[reactos.git] / reactos / base / shell / cmd / lang / en-US.rc
5 STRING_ASSOC_HELP "Modify file extension associations.\n\n\
6 assoc [.ext[=[FileType]]]\n\
7 \n\
8 assoc (print all associations)\n\
9 assoc .ext (print specific association)\n\
10 assoc .ext= (remove specific association)\n\
11 assoc .ext=FileType (add new association)\n"
12 STRING_ATTRIB_HELP "Displays or changes file attributes.\n\n\
13 ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] file ...\n\
14 [/S [/D]]\n\n\
15 + Sets an attribute\n\
16 - Clears an attribute\n\
17 R Read-only file attribute\n\
18 A Archive file attribute\n\
19 S System file attribute\n\
20 H Hidden file attribute\n\
21 /S Processes matching files in the current directory\n\
22 and all subdirectories\n\
23 /D Processes directories as well\n\n\
24 Type ATTRIB without a parameter to display the attributes of all files.\n"
25 STRING_ALIAS_HELP "Sets, removes or shows aliases.\n\n\
26 ALIAS [alias=[command]]\n\n\
27 alias Name for an alias.\n\
28 command Text to be substituted for an alias.\n\n\
29 To list all aliases:\n\
30 ALIAS\n\n\
31 To set a new or replace an existing alias:\n\
32 ALIAS da=dir a:\n\n\
33 To remove an alias from the alias list:\n\
34 ALIAS da="
35 STRING_BEEP_HELP "Beep the speaker.\n\nBEEP\n"
36 STRING_CALL_HELP "Calls one batch program from another.\n\n\
37 CALL [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameter]\n\n\
38 batch-parameter Specifies any command-line information required by the\n\
39 batch program."
40 STRING_CD_HELP "Changes the current directory or displays it's name\n\n\
41 CHDIR [/D][drive:][path]\n\
42 CHDIR[..|.]\n\
43 CD [/D][drive:][path]\n\
44 CD[..|.]\n\n\
45 .. parent directory\n\
46 . current directory\n\
47 /D Will change current drive and current directory.\n\n\
48 Type CD drive: to display the current directory on the specified drive.\n\
49 Type CD without a parameter to display the current drive and directory.\n"
50 STRING_CHOICE_HELP "Waits for the user to choose one of a set of choices.\n\n\
51 CHOICE [/C[:]choices][/N][/S][/T[:]c,nn][text]\n\n\
52 /C[:]choices Specifies allowable keys. Default is YN.\n\
53 /N Do not display choices and ? at the end of the prompt string.\n\
54 /S Treat choice keys as case sensitive.\n\
55 /T[:]c,nn Default choice to c after nn seconds.\n\
56 text Prompt string to display.\n\n\
57 ERRORLEVEL is set to offset of key user presses in choices.\n"
58 STRING_CLS_HELP "Clears the screen.\n\nCLS\n"
59 STRING_CMD_HELP1 "\nInternal commands available:\n"
60 STRING_CMD_HELP2 "\nFeatures available:"
61 STRING_CMD_HELP3 " [aliases]"
62 STRING_CMD_HELP4 " [history]"
63 STRING_CMD_HELP5 " [Bash filename completion]"
64 STRING_CMD_HELP6 " [directory stack]"
65 STRING_CMD_HELP7 " [redirections and piping]"
66 STRING_CMD_HELP8 "Starts a new instance of the ReactOS command line interpreter.\n\n\
67 CMD [/[C|K] command][/P][/Q][/T:bf]\n\n\
68 /C command Runs the specified command and terminates.\n\
69 /K command Runs the specified command and remains.\n\
