authorHermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito@reactos.org>
Sun, 26 Jan 2014 21:51:27 +0000 (21:51 +0000)
committerHermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito@reactos.org>
Sun, 26 Jan 2014 21:51:27 +0000 (21:51 +0000)
- Break the DOS source file into the "DOS BIOS" (also known in other places as ibmbio or io or...), which is in fact some kind of hardware abstraction layer, and the "DOS BDOS" kernel (also known in other places as ibmdos.com or msdos.sys or...).
- Add in DEM the possibility of loading the DOS from another files (WIP).

svn path=/branches/ntvdm/; revision=61846

subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32krnl/bios.c [new file with mode: 0644]
subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32krnl/dos.c [moved from subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32/dos.c with 91% similarity]
subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32krnl/dos.h [moved from subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32/dos.h with 82% similarity]

index 95cc920..a1c1f1e 100644 (file)
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ list(APPEND SOURCE
-    dos/dos32/dos.c
+    dos/dos32krnl/bios.c
+    dos/dos32krnl/dos.c
index 9ff801a..64ea854 100644 (file)
 /* Extra PSDK/NDK Headers */
 #include <ndk/obtypes.h>
-/* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/
+/**/extern BYTE CurrentDrive;/**/
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
+/* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
-typedef struct _VDM_FIND_FILE_BLOCK
+BOOLEAN DosInitialize(IN LPCSTR DosKernelFileNames)
-    CHAR DriveLetter;
-    CHAR Pattern[11];
-    UCHAR AttribMask;
-    DWORD Unused;
-    HANDLE SearchHandle;
-    /* The following part of the structure is documented */
-    UCHAR Attributes;
-    WORD FileTime;
-    WORD FileDate;
-    DWORD FileSize;
-    CHAR FileName[13];
-#pragma pack(pop)
-extern BYTE CurrentDrive;
+    if (DosKernelFileNames)
+    {
+        DisplayMessage(L"NTVDM: Loading DOS kernel from external files is currently unsupported");
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        BOOLEAN Result;
-/* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/
+        Result  = DosBIOSInitialize();
+        Result &= DosKRNLInitialize();
-/* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
+        return Result;
+    }
 /* PUBLIC EXPORTED APIS *******************************************************/
@@ -86,7 +80,7 @@ demFileFindFirst(OUT PVOID  lpFindFileData,
     BOOLEAN Success = TRUE;
     WIN32_FIND_DATAA FindData;
     /* Fill the block */
     FindFileBlock->DriveLetter  = CurrentDrive + 'A';
@@ -125,7 +119,7 @@ WINAPI
 demFileFindNext(OUT PVOID lpFindFileData)
     WIN32_FIND_DATAA FindData;
index 907d913..1e5f2de 100644 (file)
 /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
 #include "ntvdm.h"
+#include "dos32krnl/dos.h"
 /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/
+BOOLEAN DosInitialize(IN LPCSTR DosKernelFileNames);
diff --git a/subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32krnl/bios.c b/subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32krnl/bios.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e219e82
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
+ * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
+ * FILE:            dos.c
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM DOS Kernel
+ * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
+ */
+/* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
+#define NDEBUG
+#include "emulator.h"
+#include "dos.h"
+#include "bios/bios.h"
+#include "bop.h"
+// #include "int32.h"
+/* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/
+// static BYTE CurrentDrive;
+// static CHAR CurrentDirectories[NUM_DRIVES][DOS_DIR_LENGTH];
+/* BOP Identifiers */
+#define BOP_DOS 0x50    // DOS System BOP (for NTIO.SYS and NTDOS.SYS)
+#define BOP_CMD 0x54    // DOS Command Interpreter BOP (for COMMAND.COM)
+/* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/
+#if 0
+static WORD DosWriteFile(WORD FileHandle, LPVOID Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesWritten)
+    DWORD BytesWritten32 = 0;
+    HANDLE Handle = DosGetRealHandle(FileHandle);
+    WORD i;
+    DPRINT("DosWriteFile: FileHandle 0x%04X, Count 0x%04X\n",
+           FileHandle,
+           Count);
+    /* Make sure the handle is valid */
+    if (IsConsoleHandle(Handle))
+    {
+        for (i = 0; i < Count; i++)
+        {
+            /* Call the BIOS to print the character */
+            VidBiosPrintCharacter(((LPBYTE)Buffer)[i], DOS_CHAR_ATTRIBUTE, Bda->VideoPage);
+            BytesWritten32++;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Write the file */
+        if (!WriteFile(Handle, Buffer, Count, &BytesWritten32, NULL))
+        {
+            /* Store the error code */
+            Result = (WORD)GetLastError();
+        }
+    }
