[FORMATTING] Remove trailing whitespace. Addendum to 34593d93.
[reactos.git] / base / applications / calc / whatsnew.txt
1 1.12 (20181104)
2 =======================
3 * Fixed bug 12.37 13/06/2009 into multiprecision display (unicode only).
4 * Added support for average of squares and mean of squares into statistical functions.
5 * pop() and push() functions in RPN engines now work with nodes instead of stack units.
6 * Updated translations from ReactOS' repository.
7 * Added support for new conversion units:
8 - ANGLE: 'minute of arc', 'second of arc'.
9 - AREA: 'mu', 'rai'.
10 - LENGTH: 'chi', 'cun'. 'sun' optimized.
11 - TIME: 'nanoseconds'.
12 - WEIGHT: 'Kan', 'Kin'.
13 * Added support for thailand measure system:
15 Invaluable help from this page:
16 http://www.eppo.go.th/ref/UNIT-ALL.html
18 * Moved the POW and SQR operations near the operators.
19 * Rewritten some units formula by using scientific notation.
20 * Improved precision of parsec unit conversion formula.
21 * Fixed bug when calculator was closed with statistics dialog open.
22 * Do not append decimal separator if "ERROR" messages are printed.
23 * Improve code readability by using SetDlgItemText and GetDlgItemText functions
24 * Colours are now declared though RGB() macro.
25 * Remove call to _tcslen() and use return value of GetDlgItemText() where possible.
26 * Added theming support. Requires Windows XP or later.
27 * Configuration is read from WIN.INI under W32S/Win9x/Me and from the registry for all NT platforms.
28 * Removed safe DS_SHELLFONT declaration.
30 1.11 (20090404)
31 =======================
32 * Updated translations (thanks to the friends at ReactOS' community).
33 * Added DS_SHELLFONT to some dialogs into various translations (sometimes it was specified, sometimes it was not).
34 * Added support for newer conversion units.
35 * Fixed mistake into english translation (lenghts -> lengths).
36 * Now decimal and thousand separators can be also read directly from registry (NT only, not 9x/ME).
37 * Fixed bug when pressing an operator twice (like '1++2=' caused error).
38 * Now unary operators and constant generators won't break RPN queue.
40 1.10 (20080813)
41 =======================
42 * Added Norvegian and Korean translations.
43 * Fixed Polish and Slovak translations.
44 * Fixed percent mode.
45 * Fixed some unsignaled overflow errors.
46 * Fixed conversion method, now scientific notation is recognized too.
47 * Added compilation for UNICODE executables.
48 * Plain MINGW toolchain does not support wWinMain function, so I switched to old WinMain if it is not under ReactOS' build tree.
49 * Detect error if UNICODE version is launched into Win9x (avoid the lock).
51 1.09 (20080630)
52 =======================
53 * Fixed bug with Conversion function: "Category" type must be found like "from" and "to" because the combobox sorts its items alphabetically.
54 * Fixed bug with memory function and GNU multi-precision libraries: the memory must be initialized to zero when the calculator starts, otherwise "MP" will crash.
55 * Fixed bug when closing an expression with right parentheses.
57 1.08 (20080520)
58 =======================
59 * Added macro DISABLE_HTMLHELP_SUPPORT for disabling the compilation of htmlhelp support.
60 * Added RSH operator.
61 * It is possible to change the numeric base (hex/oct/bin/dec) during a calculation.
62 * Conversion layout has been implemented (HTML Help documentation is fixed too).
63 * Corrected precision underflow/overflow when working with trigonometric functions.
64 * cbrt() function is not used if compiling into ReactOS build system.
65 * Resources are moved into /res directory.
66 * Added new (partial) support for other languages: bulgarian, spanish, german, dutch, polish, russian, slovak, ukrainian.
67 * Decimal precision of number with standard layout has been limited to 16 digits because the output display is smaller here (GMP version only).
68 * Fixed buffer overflow with function update_lcd_display().
69 * The decimal point is now preserved when switching to temporary scientific notation.
70 * The content of the output display is now cleared before doing a paste from clipboard.
71 * The position of the calculator on the screen is kept when switching between various working layouts (standard/conversion/scientific).
73 1.07 (20071219)
74 =======================
75 * Added support for GNU multi-precision libraries. LibGMP and LibMPFR are required for compiling ReactOS Calc with big number support.
76 * When calculating the standard deviation, the population can be 'n' or 'n-1' as the true Microsoft Calculator does.
77 * Unified language support: just one executable for all.
78 * Fixed type bug into CopyMemToClipboard() when compiled with WideChar support.
79 * The code for handling the memory functions has been simplified and now it calls directly the RPN engine.
80 * Fixed bug into statistical window, when uploading numbers with different bases.
81 * Fixed bug into integer limitation: now if the selection changes on QWORD, DWORD, WORD or BYTE, then the result is modified immediately.
82 * Fixed bug signaled by remi-aldo about a the precision issue.
83 * Fixed bug into shortcuts from keyboard: modulo shortcut was missing.
84 * Implemented coloured buttons.
85 * ReactOS Calc has been compiled for working with x86-64 (still untested on the real hardware).
87 1.06 (20070518)
88 =======================
89 * The decimal separator is copied into the clipboard, but only if it has been typed by the user.
90 * Now the [+/-] button can change the sign of any number into the output display.
91 * Added italian translation of the help file.
93 1.05 (20070503)
94 =======================
95 * Fixed bug when the following input keys are pressed: [0] [.] [+/-] and another number, then the dot and the sign were lost.
96 * The ERROR message at division by zero is displayed again.
97 * [Exp] button won't work if the output display is zero (0e+100 is always zero).
98 * Now [.] can start a number directly: if it is pressed when display is empty then "0." is pushed automatically.
100 1.04 (20070430)
101 =======================
102 * Fixed a bug when zero is the first number entered.
103 * The change of the sign +/- doesn't work if the display is empty or zero.
104 * Added logical operators into decimal mode (obviously, only the integer part is processed).
105 * Fixed decimal precision to highest possible resolution.
106 * Decimal point and thousand separator are now regional dependant.
107 * Added memory subtraction and memory swap commands.
108 * Added 2*PI constant (generated by "inv"+"pi").
109 * Added Help popups for calculator functions.
110 * Added User's manual and Help file support.
111 * Now the PASTE menu command is disabled if the clipboard doesn't store good data.
112 * Fixed bug with BACK button.
113 * Fixed ":q" command from clipboard to the 'cancel' button.
115 1.03 (20070404)
116 =======================
117 * Added double-click check on statistic window.
118 * Fixed focus selection when switching from statistic window with RET button.
119 * EQUAL button will now reduce a number entered with exponential notation (if it's possible).
120 * Version number was not updated to 1.02 in previous version.
122 1.02 (20070402)
123 =======================
124 * Fixed a "copy-paste" error into hyperbolic functions.
125 * Now context menu is enabled only when child controls are clicked.
127 1.01 (20070331)
128 =======================
129 * Fixed english translation for "Radians" and "Gradians".
130 * Corrected conversion between radians and gradians angles.
131 * Added work-around for catching keys without the keyboard hook (selectable at compile time).
132 * The version number of the programme has been moved from the resource files to ABOUT.C.
133 * "DOT" function can be used for starting a number (integer part will be zero).
134 * Added repeat function.
135 * If the number is greater than maximum resolution, it will be displayed with exponential notation.
136 * Removed mouse and keyboard focuses from displayed buttons.
137 * Added normal and small icons.
139 1.00 (20070323)
140 =======================
141 * First write.