First shot at ip lib test app.
authorArt Yerkes <>
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 04:26:00 +0000 (04:26 +0000)
committerArt Yerkes <>
Mon, 4 Oct 2004 04:26:00 +0000 (04:26 +0000)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=11178

reactos/apps/tests/iptest/iptest.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
reactos/apps/tests/iptest/makefile [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/reactos/apps/tests/iptest/iptest.cpp b/reactos/apps/tests/iptest/iptest.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e442060
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+extern "C" {
+    typedef unsigned short u_short;
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <ddk/tdi.h>
+#include <ddk/tdikrnl.h>
+#include <ddk/tdiinfo.h>
+#include <ddk/ndis.h>
+#include <titypes.h>
+#include <ip.h>
+#include <tcp.h>
+#include <receive.h>
+#include <lan.h>
+#include <routines.h>
+/* Undis */
+extern "C" VOID ExpInitLookasideLists();
+std::list<std::string> output_packets;
+DWORD DebugTraceLevel = 0x7fffffff;
+PVOID GlobalBufferPool, GlobalPacketPool;
+#define MAX_DG_SIZE 16384
+char hwaddr[6] = { 0x08, 0x00, 0x20, 0x0b, 0xb7, 0xbb };
+char hdr[14] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
+                0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+                0x08, 0x00 };
+#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
+void display_row( char *data, int off, int len ) {
+    int i;
+    printf( "%08x:", off );
+    for( i = off; i < len && i < off + 16; i++ ) {
+       printf( " %02x", data[i] & 0xff );
+    }
+    printf( " -- " );
+    for( i = off; i < len && i < off + 16; i++ ) {
+       printf( "%c", (data[i] >= ' ') ? data[i] : '.' );
+    }
+    printf( "\n" );
+void connect_complete( void *context, NTSTATUS status, unsigned long count ) {
+    printf( "Connection: status %x\n", status );
+void receive_complete( void *context, NTSTATUS status, unsigned long count ) {
+    printf( "Receive: status %s (bytes %d)\n", status, count );
+    if( !status && count ) {
+       for( int off = 0; off < count; off += 16 ) {
+           display_row( (char *)context, off, count );
+       }
+       printf( "\n" );
+    }
+class SocketObject {
+    virtual ~SocketObject() { }
+    virtual int send( char *buf, int len, int *bytes, 
+                     struct sockaddr_in *si ) = 0;
+    virtual int recv( char *buf, int len, int *bytes,
+                     struct sockaddr_in *si ) = 0;
+UINT TdiAddressSizeFromType( UINT AddressType ) {
+    switch( AddressType ) {
+       return sizeof(TA_IP_ADDRESS);
+    default:
+       KeBugCheck( 0 );
+    }
+    return 0;
+NTSTATUS TdiBuildNullConnectionInfoInPlace
+  ULONG Type ) 
+ * FUNCTION: Builds a NULL TDI connection information structure
+ *     ConnectionInfo = Address of buffer to place connection information
+ *     Type           = TDI style address type (TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_XXX).
+ *     Status of operation
+ */
+  ULONG TdiAddressSize;
+  TdiAddressSize = TdiAddressSizeFromType(Type);
+  RtlZeroMemory(ConnInfo,
+               sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION) +
+               TdiAddressSize);
+  ConnInfo->OptionsLength = sizeof(ULONG);
+  ConnInfo->RemoteAddressLength = 0;
+  ConnInfo->RemoteAddress = NULL;
+NTSTATUS TdiBuildNullConnectionInfo
+  ULONG Type )
+ * FUNCTION: Builds a NULL TDI connection information structure
+ *     ConnectionInfo = Address of buffer pointer to allocate connection 
+ *                      information in
+ *     Type           = TDI style address type (TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_XXX).