70 /P CMD becomes permanent and runs autoexec.bat\n\
71 (cannot be terminated).\n\
72 /T:bf Sets the background/foreground color (see COLOR command).\n"
73 STRING_COLOR_HELP1 "Sets the default foreground and background colors.\n\n\
74 COLOR [attr [/-F]] \n\n\
75 attr Specifies color attribute of console output\n\
76 /-F Does not fill the console blank space with color attribute\n\n\
77 There are three ways to specify the colors:\n\
78 1) [bright] name on [bright] name (only the first three letters are required)\n\
79 2) decimal on decimal\n\
80 3) two hex digits\n\n\
81 Colors are:\n\
82 dec hex name dec hex name\n\
83 0 0 Black 8 8 Gray(Bright black)\n\
84 1 1 Blue 9 9 Bright Blue\n\
85 2 2 Green 10 A Bright Green\n\
86 3 3 Cyan 11 B Bright Cyan\n\
87 4 4 Red 12 C Bright Red\n\
88 5 5 Magenta 13 D Bright Magenta\n\
89 6 6 Yellow 14 E Bright Yellow\n\
90 7 7 White 15 F Bright White\n"
91 STRING_COPY_HELP1 "Overwrite %s (Yes/No/All)? "
92 STRING_COPY_HELP2 "Copies one or more files to another location.\n\n\
93 COPY [/V][/Y|/-Y][/A|/B] source [/A|/B]\n\
94 [+ source [/A|/B] [+ ...]] [destination [/A|/B]]\n\n\
95 source Specifies the file or files to be copied.\n\
96 /A Indicates an ASCII text file.\n\
97 /B Indicates a binary file.\n\
98 destination Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).\n\
99 /V Verifies that new files are written correctly.\n\
100 /Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an\n\
101 existing destination file.\n\
102 /-Y Causes prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an\n\
103 existing destination file.\n\n\
104 The switch /Y may be present in the COPYCMD environment variable.\n\
105 ...\n"
106 STRING_DATE_HELP1 "\nEnter new date (mm%cdd%cyyyy): "
107 STRING_DATE_HELP2 "\nEnter new date (dd%cmm%cyyyy): "
108 STRING_DATE_HELP3 "\nEnter new date (yyyy%cmm%cdd): "
109 STRING_DATE_HELP4 "Displays or sets the date.\n\n\
110 DATE [/T][date]\n\n\
111 /T display only\n\n\
112 Type DATE without parameters to display the current date setting and\n\
113 a prompt for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same date.\n"
114 STRING_DEL_HELP1 "Deletes one or more files.\n\n\
115 DEL [/N /P /T /Q /S /W /Y /Z /A[[:]attributes]] file ...\n\
116 DELETE [/N /P /T /Q /S /W /Y /Z /A[[:]attributes]] file ...\n\
117 ERASE [/N /P /T /Q /S /W /Y /Z /A[[:]attributes]] file ...\n\n\
118 file Specifies the file(s) to delete.\n\n\
119 /N Nothing.\n\
120 /P Prompt. Ask before deleting each file.\n\
121 /T Total. Display total number of deleted files and freed disk space.\n\
122 /Q Quiet.\n\
123 /W Wipe. Overwrite the file with random numbers before deleting it.\n\
124 /Y Yes. Kill even *.* without asking.\n\
125 /F Force Delete hidden, read-only and system files.\n\
126 /S Delete file from all sub directory\n\
127 /A Select files to be deleted based on attributes.\n\
128 attributes\n\
129 R Read Only files\n\
130 S System files\n\
131 A Archiveable files\n\
132 H Hidden Files\n\
133 - prefix meaning not\n"
