authorHermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito@reactos.org>
Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:02:19 +0000 (01:02 +0000)
committerHermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito@reactos.org>
Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:02:19 +0000 (01:02 +0000)
Import WMIC ("Windows Management Instrumentation Console") from Wine 1.7.5 (just released yesterday, 25/10/2013), in which we include only the necessary headers.
Sync up README.WINE too.
WMIC is needed (amongst other things) for retrieving the date of the build when configuring a new build using RosBE. Dedicated to Sylvain Petreolle and Amine Khaldi.

svn path=/trunk/; revision=60748

reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/CMakeLists.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.c [new file with mode: 0644]
reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.h [new file with mode: 0644]
reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.rc [new file with mode: 0644]

index e6f7394..a64f6ad 100644 (file)
@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ add_subdirectory(lodctr)
diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/CMakeLists.txt b/reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e30508b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+add_executable(wmic wmic.c wmic.rc)
+target_link_libraries(wmic wine)
+set_module_type(wmic win32cui UNICODE)
+add_importlibs(wmic oleaut32 ole32 user32 msvcrt kernel32 ntdll)
+add_cd_file(TARGET wmic DESTINATION reactos/system32 FOR all)
diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.c b/reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8f6b61b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ * Copyright 2010 Louis Lenders
+ * Copyright 2012 Hans Leidekker for CodeWeavers
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <windef.h>
+#include <winbase.h>
+#include <wincon.h>
+#include <ocidl.h>
+#include <initguid.h>
+#include "objidl.h"
+#include "wbemcli.h"
+#include <wine/debug.h>
+#include <wine/unicode.h>
+#include "wmic.h"
+static const WCHAR biosW[] =
+    {'b','i','o','s',0};
+static const WCHAR computersystemW[] =
+    {'c','o','m','p','u','t','e','r','s','y','s','t','e','m',0};
+static const WCHAR cpuW[] =
+    {'c','p','u',0};
+static const WCHAR logicaldiskW[] =
+    {'L','o','g','i','c','a','l','D','i','s','k',0};
+static const WCHAR nicW[] =
+    {'n','i','c',0};
+static const WCHAR osW[] =
+    {'o','s',0};
+static const WCHAR processW[] =
+    {'p','r','o','c','e','s','s',0};
+static const WCHAR win32_biosW[] =
+    {'W','i','n','3','2','_','B','I','O','S',0};
+static const WCHAR win32_computersystemW[] =
+    {'W','i','n','3','2','_','C','o','m','p','u','t','e','r','S','y','s','t','e','m',0};
+static const WCHAR win32_logicaldiskW[] =
+    {'W','i','n','3','2','_','L','o','g','i','c','a','l','D','i','s','k',0};
+static const WCHAR win32_networkadapterW[] =
+    {'W','i','n','3','2','_','N','e','t','w','o','r','k','A','d','a','p','t','e','r',0};
+static const WCHAR win32_operatingsystemW[] =
+    {'W','i','n','3','2','_','O','p','e','r','a','t','i','n','g','S','y','s','t','e','m',0};
+static const WCHAR win32_processW[] =
+    {'W','i','n','3','2','_','P','r','o','c','e','s','s',0};
+static const WCHAR win32_processorW[] =
+    {'W','i','n','3','2','_','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r',0};
+static const struct
+    const WCHAR *alias;
+    const WCHAR *class;
+alias_map[] =
+    { biosW, win32_biosW },
+    { computersystemW, win32_computersystemW },
+    { cpuW, win32_processorW },
+    { logicaldiskW, win32_logicaldiskW },
+    { nicW, win32_networkadapterW },
+    { osW, win32_operatingsystemW },
+    { processW, win32_processW }
+static const WCHAR *find_class( const WCHAR *alias )
+    unsigned int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(alias_map)/sizeof(alias_map[0]); i++)
+    {
+        if (!strcmpiW( alias, alias_map[i].alias )) return alias_map[i].class;
+    }
+    return NULL;
+static inline WCHAR *strdupW( const WCHAR *src )
+    WCHAR *dst;
+    if (!src) return NULL;
+    if (!(dst = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (strlenW( src ) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL;
+    strcpyW( dst, src );
+    return dst;
+static WCHAR *find_prop( IWbemClassObject *class, const WCHAR *prop )
+    SAFEARRAY *sa;
+    WCHAR *ret = NULL;
+    LONG i, last_index = 0;