+ *     Status of operation
+ */
+  ULONG TdiAddressSize;
+  NTSTATUS Status;
+  TdiAddressSize = TdiAddressSizeFromType(Type);
+    ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool,
+                  sizeof(TDI_CONNECTION_INFORMATION) +
+                  TdiAddressSize);
+  if (!ConnInfo)
+  Status = TdiBuildNullConnectionInfoInPlace( ConnInfo, Type );
+  if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) 
+      ExFreePool( ConnInfo );
+  else
+      *ConnectionInfo = ConnInfo;
+  ConnInfo->RemoteAddress = (PTA_ADDRESS)&ConnInfo[1];
+  ConnInfo->RemoteAddressLength = TdiAddressSize;
+  return Status;
+UINT TaLengthOfTransportAddress( PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS Addr ) {
+    UINT AddrLen = 2 * sizeof( ULONG ) + Addr->Address[0].AddressLength;
+    printf("AddrLen %x\n", AddrLen);
+    return AddrLen;
+  PTA_ADDRESS Address ) {
+    RtlCopyMemory( ConnectionInfo->RemoteAddress,
+                  Address, 
+                  ConnectionInfo->RemoteAddressLength );
+    return Status;
+  PTA_ADDRESS Address ) {
+  NTSTATUS Status = TdiBuildNullConnectionInfo( ConnectionInfo,
+                                               Address->AddressType );
+  if( NT_SUCCESS(Status) )
+      TdiBuildConnectionInfoInPlace( *ConnectionInfo, Address );
+  return Status;
+class TCPSocketObject : public SocketObject {
+    TCPSocketObject( std::string host, int port, NTSTATUS *status ) {
+       TA_IP_ADDRESS ConnectTo;
+       ConnectTo.TAAddressCount = 1;
+       ConnectTo.Address[0].AddressLength = sizeof(TDI_ADDRESS_IP);
+       ConnectTo.Address[0].AddressType = TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP;
+       ConnectTo.Address[0].Address[0].sin_port = htons(port);
+       ConnectTo.Address[0].Address[0].in_addr = 0x6a020a0a;
+       TdiBuildConnectionInfo( &ConnInfo, (PTA_ADDRESS)&ConnectTo );
+       Connection = TCPAllocateConnectionEndpoint( NULL );
+       *status = TCPSocket( Connection, 
+                            AF_INET,
+                            SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP );
+       if( !*status ) 
+           *status = TCPConnect( Connection,
+                                 ConnInfo,
+                                 NULL,
+                                 connect_complete,
+                                 NULL );
+    }
+    ~TCPSocketObject() {
+       TCPClose( Connection );
+       if( Connection ) TCPFreeConnectionEndpoint( Connection );
+    }
+    int send( char *buf, int len, int *bytes, struct sockaddr_in *si ) {
+       if( Connection )
+           Status = TCPSendData( Connection, 
+                                 buf,
+                                 len,
+                                 (PULONG)bytes,
+                                 0 );
+       return Status;
+    }
+    int recv( char *buf, int len, int *bytes, struct sockaddr_in *si ) {
+       if( Connection )
+           Status = TCPSendData( Connection, 
+                                 buf,
+                                 len,
+                                 (PULONG)bytes,
+                                 0 );
+       return Status;
+    }
+VOID SendPacket( PVOID Context, 
+                PNDIS_PACKET NdisPacket, 
+                UINT Offset, 
+                PVOID LinkAddress,
+                USHORT Type ) {
+    PCHAR DataOut;
+    PUCHAR Addr = (PUCHAR)LinkAddress;
+    UINT Size;
+    std::string output_packet;
+    printf( "Sending packet: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", 
+           Addr[0], Addr[1], Addr[2], Addr[3], Addr[4], Addr[5] );
+    GetDataPtr( NdisPacket, Offset, &DataOut, &Size );
+    for( int off = 0; off < Size; off += 16 ) {
+       display_row( DataOut, off, Size );
+    }
+    printf( "\n" );
+    output_packet += std::string( hwaddr, sizeof(hwaddr) );
+    output_packet += std::string( (char *)LinkAddress, sizeof(hwaddr) );
+    output_packet += (char)(Type >> 8);
+    output_packet += (char)Type;
+    output_packet += std::string( DataOut + Offset, Size - Offset );
+    output_packets.push_back( output_packet );