134 STRING_DEL_HELP2 "All files in the directory will be deleted!\nAre you sure (Y/N)?"
135 STRING_DEL_HELP3 " %lu file deleted\n"
136 STRING_DEL_HELP4 " %lu files deleted\n"
137 STRING_DELAY_HELP "pause for n seconds or milliseconds\n\
138 DELAY [/m]n\n\n\
139 /m specify than n are milliseconds\n\
140 otherwise n are seconds\n"
141 STRING_DIR_HELP1 "DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/A[[:]attributes]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N]\n\
142 [/O[[:]sortorder]] [/P] [/Q] [/R] [/S] [/T[[:]timefield]] [/W] [/X] [/4]\n\n\
143 [drive:][path][filename]\n\
144 Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.\n\n\
145 /A Displays files with specified attributes.\n\
146 attributes D Directories R Read-only files\n\
147 H Hidden files A Files ready for archiving\n\
148 S System files - Prefix meaning not\n\
149 /B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).\n\
150 /C Display the thousand separator in file sizes. This is the\n\
151 default. Use /-C to disable display of separator.\n\
152 /D Same as wide but files are list sorted by column.\n\
153 /L Uses lowercase.\n\
154 /N New long list format where filenames are on the far right.\n\
155 /O List by files in sorted order.\n\
156 sortorder N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first)\n\
157 E By extension (alphabetic) D By date/time (oldest first)\n\
158 G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order\n\
159 /P Pauses after each screenful of information.\n\
160 /Q Display the owner of the file.\n\
161 /R Displays alternate data streams of the files.\n\
162 /S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.\n\
163 /T Controls which time field displayed or used for sorting\n\
164 timefield C Creation\n\
165 A Last Access\n\
166 W Last Written\n\
167 /W Uses wide list format.\n\
168 /X This displays the short names generated for non-8dot3 file\n\
169 names. The format is that of /N with the short name inserted\n\
170 before the long name. If no short name is present, blanks are\n\
171 displayed in its place.\n\
172 /4 Displays four-digit years\n\n\
173 Switches may be preset in the DIRCMD environment variable. Override\n\
174 preset switches by prefixing any switch with - (hyphen)--for example, /-W.\n"
175 STRING_DIR_HELP2 " Volume in drive %c is %s\n"
176 STRING_DIR_HELP3 " Volume in drive %c has no label.\n"
177 STRING_DIR_HELP4 " Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n"
178 STRING_DIR_HELP5 "\n Total Files Listed:\n%16i File(s)% 14s bytes\n"
179 STRING_DIR_HELP6 "%16i Dir(s)% 15s bytes free\n"
180 STRING_DIR_HELP7 "\n Directory of %s\n\n"
181 STRING_DIR_HELP8 "%16i File(s)% 14s bytes\n"
182 STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP1 "Stores the current directory for use by the POPD command, then\n\
183 changes to the specified directory.\n\n\
184 PUSHD [path | ..]\n\n\
185 path Specifies the directory to make the current directory\n"
186 STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP2 "Changes to the directory stored by the PUSHD command.\n\nPOPD"
187 STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP3 "Prints the contents of the directory stack.\n\nDIRS"
188 STRING_DIRSTACK_HELP4 "Directory stack empty"
189 STRING_ECHO_HELP1 "Display a messages without trailing carriage return and line feed.\n\n\
190 ECHOS message"
191 STRING_ECHO_HELP2 "Displays a message to the standard error output.\n\n\
192 ECHOERR message\n\
193 ECHOERR. prints an empty line"
194 STRING_ECHO_HELP3 "Prints a messages to standard error output without trailing carriage return and line feed.\n\n\
195 ECHOSERR message"
196 STRING_ECHO_HELP4 "Displays a message or switches command echoing on or off.\n\n\
197 ECHO [ON | OFF]\n\
198 ECHO [message]\n\
199 ECHO. prints an empty line\n\n\
200 Type ECHO without a parameter to display the current ECHO setting."
201 STRING_ECHO_HELP5 "ECHO is %s\n"
202 STRING_EXIT_HELP "Exits the command line interpreter.\n\nEXIT [/b] [ExitCode]\n\n\
203 /B Exits a batch file only. \n\
204 If run outside of a batch file it will exit cmd.exe\n\
205 ExitCode This value will be assigned to ERRORLEVEL on exit\n"
206 STRING_FOR_HELP1 "Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files\n\n\
207 FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [parameters]\n\n\
208 %variable Specifies a replaceable parameter.\n\
209 (set) Specifies a set of one or more files. Wildcards may be used.\n\
210 command Specifies the command to carry out for each file.\n\
211 parameters Specifies parameters or switches for the specified command.\n\n\
212 To use the FOR command in a batch program, specify %%variable instead of\n\
213 %variable.\n"
214 STRING_FREE_HELP1 "\nVolume in drive %s is %-11s\n\
215 Serial number is %s\n\
216 %16s bytes total disk space\n\
217 %16s bytes used\n\
218 %16s bytes free\n"
