authorHermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito@reactos.org>
Mon, 17 Feb 2014 22:20:03 +0000 (22:20 +0000)
committerHermès Bélusca-Maïto <hermes.belusca-maito@reactos.org>
Mon, 17 Feb 2014 22:20:03 +0000 (22:20 +0000)
- Remove an unneeded assignment (cmos.c)
- Reorganize BIOS code: put our 32-bit bios in a dedicated directory; start to introduce a way to load other bioses (WIP).

svn path=/branches/ntvdm/; revision=62235

subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/bios32.c [new file with mode: 0644]
subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/bios32.h [new file with mode: 0644]
subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/kbdbios32.c [moved from subsystems/ntvdm/bios/kbdbios.c with 97% similarity]
subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/kbdbios32.h [moved from subsystems/ntvdm/bios/kbdbios.h with 85% similarity]
subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/vidbios32.c [moved from subsystems/ntvdm/bios/vidbios.c with 99% similarity]
subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/vidbios32.h [moved from subsystems/ntvdm/bios/vidbios.h with 81% similarity]

index 1d18227..2784397 100644 (file)
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ include_directories(
 spec2def(ntvdm.exe ntvdm.spec)
+    bios/bios32/bios32.c
+    bios/bios32/kbdbios32.c
+    bios/bios32/vidbios32.c
-    bios/kbdbios.c
-    bios/vidbios.c
index 3ab1be5..b90a71f 100644 (file)
  * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
  * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
  * FILE:            bios.c
- * PURPOSE:         VDM BIOS
- * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM BIOS Support Library
+ * PROGRAMMERS:     Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr)
 /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
 #define NDEBUG
-#include "emulator.h"
 #include "bios.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "hardware/cmos.h"
-#include "hardware/pic.h"
-#include "hardware/timer.h"
-#include "int32.h"
 /* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/
+static BOOLEAN Bios32Loaded = FALSE;
 /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/
-static VOID WINAPI BiosException(LPWORD Stack)
-    /* Get the exception number and call the emulator API */
-    BYTE ExceptionNumber = LOBYTE(Stack[STACK_INT_NUM]);
-    EmulatorException(ExceptionNumber, Stack);
-static VOID WINAPI BiosEquipmentService(LPWORD Stack)
-    /* Return the equipment list */
-    setAX(Bda->EquipmentList);
-static VOID WINAPI BiosGetMemorySize(LPWORD Stack)
-    /* Return the conventional memory size in kB, typically 640 kB */
-    setAX(Bda->MemorySize);
-static VOID WINAPI BiosMiscService(LPWORD Stack)
-    switch (getAH())
-    {
-        /* Wait */
-        case 0x86:
-        {
-            /*
-             * Interval in microseconds in CX:DX
-             * See Ralf Brown: http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-1525.htm
-             * for more information.
-             */
-            Sleep(MAKELONG(getDX(), getCX()));
-            /* Clear CF */
-            Stack[STACK_FLAGS] &= ~EMULATOR_FLAG_CF;
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Copy Extended Memory */
-        case 0x87:
-        {
-            DWORD Count = (DWORD)getCX() * 2;
-            PFAST486_GDT_ENTRY Gdt = (PFAST486_GDT_ENTRY)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getES(), getSI());
-            DWORD SourceBase = Gdt[2].Base + (Gdt[2].BaseMid << 16) + (Gdt[2].BaseHigh << 24);
-            DWORD SourceLimit = Gdt[2].Limit + (Gdt[2].LimitHigh << 16);
-            DWORD DestBase = Gdt[3].Base + (Gdt[3].BaseMid << 16) + (Gdt[3].BaseHigh << 24);
-            DWORD DestLimit = Gdt[3].Limit + (Gdt[3].LimitHigh << 16);
-            /* Check for flags */
-            if (Gdt[2].Granularity) SourceLimit = (SourceLimit << 12) | 0xFFF;
-            if (Gdt[3].Granularity) DestLimit = (DestLimit << 12) | 0xFFF;
-            if ((Count > SourceLimit) || (Count > DestLimit))
-            {
-                setAX(0x80);
-                Stack[STACK_FLAGS] |= EMULATOR_FLAG_CF;
-                break;
-            }
-            /* Copy */
-            RtlMoveMemory((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + DestBase),
-                          (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + SourceBase),
-                          Count);
-            setAX(ERROR_SUCCESS);
-            Stack[STACK_FLAGS] &= ~EMULATOR_FLAG_CF;
-            break;
-        }
-        /* Get Extended Memory Size */
-        case 0x88:
-        {
-            UCHAR Low, High;
-            /*
-             * Return the (usable) extended memory (after 1 MB)
-             * size in kB from CMOS.