+    BSTR str;
+    if (IWbemClassObject_GetNames( class, NULL, WBEM_FLAG_ALWAYS, NULL, &sa ) != S_OK) return NULL;
+    SafeArrayGetUBound( sa, 1, &last_index );
+    for (i = 0; i <= last_index; i++)
+    {
+        SafeArrayGetElement( sa, &i, &str );
+        if (!strcmpiW( str, prop ))
+        {
+            ret = strdupW( str );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    SafeArrayDestroy( sa );
+    return ret;
+static int output_string( const WCHAR *msg, ... )
+    va_list va_args;
+    int wlen;
+    DWORD count, ret;
+    WCHAR buffer[8192];
+    va_start( va_args, msg );
+    vsprintfW( buffer, msg, va_args );
+    va_end( va_args );
+    wlen = strlenW( buffer );
+    ret = WriteConsoleW( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), buffer, wlen, &count, NULL );
+    if (!ret)
+    {
+        DWORD len;
+        char *msgA;
+        /* On Windows WriteConsoleW() fails if the output is redirected. So fall
+         * back to WriteFile(), assuming the console encoding is still the right
+         * one in that case.
+         */
+        len = WideCharToMultiByte( GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, buffer, wlen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
+        if (!(msgA = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(char) ))) return 0;
+        WideCharToMultiByte( GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, buffer, wlen, msgA, len, NULL, NULL );
+        WriteFile( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), msgA, len, &count, FALSE );
+        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, msgA );
+    }
+    return count;
+static int output_message( int msg )
+    static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','s',0};
+    WCHAR buffer[8192];
+    LoadStringW( GetModuleHandleW(NULL), msg, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(WCHAR) );
+    return output_string( fmtW, buffer );
+static int query_prop( const WCHAR *alias, const WCHAR *propname )
+    static const WCHAR select_allW[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ',0};
+    static const WCHAR cimv2W[] = {'R','O','O','T','\\','C','I','M','V','2',0};
+    static const WCHAR wqlW[] = {'W','Q','L',0};
+    static const WCHAR newlineW[] = {'\n',0};
+    static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','s','\n',0};
+    HRESULT hr;
+    IWbemLocator *locator = NULL;
+    IWbemServices *services = NULL;
+    IEnumWbemClassObject *result = NULL;
+    BSTR path = NULL, wql = NULL, query = NULL;
+    const WCHAR *class;
+    WCHAR *prop = NULL;
+    BOOL first = TRUE;
+    int len, ret = -1;
+    WINE_TRACE("%s, %s\n", debugstr_w(alias), debugstr_w(propname));
+    if (!(class = find_class( alias )))
+    {
+        output_message( STRING_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    CoInitialize( NULL );
+    CoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT,
+                          RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE, NULL );
+    hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_WbemLocator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IWbemLocator,
+                           (void **)&locator );
+    if (hr != S_OK) goto done;
+    if (!(path = SysAllocString( cimv2W ))) goto done;
+    hr = IWbemLocator_ConnectServer( locator, path, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &services );
+    if (hr != S_OK) goto done;
+    len = strlenW( class ) + sizeof(select_allW) / sizeof(select_allW[0]);
+    if (!(query = SysAllocStringLen( NULL, len ))) goto done;
+    strcpyW( query, select_allW );
+    strcatW( query, class );
+    if (!(wql = SysAllocString( wqlW ))) goto done;
+    hr = IWbemServices_ExecQuery( services, wql, query, flags, NULL, &result );
+    if (hr != S_OK) goto done;
+    for (;;)
+    {
+        IWbemClassObject *obj;
+        ULONG count;
+        VARIANT v;
+        IEnumWbemClassObject_Next( result, WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &obj, &count );
+        if (!count) break;
+        if (first)
+        {
+            if (!(prop = find_prop( obj, propname )))
+            {
+                output_message( STRING_INVALID_QUERY );
+                goto done;
+            }
+            output_string( fmtW, prop );
+            first = FALSE;
+        }
+        if (IWbemClassObject_Get( obj, prop, 0, &v, NULL, NULL ) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR)