219 STRING_FREE_HELP2 "Displays drive information.\n\nFREE [drive: ...]\n"
220 STRING_GOTO_HELP1 "Directs CMD to a labeled line in a batch script.\n\n\
221 GOTO label\n\n\
222 label Specifies a text string used in a batch script as a label.\n\n\
223 You type a label on a line by itself, beginning with a colon."
224 STRING_IF_HELP1 "Performs conditional processing in batch programs.\n\n\
225 IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command\n\
226 IF [NOT] string1==string2 command\n\
227 IF [NOT] EXIST filename command\n\
228 IF [NOT] DEFINED variable command\n\n\
229 NOT Specifies that CMD should carry out the command only if\n\
230 the condition is false\n\
231 ERRORLEVEL number Specifies a true condition if the last program run returned\n\
232 an exit code equal or greater than the number specified.\n\
233 command Specifies the command to carry out if the condition is met.\n\
234 string1==string2 Specifies a true condition if the specified text strings\n\
235 match.\n\
236 EXIST filename Specifies a true condition if the specified filename exists.\n\
237 DEFINED variable Specifies a true condition if the specified variable is\n\
238 defined.\n"
239 STRING_LABEL_HELP1 "Displays or changes drive label.\n\nLABEL [drive:][label]\n"
240 STRING_LABEL_HELP2 "Volume in drive %c: is %s\n"
241 STRING_LABEL_HELP3 "Volume in drive %c: has no label\n"
242 STRING_LABEL_HELP4 "Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n"
243 STRING_LABEL_HELP5 "Drive label (11 Characters, ENTER if none)? "
244 STRING_LOCALE_HELP1 "Current time is"
245 STRING_MKDIR_HELP "Creates a directory.\n\n\
246 MKDIR [drive:]path\nMD [drive:]path"
247 STRING_MKLINK_HELP "Creates a filesystem link object.\n\n\
248 MKLINK [/D | /H | /J] linkname target\n\n\
249 /D Indicates that the symbolic link target is a directory.\n\
250 /H Create a hard link.\n\
251 /J Create a directory junction.\n\n\
252 If neither /H or /J is specified, a symbolic link is created."
253 STRING_MEMORY_HELP1 "Displays the amount of system memory.\n\nMEMORY"
254 STRING_MEMORY_HELP2 "\n %12s%% memory load.\n\n\
255 %13s bytes total physical RAM.\n\
256 %13s bytes available physical RAM.\n\n\
257 %13s bytes total page file.\n\
258 %13s bytes available page file.\n\n\
259 %13s bytes total virtual memory.\n\
260 %13s bytes available virtual memory.\n"