+    /* The number of bytes written is always 16-bit */
+    *BytesWritten = LOWORD(BytesWritten32);
+    /* Return the error code */
+    return Result;
+/* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
+CHAR DosReadCharacter(VOID)
+    CHAR Character = '\0';
+    WORD BytesRead;
+    if (IsConsoleHandle(DosGetRealHandle(DOS_INPUT_HANDLE)))
+    {
+        /* Call the BIOS */
+        Character = LOBYTE(BiosGetCharacter());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* Use the file reading function */
+        DosReadFile(DOS_INPUT_HANDLE, &Character, sizeof(CHAR), &BytesRead);
+    }
+    return Character;
+BOOLEAN DosCheckInput(VOID)
+    HANDLE Handle = DosGetRealHandle(DOS_INPUT_HANDLE);
+    if (IsConsoleHandle(Handle))
+    {
+        /* Call the BIOS */
+        return (BiosPeekCharacter() != 0xFFFF);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        DWORD FileSizeHigh;
+        DWORD FileSize = GetFileSize(Handle, &FileSizeHigh);
+        LONG LocationHigh = 0;
+        DWORD Location = SetFilePointer(Handle, 0, &LocationHigh, FILE_CURRENT);
+        return ((Location != FileSize) || (LocationHigh != FileSizeHigh));
+    }
+VOID DosPrintCharacter(CHAR Character)
+    WORD BytesWritten;
+    /* Use the file writing function */
+    DosWriteFile(DOS_OUTPUT_HANDLE, &Character, sizeof(CHAR), &BytesWritten);
+    /* Get the Function Number and skip it */
+    BYTE FuncNum = *(PBYTE)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getCS(), getIP());
+    setIP(getIP() + 1);
+    DPRINT1("Unknown DOS System BOP Function: 0x%02X\n", FuncNum);
+VOID WINAPI DosCmdInterpreterBop(LPWORD Stack)
+    /* Get the Function Number and skip it */
+    BYTE FuncNum = *(PBYTE)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getCS(), getIP());
+    setIP(getIP() + 1);
+    switch (FuncNum)
+    {
+        case 0x08: // Launch external command
+        {
+#define CMDLINE_LENGTH  1024
+            BOOL Result;
+            DWORD dwExitCode;
+            LPSTR Command = (LPSTR)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getDS(), getSI());
+            CHAR CommandLine[CMDLINE_LENGTH] = "";
+            STARTUPINFOA StartupInfo;
+            PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation;
+            DPRINT1("CMD Run Command '%s'\n", Command);
+            Command[strlen(Command)-1] = 0;
+            strcpy(CommandLine, "cmd.exe /c ");
+            strcat(CommandLine, Command);
+            ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo));
+            ZeroMemory(&ProcessInformation, sizeof(ProcessInformation));
+            StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo);
+            DosPrintCharacter('\n');
+            Result = CreateProcessA(NULL,
+                                    CommandLine,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    TRUE,
+                                    0,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    NULL,
+                                    &StartupInfo,
+                                    &ProcessInformation);
+            if (Result)
+            {
+                DPRINT1("Command '%s' launched successfully\n");
+                /* Wait for process termination */
+                WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInformation.hProcess, INFINITE);
+                /* Get the exit code */
+                GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInformation.hProcess, &dwExitCode);
+                /* Close handles */
+                CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread);
+                CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hProcess);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                DPRINT1("Failed when launched command '%s'\n");
+                dwExitCode = GetLastError();
+            }
+            DosPrintCharacter('\n');
+            setAL((UCHAR)dwExitCode);
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+        {
+            DPRINT1("Unknown DOS CMD Interpreter BOP Function: 0x%02X\n", FuncNum);
+            // setCF(1); // Disable, otherwise we enter an infinite loop
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    LPWSTR SourcePtr, Environment;
+    LPSTR AsciiString;
+    DWORD AsciiSize;
+#if 0
+    UCHAR i;
+    CHAR CurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH];
+    CHAR DosDirectory[DOS_DIR_LENGTH];
+    LPSTR Path;
+    FILE *Stream;
+    WCHAR Buffer[256];
+    /* Initialize the MCB */
+    Mcb->BlockType = 'Z';
+    Mcb->Size = USER_MEMORY_SIZE;
+    Mcb->OwnerPsp = 0;
+    /* Initialize the link MCB to the UMB area */
+    Mcb->BlockType = 'M';
+    Mcb->OwnerPsp = SYSTEM_PSP;
+    /* Initialize the UMB area */
+    Mcb->BlockType = 'Z';
+    Mcb->OwnerPsp = 0;
+    /* Get the environment strings */
+    SourcePtr = Environment = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
+    if (Environment == NULL) return FALSE;
+    /* Fill the DOS system environment block */