-             */
-            Low  = IOReadB(CMOS_DATA_PORT);
-            High = IOReadB(CMOS_DATA_PORT);
-            setAX(MAKEWORD(Low, High));
-            /* Clear CF */
-            Stack[STACK_FLAGS] &= ~EMULATOR_FLAG_CF;
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-        {
-            DPRINT1("BIOS Function INT 15h, AH = 0x%02X NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",
-                    getAH());
-        }
-    }
-static VOID WINAPI BiosTimeService(LPWORD Stack)
-    switch (getAH())
-    {
-        case 0x00:
-        {
-            /* Set AL to 1 if midnight had passed, 0 otherwise */
-            setAL(Bda->MidnightPassed ? 0x01 : 0x00);
-            /* Return the tick count in CX:DX */
-            setCX(HIWORD(Bda->TickCounter));
-            setDX(LOWORD(Bda->TickCounter));
-            /* Reset the midnight flag */
-            Bda->MidnightPassed = FALSE;
-            break;
-        }
-        case 0x01:
-        {
-            /* Set the tick count to CX:DX */
-            Bda->TickCounter = MAKELONG(getDX(), getCX());
-            /* Reset the midnight flag */
-            Bda->MidnightPassed = FALSE;
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-        {
-            DPRINT1("BIOS Function INT 1Ah, AH = 0x%02X NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",
-                    getAH());
-        }
-    }
-static VOID WINAPI BiosSystemTimerInterrupt(LPWORD Stack)
-    /* Increase the system tick count */
-    Bda->TickCounter++;
-// From SeaBIOS
-static VOID PicSetIRQMask(USHORT off, USHORT on)
-    UCHAR pic1off = off, pic1on = on, pic2off = off>>8, pic2on = on>>8;
-    IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_DATA, (IOReadB(PIC_MASTER_DATA) & ~pic1off) | pic1on);
-    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , (IOReadB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA ) & ~pic2off) | pic2on);
-// From SeaBIOS
-    UCHAR vector;
-    PicSetIRQMask(1 << hwirq, 0);
-    if (hwirq < 8)
-        vector = BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT + hwirq;
-    else
-        vector = BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT  + hwirq - 8;
-    RegisterInt32(vector, func);
-VOID PicIRQComplete(LPWORD Stack)
-    /* Get the interrupt number */
-    BYTE IntNum = LOBYTE(Stack[STACK_INT_NUM]);
-    /*
-     * If this was a PIC IRQ, send an End-of-Interrupt to the PIC.
-     */
-    if (IntNum >= BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT && IntNum < BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT + 8)
-    {
-        /* It was an IRQ from the master PIC */
-    }
-    else if (IntNum >= BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT && IntNum < BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT + 8)
-    {
-        /* It was an IRQ from the slave PIC */
-        IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_CMD , PIC_OCW2_EOI);
-    }
-static VOID WINAPI BiosHandleMasterPicIRQ(LPWORD Stack)
-    BYTE IrqNumber;
-    IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_CMD, PIC_OCW3_READ_ISR /* == 0x0B */);
-    IrqNumber = IOReadB(PIC_MASTER_CMD);
-    DPRINT("Master - IrqNumber = 0x%x\n", IrqNumber);
-    PicIRQComplete(Stack);
-static VOID WINAPI BiosHandleSlavePicIRQ(LPWORD Stack)
-    BYTE IrqNumber;
-    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_CMD, PIC_OCW3_READ_ISR /* == 0x0B */);
-    IrqNumber = IOReadB(PIC_SLAVE_CMD);
-    DPRINT("Slave - IrqNumber = 0x%x\n", IrqNumber);
-    PicIRQComplete(Stack);
-// Timer IRQ 0
-static VOID WINAPI BiosTimerIrq(LPWORD Stack)
-    /*
-     * Perform the system timer interrupt.
-     *
-     * Do not call directly BiosSystemTimerInterrupt(Stack);
-     * because some programs may hook only BIOS_SYS_TIMER_INTERRUPT
-     * for their purpose...