+#if 0
+UINT CopyBufferToBufferChain
+( PNDIS_BUFFER DstBuffer, UINT DstOffset, PCHAR SrcData, UINT Length ) {
+    assert( 0 );
+int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
+    int asock = INVALID_SOCKET, selret, dgrecv, fromsize, err, port = 5001;
+    int bytes, adapter_id, mtu, speed;
+    char datagram[MAX_DG_SIZE];
+    struct fd_set readf;
+    struct timeval tv;
+    struct sockaddr_in addr_from = { AF_INET }, addr_to;
+    std::string word, cmdin, host;
+    std::list<std::string>::iterator i;
+    WSADATA wsadata;
+    NTSTATUS Status;
+    UNICODE_STRING RegistryUnicodePath;
+    PIP_INTERFACE Interface;
+    IP_PACKET IPPacket;
+    LLIP_BIND_INFO BindInfo;
+    SocketObject *S = NULL;
+    RtlInitUnicodeString
+       ( &RegistryUnicodePath, 
+         L"\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"
+         L"\\Tcpip" );
+    ExpInitLookasideLists();
+    WSAStartup( 0x101, &wsadata );
+    if( argc > 1 ) port = atoi(argv[1]);
+    IPStartup( &RegistryUnicodePath );
+    BindInfo.Context = NULL;
+    BindInfo.HeaderSize = sizeof(ETH_HEADER);
+    BindInfo.MTU = 1500; /* MTU for ethernet */
+    BindInfo.Address = (PUCHAR)hwaddr;
+    BindInfo.AddressLength = sizeof(hwaddr);
+    BindInfo.Transmit = SendPacket;
+    IPCreateInterface( &BindInfo );
+    asock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );
+    addr_from.sin_port = htons( port );
+    if( bind( asock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr_from, sizeof( addr_from ) ) ) {
+       printf( "Bind error\n" );
+       return 0;
+    }
+    while( true ) {
+       FD_ZERO( &readf );
+       FD_SET( asock, &readf );
+       tv.tv_sec = 0; 
+       tv.tv_usec = 10000;
+       selret = select( asock + 1, &readf, NULL, NULL, &tv );
+       if( FD_ISSET( asock, &readf ) ) {
+           fromsize = sizeof( addr_from );
+           dgrecv = recvfrom( asock, datagram, sizeof(datagram), 0,
+                              (struct sockaddr *)&addr_from, &fromsize );
+           if( datagram[0] == 'C' && datagram[1] == 'M' &&
+               datagram[2] == 'D' && datagram[3] == ' ' ) {
+               int theport, bytes, recvret, off, bytin;
+               struct sockaddr_in nam;
+               std::string faddr, word;
+               std::istringstream 
+                   cmdin( std::string( datagram + 4, dgrecv - 4 ) );
+               cmdin >> word;
+/* UDP Section */
+               if( word == "udpsocket" ) {
+/* TCP Section */              
+               } else if( word == "tcpsocket" ) {
+                   cmdin >> host >> port;
+                   S = new TCPSocketObject( host, port, &Status );
+                   fprintf( stderr, "Socket: Result %x\n", Status );
+               } else if( word == "close" ) {
+                   TCPClose( Connection );
+                   TCPFreeConnectionEndpoint( Connection );
+               } else if( word == "type" ) {
+                   std::string therest = &cmdin.str()[word.size()];
+                   char* p = &therest[0];
+                   p += strspn ( p, " \t" );
+                   char* src = p;
+                   char* dst = p;
+                   while ( *src )
+                   {
+                       char c = *src++;
+                       if ( c == '\r' || c == '\n' ) break;
+                       if ( c == '\\' )
+                       {
+                           c = *src++;
+                           switch ( c )
+                           {
+                           case 'b': c = '\b'; break;
+                           case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
+                           case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
+                           case 't': c = '\t'; break;
+                           case 'v': c = '\v'; break;
+                           }
+                       }
+                       *dst++ = c;
+                   }
+                   *dst = '\0';
+                   if( S ) 
+                       err = S->send( p, strlen(p), &bytes, NULL );