+    while (*SourcePtr)
+    {
+        /* Get the size of the ASCII string */
+        AsciiSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
+                                        0,
+                                        SourcePtr,
+                                        -1,
+                                        NULL,
+                                        0,
+                                        NULL,
+                                        NULL);
+        /* Allocate memory for the ASCII string */
+        AsciiString = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, AsciiSize);
+        if (AsciiString == NULL)
+        {
+            FreeEnvironmentStringsW(Environment);
+            return FALSE;
+        }
+        /* Convert to ASCII */
+        WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
+                            0,
+                            SourcePtr,
+                            -1,
+                            AsciiString,
+                            AsciiSize,
+                            NULL,
+                            NULL);
+        /* Copy the string into DOS memory */
+        strcpy(DestPtr, AsciiString);
+        /* Move to the next string */
+        SourcePtr += wcslen(SourcePtr) + 1;
+        DestPtr += strlen(AsciiString);
+        *(DestPtr++) = 0;
+        /* Free the memory */
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, AsciiString);
+    }
+    *DestPtr = 0;
+    /* Free the memory allocated for environment strings */
+    FreeEnvironmentStringsW(Environment);
+#if 0
+    /* Clear the current directory buffer */
+    ZeroMemory(CurrentDirectories, sizeof(CurrentDirectories));
+    /* Get the current directory */
+    if (!GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, CurrentDirectory))
+    {
+        // TODO: Use some kind of default path?
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Convert that to a DOS path */
+    if (!GetShortPathNameA(CurrentDirectory, DosDirectory, DOS_DIR_LENGTH))
+    {
+        // TODO: Use some kind of default path?
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    /* Set the drive */
+    CurrentDrive = DosDirectory[0] - 'A';
+    /* Get the directory part of the path */
+    Path = strchr(DosDirectory, '\\');
+    if (Path != NULL)
+    {
+        /* Skip the backslash */
+        Path++;
+    }
+    /* Set the directory */
+    if (Path != NULL)
+    {
+        strncpy(CurrentDirectories[CurrentDrive], Path, DOS_DIR_LENGTH);
+    }
+    /* Read CONFIG.SYS */
+    Stream = _wfopen(DOS_CONFIG_PATH, L"r");
+    if (Stream != NULL)
+    {
+        while (fgetws(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(Buffer[0]), Stream))
+        {
+            // TODO: Parse the line
+        }
+        fclose(Stream);
+    }
+    /* Register the DOS BOPs */
+    RegisterBop(BOP_DOS, DosSystemBop        );
+    RegisterBop(BOP_CMD, DosCmdInterpreterBop);
+    /* Register the DOS 32-bit Interrupts */
+    // RegisterInt32(0x20, DosInt20h);
+    /* TODO: Initialize the DOS kernel */
+    return TRUE;
+/* EOF */
similarity index 91%
rename from subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32/dos.c
rename to subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32krnl/dos.c
index c761d7f..4789c41 100644 (file)
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "dos/dem.h"
 #include "bios/bios.h"
-#include "bop.h"
 #include "int32.h"
 #include "registers.h"
@@ -33,12 +32,11 @@ static BYTE DosAllocStrategy = DOS_ALLOC_BEST_FIT;
 static BOOLEAN DosUmbLinked = FALSE;
 static WORD DosErrorLevel = 0x0000;
-/* BOP Identifiers */
-#define BOP_DOS 0x50    // DOS System BOP (for NTIO.SYS and NTDOS.SYS)
-#define BOP_CMD 0x54    // DOS Command Interpreter BOP (for COMMAND.COM)
 /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/
+ * Memory management functions
+ */
 static VOID DosCombineFreeBlocks(WORD StartBlock)
     PDOS_MCB CurrentMcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(StartBlock), NextMcb;
@@ -316,30 +314,74 @@ static BOOLEAN DosFreeMemory(WORD BlockData)
     return TRUE;
-/* Taken from base/shell/cmd/console.c */
-static BOOL IsConsoleHandle(HANDLE hHandle)
+static BOOLEAN DosLinkUmb(VOID)
-    DWORD dwMode;
+    PDOS_MCB Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment);
-    /* Check whether the handle may be that of a console... */
-    if ((GetFileType(hHandle) & FILE_TYPE_CHAR) == 0) return FALSE;
+    DPRINT("Linking UMB\n");
-    /*
-     * It may be. Perform another test... The idea comes from the
-     * MSDN description of the WriteConsole API:
-     *
-     * "WriteConsole fails if it is used with a standard handle
-     *  that is redirected to a file. If an application processes
-     *  multilingual output that can be redirected, determine whether
-     *  the output handle is a console handle (one method is to call
-     *  the GetConsoleMode function and check whether it succeeds).
