dwmapi.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-17 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE.
2015-11-17 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update advpub.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-17 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Add missing GetFileInformationByHandleEx().
2015-11-17 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update oleauto.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-16 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update midles.h. CORE-10536
2015-11-14 Amine Khaldi[INCLUDE/REACTOS] Move the debug macros from mmebuddy...
2015-11-01 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Do not compile d3d10.idl as part of d3d_idl_headers.
2015-11-01 Amine Khaldi[DXGI] This doesn't belong to trunk. [WBEMPROX] Disable...
2015-10-31 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Comment commctrl.h preprocessor conditions in...
2015-10-31 Hermès Bélusca-MaïtoFix build.
2015-10-31 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto[PSDK]
2015-10-31 Timo Kreuzer[WIN32K]
2015-10-26 Eric Kohl[NTOSKRNL][LSASRV]
2015-10-26 Giannis Adamopoulos[SHELL32]
2015-10-25 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Import wmsbuffer.idl and wmsdkidl.idl from Wine...
2015-10-20 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto[PSDK]
2015-10-19 Thomas Faber[PSDK]
2015-10-18 Thomas Faber[WINE]
2015-10-18 Thomas Faber[NTSTATUS]
2015-10-18 Thomas Faber[BUGCODES]
2015-10-18 Thomas Faber[BUGCODES]
2015-10-17 Pierre Schweitzer[PSDK]
2015-10-17 Amine Khaldi[WIN32K][PSDK] Correct NtGdiGetGlyphIndicesW() pwc...
2015-10-17 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto[NDK]: Add PsGetThreadFreezeCount declaration. Dedicate...
2015-10-16 Hermès Bélusca-Maïto[PSDK]: Add missing conditional header inclusion.