261 STRING_MISC_HELP1 "Press a key to continue..."
262 STRING_MOVE_HELP1 "Overwrite %s (Yes/No/All)? "
263 STRING_MOVE_HELP2 "Moves files and renames files and directories.\n\n\
264 To move one or more files:\n\
265 MOVE [/N][drive:][path]filename1[,...] destination\n\n\
266 To rename a directory:\n\
267 MOVE [/N][drive:][path]dirname1 dirname2\n\n\
268 [drive:][path]filename1 Specifies the location and name of the file\n\
269 or files you want to move.\n\
270 /N Nothing. Do everything but move files or directories.\n\n\
271 Current limitations:\n\
272 - You can't move a file or directory from one drive to another.\n"
273 STRING_MSGBOX_HELP "display a message box and return user response\n\n\
274 MSGBOX type ['title'] prompt\n\n\
275 type button displayed\n\
276 possible values are: OK, OKCANCEL,\n\
278 title title of message box\n\
279 prompt text displayed by the message box\n\n\n\
280 ERRORLEVEL is set according the button pressed:\n\n\
281 YES : 10 | NO : 11\n\
282 OK : 10 | CANCEL : 12\n"
283 STRING_PATH_HELP1 "Displays or sets a search path for executable files.\n\n\
284 PATH [[drive:]path[;...]]\nPATH ;\n\n\
285 Type PATH ; to clear all search-path settings and direct the command shell\n\
286 to search only in the current directory.\n\
287 Type PATH without parameters to display the current path.\n"
288 STRING_PROMPT_HELP1 "Changes the command prompt.\n\n\
289 PROMPT [text]\n\n\
290 text Specifies a new command prompt.\n\n\
291 Prompt can be made up of normal characters and the following special codes:\n\n\
292 $A & (Ampersand)\n\
293 $B | (pipe)\n\
294 $C ( (Left parenthesis)\n\
295 $D Current date\n\
296 $E Escape code (ASCII code 27)\n\
297 $F ) (Right parenthesis)\n\
298 $G > (greater-than sign)\n\
299 $H Backspace (erases previous character)\n\
300 $I Information line\n\
301 $L < (less-than sign)\n\
302 $N Current drive\n\
303 $P Current drive and path\n\
304 $Q = (equal sign)\n\
305 $S (space)\n\
306 $T Current time\n\
307 $V OS version number\n\
308 $_ Carriage return and linefeed\n\
309 $$ $ (dollar sign)\n"
310 STRING_PAUSE_HELP1 "Stops the execution of a batch file and shows the following message:\n\
311 'Press any key to continue...' or a user defined message.\n\n\
312 PAUSE [message]"
313 STRING_PROMPT_HELP2 " $+ Displays the current depth of the directory stack"
314 STRING_PROMPT_HELP3 "\nType PROMPT without parameters to reset the prompt to the default setting."
315 STRING_REM_HELP "Starts a comment line in a batch file.\n\nREM [Comment]"
316 STRING_RMDIR_HELP "Removes a directory.\n\n\
317 RMDIR [drive:]path\nRD [drive:]path\n\
318 /S Deletes all files and folders within target\n\
319 /Q Doesn't prompt for user\n"
320 STRING_RMDIR_HELP2 "Directory is not empty!\n"
321 STRING_REN_HELP1 "Renames a file/directory or files/directories.\n\n\
322 RENAME [/E /N /P /Q /S /T] old_name ... new_name\n\
323 REN [/E /N /P /Q /S /T] old_name ... new_name\n\n\
324 /E No error messages.\n\
325 /N Nothing.\n\
326 /P Prompts for confirmation before renaming each file.\n\
327 (Not implemented yet!)\n\
328 /Q Quiet.\n\
329 /S Rename subdirectories.\n\
330 /T Display total number of renamed files.\n\n\
331 Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination. Use\n\
332 the MOVE command for that purpose.\n"
333 STRING_REN_HELP2 " %lu file renamed\n"
334 STRING_REN_HELP3 " %lu files renamed\n"
335 STRING_REPLACE_HELP1 "Replaces files.\n\n\
336 REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/A] [/P] [/R] [/W]\n\
337 REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/P] [/R] [/S] [/W] [/U]\n\n\
338 [drive1:][path1]filename Specifies the source file or files.\n\
339 [drive2:][path2] Specifies the directory where files are to be\n\
340 replaced.\n\
341 /A Adds new files to destination directory. Cannot\n\
342 use with /S or /U switches.\n\
343 /P Prompts for confirmation before replacing a file or\n\
