Delete msiexec
authorCasper Hornstrup <>
Sat, 5 Mar 2005 22:12:26 +0000 (22:12 +0000)
committerCasper Hornstrup <>
Sat, 5 Mar 2005 22:12:26 +0000 (22:12 +0000)
svn path=/branches/xmlbuildsystem/; revision=13836

reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/Makefile [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/ [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/msiexec.c [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/msiexec.h [deleted file]
reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/version.rc [deleted file]

diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/Makefile b/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a45ee74..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-PATH_TO_TOP = ../../..
-TARGET_TYPE = program
-TARGET_APPTYPE =  windows
-TARGET_NAME = msiexec
-TARGET_CFLAGS = -I$(PATH_TO_TOP)/include/wine -D_WIN32_IE=0x0501 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 -D__USE_W32API
-TARGET_OBJECTS = msiexec.o
-TARGET_SDKLIBS = msi.a ole32.a ntdll.a user32.a kernel32.a wine.a wine_uuid.a
-TARGET_RC_SRCS = version.rc
-default: all
-include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
-include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/ b/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 639ea13..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-TOPSRCDIR = @top_srcdir@
-TOPOBJDIR = ../..
-SRCDIR    = @srcdir@
-VPATH     = @srcdir@
-MODULE    = msiexec.exe
-APPMODE   = -mconsole
-IMPORTS   = msi ole32 user32 kernel32
-C_SRCS = \
-       msiexec.c
-RC_SRCS = version.rc
-### Dependencies:
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/msiexec.c b/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/msiexec.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a918468..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,679 +0,0 @@
- * msiexec.exe implementation
- *
- * Copyright 2004 Vincent Béron
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- */
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <msi.h>
-#include <objbase.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "msiexec.h"
-#include "wine/debug.h"
-static const char UsageStr[] =
-"  Install a product:\n"
-"    msiexec {package|productcode} [property]\n"
-"    msiexec /i {package|productcode} [property]\n"
-"    msiexec /a package [property]\n"
-"  Repair an installation:\n"
-"    msiexec /f[p|o|e|d|c|a|u|m|s|v] {package|productcode}\n"
-"  Uninstall a product:\n"
-"    msiexec /x {package|productcode} [property]\n"
-"  Advertise a product:\n"
-"    msiexec /j[u|m] package [/t transform] [/g languageid]\n"
-"    msiexec {u|m} package [/t transform] [/g languageid]\n"
-"  Apply a patch:\n"
-"    msiexec /p patchpackage [property]\n"
-"    msiexec /p patchpackage /a package [property]\n"
-"  Modifiers for above operations:\n"
-"    msiexec /l[*][i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|][+|!] logfile\n"
-"    msiexec /q{|n|b|r|f|n+|b+|b-}\n"
-"  Register a module:\n"
-"    msiexec /y module\n"
-"  Unregister a module:\n"
-"    msiexec /z module\n"
-"  Display usage and copyright:\n"
-"    msiexec {/h|/?}\n"
-"NOTE: Product code on commandline unimplemented as of yet\n"
-"Copyright 2004 Vincent Béron\n";
-static const char ActionAdmin[] = "ACTION=ADMIN ";
-static const char RemoveAll[] = "REMOVE=ALL ";
-static void ShowUsage(int ExitCode)
-       printf(UsageStr);
-       ExitProcess(ExitCode);
-static BOOL GetProductCode(LPCSTR str, LPCSTR *PackageName, LPGUID *ProductCode)
-       BOOL ret = FALSE;
-       int len = 0;
-       LPWSTR wstr = NULL;
-       if(strlen(str) == 38)
-       {
-               len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, wstr, 0);
-               wstr = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
-               ret = (CLSIDFromString(wstr, *ProductCode) == NOERROR);
-               HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, wstr);
-               wstr = NULL;
-       }
-       if(!ret)
-       {
-               HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *ProductCode);
-               *ProductCode = NULL;
-               *PackageName = str;
-       }
-       return ret;
-static VOID StringListAppend(LPSTR *StringList, LPCSTR StringAppend)
-       LPSTR TempStr = HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *StringList, HeapSize(GetProcessHeap(), 0, *StringList)+strlen(StringAppend));
-       if(!TempStr)
-       {
-               WINE_ERR("Out of memory!\n");
-               ExitProcess(1);
-       }
-       *StringList = TempStr;
-       strcat(*StringList, StringAppend);
-static VOID StringCompareRemoveLast(LPSTR String, CHAR character)
-       int len = strlen(String);
-       if(len && String[len-1] == character) String[len-1] = 0;
-static INT MSIEXEC_lstrncmpiA(LPCSTR str1, LPCSTR str2, INT size)
-    INT ret;
-    if ((str1 == NULL) && (str2 == NULL)) return 0;
-    if (str1 == NULL) return -1;
-    if (str2 == NULL) return 1;
-    ret = CompareStringA(GetThreadLocale(), NORM_IGNORECASE, str1, size, str2, -1);
-    if (ret) ret -= 2;
-    return ret;
-static VOID *LoadProc(LPCSTR DllName, LPCSTR ProcName, HMODULE* DllHandle)
-       VOID* (*proc)(void);
-       *DllHandle = LoadLibraryExA(DllName, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH);
-       if(!*DllHandle)
-       {
-               fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load dll %s\n", DllName);
-               ExitProcess(1);
-       }
-       proc = (VOID *) GetProcAddress(*DllHandle, ProcName);
-       if(!proc)
-       {
-               fprintf(stderr, "Dll %s does not implement function %s\n", DllName, ProcName);
-               FreeLibrary(*DllHandle);
-               ExitProcess(1);
-       }
-       return proc;
-static void DllRegisterServer(LPCSTR DllName)
-       HRESULT hr;
-       DLLREGISTERSERVER pfDllRegisterServer = NULL;
-       HMODULE DllHandle = NULL;