-     *  If the handle is a console handle, call WriteConsole. If the
-     *  handle is not a console handle, the output is redirected and
-     *  you should call WriteFile to perform the I/O."
-     */
-    return GetConsoleMode(hHandle, &dwMode);
+    /* Check if UMBs are already linked */
+    if (DosUmbLinked) return FALSE;
+    /* Find the last block */
+    while ((Mcb->BlockType == 'M') && (Segment <= 0xFFFF))
+    {
+        Segment += Mcb->Size + 1;
+        Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment);
+    }
+    /* Make sure it's valid */
+    if (Mcb->BlockType != 'Z') return FALSE;
+    /* Connect the MCB with the UMB chain */
+    Mcb->BlockType = 'M';
+    DosUmbLinked = TRUE;
+    return TRUE;
+static BOOLEAN DosUnlinkUmb(VOID)
+    PDOS_MCB Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment);
+    DPRINT("Unlinking UMB\n");
+    /* Check if UMBs are already unlinked */
+    if (!DosUmbLinked) return FALSE;
+    /* Find the block preceding the MCB that links it with the UMB chain */
+    while (Segment <= 0xFFFF)
+    {
+        if ((Segment + Mcb->Size) == (FIRST_MCB_SEGMENT + USER_MEMORY_SIZE))
+        {
+            /* This is the last non-UMB segment */
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Advance to the next MCB */
+        Segment += Mcb->Size + 1;
+        Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment);
+    }
+    /* Mark the MCB as the last MCB */
+    Mcb->BlockType = 'Z';
+    DosUmbLinked = FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
+static VOID DosChangeMemoryOwner(WORD Segment, WORD NewOwner)
+    PDOS_MCB Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment - 1);
+    /* Just set the owner */
+    Mcb->OwnerPsp = NewOwner;
 static WORD DosCopyEnvironmentBlock(WORD SourceSegment, LPCSTR ProgramName)
     PCHAR Ptr, SourceBuffer, DestBuffer = NULL;
@@ -388,12 +430,28 @@ static WORD DosCopyEnvironmentBlock(WORD SourceSegment, LPCSTR ProgramName)
     return DestSegment;
-static VOID DosChangeMemoryOwner(WORD Segment, WORD NewOwner)
+/* Taken from base/shell/cmd/console.c */
+BOOL IsConsoleHandle(HANDLE hHandle)
-    PDOS_MCB Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment - 1);
+    DWORD dwMode;
-    /* Just set the owner */
-    Mcb->OwnerPsp = NewOwner;
+    /* Check whether the handle may be that of a console... */
+    if ((GetFileType(hHandle) & FILE_TYPE_CHAR) == 0) return FALSE;
+    /*
+     * It may be. Perform another test... The idea comes from the
+     * MSDN description of the WriteConsole API:
+     *
+     * "WriteConsole fails if it is used with a standard handle
+     *  that is redirected to a file. If an application processes
+     *  multilingual output that can be redirected, determine whether
+     *  the output handle is a console handle (one method is to call
+     *  the GetConsoleMode function and check whether it succeeds).
+     *  If the handle is a console handle, call WriteConsole. If the
+     *  handle is not a console handle, the output is redirected and
+     *  you should call WriteFile to perform the I/O."