-     */
-    EmulatorInterrupt(BIOS_SYS_TIMER_INTERRUPT);
-    PicIRQComplete(Stack);
-static VOID BiosHwSetup(VOID)
-    /* Initialize the master and the slave PICs (cascade mode) */
-    /*
-     * Set the interrupt vector offsets for each PIC
-     * (base IRQs: 0x08-0x0F for IRQ 0-7, 0x70-0x77 for IRQ 8-15)
-     */
-    /* Tell the master PIC that there is a slave PIC at IRQ 2 */
-    IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_DATA, 1 << 2);
-    /* Tell the slave PIC its cascade identity */
-    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , 2);
-    /* Make sure both PICs are in 8086 mode */
-    IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_DATA, PIC_ICW4_8086);
-    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , PIC_ICW4_8086);
-    /* Clear the masks for both PICs */
-    // IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_DATA, 0x00);
-    // IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , 0x00);
-    /* Disable all IRQs */
-    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , 0xFF);
-    /* Initialize PIT Counter 0 */
-    IOWriteB(PIT_COMMAND_PORT, 0x34);
-    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(0), 0x00);
-    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(0), 0x00);
-    /* Initialize PIT Counter 1 */
-    IOWriteB(PIT_COMMAND_PORT, 0x74);
-    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(1), 0x00);
-    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(1), 0x00);
-    /* Initialize PIT Counter 2 */
-    IOWriteB(PIT_COMMAND_PORT, 0xB4);
-    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(2), 0x00);
-    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(2), 0x00);
-    EnableHwIRQ(0, BiosTimerIrq);
 /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
- * The BIOS POST (Power On-Self Test)
- */
-BOOLEAN BiosInitialize(HANDLE ConsoleInput, HANDLE ConsoleOutput)
+BOOLEAN BiosInitialize(IN LPCWSTR BiosFileName,
+                       IN HANDLE  ConsoleInput,
+                       IN HANDLE  ConsoleOutput)
-    UCHAR Low, High;
-    UCHAR i;
-    /* Initialize the BDA */
-    Bda->EquipmentList = BIOS_EQUIPMENT_LIST;
-    /*
-     * Retrieve the conventional memory size
-     * in kB from CMOS, typically 640 kB.
-     */
-    Low  = IOReadB(CMOS_DATA_PORT);
-    High = IOReadB(CMOS_DATA_PORT);
-    Bda->MemorySize = MAKEWORD(Low, High);
-    /* Initialize the 32-bit Interrupt system */
-    InitializeInt32(BIOS_SEGMENT);
-    /* Register the BIOS 32-bit Interrupts */
-    /* Initialize the exception vector interrupts to a default Exception handler */
-    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-        RegisterInt32(i, BiosException);
-    /* Initialize HW vector interrupts to a default HW handler */
-    for (i = BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT; i < BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT + 8; i++)
-        RegisterInt32(i, BiosHandleMasterPicIRQ);
-    for (i = BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT ; i < BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT  + 8; i++)
-        RegisterInt32(i, BiosHandleSlavePicIRQ);
-    /* Initialize software vector handlers */
-    RegisterInt32(BIOS_EQUIPMENT_INTERRUPT, BiosEquipmentService    );
-    RegisterInt32(BIOS_MEMORY_SIZE        , BiosGetMemorySize       );
-    RegisterInt32(BIOS_MISC_INTERRUPT     , BiosMiscService         );
-    RegisterInt32(BIOS_TIME_INTERRUPT     , BiosTimeService         );
-    RegisterInt32(BIOS_SYS_TIMER_INTERRUPT, BiosSystemTimerInterrupt);
-    /* Some interrupts are in fact addresses to tables */
-    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x1E] = (DWORD)NULL;
-    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x41] = (DWORD)NULL;
-    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x46] = (DWORD)NULL;
-    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x48] = (DWORD)NULL;
-    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x49] = (DWORD)NULL;
-    /* Initialize platform hardware (PIC/PIT chips, ...) */
-    BiosHwSetup();
-    /* Initialize the Keyboard BIOS */
-    if (!KbdBiosInitialize(ConsoleInput)) return FALSE;
-    /* Set the console input mode */
-    /* Initialize the Video BIOS */
-    if (!VidBiosInitialize(ConsoleOutput)) return FALSE;
-    return TRUE;
+    Bios32Loaded = Bios32Initialize(ConsoleInput, ConsoleOutput);
+    return Bios32Loaded;
 VOID BiosCleanup(VOID)
-    VidBiosCleanup();
-    KbdBiosCleanup();
+    if (Bios32Loaded) Bios32Cleanup();
 /* EOF */
index cd0df09..93e8660 100644 (file)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
  * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
  * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
  * FILE:            bios.h
- * PURPOSE:         VDM BIOS
- * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM BIOS Support Library