-       pfDllRegisterServer = LoadProc(DllName, "DllRegisterServer", &DllHandle);
-       hr = pfDllRegisterServer();
-       if(FAILED(hr))
-       {
-               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to register dll %s\n", DllName);
-               ExitProcess(1);
-       }
-       printf("Successfully registered dll %s\n", DllName);
-       if(DllHandle)
-               FreeLibrary(DllHandle);
-static void DllUnregisterServer(LPCSTR DllName)
-       HRESULT hr;
-       DLLUNREGISTERSERVER pfDllUnregisterServer = NULL;
-       HMODULE DllHandle = NULL;
-       pfDllUnregisterServer = LoadProc(DllName, "DllUnregisterServer", &DllHandle);
-       hr = pfDllUnregisterServer();
-       if(FAILED(hr))
-       {
-               fprintf(stderr, "Failed to unregister dll %s\n", DllName);
-               ExitProcess(1);
-       }
-       printf("Successfully unregistered dll %s\n", DllName);
-       if(DllHandle)
-               FreeLibrary(DllHandle);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-       int i;
-       BOOL FunctionInstall = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionInstallAdmin = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionRepair = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionAdvertise = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionPatch = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionDllRegisterServer = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionDllUnregisterServer = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionRegServer = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionUnregServer = FALSE;
-       BOOL FunctionUnknown = FALSE;
-       BOOL GotProductCode = FALSE;
-       LPCSTR PackageName = NULL;
-       LPGUID ProductCode = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(GUID));
-       LPSTR Properties = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 1);
-       DWORD RepairMode = 0;
-       DWORD AdvertiseMode = 0;
-       LPSTR Transforms = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, 1);
-       LANGID Language = 0;
-       DWORD LogMode = 0;
-       LPSTR LogFileName = NULL;
-       DWORD LogAttributes = 0;
-       LPSTR PatchFileName = NULL;
-       INSTALLUILEVEL InstallUILevel = 0, retInstallUILevel;
-       LPSTR DllName = NULL;
-       Properties[0] = 0;
-       Transforms[0] = 0;
-       for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-       {
-               WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                if (!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/regserver"))
-                {
-                    FunctionRegServer = TRUE;
-                }
-                else if (!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/unregserver") || !lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/unregister"))
-                {
-                    FunctionUnregServer = TRUE;
-                }
-               else if(!MSIEXEC_lstrncmpiA(argv[i], "/i", 2))
-               {
-                       char *argvi = argv[i];
-                       FunctionInstall = TRUE;
-                       if(strlen(argvi) > 2)
-                               argvi += 2;
-                       else {
-                               i++;
-                               if(i >= argc)
-                                       ShowUsage(1);
-                               WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                               argvi = argv[i];
-                       }
-                       GotProductCode = GetProductCode(argvi, &PackageName, &ProductCode);
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/a"))
-               {
-                       FunctionInstall = TRUE;
-                       FunctionInstallAdmin = TRUE;
-                       InstallType = INSTALLTYPE_NETWORK_IMAGE;
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       PackageName = argv[i];
-                       StringListAppend(&Properties, ActionAdmin);
-               }
-               else if(!MSIEXEC_lstrncmpiA(argv[i], "/f", 2))
-               {
-                       int j;
-                       int len = strlen(argv[i]);
-                       FunctionRepair = TRUE;
-                       for(j = 2; j < len; j++)
-                       {
-                               switch(argv[i][j])
-                               {
-                                       case 'P':
-                                       case 'p':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_FILEMISSING;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'O':
-                                       case 'o':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_FILEOLDERVERSION;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'E':
-                                       case 'e':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_FILEEQUALVERSION;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'D':
-                                       case 'd':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_FILEEXACT;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'C':
-                                       case 'c':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_FILEVERIFY;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'A':
-                                       case 'a':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_FILEREPLACE;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'U':
-                                       case 'u':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_USERDATA;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'M':
-                                       case 'm':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_MACHINEDATA;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'S':