+     */
+    return GetConsoleMode(hHandle, &dwMode);
 static WORD DosOpenHandle(HANDLE Handle)
@@ -456,7 +514,7 @@ static WORD DosOpenHandle(HANDLE Handle)
-static HANDLE DosGetRealHandle(WORD DosHandle)
+HANDLE DosGetRealHandle(WORD DosHandle)
     PDOS_PSP PspBlock;
     LPBYTE HandleTable;
@@ -591,64 +649,6 @@ static BOOLEAN DosDuplicateHandle(WORD OldHandle, WORD NewHandle)
     return TRUE;
-static BOOLEAN DosLinkUmb(VOID)
-    PDOS_MCB Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment);
-    DPRINT("Linking UMB\n");
-    /* Check if UMBs are already linked */
-    if (DosUmbLinked) return FALSE;
-    /* Find the last block */
-    while ((Mcb->BlockType == 'M') && (Segment <= 0xFFFF))
-    {
-        Segment += Mcb->Size + 1;
-        Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment);
-    }
-    /* Make sure it's valid */
-    if (Mcb->BlockType != 'Z') return FALSE;
-    /* Connect the MCB with the UMB chain */
-    Mcb->BlockType = 'M';
-    DosUmbLinked = TRUE;
-    return TRUE;
-static BOOLEAN DosUnlinkUmb(VOID)
-    PDOS_MCB Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment);
-    DPRINT("Unlinking UMB\n");
-    /* Check if UMBs are already unlinked */
-    if (!DosUmbLinked) return FALSE;
-    /* Find the block preceding the MCB that links it with the UMB chain */
-    while (Segment <= 0xFFFF)
-    {
-        if ((Segment + Mcb->Size) == (FIRST_MCB_SEGMENT + USER_MEMORY_SIZE))
-        {
-            /* This is the last non-UMB segment */
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Advance to the next MCB */
-        Segment += Mcb->Size + 1;
-        Mcb = SEGMENT_TO_MCB(Segment);
-    }
-    /* Mark the MCB as the last MCB */
-    Mcb->BlockType = 'Z';
-    DosUmbLinked = FALSE;
-    return TRUE;
 static WORD DosCreateFile(LPWORD Handle, LPCSTR FilePath, WORD Attributes)
     HANDLE FileHandle;
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ static WORD DosOpenFile(LPWORD Handle, LPCSTR FilePath, BYTE AccessMode)
     return ERROR_SUCCESS;
-static WORD DosReadFile(WORD FileHandle, LPVOID Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesRead)
+WORD DosReadFile(WORD FileHandle, LPVOID Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesRead)
     DWORD BytesRead32 = 0;
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ static WORD DosReadFile(WORD FileHandle, LPVOID Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD Bytes
     return Result;
-static WORD DosWriteFile(WORD FileHandle, LPVOID Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesWritten)
+WORD DosWriteFile(WORD FileHandle, LPVOID Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesWritten)
     DWORD BytesWritten32 = 0;
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ BOOLEAN DosCreateProcess(LPCSTR CommandLine, WORD EnvBlock)
     LPSTR ProgramFilePath, Parameters[256];
     CHAR CommandLineCopy[DOS_CMDLINE_LENGTH];
-    INT ParamCount = 0;
+    DWORD ParamCount = 0;
     WORD Segment = 0;
     WORD MaxAllocSize;
     DWORD i, FileSize, ExeSize;
@@ -1313,53 +1313,6 @@ Done:
-CHAR DosReadCharacter(VOID)
-    CHAR Character = '\0';
-    WORD BytesRead;
-    if (IsConsoleHandle(DosGetRealHandle(DOS_INPUT_HANDLE)))
-    {
-        /* Call the BIOS */
-        Character = LOBYTE(BiosGetCharacter());
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        /* Use the file reading function */
-        DosReadFile(DOS_INPUT_HANDLE, &Character, sizeof(CHAR), &BytesRead);
-    }
-    return Character;
-BOOLEAN DosCheckInput(VOID)
-    HANDLE Handle = DosGetRealHandle(DOS_INPUT_HANDLE);
-    if (IsConsoleHandle(Handle))
-    {
-        /* Call the BIOS */
-        return (BiosPeekCharacter() != 0xFFFF);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        DWORD FileSizeHigh;
-        DWORD FileSize = GetFileSize(Handle, &FileSizeHigh);
-        LONG LocationHigh = 0;
-        DWORD Location = SetFilePointer(Handle, 0, &LocationHigh, FILE_CURRENT);
-        return ((Location != FileSize) || (LocationHigh != FileSizeHigh));
-    }
-VOID DosPrintCharacter(CHAR Character)
-    WORD BytesWritten;
-    /* Use the file writing function */