+ * PROGRAMMERS:     Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr)
 #ifndef _BIOS_H_
 /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
 #include "ntvdm.h"
-#include "kbdbios.h"
-#include "vidbios.h"
+#include "bios32/bios32.h"
 /* DEFINES ********************************************************************/
 #define ROM_AREA_START  0xE0000
 #define ROM_AREA_END    0xFFFFF
+#if 0
 #define BDA_SEGMENT     0x40
 #define BIOS_SEGMENT    0xF000
-#define BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT 0x08
-#define BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT  0x70
-#define BIOS_MEMORY_SIZE            0x12
-#define BIOS_MISC_INTERRUPT         0x15
-#define BIOS_TIME_INTERRUPT         0x1A
-#define BIOS_EQUIPMENT_LIST     0x2C // HACK: Disable FPU for now
  * BIOS Data Area at 0040:XXXX
@@ -112,16 +102,15 @@ typedef struct
 C_ASSERT(sizeof(BIOS_DATA_AREA) == 0x133);
 /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/
 extern PBIOS_DATA_AREA Bda;
-/**HACK!!**/typedef VOID (WINAPI *EMULATOR_INT32_PROC)(LPWORD Stack);/**HACK!!**/
-VOID PicIRQComplete(LPWORD Stack);
-BOOLEAN BiosInitialize(HANDLE ConsoleInput, HANDLE ConsoleOutput);
+BOOLEAN BiosInitialize(IN LPCWSTR BiosFileName,
+                       IN HANDLE  ConsoleInput,
+                       IN HANDLE  ConsoleOutput);
 VOID BiosCleanup(VOID);
 #endif // _BIOS_H_
diff --git a/subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/bios32.c b/subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/bios32.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e375367
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+ * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
+ * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
+ * FILE:            bios32.c
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM 32-bit BIOS
+ * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
+ */
+/* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
+#define NDEBUG
+#include "emulator.h"
+#include "bios32.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include "hardware/cmos.h"
+#include "hardware/pic.h"
+#include "hardware/timer.h"
+#include "int32.h"
+/* PRIVATE VARIABLES **********************************************************/
+/* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/
+static VOID WINAPI BiosException(LPWORD Stack)
+    /* Get the exception number and call the emulator API */
+    BYTE ExceptionNumber = LOBYTE(Stack[STACK_INT_NUM]);
+    EmulatorException(ExceptionNumber, Stack);
+static VOID WINAPI BiosEquipmentService(LPWORD Stack)
+    /* Return the equipment list */
+    setAX(Bda->EquipmentList);
+static VOID WINAPI BiosGetMemorySize(LPWORD Stack)
+    /* Return the conventional memory size in kB, typically 640 kB */
+    setAX(Bda->MemorySize);
+static VOID WINAPI BiosMiscService(LPWORD Stack)
+    switch (getAH())
+    {
+        /* Wait */
+        case 0x86:
+        {
+            /*
+             * Interval in microseconds in CX:DX
+             * See Ralf Brown: http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-1525.htm
+             * for more information.
+             */
+            Sleep(MAKELONG(getDX(), getCX()));
+            /* Clear CF */
+            Stack[STACK_FLAGS] &= ~EMULATOR_FLAG_CF;
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Copy Extended Memory */
+        case 0x87:
+        {
+            DWORD Count = (DWORD)getCX() * 2;
+            PFAST486_GDT_ENTRY Gdt = (PFAST486_GDT_ENTRY)SEG_OFF_TO_PTR(getES(), getSI());
+            DWORD SourceBase = Gdt[2].Base + (Gdt[2].BaseMid << 16) + (Gdt[2].BaseHigh << 24);
+            DWORD SourceLimit = Gdt[2].Limit + (Gdt[2].LimitHigh << 16);
+            DWORD DestBase = Gdt[3].Base + (Gdt[3].BaseMid << 16) + (Gdt[3].BaseHigh << 24);
+            DWORD DestLimit = Gdt[3].Limit + (Gdt[3].LimitHigh << 16);
+            /* Check for flags */
+            if (Gdt[2].Granularity) SourceLimit = (SourceLimit << 12) | 0xFFF;
+            if (Gdt[3].Granularity) DestLimit = (DestLimit << 12) | 0xFFF;
+            if ((Count > SourceLimit) || (Count > DestLimit))
+            {
+                setAX(0x80);
+                Stack[STACK_FLAGS] |= EMULATOR_FLAG_CF;
+                break;
+            }
+            /* Copy */
+            RtlMoveMemory((PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + DestBase),
+                          (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + SourceBase),
+                          Count);
+            setAX(ERROR_SUCCESS);
+            Stack[STACK_FLAGS] &= ~EMULATOR_FLAG_CF;
+            break;
+        }
+        /* Get Extended Memory Size */
+        case 0x88:
+        {
+            UCHAR Low, High;
+            /*
+             * Return the (usable) extended memory (after 1 MB)
+             * size in kB from CMOS.