-                                       case 's':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_SHORTCUT;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'V':
-                                       case 'v':
-                                               RepairMode |= REINSTALLMODE_PACKAGE;
-                                               break;
-                                       default:
-                                               fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%c\" in Repair mode\n", argv[i][j]);
-                                               break;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if(len == 2)
-                       {
-                               RepairMode = REINSTALLMODE_FILEMISSING |
-                                       REINSTALLMODE_FILEEQUALVERSION |
-                                       REINSTALLMODE_FILEVERIFY |
-                                       REINSTALLMODE_MACHINEDATA |
-                                       REINSTALLMODE_SHORTCUT;
-                       }
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       GotProductCode = GetProductCode(argv[i], &PackageName, &ProductCode);
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/x"))
-               {
-                       FunctionInstall = TRUE;
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       GotProductCode = GetProductCode(argv[i], &PackageName, &ProductCode);
-                       StringListAppend(&Properties, RemoveAll);
-               }
-               else if(!MSIEXEC_lstrncmpiA(argv[i], "/j", 2))
-               {
-                       int j;
-                       int len = strlen(argv[i]);
-                       FunctionAdvertise = TRUE;
-                       for(j = 2; j < len; j++)
-                       {
-                               switch(argv[i][j])
-                               {
-                                       case 'U':
-                                       case 'u':
-                                               AdvertiseMode = ADVERTISEFLAGS_USERASSIGN;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'M':
-                                       case 'm':
-                                               AdvertiseMode = ADVERTISEFLAGS_MACHINEASSIGN;
-                                               break;
-                                       default:
-                                               fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%c\" in Advertise mode\n", argv[i][j]);
-                                               break;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       PackageName = argv[i];
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "u"))
-               {
-                       FunctionAdvertise = TRUE;
-                       AdvertiseMode = ADVERTISEFLAGS_USERASSIGN;
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       PackageName = argv[i];
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "m"))
-               {
-                       FunctionAdvertise = TRUE;
-                       AdvertiseMode = ADVERTISEFLAGS_MACHINEASSIGN;
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       PackageName = argv[i];
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/t"))
-               {
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       StringListAppend(&Transforms, argv[i]);
-                       StringListAppend(&Transforms, ";");
-               }
-               else if(!MSIEXEC_lstrncmpiA(argv[i], "TRANSFORMS=", 11))
-               {
-                       StringListAppend(&Transforms, argv[i]+11);
-                       StringListAppend(&Transforms, ";");
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/g"))
-               {
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       Language = strtol(argv[i], NULL, 0);
-               }
-               else if(!MSIEXEC_lstrncmpiA(argv[i], "/l", 2))
-               {
-                       int j;
-                       int len = strlen(argv[i]);
-                       for(j = 2; j < len; j++)
-                       {
-                               switch(argv[i][j])
-                               {
-                                       case 'I':
-                                       case 'i':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_INFO;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'W':
-                                       case 'w':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_WARNING;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'E':
-                                       case 'e':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_ERROR;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'A':
-                                       case 'a':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_ACTIONSTART;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'R':
-                                       case 'r':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_ACTIONDATA;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'U':
-                                       case 'u':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_USER;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'C':
-                                       case 'c':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_COMMONDATA;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'M':
-                                       case 'm':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_FATALEXIT;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'O':
-                                       case 'o':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_OUTOFDISKSPACE;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'P':
-                                       case 'p':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_PROPERTYDUMP;
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'V':
-                                       case 'v':