-    DosWriteFile(DOS_OUTPUT_HANDLE, &Character, sizeof(CHAR), &BytesWritten);
 BOOLEAN DosHandleIoctl(BYTE ControlCode, WORD FileHandle)
     HANDLE Handle = DosGetRealHandle(FileHandle);
@@ -1413,94 +1366,6 @@ BOOLEAN DosHandleIoctl(BYTE ControlCode, WORD FileHandle)
-    /* Get the Function Number and skip it */
-    BYTE FuncNum = *(PBYTE)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getCS(), getIP());
-    setIP(getIP() + 1);
-    DPRINT1("Unknown DOS System BOP Function: 0x%02X\n", FuncNum);
-VOID WINAPI DosCmdInterpreterBop(LPWORD Stack)
-    /* Get the Function Number and skip it */
-    BYTE FuncNum = *(PBYTE)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getCS(), getIP());
-    setIP(getIP() + 1);
-    switch (FuncNum)
-    {
-        case 0x08: // Launch external command
-        {
-#define CMDLINE_LENGTH  1024
-            BOOL Result;
-            DWORD dwExitCode;
-            LPSTR Command = (LPSTR)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getDS(), getSI());
-            CHAR CommandLine[CMDLINE_LENGTH] = "";
-            STARTUPINFOA StartupInfo;
-            PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation;
-            DPRINT1("CMD Run Command '%s'\n", Command);
-            Command[strlen(Command)-1] = 0;
-            strcpy(CommandLine, "cmd.exe /c ");
-            strcat(CommandLine, Command);
-            ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo));
-            ZeroMemory(&ProcessInformation, sizeof(ProcessInformation));
-            StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo);
-            DosPrintCharacter('\n');
-            Result = CreateProcessA(NULL,
-                                    CommandLine,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    TRUE,
-                                    0,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    NULL,
-                                    &StartupInfo,
-                                    &ProcessInformation);
-            if (Result)
-            {
-                DPRINT1("Command '%s' launched successfully\n");
-                /* Wait for process termination */
-                WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInformation.hProcess, INFINITE);
-                /* Get the exit code */
-                GetExitCodeProcess(ProcessInformation.hProcess, &dwExitCode);
-                /* Close handles */
-                CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread);
-                CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hProcess);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                DPRINT1("Failed when launched command '%s'\n");
-                dwExitCode = GetLastError();
-            }
-            DosPrintCharacter('\n');
-            setAL((UCHAR)dwExitCode);
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-        {
-            DPRINT1("Unknown DOS CMD Interpreter BOP Function: 0x%02X\n", FuncNum);
-            // setCF(1); // Disable, otherwise we enter an infinite loop
-            break;
-        }
-    }
     /* This is the exit interrupt */
@@ -2648,87 +2513,18 @@ VOID WINAPI DosInt2Fh(LPWORD Stack)
-BOOLEAN DosInitialize(VOID)
-    BYTE i;
-    FILE *Stream;
-    WCHAR Buffer[256];
-    LPWSTR SourcePtr, Environment;
-    LPSTR AsciiString;
-    DWORD AsciiSize;
+#if 1
+    UCHAR i;
     CHAR CurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH];
     CHAR DosDirectory[DOS_DIR_LENGTH];
     LPSTR Path;
-    /* Initialize the MCB */
-    Mcb->BlockType = 'Z';
-    Mcb->Size = USER_MEMORY_SIZE;
-    Mcb->OwnerPsp = 0;
-    /* Initialize the link MCB to the UMB area */
-    Mcb->BlockType = 'M';
-    Mcb->OwnerPsp = SYSTEM_PSP;
-    /* Initialize the UMB area */
-    Mcb->BlockType = 'Z';
-    Mcb->OwnerPsp = 0;
-    /* Get the environment strings */
-    SourcePtr = Environment = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
-    if (Environment == NULL) return FALSE;
-    /* Fill the DOS system environment block */
-    while (*SourcePtr)
-    {
-        /* Get the size of the ASCII string */
-        AsciiSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
-                                        0,