+             */
+            Low  = IOReadB(CMOS_DATA_PORT);
+            High = IOReadB(CMOS_DATA_PORT);
+            setAX(MAKEWORD(Low, High));
+            /* Clear CF */
+            Stack[STACK_FLAGS] &= ~EMULATOR_FLAG_CF;
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+        {
+            DPRINT1("BIOS Function INT 15h, AH = 0x%02X NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",
+                    getAH());
+        }
+    }
+static VOID WINAPI BiosTimeService(LPWORD Stack)
+    switch (getAH())
+    {
+        case 0x00:
+        {
+            /* Set AL to 1 if midnight had passed, 0 otherwise */
+            setAL(Bda->MidnightPassed ? 0x01 : 0x00);
+            /* Return the tick count in CX:DX */
+            setCX(HIWORD(Bda->TickCounter));
+            setDX(LOWORD(Bda->TickCounter));
+            /* Reset the midnight flag */
+            Bda->MidnightPassed = FALSE;
+            break;
+        }
+        case 0x01:
+        {
+            /* Set the tick count to CX:DX */
+            Bda->TickCounter = MAKELONG(getDX(), getCX());
+            /* Reset the midnight flag */
+            Bda->MidnightPassed = FALSE;
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+        {
+            DPRINT1("BIOS Function INT 1Ah, AH = 0x%02X NOT IMPLEMENTED\n",
+                    getAH());
+        }
+    }
+static VOID WINAPI BiosSystemTimerInterrupt(LPWORD Stack)
+    /* Increase the system tick count */
+    Bda->TickCounter++;
+// From SeaBIOS
+static VOID PicSetIRQMask(USHORT off, USHORT on)
+    UCHAR pic1off = off, pic1on = on, pic2off = off>>8, pic2on = on>>8;
+    IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_DATA, (IOReadB(PIC_MASTER_DATA) & ~pic1off) | pic1on);
+    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , (IOReadB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA ) & ~pic2off) | pic2on);
+// From SeaBIOS
+    UCHAR vector;
+    PicSetIRQMask(1 << hwirq, 0);
+    if (hwirq < 8)
+        vector = BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT + hwirq;
+    else
+        vector = BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT  + hwirq - 8;
+    RegisterInt32(vector, func);
+VOID PicIRQComplete(LPWORD Stack)
+    /* Get the interrupt number */
+    BYTE IntNum = LOBYTE(Stack[STACK_INT_NUM]);
+    /*
+     * If this was a PIC IRQ, send an End-of-Interrupt to the PIC.
+     */
+    if (IntNum >= BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT && IntNum < BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT + 8)
+    {
+        /* It was an IRQ from the master PIC */
+    }
+    else if (IntNum >= BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT && IntNum < BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT + 8)
+    {
+        /* It was an IRQ from the slave PIC */
+        IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_CMD , PIC_OCW2_EOI);
+    }
+static VOID WINAPI BiosHandleMasterPicIRQ(LPWORD Stack)
+    BYTE IrqNumber;
+    IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_CMD, PIC_OCW3_READ_ISR /* == 0x0B */);
+    IrqNumber = IOReadB(PIC_MASTER_CMD);
+    DPRINT("Master - IrqNumber = 0x%x\n", IrqNumber);
+    PicIRQComplete(Stack);
+static VOID WINAPI BiosHandleSlavePicIRQ(LPWORD Stack)
+    BYTE IrqNumber;
+    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_CMD, PIC_OCW3_READ_ISR /* == 0x0B */);
+    IrqNumber = IOReadB(PIC_SLAVE_CMD);
+    DPRINT("Slave - IrqNumber = 0x%x\n", IrqNumber);
+    PicIRQComplete(Stack);
+// Timer IRQ 0
+static VOID WINAPI BiosTimerIrq(LPWORD Stack)
+    /*
+     * Perform the system timer interrupt.
+     *
+     * Do not call directly BiosSystemTimerInterrupt(Stack);
+     * because some programs may hook only BIOS_SYS_TIMER_INTERRUPT
+     * for their purpose...
+     */
+    EmulatorInterrupt(BIOS_SYS_TIMER_INTERRUPT);
+    PicIRQComplete(Stack);
+static VOID BiosHwSetup(VOID)
+    /* Initialize the master and the slave PICs (cascade mode) */
+    /*
+     * Set the interrupt vector offsets for each PIC
+     * (base IRQs: 0x08-0x0F for IRQ 0-7, 0x70-0x77 for IRQ 8-15)
+     */
+    /* Tell the master PIC that there is a slave PIC at IRQ 2 */
+    IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_DATA, 1 << 2);
+    /* Tell the slave PIC its cascade identity */
+    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , 2);
+    /* Make sure both PICs are in 8086 mode */
+    IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_DATA, PIC_ICW4_8086);
+    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , PIC_ICW4_8086);
+    /* Clear the masks for both PICs */
+    // IOWriteB(PIC_MASTER_DATA, 0x00);
+    // IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , 0x00);
+    /* Disable all IRQs */
+    IOWriteB(PIC_SLAVE_DATA , 0xFF);
+    /* Initialize PIT Counter 0 */
+    IOWriteB(PIT_COMMAND_PORT, 0x34);
+    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(0), 0x00);
+    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(0), 0x00);
+    /* Initialize PIT Counter 1 */
+    IOWriteB(PIT_COMMAND_PORT, 0x74);
+    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(1), 0x00);
+    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(1), 0x00);
+    /* Initialize PIT Counter 2 */
+    IOWriteB(PIT_COMMAND_PORT, 0xB4);
+    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(2), 0x00);
+    IOWriteB(PIT_DATA_PORT(2), 0x00);
+    EnableHwIRQ(0, BiosTimerIrq);
+/* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
+ * The BIOS POST (Power On-Self Test)
+ */
+BOOLEAN Bios32Initialize(IN HANDLE ConsoleInput,
+                         IN HANDLE ConsoleOutput)
+    UCHAR Low, High;
+    UCHAR i;
+    /* Initialize the BDA */
+    Bda->EquipmentList = BIOS_EQUIPMENT_LIST;
+    /*
+     * Retrieve the conventional memory size
+     * in kB from CMOS, typically 640 kB.
