2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SLBCSP] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SHFOLDER] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SHDOCVW_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SHDOCVW] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SHDOCLC] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SENSAPI] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SCRRUN] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SCHANNEL_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SCHANNEL] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[SCCBASE] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[RSABASE] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-23 Amine Khaldi[RICHED32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-22 Pierre Schweitzer[KMTESTS:MM] Truncate file cache on uninitialize to...
2018-03-22 Eric Kohl[CMD] Correct the action on shorcut Ctrl-M
2018-03-22 Alexander Shaposhnikov[CONTRIBUTING] Clean accidental garbage
2018-03-22 Alexander Shaposhnikov[CONTRIBUTING] Fix typo
2018-03-21 Kláben Szabolcs... [TRANSLATION][COMCTL32][COMDLG32] Hungarian fix + trans...
2018-03-21 Luo Yufan[BROWSEUI] Update Simplified Chinese translation. ...
2018-03-21 Li Keqing[TRANSLATION] Update Simplified Chinese Translations...
2018-03-21 Nikita Krapivin[I8042PRT] Enable keyboard clock explicitly (fixes...
2018-03-21 Eric Kohl[DHCPCSVC] Add the ability to stop the DHCP client
2018-03-21 Mark Jansen[AFD] Mark the socket as named pipe, so NtWriteFile...
2018-03-21 Mark Jansen[AFD] Respond to FileFsDeviceInformation.
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[RICHED20_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[RICHED20] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[RESUTILS] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[RASAPI32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[QUERY] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[QMGR_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[QMGR] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[PSTOREC] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[PROPSYS_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[PROPSYS] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[PSDK] Update propvarutil.h. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[PRINTUI] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[PIDGEN] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[PDH] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[OLETHK32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[OLESVR32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[OLEPRO32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[OLEDLG_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[OLEDLG] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-21 Amine Khaldi[OLECLI32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Mark Jansen[WS2_32_APITEST] Add additional testcases.
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[INCLUDE/WINE] Addendum to bab6b90 for the MSVC build.
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[OLEACC_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[OLEACC] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[OLE32_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[OLE32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[ODBCCP32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[ODBC32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[OBJSEL] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[NTDSAPI] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[NPPTOOLS] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[NETCFGX_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[NDDEAPI] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSXML6] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSXML4] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSXML3_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSXML3] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSXML2] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSXML] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[LIBXSLT] Move documents.h and extra.h to the includes...
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSVIDC32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSVFW32_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-20 Amine Khaldi[MSVFW32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-19 Mark Jansen[WS2_32_APITEST] Add a test showing that GetFileType...
2018-03-19 Eric Kohl[SNDVOL32] Remove the TBS_AUTOTICKS style from the...
2018-03-19 Vadim Galyant[NTOSKRNL] Adding IopValidateID() to test characters...
2018-03-19 Mark Jansen[EXPLORER] Do not force X86 in the manifest.
2018-03-18 Thomas Faber[NTOS:MM] Improve debug prints in MmCreateVirtualMappin...
2018-03-18 Pierre Schweitzer[NTOSKNRL] Always reference a newly created VACB
2018-03-18 Thomas Faber[OLEPRO32] Add missing stdole2 dependency.
2018-03-18 Timo Kreuzer[BOOTLIB] Fix 64 bit issues (#433)
2018-03-18 Mark Jansen[APPHELP_APITEST] Fix some 64 bit issues.
2018-03-18 Mark Jansen[DSOUND] Check arguments in IDirectSoundFullDuplex...
2018-03-18 Timo Kreuzer[WIN32K] Fix 64 bit issues (#420)
2018-03-18 Eric Kohl[SNDVOL32] Add the ability to select the record mode...
2018-03-18 Pierre Schweitzer[NTOSKRNL] In CcRosInternalFreeVacb(), in case of inval...
2018-03-18 Pierre Schweitzer[NTOSKRNL] In CcFlushCache(), release the VACB using...
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSTASK] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSSIP32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSSIGN32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSRLE32_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSRLE32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSPATCHA] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSISYS.OCX] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSISIP] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSIMTF] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSIMG32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSGSM32.ACM] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSG711.ACM] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSFTEDIT] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSCTF] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSCMS] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSCAT32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSADP32.ACM] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSACM32.DRV] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSACM32_WINETEST] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE...
2018-03-18 Amine Khaldi[MSACM32] Sync with Wine Staging 3.3. CORE-14434