-                                        SourcePtr,
-                                        -1,
-                                        NULL,
-                                        0,
-                                        NULL,
-                                        NULL);
-        /* Allocate memory for the ASCII string */
-        AsciiString = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, AsciiSize);
-        if (AsciiString == NULL)
-        {
-            FreeEnvironmentStringsW(Environment);
-            return FALSE;
-        }
-        /* Convert to ASCII */
-        WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,
-                            0,
-                            SourcePtr,
-                            -1,
-                            AsciiString,
-                            AsciiSize,
-                            NULL,
-                            NULL);
-        /* Copy the string into DOS memory */
-        strcpy(DestPtr, AsciiString);
-        /* Move to the next string */
-        SourcePtr += wcslen(SourcePtr) + 1;
-        DestPtr += strlen(AsciiString);
-        *(DestPtr++) = 0;
-        /* Free the memory */
-        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, AsciiString);
-    }
-    *DestPtr = 0;
-    /* Free the memory allocated for environment strings */
-    FreeEnvironmentStringsW(Environment);
+    FILE *Stream;
+    WCHAR Buffer[256];
     /* Clear the current directory buffer */
     ZeroMemory(CurrentDirectories, sizeof(CurrentDirectories));
@@ -2787,9 +2583,8 @@ BOOLEAN DosInitialize(VOID)
     DosSystemFileTable[1] = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
     DosSystemFileTable[2] = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
-    /* Register the DOS BOPs */
-    RegisterBop(BOP_DOS, DosSystemBop        );
-    RegisterBop(BOP_CMD, DosCmdInterpreterBop);
     /* Register the DOS 32-bit Interrupts */
     RegisterInt32(0x20, DosInt20h        );
similarity index 82%
rename from subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32/dos.h
rename to subsystems/ntvdm/dos/dos32krnl/dos.h
index 500bdfd..d122d2d 100644 (file)
@@ -118,15 +118,49 @@ typedef struct _DOS_DRIVER_HEADER
     CHAR DeviceName[8];
+typedef struct _DOS_FIND_FILE_BLOCK
+    CHAR DriveLetter;
+    CHAR Pattern[11];
+    UCHAR AttribMask;
+    DWORD Unused;
+    HANDLE SearchHandle;
+    /* The following part of the structure is documented */
+    UCHAR Attributes;
+    WORD FileTime;
+    WORD FileDate;
+    DWORD FileSize;
+    CHAR FileName[13];
 #pragma pack(pop)
 /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/
+ * DOS BIOS Functions
+ * See bios.c
+ */
+CHAR DosReadCharacter(VOID);
+BOOLEAN DosCheckInput(VOID);
+VOID DosPrintCharacter(CHAR Character);
+ * DOS Kernel Functions
+ * See dos.c
+ */
+BOOL IsConsoleHandle(HANDLE hHandle);
+HANDLE DosGetRealHandle(WORD DosHandle);
+WORD DosReadFile(WORD FileHandle, LPVOID Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesRead);
+WORD DosWriteFile(WORD FileHandle, LPVOID Buffer, WORD Count, LPWORD BytesWritten);
 VOID DosInitializePsp(WORD PspSegment, LPCSTR CommandLine, WORD ProgramSize, WORD Environment);
 BOOLEAN DosCreateProcess(LPCSTR CommandLine, WORD EnvBlock);
 VOID DosTerminateProcess(WORD Psp, BYTE ReturnCode);
-CHAR DosReadCharacter(VOID);
-VOID DosPrintCharacter(CHAR Character);
 BOOLEAN DosHandleIoctl(BYTE ControlCode, WORD FileHandle);
@@ -134,7 +168,7 @@ VOID WINAPI DosInt21h(LPWORD Stack);
 VOID WINAPI DosBreakInterrupt(LPWORD Stack);
-BOOLEAN DosInitialize(VOID);
 #endif // _DOS_H_
index e6a33d6..bd730ac 100644 (file)
 #include "emulator.h"
 #include "bios/bios.h"
+#include "dos/dem.h"
 #include "hardware/cmos.h"
 #include "hardware/ps2.h"
 #include "hardware/timer.h"
 #include "hardware/vga.h"
-#include "dos/dos32/dos.h"
  * Activate this line if you want to be able to test NTVDM with:
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ INT wmain(INT argc, WCHAR *argv[])
     /* Initialize the VDM DOS kernel */
-    if (!DosInitialize())
+    if (!DosInitialize(NULL))
         wprintf(L"FATAL: Failed to initialize the VDM DOS kernel.\n");
         goto Cleanup;