344 adding a source file.\n\
345 /R Replaces read-only files as well as unprotected\n\
346 files.\n\
347 /S Replaces files in all subdirectories of the\n\
348 destination directory. Cannot use with the /A\n\
349 switch.\n\
350 /W Waits for you to insert a disk before beginning.\n\
351 /U Replaces (updates) only files that are older than\n\
352 source files. Cannot use with the /A switch.\n"
353 STRING_REPLACE_HELP2 "Source path required\n"
354 STRING_REPLACE_HELP3 "No files replaced\n"
355 STRING_REPLACE_HELP4 "%lu file(s) replaced\n"
356 STRING_REPLACE_HELP5 "Replacing %s\n"
357 STRING_REPLACE_HELP6 "Replace %s\n"
358 STRING_REPLACE_HELP7 "No files added\n"
359 STRING_REPLACE_HELP8 "%lu file(s) added\n"
360 STRING_REPLACE_HELP9 "Add %s (Y/N) "
361 STRING_REPLACE_HELP10 "Replace %s (Y/N) "
362 STRING_REPLACE_HELP11 "Adding %s\n"
363 STRING_SHIFT_HELP "Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file.\n\n\
365 STRING_SCREEN_HELP "move cursor and optionally print text\n\n\
366 SCREEN row col [text]\n\n\
367 row row to which move the cursor\n\
368 col column to which move the cursor"
369 STRING_SET_HELP "Displays, sets, or removes environment variables.\n\n\
370 SET [variable[=][string]]\n\n\
371 variable Specifies the environment-variable name.\n\
372 string Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.\n\n\
373 Type SET without parameters to display the current environment variables.\n"
374 STRING_START_HELP1 "Starts a command.\n\n\
375 START [""title""] [/D path] [/I] [/B] [/MIN] [/MAX] [/WAIT]\n\
376 [command/program] [parameters]\n\n\
377 ""title"" Title of the window.\n\
378 path Specifies the startup directory.\n\
379 I Uses the original environment given to cmd.exe,\n\
380 instead of the current environment.\n\
381 B Starts the command or program without creating any window.\n\
382 MIN Starts with a minimized window.\n\
383 MAX Starts with a maximized window.\n\
384 WAIT Starts the command or program and waits for its termination.\n\
385 command Specifies the command or program to run.\n\
386 parameters Specifies the parameters to be given to the command or program.\n"
387 STRING_TITLE_HELP "Sets the window title for the command prompt window.\n\n\
388 TITLE [string]\n\n\
389 string Specifies the title for the command prompt window.\n"
390 STRING_TIME_HELP1 "Displays or sets the system time.\n\n\
391 TIME [/T][time]\n\n\
392 /T display only\n\n\
393 Type TIME with no parameters to display the current time setting and a prompt\n\
394 for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same time.\n"
395 STRING_TIME_HELP2 "Enter new time: "
396 STRING_TIMER_HELP1 "Elapsed %d msecs\n"
397 STRING_TIMER_HELP2 "Elapsed %02d%c%02d%c%02d%c%02d\n"
398 STRING_TIMER_HELP3 "allow the use of ten stopwatches.\n\n\
399 TIMER [ON|OFF] [/S] [/n] [/Fn]\n\n\
400 ON set stopwatch ON\n\
401 OFF set stopwatch OFF\n\
402 /S Split time. Return stopwatch split\n\
403 time without changing its value\n\
404 /n Specify the stopwatch number.\n\
405 Stopwatches available are 0 to 9\n\
406 If it is not specified default is 1\n\
407 /Fn Format for output\n\
408 n can be:\n\
409 0 milliseconds\n\
410 1 hh%cmm%css%cdd\n\n\
411 if none of ON, OFF or /S is specified the command\n\
412 will toggle stopwatch state\n\n"
413 STRING_TYPE_HELP1 "Displays the contents of text files.\n\nTYPE [drive:][path]filename \n\
414 /P Shows one screen of output at a time.\n"
415 STRING_VERIFY_HELP1 "This command is just a dummy!!\n\
416 Sets whether to verify that your files are written correctly to a\n\
417 disk.\n\n\
418 VERIFY [ON | OFF]\n\n\
419 Type VERIFY without a parameter to display the current VERIFY setting.\n"
421 STRING_VERIFY_HELP3 "Must specify ON or OFF."
422 STRING_VERSION_HELP1 "Displays shell version information\n\n\
423 VER [/C][/R][/W]\n\n\
424 /C Displays credits.\n\
425 /R Displays redistribution information.\n\
426 /W Displays warranty information."