+     */
+    Low  = IOReadB(CMOS_DATA_PORT);
+    High = IOReadB(CMOS_DATA_PORT);
+    Bda->MemorySize = MAKEWORD(Low, High);
+    /* Initialize the 32-bit Interrupt system */
+    InitializeInt32(BIOS_SEGMENT);
+    /* Register the BIOS 32-bit Interrupts */
+    /* Initialize the exception vector interrupts to a default Exception handler */
+    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+        RegisterInt32(i, BiosException);
+    /* Initialize HW vector interrupts to a default HW handler */
+    for (i = BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT; i < BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT + 8; i++)
+        RegisterInt32(i, BiosHandleMasterPicIRQ);
+    for (i = BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT ; i < BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT  + 8; i++)
+        RegisterInt32(i, BiosHandleSlavePicIRQ);
+    /* Initialize software vector handlers */
+    RegisterInt32(BIOS_EQUIPMENT_INTERRUPT, BiosEquipmentService    );
+    RegisterInt32(BIOS_MEMORY_SIZE        , BiosGetMemorySize       );
+    RegisterInt32(BIOS_MISC_INTERRUPT     , BiosMiscService         );
+    RegisterInt32(BIOS_TIME_INTERRUPT     , BiosTimeService         );
+    RegisterInt32(BIOS_SYS_TIMER_INTERRUPT, BiosSystemTimerInterrupt);
+    /* Some interrupts are in fact addresses to tables */
+    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x1E] = (DWORD)NULL;
+    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x41] = (DWORD)NULL;
+    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x46] = (DWORD)NULL;
+    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x48] = (DWORD)NULL;
+    ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x49] = (DWORD)NULL;
+    /* Initialize platform hardware (PIC/PIT chips, ...) */
+    BiosHwSetup();
+    /* Initialize the Keyboard BIOS */
+    if (!KbdBios32Initialize(ConsoleInput)) return FALSE;
+    /* Set the console input mode */
+    /* Initialize the Video BIOS */
+    if (!VidBios32Initialize(ConsoleOutput)) return FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
+VOID Bios32Cleanup(VOID)
+    VidBios32Cleanup();
+    KbdBios32Cleanup();
+/* EOF */
diff --git a/subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/bios32.h b/subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/bios32.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ba1f69b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
+ * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
+ * FILE:            bios32.h
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM 32-bit BIOS
+ * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
+ */
+#ifndef _BIOS32_H_
+#define _BIOS32_H_
+/* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
+#include "ntvdm.h"
+#include "kbdbios32.h"
+#include "vidbios32.h"
+/* DEFINES ********************************************************************/
+#define BIOS_PIC_MASTER_INT 0x08
+#define BIOS_PIC_SLAVE_INT  0x70
+#define BIOS_MEMORY_SIZE            0x12
+#define BIOS_MISC_INTERRUPT         0x15
+#define BIOS_TIME_INTERRUPT         0x1A
+#define BIOS_EQUIPMENT_LIST     0x2C // HACK: Disable FPU for now
+#define ROM_AREA_START  0xE0000
+#define ROM_AREA_END    0xFFFFF
+#define BDA_SEGMENT     0x40
+#define BIOS_SEGMENT    0xF000
+ * BIOS Data Area at 0040:XXXX
+ *
+ * See: http://webpages.charter.net/danrollins/techhelp/0093.HTM
+ * and: http://www.bioscentral.com/misc/bda.htm
+ * for more information.