+                   if( err > 0 ) { bytin = err; err = 0; }
+                   if( err ) 
+                       fprintf ( stderr, "OskitTCPConnect: error %d\n", 
+                                 err );
+                   else {
+                       printf ( "wrote %d bytes\n", bytin );
+                   }               
+               } else if( word == "send" ) {
+                   off = 0;
+                   while( cmdin >> word ) {
+                       datagram[off++] = 
+                           atoi( (std::string("0x") + word).c_str() );
+                   }
+                   if( (err = S->send( datagram, off, &bytin, NULL )) != 0 ) {
+                       fprintf( stderr, "OskitTCPConnect: error %d\n", err );
+                   } else {
+                       printf( "wrote %d bytes\n", bytin );
+                   }
+               } else if( word == "recv" ) {
+                   cmdin >> bytes;
+                   if( (err = S->recv( datagram, 
+                                       sizeof(datagram),
+                                       &bytes, 
+                                       NULL )) != 0 ) {
+                       fprintf( stderr, "OskitTCPRecv: error %d\n", err );
+                   }
+/* Misc section */
+               } else if( word == "end" ) {
+                   return 0;
+               }
+           } else if( dgrecv > 14 ) {
+               addr_to = addr_from;
+               if( datagram[12] == 8 && datagram[13] == 6 ) {
+                   /* Answer arp query */
+                   char laddr[4];
+                   /* Mark patch as to the previous sender */
+                   memcpy( datagram + 32, datagram + 6, 6 );
+                   memcpy( datagram, datagram + 6, 6 );
+                   /* Mark packet as from us */
+                   memcpy( datagram + 22, hwaddr, 6 );
+                   memcpy( datagram + 6, hwaddr, 6 );
+                   /* Swap inet addresses */
+                   memcpy( laddr, datagram + 28, 4 );
+                   memcpy( datagram + 28, datagram + 38, 4 );
+                   memcpy( datagram + 38, laddr, 4 );
+                   /* Set reply opcode */
+                   datagram[21] = 2;
+                   err = sendto( asock, datagram, dgrecv, 0,
+                                 (struct sockaddr *)&addr_to, 
+                                 sizeof(addr_to) );
+                   if( err != 0 )
+                       printf( "sendto: %d\n", err );
+               } else {
+                   memcpy( hdr, datagram + 6, 6 );
+                   memcpy( hdr + 6, datagram, 6 );
+                   memcpy( hdr + 12, datagram + 12, 2 );
+                   IPPacket.Header = datagram;
+                   IPPacket.Data = datagram + 14;
+                   IPPacket.TotalSize = dgrecv;
+                   IPReceive( Interface, &IPPacket );
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       IPTimeout(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+       for( i = output_packets.begin(); i != output_packets.end(); i++ ) {
+           err = sendto( asock, i->c_str(), i->size(), 0, 
+                         (struct sockaddr *)&addr_to, sizeof(addr_to) );
+           fprintf( stderr, "** SENDING PACKET %d bytes **\n", i->size() );
+           if( err != 0 )
+               printf( "sendto: %d\n", err );
+       }
+       output_packets.clear();
+    }
diff --git a/reactos/apps/tests/iptest/makefile b/reactos/apps/tests/iptest/makefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..190e5af
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# $Id: makefile,v 1.1 2004/10/04 04:26:00 arty Exp $
+PATH_TO_TOP = ../../..
+TARGET_TYPE = program
+TARGET_NAME = iptest
+TARGET_SDKLIBS = ws2_32.a ip.a oskittcp.a undis.a ntdll.a 
+TARGET_OBJECTS = iptest.o
+TARGET_CPPFLAGS =  -I$(PATH_TO_TOP)/drivers/lib/oskittcp/include -I$(PATH_TO_TOP)/w32api/include -I$(PATH_TO_TOP)/include -I$(PATH_TO_TOP)/drivers/net/tcpip/include -g
+include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak
+include $(TOOLS_PATH)/
+# EOF