427 STRING_VERSION_HELP2 " comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details\n\
428 type: `ver /w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute\n\
429 it under certain conditions; type `ver /r' for details. Type `ver /c' for a\n\
430 listing of credits."
431 STRING_VERSION_HELP3 "\n This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\
432 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\
434 GNU General Public License for more details."
435 STRING_VERSION_HELP4 "\n This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\
436 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\
437 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n\
438 (at your option) any later version.\n"
439 STRING_VERSION_HELP5 "\nSend bug reports to <ros-dev@reactos.org>.\n\
440 Updates are available at: http://www.reactos.org"
441 STRING_VERSION_HELP6 "\nFreeDOS version written by:\n"
442 STRING_VERSION_HELP7 "\nReactOS version written by:\n"
443 STRING_VOL_HELP1 " Volume in drive %c is %s\n"
444 STRING_VOL_HELP2 " Volume in drive %c has no label.\n"
445 STRING_VOL_HELP3 " Volume Serial Number is %04X-%04X\n"
446 STRING_VOL_HELP4 "Displays the disk volume label and serial number, if they exist.\n\nVOL [drive:]"
447 STRING_WINDOW_HELP1 "change console window aspect\n\n\
448 WINDOW [/POS[=]left,top,width,height]\n\
449 [MIN|MAX|RESTORE] ['title']\n\n\
450 /POS specify window placement and dimensions\n\
451 MIN minimize the window\n\
452 MAX maximize the window\n\
453 RESTORE restore the window"
454 STRING_WINDOW_HELP2 "change console window aspect\n\n\
455 ACTIVATE 'window' [/POS[=]left,top,width,height]\n\
456 [MIN|MAX|RESTORE] ['title']\n\n\
457 window tile of window on which perform actions\n\
458 /POS specify window placement and dimensions\n\
459 MIN minimize the window\n\
460 MAX maximize the window\n\
461 RESTORE restore the window\n\
462 title new title\n"