+ */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+typedef struct
+    WORD SerialPorts[4];                        // 0x00
+    WORD ParallelPorts[3];                      // 0x08
+    WORD EbdaSegment;                           // 0x0e - ParallelPort in PC/XT
+    WORD EquipmentList;                         // 0x10
+    BYTE Reserved0;                             // 0x12 - Errors in PCjr infrared keyboard link
+    WORD MemorySize;                            // 0x13
+    WORD Reserved1;                             // 0x15 - Scratch pad for manufacturing error tests
+    WORD KeybdShiftFlags;                       // 0x17
+    BYTE AlternateKeypad;                       // 0x19
+    WORD KeybdBufferHead;                       // 0x1a
+    WORD KeybdBufferTail;                       // 0x1c
+    WORD KeybdBuffer[BIOS_KBD_BUFFER_SIZE];     // 0x1e
+    BYTE DriveRecalibrate;                      // 0x3e
+    BYTE DriveMotorStatus;                      // 0x3f
+    BYTE MotorShutdownCounter;                  // 0x40
+    BYTE LastDisketteOperation;                 // 0x41
+    BYTE Reserved2[7];                          // 0x42
+    BYTE VideoMode;                             // 0x49
+    WORD ScreenColumns;                         // 0x4a
+    WORD VideoPageSize;                         // 0x4c
+    WORD VideoPageOffset;                       // 0x4e
+    WORD CursorPosition[BIOS_MAX_PAGES];        // 0x50
+    BYTE CursorEndLine;                         // 0x60
+    BYTE CursorStartLine;                       // 0x61
+    BYTE VideoPage;                             // 0x62
+    WORD CrtBasePort;                           // 0x63
+    BYTE CrtModeControl;                        // 0x65
+    BYTE CrtColorPaletteMask;                   // 0x66
+    BYTE CassetteData[5];                       // 0x67
+    DWORD TickCounter;                          // 0x6c
+    BYTE MidnightPassed;                        // 0x70
+    BYTE BreakFlag;                             // 0x71
+    WORD SoftReset;                             // 0x72
+    BYTE LastDiskOperation;                     // 0x74
+    BYTE NumDisks;                              // 0x75
+    BYTE DriveControlByte;                      // 0x76
+    BYTE DiskPortOffset;                        // 0x77
+    BYTE LptTimeOut[4];                         // 0x78
+    BYTE ComTimeOut[4];                         // 0x7c
+    WORD KeybdBufferStart;                      // 0x80
+    WORD KeybdBufferEnd;                        // 0x82
+    BYTE ScreenRows;                            // 0x84
+    WORD CharacterHeight;                       // 0x85
+    BYTE EGAFlags[2];                           // 0x87
+    BYTE VGAFlags[2];                           // 0x89
+    DWORD Reserved3;                            // 0x8b
+    BYTE Reserved4;                             // 0x8f
+    BYTE Reserved5[2];                          // 0x90
+    BYTE Reserved6[2];                          // 0x92
+    BYTE Reserved7[2];                          // 0x94
+    WORD Reserved8;                             // 0x96
+    DWORD Reserved9;                            // 0x98
+    DWORD Reserved10;                           // 0x9c
+    DWORD Reserved11[2];                        // 0xa0
+    DWORD EGAPtr;                               // 0xa8
+    BYTE Reserved12[68];                        // 0xac
+    BYTE Reserved13[16];                        // 0xf0
+    DWORD Reserved14;                           // 0x100
+    BYTE Reserved15[12];                        // 0x104
+    BYTE Reserved16[17];                        // 0x110
+    BYTE Reserved17[15];                        // 0x121
+    BYTE Reserved18[3];                         // 0x130
+#pragma pack(pop)
+C_ASSERT(sizeof(BIOS_DATA_AREA) == 0x133);
+/* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/
+extern PBIOS_DATA_AREA Bda;
+/**HACK!!**/typedef VOID (WINAPI *EMULATOR_INT32_PROC)(LPWORD Stack);/**HACK!!**/
+VOID PicIRQComplete(LPWORD Stack);
+BOOLEAN Bios32Initialize(IN HANDLE ConsoleInput,
+                         IN HANDLE ConsoleOutput);
+VOID Bios32Cleanup(VOID);
+#endif // _BIOS32_H_
+/* EOF */
similarity index 97%
rename from subsystems/ntvdm/bios/kbdbios.c
rename to subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/kbdbios32.c
index e1049b9..6444004 100644 (file)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
  * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
- * FILE:            kbdbios.c
- * PURPOSE:         VDM Keyboard BIOS
+ * FILE:            kbdbios32.c
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM Keyboard 32-bit BIOS
  * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 #define NDEBUG
 #include "emulator.h"
-// #include "kbdbios.h"
-#include "bios.h"
+// #include "kbdbios32.h"
+#include "bios32.h"
 #include "io.h"
 #include "hardware/ps2.h"
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ static VOID WINAPI BiosKeyboardIrq(LPWORD Stack)
 /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
-BOOLEAN KbdBiosInitialize(HANDLE ConsoleInput)
+BOOLEAN KbdBios32Initialize(HANDLE ConsoleInput)
     /* Initialize the BDA */
     Bda->KeybdBufferStart = FIELD_OFFSET(BIOS_DATA_AREA, KeybdBuffer);
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ BOOLEAN KbdBiosInitialize(HANDLE ConsoleInput)