-                                               LogMode |= INSTALLLOGMODE_VERBOSE;
-                                               break;
-                                       case '*':
-                                               LogMode = INSTALLLOGMODE_FATALEXIT |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_ERROR |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_WARNING |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_USER |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_INFO |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_RESOLVESOURCE |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_OUTOFDISKSPACE |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_ACTIONSTART |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_ACTIONDATA |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_COMMONDATA |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_PROPERTYDUMP |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_PROGRESS |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_INITIALIZE |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_TERMINATE |
-                                                       INSTALLLOGMODE_SHOWDIALOG;
-                                               break;
-                                       case '+':
-                                               LogAttributes |= INSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES_APPEND;
-                                               break;
-                                       case '!':
-                                               LogAttributes |= INSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES_FLUSHEACHLINE;
-                                               break;
-                                       default:
-                                               break;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       LogFileName = argv[i];
-                       if(MsiEnableLogA(LogMode, LogFileName, LogAttributes) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-                       {
-                               fprintf(stderr, "Logging in %s (0x%08lx, %lu) failed\n", LogFileName, LogMode, LogAttributes);
-                               ExitProcess(1);
-                       }
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/p"))
-               {
-                       FunctionPatch = TRUE;
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       PatchFileName = argv[i];
-               }
-               else if(!MSIEXEC_lstrncmpiA(argv[i], "/q", 2))
-               {
-                       if(strlen(argv[i]) == 2 || !lstrcmpiA(argv[i]+2, "n"))
-                       {
-                               InstallUILevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE;
-                       }
-                       else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i]+2, "b"))
-                       {
-                               InstallUILevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC;
-                       }
-                       else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i]+2, "r"))
-                       {
-                               InstallUILevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_REDUCED;
-                       }
-                       else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i]+2, "f"))
-                       {
-                               InstallUILevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_FULL|INSTALLUILEVEL_ENDDIALOG;
-                       }
-                       else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i]+2, "n+"))
-                       {
-                               InstallUILevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE|INSTALLUILEVEL_ENDDIALOG;
-                       }
-                       else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i]+2, "b+"))
-                       {
-                               InstallUILevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC|INSTALLUILEVEL_ENDDIALOG;
-                       }
-                       else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i]+2, "b-"))
-                       {
-                               InstallUILevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC|INSTALLUILEVEL_PROGRESSONLY;
-                       }
-                       else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i]+2, "b+!"))
-                       {
-                               InstallUILevel = INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC|INSTALLUILEVEL_ENDDIALOG;
-                               WINE_FIXME("Unknown modifier: !\n");
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option \"%s\" for UI level\n", argv[i]+2);
-                       }
-                       retInstallUILevel = MsiSetInternalUI(InstallUILevel, NULL);
-                       if(retInstallUILevel == INSTALLUILEVEL_NOCHANGE)
-                       {
-                               fprintf(stderr, "Setting the UI level to 0x%x failed.\n", InstallUILevel);
-                               ExitProcess(1);
-                       }
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/y"))
-               {
-                       FunctionDllRegisterServer = TRUE;
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       DllName = argv[i];
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/z"))
-               {
-                       FunctionDllUnregisterServer = TRUE;
-                       i++;
-                       if(i >= argc)
-                               ShowUsage(1);
-                       WINE_TRACE("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
-                       DllName = argv[i];
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/h") || !lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/?"))