465 STRING_ALIAS_ERROR "Command line too long after alias expansion!\n"
466 STRING_ASSOC_ERROR "File association not found for extension %s\n"
467 STRING_BATCH_ERROR "Error opening batch file\n"
468 STRING_CHOICE_ERROR "Invalid option. Expected format: /C[:]options"
469 STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_TXT "Invalid option. Expected format: /T[:]c,nn"
470 STRING_CHOICE_ERROR_OPTION "Illegal Option: %s"
471 STRING_CMD_ERROR1 "Can't redirect input from file %s\n"
472 STRING_CMD_ERROR2 "Error creating temporary file for pipe data\n"
473 STRING_CMD_ERROR3 "Can't redirect to file %s\n"
474 STRING_CMD_ERROR4 "Running %s...\n"
475 STRING_CMD_ERROR5 "Running cmdexit.bat...\n"
476 STRING_COLOR_ERROR1 "Same colors error! (Background and foreground can't be the same color)"
477 STRING_COLOR_ERROR2 "error in color specification"
478 STRING_COLOR_ERROR3 "Color %02x\n"
479 STRING_CONSOLE_ERROR "Unknown error: %d\n"
480 STRING_COPY_ERROR1 "Error: Cannot open source - %s!\n"
481 STRING_COPY_ERROR2 "Error: Can't copy onto itself!\n"
482 STRING_COPY_ERROR3 "Error writing destination!\n"
483 STRING_COPY_ERROR4 "Error: Not implemented yet!\n"
484 STRING_DATE_ERROR "Invalid date."
485 STRING_DEL_ERROR5 "The file %s will be deleted! "
486 STRING_DEL_ERROR6 "Are you sure (Y/N)?"
487 STRING_DEL_ERROR7 "Deleting: %s\n"
488 STRING_ERROR_ERROR1 "Unknown error! Error code: 0x%lx\n"
489 STRING_ERROR_ERROR2 "Syntax error"
490 STRING_FOR_ERROR1 "'in' missing in for statement."
491 STRING_FOR_ERROR2 "no brackets found."
492 STRING_FOR_ERROR3 "'do' missing."
493 STRING_FOR_ERROR4 "no command after 'do'."
494 STRING_FREE_ERROR1 "Invalid drive"
495 STRING_FREE_ERROR2 "unlabeled"
496 STRING_GOTO_ERROR1 "No label specified for GOTO"
497 STRING_GOTO_ERROR2 "Label '%s' not found\n"
498 STRING_MD_ERROR "A subdirectory or file already exists.\n"
499 STRING_MD_ERROR2 "The path to the new folder does not exist.\n"
501 STRING_MOVE_ERROR2 "[Error]\n"
502 STRING_REN_ERROR1 "MoveFile() failed. Error: %lu\n"
503 STRING_TIME_ERROR1 "Invalid time."
504 STRING_TYPE_ERROR1 "Invalid option '/%s'\n"
505 STRING_WINDOW_ERROR1 "window not found"
506 STRING_ERROR_PARAMETERF_ERROR "Parameter format not correct - %c\n"
507 STRING_ERROR_INVALID_SWITCH "Invalid switch - /%c\n"
508 STRING_ERROR_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS "Too many parameters - %s\n"
509 STRING_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND "Path not found\n"
510 STRING_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND "File not found\n"
511 STRING_ERROR_REQ_PARAM_MISSING "Required parameter missing\n"
512 STRING_ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE "Invalid drive specification\n"
513 STRING_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM_FORMAT "Invalid parameter format - %s\n"
514 STRING_ERROR_BADCOMMAND "Bad command or filename - %s\n"
515 STRING_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY "Out of memory error.\n"
516 STRING_ERROR_CANNOTPIPE "Error! Cannot pipe! Cannot open temporary file!\n"
517 STRING_ERROR_D_PAUSEMSG "Press any key to continue . . ."
519 STRING_PATH_ERROR "CMD: Not in environment '%s'\n"
520 STRING_REPLACE_ERROR1 "Invalid switch - %s\n"
521 STRING_REPLACE_ERROR2 "Path not found - %s\n"
522 STRING_REPLACE_ERROR3 "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.\n"
523 STRING_REPLACE_ERROR4 "Invalid parameter combination\n"
524 STRING_REPLACE_ERROR5 "Access denied - %s\n"
525 STRING_REPLACE_ERROR6 "No files found - %s\n"
526 STRING_REPLACE_ERROR7 "Extended Error 32\n"
527 STRING_CMD_INFOLINE " ReactOS Command Prompt Type HELP = Help "
528 STRING_REACTOS_VERSION "ReactOS Operating System [Version %s %s]\n"
529 STRING_CMD_SHELLINFO "\nReactOS Command Line Interpreter\nVersion %s %s"
531 STRING_VERSION_RUNVER "%s [Version %d.%d.%d] %s"
532 STRING_COPY_FILE " %d file(s) copied\n"
534 STRING_FOR_ERROR "bad variable specification."
535 STRING_SCREEN_COL "invalid value for col"
536 STRING_SCREEN_ROW "invalid value for row"
537 STRING_TIMER_TIME "Timer %d is %s: "
538 STRING_MKLINK_CREATED_SYMBOLIC "Symbolic link created for %s <<===>> %s\n"
539 STRING_MKLINK_CREATED_HARD "Hard link created for %s <<===>> %s\n"
540 STRING_MKLINK_CREATED_JUNCTION "Junction created for %s <<===>> %s\n"
541 STRING_MORE "More? "
542 STRING_CANCEL_BATCH_FILE "\r\nCtrl-Break pressed. Cancel batch file? (Yes/No/All) "
543 STRING_INVALID_OPERAND "Invalid operand."
545 STRING_EXPECTED_NUMBER_OR_VARIABLE "Expected number or variable name."
546 STRING_SYNTAX_COMMAND_INCORRECT "The syntax of the command is incorrect."
547 END