+        {
+            VariantChangeType( &v, &v, 0, VT_BSTR );
+            output_string( fmtW, V_BSTR( &v ) );
+            VariantClear( &v );
+        }
+        IWbemClassObject_Release( obj );
+    }
+    output_string( newlineW );
+    ret = 0;
+    if (result) IEnumWbemClassObject_Release( result );
+    if (services) IWbemServices_Release( services );
+    if (locator) IWbemLocator_Release( locator );
+    SysFreeString( path );
+    SysFreeString( query );
+    SysFreeString( wql );
+    HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, prop );
+    CoUninitialize();
+    return ret;
+int wmain(int argc, WCHAR *argv[])
+    static const WCHAR getW[] = {'g','e','t',0};
+    if (argc != 4 || strcmpiW( argv[2], getW ))
+    {
+        output_message( STRING_CMDLINE_NOT_SUPPORTED );
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return query_prop( argv[1], argv[3] );
diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.h b/reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ee56d8e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * Copyright 2012 Hans Leidekker for CodeWeavers
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include <windef.h>
+#define STRING_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND          102
+#define STRING_INVALID_QUERY            103
diff --git a/reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.rc b/reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic/wmic.rc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d908790
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright 2012 Hans Leidekker for CodeWeavers
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include "wmic.h"
+    STRING_CMDLINE_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Error: Command line not supported\n"
+    STRING_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND, "Error: Alias not found\n"
+    STRING_INVALID_QUERY, "Error: Invalid query\n"
index 938a0b5..c6cec00 100644 (file)
@@ -225,19 +225,21 @@ reactos/dll/cpl/inetcpl            # Synced to Wine-1.3.21
 ReactOS shares the following programs with Winehq.
-reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/xcopy  # Synced to Wine-1.3.37
-reactos/base/applications/games/winmine   # Forked at Wine-1_3_5
-reactos/base/applications/extrac32        # Autosync
-reactos/base/applications/iexplore        # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
-reactos/base/applications/notepad         # Forked at Wine-20041201
-reactos/base/applications/reg             # Autosync
-reactos/base/applications/regedit         # Out of sync
-reactos/base/applications/winhlp32        # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
-reactos/base/applications/wordpad         # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
-reactos/base/services/rpcss               # Synced to Wine-1.7.1
-reactos/base/system/expand                # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
-reactos/base/system/msiexec               # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
-reactos/modules/rosapps/winfile           # Autosync
+reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/reg      # Synced to Wine-1.1.40
+reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/taskkill # Synced to Wine-1.5.25
+reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/wmic     # Synced to Wine-1.7.5
+reactos/base/applications/cmdutils/xcopy    # Synced to Wine-1.3.37
+reactos/base/applications/games/winmine     # Forked at Wine-1_3_5
+reactos/base/applications/extrac32          # Autosync
+reactos/base/applications/iexplore          # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
+reactos/base/applications/notepad           # Forked at Wine-20041201
+reactos/base/applications/regedit           # Out of sync
+reactos/base/applications/winhlp32          # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
+reactos/base/applications/wordpad           # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
+reactos/base/services/rpcss                 # Synced to Wine-1.7.1
+reactos/base/system/expand                  # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
+reactos/base/system/msiexec                 # Synced to Wine-1.5.26
+reactos/modules/rosapps/winfile             # Autosync
 In addition the following libs, dlls and source files are mostly based on code ported
 from Winehq CVS. If you are looking to update something in these files