-               {
-                       ShowUsage(0);
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/m"))
-               {
-                       FunctionUnknown = TRUE;
-                       WINE_FIXME("Unknown parameter /m\n");
-               }
-               else if(!lstrcmpiA(argv[i], "/D"))
-               {
-                       FunctionUnknown = TRUE;
-                       WINE_FIXME("Unknown parameter /D\n");
-               }
-               else if(strchr(argv[i], '='))
-               {
-                       StringListAppend(&Properties, argv[i]);
-                       StringListAppend(&Properties, " ");
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       FunctionInstall = TRUE;
-                       GotProductCode = GetProductCode(argv[i], &PackageName, &ProductCode);
-               }
-       }
-       StringCompareRemoveLast(Properties, ' ');
-       StringCompareRemoveLast(Transforms, ';');
-       if(FunctionInstallAdmin && FunctionPatch)
-               FunctionInstall = FALSE;
-       if(FunctionInstall)
-       {
-               if(GotProductCode)
-               {
-                       WINE_FIXME("Product code treatment not implemented yet\n");
-                       ExitProcess(1);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       if(MsiInstallProductA(PackageName, Properties) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-                       {
-                               fprintf(stderr, "Installation of %s (%s) failed.\n", PackageName, Properties);
-                               ExitProcess(1);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       else if(FunctionRepair)
-       {
-               if(GotProductCode)
-               {
-                       WINE_FIXME("Product code treatment not implemented yet\n");
-                       ExitProcess(1);
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                       if(MsiReinstallProductA(PackageName, RepairMode) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-                       {
-                               fprintf(stderr, "Repair of %s (0x%08lx) failed.\n", PackageName, RepairMode);
-                               ExitProcess(1);
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       else if(FunctionAdvertise)
-       {
-               if(MsiAdvertiseProductA(PackageName, (LPSTR) AdvertiseMode, Transforms, Language) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-               {
-                       fprintf(stderr, "Advertising of %s (%lu, %s, 0x%04x) failed.\n", PackageName, AdvertiseMode, Transforms, Language);
-                       ExitProcess(1);
-               }
-       }
-       else if(FunctionPatch)
-       {
-               if(MsiApplyPatchA(PatchFileName, PackageName, InstallType, Properties) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-               {
-                       fprintf(stderr, "Patching with %s (%s, %d, %s)\n", PatchFileName, PackageName, InstallType, Properties);
-                       ExitProcess(1);
-               }
-       }
-       else if(FunctionDllRegisterServer)
-       {
-               DllRegisterServer(DllName);
-       }
-       else if(FunctionDllUnregisterServer)
-       {
-               DllUnregisterServer(DllName);
-       }
-       else if (FunctionRegServer)
-       {
-               WINE_FIXME( "/regserver not implemented yet, ignoring\n" );
-       }
-       else if (FunctionUnregServer)
-       {
-               WINE_FIXME( "/unregserver not implemented yet, ignoring\n" );
-       }
-       else if (FunctionUnknown)
-       {
-               WINE_FIXME( "Unknown function, ignoring\n" );
-       }
-       else
-               ShowUsage(1);
-       return 0;
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/msiexec.h b/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/msiexec.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5f9b899..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * Msiexec (msiexec.h)
- *
- * Copyright 2004 Vincent Béron
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- */
diff --git a/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/version.rc b/reactos/subsys/system/msiexec/version.rc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 64be137..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2004 Mike McCormack
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- */
-#define WINE_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Wine Installer"
-#define WINE_FILENAME_STR "msiexec.exe"
-#define WINE_FILEVERSION 2,0,2600,1183
-#define WINE_FILEVERSION_STR "2.0.2600.1183"
-#define WINE_PRODUCTVERSION 2,0,2600,1183
-#define WINE_PRODUCTVERSION_STR "2.0.2600.1183"
-#define WINE_PRODUCTNAME_STR "Wine Installer"
-#include "wine/wine_common_ver.rc"