     return TRUE;
-VOID KbdBiosCleanup(VOID)
+VOID KbdBios32Cleanup(VOID)
similarity index 85%
rename from subsystems/ntvdm/bios/kbdbios.h
rename to subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/kbdbios32.h
index efa53c8..46590d8 100644 (file)
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
  * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
  * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
- * FILE:            kbdbios.h
- * PURPOSE:         VDM Keyboard BIOS
+ * FILE:            kbdbios32.h
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM Keyboard 32-bit BIOS
  * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
-#ifndef _KBDBIOS_H_
-#define _KBDBIOS_H_
+#ifndef _KBDBIOS32_H_
+#define _KBDBIOS32_H_
 /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 WORD BiosPeekCharacter(VOID);
 WORD BiosGetCharacter(VOID);
-BOOLEAN KbdBiosInitialize(HANDLE ConsoleInput);
-VOID KbdBiosCleanup(VOID);
+BOOLEAN KbdBios32Initialize(HANDLE ConsoleInput);
+VOID KbdBios32Cleanup(VOID);
-#endif // _KBDBIOS_H_
+#endif // _KBDBIOS32_H_
 /* EOF */
similarity index 99%
rename from subsystems/ntvdm/bios/vidbios.c
rename to subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/vidbios32.c
index 0e2bb62..4734f10 100644 (file)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
  * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
  * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
- * FILE:            vidbios.c
- * PURPOSE:         VDM Video BIOS
+ * FILE:            vidbios32.c
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM Video 32-bit BIOS
  * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 #define NDEBUG
 #include "emulator.h"
-// #include "vidbios.h"
-#include "bios.h"
+// #include "vidbios32.h"
+#include "bios32.h"
 #include "io.h"
 #include "hardware/vga.h"
@@ -1533,7 +1533,7 @@ static VOID WINAPI VidBiosVideoService(LPWORD Stack)
 /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/
-BOOLEAN VidBiosInitialize(HANDLE ConsoleOutput)
+BOOLEAN VidBios32Initialize(HANDLE ConsoleOutput)
     /* Some interrupts are in fact addresses to tables */
     ((PDWORD)BaseAddress)[0x1D] = (DWORD)NULL;
@@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ BOOLEAN VidBiosInitialize(HANDLE ConsoleOutput)
     return TRUE;
-VOID VidBiosCleanup(VOID)
+VOID VidBios32Cleanup(VOID)
similarity index 81%
rename from subsystems/ntvdm/bios/vidbios.h
rename to subsystems/ntvdm/bios/bios32/vidbios32.h
index 5ac3603..23fee94 100644 (file)
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
  * COPYRIGHT:       GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
  * PROJECT:         ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine
- * FILE:            vidbios.h
- * PURPOSE:         VDM Video BIOS
+ * FILE:            vidbios32.h
+ * PURPOSE:         VDM Video 32-bit BIOS
  * PROGRAMMERS:     Aleksandar Andrejevic <theflash AT sdf DOT lonestar DOT org>
-#ifndef _VIDBIOS_H_
-#define _VIDBIOS_H_
+#ifndef _VIDBIOS32_H_
+#define _VIDBIOS32_H_
 /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ enum
 VOID VidBiosPrintCharacter(CHAR Character, BYTE Attribute, BYTE Page);
-BOOLEAN VidBiosInitialize(HANDLE BiosConsoleOutput);
-VOID VidBiosCleanup(VOID);
+BOOLEAN VidBios32Initialize(HANDLE BiosConsoleOutput);
+VOID VidBios32Cleanup(VOID);
-#endif // _VIDBIOS_H_
+#endif // _VIDBIOS32_H_
 /* EOF */
index 3bf34b5..4f86467 100644 (file)
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ VOID CmosInitialize(VOID)
     if (hCmosRam != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-        BOOL Success = FALSE;
+        BOOL Success;
         /* Attempt to fill the CMOS memory with the RAM file */
         SetLastError(0); // For debugging purposes
index 23a4b45..6dfe67a 100644 (file)
 #include "resource.h"
- * Activate this line if you want to be able to test NTVDM with:
+ * Activate this line if you want to run NTVDM in standalone mode with:
  * ntvdm.exe <program>
-#define TESTING
 /* VARIABLES ******************************************************************/
@@ -364,15 +364,14 @@ VOID ConsoleCleanup(VOID)
 INT wmain(INT argc, WCHAR *argv[])
+    wprintf(L"\nReactOS Virtual DOS Machine\n\n"
+            L"OS integration (BaseVDM) unimplemented\n");
+    return 0;
-#ifndef TESTING
-    /* The DOS command line must be ASCII */
-    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, GetCommandLine(), -1, CommandLine, sizeof(CommandLine), NULL, NULL);
     if (argc == 2 && argv[1] != NULL)
         WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, argv[1], -1, CommandLine, sizeof(CommandLine), NULL, NULL);
@@ -383,7 +382,6 @@ INT wmain(INT argc, WCHAR *argv[])
                 L"Usage: NTVDM <executable>\n");
         return 0;
     DPRINT1("\n\n\nNTVDM - Starting '%s'...\n\n\n", CommandLine);
@@ -402,7 +400,7 @@ INT wmain(INT argc, WCHAR *argv[])
     /* Initialize the system BIOS */
-    if (!BiosInitialize(ConsoleInput, ConsoleOutput))
+    if (!BiosInitialize(NULL, ConsoleInput, ConsoleOutput))
         wprintf(L"FATAL: Failed to initialize the VDM BIOS.\n");
         goto Cleanup;
@@ -436,6 +434,8 @@ Cleanup:
     DPRINT1("\n\n\nNTVDM - Exiting...\n\n\n");
     return 0;
 /* EOF */